Snuggling Your Pet and Other Coping Mechanisms People Turn to When They’re Overwhelmed

Life is stressful, always.

If you’re struggling to manage anxiety and stress, or if you’re just feeling overwhelmed, there’s no better time than the present to learn some healthy coping strategies.

Implementing these 16 coping mechanisms, like snuggling your pet, can be helpful to anyone who just needs a few more tools in their tool belt for handling the stresses life throws their way.

1. Try Square Breathing

Square breathing is a type of breath work that can help decrease stress in your body.

Start by inhaling for four counts, holding for four counts, exhaling for four counts, and resting for four counts. Then repeat!

Image Credit: Zencare

2. Do something simple to focus your mind:

Sometimes simple tasks like folding laundry, doing the dishes, or mowing the lawn can be an opportunity to focus your mind on something other than the stressors in your life.

A mini yet productive break from everything else on your to-do list.

Image Credit: iStock

3. Take a walk

If you can, get outside and take a walk. Sometimes a change of scenery can really help us reset, especially if you live near a park or in the midst of natural beauty.

Plus, the fresh air and exercise will be good for you!

Image Credit: iStock

4. Play a video game, like Stardew Valley:

If you can’t get outside, try the next best thing.

Playing a game like Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing can transport you into a beautifully animated world where you can grow and harvest fruits and vegetables and decorate your own fantasy home.

Image Credit:

5. Watch a familiar movie or TV series:

When getting outside or doing dishes does NOT sound appealing, try tuning into a favorite TV series or rewatching a favorite movie.

It can feel like spending quality time with close friends, without the pressure of exerting energy in actual conversation.

Image Credit: iStock

6. Try journaling:

Journaling is a tried and true way of processing our thoughts.

Sometimes the simple act of writing down our fears and anxieties can help us gain perspective. At the very least, it allows us to release these stressors from our mind for the time being.

Image Credit: iStock

7. Snuggle your pet:

If you have a pet, whether they’re furry, scaly, or feathered, section off time in your schedule every day to spend quality time with them.

They need this attention of course, but you can also benefit by disconnecting from everything else to snuggle and play with your special friend.

Image Credit: iStock

8. Try the 5-4-3-2-1 Technique:

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, this five-step exercise can be very helpful for grounding you in the present if you’re experiencing anxiety or panic.

Image Credit: Monday

9. Find an anchor:

A comfort object like a stuffed animal can help in moments of stress. But it doesn’t have to be a stuffed animal.

A grounding object can be any object that holds a strong, positive memory for you or soothes you in stressful times. Consider a photograph, a piece of jewelry, or even a smooth rock.

Image Credit: iStock

10. Escape into a world of fantasy:

Escapism is a valid outlet for coping with difficult times. Try getting lost in a good book series, or create your own world and imagine the stories of the characters who live there.

Playing role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons can also be a great way to escape into a fantasy with friends.

Image Credit: iStock

11. Allow yourself to take a nap:

If you have the ability, allow yourself to lay down and take a nap.

If your stress is a result of exhaustion or pushing yourself too hard at work or at home, this might be exactly what you need to feel less overwhelmed.

Image Credit: iStock

12. Try EFT Tapping

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) has been used to treat people with anxiety and people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It utilizes the meridian points to restore balance to your body’s energy.

There are plenty of online videos that will teach you how to practice this on yourself.

Image Credit: iStock

13. Create a playlist for when you’re stressed:

Find a song, or create a whole playlist, that will help you recenter yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

It could contain classical music and Tibetan singing bowls, or it could be nothing but death metal. Whatever works for YOU.

Image Credit: iStock

14. Color!

Coloring books are for adults too. Coloring can be a simple, meditative task that allows you to be creative while you de-stress.

Check out Amazon for a variety of comical or beautiful options.

Image Credit: iStock

15. Count:

Counting to ten or counting down from one hundred forces you to stop and focus on something else other than whatever is making you upset.

It might seem rudimentary, but it can really help.

Image Credit: iStock

16. Watch cute or funny videos:

When all else fails, one easy way to distract yourself from everything that’s making you anxious is watching funny or inspiring videos on TikTok, Youtube, Facebook, and all the rest.

It may feel like a waste of time, but isn’t stress spiraling an even bigger waste of time?

Image Credit: iStock

If you feel that your life is being significantly impacted by stress, finding a licensed therapist is highlight recommended. Try for an affordable, socially distant option.

These coping strategies are just a handful of tools you can easily implement into your everyday life to better handle feelings of stress and anxiety. They won’t solve your problems, but they can help you build up the strength to handle your problems.

Do you have any additional tools for coping with stress? Let us know in the comments!

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Increase Your Health and Happiness With Biophilic Design

Do you ever wonder why people buy fresh cut flowers for their home? Have you noticed how cultivating potted plants has boomed in popularity since the start of the pandemic?

Interacting with nature makes us happier and healthier. But many of us spend the majority of our lives indoors, so it only makes sense that we would bring nature in along with us.

There’s a word for design dedicated to this practice. No, we’re not talking feng shui, we’re talking biophilic design.

Image Credit: iStock

The concept of biophilic design was introduced by E.O. Wilson, a renowned biologist and professor at Harvard, in his 1984 book Biophilia.

Biophilia means “love of life.”

Living Future describes biophilic design as “the practice of connecting people and nature within our built environments and communities.”

Image Credit: iStock

Constructing our homes and workspaces in a way that incorporates access to sunlight, plants, and views of the natural world isn’t just aesthetically pleasing. It’s better for our overall physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Studies show that interacting with nature is beneficial for human health, whether you’re taking a walk in the woods or feeding birds.

Image Credit: iStock

According to Terrapin Bright Green, by bringing nature into your home or work space, biophilic design can reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and enhance mood and creativity.

Healthier employees are happier employees, and happier employees are productive employees.

Image Credit: iStock

Biophilic design can also be incorporated at home.

One crucial element is sunlight. If you have windows in the home, open the blinds and pull back the curtains to let the sunshine in!

Remember to keep them clean and clear of obstructions.

Image Credit: iStock

Next, add some greenery: potted plants, hanging plants, herb gardens, the more the better. Fresh cut flowers work as well, and come with the added bonus of a pleasant aroma.

You can also incorporate Earth tones and patterns into your interior design, or hanging pictures of natural landscapes on the wall if you don’t have access to natural views.

Image Credit: iStock

You’d be surprised how the simple action of incorporating the elements of nature into your home or workplace can increase your quality of life.

Do you practice biophilic design? Let us know how in the comments!

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People Share Myths That a Lot of Folks Still Believe Are True

This is gonna be interesting!

The world is flat. Climate change is a hoax.

These are all examples of myths that are not true that people believed (and some still believe) for years and years.

We live in a superstitious world where people cling to their beliefs and ideas, no matter what kind of evidence is presented to them.

Let’s see what myths folks on AskReddit still think a lot of people out there believe are true.

1. Eat up!

“Carrots being good for your eyes.

It was a myth created in WWII by the Allies to explain how their pilots got so good at shooting down enemy planes all of a sudden.

The real reason was radar technology.”

2. False!

“That Lucky Strike is named such because it used to be that one cigarette in every 20 packs is a joint.

And if you found that joint, you were the lucky one.

In reality, the name comes from striking it lucky as a gold prospector. This joint claim has been disproved.”

3. That’s a tough one.

“The myth that if you work your *ss off during your college days, its gonna be smooth sailing in your adult years.


4. These people…

“That masks are ineffective.

Masks are incredibly effective, for both the wearer and those around them. Mask fibers are woven close enough to block the droplets that carry the coronavirus.

People say it’s like using a chain link fence to stop a fly, but it’s more like using a chain link fence to stop a fly that’s hitching a ride on a baseball. It reduces transmission drastically. It is proven science. I mean, for god’s sake, no one questions surgeons and nurses who wears them.

They do not block your breathing. And yes, they trap your coronavirus particles, but if they’re trapping your coronavirus particles then you already have coronavirus. It won’t make you more sick.

Masks are simple, easy. Put it over you face, and you’re doing your part to bring an end to this pandemic. All you people out there who are refusing for “my freedumbz” are making this thing last longer than it should and kill more people than it should.

You want things to go back to normal? You want the economy to come back? You want business to stop shutting down? You want children to actually go to school in person? THEN WEAR A MASK.”

5. Trippy!

“That LSD, Psilocybin and Cannabis are drugs that are highly addictive and have no medicinal value.

The literal reason for them being schedule 1 drugs and considered extremely criminal.

Its all bullsh*t and not true at all, Nixon made this up to harass and arrest his political opposition in the antiwar left and pro-rights blacks. They even admitted doing this and knowing well that the war on drugs would neither work nor had any sound reasoning behind it, yet 5 decades later we still kill thousands worldwide every year because of Nixon.

Most of the myths in reddit pages like this are silly or benign, while this myth is among the most deadly misconceptions that is only recently being very slowly reversed in younger generations.”

6. Oh, boy…

“The Earth is flat.

I went on a date with a guy that believed this. I laughed because I thought he was joking. He was not.

It was our only date.”

7. The old days.

“That cars were built better back in the day.

No, they weren’t.

Those old cars barely made it to 100k miles before sh*tting out.

Cars these days can go on for 500k+ miles if you do preventive maintenance on them throughout the years.”

8. Don’t wait!

“That you have to wait 24 hours before you can report a missing person.

If someone is missing, go get help!”

9. The numbers.

“10% of people are gay. This is taken from the Kinsey reports, and out of thousands of statistics, 10% appears only once.

It’s actually much more accurate to say (according to Kinsey) 4% are gay, 50% are straight, and 46-48% are somewhere on the bis*xual spectrum.”

10. Nope.

“That tax cuts for the rich result in job creation and a wealthier middle class.”

11. Old George.

“The myth that George Washington’s false teeth were made of wood should be put to rest.

The teeth in the contraption that he wore at times were teeth of different animals like elk, for one. The teeth were held in with wooden pegs.

Hence the myth.”

12. Gross.

“Margarine is healthier than butter.

It’s not, not even close it causes heart disease faster and your body doesn’t even recognize it as food.

Flies won’t even touch it.”

13. All kinds of stuff!

“Lightning round:

That Galileo was the first person to come up with a heliocentric model.

That Copernicus was the first person to come up with a heliocentric model.

That everyone believed the world was flat until Columbus.

That Columbus’ ships were named Niña, Pinta and Santa María.

That Columbus was the first European to discover America.

That tetanus is caused by rusty metal.

That Napoleon was comically short.

That the Great Wall of China is ‘the only manmade structure visible from space’.

That there is a rule in English that you aren’t supposed to boldly split infinitives.

That there is a rule in English that says ‘I before E except after C’.

That pot is a “gateway drug”.

That Einstein flunked math as a child.

That Mrs. O’Leary’s cow started the Great Chicago Fire.”

14. History lesson.

“The European “Dark Ages”

People seem to love the idea that, between the fall of Rome and, like, DaVinci or something, everyone in Europe was just blowing spit bubbles and looking at the funny pictures in the Bible.

Not only was there not a complete absence of classical learning in Europe during the dark ages, but throughout the dark ages and mediaeval period, there actually was a fair amount of progress in fields like architecture, engineering, metallurgy, philosophy, theology and yes, even science.

But then again, I suppose it all ties back to the notion that people in the past were somehow far stupider than we are.”

Now it’s your turn.

In the comments, share some more myths that are still widely believed to be true.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Share Myths That a Lot of Folks Still Believe Are True appeared first on UberFacts.

What Has 2020 Taught You? Here’s What People Said.

This sure has been some year, am I right?

I for one, have learned a little bit more about what’s really important in life: health, family, and good friends. After that, all the other stuff really isn’t that important.

What has 2020 taught you?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. Working from home.

“I’ve been open for a long time about how working from home for jobs that can be done remotely should be the norm.

Why would you commute if it’s avoidable? The pandemic has forced lots of employers’ hands and it turns out, many of us can work effectively from home!”

2. I like this one.

“Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sadly, I feel like this is the most relevant this quote has ever been. People conflating science and societal care with tyranny and violation of rights.”

3. Harsh times.

“Nothing can prepare you for the harshness of our society.

If you want to be successful and live you have to take your life into your own hands and make things happen.”

4. Some people don’t change.

“It taught me the red flags of a mentally abusive relationship and that you will never be able to change that person.”

5. Congrats!

“It taught me that my SO is definitely the person I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.

Nothing like a global pandemic and shelter in place order to rapidly progress a new relationship, eh?”

6. Pay attention.

“Authoritarianism is never that far away in any place.

People are too willing to forgo critical thinking and will readily buy the bullsh*t.”

7. Downsizing.

“That I don’t need to shop.

My son and I don’t need to go out every weekend and buy new things. We are perfectly capable with what we have. In fact we’ve pared down what we had.

Money in the bank. Soon as this passes over (if…) we’re going to Disney!”

8. Learn to think!

“That huge swaths of our society lack even the most basic critical thinking skills.

Sorry, but if you outright deny facts and empirical evidence to believe in something comfortable to you, you aren’t some “woke up” great thinker above all the “sheep”.

You’re a moron and a huge drain on the rest of us.”

9. Great!

“I love being a dad.

Being a stay at home dad is awesome. The roles were always reversed until now and I felt like I was missing so much of my kids lives providing for them. Going from bread winner to Mr mom obviously took some adjustments but I feel like I know my boys better than ever.

Helping them doing their online kindergarten classes and teaching my youngest to walk along with another long list of memories has changed my view on fatherhood and taught me so much.”

10. Good points.

“Even if you think you are in control of the things in your life, you really aren’t.

Sometimes the things you want and work hard for aren’t what you thought they would be.

The most important things in life are the intangible ones (good relationships, mental well-being)

We could all stand to be a little nicer to each other

It’s okay to not be okay.”

11. Yup.

“That the more uneducated people are, the more assertive and vocal they are regarding something they don’t have any clue about!”

12. Not so fast.

“I’ve learnt that I’m ready for retirement.

The lifestyle of doing nothing all day and getting paid for the privilege suits me well.

It’s a shame I have 31 more years until I actually can retire though.”

13. Baby steps.

“That a little work on something every day makes a huge difference over a couple of months.”

14. A nice story.

“That despite all those things my parents lead me to believe, I can be successful.

I bought my first house this year, reconnected with a good friend and am starting a business with her. It’s been rough having zero breaks from my kids and they’re missing out on socializing and preschool, but we have grown closer and they’re learning a new resilience that I never learned.

I’m proud of them and myself.”

Now we’d like to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you learned in 2020.

Please and thank you!

The post What Has 2020 Taught You? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

Seniors at an Assisted Living Centers Looking for Pen-Pals Went Adorably Viral

The pandemic has been difficult for many of us, but it’s been especially isolating and frightening for those living in nursing homes or assisted living centers.

For their own safety, elderly individuals have been kept strictly separated from their loved ones, and sometimes even each other. But that doesn’t mean they have to be alone.

In June of 2020, the staff and residents of Phoenix Assisted Care took matters into their own hands and put out a call for pen-pals on Facebook.

You can send my letters to:Phoenix Assisted CareKen201 West High StreetCary, NC 27513Thanks for writing me! ❤️

Posted by Victorian Senior Care on Thursday, June 25, 2020


Staff members took pictures of residents holding up signs listing their names and some favorite topics of conversation.

Members of the community were encouraged to write letters to these seniors.

Neither the residents nor staff members thought the post would go viral!

You can send my letters to:Phoenix Assisted CareIva201 West High StreetCary, NC 27513Thanks for writing me! ❤️

Posted by Victorian Senior Care on Thursday, June 25, 2020

The original Facebook post, created by the Victoria Senior Care page, has been shared over 325 thousand times and received of 16 thousand responses.

On October 2nd, Victoria Senior Care posted a statement of profound gratitude,

“We have been overwhelmed with the amount of love and kindness we have received from all over the world and thankful for every bit of it.

From sweet encouraging notes, letters about your families and pets, thoughtful gifts, snacks, activities, and so much more.

Our residents have received thousands of letters and are trying to get responses out as they can.”

It’s not too late to become a pen-pal with one of their many North Carolina senior residents. Like Mark for example…

You can send my letters to:Phoenix Assisted CareMark201 West High StreetCary, NC 27513Thanks for writing me! ❤️

Posted by Victorian Senior Care on Thursday, June 25, 2020

Or perhaps you’d enjoy chatting about cats and your current favorite novel with Crayteen?

You can send my letters to:North Pointe of AsheboroCrayteenPo Box 640 Asheboro, NC 27204Thanks for writing me! ❤️

Posted by Victorian Senior Care on Friday, June 26, 2020

Better yet, if you feel moved by this story, why not reach out to nursing homes in your area? The residents of Phoenix Assisted Care have more than enough letters to keep them busy.

You can give back in a year of social isolation by bridging the gap with something as simple as a letter. And it’s not just about giving back to our elders. They have plenty to teach us, if we take the time to listen.

How have small acts of kindness helped you cope during this pandemic? Let us know in the comments.

The post Seniors at an Assisted Living Centers Looking for Pen-Pals Went Adorably Viral appeared first on UberFacts.

Period Products Are Totally Free in Scotland

Women have been saying for decades that it’s unfair and classist and sexist to force women to pay for menstrual products.

We don’t ask to menstruate, after all, and without said activity, all of society would cease to exist.

In the way back, women were banished to a “red tent” for the duration, their only company other menstruating women, and I’ve gotta say, that sounds pretty sweet.

That would never work now, because our households would collapse in our 4-5 day absence.

Scotland, though, is the first nation to step up and provide period products for free to every woman under their care.

The legislation came about after four years of grassroots efforts that were spearheaded by Monica Lennon, Scotland’s Labour health spokeswoman.

The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act passed unanimously and demands that local authorities make period products available to anyone who needs them free of charge – and some town councils have already been doing that good work going back to 2018.

Lennon spoke about the landmark decision.

“This will make a massive difference to the lives of women and girls and everyone who menstruates.

There has already been great progress at a community level and through local authorities in giving everyone the chance of period dignity.”

The struggle to pay for basic sanitary products on a monthly basis has been a constant source of consternation for people, especially during trying times like the ones we’ve had recently.


Research by the grassroots group Women for Independence found that 1 in 5 women has struggled to pay for period products, a fact that impacts their hygiene, health, and wellbeing.

Lennon continued:

“There has been a massive change in the way that periods are discussed in public life.

A few years ago there had never been an open discussion of menstruation in the Holyrood chamber and now it is mainstream.

MSPs have enjoyed being a part of that, and it has encompassed the menopause, endometriosis, as well as the types of products we use and their sustainability.”

Women spend an estimated $18/month on period products, which really adds up between the ages of 12 or so and 50.

The Scottish government had originally challenged the idea that the products should be free to all women, regardless of means, but cross-party support grew in the face of pressure from activists, trade unions, and civil society groups.

Image Credit: Pexels

Schools, colleges, and universities will also be required to provide the products for free, and have largely been doing so since 2017.

Many businesses like bars, restaurants, and even football clubs have also been offering free products of their own accord – seeing it had become almost common in recent years.

Lennon and others believe this landmark decision will serve as beacon for other developed nations to follow suit. It proves the the rights of women and girls are important, and at the very least, belong on the agenda.

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People Discuss How They Deal With Their Depression

We’re in the dark, freezing months of the year right now and this is when depression really rears its ugly head for a lot of people out there.

Gray skies, more hours of darkness, and freezing temperatures can really do a number on peoples’ mental health so it’s important to take care of yourself.

How do you cope with your depression?

Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Seems to work.

“I like to go outside and write songs.

I act like I’m someone important that people need to survive.

It’s weird, but it works sometimes.”

2. The little things.

“I don’t suffer from major depression, so I know that this may seem rather flyweight. I go for walks.

I put my favorite music on while I’m driving and sing along. If I’m at home (alone–I get embarrassed), I’ll put on some really fun music and dance. I watch stand-up comedy for a laugh.

I’ll allow myself to indulge in some nice chocolate. And I give myself small tasks that I can easily accomplish and pat myself on the back for getting them done.”

3. Depression lies.

“I stubbornly keep on breathing and I ignore everything my head thinks.

Depression lies.

I have a check list on the fridge of things I forget: keep warm, drink tea, take Zinc, being overwhelmed is a symptom you are quite fierce in reality, wear hat, eat proteins before noon, brush teeth before noon.”

4. Dealing with it.

“I have been struggling with anxiety and depression throughout all of Middle School, and into High School. Except no one knows about it, so everyone just thinks I’m fine.

But I don’t talk about it, because I am concerned about how people would react. Which really just makes everything worse. But some things I have done to help my self. I focus on the things that I do have. I am lonely and don’t have many friends but, I realized that thinking senselessly about the people who don’t care about me, doesn’t help at all and makes things worse.

But focusing on who cares about me, make me feel happy and cared for. Additionally, I have started a journal to record my thoughts that I have, when I go through a mental breakdown. Writing it down, helps me think about it more, and cope with it.”

5. Belt it out.

“I sing.

I get anxious a lot and have problems because of it. But when I sing I feel like all my problems are gone.

Also, I read! When I read I’m not me anymore, I’m the book character and that takes all my problems away.”

6. Clear your head.

“I like to walk around outside, I feel like it clears my thoughts.

One of my main things to do is to pour all of my emotions into something physical, ie a drawing, and then destroy it. Listen to happy music, read, take a bath are standard go-to’s. Hope this helps!

And remember you’re loved, wanted and needed in this world. also If you feeling suicidal please call a hotline, the world needs you.”

7. All kinds of things.

“I like to sit and think. some times I will draw and listen to music. I will play my favorite video games and chat with friends. but my favorite thing to do was to make up a new friend in my head then I would talk to them as if they were a therapist.

I like to do that because I feel it is easier to talk and vent to some that are not real then to talk to someone that might tell others. I do this a lot for more than just depression and it really helps if you have.

People say that I’m too old for an “imaginary friend” but I mean they are there for when you are sad and don’t want to talk o someone that’s real.”

8. Comforting.

“I do things that comfort me.

I mostly just watch RuPaul’s drag race, eat food and play video games.

I honestly just ignore it and let it build up. It’s not healthy but I like it.”

9. Ways to survive.

“I’ve dealt with major depression for almost 20 years now. A few ways I survive:

1. Give my dog (who’s passed away, so now my cat) a hug. I also talk(ed) to them

2. Read. Live in that world instead of mine

3. Listen to music

4. Journal (including keeping a gratitude journal), and just go back and reread

5. Sleep, so I don’t feel anything.”

10. Very aware.

“I try not to give myself to much importance. Meaning it’s okay not to succeed or to miss work.

The world doesn’t revolves around you. You are not that important.

For me, it takes all the stress off my shoulder and I can just simply be instead of doing and having.”

11. Escape from reality.

“Reading sci-fi and fantasy adventure books, the further they are from our reality, the better.

Also working with my hands, and doing something good for others (I’m currently renovating my mom’s apartment).”

12. Whatever works for you.

“I have depression & anxiety.

I used to believe it when I was told by media in various forms and by specialists that working or volunteering in something you care about, always helps people with depression. It Doesn’t. Never believe that something Helps Everyone. I had a breakdown, then started volunteering after a while – that caused things to get worse.

How do I cope with depression? I read, if I’m reading I can mostly forget the real world, my real situation, my real future, I feel a bit better. My other coping mechanism is to sleep, even with nightmares sleep is far better than being awake.

If the anxiety worsens at the same time as the depression and becomes very, very bad I lie on my bed and look out the window. I can’t do anything else except get to the bathroom as needed. It’s like a weird paralysis.

In years past, I would cope with depression by drawing a picture daily of how my day had been. Write down 5 good things each day. Write. Just write. Thoughts, fears, worries, hopes, regrets, anything.

Lie on the lounge with my doona and a pillow while my mother did things and I would just watch and we would talk unless I was too bad, then I just observed and Mum did her things and talked to me.”

Now we’d like to hear from you

In the comments, share some tips that you use to deal with depression.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Discuss How They Deal With Their Depression appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out an Eye-Opening Thread on the Real Dangers of Not Getting Enough Sleep

Almost every article about how to feel better, feel healthier, and generally enjoy your life more contains the advice to get enough sleep. Not just enough, either, but good sleep.

While there will be periods in our lives when this is all but impossible for one reason or another (like a new baby), it really should be a priority for every last one of us

This Twitter thread explains why, especially now, it’s so important.

Number one? Your health! Current health crisis aside, chronic sleep deprivation can affect Alzheimer’s chances, the development of pre-diabetes, and wreck your immune system.

Your arteries and your waistline could suffer.

It could put your mental health at risk, too.

And if you’re already struggling, not getting enough sleep could make it all that much worse.

Not only that, but it could affect the people around you negatively, too.

And you’ll experience mood swings that won’t be fun for anyone.

If you are or have a young adult in your house, sleep is doubly important, and too many of them don’t get enough.

Sleep deprivation could also predispose young people to addiction.

And yeah, there’s a reason it’s used as a torture device.

So, do your best in these trying times, my friends. There are many things we can let slide, and things we can course correct later, but taking the chance to catch some extra zzzz’s when you can is never going to hurt.

In fact, if these tweets are right, it could definitely help.

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