Not Every Ladybug Is Lucky, and Here’s How You Tell the Difference

Ladybugs (or ladybirds, for you UK-types) actually include a number of species that fall under the species umbrella coccinellidae. They’re widely considered to be good luck symbols, to represent joys to equal your sorrows, and are sometimes associated with the Virgin Mary.

They’re one of a group of 6,000 or so small beetles that are similar in marking and color – lady beetles, really, not bugs at all – most of which are beneficial creatures that feed on agricultural pests. Everyone likes ladybugs, right?

Well, get ready to rethink your position. The North American ladybug (which is a good little beetle) is strikingly similar to the Asian ladybug, which was introduced by the USDA in order to combat the spread of aphids and has since spread through pretty much every state in the lower 48.

Image Credit: Pixabay

While the Asian ladybug does prey on aphids, it also has overtaken native species – and it’s not nearly as harmless to humans. They like to nest in the cracks and crevices of homes, they can stain walls and fabrics, and they are more aggressive than native varieties (they may even bite you).

They can also ruin the taste of wine if they infest a vineyard, which is no good at all!

You can keep them out of your house by making sure cracks around windows, doors, pipes, vents, etc. are all tightly fitted, and that rips in your screens are repaired. Once they’re inside you can vacuum them up or catch them on sticky tape – but don’t squish them. If you do, them the ensuing goo could stain your furniture.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you’re wanting ladybugs for your garden, try to make sure the variety you want is what you receive. Which brings us to this: if they’re similar in markings and color, how can we tell the difference?

Well, the Asian variety can be more orange or yellow, instead of the deep red of the native North American ladybug, but the main distinctive feature is this: the Asian species has a marking toward its head that resembles a black M.

Image Credit: Catherine Song. © The Spruce, 2018

So, look closely, my friends, and don’t assume your luck is about to change if a ladybug lands on you – it could be about to bite.

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300 million years ago…

300 million years ago insects could get really big. Millipedes and centipedes could get larger than humans, dragonflies as big as eagles, beatles the size of a large dog.The leading theory is that ancient bugs got big because they benefited from a surplus of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere. And the leading theory on why there […]

The Reason Why There Are No Mosquitoes at Disney World

It’s hard to imagine any place in Florida being insect-free, but that is the case at The Happiest Place on Earth, Disney World.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

And it’s all because of a carefully-planned operation created to make sure that guests have the most comfortable experience possible (and because mosquitoes carry serious illnesses). The Mosquito Surveillance Program runs the show at Disney World, ensuring that guests are not eaten alive while they wait to get on rides or stroll around the grounds. The program entails spraying insecticides and maintaining natural predators at the park.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The Mosquito Surveillance team captures the insects, freezes them, and studies them to learn how to best rid Disney World of the pests. They also keep chickens on the grounds and test their blood to see what kind of diseases they might be contracting from mosquitoes, such as West Nile virus.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Disney actually made a film during World War II about the dangers of malaria, so you know the folks at the park are well versed in the dangers of mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. Watch the video below for more information.

Now if only Disney could find a way to make things a little cooler during the summer…

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A Super-Stinger Wasp Was Discovered in the Amazon

As if regular wasps weren’t frightening enough, now you have another insect to worry about. It’s a super-stinger wasp that was discovered in the Amazon by researchers from the University of Turku in Finland.

Photo Credit: The University of Turku

The Calistoga crassicaudata has a stinger that is almost 5 millimeters long. And the way it lays eggs is really horrifying. The wasp impales its prey, usually a spider, the sting paralyzes it, and the wasp lays its eggs inside the prey. When the eggs hatch the prey dies. Thus is life in the animal kingdom…

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In 2004, to study the declining insect population…

In 2004, to study the declining insect population, almost 40,000 UK drivers affixed a “splatometer” to the front of their cars. The results found one squashed insect per 5 miles driven, contrasting with summers of 30 years ago when windshields would quickly become encrusted with tiny bodies. 00