Bill Gates Posted the Real Causes of Death in the US That Are Not Reported by the Media

Fact: you can’t trust everything you see online. Not by a long shot. But when we’re presented with facts that show what a large disconnect exists between media and reality, it can still be jarring.

And that’s exactly the feeling many people got after checking out this hard data on the causes of death in America (thanks to Bill Gates for posting it).

Because even though they’re not sensational or visually terrifying or able to be used as a tool to control the masses in some way, heart disease and cancer are still far and away the biggest killers stalking American streets.

Image Credit: Our World In Data

The infographic compares a chart showing causes of death, proportionally, to charts showing how often those causes are Googled, covered by mainstream media outlets in the US, and covered by mainstream media outlets in the UK.

Image Credit Our World in Data

Across the board, the “sensational” ways to die get coverage (and searches) disproportionate to their actual likelihood of killing us.

The data was compiled from the results of a project known as Death: Reality vs. Reported that was done by students at the University of California San Diego, who attempted to answer these questions:

  1. How do people die?
  2. How do people think they die?
  3. Is there a difference?

They used four sources to find answers – the CDC’s WONDER database, Google Trends search volume, the Guardian’s article database, and the New York Times’ article database – and concluded:

“For all of the above data, we looked at the top 10largest causes of mortality, as well as terrorism, overdoses, and homicides, three other causes of death which we believe receive a lot of media attention. Immediately, we can see that cancer and heart disease take up a major chunk of all deaths, each responsible for around 30% of the total death count. On the graph, everything is visible except for terrorism, which is so small it doesn’t show up unless we zoom in.”

When they move over to analyzing people’s Google searches for causes of death, terrorism, you can see, is far over-represented, and the same goes for newspapers – terrorism, cancer, and homicides are mentioned most often, even though they should be much smaller in proportion to cancer and heart disease.

“After looking at our data, we found that, like results before us, the attention given by news outlets and Google searches does not match the actual distribution of deaths. This suggests that general public sentiment is not well-calibrated with the ways that people actually die. Heart disease and kidney disease appear largely underrepresented in the sphere of public attention, while terrorism and homicides capture a far larger share, relative to their share of deaths caused.”

If you find this interesting, you’re not alone – Twitter experienced some eye-opening, come to Jesus moments, as well.

We really need to think more about this kind of thing.

And not just accept what the media feeds us.

Because the truth always comes out in the long run.

As always – the more you know!

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Nurses Admit the Worst Things People Got Stuck Inside of Them. Yikes.

Are people ever gonna learn? You probably shouldn’t put foreign objects in the orifices of your body! I mean ever!

Here are genital horror stories from the Buzzfeed community and they are absolutely harrowing!

Nothing can prepare you for this, so here we go!

1. That’s your revenge?

“A lady came in with a knife still in her vagina. She claimed that an intruder assaulted her, but the area was not bleeding; it was as if the knife was slid into her.

She later revealed that she did it herself to ‘get revenge’ on her boyfriend…”


“My step-grandma was a gynecologist.

She once had an older woman come in, and at one point they took X-rays.

Apparently the woman had a potato growing in her uterus. INSIDE OF HER UTERUS!”

3. I fell on it…

“My adoptive mom who was a nurse once had a patient who came in with a flashlight stuck up his butt.

He claimed that he accidentally fell on it, but he had a history of ‘falling’ on objects that way.”


“A coworker of mine had a patient who decided to stick a crochet needle up his penis while drunk.

The urologist on call had to surgically remove the object.”

5. Not a joke

“A guy tried to make a butt plug out of Lego and duct tape, and got it stuck in his ass.

I wish I was kidding.”

6. Not very bright (Hey o!)

“My mom always remembers the guy who put a lightbulb up his ass.

I asked her how they got it out, and her response was, ‘With great difficulty.’”

7. We need that back

“One night a man came in with the biggest black dildo I have ever seen shoved in his butt. We actually had to follow him around while holding a bucket under his ass.

When it was finally removed, his partner asked us to clean it off and said, ‘We’re going to need that back,’ and then she winked at me.”

8. This is insane

“A man came into the ER, blue in the face, looking like he was about to die. They checked all over his body but couldn’t figure out what was wrong. They flipped him over and saw a TAIL coming out of his butt. After doing a CT scan, they found a rat inside his rectum. The rat bit off part of his colon, and the man was suffering from internal bleeding, which is why his face turned blue.

Apparently the man decided to place a condom over the live rat to suffocate it and then place it up his butt so its breathing would hit his prostate and he would feel pleasure. The man made a full recovery, but the poor rat died.”

9. Time for surgery

“I work at the gastrointestinal lab at a local hospital. We were doing a colonoscopy on a guy who had a carrot stuck up his butt…that his wife put there. We weren’t able to remove it, so he had to go into surgery. The colon is curved, people. Don’t shove straight, long things up there that aren’t flexible.”

10. Trailing behind him

“I once had a guy come in with a shower head up his butt. He had the whole hose trailing behind him like a tail as well.”

11. Ballerina

“My friend is a nurse in the ER. One time a guy came in and complained that something was stuck in his urethra.

He said it hurt too bad to take out, and he ultimately started bleeding from there.

Turns out it was a little ballerina figurine from a music wind-up jewelry box. Wow.”

12. What is wrong with everyone?

“The craziest thing was when a man came in with a Barbie doll’s arm stuck in his urethra (pee hole).

Apparently, he ordered a sex doll off eBay, and when it arrived it was actually a Barbie doll.

He was so angry that he ripped off the doll’s arm and shoved it up his penis.”

13. At least it was a toy

“I once had a patient come in with stomach pains. I took an X-ray of his abdomen and asked what happened.

He told me he didn’t know. I hung his X-ray on the light box and saw that there was a toy lizard in his rectum.”

14. That sounds awful

“A prisoner came in with penis issues. Turned out he shoved a piece of floss really far up his urethra, just so he could get out of his cell.”

15. Did you learn a lesson?

“I’m a nurse in an ER. One day a woman came waddling in with a set of tongs stuck between her legs.

She used them to masturbate and inserted the tongs into her vagina. The clip that holds the tongs shut opened, and the tongs became hopelessly lodged into her vagina.

She had to be taken to the operating room to have them surgically removed and nearly perforated her uterus.”

Okay, I need a shower… stat!

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Coca-Cola is sometimes used…

Coca-Cola is sometimes used medically to dissolve ‘phytobezoars’ – large indigestible balls of material in the digestive tract. It works by dissolving material that otherwise would not be broken down.

According to a study by WWF…

According to a study by WWF, Dalberg, and the University of Newcastle, Australia, “on average, people could actually be ingesting approximately 5 grams of microplastics every week – that’s the equivalent of a credit card.”

Charmin Introduces Gigantic New “Forever Roll” to Help Reduce Waste

There’s a good chance you don’t think too long and hard about your toilet paper.

I mean, as long as you have some, it does the job, and you don’t walk away with damp fingers or a sore tush, well…what else is there to consider, really?

Charmin thinks they know the question you never thought to ask: why is it such a pain to find places to store your rolls-in-waiting?

Now that they’ve pointed it out, yeah! I hate having to put away all of the new toilet paper rolls. You have to keep a space for them under the sink that could instead be used for towels, or stuff that’s currently on your counter, or the chocolate you want to hide from your toddler…

You get the idea.

Charmin believes they have the answer to that question: the Forever Roll.

It’s a massive spool of toilet paper that measures between 8.7 and 12 inches in diameter – the latter of which is more than twice the size of a standard, 5-inch roll. The idea behind it is to eliminate the need to store extra rolls, and with Marie Kondo and the tiny house craze teaming up to make minimalists of us all, storage space can definitely be at a premium.

So, maybe they’re onto something here?

With the Forever Roll, you should only need to buy toilet paper every 1-3 months (unless you own one of those aforementioned toddlers, and they go on a bathroom rampage). Not only that, but Charmin is selling the mount that will hold the Forever Roll – either a freestanding tower or one that comes with wall brackets, each for a pretty reasonable (imo) $29 a pop.

In case you’re too lazy to do the math, Newsweek did it for you: the Forever Roll is a bit pricier per sheet (58 cents per 100) than the Mega Roll (35 cents per 100).

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“That’s a lot of ? paper” I saw a post for @charmin “Forever Rolls” and their “You deserve more free time” AD and at first thought it was an April Fools joke but it’s nope and it’s BRILLANT ? • it’s not individually wrapped in plastic like the store bought, I got the 8” roll but they have a 12” for larger families • reduces 80% of inner cardboard cores per pack and starter kit comes with metal stand Go Up To One Month Before Changing Your Roll of Toilet Paper. Shipped for Free! Money Back Guarantee. Stylish Roll Holder. Free Shipping. 2-Ply Charmin Ultra Soft. Types: 1 User Rolls, Multi-User Rolls, Multi-Roll Starter Kits. VISIT Another reason why I was intrigued is being a dementia caregiver you learn all the universal traits and one is excessive tissue, paper towel and toilet paper use which is now Mamasita’s trait so I’ll be sharing this solution within my dementia groups and it will definitely make life easier for sure #yesitsathing #dementiatraits #charminforeverroll #forevercharmin #dementia #mamasitadimeglio #alzheimers #cognitive #dementiaschmentia #dementiaawareness #toiletpaper #fancytoilet #themoreyouknow

A post shared by Paola Andrea (@dimeglioandreapaola) on

No one ever said following Marie Kondo was going to be cheap. And I have to say, a pile of extra toilet paper under my sink definitely doesn’t spark joy for me.

What about you?

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Scientists May Have Found a Link Between Eating Beef Jerky and Manic Behavior

It’s a sad, sad day for me and m fellow lovers of cured beef products.

NBC News has reported that processed meats that contain nitrates (like jerky, cold cuts, hot dogs, etc.) may provoke symptoms of mental illness – specifically, mania.

The claim comes after a study published in Molecular Psychiatry found that a significant number of participants began exhibiting symptoms of mania – like racing thoughts, intense euphoria, and irritability – shortly after eating some type of cured meat.

In fact, patients who had recently consumed products like salami, jerky, and dried meat sticks were more likely to have been or be hospitalized for mania than subjects in the control group.

Scientists narrowed the link down to the nitrates, which are preservatives added to many cured meats. People who were fed nitrate-free jerky acted less hyperactive than those who were given the nitrate-rich sticks.

That nitrates may not be exactly harmless to humans isn’t news – you can find numerous studies that contain warnings and show multiple risks associated with consuming them regularly. They don’t just make you hyper, either. They can lead to the formation of cancers and promote inflammation in the gut, though most scientists will admit that more research needs to be done in order to pin down exactly how and why consuming them has such negative outcomes for many people.

In the meantime, if you have a history of cancer in your family, a history of poor mental health, or have existing psychiatric or gut disorders, you might do well to avoid nitrates – and all process meats containing them – until the research is in.

I can tell you I plan to (continue) doing so, though saying no to hotdogs at the ballgame is gonna be tough.

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This American’s Experience with Iceland’s Healthcare System Really Strikes a Nerve

Stop me if you’re heard this somewhere, possibly from your local politician: “We have the best health care ever invented! Of all time! Can’t be touched!”

I think most people know that A WHOLE LOT of other countries on the planet have much better health care than Americans do – plus, overseas it’s CHEAP. But that’s not what politicians and insurance companies want you to hear.

A woman named Mary Robinette Kowal shared her health care experience in Iceland, and her tweets went viral. I think that this will be very eye-opening for a lot of you. It sure was for me.

Let’s take a look at Kowal’s Twitter thread.

3 dollars…

Kowal offered a little clarification about an earlier tweet.

We get your point, Ms. Kowal. Something to think about…

What do you think? Share in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

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Man With ADHD Perfectly Sums Up His Condition in This Viral Twitter Thread

Have you heard of Yashar Ali?

He’s a journalist and his tweets frequently go viral because he brings a lot of real talk to the table.

Recently, Ali shared what it’s like living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, in an epic Twitter thread. Soon enough, ADHD became a trending topic and the conversation about the often misunderstood condition had a spotlight shown on it.

Check it out!

1. The frustration people feel is overwhelming

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

2. People with ADHD can focus. But some things are significant triggers

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

3. Understanding is key for those who want to empathize

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

4. The cycle of shame is real with ADHD

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

5. Ali thinks adults are under-diagnosed for this disorder

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

6. It can have a significant impact on relationships

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

7. One key for Ali is not letting things slip

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

8. More and more, companies are willing to accommodate ADHD

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

9. Don’t let it destroy your life

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

Bravo Yashar! Bravo!

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This Ex-Navy SEAL’s 5-Minute Morning Routine Will Get You Mentally Pumped for the Day

As a former Navy SEAL and CIA contractor, Shawn Ryan knows a thing or two about mental toughness and preparation – whether it’s for a day at the office or a life-or-death scenario. Today, he has his own company called Vigilance Elite, which provides training to law enforcement, civilians, and even Hollywood action stars.

Ryan has a morning workout routine that gets him physically and mentally excited to embrace the day. He does pyramid training for at least 5 minutes each morning to give himself the energy he needs.

Pyramid training is a workout where you follow consecutive repetitions of a specific exercise. The goal is to work your way up and improve on each set to build strength over time. Ryan says, “Too many people try to chase after that one big win and fail to realize that it takes several small wins to get there.”

Here are the 4 steps you should follow, according to Ryan.

Step 1

Pick an exercise that will work your core and your back, legs, and chest. Some options are squats, squat jumps, pull-ups, or box jumps. Pick a workout that works for you and challenges your body and your mind.

Step 2

Set a timer for 5 minutes and start with the lowest number of reps. If you’re a beginner, 10 might be a good number of reps to start with. It’s important to feel comfortable at first and to build and improve your strength.

Step 3

Gradually increase the number of reps you do in that 5-minute time frame. Move up to 15, then 20, 25, and so on.

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I second guess that last #boxjumps

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Step 4

Record your results every day on your phone or in a notebook. It’s important not to be too hard on yourself if you don’t improve on your reps as quickly as you’d like, but remember the goal is to improve over time.

That’s it! Nice and simple, and it only takes 5 minutes each day! Good luck!

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The WHO Just Officially Recognized Burnout As an Actual Medical Condition

The phenomenon of “burnout” is one that people have been talking about for decades, but it’s still not understood very well. It goes beyond a simple feeling of exhaustion – it’s a feeling of not wanting to continue with what you’re doing at ANY cost, even if stopping might have catastrophic effects.

And now the World Health Organization (WHO) is officially recognizing the condition.

Image Credit: Pixabay

They describe it as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed,” and characterize it by “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion,” “increased mental distance from one’s job,” “feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job,” and “reduced professional efficacy.”

Though the WHO currently only defines burnout in relation to work, there is hope that the addition will aid doctors in diagnosing and treating the issue anywhere and everywhere it pops up.

The Mayo Clinic points to certain risk factors for developing burnout, including having a poor work/life balance, having a high workload, too much overtime, being in a “helping profession” like healthcare, being a perfectionist, and having a boring job.

Image Credit: Pixabay

They describe symptoms of feeling helpless, trapped, and/or cynical about work, all of which can make you detach from the world, lack motivation, increased procrastination, and even turning to drugs or alcohol to cope with the mounting stress.

WHO also states that there can be physical fallout – anything from stress and fatigue to heart disease, high blood pressure, muscle pains, and sleep disruption. It can also lead to headaches and a weakened immune system.

If you think burnout could be affecting you, you’ll want to seek out support from your friends, family, and perhaps even a professional or two. Getting more exercise and sleep, taking up relaxing activities like yoga, and purging your diet of unhealthy components could help, but searching for a new, more satisfying job could end up being the answer, as well.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Burnout will officially be listed in the new International Classification of Diseases as of January 2022, along with a new classification for compulsive sexual behavior (a mental disorder) and recognizing video-gaming as an addiction like gambling and drugs.

The WHO will also no longer classify transgenderism as a mental disorder.

Yay, progress!

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