5 CBD Trends to Watch in 2021

From sports medicine to treating the elderly and beyond, CBD is working its way into our everyday lives. CBD burst on the scene primarily after it was discovered that it could be used to treat certain types of pediatric epilepsy. Since then, CBD and hemp have expanded exponentially onto the world stage helping people with pain, sleep, stress, and much more. Now that the hemp industry is starting to blossom and companies like MrHempFlower are working non-stop for the betterment of the industry, it won’t be stopping any time soon. Here are five CBD trends that we think you can

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Calmerry is the meaningful therapy services 

Calmerry is online therapy for all needs. We are eager to offer affordable and efficient sessions through the app. Our therapists are ready to solve all the issues and provide you with the support you need. Enjoy flexible service and attentive attitude. Calmerry is a secure platform that follows a goal to provide affordable and accessible therapy to everyone. It connects clients and licensed therapists allowing them to communicate safely from any spot on the planet. As convenient as it is, Calmerry embodies the future of psychological counseling that’s much more comfortable and easy to reach for both professionals and

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People Talk About the Worst Pain They’ve Ever Felt

The older I get, the more I hope I don’t suffer any major injuries.

It’s one thing to get hurt when you’re a kid because you know you’ll bounce right back but when you start getting up there in years, it can get pretty dicey and recovery takes much longer.

I think the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life was when I broke my hand when I was 12…and I hope it stays that way…

What’s the worst pain you’ve ever felt?

Here’s what folks had to say on AskReddit.

1. Ugh.

“I rolled my foot in a hole (like it made a loud snap) in my driveway and tore my Achilles.

I did a front flip tumble onto the ground, and couldn’t get up. 10/10 worst pain.”

2. It’s not you, it’s me.

“A cluster headache I had once after s*x, like right after.

Put a real dampener on the whole thing and it’s hard to convince a person that the reason you’re up out of bed straight after, groaning in pain and vomiting into the sink, isn’t some kind of personal judgement on them.”

3. Yeah, those hurt.

“I’ve broken a fair amount of bones, including my jaw.

But a kidney stone is the worst pain I’ve ever felt.”

4. Ouch!

“I dislocated my elbow when I was 16 and I wasn’t allowed to have any water or painkillers before they put me under to re set it.

Unfortunately for me, the had to do x rays before hand. This meant moving the dislocated joint into multiple positions for different x rays, none of which were natural.”

5. Those are bad.

“Dry socket after wisdom teeth removal.

Painkillers didn’t help, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat.

Absolutely agonizing.

Hurt worse than breaking my kneecap (which definitely comes in second).”

6. Like a knife.

“Pinched nerves from a broken back

. The best description I can come up with is it was like having a white hot knife blade pulled straight from the forge and plunged into my back.

Pain meds did absolutely nothing to stop it.”

7. Rough stuff.

“UTIs are so awful.

From the first twinge, you know you’re in for hours and hours of pain. Primarily a constant, burning need to urinate. Instead, when you go, it actually going doesn’t bring relief and instead feels like you’re trying to pass razor blades.

I also get very sweaty and tend to vomit.”

8. Painful.

“An abdominal infection from a surgery complications

Had a narcissist stepdad who refused to take me to the doctor. Said I wasn’t taking enough pain medication even though I was bedridden for nearly 8 days and I was supposed to be more or less better by the 3rd. It wasn’t until it was just in unimaginable pain and a high grade fever. So I decided to just start howling and crying so he’d have to take me to the ER.

I had to have a second surgery and a drainage bulb put in because the infection had created a wicked abscess.”

9. Treatment.

“Cancer treatment.

I’ve had needles shoved into my spinal column that made my balls feel like they were in a vice, I’ve had severe vomiting, I’ve had severe mouth rot from mucositis caused by methotrexate that was so painful I couldn’t swallow anything even when taking maximum recommended dosage of oxycodone to the point I hadn’t drank water in 2 days.

I’ve had a fissure in my intestines that made me pass out from the pain while using the bathroom, I had such severe chemo brain I couldn’t comprehend the news, so I had to watch kids cartoons, I forgot how to walk properly for a month.

I had forceful intubation that damaged my vocal chords so severely I wasn’t able to talk for 2 months, and I still have coughing fits from some scar tissue moving around, which is hella inconvenient when you’re out in public and have to explain you ain’t sick, your throat’s just f*cked up.”

10. No way!

“One time I was running my hand along a rough wooden railing on a bridge and turned it at just the wrong angle to catch a massive splinter under my fingernail.

It broke off so the entire thing was lodged underneath all the way back to the nail bed, and there was no part sticking out to grab with tweezers.

I ended up going to the ER and getting surgery to cut my nail open and remove it.”

11. Needles.

“Having blood taken from a vein in my foot

Worse than childbirth.”

12. Ear problems.

“Very severe ear infection.

Felt like my head was gonna explode! My ear had swelled up so bad I couldn’t hear, and the medicine drops wouldn’t go down, had to get the fluid sucked out of my ear and a wick put in. Instantly felt better after.

I’ve been prone since a child to get ear infections but interestingly enough I haven’t had an ear infection since that really bad one.”

13. Sounds absolutely awful.

“Shoulder surgery.

The nerve block they gave me lasted nearly 12 hours after surgery was done. I woke up in the middle of the night drenched in my own tears and felt the most intense, stabbing pain where the anaesthetic had worn off.

Felt like there was a fire in my shoulder.”

14. Terrible.

“Randomly assaulted 8 years ago, got kicked and stomped in the head 6-7 times (rest of the body got worked on as well), massive concussion, three damaged vertebrae (two in the neck one in the back), pinched/jammed nerves and blood vessels all over the back/spine region.

Busted teeth, eyes knocked out, off synch, left arm down to approximately 40% functionality. Lots of stitches.

Took me two years to just be able to sit and have dinner with my parents and not feel like keeling over from nausea due to pain and discomfort.

I’d say I’m 85-90% or so recovered now, concussion is still active, I wouldn’t wish that long never ending pain on anyone.”

How about you?

What’s the worst pain you’ve ever felt in your life?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

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Some of the Weirdest and Funniest Coronavirus Masks Seen on Subways

We still all need to wear masks for the time being, so we don’t even want to hear any grief, okay?

And, in the meantime, why don’t we have some fun with it?!?!

Well, we’re all in luck. Because there’s an Instagram account called “Subway Creatures” that features, among other things, the really ridiculous masks (and things that pass for masks) that folks wear on the subway.

And, as you can imagine, the whole thing is pretty absurd. So let’s take a look and enjoy!

Be sure to click the arrows on the posts that have them so you can see even more hilarious masks.

1. There goes Mr. Pumpkinhead.

Well, we are in the Halloween season.

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? #subwaycreatures (@benjweinstein)

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2. Michael Myers is on the subway.

This would probably be a little bit creepy.

3. Can anyone please explain this to me?


4. That’s very interesting.

But do what you gotta do.

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The many masks of Corona #subwaycreatures

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5. You don’t see that every day.

This is the stuff of nightmares.

6. You did your best.

But you still look pretty ridiculous.

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The many masks of Corona #subwaycreatures

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7. Well, that is pretty scary.

You might have to run for it.

8. Sir…you…never mind.

He must have been in a big hurry.

9. No one’s getting near this person.

Stay at least 6 feet away from this horrifying clown.

10. A mask with a message.

I hope someone wakes her up.

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? #subwaycreatures (@fabrinyc)

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11. This is very clever.

Was that previously the top of a salad?

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Corona mask check #subwaycreatures

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12. That’s one way to do it.

And I think I like it!

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Still figuring out this mask thing… #subwaycreatures

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How about you?

Have you seen any funny masks?

Or maybe YOU’VE being wearing a funny or weird mask?

If so, please talk to us in the comments and share some photos! Thanks!

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Early Signs That You Have a Smarty Pants on Your Hands

Can we please start this article by saying that there are a hundred ways to be smart and/or savvy, and there are also personality traits that are just as important as intelligence?

The world requires all types to go ’round, and even if your kid isn’t going to attend Harvard one day, that doesn’t mean there’s one single reason to be disappointed.

If you’re curious what the earliest signs of a high IQ are, though – and, yes, that comes with its own set of challenges – below are 9 that could mean your little one is destined for ivy-covered walls.

9. They’re poor sleepers.

Image Credit: Pexels

Having a child that doesn’t sleep well is frustrating, but you can hold onto the fact that gifted children are typically poor sleepers.

Their brains are too stimulated to rest!

8. They have a good memory.

Image Credit: Pexels

Dr. Han Ren, a psychologist specializing in children, says that having a “detailed memory” is an early sign of intelligence – like remembering where a toy was hidden, or quickly being able to recognize faces.

7. Their personality is forward.

Image Credit: Pexels

A lively disposition is often indicative of high intelligence, as well as a sense of humor and decent social skills.

6. They’re good at focusing.

Image Credit: Pexels

Dr. Deborah L. Ruf, an educational consultant, says that brighter children start paying attention earlier in life.

It might seem like they’re just staring, but you’ll be able to tell soon enough whether they were actually concentrating all along.

5. They have a lot of feelings.

Image Credit: Pexels

A big heart often means a big brain, and Dr. Ren says that “demonstrating compassion and empathy for others” is an early sign of intelligence.

If this is true, my kid – who has had “a lot of feelings” since birth – is going to be a genius.

4. They’re comfortable with adults.

Image Credit: Pexels

If your kid prefers to spend time with older kids or adults, they might be intelligent – and they might be learning from their older counterparts, not just hanging out.

3. They struggle to sit still.

Image Credit: Pexels

Dr. Hillary Hettinger Steiner says that a need for stimulation of all kinds is a sign of intelligence – there’s an upside to a child who is easily bored, essentially.

2. Their language skills are advanced.

Image Credit: Pexels

The Davidson Institute, an education foundation for advanced children, believes that “early and prolific use of language is typical in profoundly gifted children.”

1. They have decent genetics.

Image Credit: Pexels

If you and your partner are gifted, there is a good chance your kid(s) will be bright. Genetics aren’t the only predictor of intelligence, but they do play a large role.

Just sayin’.

There you have it – but remember, there’s always room for the ability to learn and do better, too!

How did you know you’d given birth to someone who was probably going to end up smarter than you? Tell us in the comments!

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This is How Parents Can Fight Back Against Gender Stereotypes

While a lot of people are fine with the status quo, many GenX and Millennial parents are looking to rear their kids with the idea that gender is fluid, not something set in stone and based on our anatomy at birth.

Gender is fluid, and honestly, the idea that our kids have to like certain colors, enjoy certain toys, or act a certain way because of biology is kind of silly, when you think about it.

In our house, we’ve tried to allow the boys to choose favorite things without comment, to opt for pink shoes if they want, to watch princess shows along with their car and truck programs, and to basically not have much of a comment on any gender-related things – but I still feel like we could be doing more.

Image Credit: Pexels

If you have similar goals and feel the same way, here are some more things you can do to actively combat stereotypes in your house.

The American Academy of Pediatrics official position is that “all children need the opportunity to explore different gender roles and different styles of play,” and developmental and clinical psychologist Diane Ehrensaft agrees that kids need room to explore – and eventually feel confident in – their gender.

You can do this, first and foremost, but not telling your kid what to think. You can listen to them and take their cues in order to begin a dialogue, but try not to lecture, and back off when you sense they need space.

Here are some common questions, and Dr. Ehrensaft’s advice on how to handle them at home:

“He Looks Like A Girl”

Image Credit: Pexels

If your child says this, or hears it, it can reinforce the idea that there is a “right” way for boys and girls to look – and, if someone breaks these expectations, can lead to the being bullied.

Ask your child why they think the person looks like a girl, and if possible, point out that long hair, a pink shirt, etc are for anyone who likes them.

“Is That A Boy Or A Girl?”

Image Credit: Pexels

Your child is curious, not rude, but they need to be aware of the reality that not everyone fits neatly into one of two boxes.

Tell your child you don’t know, and the only way to know for sure is to ask them, which makes it clear to the child that gender isn’t something you can know for sure without asking.

“Princess Dresses Are For Girls”

Image Credit: Pexels

Girls can be anything. Boys can be anything. The same is true for kids who are nonbinary, or anywhere else on the spectrum.

Tell your child simply that princess dresses are for anyone who wants to wear them and leave it at that.

“Boys Are Mean”

Image Credit: Pexels

There are boys who are mean, girls who are mean, and some of both that are nice.

Ask your child whether she or he knows any boys who are nice, and then remind her that people aren’t all one thing or another – we’re individuals.

“Boys Stay Here And Girls Go Over There”

Image Credit: Pexels

Encourage your kids to separate based on things other than gender, like whether or not they like ice cream or popsicles, peas or green beans, pizza or cheeseburgers.

The more you can reduce the use of binary language the better.

“I Love Uncle Michael! She’s The Best!”

Image Credit: Pexels

Toddlers have to learn gendered pronouns like everything else about language, and it’s normal when they mess up.

Don’t let it slide, though – explain what pronouns are and that we need to use the ones people prefer.

There you go!

Your child will surely have more questions than these, and harder ones as they grow up and things get more complicated, but handling their early queries this way should set a foundation of beliefs that gender is what we make it, that questions are good, and that all choices should be respected.

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Gym Equipment You May Need When working out At Home

It may be exhausting to wait for your turn in accessing equipment at the gym, especially if the fitness center is full. There is a myriad of cost-effective gym equipment you can use at home for workouts. You only need to build a perfect home gym and do the workouts from the comfort of your home. It will be more convenient for you since you can decide to do the exercise on a schedule that suits you the best. So, what kind of workout equipment you can keep at home for exercises? Read on. Resistance Equipment for bodyweight Resistance training

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People Discuss About the Small Daily Habits That Have Changed Their Lives

All it takes is one little, seemingly simple thing to turn your entire life around.

Maybe it’s quitting something (smoking, soda, drinking) or maybe it’s incorporating something into your daily life like a walk, a jog, or some meditation.

Whatever the case, making small and positive changes to your daily habit really can make a world of difference.

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. It works!

“Making a to-do list or using a to-do app.

Changed my grades completely, reduced stress and sorted my life.”

2. Put the pen to paper.

“Just writing a few hundred words a day for my stories.

Sometimes I get discouraged that I can’t churn out two or three thousand words most of the time, but just sticking with my minimum has let me finish several novels in the last four years.

Not that I make life changing money from them, but writing is the hobby that makes me the happiest.”

3. It’s good for you!

“Drinking enough water.

I drink a tall glass right after getting up, one right before going to sleep and over the day I drink a tall water bottle (1,5 to 2l). My skin is better. I get up faster in the morning (mostly because I have to pee).

I feel way more energetic all through the day.”

4. Get them bones crackin’!

“Funny enough, doing workout stretches every morning.

It makes you feel more ready and the cracks of every body part after a good night’s sleep are so satisfying to hear.”

5. Write it down.

“I keep a journal to record my days and my thoughts.

It helps me deal with all the pressures in my life as I can tell someone my stuff without having to actually tell anyone.”

6. Starting off the right way.

“Making my bed every morning.

It just helps me become a productive person throughout the day with the simple act of making up my bed.”

7. Time to clean.

“Clean for five minutes. That’s all it takes.

A few times lately, I’ve run out of things to do after less than five minutes.

Having a clean and organized home is so much mentally healthier.”

8. As simple as that!

“I play with my dog 3 times a day.

after breakfast

after lunch

after dinner

Depression is no more.”

9. Start fresh every day.

“Tidying up before bed.

That means dishes done and the dishwasher is on or running, garbage picked up, toys/clothes/etc go back to their ‘home’. By doing this every night it makes it so easy to wake up in the morning for me.

It’s nice to start fresh with a clean environment.”

10. No more crashes.

“Cutting out sugar.

Was hard at first, but I feel better all day, and no longer have the afternoon “crash” at work.”

11. Sounds refreshing!

“Cold showers.

My alarm goes off and I immediately jump up, stand in the shower and then turn it on cold. It’s my first obstacle of the day, and while it sucks for a few seconds it leaves you feeling like you’re already in control.

Being 14 months alcohol and tobacco-free now I can honestly say that this routine was a huge factor in getting my sense of agency back.

If I can force myself through that first thing in the morning I can force myself to walk right past the beer aisle, it’s easy by comparison.”

12. Hydration.

“Preparing the coffee maker, drinking lots of water before bed, and leaving a full bottle of water on my nightstand before crawling into bed.

Having to pee really bad in the morning helps me to actually get out of bed. Then I start the coffee with a single push of a button and drink the bottle of water while I wait for the coffee to perk.

Making hydration my first priority in the morning really helps me wake up and get ready for the day. I also try to drink a gallon of water throughout the day because it improves my mood and helps maintain my energy levels.”

13. Good idea.

“Doing 1 (ONE… Yes, only 1) push up every day.

No matter how tired, no matter how lazy, or unwilling I was feeling. It’s really not hard to bring yourself to do only one. Some days I’d do 5, some days I’d do 25, but never 0…always at least 1.

And that is infinitely better than 0.”

14. All good stuff.

“There are a few:

Putting my alarm on the opposite side of my bed so I need to get up to turn it off.

Always leave my room with full hands. (e.g. something that needs to go into the dishwasher)

Ending showers at cold water.

Drinking enough water (1,5 – 3,5 liter for me) over the day.

Not drinking or eating things that include a lot of sugar.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about the habits you’ve changed to improve your life.

Please and thank you!

The post People Discuss About the Small Daily Habits That Have Changed Their Lives appeared first on UberFacts.