Contented Gen Xers In Their 40s Share Their Best Advice For Millennials And Gen Z

Happiness is one of those vague, nebulous, concepts we struggle do define but we all just sort of “get.”

In theory, at least, we understand that happy looks different for everyone. In practice, humans have this really nasty habit of completely and totally forgetting that fact applies to them, too.

Reddit user peeledraspberry asked: 

“People who are 40+ and happy with their life, what is your advice to people in their 20s?” 

Yeah it’s okay for everyone ELSE to struggle, but not you. YOU must be perfect.

Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean, I know we’re all out here sobbing along to “Surface Pressure” for a reason. It’s okay. You’re among friends.

All of us need little reminders every now and then or we end up getting in the way of our own happiness. Let’s take a look at what advice actual happy human beings of Reddit had for the rest of us mere mortals.

Get ON My Lawn

“I hesitate to give advice, being unqualified to do so.”

“Instead, here are some points that may or may not be worthy of consideration:”

“Time is very short, and as you get older it speeds up more and more.”

“Time is more important than money. In theory, you could end up a billionaire. But nobody is ever a ‘time billionaire.’ Rich or poor, you’re gonna get maybe 100 years at the absolute max, and probably not that much.”

“There will be several versions of You as you walk your path, but one version that kind of colors all the other versions. This version you could call ‘the real you’ It pays to spend time figuring out who that real you is.”

“You will have to deal with people. Learn how to leave them happy to have been in your presence, and you will not lack for friends and loved ones.”

“Speaking of loved ones: just because someone is a blood relative, it doesn’t mean they’re worth a shit. If your parent, sibling, or child is a complete a-hole unworthy of your attention, don’t waste further time on them.”

“Find something you love to do, and do that. Do it every day. It doesn’t matter if you make money at it, or get recognition because of it.”

“Do it like Henry Darger did his writing and drawing, and like Vivian Maier did her photography. Do good work. It is its own reward.”

“I am a geezer, 64 years old. It does not have to suck being old. I think it’s f*cking great, for many reasons.”

“If you’re ever in my town, drop by and get ON my lawn.”

– clit-eastwould

Three Things

“I am 40 years old and I have three pieces of advice for anyone in their 20’s”

“One: Accept that perfection doesn’t exist. Your relationships will have problems, your car will break down, someone else will anyways have a better phone, a newer car, or a bigger house than you, no matter where on the social ladder you stand.”

“Constantly chasing perfection will keep you permanently stressed. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to better your life, just know that if you expect perfection you will never be statisfied.”

“Two: Pay attention to your diet and health. I have been working out at least 4 times per week since my mid 20’s. I am fitter, healthier and look younger than almost everyone else my age.”

“Three: Don’t stop doing the things you love. Even though I have a wife, kids, job etc. I still make time to play video games, draw, write stories, read comics, play basketball, listen to music, etc.”

“There is no reason to become a miserable old bastard!”

“People ask how I find time to fit in all these hobbies. Honestly, I have to make the time.”

“Apart from working out (which I do at 6am before everyone else wakes up) I’m not doing these things every day.”

“I only game on the weekend if I get the chance, I read ebooks on my phone when I’m killing time in the day, I may buy a comic 2-3 times a year and I can usually find a few hours in the week to draw.”

“I still make time to chill out with my wife in the evenings and do things with kids. I just fit my hobbies in between them. I also don’t watch much TV or go out, but that’s just me.”

“The point is to make sure you keep doing stuff you actually LIKE.” 

– Denaris21

Turn Around And Change It

“I was a raging alcoholic in my twenties and thought I would never recover from it.”

“I never found a real job using my first degree or my masters. Part of it was because I was always drunk, part of it was the job market at the time.”

“I went back to school in my thirties and found something I like a whole lot more. Now, I’m married, nearly ten years sober, and have a great job.”

“My point is, if you end up on the wrong path or don’t like where you are, there’s always time to turn around and change it. Too many people just assume they’re stuck where they are and stuck with the issues they have.”

– yeahwellokay

Not A Race

“It’s not a race!”

“Stop comparing yourself to others. Just because they did things sooner than you, doesn’t mean they’re happier or better.”

“Try to start good habits. It is a little rough at first, but in a few years it will be second nature. Do this with things like cooking, cleaning, saving money and self-care.”

“It is okay to not like someone. It is also okay to have someone not like you.”

“People are going to not like you for no reason. That is okay. It’s a “them” issue and not a “you” issue.”

“Don’t be an ass to everyone and give them reason to dislike you, but also know that you are under no obligation to put up with someone else’s bad friendship.”

“There is no shame in seeing a mental health professional.”

– MayUrBladesNVRdull

“It’s been really hard to remember that things aren’t a race.”

“I am 29, graduating college this year, and so many of my classmates are 18-22 with family support, great connections and networks, no weird backstory to explain, no major disabilities (thanks military).”

“I know once I get somewhere I can thrive, I will; but it’s definitely hard to not feel like I’m behind.”

– redwingpanda

“I’ve been feeling bad about this.”

“Entering sixth year of college (graduating in the fall, though) and I just feel bad and like a failure. I feel like I’m not going to get a job when I get out, and I feel pressured to live up to the success my older brother has despite my parents say that’s not important.”

“There’s a lot of other things that hit home in this thread. Struggling from substance abuse, being physically unhealthy and having body image issues are a few others.”

“I want to be a better and successful person, but I’m afraid I’m never going to find the motivation. I’m afraid I’m going to allow myself to be mediocre for the rest of my life.”

“I really should get a therapist like you’ve said.”

– Shrumples1997

Out Of The Hole

“Don’t put yourself in ridiculous amounts of debt trying to portray a certain image. You’ll spend your entire life trying to get out of the hole you dug or you’ll have to declare bankruptcy.”

“Set aside enough money to cover 3-6 months of expenses for emergencies just like now. Moreover, save now for your retirement years. It doesn’t require much and if you have it taken directly from your paycheck you won’t be inclined to not pay yourself first.”

“Take care of your body. Exercise to maintain a healthy weight and good cardiovascular health. As you get older, it’s much harder to maintain these.”

“Enjoy the days of your youth without going overboard.”

“There is nothing wrong with having a good time, yet if you are always waking up wondering what happened last night, why you can’t remember how you spent so much money or you always have a hangover; you should tone it down a bit.”

“Don’t take advice or criticism as a personal attack.”

“Most times the people who care about you have observed behavior in you which is off putting, doesn’t reflect who you really are or could be or would make you a more rounded person.”

– RmeMSG

Anyone else feeling a little attacked?


Just me?

What’s your best advice for happiness? Are there mistakes you want us all to learn from? Wins you recommend people aim for?

We’ll see you in the comments.

People Share Their Predictions For 2022

We are about to finally put 2021 to bed—and that was after surviving 2020!

It’s been a long, hard road these past few years. So it can be a bit triggering to think about what lies before us.

Can 2022 be the best? Can it make up for the past? Or are we in for the worst?

2022… thoughts?

Redditor july222020 wanted to hear about what everyone thinks the new year has in store.

So they asked:

“What’s Your One Prediction For 2022?”

it’s almost New Year’s so let’s get to some details.

Dwayne works so hard! 

“The Rock is going to make at least 2 more movies using the same clothes.” ~ Hydrated_Guy

“He is currently competing against himself for fan faves movies on different streaming products.”

“Red notice on Netflix and jungle cruise on whichever it’s playing on. Lol.”  ~ galaxyeyes47

“And he will be in the jungle.” ~ Mumblellama

All the Money is Gone

“Things will get more expensive.” ~ Embarrassed_Hotel655

“The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, and the middle class will continue to erode.”  ~ FSMFan_2pt0

“It’s not the rich, but the middle class and even the poor.”

“They are comfortable with our system believe it or not. The rich will just move to their vacation homes out of country anyways.”

“And who will be hurt? The middle and lower class.” ~ Alpha_pro2019

Long Live Her Majesty! 

“Queen Elizabeth WON’T die.” ~ toomanyparadoxes

“She is certainly looking very frail and unwell these days, having lost a lot of weight.”

“There was a recent photo of her doing a rare (these days) in person audience with a foreign official and you could see her clothes were too big and ill fitting.”

“My belief is that she is fundamentally unwell in some way, but private medical matters are not really for the public to be privy to.” ~ _spookyvision_

“She’s in her 90s, she’s allowed to finally have her age catch up to her.”

“As is the case with a lot of older people, she hasn’t been very busy in the last two years due to Covid which could have contributed to ageing very quickly.” ~ Isgortio

What’s in a Name?

“WHO will run out of greek alphabets and label one of the major COVID variant as ‘Omega variant.’”

“There will be doomsday conspiracists preaching it’s the end-time all over the world then.”

“And hopefully, after all that mess, countries across the globe officially declare pandemic is over.” ~ Redpo0l

“My money is on an overlapping pandemic like ebola, but we’ve created such a hostile environment to the protocols that stop it that it mutates and wipes out like 60% of humanity.”  ~ TheIowan

What Will Be Will Be…

“I’d like to put out into the void that I predict 2022 to be absolutely nothing that we expected.”

“I predict growth past barriers unimaginable, clarity, compromise and understanding. We could use a lot more of that now more than ever.” ~ superkooper3000

About to burst…

“The NFT bubble will burst.” ~ Pretend-Spread-1462

“It’s still not mainstream enough. When my aunt starts asking me about them or I see my FB friends talking about their NFT portfolio I’ll know it’s about to burst.”  ~ evil_con_carne

“Every new things that’s supposedly overhyped (or bubble) brings something good.”

“I wait for the day when every house is an NFT and you can buy sell houses on blockchain.”

“Time to get out of the clutches of closing players swindling buyers and sellers in the name of closing costs with line items no one can question.”  ~ dwightsrus

Goals, Goals, Goals…

“Losing weight, being happy and beating my mental illness.” ~ FxH69420

“Not sure I’ll ever beat mine entirely but this year I learned how to identify when things where spiralling and I started being honest about it, to myself and to other people.”

“I learned how to reach out and get support.”

“And, for me, being on top of it and being able to function better has made me content and contentedness (is that a word?!) is happiness.”

“I hope you find your version of happy.  :-)” ~ naturallyeyesblind

The Darkness Continues…

“New variant of Covid, more mandates, more jobless people, more suffering, more issues with governments, tax hikes, inflation, and death.” 

“And a new flavour of slush… got to keep it positive.”  ~ Empty-Refrigerator

“Babies will be born, some people will beat cancer and get a new lease on life.”

“Lots of fun movies, video games and sports will happen.”

“You really need to turn off the news and smell the fresh air and enjoy the beauty of the world once in a while.”  ~ HypnoToadBQ

Anything Can Happen

“I predict Aliens at this point.” ~ Overwhelmed-Insanity

“You just reminded me of the monoliths that were popping up all over in 2020, God so much happened that year, I’m pretty sure I forgot most of it.”

“Like every freaking month there was something new and terrifying.”  ~ miuaiga_infinite

Mother Nature Calls

“Probably lots of environmental disasters will surface.”  ~ ExtremeGagging

“Honestly, at the rate we’re going, I can bet you there will be a lot more hurricanes and that sort of the weather song the coastal areas.”

“While in the mainland, we will see more droughts/low rainfall and higher rates of forest fires.”  ~ MT128

It’s Going to Happen!

“I’m going to get my first speaking role in a movie. I’m going to get my first guest star role in a show.”

“I’m going to get work as a voice over artist. I’m going to sign with the agency I want.”

“I’m going to make a film and find a producer and financing. I’m going to be able to leave my job and have an income from my dreams.”  ~ NickyPathington

‘Next year should be better’

“That it will suck more than 2021.”

“The last few years I’ve said ‘Hopefully next year will be better …it can’t get much worse’. And each year has proven me wrong.”

“I’ve dealt with the death of parents, children’s mental health issues, partner issues, the loss of friends… and they’ve been the highlights.”

“And I live in a place that has been largely unaffected by Covid.”

“So I’ve decided that when I say ‘Next year should be better’ it gets worse. So now I’m going to say ‘Next year will be worse.’”

“At least I won’t be disappointed.”  ~ cheerupyoullthinkof1

Raise your glass and plaster on a smile.

2022 is upon us!

All we can do is hope for the best—but prepare for the worst.

It’s going to be what is.

Hopefully it will be better than the last. Have a laugh and a dance.

There’s a prediction that sounds like fun.

2022 for the life win!!

People Explain What They Realized Only As They Got Wealthier

There’s no doubt that making more money can change the way you think and feel.

Research into this field has only increased in the years since the 2008 recession while high rates of income inequality and limited socioeconomic mobility have become more apparent than ever.

Psychologists found having more money can drastically affect the way we see and experience the world.

Why is that?

Well, wealth gives you more autonomy and freedom. And with that can come other changes, too.

The wealthier someone is, the less empathetic they are to others. By contrast, those who make much less money tend to be much more empathetic, generous and compassionate.

Wealth can cloud your moral judgment, according to one UC Berkely study.

But guess what? So can merely thinking about money, according to a study conducted by researchers from Harvard and the University of Utah.

We haven’t even gotten to the way other people treat you when they know you have more money!

We were reminded of all the ways money can both simplify and complicate life after Redditor SheelahSchimek1980 asked the online community,

“What are some things you realized as you got wealthier?”

“There’s a lot less stress…”

“Money doesn’t buy happiness so much as it buys security. There’s a lot less stress about really critical issues with money, which has the unfortunate effect of freeing up your brain to be worried about more trivial things.”

“But not having to worry about certain expenses or fret over whether a minor indulgence will set you back is simply relaxing.” ~ AmigoDelDiabla

“You’ll always want one of those things…”

“Time is money.”

“You’ll always want one of those things more than the other. I’m not wealthy, but my income is enough to cover my expenses and still save a little bit, and I now realize that time is worth far, far more than money.”

“It’s why I always use my PTO time for vacation instead of cashing it out for extra money like all the dupes I work with.” ~ Polumbo

“Also, the cushion of safety…”

“Fortune and luck are not ignorable… they matter more than a lot of people are willing to admit, perhaps for ego reasons, or perhaps they’ve simply fooled themselves.”

“Also, the cushion of safety and ability to have most of what you need provides a lot of dignity that can’t be ignored either.” ~ ZookeepergameNo4680

“The difference in quality…”

“The difference in quality between cheap crap and middle range is often far larger than the difference between middle range and very expensive, even though the price gap is about the same or more.” ~ Arctelis

“Buying things in bulk is cheaper…”

“I realized how being poor makes you poor. Everything costs more when you’re poor.”

“Paying six or 12 months at a time on car insurance is way cheaper than month to month. So, when I was poor I spent more on that because I couldn’t save or plan ahead.”

“Buying things in bulk is cheaper, aka Sam’s Club. But when you’re poor, you’re not buying a toothpaste multipack. Too much upfront.”

“When you’re poor, you’ll buy a $50 pair of boots every year. When you have a financial cushion, you’ll buy a $300 pair of boots that last ten years.” ~ foodzillavsgothra

“The Dollar Store chains…”

“The Dollar Store chains are literally the biggest ripoffs you’ve ever seen. When you do unit pricing for things like toilet paper, diapers, etc. it’s amazing they’re allowed to market anything as saving.” ~ PetiePal

“I started hiding my wealth from people.”

“Wealth changes relationships and not in a good way. I lost friends because they found out I had wealth and felt that they were entitled to it and I was a bad person because I wouldn’t pick up the check for everyone at a restaurant.”

“They never expected this before but now they did. I started hiding my wealth from people. I drive beaters. I live in a small house. I became more conscious of people who just hate wealthy people.”

“Found out that I have several friends who believe they are poor because other people are rich and they blame rich people in general for all their problems not knowing that they’re literally talking to someone they hate and loathe.”

“The thing I really found more than anything though is that money doesn’t really make you happy. I’m just as lonely and isolated as I was when I was broke and money doesn’t help with that.” ~ agreeingstorm9

“I realized that time…”

“I realized that time is my most valuable asset. That’s why wealthy people pay someone else to do things like cleaning their house, mowing the yard, etc.”

“That’s low-value work. Wealthy people use that time to make more money.” ~ [deleted]

“As someone who’s moved over time…”

“As someone who’s moved over time from sleeping in my car and ‘staying late’ at the office just to have a place to rest my head to someone with a mortgage and a family, I’d say that it takes such a short time for improving circumstances (housing, decor, employment, financial freedom) to become ‘the new normal.’” ~ Following_the_Sun

“My effective tax rate…”

“How unfair the tax system is. My effective tax rate went down as I made more money. My lowest effective tax rate was 17% in my highest earning year (I was in the top 1% of earners). Tax regulation around real estate is absurd in particular.” ~ greeperfi

“We keep financial information very private…”

“I realized that you can’t talk about raises, promotions, or bonuses with certain people.”

“Those certain people will either not be happy for you at all or will expect to be able to borrow money from you. Or both.”

“We keep financial information very private for this reason. There are still people who are mad at us for not being their personal ATM. It sucks but you learn quickly how people see you.” ~ SnooSketches63

Is the grass always greener? Perhaps.

The fact of the matter is, don’t expect money to suddenly fix all your problems. It sometimes creates some entirely different ones.

But wouldn’t it be great if you or I could just find that out for ourselves?

Who do I have to give my bank account information to?

I’ll be here, just waiting patiently.

What’s Your Happiest Memory? Here’s How People Responded.

Life sure is beautiful

Yes, there is a lot of pain and many peaks and valleys, but there is so much to be thankful for and so many great memories that it really is a gift.

And most of us have a lot of great memories from years gone by.

Let’s get happy with people on AskReddit.

1. Family is everything.

“The day I met every one of my baby siblings. I’m the oldest male of 11. Life was a b*tch.

I was the only abused child but we all had it rough. The only thing that ever kept me going was my siblings.

Each and everyone of them changed my life the first day they were born and I held them.”

2. School days.

“I always loved elementary school.

Specifically after school, my mom and I would walk across the street from my school to go to the cafe near by. I would do my homework or she would read to my brothers and I, it was just a nice way to wind down after school.”

3. The last night.

“The last night before me and my childhood friend group parted ways.

It was the night before most of us left our country to go to school
on different continents.

We all went our separate ways within the next few days and we still try our best to keep in touch but it’s heartbreaking.

But we spent that entire night reminiscing and laughing so hard. I swear I haven’t laughed or been as happy since that night.”

4. A lot of fun.

“Band trips to football games and on trips for contests.

It was so much fun.”

5. Pure joy.

“I have a memory of chasing my little sister around the house, she was like 2 and we were laughing so hard.

Pure joy!

I do like to think that the happiest is yet to come, and that is merely the happiest so far.”

6. Up in the air.

“Jumping into my grandfather’s arms and he threw me into the air.

He died when I was young, so this is my only memory of him, but it makes me so happy I have it.”

7. Missing Mom.

“I think my happiest memory was when I was in 6th grade. My mom was very sick from cancer, but she put up a good fight for 2 years.

She told me one night when I was having a fit, that we could go to Disney world in Florida. And while she was doing that, she was also calming me down by patting my back and rubbing my head.

That was probably the happiest memory of her, because shortly after that her cancer went really downhill, and she ended up passing away about 7 months later.

I miss her every day, and i know she can see the man that I’ve become today. Miss you mom.”

8. A great concert.

“My dad, who sadly passed away a few year back, took me to see Fleetwood Mac in DC.

It was an obstructed view of the stage but I could actually see backstage, and watching Christine McVie and Stevie Nicks running around was so cool.

So yeah, eating a Mr. Goodbar with my dad seeing Lindsay Buckingham rock out is something I’ll cherish forever!”

9. Weekend trip.

“When I studied abroad in South Korea, my new friends and I went on a weekend trip to Busan.

We drank a lot, ate delicious food, danced and sang, got lost walking to temples, even jumped off a waterfall.

But best of all, we laughed a lot together.”

10. The world made sense.

“When I held my niece for the first time, the world finally seemed to make sense.

I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but these past couple years have been really, indescribably difficult.

She kept me going though despite having just been born and being about 1,000 miles away.”

11. A huge meeting.

“Meeting my biological parents they showed me what a mothers hug really feels like and how stupid a dad joke really is.

These are things my adoptive parents never did glad to say I don’t miss them because I now live with my real mom and dad.”

12. Lessons from Dad.

“My Dad teaching me how to maintain and fix my car.

I miss doing stuff like that with him so much, sadly he now has Alzheimer’s and only recognizes me on good days.”

13. Great times.

“I remember being very young and my Grandfather teaching me to play Go Fish and Old Maid card games on the back porch.

He was a really kind soul.

I also remember catching waves with my Dad and naming them all sorts of crazy things on the Jersey shore.”

What’s your happiest memory?

Share your stories with us in the comments!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post What’s Your Happiest Memory? Here’s How People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Things That Recently Made Them Happy

It can be hard to be happy these days with all the terrible things going on in the world, but we can’t let those things, especially the ones that are out of our control, ruin our days, weeks, and months.

We need to look at the good things in life and let them keep us moving forward.

Let’s get positive with AskReddit users as they share what has made them happy recently!

1. Have a seat!

“Honey bee sat on my leg, cleaned itself and flew away after about 5 min.

Felt honored!”

2. Phew!

“I misread a due date for a lab and thought it was due on Saturday (June 6) but it’s not actually due until July 6th so I don’t have to be super stressed out about it.”

3. Feed me!

“My oriole family in my yard wrecked my feeder because it was empty. It made me happy to know that I can help animals in some small way.

It made me laugh to know that they were all, “Hey, where’s the food at, Lady!?””

4. Turn someone’s day around.

“My wife got cussed out by the person behind her in line one day because she wouldn’t pull up (if she did she would hit the car in front of her) so instead of yelling back she bought their meal for them.

The lady pulled up beside her. She was sobbing and apologizing saying she was having a really rough day and how sorry she was for being rude.”

5. Great job!

“My boss told me I’m doing a good job.

I underestimated how powerful yet scarce, encouragement and praise can be.”

6. Keep up the good work.

“A student wrote a paragraph on our online class about how much she enjoyed my class and how much fun I made it.

Made my week.”

7. Glad you are healthy.

“My test results came back negative for Coronavirus after being sick for the past 5 days.

I’m still really sick and I was pretty nervous since I got tested but I’m happy it’s not that!”

8. Some security.

“I’m happy that I have more money in my savings account alone than I had in my checking and savings combined a year ago.

Money doesn’t mean happiness, but the sense of relief and security is making me happy.”

9. The little things.

“My kitty climbed in bed with me this morning, flopped down, curled up next to me, and started purring.”

10. Lookin’ sexy.

“I fully shaved my head for the first time in my life.

Wife was against the idea but I wanted to do it for so long and there is no better time to do it than now.

I did it and after I showered, my wife looks at me with lust. Thinks I look real sexy.”

11. That’s all it took.

“My daughter told me she loved me, and that I’m her best friend. She’s 3 years old. I suffer from depression and anxiety, so this made my heart swell.

I don’t know what I ever did to deserve such a precious child. Just typing this is making me tear up a little.” 😅

12. Congrats!

“My dad got a job as a warehouse manager that he needed so he doesn’t need to work 2 jobs and he can see me and my family more.”

13. A new friend.

“I’m getting a kitten!!

I’ve wanted one for so long, and I’m finally getting one with my boyfriend.

Currently sitting in the car waiting for him to lock the front door to our apartment so we can head over to Petco to buy the essentials and then a mini road trip to pick up our kitten.”

14. Let’s play!

“My dog brought me her toy to play!

She’s 15 and spends most of the day sleeping now, so seeing her run around excited made me so happy!”

15. Remembering Dad.

“I got coffee at a spot I used to go to with my dad. He’s been gone 10 years but I still miss him.

It had been a while since I’d been because I’m not usually on that side of town. It was a coincidence but it was nice to think of him again.”

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about what has made you happy lately.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share the Things That Recently Made Them Happy appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Things That Recently Made Them Happy

It’s important to see the bright side of life.

Even when the chips are down and you feel like every single thing in the universe is actively working against you, you have to remember that there really are great things about existing on Planet Earth.

So let’s get happy!

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. Feeling good!

“I went for a 3mile walk with my dog.

I could not do this last week because my knees are so bad. I got a cortisone shot and now I can take my buddy for long walks.”

2. Skate or die!

“I skate on my lunch breaks and have been trying to land a trick I haven’t landed in a while, the 360 flip. Before I went to skate, my girlfriend texted me and told me to have a good session and that she knows I’ll land the trick today.

I landed the trick today. That made me happy, but her text was what made the day for me.”

3. A new house.

“We finally were able to see the house we’ve been wanting to see and made an offer. Hopefully the buyer accepts and we can start packing up our rental. It’s in the area we want our kids to go to school in, down the road from our favorite wing place (we can literally walk there) and it’s in a beautiful neighborhood.

It was on the market two months ago, but the sellers took it off because of the whole covid shit. Then they postponed putting it back on market to paint the inside. We’ve been wanting to see it and we’re afraid that it was a list cause.

The seller accepted our offer!! I couldn’t be happier!!”

4. Peaceful protests.

“I went to the George Floyd protest in my small town. The protesters were 95% young people who were engaged and well behaved.

The Sheriff came out and listened to what they had to say.”

5. Get moving!

“I got closer to fitting back into my smallest pair of pants.

Been overeating and underexercising lately and kicked myself in the ass two weeks ago to get it together.

I’m getting there, slowly but surely.”

6. Supportive parents.

“I finally came out as bi to my parents after years of being scared and while they were hesitant at first, they both called me today and said they support me no matter what.”

7. Fun and wholesome.

“I’ve been working on a model train set with the guy I recently have started seeing. It’s a fun, wholesome project that we’re both excited about.

I bought some miniatures for it and sent him a picture like “look what I got” and he responded “those are awesome but they’re the wrong scale, but it’s ok, we will just make a diorama just for them”.

The trains he has are N scale and the miniatures I got were HO scale, which would basically make them Amazonians walking around the city.

My last relationship literally called me “stupid and lazy for not reading the label” if I bought the wrong drink or sauce. But the fact the new guy remained positive, knowing I was just excited about the project, and just wants to make a bunch of fun projects with me really brought a smile to my face.”

8. Common ground.

“Argued with my father about the protests.

We have a lot of disagreements politically but today we found common ground.

It feels good.”

9. Good luck!

“I got an email from LA county asking me submit my diploma and transcripts. This is for a job I applied for 14 months ago. I don’t know if it means I’m going to get an offer, but if I do it will be life changing. My last job went kaput and I’m worried about life after unemployment runs out.

If I get it, the job will pay 40% more than my last one and I’ll finally be truly financially secure.”

10. A new path forward.

“My best mate is 4 1/2 months sober. He gained a lot of weight drinking and eating like trash but over the past few weeks has hit the exercise routine and healthy eating habits like a goddamn champion.

He walks 5 miles everyday and is doing physical activities on top of it. Today he’s on the mend from a bit of bruising a soreness…what from? He spent the afternoon with me kicking the footy. What a legend. I give him six months and he’ll be half the person he is today.

Today I’m just happy about his new path.”

11. A nice change of pace.

“I live in Switzerland, today was the first day some of my coworkers who I haven‘t seen in 3 months returned to the office.

It was just really nice, everyone seemed happy and at ease, it was a nice change of pace.”

12. Sounds like a great day.

“Finding the motivation to get up, eat a balanced breakfast, and ran for two miles with my dog.

Then we sat by the pond under willow trees for a hour in quiet. It was so blissful, I forgot how much I loved it.”

13. A great connection.

“My husband has been gone for months on a rotation for the Army.

I got to FaceTime with him for a little while. That’s what keeps me going most days is that I’ll get to spend at least some time talking to him on FaceTime.”

14. I like this story.

“I jogged past a group of young kids sitting on their porch with their wiener dog. The pup thought it was playtime and started chasing after me, and the kids after him. I wasn’t entirely sure he was friendly but he was a tiny thing so I stopped to pet him and he was super nice.

When the kids caught up, they scooped him up and apologized, and one of them said she liked my hair. It was a pleasant exchange.”

How about you?

What’s something that has made you happy lately?

Tell us in the comments!

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People Discuss What It Would Take to Make Them 100% Happy in Life

This is a difficult question for any person to answer: what would it take to make you 100% happy.

I think some folks out there don’t even believe that a person can be 100% happy…but I guess it all depends on the individual…

Some people want big, grand things in their lives and others want simplicity

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say about the matter.

1. Very lonely.

“A friend or, God forbid, a girlfriend.

I’ve been out of college several years now and I’ve been friendless ever since. Hard to be excited about something and have nobody to tell.”

2. All they’ve ever wanted.

“I think finding someone who genuinely loves me for who I am and wants a present and future with me.

That’s all I’ve ever really wanted.”

3. Needing a break.

“Man if I had childcare in this moment I would totally lay down for like 2 hours for a nap!

But I. I am the childcare.”

4. Money issues.

“Being debt-free.

Student loans make up at least 80% of my stress…”

5. A big loss.

“Having my dog. His final vet visit was a couple hours ago.

I’m out of country working so I had to say my goodbyes when I left after Christmas. It’s very difficult by myself.

He was a great pet. He picked our family at 8 weeks. He was well loved and looked after.

His ashes will be joining me when it’s my turn.”

6. Like it used to be.

“My wife to be well again. If she felt better and we could hang out like we used to, I honestly feel like my life would be perfect.”

7. This sounds nice.

“A cabin in the woods, near a river. Solid and beautiful. Lots of windows, and an incredible view. It’ll smell like cedar and pipe tobacco. A simple wood shop, and maybe a small painting studio. A large wood-burning fireplace. A cozy kitchen; nothing fancy.

Really good coffee in mismatched mugs. Plenty of bourbon and wine. Loooots of books, and enough time to actually read them. Walks in the woods with my wife and dog. Fishing, canoeing, and shore lunches. Watching wildlife. Drawing and painting. A nice little town nearby (but just far enough away) with a good bookstore, an old diner, and a lively tavern (need a spot to watch those Packers games).

A well-seasoned and reliable old truck to get us there and back. Long days with my wife, listening to music (on vinyl), laughing, cooking, making love. Never feeling bored, never feeling rushed. Time enough to be able to just be us, and do all those things we never seem to get around to doing.”

8. Three things.

“A cure for writers block, a long attention span, and 3 extra inches in height.”

9. Best wishes to you!

“My daughter being old enough so I can take her home, she was born at 32 weeks, she might be coming home in a week :)!”

10. Need to recapture that.

“To just have energy and enthusiasm again.

It feels like I’ve had very little energy for anything for almost 10 years now. I feel like a passive observer in my life most of the time. Im doing what I’m supposed to, but any enjoyment has long since died.”

11. These are good goals.

“To finish college ( pretty soon), get my optometry degree and become an optometrist in the rural and underserved areas in US.

Also, a significant other who will be there beside me.”

12. Wouldn’t this be nice for everyone?

“Affordable healthcare forreal. I have to wait until I can save up enough to see the ENT again.. last run it went : see specialist, go to imaging center, back to specialist for results (that can be relayed via phone.

Cost $165 just to have him hand me a piece of paper), then to the surgical center. Just to find out what he thought was causing my eustachian tube issues, isn’t the problem. Back to square fucking one with $0.. America, please get your shit together.

I work 50 hours a week, I bust my ass, I haven’t been without a job since I was 15.. I’m in my thirties. At this rate I won’t see 60 because it’ll cost too much to fucking live that long”

13. In a lot of pain.

“No more pain.

I want to be able to check my own mail, take a walk out back, do groceries without using the go cart. Walk without using a cane. Be out of bed for most of the day.

Hell, I’d be 100% happy with 70% less pain.”

14. Here’s the list.

“8-9 hours of sleep every night, at least 4 very good friends and a knowledge of who everyone around me is, being really smart and having a secure job as a marine biologist studying the deep ocean. Also a happy family with kids who I take to get cookies on Fridays.”

15. For my son.

“My son’s doctor to call me and say he is completely cured and will grow up normal and healthy, he can stop any medicine he currently takes (about 16 pills a day for a 2 year old is a lot) and we never have to go back to the doctor.”

16. Go for it!

“Being able to ask out a woman i am attracted to instead of always chickening out.”

17. Another chance.

“Being pregnant again, with the 100% assurance that this time the baby will live.”

18. The good stuff.

“Get hired for a really awesome part time job.

Find a gym buddy I connect with and start exercising again.

Make strides every week in therapy and in managing my addictions.

Meet a great girl who I have tons of chemistry with.

My mom getting really good news about her medical condition and her recovering as close to 100% as possible.

Meeting new friends with healthy habits.”

19. Something to think about.

“Happiness is an inside Job.

I spent many years chasing “the dream.” Dream job, SO, toys, etc. It’s all just stuff. Only when I almost lost everything did I finally wake up and realize what is truly important in this life. Right now.

What are you doing right now to make your life better? No one else is/can make you happy, truly happy. Tomorrow is a wish and yesterday is gone. If you try and live in those two places you are pissing all-over today.”

20. I think a lot of people feel this way.

“Start earning enough money to not be stressed, and to be free of any mental health issues.”

Everyone is different, and that’s one of the things that makes living in the crazy world very interesting!

What about you?

What would make you a completely happy person?

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Discuss What It Would Take to Make Them 100% Happy in Life appeared first on UberFacts.

An Expert Says That Unmarried Women Without Kids Are the ‘Healthiest and Happiest Population Subgroup’

We all face a lot of pressures in our lives – pressures about marriage, kids, happiness, and what the perfect ingredients are to live a “perfect” life. Well, the older we all get, we know that there is no such thing as perfect,’ and we also know that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for someone else.

As a man, it seems to me that women have it much tougher than men when it comes to societal expectations (though I can only speak from my personal experience). A lot of people still think that women are supposed to settle down, get married, have children, and raise a family. That’s been the ‘traditional’ way for generations, but what if those pressures really aren’t pushing women toward happiness at the end of the day?

Woman pointing

A professor of behavioral science named Paul Dolan published a book in 2019 called Happy Ever After: Escaping the Myths of the Perfect Life in which he makes some very interesting claims. Dolan, who teaches at the London School of Economics, said something quite controversial: he claims that “married people are happier than other population subgroups,”  but only “when their spouse is in the room when they’re asked how happy they are. When the spouse is not present: f—ing miserable.”

Wow. That sure turns a lot of ‘common knowledge’ on its head, doesn’t it? On top of that, Dolan said that “the healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children.”

Dolan’s book and his claims are based on research that polled people who are married, single, divorced, separated, and widowed. Dolan also claims that men seem to get more out of marriage because many of them “calmed down” after getting married.

Dolan pointed out the different effects that marriage has on the sexes: For men, “you take less risks, you earn more money at work and you live a little longer. She, on the other hand, has to put up with that, and dies sooner than if she never married.”

Woman's portrait

Dolan also added this little nugget about his research and findings: “You see a single woman of 40, who has never had children — ‘Bless, that’s a shame, isn’t it? Maybe one day you’ll meet the right guy and that’ll change.’ No, maybe she’ll meet the wrong guy and that’ll change. Maybe she’ll meet a guy who makes her less happy and healthy, and die sooner.”


What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

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Denmark Dominates the World Happiness Report Rankings Year After Year. Here’s Why.

America, let’s get it together. I don’t know if it’s arrogance or ignorance, but some Americans think that we are hands-down the best, the happiest, the “number-one” at everything imaginable.

I love living in the United States, and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else (permanently), but I have to admit that a lot of people here aren’t necessarily happy.

But in Denmark, folks are incredibly happy. In fact, the country ranks at or near the top of the World Happiness Rankings year after year. So what’s behind the happiness in that Scandinavian country of just under 6 million people?

The rankings are based on statistics including crime, income, health, and civic engagement. People were also asked questions about how often they experience positive and negative emotions.

But there’s more than that when it comes to figuring out why Danish people are so happy. They have access to good health care and education, they have a stable government, and they happily pay the highest taxes in the world because they believe this helps create a better society.

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Beautiful Copenhagen 🇩🇰 ⠀ How many bicycles do you see on the photo? 🚲😄 _________ ⠀ Сколько велосипедов вы видите на фото?🚲 ⠀ Дания поистине страна велосипедистов 🚴 По статистике их здесь в два раза больше, чем автомобилей, представляете?🙈 ⠀ Я уже второй раз за год в этом чудесном городе, и каждый раз он мне нравится всё больше ❤ ⠀ К тому же нам дважды везло с погодой, а как вы знаете, Скандинавия в этом плане очень непредсказуема 😅 Вы были в Копенгагене?)

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But there’s something else in the character of the Danish people that makes them so happy: it’s known as “hygge.” The word is sometimes translated as “cozy,” and Danes value it highly. It basically means having comfortable, high-quality social interactions with family and friends and being content with enjoying the simple things in life.

A hygge evening could consist of a family playing board games, having coffee with a friend in front of a fireplace, or eating a quiet, easygoing meal with someone. Hygge is so important to the Danish character that the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen called it “a defining feature of our cultural identity and an integral part of the national DNA.”

Places can also be described as “hyggelige”, such as a person’s home, which is obviously a compliment and means that it is cozy, comfortable, and welcoming. Danish people use hygge to combat everyday stress and to build camaraderie.

I don’t know about you, but I love this concept.

FYI, in the 2019 World Happiness Rankings, Denmark came in second place and was edged out for #1 by Finland. The U.S. sits at #19.

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