10+ People Share the Brutal Truth They Learned from Failed Relationships

Breakups are rough, but they can also be a valuable learning experience – they help teach us what we really need from a relationship, what our own flaws are, and even what kinds of red flags to look out for.

That said, maybe the lessons learned by these 12+ people can save you some time (and heartache) the next time around.

#1. When it comes to kids.

“You can love each other as much as you can but if you’re not compatible when it comes to kids, future goals, etc it’s just not going to work out.”

#2. Not your responsibility.

“Sometimes, their mental health is not an excuse to stay with someone. Sometimes, you just need to let that go and it is not your responsibility to keep them healthy. If something does happen to them, it’s not your fault.
You can’t fix someone’s mental health. They can only do that themselves.”

#3. Don’t date a drinker if…

“Don’t date a drinker when you’re not one yourself.”

#4. Poor boundaries.

“I have poor boundaries and I’m too eager to please while simultaneously being too demanding.

Edit: Lol I wonder if I’ll tell her I got my first 1k comment over her.”

#5. Red flags.

“Cheating is a non-negotiable red flag.

Refusing to take responsibility is a red flag.

Ignoring your s/o is worse than arguing against your s/o which are both infinitely worse than communicating with one another about the topic at hand.

And the best one: you have to love yourself more than you love being in a relationship.”

#6. More red flags…

“If she gets fired from >10 jobs in 6 years because nobody can stand working with her…

That’s a red flag…

Edit: I guess the lesson would be to notice how other people that spend 8hrs a day with her….”

#7. It takes two.

“It takes two to make it work. And I was the only one doing any work, hoping if i worked hard enough, he would love me back as much as I loved him.

Doesn’t work that way.”

#8. Take them at their actions.

“if someone acts like they don’t care, its because they don’t care”

#9. The rest of your life.

“Dont put the rest of your life aside, when they leave you are then left with nothing.”

#10. You can’t stop them.

“People are who they are, not who you wish they would be. Loving someone and wanting a future with them won’t stop them from being a toxic person. And the only good option with toxic people is to get them out of your life. Even if it hurts.”

#11. You’ll never be able to be yourself.

“If you start the relationship by editing yourself and hiding the parts of you that you think they won’t like, it’s a trap and you’ll never be able to be yourself. Tears will follow. Do yourself a favor and at a reasonable point in the early relationship, be vulnerable and tell them all the things about yourself you are afraid of admitting. They’ll find them out eventually anyway….”

#12. Not great for each other.

“Accepting that life happens and sometimes two great people are not great for each other.”

#13. You can’t love away the issues.

“You can’t love away the depression. She self medicated with alcohol, and my love wasn’t enough to make her stop drinking.”

#14. Abusive households.

“Just because you both grew up in abusive households doesn’t mean the other person will be reluctant to abuse you.”

#15. How you react to this quirk.

“Everyone has a quirk. Everyone. Even you- you just might not know what it is. Day to day survival of a relationship can depend on how you react to this quirk. I dated a lot of guys who would just annoy the piss outta me daily with their quirks, and I’m not contributing our break ups solely to these habits, but it definitely didn’t help to be annoyed or disgusted on the daily by your partner. It took me some time to realize that this is just a part of who they are and I will never be able to change that. Learn to accept people for the funny little things they do.”

Keep your eyes on the prize out there!

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Massive Hermit Crab Uses a Doll’s Head for Its Shell, and It’s Insanely Creepy

Hermit crabs are fairly common, easy-to-care-for pets that you’ve likely seen in a child’s classroom or at your local pet store. Interestingly, hermit crabs are not actual crabs because they have soft, exposed abdomens that leave them vulnerable to predators. That’s why they’re always looking for a new shell to call home.

They move in and out of shells – usually sea snail shells – as they grow.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

The coconut crab differs from a regular hermit crab in two important ways: first, it’s quite large – it can grow up to three feet long and weigh nine pounds – and second, when it outgrows the largest shell it can find, it grows a shell of its own.

Isn’t nature weird?

Image Credit: Wikipedia

One particular coconut crab, though, isn’t going to be growing his own shell anytime soon, since he found a lovely (meaning totally creepy) discarded doll’s head to live in instead of a shell.

A redditor shared a photo of the crab found on Henderson Island. Part of the Pitcairn Islands, the remote Pacific spot is vulnerable to human litter (obviously).

Image Credit: Reddit

There’s just something about dolls that creep some people out (including me), but I suppose the crab is perfectly happy living inside one – maybe he even considers the eyes cool little peepholes?

Image Credit: Reddit

I have no idea what I’m talking about, but hey, there’s got to be some reason he likes it.

The photo is also making people recall the mutant Toy Story toy that was a doll’s head on top of a crab’s body. A strange coincidence to be sure.

Image Credit: Disney

Not as strange as reality, but close.

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15 Bartenders Reveal the Weirdest Things They’ve Heard on the Job

Bartenders hear all sorts of things. People don’t usually sit at a bar to be sober and quiet, so between being the patient ear to some poor guy’s sob story and hearing some drunk couple plan out the rest of their evening, you know they’ve heard some absolute doozies.

In this AskReddit article, bartenders reveal the weirdest conversations they’ve ever heard on the job.

#1. Categorize them

“I overheard a woman who worked for a New Zealand online dating service, and was basically a profile censor. She described her job as being 80% dick pic removal, and had seen so many she could divvy them up into a few distinct categories.”

#2. Sounds fun

“I once heard a guy tell his buddy, “It’s fun, it’s like laser tag but with real guns” That was twenty years ago and to this day kick myself for not getting the whole story.”

#3. These are on the house

“A customer is on the phone in the middle of the bar, not too crowded but a long bar. Guy couldn’t have been more than 25. I go to help someone at the end of the bar and on my way back I overhear:

“No, I don’t care! She’s my sister, she is THIRTEEN and there is no reason she should be doing cocaine! At all!”

Gave him a few drinks on the house that night.”

#4. Shady business

“I heard some chick say “and the worse part about it, is that lucky bastard got a whole gram of crystal out it for free.”

#5. Now I’m in love with myself

“I hated myself until I discovered masturbation.”

#6. Classy

“Had a husband and wife who were by far the most rude people I’ve ever encountered, talking with a traveling business man. By the end of the night the business man was propositioning the woman to go back to his hotel room for some money.”

#7. Lots of cheating

“Lots and lots of cheaters. It’s weird that serial cheaters take their girls to the same spot.”

#8. Heated argument

“I’ve bartended but my favorite conversation was overhead while I was on the other side of the bar. “Look all I’m saying is Grand Theft Auto severely ruined our generation’s perception of how many police helicopters exist.” Sounded like they were getting really heated over the matter haha.”

#9. Awwwww

“Even though we were busy, I clearly heard a women say to her friend, “Hey look, the bartender’s really cute.”

Friend: “No he’s not!”

Response: “Oh yeah, you’re right.”

#10. Negotiations

“Work in a downtown hotel bar right across from our convention center. I’ve heard way too many negotiations between businessmen and escorts.

Last one I heard involved the guy asking the lady how much extra she would charge to let his friend watch.”

#11. Tennis ladies

“I bartended at a country club, and there was this one group of tennis-ladies that would always sit at the bar and get absolutely sh*tfaced on weeknights at our wine nights. They took a liking to our main bartender and kept calling him exotic (he’s Mexican), they would say how love his beard, would talk about their fav (not tennis related) positions, how they kept their nether-regions tidy, slip him their numbers, how sh*t their husbands were, etc. Gave me death glares every time I’d be bartending/bar backing with him lol.”

#12. So obvious

“On Valentine’s Day this year, we had a guest who accepted a FaceTime from his girlfriend while his side-chick was with him at the bar. He angled the phone so his girlfriend wouldn’t see the girl, but it was so obvious.”

#13. Hahahaha

“Two businessmen having after work drinks on a Friday, where the conversation built up to one of the sweetest sentiments I’ve heard. At first the usual “Lemme tell ya, you’re a good person. I love you man.” Later on (still fairly basic): “Fuck the wives! Hey, you and me, we buy motorcycles!”

To finally this gem: “If a tornado were to blow you away… I would fly after you.”

#14. Adorable

“Guy: “I think I’m going to need a coke chaser for this one.” Girl, presumably SO: “we already did all the coke…” Guy: “Coca Cola, you idiot!”

Not even the most memorable, just the most recent. For sure, a real snapshot into their relationship.”

#15. Wonder how that worked out…

“I once listened to three people have an in depth discussion about how they were going to kill the “local vampire” and the steps to take to protect themselves from the coven that said vampire is surely from.

My favorite though what a heated debate over whether the first Robin would be a crime fighter if Batman hadn’t picked him up and trained him.”

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15 Things People Didn’t Realize Were “So American” Until They Traveled Outside America

Americans: you may not realize it, but there are a lot of things you do that are considered totally weird around the rest of the world. Things like smiling all the time, or tipping. Who knew, right?

Here are 15 more things you might not realize make you stand out as “totally American” in countries across the pond.

#1. Constantly refilled.

“Having your drink constantly refilled ay restaurants. I just wanna drink a ton of water alright?”

#2. Being loud.

“The stereotype about us being loud is true. I never thought of myself as being loud until I went abroad and would hang up the phone after speaking in what I thought was appropriate volume to find everyone around me was staring at me, and realized how much more quiet they were lol whoops”

#3. Smiling and being friendly.

“I moved to England from Texas about six years ago. One of the major things that I noticed was that smiling and being friendly towards strangers was considered bizarre. This is a bit true in any metropolitan area, but especially in the UK. In Texas I was used to smiling at people, asking for directions if I needed them, and being friendly towards strangers. I learned very quickly that smiling at someone on the tube, or asking someone for directions on the street immediately makes someone think you’re trying to scam/rob them or you’re crazy.”

#4. Drive-thrus.

“I’m from northern europe but have visited USA couple of times. Their love for SUV cars and drive-thru is unreal, like there is a dunkin, subway and three kinds of fast food place next to each other and all of them have a drive-thru.

Edit: meant drive-thru, not drive-in.”

#5. A made-up crime.

“Jaywalking. The rest of the world thinks this is a made-up crime you only see in movies with corrupt cops.”

#6. Yes it is.

“I’ve never been abroad. Is that American enough?”

#7. Violently American.

“Tailgates. I’ve lived in the states my entire life, but when my Spanish girlfriend came to visit I wasn’t sure what I could show her that really exhibited American culture. There are plenty of American stereotypes you see on TV, but it wasn’t until I took her to a tailgate that I realized how violently American the whole experience is. A huge parking lot full of drunk twenty year olds bouncing on trucks bigger than most European apartments, with half the trucks blaring country, and the other half blasting rap. Solo cups and beer cans all over the place, grills, corn hole, etc. I’ve traveled to quite a few different countries, and I can’t really see a tailgate happening most other places.”

#8. American flavored.

“Ranch flavor Doritos in the Netherlands are called “Cool American” flavor.”

#9. How large grocery stores are.

“how large grocery stores are here. My wife is not american and we lived in China and were in HK all the time… they had large international stores that were great and she didnt really grasp the size of american grocery stores till our first week in the USA and there’s 150 feet of cereals on one aisle”

#10. Ketchup isn’t free.

“At a buffet in Germany, I had to pay for ketchup.”

#11. The size of cars.

“I did an art history course in Italy. What really stood out to me was the size of cars over there. Over here you have a mix of mid sized sedans and pick up trucks/SUV’S, with the occasional compact car (back when I went compact cars here were incredibly scarce). Over there, it seemed like most everyone drove a compact car, with the occasional sports car. I remember counting six pickup trucks in the 10 days I was there (for comparison, I can name more than 6 people I know with a pick up here).”

#12. The whole of Ireland.

“Massively wide roads/lanes. The whole of Ireland made me feel claustrophobic, but when I got back home the roads felt like way too much wasted space.”

#13. Portion size.

“Portion sizes.

My high school senior trip to London, as a typically ravenous appetite 18 year old, I couldn’t get over how small everything was standard.”

#14. I think you underestimate the size of our avocados.

“Small avocados.

Went to puerto rico. Was like, ‘yo ill have like 6 of those stuffed avocados’. Buddy was like, ‘yo gringo, i think you underestimate the size of our avocados here. Just have one and ill being you more if you want after’.

I had half of one. It was like a football.”

#15. Types of soda.

“Getting to choose from like 50 different types and subtypes of sodas.​

Hearing commercials advocating you to go to the doctor and demand a prescription for whatever fantasy pill is new to the market on the radio like it is no big deal.”

Go ahead and travel anyway. People are generally forgiving.

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14 Cringeworthy Tweets That Single People Will Definitely Relate To

I remember my single days. The freedom, the thrill, the uncertainty, the loneliness. It was… a lot. Sure, there were times when I loved that I didn’t have to answer to anyone, but if I’m being honest, that feeling never lasted.

If you don’t believe me, these tweets have all the proof:

1. Oops!

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Accurate

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Umm you know what that is really an excellent point

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Exactly my point

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Only if you post pics, lady

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. And then they’re like “Whoaaaaa…” and I’m all “Whoooooa….”

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Dogs are people too ya jerk

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Ugh that always happens to me

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. “Interviews”…

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Gurl same

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Wait what??

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. But do you LIKE like it?

Photo Credit: Twitter

If I haven’t convinced you by now, we having nothing more to discuss. So.


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15 People Share the Moment That They Realized “Yep, I’m Definitely Gay”

Although some folks might believe otherwise, the fact is that being gay is not a choice. It’s something you either are, or you aren’t. These AskReddit users can attest to that fact, and they shared the moment that they actually realized the truth.

#1. On a mission

“When I was a Mormon missionary in Eastern Europe. The other missionaries were tempted by the pretty girls and lingerie ads, and I was tempted by the other missionaries.”

#2. The crush

“I never had any crushes or interest in anything romantic until quite a few years after my sister and stepsister did (13 months and 22 months younger than me, respectively). Then, when I finally developed a crush, it was on a girl. Suppressed it for years after my crush rejected me, so hard even I, myself, believed it was untrue, until I got drunk around a campfire with my best friend and ended up making out with her all night.

My best friend and I have now been married for 5 months 😊.”

#3. That’ll do it

“When I realized I fell in love with my best friend. Also we were both on the football team and we shared a locker…”

#4. It clicked

“I liked beast boy AND raven from teen titans. it clicked when i realized.”

#5. Wait a second…

“The moment I, a male, thought “Damn, why are all the hot guys gay?” followed immediately by “Wait, what?”

#6. Oh, maybe…

“In sixth grade, my teacher made an announcement after people had been making poor taste gay jokes. He said, “There’s a high change that one of you in here is gay, and you probably don’t know it. it might be you, so shut up” and in that moment i was like “lmfao ya ok sure i’d know if i was gay” and then two years later i was crankin it to a guy and after a while of doing that i was like “oh, maybe I am gay.” “

#7. Yep

“I was like 12 or 13. I watched the movie “But I’m A Cheerleader” because it was on tv late one night and I was like, yep, I’m gay.”

#8. An entire lesbian

“I was 12 years old. I was watching the movie Practical Magic for the umpteenth time. Sandra Bullock did something particularly attractive, and it clicked in my brain and suddenly I just knew.

I’d been wondering for a little while, after a (female) friend of mine did something unintentionally suggestive and I had a really strong reaction, but it was that particular viewing of Practical Magic that took me from “is it possible I’m gay?” to “Wow I am an entire lesbian.”

#9. That ass changed it all

“My best friend, who grew up as a good Irish Catholic schoolgirl, was walking behind a woman in an airport in the most amazing yellow dress. Just going on and on in her head about how beautifully it flowed, how it curved, how it settled on… After minutes of this, she realised that actually she was just staring at That Ass. It was an amazing ass.

“Oh shit!” She thought, as she realised, looking back down her life: “Every time I’ve admired another woman’s clothes… I’ve totally been admiring them.”

So, yeah. That Ass changed her life.”

#10. All the lesbians

“I’m so embarrassed but it was while watching that absolutely grim show ‘A shot at love with Tila Tequila’ on MTV.

I was an 18yr old girl, had never met a gay person (that I knew about) in real life, and BOOM I loved all those lesbians on the show.

Dani the firefighter, thanks for all the feelings.

Can’t believe it’s a shout out to Tila Tequila for her dumb show.”

#11. “I fall hard”

“I never knew until I started to develop feelings for my best friend. We had been close since middle school, but around 8th or 9th grade I started feeling attracted to her. Of course, since we both came from Christian backgrounds, I tried to deny it, and I even made up stories about liking guys just to seem straight in front of my peers. But when those feelings wouldn’t go away, my mind was just like. “F*ck.”

Before then I had never had any real crushes on anyone in my school, and I thought that romance was sappy and not worth my time. I still kinda feel that way today, but I realized from this incident that when I fall for a girl, I fall hard.”

#12. It’s not you! I’M GAY!

“The “hot” girl on college campus that my friends all wanted but she wanted me. I was questioning if I was gay and found guys attractive but never told anyone. I thought I just needed to have sex with a girl to prove I wasn’t gay. Went back to her room, making out, get her undressed, decide to just “go for it” and with my face literally inches from her lower lady bits I say out loud…

“I’M GAY! Sorry, it’s not you. I’m gay. Really gay!” She was pissed and confused. I got dressed and went back to my buddy’s dorm. I told him I was gay. He was shocked but supportive and happy he “has a chance with her now”. “

#13. What does that mean?

“I was at summer camp, between 7th and 8th grade. I’d made a new friend and we were talking about stuff, getting to know each other. He made an offhand comment about one of his friends who was bisexual. I was like, “What does that mean?”

I’d never even heard of the concept before then. It had never even crossed my mind that people could be romantically interested in the same sex. So he tells me what it means to be gay and bisexual. I think to myself, “Huh. Am I? I didn’t know I could be like that. Maybe I am.” Spoiler alert: I was.”


“Lesbian here.

When I was around 5 my brother brought home his first girlfriend. He was fifteen & she was sixteen.

I remember being OBSESSED with her. Her name was Tara & she had long brown hair & would compliment my drawings. She gave me a teddy bear & I still have it to this day. Looking back, I had a huuuuge crush on her.”

#15. It just hit me

“One of my gay friends was telling me how he realised he was gay and I found myself relating to everything he was saying. Before that, I thought I was asexual. I knew I wasn’t into girls but had never really seriously contemplated whether or not I was into guys, perhaps because I was afraid of the conclusion I’d reach, so I just settled on thinking I was asexual.

In hindsight, I’d always been into guys, I just misinterpreted all my feeling of attraction as feelings of jealousy. I’d see a hot guy and tell myself that I really wanted to look like him and that that was why I couldn’t stop staring. It made sense at the time, even though it sounds absurd in retrospect.

During that conversation, the realisation that I had been in denial for years just hit me and I knew I was gay.”

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9 of the Craziest Airbnb Experiences People Have Ever Had

As winter keeps dragging on, there’s a good chance you already have a request for some time off sitting on your manager’s desk. Maybe you’ve even started browsing Airbnb for that perfect spot to stay at. If so, check out these 9 reviews of places that range from downright weird to absolutely incredible.

1. Helpful hint?

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. “Staying at an Airbnb and I woke up to their kitten this morning licking my face. Instant 5 star review.”

Photo Credit: Imgur

3. Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Siding with the host on this one.

Photo credit: Reddit

5. Was hoping for free K-Cups, but this is nice too.

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Set phasers for romance.

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. “cockwomble”

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Melissa, I think I see what you mean…

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. MI;NL (moving in; never leaving).

Photo Credit: Reddit

So, tally up your paid time off and get ready for adventure. Because booking your vacation with a phone app means not exactly knowing what you’re in for.

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Mom Shares the Petty Revenge Her 9-Year-Old Got on a ‘Fake Friend’, and It’s GOLD

I’ve always believed that it’s so important to have good parents who help you understand the difference between right and wrong, and who have your back when things get rough.

That’s what happened when this Redditor was called into her daughter’s school after an incident. While she was ready to defend her baby tooth and nail, it turns out the young lady had already handled her problem in a rather admirable way.

Here’s the full story:

Photo Credit: Reddit

Oh snap! That is priceless!

Naturally, other Redditors delighted in the way the little girl handled the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Others also pointed out that the principal’s handling of the situation left a lot to be desired.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Have you ever had a situation like this? How did you handle it?

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Vintage Question Cards from the NY Public Library

Librarians are the keepers of knowledge. They hold the keys to a treasure trove of tomes containing the wisdom of the ages. They also deal with the public every day, so you know they see their fair share of crazies.

People have asked librarians all sorts of questions over the years, including these ones received by NY librarians from the 1940s-1980s prove without a doubt.

#1. The “public eye,” as it was then…

Image Credit: Facebook

#2. Fair question, though perhaps an ill-advised plan.

Image Credit: Facebook

#3. That’s one busy day.

Image Credit: Facebook

#4. I’m guessing somewhere in Wilmington.

Image Credit: Facebook

#5. Intrigue…

Image Credit: Facebook

#6. Didn’t Adam eat the apple? Is this a trick question?

Image Credit: Facebook

#7. Girl, go.

Image Credit: Facebook

#8. Um…I’d really like to know how this was answered.

Image Credit: Facebook

#9. This is a romance novel waiting to happen.

Image Credit: Facebook

#10. Ew.

Image Credit: Facebook

You know those librarians answered each and every one of those questions. Because they’re awesome, and also hilarious.

Seriously. Go hug your librarian friend today…and then buy them a beer and listen to their stories. Everyone wins.

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7-Year-Old Destroys Bigot at Grocery Store Who Says Gay People End up in Hell

Sometimes, children catch us by surprise with their wisdom. Sure, we all know kids can say some pretty silly, random stuff that’s great for a laugh, but every so often they also say stuff that restores your faith in humanity.

Take, for instance, the story of a dad in Bath, England, whose 7 year old didn’t even bat an eye when standing up to a homophobic bigot at the supermarket.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

As the father explained, he and his son went shopping for a birthday present for a girl in the son’s class. They settled on a tiara, a fairy wand, and some pretty jewelry. As they waited in line, the son put a few of the items on and pretended to be the Queen, ordering the line to move faster.

That, apparently, was just too much to take for the jerk in the next line. Here’s how it all went down:

Son: (In a posh voice) I’m the Queen and I say this line should move faster!

(I and a few others smile at his playfulness when a man in line at the next till yells at me.)

Man: You can’t let your son do that. If he turns into a f****t it’ll be your fault.

(Everyone stops and stares at him in horror whilst the cashiers call for a manager.)

Son: What’s a f****t?

Me: It’s a nasty word that only nasty people use so you mustn’t say it.

Man: It means gay, kid.

Son: What’s gay?

Man: It means you’re bad and going to Hell for being evil.

Me: It’s when a man loves a man and a lady loves a lady.

Son: Oh, like Uncle James and Uncle Ian?

Me: Yep, just like Uncle James and Uncle Ian. They’re not bad, are they?

(My brother is a paediatric oncologist and his partner is a paediatric nurse. We’ve tried to explain what cancer is and how my brother and his partner make children feel better when they’re poorly.)

Son: My uncles make children better when they have poorly blood and poorly bones. If you make them go to Hell that means you want the children to be poorly.

(The manager and a security guard turn up but my son looks this man in the eye and holds his stare.)

Son: Do you want the children to be poorly? Do you want them to be sick and have to go to Heaven?

(Everyone is now staring at my son. The man has gone red and is looking around.)

Manager: Sir, I believe you’ve just been outwitted by a child. You should leave now and keep your disgusting views to yourself and out of my shop.

Kids like this give me hope for the future.

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