Funny Times People Accidentally Texted Their Bosses

There was a time when you only spoke to your boss face to face, or maybe, occasionally, over an inter-office phone system. For most of us, that’s long gone. The people we work for, or at least the ones we work immediately under, are generally accessible through a few twitches of the thumb on our smart phones. This can be really handy. It can also be super annoying and potentially dangerous.

Like in these 12 examples of times people definitely shouldn’t have texted their bosses, but did. (Pro tip: depending on what device you’re viewing this page on, you may have to click on the tweets to see the entire screenshot.)

12. Loving matrimony

This is the start of a beautiful relationship.

11. How do you really feel?

Cause I’m losin’ my sight, losing my mind, wish somebody would tell me I’m fine.

10. Burn

Geez, she could have at least been nice about it.

9. Cat calling

I am dying to know how this went.

8. Welp

That’s one way to get it done, I guess?

7. Shannon panic

That’s no way to speak to your boss.

6. Two modes

The feeling of being late on the train is the worst thing in the world.

5. Butt of a joke

So you’re just packing up and moving out of the country now, yeah?

4. Copy

Who…who was this supposed to go to?

3. Sleep-texter

I think your phone is possessed.

2. 100% chance of heavy no

We really don’t see enough sleeveless suits on television.

1. Blocked

Anyone who sends these texts should be fired, regardless of where they send them.

If you’ve got a good boss, maybe send ’em a quick text telling them you appreciate them. If you’ve got a bad boss, maybe just never text them ever to be safe.

Have you ever been in a situation like this?

Tell us what happened in the comments.

The post Funny Times People Accidentally Texted Their Bosses appeared first on UberFacts.

Uplifting Tweets That Improved Our Day

Twitter can be a bit of a minefield. The ability to instantly lob whatever thought you might be having out into a massive public forum while safely protected behind a screen can lead to a lot of vitriol and chaos. But there’s a whole lot of wholesome coming down that pipeline too. And it’ll get you directly in the feels.

If you look around a little, you can find some very sweet tweets that remind you that, hey, people can be really kind, and that life maybe isn’t so bad. Take a look at 10 prime examples here.

10. Rosseroni

Just eat the devil out of it.

9. Getting stoked

You’re never out of the game.

8. I yam what I yam

Well that’s extravagantly adorable.

7. Piece of cake

It’s an absolute beauty.

6. Very happy hour

It’s where all the coolest cats hang out.

5. Trash talk

You tell ’em, kid.

4. Mr. F

This is an entirely new level of prank.

3. Goat & float

Come on in, the water’s fine.

2. Good girl

How could you even be sad when this doggo is a part of your life??

1. Young love

Sounds like you’ve got a keeper.

Remember, it doesn’t take a grand gesture to make someone’s day. It’s usually little things. Encouragement, affirmation, a small gift, a tiny little act of service. Even just sharing a bit of good news can have a significant impact on your friends and family, so keep reaching out. Keep spreading the good.

What’s the sweetest thing you’ve encountered recently?

Tell us all about it in the comments.

The post Uplifting Tweets That Improved Our Day appeared first on UberFacts.

Women Share What They Think is the Worst Thing About Being a Man

I’m what you might call “a man.” And as far as being a man in this society, I really don’t have many complaints. But this post by Reddit user canadianreject565 was nonetheless interesting. They ask:

Women of Reddit, what do you think would be the worst thing about being a man? from AskReddit

There were over 37 thousand responses. Some of them from men who didn’t seem to read the first three words of the question, but many from women putting in their two cents. The results were interesting.

1 . Finances.

The constant pressure in society that the man has to pay for meals, drinks, etc. I feel like it all would add up really quickly.

– WaffleDeWisdom

2. Emotional burdens.

As a woman, I think we feel more comfortable crying and expressing our sadness.

Men get sad too, and it’s about time they feel free to express it as easily as women do.

– [user deleted]

3. A lack of outlets.

Not having your emotions taken seriously, then lashing out because of it and then seen as violent because you just want to be understood.

I had that with abusive parents but normally people don’t treat me that way because I’m a woman.

I can’t imagine what an entire life of not having your feelings acknowledged in a healthy way feels like.

“Suck it up and be a man”

– Plantdas

4. Do we even lift, bro?

People expecting that I could fight.

– MultipleAutism

5. Childcare problems.

Not being able to take care of children without getting dirty looks.

– [user deleted]

6. Shoutout to this user for calling out the “man cold” thing.

I would not be allowed a moment of weakness.

Bad day? You can’t cry unless your mother just died.

Hurt yourself? Suck it up and go to the hospital.

Feeling self conscious about your body? Nobody cares.

Feeling ill? SoMOne HaS a MaN COld!!!!!

– LondonFogAddict91

7. Some instances may be rarer, but nonetheless unjust.

Being arrested for defending myself against an abusive partner.

– theflexorcist

8. Don’t do the creep.

Being called creepy if I don’t look the best or if I try to get a girl

– HappyLittleAccident4

9. A perspective on education.

I’d be afraid to be a male teacher.

How easy would it be to give a girl student a grade a failing grade they deserve or just pissing them off any kind of way, but it’s a crazy one who ends up accusing you of something awful?

– huggedup

10. Don’t add insult to injury.

Being abused in public by a women and having people laugh instead of intervening to help you.

– Mooncakequeen

11. Everyone should be allowed their freedom and dignity.

Having an even harsher reaction when I’d go against gender roles.

​I mean as a woman, there’s backlash sometimes, but there’s a whole movement very publicized that tells me that I can do whatever I want, and fuck the nay-sayer.

​I don’t feel a man that would want to do something “for girls” or “for woman” as that much support.

– Marawal

12. Just take it.

Most women think there’s nothing wrong with being abusive and cruel with men. It’s so upsetting watching women treat men like absolute shit.

To top it off, men are expected to still act like “a gentleman” and also they’re not allowed to feel vulnerable, or to feel sad, angry because some lady was just “a little sassy” when in reality she was being abusive piece of shit

– NeuroticCrab

13. Under pressure.

Being expected to be the “breadwinner” generally by society

Being less likely to gain custody of my own kids in a separation

Being “disposable” in times of war

– AmyBums88

14. Fewer fish in the sea.

Overall, I think it’s more difficult for guys to get dates.

– bduk6

15. Watch yourself.

I talk a lot of shit for a 5’4″ girl.

I’d be getting my ass beaten on a daily basis.

– anokayapple

I’d be interested to see if anyone has yet posted the reverse of this, and collected the results.

What would your answer to this question be?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Women Share What They Think is the Worst Thing About Being a Man appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Traits That Make People Attractive… Regardless of Gender

Some features just look good on people, regardless of their gender.

Nice eyes, a full head of hair, a great set of abs, a funny personality, a caring nature.

All the good stuff!

AskReddit users shared their thoughts about what features they think are hot on a person, and they’re talking about ANY person.

1. This is very true.


A charming person is charming no matter what. Certain kinds of personalities are fucking hot.”

2. You need to smell good.

“A good smell is so attractive.

And it’s so personal as well. Even an otherwise really attractive person is not attractive to me anymore if they don’t smell right.”

3. This is crucial.

“Definitely humor.

When you have the same sense of humor as someone else and you can just feel the click, that’s an amazing feelings.”

4. A good hugger is hard to find.

“Hugs, but like the kind that are just really warm and genuine…the kind that breathe life into somebody.”

5. Nice and simple.


Hot on anyone and everyone, in my opinion.”

6. This is important.


When someone speaks about something they’re really passionate about I can sit down and talk with them for hours. Just to hear them speak about it.”

7. Be kind.

“Genuine kindness.

Anyone who is kind from the bottom of their heart is undeniably attractive.”

8. Don’t be boring.

“Opinions, thoughts about things, curiosity.

Really dull people are a total waste of time.”

9. It’s a rush.

“A good singing voice.

A lot of singers are okay but there are a few that certain parts of their songs will give me that same rush like someone kissing my neck.”

10. Good qualities.

“Quick wit.

Being nice.


11. All animals need love.

“Liking most animals in general instead of them saying “iM a DoG pERsoN CauSE cATs DoNt LoVe YOu” or “Im A CaT pERsoN CaUSe DoGs ARe DiRtY””

12. Please be weird.

“Definitely authenticity. I don’t want an Instagram clone!

Tell me about your niche hobbies and interests! Be the weirdo you are on the inside!”

13. Getting knocked down.

“Good attitude/sense of humor.

You could be a ten, but if you have a shit attitude you’re knocked down to a 3 REAL quick.”

14. This is key.


Being sure of yourself goes a long way. It comes across in how someone walks, talks, wears clothes. Even someone who is not traditionally attractive can become so through confidence.”

15. Treat them well.

“I pay attention to how people in particular, treat their service staff.

Saying “please” and “thank you” to your waiter is definitely nice to see in a person.”

16. Work hard!

“If we’re talking about strictly relationships and not just random hookups then, work ethic.

Relationships require teamwork and I’ll be damned if I’m the only one bringing home the bacon.

Hard work and motivation is hot.”

17. Now that is hot.

“Emotional intelligence and communication skills.

If you can tell me what you’re feeling during a disagreement without being hurtful, and can also tell me what you’re feeling and what feels good………that’s hot.”

People are speaking the truth in those comments, no doubt about it.

What about you?

What do you think are attractive features on someone, regardless of gender?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Traits That Make People Attractive… Regardless of Gender appeared first on UberFacts.

Interracial Couples Discuss What Surprised Them the Most About Their Partner’s Culture

You know when people say that “at the end of the day, we’re all the same?” It sounds nice, but it isn’t really true.

Different races have different customs, traditions, beliefs, etc. And when people of different races get into relationships, they learn things about their partner’s culture.

AskReddit users shared their personal stories about this.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Not very affectionate…

“My boyfriend is half Japanese, and his very un-emotional relationship with his mother, and his father too, was a huge shock to me.

My parents are european immigrants from the Balkans, and they’re incredibly affectionate. My brother and I are affectionate with each other and will hug anytime. I hug my parents nearly every day (before the pandemic).

I grew up holding hands with my cousins in public, but my boyfriend absolutely hates PDA of any kind. We’ve gotten into numerous arguments about physical affection in public or even at parties around our own friends.

Naturally he thinks my relationship with my family is very weird. Because we hug…”

2. Running late.

“Being late to social gatherings is so ingrained in their culture that showing up right on time is considered rude. She has literally made me pull into a parking lot and wait so that we were at least ten minutes late to dinner at tita’s house.

And we were still the first ones there by far.”

3. Keep it coming!

“I learned very quickly that when you are eating food at my Greek SO’s house, you always leave a little bit on your plate. If you don’t they’ll say “Oh you’re HUNGRY!” and pile 5 times as much food onto your plate.”

4. Let’s cut the BS.

“My wife had to deal with Korean people who will frequently comment about your appearance as a greeting.

My aunt meeting my SO: Hii nice to meet you! your face is so small.”

5. I like the sound of this.

“I’d never seen someone cry tears of joy eating good pasta until I met my Italian girlfriend.”

6. That’s interesting.

“When I was dating a Mexican, I’d go to his family parties and they would play the most foul mouthed gangster rap. Fuck tha police blasting at a 5 year olds birthday. Abuelas and abuelos up and dancing to it.

I made a comment about how liberal his parents and grandparents must be. He said “oh they dont know English. This absolutely wouldn’t fly if they knew what it was about.””

7. When in Sweden…

“First Christmas in Sweden with a big Swedish family and everyone took back 6-8 shots of snaps (45% alcohol) during dinner after 2-3 glasses of wine pre-meal and not one person acted drunk.

I spent the evening stupefied at the alcohol tolerance. It’s not just that they drank more than should be possible, but they acted so NORMAL after.”

8. Too much touching.

“Being so touchy touchy. I’m Asian and she’s Hispanic, ‘nuff said.

Also what surprised us was the foods. There were so many things present in our opposite cultures but used in a lot of opposite ways. Like certain ingredients used savory in one culture and sweet in the other and so in. But a lot of ingredients in common.”

9. A tale of two cultures.

“Black British with a Jamaican family. Married to a white British guy.

Was most shocked by funerals. When we had his nannas funeral I was shocked that people were invited and only immediate family. We did the funeral, then went to a pub and there were sandwiches, cakes, tea etc then everyone was heading home by 5.30pm.

Jamaican and Caribbean funerals are NOTHING of the sort. People turn up because they knew the deceased person years ago. Some people don’t even make plans to go to the funeral they arrange to go to the “after”. There’s hot food served like a properly catered function in a hall or centre, there’s sound systems set up, and people dance.

Also sometimes a couple old men in hats playing dominoes. There’s also usually a “nine-night” so nine nights after the person passes away you hold a big party essentially to chase away bad spirits. Lots of music, drinking, food, smoking, etc.”

10. Let’s go down the list.

“A few things (I’m white, he’s Haitian)

The family drama! There is ALWAYS some kind of drama at any given moment of the day!

Eating super late on holidays like Christmas or thanksgiving. I swear “my moms cooking it should be done by noon” is loosely translated to “we arnt eating until 9’oclock at night and someone still has to run to the store a couple times.

Intentional tardiness. I like to be early for things and he can just dilly dally around and be okay being late for things. His mom can’t leave the house until about an hour after she has to be somewhere.

The excessive pushing to get married and have kids! I attended his brothers Haitian wedding and the entire time “when you guys going to get married” “when you guys going to have kids?” I swear for the entire 6 hours.

The partying! I’m cool with this part though! Everything’s a party!”

11. A family affair.

“I’m white that married a Mexican. The biggest thing for me was that EVERYTHING is a family affair. Like, I call my family every other week or whatever, but my husband’s family does everything together.

My first taste of this was when we were dating, and it took the whole family to switch out his mattress for a bigger one. I was like, you couldn’t do that yourself? He looked at me funny when I said that.”

12. Time to eat.


I grew up in a house where my dad is a good cook and we’d always have family dinner together so I thought I was in a food oriented household.

Well a month after I started dating my husband he brings me to a big family dinner. Grandparents were there and all the aunts and uncles. Twenty people around one of those big lazy Susan tables. I was the only white person in the whole restaurant.

They would all be chattering away in Cantonese and suddenly I’d hear my name followed by laughter and a big scoop of something landed in my bowl. Not wanting to be rude I tried to eat everything. If I was really unsure I leaned over to my boyfriend or his mom and ask what it was and their answer invariably was “it’s good, you’ll like it”

On the drive home my boyfriend said I had been the dinner entertainment because everybody thought it was hilarious that this little blonde girl ate everything, they even ordered a few really authentic dishes just to screw with me. But I ended up impressing everyone because I didn’t bat an eye.

He told me later that was the night he decided he was gonna marry me because I whole heartedly jumped into his culture and tried everything. I’m to a point where there are dishes I know I don’t like but if something new is in the table I always try it.”

13. All about the Benjamins.

“How open his family is about money. I never knew how much my parents make I have no idea how much money my sister makes. But I know my sister in law makes 5k more a year than my husband because every time one of them gets a raise they call each other to gloat (no bad blood just an ongoing sibling rivalry. I think she’s gonna win honestly)

I know what my father in law makes and every year he goes over our taxes with us so he knows down to the penny what my husband and I make.

It’s honestly so refreshing to not have a taboo about money. It’s made me so much smarter financially. My husband and I bought a house two months before we got married and ended being house poor. We didn’t have any spending money outside food bills and mortgage.

I felt no trepidation going to my mother in law and asking her to help us nail down a budget and savings plan for the next six months to help dig us out of the hole we were in.

Some of this is cultural but some of it is just his family being very very open with each other.”

14. Very honest.

“Hispanic culture has zero version of political correctness. They are extremely blunt. “Hey you look like you got fat” isn’t uncommon.

The people have a better view of life in many ways than I grew up. Much more family focused.”

15. Wow, that is crazy.

“Back in high school I dated a Lebanese girl. We had to date in secret because her family was super strictly against her dating anyone especially a Non-Muslim and Non-Arab guy.

Anyway eventually her cousin found out that we were having sex and that information got to her dad who ended up sending her and her sister back to live with their uncle in Lebanon because “America corrupted his daughter”. I never saw her again.”

16. That’s nice.

“How accepted I am into their family.

I come from an emotionally mentally and often physically abusive home . My family is american. I was very much a true life cinderella. I was strangled by siblings and told it was my fault. If I fought back, I was punished with severe beatings.

I was never good enough even with the highest grades or best behaviour, but my siblings barely passed school and it was celebrated with huge fanfare.

I am now dating a Hispanic man. His family is so comforting and helpful and loving. It’s crazy. The only time I got hugged in my family was when I was losing my cool over how unfair everything was. And it was always I love you all equally.

No just I love you, not it was I love you all equally. His family is just hey I’m going hug love you and leave. Or I missed you. Or be careful. Or behave and a kiss blown.

I actually had to have a talk with my SO because I’m not a big hugger. I have trauma that is stirred up by hugs from people. It’s a trigger for me. Because a hug with both arms up top can very quickly be one strangling. And it has before. So I had to have him talk to his family. Because it was seriously messing with me.

And his family was totally cool about it.they constantly offer what I assume would be mom and dad level help in a happy home. They are always asking if I’ll be there for holidays. They sent me a present for christmas even though we’d only been together for a couple months.

It’s insane just how accepting and loving a healthy family is. And I’m not sure if it’s the healthy family relationships or if it’s the culture difference. But I love it.”

Those responses are really interesting.

We’d like to hear from you. Have you ever dated someone of a different race? If so, what surprised you about their culture?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments, please!

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Memes to Delight the 1980s Kids in the House

Hey, my fellow 1980s kids! We were, without a doubt, born in the decade that was somehow the best to grow up in, but the absolute worst in so many other ways (fashion, omg).

Not the music, though. I will defend 80s music until the day I die.

If you, too, came of age during this priceless decade, here are 14 images that will take you back to the old days.

14. This will be the single image that describes parenting in the 80s.

My parents didn’t smoke, but I believe I was in the minority.

13. My parents had this alarm clock until I was well out of college.

They really don’t make things like they used to.

12. Close your eyes and inhale deep.

You know you can smell it, too.

11. That old pizza box definitely brought back memories.

And idk how we ever lived not knowing we could rent a certain movie on a Friday night.

10. They were way more likely to be intercepted and read, I can tell you that.

Passing notes was not for the faint of heart.

9. You always assumed they were probably the people moving in next door.

I was never so happy when my parents moved us to a new house and my bedroom was upstairs.

8. She would not hear complaints, either.

Kids today with their princess hairbrushes have it so easy.

7. I think I had blocked out this memory until now.

A picture is worth 1000 words.

6. If you close your eyes you can see the welts, too.

And no, your teacher didn’t care whether it stung.

5. I have never seen anything more 80s in my entire life.

Hasselhoff will never die in our hearts.

4. You hoped it was full of lemonade or Kool-Aid.

It was a bad day when you opened it to find iced tea.

3. That terrifying moment when…

But were you going to slow down? Never.

2. A nearby playground had one of these and I was so excited to try to kill my own kids.

They’ve since removed it I have no idea why!

1. You had better make sure there were no rocks underneath it.

But you always somehow missed one, didn’t you.

Sure, our parents weren’t perfect, but if they had been, there wouldn’t be so many therapists with thriving careers now.

We’re helping the economy. It’s our small contribution to the world.

The post Memes to Delight the 1980s Kids in the House appeared first on UberFacts.

These Memes Are Keeping the 1980s Alive!

I love the ’80s!

There are some decades that are better off forgotten, some that won’t fade away even if we wanted them to, and then there’s the 1980s – never better forgotten, but also, people who didn’t live through it aren’t quite sure how to handle the excess of bright colors, hairspray, and fun.

If you’re a fellow 80s baby, though, these memes are going to smell like crayons and nostalgia. Just wait and see.

12. They disintegrated a lot faster.

I don’t remember a teacher ever having to take one away, though.

11. Seeing it all in one image is pretty crazy.

Although I’m a woman so all of this doesn’t even begin to fit in my “pockets.”

10. Also, ride in the back of grandpa’s truck years old.

Ah, the wind in your hair and your siblings elbow in your ribs.

9. I like the way it used to be, honestly.

But I will never forgive my mother for perming JUST my bangs.

8. I’m not sure how healthy that made me, but.

Seriously, they were really tasty though.

7. I forgot about these until the moment I saw this picture.

And now I really, really want to find out if they still make them.

6. Soooo many lyrics we’d been singing wrong.

We could have been alternate song writers ourselves.

5. So much better than the plastic crap my kids play on.

Also, I feel like there would be fewer germs outside but I’m not a scientist.

4. You got that repeated busy signal and you knew you were in trouble.

Either that or someone’s older sister had taken over the phone.

3. If by “child” you mean “well into middle school,” yeah.

There was something so soothing about it.

2. And if you weren’t invited omg.

At least there wasn’t the internet to point it out and then make fun of you, too.

1. It’s how you tell the real from the fake.

We’re so cool, y’all. So cool.


I could look at pictures like these all day (though I refuse to tease and spray my hair ever again, sorry).

Which of these took you alllllll they way back? Tell us in the comments!

The post These Memes Are Keeping the 1980s Alive! appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Reasons Why They “Ghosted” Someone in Their Life

It’s a sad fact of life that sometimes you just have to cut people off.

People who are toxic, who make you feel bad about yourself, or who are trying to drag you down with them. The term for this is “ghosting” someone and, while it may seem harsh, occasionally it must be done.

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about their experiences.

1. That gets really old.

“When I realized she liked hating things more than liking them. I hate beer, hate EDM, hate Marvel, hate Channing Tatum, hate football; these are all things she’s said.

It’s ok that we don’t enjoy the same things, but she’d go out of her way to let me know she hated something and rarely talked about what she liked.”

2. Not very supportive.

“Whenever I would talk about feeling stressed and my mental health not being in an optimal condition, she would say something along the lines of “Oh come on, you dont have actual problems, there are people out there that actually have depression, anxiety, etc”.

She always downplayed the struggles I would be going through just because it wasn’t the worst possible thing that could happen.”

3. That’s so gross.

“She shit-stirred between everyone, it was just a game to her to ruin friendships, people that she wasn’t even close friends with.

Nearly 10 years later and I’m told she still tries it on with her wider circle (or rather, her husbands circles, as she no longer has any friends of her own any more) but they all treat it like a joke and ignore her, going so far as to warn others in a jokey manner.”

4. We’re done.

“Her two year old was violent towards my two year old.

She thought it was normal and refused to correct his behavior.”

5. Done it a few times…

“I’ve ghosted a couple of friends. It was after years of friendship and I realized that everything was about them. The friendship was one sided and I felt undervalued.

It got to the point that even though we were “best friends”, they had no idea what was happening in my life.

A lot more happened that I don’t care explaining, but I stopped talking to them after 11 years.”

6. That’s bad.

“I was disinvited from his wedding, in which I was a groomsman, because he found out I wasn’t a Christian.

We’d been friends for a decade up until that point.”

7. Do what’s best for you.

“She had negative experiences with a lot of things to the point that talking to her was like walking on eggshells.

I hope she’s doing alright and I feel bad I stopped talking to her but I had to choose what was better for me.”

8. Negative and entitled.

“A girl I met in one of my biology labs came off really nice. I didn’t really know anyone in the small lab and she invited me to be study partners which I gladly accepted.

The first study session was at a coffee shop off campus. She complained about her “best friend” for 3 hours. She was the most negative, entitled person I’ve ever met.

After that semester, I deleted her number and never talk to her again.”

9. My friend’s wife.

“His wife she scared quite a few of his friends away. Made it so obvious she did not want his friends around.

Any time the attention wasn’t on her it was a problem for everyone.”

10. You have no other options.

“When I realized I was only their friend because they had no other friends who would put up with their bullshit. Addicted to blow, “afflicted” because they were gay (nobody had any problem with this), and constantly said they were going to kill themselves.

I was patient for longer than anyone else, and even said how I was feeling. They would get coked out and text me about 20 times throughout the night almost every night. I blocked them three days later.”

11. Not your closest mate anymore…

“My closest mate for over fifteen years. He had no initiative, slept all the time, never initiated anything. Never lived out of home, and slept in his own filth, grew obese, hoarded crappy Japanese toys which filled up his dads house.

And became more and more annoying as a person until I couldn’t bear him. Constant one-upmanship or little put downs, or bragging over embarrassing stuff. I moved cities. When he came to visit, he annoyed and offended my friends so much they never forgot.

I cut all contact. I always ask for news but he has alienated all his old friends. The only news is that he is somehow eve ln fatter, now has diabetes, has taken up cigars and dresses up in a cowboy hat and boots he ordered from Nashville, USA.”

12. My “best friend”.

“I was bullied in school – but my worst bully was my “best friend” I used to come home and cry to my mom. I would be heartbroken over how my “best friend” was treating me.

Honestly – I don’t remember what my mom would tell me, but I wish she would have told me that I was worth way more than the treatment than I received from her, that she was a bad friend and I should drop her, that I had friends who treated me with respect and that I should spend my time with them, that she would have forbade me from hanging out with her – anything. anything.

I wasted something like 15 years with that girl in that abusive friendship.”

13. Double-crossed.

“She pocket called me.

Overheard her talking shit about my personal issues that I had confided in her.”

14. Out with the old, in with the new.

“The quickest way to lose (and make) great friends is to do something to fix your mental health.

I found out a lot about my friends when I stopped drinking, and before that when I left school for a mental breakdown. People just don’t even pretend to make the effort anymore.”

It’s always a tough thing to do, but sometimes you just need to cut ties with certain people in your life for good.

Have you ever had to do this to a friend?

If so, tell us about your experience in the comments.

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People Share Stories About the Awful “Karens” in Their Lives

You know those entitled,  rude people who seem to make everything extremely difficult?

Well, there’s a name for them: KARENS.

And they are EVERYWHERE.

Those folks demanding to speak to a manager? KARENS.

AskReddit users opened up about these folks who seem like a real nightmare to deal with.

1. Mother is very unpleasant.

“Not married to one but my mom is absolutely one. I spend most of my time with her in public apologizing to people after she’s walked away.

The one and only time it comes in handy is when I’ve bought cars and had her come in during the price negotiation phase – she’s knocked off thousands purely due to how unpleasant she is and how much people want her to just get the hell out of the door.”

2. Males can be Karens, too.

“My dad was the Karen. He always acted high and mighty. Still does.

Last year ai went to visit him. Im an adult btw. And he picked me up from the airport but insisted we stop by walmart first to get something he ordered online. They had exactly what he ordered but it was a two pack.

They were giving him two of what he wanted for the same price as what he paid for one. He did not understand this and argued with the manager for 30 minutes that he “only wanted to pay for one!”

My wife never understood what I meant by my dad is stuck up until that day.”

3. Yikes. Not cool.

“My sister is a Karen.

Everyone feels so sorry for her husband. Everything is his fault. He is treated like a slave. She only addresses him by yelling. She constantly insults him. We have no idea why he hasn’t divorced her or flipped out and attacked her.

We have all told her to cool it and her response is that he’s just so stupid. I could go on and on but my sister really is a horrible person.”

4. Mommy Dearest.

“My mom is a Karen. she thinks the world is supposed to cater to her, serve her and everyone else is wrong.

Once we went to Carl’s Jr. she ordered 4 burgers, for the four of us. She pulls one out of the bag while the guy is getting our drinks and hides it. She complains that he forgot a burger. She pulls them out one by one and counts it in front of him.

It’s obviously missing because she hid it and he’s swearing up and down he put them all in the bag. I’m stunned speechless and it happened so fast. She got a free burger, and laughed as we drive off. Im just staring at her and she opens it up to eat it on the drive home. And she ate her actual burger like the 5th one never existed.

I can’t even explain how she is when she’s in the hospital. she treats it like a luxury stay in a hotel.”

5. Did eight years with that guy.

“Dated a Male Karen for eight years.

He was a semi successful business owner who was twice my age and I was young and dumb for a lack of a better word. The gist of our relationship was him trying to take over every part of my life. For instance he would order for me at restaurants and would dissuade me if I wanted to try something new.

If I had a problem with something it would be brushed off but if he had a problem then he had to talk to a manager. Not knowing any better I just thought he was very particular and even started copying some of his tendencies like speaking up when I felt I wasn’t getting the right service when I was out on my own.

I realized who he was when we were flying back from Vegas and our luggage was heavier than when we flew in. Obviously we’d bought extra things which made up for the weight difference so as he demanded to know an explanation from the check in clerk as to why if it was the same luggage would it somehow weigh more, I innocently answered that it must have been the extra shoes and clothes. He was quiet and paid up.

Later he told me to not to do that again as he knew the reason why the luggage was heavier he was just trying to get away with not paying. At that moment a bulb went off in my head. This man who’d spent $1500 on a stripper for his friend was making an already stressful job more stressful for the clerk in order to avoid paying $60!

We broke up soon after and I checked myself on the Karen tendencies he’d rubbed off on me.”

6. That’s really bad.

“Divorced an abusive “Karen” who was convicted of domestic violence (that’s a misdemeanor folks), so she got half of everything. Totally worth it. My life before was a nightmare.

Escape was priceless.”

7. Time to speak to the manager…again.

“Not the married to one, but my moms a Karen. Literally overreacts to everything.

Whenever something doesn’t go her way- you guessed it: gotta speak to the manager or whoever is in charge. Sometimes really embarrassing to go out in public with her because she’ll just yell at the service workers for the smallest of things. Also she has a bob cut.”

8. Sister in law…from Hell…

“Married someone with a Karen for a sister. SIL is the freaking worst. I hate more than anything going out to dinner with her, listening to her order food and talk to the servers. Holidays are also terrible, she sends out long lists of expected gifts list. She celebrates every holiday and birthday specifically for presents even when it not appropriate.

Funny thing is one time I was away from the dinner table when the bill came and SIL waited for me to return to pay the bill by actually handing it to me. She didn’t give it to her sibling/my SO or pay her half, but expressly handed it to me to pay.

Btw, her husband is an idiot and they are a match made in heaven.”

9. A double whammy.

“My sister AND SIL are both Karens. I will show up to restaurants 15 min early to warn them. I tell them if it’s not done to their liking they WILL hear about it and they will make your shift hell. I’m just there as a warning.

I used to work in restaurants and those people made life hell. I do what I can to help. Generally my drinks are better and we get a free appetizer as soon as those two tornados walk in all hell breaks loose. Not enough ice, table is too cold, it’s too loud, etc. I also tip really big b/c I DON’T want to associated with the two tornados.

I live overseas so I only see them 2 weeks out of the year. So it’s manageable.”

10. Causing a lot of damage.

“My mom is a Karen. Not fun.

I think she was part of the reason the girl I loved left because whenever she was around my mom behaved much better and put on a nice face. We argued frequently about my relationship with my mom. Hurts a lot. Don’t think I can fully let this one go.”

11. Don’t even go there.

“My mother is a Karen.

If something minor inconveniences her, she blows it up into a huge done, constantly complains, belittles me and has a slight superiority complex.”

12. I’m seeing a pattern here…

“My mom is a Karen. She literally can not help herself but to tell other her opinion. She genuinely sees it as doing everyone a favor. It destroys her relationships with my siblings. None of my other siblings will talk to her.

A few years ago we went out to eat. The restaurant served bread and butter before the meal. The butter was whipped. My mom, the former dairy farmers daughter, insisted they bring her “real” butter. The waitress went back to the kitchen and came back and told her what she had was butter. How dare she!

My mom, who apparently is infallible in her ability to detect butter, started acting like a complete asshole to the waitress about it. “She knows what real butter tastes like.”

I go to this restaurant often and my kids are there so my first instinct was to apologize to the waitress. That was a bad idea. As soon as I did my mom went into a rage about respecting your elders and walked out of the restaurant. To this day she still won’t admit she was unkind to the waitress.”

13. This is messed up.

“My mom was a Karen in name and behavior.

My dad had a massive heart attack, oxygen deprived brain, we weren’t sure if he was going to make it or how intact his mind would be. Intubated, sedated, the whole works for days.

My toddler nephew visited the hospital. He was dad’s special buddy. Dad somehow roused from his critically ill state to wave his fingers and say a few words to him. A miracle!

Mom tried to get dad to talk to her and then slapped him–pretty hard– on the chest because he wouldn’t say anything to her. Jealous of a two year old. Abusing a man in intensive care. The look on the nurse’s face was absolute horror.”

14. “An exhausting nightmare.”

“My mom is a Karen whose name is actually Karen. Simply put, I haven’t seen her in over a year because I couldn’t take it anymore. Living with her was just an exhausting nightmare.

Karen’s world revolves around Karen. Nobody else’s issues matter. If you tell her that you had a bad day, she’ll give you 20 reasons why her day was worse. You worked 60 hours this week? Well, when she was your age, she would work 80.

You’re in the hospital after having major surgery? She has a pinched nerve in her arm, which is somehow worse. Your boyfriend cheated on you? She couldn’t even begin to tell you about all the heartbreak she’s experienced in her life.

She complains left and right about anything and everything. If you’re taking a week break after just getting back from college, she’ll ask why you haven’t gotten a job yet and claim you’re lazy. If you’re out to eat at a restaurant the food is always too cold or too burnt or too salty.

You can only ever go to the places SHE wants to go to, because everything else is crap. My entire graduation dinner she complained about how cold the food was.

She THRIVES in getting attention and constantly seeks it, but she has very few ACTUAL friends. Facebook is her lifeblood and she’s always looking to start something on there. She’s the queen of sharing uninformed, misguided, conservative propaganda, which always starts fights in her comments.

Also, if a tragedy happens in the family (like the passing of my teenage cousin), she’ll make a big scene on Facebook and expect condolences from anyone and everyone, and makes note of the people who don’t give her what she wants.

Don’t even get me started on the blatant racism. I’ve heard everything from, “watch out for black people on the subway. They’ll try to take your purse” to “It should be illegal for those Muslims to cover their faces. You should be able to see someone’s face.” One of my best friends is black and she once told me, “He’s one of the good ones. They should all be like him.”

Minor, but the house ALWAYS has to be spotless. You have a shirt on your bedroom floor? Pick up! You kids are all slobs! We have people coming over (no we don’t and even if we do why would they be going in my bedroom?)

Her house is HER house, and she’ll let you know. Any object she has spent money on doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to HER. She also spends way too much money on home decor like oriental rugs, furniture, etc. but then complains about how she has no money.”

Yikes. I’m glad I don’t have any Karens in my life…at least not right now…

How about you?

Do you have any Karens that you have to deal with and who make everything way more difficult than it needs to be?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments!

The post People Share Stories About the Awful “Karens” in Their Lives appeared first on UberFacts.

Karen Memes You Should Show to Your Manager

Nobody is going to naming their kid Karen for at least a generation or so. It’s a meme now. A meme representing entitlement and middle-aged silliness. Honestly, I do feel bad for perfectly nice people named Karen. On the other hand, these memes are really funny.

So go grab a manager and enjoy these Karen memes while you brainstorm any other name for your next child.

15. Even doggos are getting in on the action


13. You should have gone for the head

12. That smile, that damned smile

11. We can build this future

10. Is that…physically possible?

9. Super hot fire

8. A Karrier

7. It’s pronounced Achei38c9

6. She’s gone too far this time

5. The end is near

4. It’s the little things

3. Embrace it

2. Self-own

1. Get ready to level up

If your name is Karen and you’re reading this, I hope you don’t take it personally. Because there’s no department you can complain to.

No, but seriously… to all of those people who are named Karen? Do you find this stuff funny or horrible? Or… to ask another way… what’s your favorite Karen meme?

Let us know in the comments.

The post Karen Memes You Should Show to Your Manager appeared first on UberFacts.