15 Memes That Will Look Familiar If You Have Brothers

If you grew up with brothers in your family, you know that things got ROUGH and that your parents were not prepared. Ever.

Thankfully, we have memes that will make all that pain seem like something far, far away…

1. Does this look familiar?

2. Not my problem

3. NOW I want it

4. Run!

5. Not quite…

6. This is all you’re getting

7. How could you?!?!

8. Treated like a king

9. I barely touched you!

10. The way it goes

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11. That’s not happening

12. Well, technically…

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13. We weren’t fighting

14. The answer is NO

15. Power struggle

So… does this bring back good memories or bad ones?

Let us know in the comments! We love reading about people’s pain… good or bad!

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Ryan Reynolds Called His Children ‘Thankless A**Holes’ and That’s Just the Start

Can all celebrities just be like Ryan Reynolds?

He’s handsome (naturally), but he also has one of the best senses of humor I’ve ever seen. And it’s because of that keen intellect and sharp wit that he was able to will the anti-hero Deadpool into box office success.

It’s in that spirit that Reynolds posted this hilarious series of shots from a recent photoshoot for Aviation Gin… and tore his kids a new one in the process.

Just in case you didn’t catch that caption…

Photo Credit: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

Oh yeah, and The Rock tried to get in on the fun…

Photo Credit: Ryan Reynolds/Instagram

No ROCK! NO! You’re NOT funny. Go home!

But this is nothing new for Reynolds, who trolls his kids and his wife as only an expert smart ass can…

His daughter is gonna be FUNNY when she grows up…

Because, honestly, there’s nobody funnier in the game right now…


And, as mentioned, his wife is the target of his “take no prisoners” humor…

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Happy Birthday, @blakelively.

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We salute you Ryan! Not because you’re funny. Everybody knew that. But because you take the piss out of your family on the regular.

They’re rich. They can handle it.

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Pregnant Women Confess: “I Don’t Know Who the Father Is and I’m Freaking Out.”

Think about if you were in this situation…

You weren’t planning on it, but you find out you’re pregnant. Filled with the mixed emotions that come with an unplanned pregnancy, you realize there’s another issue to work out.

Who is the father?

Yeah, yikes. You’ve been letting THAT many guys drop it while it’s hot? Oh boy…

These 12 women share their struggles with not knowing who fathered their unborn baby.

1. Yeah, but are you REALLY never gonna get drunk again… hmmmm…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Wait… SIXTY?!?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Sad, but I imagine this isn’t uncommon…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Well, take that responsibility on your shoulders! You go!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. I can’t even imagine lying to somebody about this. Whoa.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Get. Your. Tubes. Tied.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. There’s another option. It’s called family planning for a reason.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Yeah, that is the worst. Facing something like this by yourself is ROUGH.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. And that’s absolutely your right.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. There’s no way to find out?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Yikes!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. That is a wild and weird month, indeed!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, that was a rollercoaster ride! Who would have thought that these women would have to go through situations like these, but that’s the reality.

So then… have any confessions you need to drop? Let us know in the comments!

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Patients Share Their Antibiotics Horror Stories

But what happens when things with antibiotics go terribly wrong?

These 11 people had horrendous experiences with antibiotics, and sometimes this stuff is hard to read…

1. That’s really a bummer. Best of luck to her.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Antibiotics kills ALL the good bacteria. Yogurt that shit!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This is common too when you mess with your gut bacteria…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. OMG! Hope you get help…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Sulfa drugs can do this to A LOT of people…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Yeah, but better than your body failing you…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Wow… I can’t even imagine!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Wait… what the fuck is this even about?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Ummm, how is this even a thing? Yeast infection?

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. That’s an unexpected side effect…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. HA! Not exactly a horror story, but funny nonetheless…

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, are you thinking twice about what you put in your body after reading these? Because I sure am.

That doesn’t mean we’re against VACCINES. They’re not the same thing.

By the way, which one of these was the scariest? Let us know in the comments!

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A Woman Kept Her Personal and Professional Lives Completely Separate, but Years Later Wonders If She Was Wrong

A lot of us prefer to keep a good line between work and home, if only to keep ourselves sane and to be able to focus on one without the other creeping in.

That said, it’s a bit odd to work somewhere for nine years and never reveal anything personal to the people you work with every day.

It’s also a bit weird if, when they learn you’ve been holding out on them and go cold, you feel as though you’ve lost friends.

AITA for hiding my personal life at work? from AmItheAsshole

Because if you were so intent on being extremely private, why would you believe you had friends at work?


This woman’s personal life was outed by a new (nosy, by her account) employee, and now she’s wondering if she was wrong, since her co-workers are miffed.

Most people fall either in the NAH (No A**holes Here) or YTA (You’re the A**hole) camps and I have to say I agree.

You aren’t the asshole!

But… she’s KIND of the asshole…

It’s complicated…

Her coworkers definitely aren’t in the wrong feeling slighted (aside from the snoopy one, but that’s really a different question).

Melinda! Stay in your lane!

Personally, I think it’s her business how she wants to conduct herself at work, but she can’t expect people to be friendly if she’s clearly demonstrated not wanting to be friends.

Just sayin.

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Check out This Advice for People in Their 20s That Might Make Life a Lot Easier

There are a lot of things that older people want you twenty-somethings to know – but also to enjoy – while you’re still young. You probably still have your health, and maybe even your freedom, so there’s no time like the present to really take a deep breath and explore.

And hey, even if you’re in your thirties (or far beyond), none of this is bad advice!

13. Revel in failure.

People who are successful have failed far more times than someone afraid to try – it’s the only way to truly achieve success.

12. Travel.

While your responsibilities at home are minimal, wander the world. There’s so much to see, do, and learn.

11. Don’t try to walk someone else’s path.

Your journey is yours, and comparing yourself to others is a worthless waste of time.

10. Read all the books.

One day, you’ll be too tired to do anything but stare at the television until you pass out.

9. Don’t make excuses.

No one wants to hear them, and no one is buying them, so save your breath.

8. Just learn how to apologize – and mean it.

If you screwed up, own it. Apologize, and move on.

7. Turn off your screens.

The television, the computer, your phone – there’s a whole lot to see, smell, taste, and experience in the real world.

6. Don’t invest in a job you hate.

You probably don’t have a mortgage and the pressure of saving for your kids’ future, so move on and find something you love. A lifetime is a long time to slog through a day job that you hate.

5. Patience really is a virtue.

In our culture, we’re not used to waiting – but you’ll save yourself a lot of gray hairs if you learn how.

4. Be brave enough to trust people.

Yes, some of them will let you down. Yes, a true, emotional connection is still worth it.

3. Live in the now.

Let go of the past and don’t give yourself an ulcer borrowing trouble. Take your 24 hours and accomplish something amazing.

2. Know that your time is valuable – and so is others’.

Don’t waste your time on people or things or work you don’t believe in – and who don’t believe in you. Do things that make you happy and screw all of the rest, but understand that others are also allowed to do the same.

1. Ask for help.

We all need a hand. Other people have valuable things to add. It’s not a weakness, it’s a strength.

Some of these things are still on my bucket list, and I’m determined to check them off.

What advice would you give your 20-something self? Let us know in the comments!

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A Pastor Shared a List of ’99 Steps Towards Manhood’ — and People Were Not Impressed

There’s nothing wrong with discussing how to raise young men into compassionate, connected, competent, and confident adults. Nothing at all.

That said, many of us doing the raising believe now that things like repressing emotions, enforcing arbitrary gender stereotypes, or just encouraging boys in general to do things they don’t like or enjoy in the pursuit of being “manly” isn’t the way for anyone to be a happy and well-adjusted young person.

Pastor Clint Pressley seems to have different ideas, like saying you can’t be a man unless you eat meat, can do pushups, somehow learn how to sleep less, and prefer dogs over cats.

Pretty weird.

Here’s his complete list:

Image Credit: @PastorClint

And here are 15 of the best responses to it on Twitter.

15. I mean there are plenty of reasons to dislike Crocs but they’re not inherently un-manly. Whatever that means.

14. I can’t speak for Jesus but I don’t think he authorized this list.

13. Best to not take any chances, I guess.

12. Reading material is thin, I suppose.

11. Don’t be like Ron Swanson.

10. Sadly, I’m pretty sure it was not meant to be a joke.

9. What is wrong with vegetables, exactly?

8. I mean we’re all just trying our best, right?

7. Never has there been a more appropriate GIF.

6. Except for maybe this one.

5. I don’t know what this means but it makes me laugh.

4. I mean he looks like a man to me.

3. I definitely agree with the talking to Jesus part.

2. Fra-gee-lay.

1. Only one because the rest of us don’t have time for more.


Here’s hoping my 2 young sons grow up knowing they can eat what they want, cry when they feel like it, and use as much hair gel as they’d like (based on my baby’s hair currently, he’s going to need it).

What do you think about this list? There are obviously good things on it, but as a whole, would you share it with your sons?

Let us know below!

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10 Mothers Explain Why They’d Never Circumcise Their Sons

You probably know that there’s a polarizing debate on whether or not to circumcise newborn infants.

These women are against circumcising and have strong opinions supporting their cases.

Their reasoning may make you think twice about the topic.

1. Yeah, is there REALLY a reason for this??

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. More nerves than the what???

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Yeah, circumcision is COSMETIC. For real!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Mom knows best!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Well, who cares what she thinks? Really…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Who gives you hate??

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. No regrets!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. This. Right. Here!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Agreed!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. It shouldn’t be a big deal at all.

Photo Credit: Whisper

What do you think? Still believe in circumcision? Think it’s horrible?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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11 People Share How Their Weddings Were Ruined

Buckle up, these are pretty wild.

So here’s the scenario… you put your heart, soul and wallet into planning the PERFECT wedding… and then life happens.

These 11 confessions share some of the craziest/saddest moments anybody has ever experienced on their special day… ever!

1. Yikes! Forever memories aren’t forever??

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Ruined!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Or… you could have just gotten past it?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. What’s with these mother in laws?

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. So… that’s a bad thing?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Jeezus… that’s nuts!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Alright people… y’all need to STFU when the wedding is going on…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Sisters can’t be cool sometimes…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Well, that COULD have been fun…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Bad tears are bad!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Oh these god damn mother in laws!! UGH!

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, what did you think? Can you believe these family members? I mean… WTF?!?

Got a moment you want to share? Let us know in the comments!

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13 Times People Without Kids Posted Hilarious Memes

Hang on…this is sure to spark some debate.

Are you a person without ANY children? Well then… hello. You must be well rested and have plenty of money.

For those who DO have kids and are here to relive those glory days of not being responsible for another human being who clings to you until they don’t need you… HEY! Remember all these things and how awesome they were?

Okay, we kid… kind of. But here are 13 times when the childless among us won big time.

1. Ahhhhh… sleep, glorious sleep!

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. I am responsible for MYSELF, thank you very much!

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. Yeah, and baby otters grow up to be adult otters, which are almost as cute.

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. This is what vacation is for… and grandparents…

Photo Credit: Someecards

5.  You tell ’em Sarah!

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. These are legit kids. Don’t @ me!

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. Responsibility tsunami!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Oh yes… this is me. Always. And forever.

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Yeah, who cares about a pic of a kid? Let’s see those doggos!

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. You know, he’s got a point!

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. Morgan, you’re my new hero. Thank you for this insight!

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. Cats are kids. Don’t @ me.

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. Ahhhh… sweet, delicious, peaceful, serene silence!

Photo Credit: Someecards

So, how do you feel now? Want kids? No???? That’s crazy. I would have thought you’d want them after all!

Well, I guess we can always share our thoughts in the comments, yeah? So do that!

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