There is a small village in Japan that invented the practice of rice paddy art whereby 4 different strains of rice are planted in a pattern so that they form a picture once the rice matures.
Japan has a lifetime employment system where large companies…
Japan has a lifetime employment system where large companies hire regular employees right out of school and keep them until retirement and new employees are chosen for their general potential, not because of any special skills or training.
Tokyo has a self-declared superhero who calls himself…
Tokyo has a self-declared superhero who calls himself Mangetsu Man. He keeps his identity secret by wearing a purple bodysuit, with a big yellow smiley head; and his self-described job is to keep the city trash free.
Not all Kamikaze were volunteers…
Not all Kamikaze were volunteers, ”It’s all a lie that they left filled with braveness and joy, crying, ‘Long live the emperor!’ They were sheep at a slaughterhouse. Everybody was looking down and tottering. Some were unable to stand up and were carried and pushed into the plane by soldiers.”
In medieval times the Japanese used to dye their teeth…
In medieval times the Japanese used to dye their teeth black. It also acts as a dental sealant to prevent tooth decay. The reason for this was objects that were pitch black, such as glaze-like lacquer, were seen as beautiful.