People Share the Stupidest Ways They’ve Injured Themselves

We’ve all injured ourselves in pretty dumb ways at one point or another in our lives. Okay, it’s confession time: when I was 12, I broke my hand…punching my brother in the head. Let’s just say my parents were not thrilled.

I still haven’t lived that one down.

AskReddit users opened up and shared the dumbest ways they’ve ever been injured.

1. The grape incident.

“Threw a grape in the air to catch it in my mouth.

It fell on the floor and I bent down to pick it up and smashed my face into the window sill.”

2. Shower disaster.

“Showering at a hotel in a small stall with a slippery tile floor. Bent over to wash my feet, my butt hit the tap handle. I slipped, put my hands out to save myself and violently slammed the glass shower door open. I bashed my forehead and bridge of nose on the tile floor, had a major nose bleed and a giant goose egg on my forehead.

I don’t have bangs to cover that up. I thought I had escaped without the black eyes I expected after bashing my nose, but 2 days later I woke up with deep purple swollen eyelids. Luckily I had packed my seldom used makeup to cover the worst of it and I wore a hat in the day time. I’m still shocked the shower door didn’t shatter when it hit the wall.”

3. Ouch! That’s not good.

“I was in the 4th or 5th grade but I jumped down an entire flight of stairs.

Landed hard and hurt my foot. Walked on it for a day or two afterwards turned out I shattered my heel and broke my ankle.”

4. That is brutal.

“Tripped over a storage ottoman trying to jump over it all slick.

Got my toes wedged in the latch and broke my foot in 2 places.”

5. Time to tape the toes together.

“I live in Minnesota so I am used to kicking snow off my boots by slamming my toe part of the boot down on the ground.

Well, it was summer and I happened to get my running shoes absolutely covered in mud, so I instinctively slammed my toes down on the pavement and broke my toes.”

6. Right into the shin.

“Stabbed myself in the leg with a piece of metal.

It was really thin and tapered at the tip so when you swung it you would hear this really cool “Whoosh” sound.

I swung down way to hard and it went right into my shin. Bad times.”

7. That is odd.

“I got out of a long, hot shower and noticed a thread dangling off of my shirt, and when I tried to pull it out it just neatly sliced through several millimeters of my finger.

It was so minor I can hardly even call it an injury, but getting cut by a shirt is definitely the stupidest I’ve had.”

8. Funny but painful.

“Was helping husband replace the bathroom fan, so I was standing on the side of the bathtub.

I had this plastic hook glued to the shower wall to hang a loofa on. I went to get down and slid down the wall and hooked my butt cheek to the wall.

It hurt so bad but was also hilarious. I’m in my 40s and this happened recently.”

9. Getting old is no fun.

“I dropped something behind my couch, leaned over the back to pick it up and cracked a rib.

Was in pain for a week. Getting old is hell.”

10. Could’ve been worse.

“To try to get a cheap laugh out of my ex, I threw a hammer as hard as I could at a tree.

The hammer bounced off the tree, and I turned just in time for it to hit me in the small of my back.

Miracle I’m not paralyzed.”

11. An epic tale.

“When I was a kid, maybe 10 or so, I had recently discovered that the feet on my prosthetics could be unscrewed and moved into different positions, so I “borrowed” and Allen key from my dad and took it to school so I could unscrew my feet and show my friends at recess…non of them were as blown away by this as I’d hoped, pretty sure they were just used to this kind of thing by now haha.

Anyway, the bell went to tell us to go back to class and I very quickly tightened the feet back onto the prosthetics, put my shoes back on and started making my way back to class. As I was walking with a group of my classmates I started to notice my legs felt wobbly. I looked down and with every step my feet were turning outwards slightly. A normal person would have come to the conclusion “oh, I didn’t tighten the screws up enough”.

But not me, I jumped to the conclusion of “HOLY SHIT I CAN CONTROL MY FEET LIKE A ROBOT”. My excitement quickly turned to dread when I realised I don’t know how to control feet (been an amputee since I was a baby) and they kept turning until one was pointing sideways. Despite this I kept trying to walk and after a few more steps the foot just fell off and I managed to slam the now footless prosthetic down, which jarred my knee and hips and caused me to slip over and face plant into the corner of a cement mini wall (one of those waist high walls).

Being a self respecting 10yo I started bawling my eyes out, which caught the attention of the new teacher. It’s her first day and the only disabled student is in pieces, (the foot got thrown backwards when it fell off) with a bloodied nose, screaming like a banshee. She didn’t really know what to do since I couldn’t get back up, so she gave me some tissues for my nose and made a very confused call to the maintenance man asking if he knows how to fix prosthetics so I can get to the school nurse.”

12. That is messed up.

“Walked onto a manhole cover that was not placed on correctly.

Ended up in the hospital and had to to have 3 surgeries over 4 months.”

13. Not a good idea.

“My friend saw a jellyfish on the beach then kicked it. Like on purpose and knowing what it was.

They had to go to the ER.”

14. Watch out!

“Riding my bike home in 5th grade slowly alongside my walking friends.

Friend : Drew look where you’re going

Drew : naw dude I’m good at biking I can do it with my eyes closed

Friend : no really dude, look out

Drew : naw man, I’m good

Instantly crashes into a parked car, mess up my bike chain, have to drag my bike home in shame and explain to my mom why my knee and lip are bleeding.”

15. Walking from now on.

“Thought I could walk my dog on a leash while riding my bike. Dog saw a squirrel and yanked me off my bike. I broke a few bones in my hand.

Doc was like “what did you expect would happen?” “

16. Undone by a paper bag.

“Bending over to pick up a paper bag. A completely empty paper grocery store bag. It was standing upright, not even laying on the floor. I barely had to even bend down to pick it up.

Somehow this triggered a cosmic alignment between two vertebrae and nerve cluster because suddenly I fell to the floor in crippling pain, could not get my back straight and had to crawl to the living room so I could lay on the carpeted floor and try to stretch it out. I ended up fucked up like this for days and had to have physical therapy to slowly work out the pinched nerve. I was basically walking like Quasimodo for a couple weeks.

People would assume I was in an accident or lifting some boulder like Hercules or saving a child pinned under a car. But nope. I was undone by an empty paper bag.”

17. This person is definitely accident-prone.

“Wow, so many options.

Most recent. Working under my truck on a slight slope while on a creeper. Grabbed the undercarriage and yanked hard to slide to the back, forgot about slope and used excessive force. I probably would have wound up in the street, had all 250lbs of me not been decelerated by the top of my head hitting the differential. Woke up and it was darker and my neck was sore. I also had a horn like a unicorn (big lump). 2 weeks on concussion watch and wearing a hat to conceal the lump.

Most memorable. 8yo me finds a weird blue light bulb in the creek. Has what looks like mica inclusions in the glass and steel wool instead of a filament. 8yo me goes into the closet with a 9v battery and 2 wires to find out what it looks like lit. I hold it between index and middle finger and apply the wires. Eureka! Like a flash I realize. It’s a flash bulb. I am now blind, in a closet, 2 fingers melted to a hot flash bulb. Keystone Kops antics ensue.

Strangest. Talking to my sister on the landline in the kitchen. I have raccoon hands, always touching things, picking things up, etc while talking. At one point I wind up with a peanut butter cookie and an open flame. Even I don’t know how I got there, lol. Peanut butter cookie winds up on fire. I try to throw it into the sink, miss badly, cookie breaks up and flaming pieces fall on my bare feet. I learn there are a LOT of nerve endings on top of my feet. Screaming somehow communicates problem to sister, who I can hear laughing on the dropped handset.

Bonus. Forgot the cookie lesson regarding nerve endings. Barbecuing in a Weber kettle. In flip flops. I spread out the pile of briquettes once they were ready. Bottom vents were open and hot embers fell on my feet. Poured beer on my feet and increased the vocabulary of nearby children.”

18. Please don’t ever do that again.

“I was separating my eyelashes (because mascara) with a safety pin.

Stabbed myself in the eyeball.”

Wow. Those are pretty…dumb.

How about you? What’s the stupidest way you’ve ever injured yourself?

Don’t be shy! Tell us in the comments!

The post People Share the Stupidest Ways They’ve Injured Themselves appeared first on UberFacts.

A Mom’s Video About her Bullied Son Went Viral. The Internet Shows Their Support and Will Send Him To Disneyland.

Social media gets a bad rap sometimes, but sometimes it can help create some truly life-changing moments.

Take the story of young Quaden Bayles, for example. The 9-year-old boy was born with a form of Dwarfism called Achondroplasia and his mother, Yarraka Bayles, recently shared a distressing video of her unconsolable son reacting to being bullied at his school in Australia.  In it, the young boy talks about killing himself because he is so upset.

This is the impacts of bullying! I seriously don’t know what else to do! ?

Posted by Yarraka Bayles on Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The video went viral in a massive way and has touched people around the globe.

Quaden said about his story,

“The parents should make them be nicer to kids with disabilities.

If you get bullied stand up for yourself and don’t listen to what they say.”

His mother wrote in a statement,

“Quaden Bayles’ family would like to take this time firstly to thank everyone for the overwhelming show of love and support from so many people from all around the world.”

A comedian with Dwarfism named Brad Williams was so touched by the video that he set up a GoFundMe page to raise $10,000 to send Quaden to Disneyland.

As of today, he’s raised almost $275,000!

The money that isn’t spent on flying Quaden and his mother to the U.S. will be donated to anti-bullying and anti-abuse charities.

A bunch of other celebrities have stepped up to support Quaden as well on social media, including one of Australia’s most famous sons, Mr. Hugh Jackman.

Actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan of ‘The Walking Dead’ also showed his support.

Boston Celtics player Enes Kanter tweeted his love too!

And the National Rugby League Indigenous All Stars asked Quaden to lead them out onto the field for their match this weekend.


Don’t you love it when social media is used for good?

Keep your head up Quaden, and don’t ever let anyone out there make you feel like you don’t deserve the absolute best in life!

And kudos to all the celebrities (especially Brad Williams) who brought attention to this important story. Good work all around, humans!

The post A Mom’s Video About her Bullied Son Went Viral. The Internet Shows Their Support and Will Send Him To Disneyland. appeared first on UberFacts.

A Mom’s Video About her Bullied Son Went Viral. The Internet Shows Their Support and Will Send Him To Disneyland.

Social media gets a bad rap sometimes, but sometimes it can help create some truly life-changing moments.

Take the story of young Quaden Bayles, for example. The 9-year-old boy was born with a form of Dwarfism called Achondroplasia and his mother, Yarraka Bayles, recently shared a distressing video of her unconsolable son reacting to being bullied at his school in Australia.  In it, the young boy talks about killing himself because he is so upset.

This is the impacts of bullying! I seriously don’t know what else to do! ?

Posted by Yarraka Bayles on Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The video went viral in a massive way and has touched people around the globe.

Quaden said about his story,

“The parents should make them be nicer to kids with disabilities.

If you get bullied stand up for yourself and don’t listen to what they say.”

His mother wrote in a statement,

“Quaden Bayles’ family would like to take this time firstly to thank everyone for the overwhelming show of love and support from so many people from all around the world.”

A comedian with Dwarfism named Brad Williams was so touched by the video that he set up a GoFundMe page to raise $10,000 to send Quaden to Disneyland.

As of today, he’s raised almost $275,000!

The money that isn’t spent on flying Quaden and his mother to the U.S. will be donated to anti-bullying and anti-abuse charities.

A bunch of other celebrities have stepped up to support Quaden as well on social media, including one of Australia’s most famous sons, Mr. Hugh Jackman.

Actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan of ‘The Walking Dead’ also showed his support.

Boston Celtics player Enes Kanter tweeted his love too!

And the National Rugby League Indigenous All Stars asked Quaden to lead them out onto the field for their match this weekend.


Don’t you love it when social media is used for good?

Keep your head up Quaden, and don’t ever let anyone out there make you feel like you don’t deserve the absolute best in life!

And kudos to all the celebrities (especially Brad Williams) who brought attention to this important story. Good work all around, humans!

The post A Mom’s Video About her Bullied Son Went Viral. The Internet Shows Their Support and Will Send Him To Disneyland. appeared first on UberFacts.

5 Things Your Gym Doesn’t Tell You About Those Sign-Up Discounts

Gyms across the United States see a major uptick in membership sales right after everyone makes their New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Yet, the promise to get in shape can come at a cost to customers.

And if you’re not careful about reading the fine print (which can often include hefty cancellation fees), you could lose more money than pounds on the scale.

Here are five things your gym isn’t telling you when they put on new year deals.

1. Look Past the Giveaways

Don’t fall victim to the “Free Friday Pizza” giveaway or the complimentary snack counter. After all, isn’t the key to this whole weight loss thing about willpower?

While it may seem like a tantalizing reason to sign up, tread cautiously when it comes to the excessive giveaways.

DealNews consumer analyst Michael Bonebright says,

“Chances are, these ‘perks’ are built into the cost of your membership, so you can probably find a lower rate without them.

You can always bring your own healthy snacks.”

Maybe a free slice of pepperoni pizza isn’t a great idea before a sauna session.

2. Take Your Time To Sign Up

Photo Credit: Pexels

While most people are quick to sign up for a gym membership once January hits, it’s actually best to be patient. Many commercial gyms offer discounted rates, zero sign-up fees and other perks in an effort to ramp up their sales in the new year.

However, DealNews recommends waiting till the end of the month (including January) to maximize your savings. If you’re lucky, sales representatives will be desperate to reach their monthly quota, which can be a great opportunity for a potential customer to score a sweet deal.

3. Read the Fine Print

As with any contract, take the time to read every line. And I mean every line.

Gyms are notorious for hiding cancellation fees and making it downright difficult to get out of your contract. Don’t fall for a good sales pitch and realize later that those promises weren’t put in writing.

Study the contract carefully before signing, or maybe even look for a gym that offers month-to-month memberships.

4. Shop Around

Photo Credit: Pexels

Never fall for the first gym you see. There could be better options out there.

The fitness industry is extremely competitive, and you can find great deals on Groupon or other social sites that could save you serious cash every month.

Shop around and read reviews of the gyms in your area before committing.

5. Don’t Become a Statistic

Ready to attack the new year and get in shape? So is everyone else.

Unfortunately, many people enter the new year with great intentions but fall short in results. In fact, according to research conducted by the International Health Racquet & Sportsclub Association, although more than 12 percent of all new gym members join in January, a significant portion of those new year members give up within five months.

Make sure you are fully invested in changing your lifestyle and your health before you put pen to paper on your new gym contract.

So those are our 5 tips. Do you have any? Share them with us in the comments!

The post 5 Things Your Gym Doesn’t Tell You About Those Sign-Up Discounts appeared first on UberFacts.

4 Tips For Dealing With Emotional Stress

Emotional trauma and the associated stress can be one of the most challenging things to deal with as an individual. And, like every other condition, you need to deal with it quickly. Feeling stressed or down can be a symptom of depression or other mental illnesses, which require medical attention just like physical illnesses. One constant challenge when dealing with emotional stress is the feeling of being unable to change the situation. While you may not be able to change your circumstances overnight, here are four tips to help you deal with emotional stress and its associated psychological effects. 1.

The post 4 Tips For Dealing With Emotional Stress appeared first on Factual Facts.

In 1981 Dean Koontz wrote a book…

In 1981 Dean Koontz wrote a book “The Eyes of Darkness”. The chapter 39 it mentions a Chinese military lab outside of the city of Wuhan, where a deadly virus is invented as part of the country’s biological weapons warfare programme. Owing to the lab’s location, the virus is named ‘Wuhan-400’.

Prescription drugs are so expensive…

Prescription drugs are so expensive, an insurance company is flying members from Utah to Mexico to fill their drugs, stay in a hotel overnight, and giving them a $500 stipend on top of the free travel and lower copays.

Here’s How a Navy SEAL Deals With Sleep Deprivation

Parents don’t get as much sleep as any functioning human needs on a daily basis. And that’s not me talking – there have been countless studies on the physical and psychological benefits of a restful night.

From the time you bring home a newborn, though, your ability to sleep when and for as long as you’d like goes right out the window. Even once your kids are technically sleeping through the night, there will be times when they don’t, when they’re sick, or when they decide the crack of dawn is their new “good morning” time – which means that it’s yours, too.

If you’re looking for ways to cope – or just to function – one Navy SEAL is here to share his tips on how he managed sleep deprivation in conditions that are almost as harrowing as the first weeks home with your first baby.


Former Navy SEAL John McGuire has experiences with both kinds of hell, as he’s not only survived the 5 days with 4 hours of sleep Navy SEAL test, but he’s also the father of 5 kids.

This guy is a pro and he’s an in-demand motivational speaker who helps people who are facing down any sort of sleep-deprivation test in the near future.

Step One: Get Your Head Right

Photo Credit: Pixabay

John says that, first and foremost, you’ve got to keep your wits about you.

“You can’t lose your focus or discipline. Self-doubt destroys more dreams than failure ever has.”

Step Two: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Photo Credit: Pixabay

You can’t do anything as hard as being an elite military member or raising children without a good team around you, and communication is key. Talk about how you’re feeling, when you need a break, or what is about to make you lose your ever-loving mind if it doesn’t change immediately.

McGuire says to remind yourself that you’re likely not responding at your best because you’re sleep-deprived, and hopefully your partner will keep that in mind the next time you bite his or her head off, too.

Step Three: Secure Your Own Oxygen Mask First

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Like on an airplane, you need to remember to take care of yourself – especially making time to exercise.

“Exercise helps reduce stress, helps you sleep better, and get the endorphins pumping. You can hold your baby and do squats if you want. It’s not as much about the squats as making sure you exercise and clear the mind.”

This one is particularly hard for me, so I appreciate the reminder!

Step Four: Don’t Try to Be the Hero

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Sleep when you can, for as long as you can – don’t try to act like you don’t need it when you do.

“Sleep is like water; you need it when you need it.”

Step Five: Know Your Limits

Photo Credit: Pixabay

When you’re not getting enough sleep, many things suffer – your patience, your eating habits, and your ability to think on your feet.

“A good leader makes decisions to improve things, not make them worse. If you’re in bad shape, you could fall asleep at the wheel, you can harm your child. You’ve got to take care of yourself.”

Final Tip: Embrace the Insanity

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Remember that everything in life is a season, and with kids, those seasons are typically very short.

“You learn a lot about people and yourself through your children. Have lots of adventures. Take lots of pictures and give lots of hugs. It won’t last forever – and you’ll have plenty of time to sleep when it’s over.”

So, there you go. Having brought home two newborns, neither of whom thought sleep was a necessary thing, I can confirm that you definitely need a strategy and that all of this is very good advice.

Good luck out there, folks. You’re gonna need all the help you can get.

And yeah, you’re probably going to need a shoulder to cry on when it’s over, and you can sleep as much as you want.

The post Here’s How a Navy SEAL Deals With Sleep Deprivation appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Tweets About Self-Care From Parents

When you’re single and you don’t have kids, you may think your life is busy and you have no time for taking care of yourself

But when you have kids? You’re in for a whole new world, my friends. A walk from the living room to the bathroom might be the only exercise you get during a week filled with family obligations.

Parents are still trying to practice self-care in their own unique ways, though.

And here are some funny tweets about it.

1. That’s what it’s called.

2. I totally get it.

3. Sleep is all you need.

4. Whatever works.

5. It’s a fun game!

6. All of the above.

7. Looks like she’s killin’ it.

8. That’s all you get from now on.

9. The ultimate checklist.

10. DON’T DO IT!

11. Whole lot of screaming going on.

12. You might be on to something.

13. Some truth right here.

14. The master plan.

15. That will also work.

Hey, self-care is important, right? No matter how small the doses are…

Parents, we want to hear from you!

Tell us how you break away if even for a second to have a little time to yourself. Let’s hear from you in the comments!

The post Funny Tweets About Self-Care From Parents appeared first on UberFacts.

After discovering a rare tumor…

After discovering a rare tumor on an unborn fetus, a Nigerian doctor removed the baby at 26 weeks, successfully operated on the tumor & put the baby back into the mother’s womb. She carried her daughter full term & both are happy & healthy four years later.