People Who Are Definitely Having a Weirdly Bad Day

Have you had a bad day lately?

Before you answer, you should probably look at these posts. Because after you see the bizarre ways in which other peoples’ days are going, you might feel prompted to reassess the badness level you assign to your own.

Here are thirteen people who are definitely not having a great day.

14. Key to happiness

The S just hit the fan.

My bird got into every single laptop key… from Wellthatsucks

13. Olive and I’ll learn

I’ve heard of oil spills but this is ridiculous.

I would hate to clean olive that up. from Wellthatsucks

12. Urgin’ the urchins

That’d be just about enough to put me off the ocean ’till forever.

Fifty-three Venomous Sea Urchin Spines (My friend didn’t know you aren’t supposed to stand on the bottom when snorkeling – this happened right when he got in the water.) from Wellthatsucks

11. Bat man

Imagine reading this if you live in a country with an actual healthcare system.

My husband got bit by a bat who found its way into our bedroom in the middle of the night. Here’s our bill for the rabies vaccination with insurance. from Wellthatsucks

10. Beauty and the beach

Oh Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream…

Tried to get a beach sunrise photo. Noticed the sand "art" when editing said photo. from Wellthatsucks


9. Degree of difficulty

Make sure you’ve got all the info for your calculations.

When you are from Arizona and think 70 degrees on the beach in Cali doesnt require sunscreen. I. Hurt. from Wellthatsucks

8. Get to the point

There’s something extremely tragic about this but I can’t put my finger on it.

Just picked up the game today…super excited to play. Fell and broke my finger shortly after getting home with it. Fml. from Wellthatsucks

7. Sock it to me

And so begins the walk of shame back home.

Drove 45 mins to the store thinking I had my mask in my pocket. It was a baby sock. from Wellthatsucks

6. The medium is the message

I know that Chick-fil-A has been the subject of a lot of controversy already, but this has to be talked about.

Should’ve saved the money and ordered two medium fries. from Wellthatsucks


5. A breath of fresh air

It said “eau de toilette” right on the bottle, what was I supposed to do?

When the perfume you bought your wife for Christmas ends up in the toilet as “air freshener”. from Wellthatsucks

4. Desperate times

We’re still living in a dumpster fire but at least we’re not dealing with this nonsense anymore.

My “bounty” paper towels finally showed up that I ordered at the beginning of quarantine in March for 45 bucks before shipping from Wellthatsucks

3. The hits keep on comin’

Oh quit whining about it, you sound like a broken record.

There are only 100 vinyls of this album and the postal service broke mine in half from Wellthatsucks

2. Fit for a queen

Cinderella’s step sisters be like:

The dangers of online shopping. from Wellthatsucks

1. Poo to you too

That dog knows exactly what he’s doing.

Owner should be ashamed for leaving this dog in a car. But I’m hoping that poo sinks deep into the upholstery for good stinky messy measure. from Wellthatsucks

If you’re the kind of sadist who can’t get enough of this stuff, there’s an endless supply over at r/Wellthatsucks.

What’s been the weirdest “bad day” thing to happen to you lately?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes That Are on the Money About Life in 2020

The economy is all over the place and things are looking pretty sketchy right about now.

I’m no expert in these matters but I propose a solution: let’s turn to a meme-based economy. Like cryptocurrencies, except not like that at all, because I honestly don’t understand how those work.

What I’m saying is let’s start treating memes like money and it’ll probably go great! Even if it doesn’t, we’ll have all these memes to laugh at, which will distract us from how not-great everything went. You can’t lose.

To give you an idea of how this would go, I’ve gathered twelve completely random memes and assigned a currency conversion calculation to let you know what I think they’re worth.

12. Mind on my money

Meme value: $1.00

Via: someecards

11. Gettin’ chipped, gotta dip

Meme value: $4.79, the retail price of a family sized bag.

Via: someecards

10. Pupper slumber

Meme value: $4 and gentle pats on the head.

Via: someecards

9. All in the phrasing

Meme value: $2 and the wisdom to know who not to screw with.

Via: someecards

8. Killing it

Meme value: the college fund your parents didn’t end up having to spend on you.

Via: someecards

7. Die laughing

Meme value: your life.

Via: someecards

6. Pain by numbers

Meme value: the price of a set of permanent markers and even more permanent emotional scarring.

Via: someecards

5. Chill pills

Meme value: $50, or a $10 copay with insurance.

Via: someecards

4. I scream

Meme value: priceless.

Via: someecards

3. Phony phone time

Meme value: dog.

Via: someecards

2. Follow your memes

Meme value: an $8 take and bake pizza.

Via: someecards

1. The grudge

Meme value: a forest worth of burn books.

Via: someecards

Some critics have claimed that my system of memes as currency “makes no sense,” and “is wildly inconsistent.” But to them I say – that’s never stopped us before.

Do you think we should replace money with memes? Why or why not?

Tell us your scholarly opinion in the comments.

The post Memes That Are on the Money About Life in 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Tweets to Improve Your Day

For a long time, tweets were limited to just 140 characters. Then in 2017, they decided to up the limit to 280.

Interestingly though, they found that in beta testing, most people still preferred to keep the messages shorter even with more real estate allowed. Seems that the entire appeal of Twitter is in the brevity, whether that’s in the service of a pithy social statement or just a dumb joke.

Here, briefly, are ten short tweets that are definitely dumb jokes.

10. Inside out

A modern rendition of the scream.

9. Knife to meet you

Yanno, I think I could take a stab at cooking too.

8. Sleep with me

That’s not your fellow, that’s your pillow.

7. Time flies

Ah, Hollywood. Where 27 years olds are teenagers and 40 year olds are ancient.

6. Speaking my language

It’s like they say, communication is key.

5. The best part of waking up

It’s a late start, but it’s still a start, I guess?

4. Oh hi doggy

The dog will never say anything stressful or disappointing back.

3. Shelf help

You don’t have to be well read to put this one together.

2. Technically speaking

The best KIND of correct.

1. Terrible lizards

This tweet has absolutely made my day in ways I can’t even explain.

In the spirit of what makes twitter great, we’ll keep it brief and end it there. Just ten little random messages tailor-made by strangers to make us giggle. Hope that short trip has brightened your day!

Who are your favorite people on Twitter right now?

Tell us in the comments.

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Relationship Memes That Give Us All Something to Aspire To

All of us are out here trying our best to form lasting and meaningful relationships. It’s not always easy, especially when we have this vision in our head of what everything is supposed to be, or supposed to feel like. That kind of idealization can get in the way sometimes. Other times, it can clarify what we want and what we need.

And then there are memes.

I don’t know if these relationship goal memes are helpful, hurtful, or just stupid, but they sure do give me something to aspire to.

10. Ride on

This is either adorable or deeply kinky or both.

9. Serving looks

Find you a man who looks at you like Drake looks at everybody.

8. Alienating love

Yeah I’m your soulmate, you’ve just got a weird soul.

7. Love me through the phone

These iPhone sizes are getting out of hand.

6. Monkey business

Why were you sleeping in confetti though?

5. Lasagna love

Without you, it’s a constant case of the Mondays.

4. Order up

Yeah I’ll have uuuuuhhhhhhhh fulfillment.

3. Sleep with me

Say no more, I’ll bring my own pillow and everything.

2. Street style

I think I’ll just park myself right here for a while.

1. Fry do

I hear wedding bells and Taco Bells in equal measure.

If I didn’t know what I wanted before, I certainly do now. And it’s fries. I want a bunch of fries.

What are your relationship goals?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Relationship Memes That Give Us All Something to Aspire To appeared first on UberFacts.

Cute Compliment Memes You Can Send To Your Special Someone

Valentine’s Day is far off, but that’s no excuse not to send Valentines to the people you love. Or at the very least a sort of off-brand version where you just text them cute meme compliments about how much you like their butt or whatever.

Any day of the year is the right day for those kinds of adorable shenanigans.

In that spirit, here are ten cute compliment memes for the special someone in your life.

10. Sweets for the sweet

You absolutely knock me out.

9. Stark realities

I may not be a billionaire, but I’ll scare off danger with my mighty growls.

8. Happy little me’s

Just take those feelings of loneliness and beat the devil out of ’em.

7. Snack attack

How does this dog look so smooth and why can’t I deal with it?

6. Crash into me

Gonna crush so hard they call me the super nova.

5. Needed contributions

Together, we can reach these goals. Not me, us.

4. Let’s get this bread

Garlic may not be easy on the breath but it’s still pretty great for the mouth.

3. Lizard licks

When your man saves you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

2. Pretty potassium

“Why is any of this?” – dog, probably

1. Reporting for booty

Your future looks very bright.

If you want to brighten somebody’s day, just send them one of these. Or the whole list. You can’t lose, really.

What’s your favorite thing about being in love?

Share it in the comments.

The post Cute Compliment Memes You Can Send To Your Special Someone appeared first on UberFacts.

Important Lessons That 2020 Has Taught All of Us

What have we learned in 2020 so far?

It’s kind of impossible to say. On the one hand, it feels like the year in which we all lived a thousand lifetimes and gained the perspectives and heights of wisdom that come with such figurative reincarnations. On the other hand, it kinda feels like we’ve gone nowhere and done nothing and learned jack squat. Maybe the truth is somewhere in between?

To shed some light on the subject, let’s have a look at these ten 2020 memes and see if we can discern a lesson from them.

10. Nothing makes sense

God is just extremely drunk right now.

9. Protect yourself

They saw their chance and they took it, by golly.

8. Stock up on arrows

Those folks had it right from the start.

7. Take every opportunity

You never know what year might be your last chance to really start some sh*t with Uncle Ron.

6. It’s a nice excuse

With an attitude like that, not many people are gonna ask questions.

5. It’s the little things that count

If only I could pretend to be busy around other people instead of pretending to be busy around no people.

4. The more things change, the more they stay the same

How many dudes have just been riding this wave?

3. Standards will shift

I don’t even wanna know what the 2021 goals will be.

2. Remember to excuse yourself

I can feel the heat of a thousand grocery aisle stares just reading this.

1. Stay safe out there

Having to face off with this crisis hasn’t been easy, but we’re doing it.

Not sure if those are actually the most helpful lessons in the world, but at the end of the day, at least they’re lessons?

What have you learned in 2020?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Important Lessons That 2020 Has Taught All of Us appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets That Capture this Year in a Painfully Funny Way

I don’t know how to tell you this, but, 2020 has been kinda bad.

I know, you probably need to sit down and have a glass of water or something after a revelation like that but, this is a year that has been just a little bit of a kerfuffle, if you’ll pardon the language. I’d even go so far as to say it’s been less than ideal. And you can quote me on that, controversial as it may be.

I suppose one minor upswing for which we can be grateful is the grace and wit with which the funny people of Twitter have continued to respond to these ever-weirder times. Here are ten tweets about 2020 that almost make it funny-funny.

10. True heroism

I shot a bunch of ventilators into the ocean to celebrate.

9. Do you really need to ask?

There is no way to properly pose or answer this question anymore.

8. Simply the best

Success looks a little bit different for everyone.

7. Exotic perspectives

Man, remember when THIS was all the rage?

6. Little victories, tiny defeats

What even is a “best life?” sounds like a scam.

5. Murder rates

So on top of everything you’re living in a Hitchcock movie. Neat.

4. Spooky times

I um…I think this boat has sailed.

3. Opportunity knocks

Get on this Mad Max vibe early, you’ll come out ahead.

2. Do ya feel lucky, punk?

All hail your new, unlikely king.

1. Pretty simple

Hey, go make sure you’re registered to vote at

Not sure if those are quite bangin’ enough to make this year worthwhile, but they do at least ease the troubles. Hang in there, everybody!

What’s the biggest thing you learned in 2020?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets That Capture this Year in a Painfully Funny Way appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes for the Worst Year Ever…2020

If we listen to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time moves slower or faster in different scenarios. His models of spacetime were confirmed very recently with the observation of gravitational waves, and his ideas on time in particular were expanded on greatly in 2020, when we discovered that a single year could be several centuries.

It’s been a very long one. Here are some memes to remember it by, if for some reason you’d want to.

15. Murder express

You’re thinking of the Black Mirror episode, but we’re getting close.

14. Light-hearted entertainment

Streaming into our stream of consciousness.

13. New approach

Harambe would be proud.

12. Bun-bun-BUN!

Never forget who the true monsters are.

11. Oh yes son, I’m talkin’ to you

I don’t want none of it.

10. Making time

Please, I’m very poor and extremely lonely.

9. Best estimates

Or, yanno, several decades.

8. Stir crazy

“But one of the people in the video totally said they were a doctor.”

7. No one knows where we are going

Cool, my childhood nightmare has followed me here.

6. Changing times

We’re having a quick meeting to erase the last one.

5. Stay golden

Betty White is a national treasure and is to be protected at all costs.

4. Alternative medicine

Don’t let the truth get in the way of your treatment.

3. Face the consequences

We were warned…we were all warned…

2. Silver linings

We can’t GIVE these things away!

1. Here we are now

Smells like pointless rebellion.

When we’re telling the stories of this time to our grandkids, it’ll probably be best to just show them these memes. They express it better.

What’s been the biggest thing on your mind this year?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes for the Worst Year Ever…2020 appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Memes to Help You Get Through Life

No matter how bad things get, we can make it through if we look at memes. As long as you’ve got a kick in your step and a meme in your heart, you can face the harshest of times with smiles and weird references your parents don’t understand. That’s the magic of memes. That’s the beauty of the internet.

It’s dangerous to go alone. Take these fifteen random memes with you. To carry in your soul.

15. Outlive, outlast

I feel like at this point maybe even he is sick of him.

14. Keep your distance

You think they’ll give those vests out to just anybody?

13. Back masking

.drah taht ton s’ti ,ksam nmad ruoy raeW

12. Bands and band aids

Dude, this is my favorite cover.

11. F in the chat

I’m the strong silent type.

10. Chaos reigns

The pen is everywhere.

9. Power to the people

I will shepherd you through this difficult time, and I ask only your fries in return.

8. Brushy brushy

How is this cat 50% eyeball?

7. Cool story

If nothing exploded don’t tell me about it.

6. Coffee breaks

I could live a thousand lifetimes and never understand why people want to post pictures of their drinks.

5. Gotta bounce

Hope you’re ready to have a sore back for the next four years.

4. Baggage handling

These are the projects that are the hardest to manage.

3. It’s a miracle

“You’re welcome.” – Italian Jesus, probably

2. Oh deer

He’d better back the buck up.

1. Rat race

When “wish you would” becomes “God please don’t.”

With memes of that quality, there is nothing in this world you can’t face. Go forth, and take the spirit of memedom with you.

Where’s your favorite place to go to get memes?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Funny Memes to Help You Get Through Life appeared first on UberFacts.

Random Twitter Jokes to Make Your Day Better

Ah, Twitter. Where would we be without it?

Scream at each other about politics in person? That’s a lot of work. Plus it’s dangerous. Much safer to do that sort of thing with our thumbs while in the comfort of our own toilet. And of course, Twitter isn’t JUST the home for the world’s most nuanced and productive political discourse, it’s also a place for lots of good jokes, like these!

Here are fourteen random Twitter jokes you can read in the bathroom or wherever.

14. It’s kind of a lot

I literally sweat the entire way there.

13. iDrink

Judging by your use of the word “their,” I’m guessing this would apply to your current state.

12. Never say forever

You can’t trust anybody these days and it’s disgusting.

11. Duck and roll

I’m having a quack snack attack.

10. Bird brained

Like an iceberg, this goes deeper than you can even imagine.

9. Serving up stories

Gotta hit that word count one way or another.

8. Crunching numbers

“It’s like this sophisticated algorithm KNOWS me!”

7. Slice of life

Very brave of her to use her final breath to deliver this news. F in the chat.

6. Fishing for compliments

Yeah but did you see how thoroughly medium-sized the fish was?

5. Checks and balances

(There are functionally identical and much cheaper alternatives to Apple products…just sayin.’)

4. Sweep me off my feet

Well that doesn’t suck.

3. Small talk

I’d choose pasta any day.

2. Key to my heart

How old is that car anyway? Is this kid a time traveler?

1. Scream time

The important thing is that your system works for you.

Without jokes on Twitter, we’d have to find jokes out in the wild like our ancestors did, and that sounds exhausting. So here’s to all the wonderful funny people who continue to supply us with these golden tweets. Keep up the great work.

Who are the funniest people on Twitter in you opinion?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Random Twitter Jokes to Make Your Day Better appeared first on UberFacts.