Born between the mid-90s and early 2010s, Gen Z stands out as the most digitally savvy, ecologically alert, and multicultural generation to date. Dive into these lesser-known facets of the tech-native age group: 1. Closed Captions, Open Minds: Think beyond mere volume adjustments or anxiety over missing out on dialogue. A significant chunk of both … Continue reading Diving Deep into Gen Z: 5 Unexpected Tidbits
Diving Deep into Gen Z: 5 Unexpected Tidbits
Born between the mid-90s and early 2010s, Gen Z stands out as the most digitally savvy, ecologically alert, and multicultural generation to date. Dive into these lesser-known facets of the tech-native age group: 1. Closed Captions, Open Minds: Think beyond mere volume adjustments or anxiety over missing out on dialogue. A significant chunk of both … Continue reading Diving Deep into Gen Z: 5 Unexpected Tidbits
Contented Gen Xers In Their 40s Share Their Best Advice For Millennials And Gen Z
Happiness is one of those vague, nebulous, concepts we struggle do define but we all just sort of “get.”
In theory, at least, we understand that happy looks different for everyone. In practice, humans have this really nasty habit of completely and totally forgetting that fact applies to them, too.
Reddit user peeledraspberry asked:
“People who are 40+ and happy with their life, what is your advice to people in their 20s?”
Yeah it’s okay for everyone ELSE to struggle, but not you. YOU must be perfect.
Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean, I know we’re all out here sobbing along to “Surface Pressure” for a reason. It’s okay. You’re among friends.
All of us need little reminders every now and then or we end up getting in the way of our own happiness. Let’s take a look at what advice actual happy human beings of Reddit had for the rest of us mere mortals.
Get ON My Lawn
“I hesitate to give advice, being unqualified to do so.”
“Instead, here are some points that may or may not be worthy of consideration:”
“Time is very short, and as you get older it speeds up more and more.”
“Time is more important than money. In theory, you could end up a billionaire. But nobody is ever a ‘time billionaire.’ Rich or poor, you’re gonna get maybe 100 years at the absolute max, and probably not that much.”
“There will be several versions of You as you walk your path, but one version that kind of colors all the other versions. This version you could call ‘the real you’ It pays to spend time figuring out who that real you is.”
“You will have to deal with people. Learn how to leave them happy to have been in your presence, and you will not lack for friends and loved ones.”
“Speaking of loved ones: just because someone is a blood relative, it doesn’t mean they’re worth a shit. If your parent, sibling, or child is a complete a-hole unworthy of your attention, don’t waste further time on them.”
“Find something you love to do, and do that. Do it every day. It doesn’t matter if you make money at it, or get recognition because of it.”
“Do it like Henry Darger did his writing and drawing, and like Vivian Maier did her photography. Do good work. It is its own reward.”
“I am a geezer, 64 years old. It does not have to suck being old. I think it’s f*cking great, for many reasons.”
“If you’re ever in my town, drop by and get ON my lawn.”
– clit-eastwould
Three Things
“I am 40 years old and I have three pieces of advice for anyone in their 20’s”
“One: Accept that perfection doesn’t exist. Your relationships will have problems, your car will break down, someone else will anyways have a better phone, a newer car, or a bigger house than you, no matter where on the social ladder you stand.”
“Constantly chasing perfection will keep you permanently stressed. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to better your life, just know that if you expect perfection you will never be statisfied.”
“Two: Pay attention to your diet and health. I have been working out at least 4 times per week since my mid 20’s. I am fitter, healthier and look younger than almost everyone else my age.”
“Three: Don’t stop doing the things you love. Even though I have a wife, kids, job etc. I still make time to play video games, draw, write stories, read comics, play basketball, listen to music, etc.”
“There is no reason to become a miserable old bastard!”
“People ask how I find time to fit in all these hobbies. Honestly, I have to make the time.”
“Apart from working out (which I do at 6am before everyone else wakes up) I’m not doing these things every day.”
“I only game on the weekend if I get the chance, I read ebooks on my phone when I’m killing time in the day, I may buy a comic 2-3 times a year and I can usually find a few hours in the week to draw.”
“I still make time to chill out with my wife in the evenings and do things with kids. I just fit my hobbies in between them. I also don’t watch much TV or go out, but that’s just me.”
“The point is to make sure you keep doing stuff you actually LIKE.”
– Denaris21
Turn Around And Change It
“I was a raging alcoholic in my twenties and thought I would never recover from it.”
“I never found a real job using my first degree or my masters. Part of it was because I was always drunk, part of it was the job market at the time.”
“I went back to school in my thirties and found something I like a whole lot more. Now, I’m married, nearly ten years sober, and have a great job.”
“My point is, if you end up on the wrong path or don’t like where you are, there’s always time to turn around and change it. Too many people just assume they’re stuck where they are and stuck with the issues they have.”
– yeahwellokay
Not A Race
“It’s not a race!”
“Stop comparing yourself to others. Just because they did things sooner than you, doesn’t mean they’re happier or better.”
“Try to start good habits. It is a little rough at first, but in a few years it will be second nature. Do this with things like cooking, cleaning, saving money and self-care.”
“It is okay to not like someone. It is also okay to have someone not like you.”
“People are going to not like you for no reason. That is okay. It’s a “them” issue and not a “you” issue.”
“Don’t be an ass to everyone and give them reason to dislike you, but also know that you are under no obligation to put up with someone else’s bad friendship.”
“There is no shame in seeing a mental health professional.”
– MayUrBladesNVRdull
“It’s been really hard to remember that things aren’t a race.”
“I am 29, graduating college this year, and so many of my classmates are 18-22 with family support, great connections and networks, no weird backstory to explain, no major disabilities (thanks military).”
“I know once I get somewhere I can thrive, I will; but it’s definitely hard to not feel like I’m behind.”
– redwingpanda
“I’ve been feeling bad about this.”
“Entering sixth year of college (graduating in the fall, though) and I just feel bad and like a failure. I feel like I’m not going to get a job when I get out, and I feel pressured to live up to the success my older brother has despite my parents say that’s not important.”
“There’s a lot of other things that hit home in this thread. Struggling from substance abuse, being physically unhealthy and having body image issues are a few others.”
“I want to be a better and successful person, but I’m afraid I’m never going to find the motivation. I’m afraid I’m going to allow myself to be mediocre for the rest of my life.”
“I really should get a therapist like you’ve said.”
– Shrumples1997
Out Of The Hole
“Don’t put yourself in ridiculous amounts of debt trying to portray a certain image. You’ll spend your entire life trying to get out of the hole you dug or you’ll have to declare bankruptcy.”
“Set aside enough money to cover 3-6 months of expenses for emergencies just like now. Moreover, save now for your retirement years. It doesn’t require much and if you have it taken directly from your paycheck you won’t be inclined to not pay yourself first.”
“Take care of your body. Exercise to maintain a healthy weight and good cardiovascular health. As you get older, it’s much harder to maintain these.”
“Enjoy the days of your youth without going overboard.”
“There is nothing wrong with having a good time, yet if you are always waking up wondering what happened last night, why you can’t remember how you spent so much money or you always have a hangover; you should tone it down a bit.”
“Don’t take advice or criticism as a personal attack.”
“Most times the people who care about you have observed behavior in you which is off putting, doesn’t reflect who you really are or could be or would make you a more rounded person.”
– RmeMSG
Anyone else feeling a little attacked?
Just me?
What’s your best advice for happiness? Are there mistakes you want us all to learn from? Wins you recommend people aim for?
We’ll see you in the comments.
Things That Gen Z Would Very Much Like Millennials to Know
It’s been fun being a millennial. Just a great ride. Nothing but stable a world and steady prospects and a lot of fun all-around.
I’d say the best part was spending the first 25 years or so of my life hearing the older generation tell me everything that’s wrong with me, and then to spend all the years since listening to the younger generation tell me a whole new set of reasons I suck. Really great. Very cool. A lot of fun.
Gather round, millennials. Let’s find out what we’re doing wrong.
10. Burritos
But only if they’re cold in the middle, because life is disappointment.
Surprised no one has made fun of millennials for thinking liking burritos is a quirky personality trait.
(@junglejim4322) July 23, 2020
9. It’s in the stars
Ok this criticism I’m on board with, very tired of this.
Do millennials know blaming things on their astrological sign isn’t a personality trait?
— Paúl Quiñonez (@PaulQuinonezF) March 21, 2019
8. ‘Tis the season
Turn the bagel itself into a seasoning and then we’ll talk.
Can someone tell millennials the Trader Joe’s everything but the bagel seasoning is not a personality trait
— matt (@m4tthewj0hn) August 2, 2020
7. What’s shakin’?
Tell that to a dog. Yeah, that’s right, you just insulted dogs. Happy with yourself?
Why do millennials think liking bacon is a personality trait
— Doris (@dorio_oreo) July 28, 2020
6. Millennial pink
I don’t…I don’t even know what this means.
i don’t want to call out anyone specific, but liking millennial pink is not a personality trait
— courtney caldwell (@voldecurt) September 25, 2019
5. ‘Till death
I mean, being happily married kind of is. Do you know how many of us came up in divorce?
don’t know which millennial needs to hear this but being married is not a personality trait
— oscar wilde 'n out (@mariasghost) June 20, 2020
4. Tautologies
I think, therefore I am.
millennials only personality trait is that they’re a millennial
— ati?? follow @sugascorpio (@vantescorpio) July 2, 2020
3. Self-burn
Wow, turning yourself in like that. Bold.
no one:
millennials with no personality:
— hans ❁ (@hanscelloo) April 5, 2019
2. Watch out
Netflix isn’t so much a personality trait as a survival mechanism now.
Things people think millennials should be ashamed of:
Avocado ice cream
Not going to chain restaurantsThings millennials should actually be ashamed of:
Thinking that watching Netflix is a personality trait
Being obsessed with astrology— Tribune of the Plebs (@Handsome_Jake_) January 15, 2019
1. The real truth
But punch away, kids.
The entire personality of millennials is based on the fact that we wanna die and that we hate our jobs and need time off.
— Prags
(@OyyeHoyyeBasket) July 15, 2020
In all seriousness, I’m not actually that salty. Have fun with jabs while they last, Gen Z. Your turn to feel old and irrelevant is coming soon enough.
And keep making astrology uncool. It would be super neat to be done with that.
Are you a millennial? How do you feel about it?
Tell us in the comments.
The post Things That Gen Z Would Very Much Like Millennials to Know appeared first on UberFacts.
Things that Are NOT Personality Traits, so STOP IT Millennials
Some people say that Twitter is worthless, but I don’t think so…
As a Millennial, one invaluable service that I can rely on Twitter to deliver is giving me an endless and comprehensive list of what I should NOT consider to be a personality trait.
I gather these carefully, print them out on my dot-matrix, and compile them into a sort of vision board to help me focus. Or at least I did, until I was informed that having a vision board was not a personality trait, and subsequently burned it in ritualistic fire.
Here are some more things to avoid, lest ye be basic.
10. TikTok hate
It’s gonna be fascinating to see a whole generation of people mortified by their old TikToks once they hit their late 20’s.
hey millennials! hating on tiktok isn’t a personality trait
go back to being a “dog mom” and stanning harry potter
— carolina | hoe era (@bitchyvelour) August 1, 2020
9. Mix it up
At least we’re not still putting them on CD’s.
Millennials think having dmx and fall out boy on the same playlist is a personality trait lol.
— sincere (@moneesincere) July 28, 2020
8. The most magical place
When we left childhood only to find that the adulthood promised us was desolate and dead.
why did millennials make Disneyland a personality trait?
— jennuh (@jennokayyy) July 31, 2020
7. Every single time
VCR stands for “Very Cool Rad.”
all millennials know how to do is brag about knowing what a vcr is and make being single a personality trait
— void (@V0IDF0G) July 20, 2020
6. What’s cookin’
We were instilled at a young age with a fear of sexy vampires.
millennials put extra garlic in their recipes and call it a personality trait
— yung puddin (@liltiddygothgf3) June 29, 2020
5. Mondays
TIL all millennials are living in a Garfield cartoon.
Yes but millennial twitter’s whole personality is drinking coffee and hating Monday’s
— karma♕ (@atelierswift) July 26, 2020
4. Toast to me
It’s true, we chose it over home ownership.
Millennials think avocado is a personality trait
— Princess tiny wrist (@ambreezyjoy) June 21, 2020
3. You oughta know
That’s not true, for some of us it’s Parks & Rec.
a millennials personality trait is knowing every office episode by heart
— sal ♡ (@xiaonest) June 14, 2020
2. The buffet
Please ask permission before you quote me directly.
Millennials be like: “omg I want to join the tik tok but I’m too old haha im so sick of adulting today I just want to be a burrito haha pizza is a personality trait.”
— neiman marxist (@jaeldabelle2) April 23, 2020
1. See the world
I get the sense this tweet is supposed to make me feel bad, but from what angle exactly I’m not sure.
PSA to all millennials: traveling isn’t a personality trait, it’s a privilege
— Sᴡᴀᴛᴀʏᴛᴀʏ
(@swataytay) January 8, 2020
So, there you have it. Things that are not personality traits. Do with that information what you will.
Are you a millennial? How do you feel about it?
Tell us in the comments.
The post Things that Are NOT Personality Traits, so STOP IT Millennials appeared first on UberFacts.
According to Gen Z Folks, These Things Millennials Do Are Not Cool Anymore
You thought you were so cool for a while, didn’t you?
You were pretty much running the show there for a long time and then BOOM, these young Generation Z people swooped in and stole your thunder.
And not only that, now they’re talking mad trash about Millennials…and they’re making fun of them about the things that they like to do that the Gen Z’ers think are not cool and honestly kind of lame.
And, of course, the younger folks are posting their trash talking online.
Let’s see what kind of shade Generation Z people are throwing at Millennials. Hang on tight!
1. I guess the middle part isn’t cool anymore…
Who knew?!?!
@baileyupchurchmua Sorry Gen Z, side part FO life!
#PupPeroniShuffle #GetReadyWithOldSpice #fyp #millenialmom #middlepartchallenge #middlepartbaddie
2. Skinny jeans are officially OUT, people.
Just thought you’d like to know.
@amelie_coleman_ Okay we all had a skinny jeans phase but I love my baggy jeans
3. You guys need to stop using that emoji, okay?
It’s for the best…
4. Really? Is it time to do that already?
Okay, if you say so…
Millennials, please take your Hogwarts house out of your Twitter bio.
nancy pelosi’s sentient $12K fridge
(@fOrGiVeNcHy) July 4, 2020
5. It’s about time, people!
And maybe you shouldn’t brag about that…
Why do millennials love to be like “Adulting
”???? like yeah you’re pushing 30 I’d hope you’re adulting
— Joey (@SJoey79) November 17, 2020
6. Guys, it’s time to get it together.
LOOK AT THE CAMERA. We’ve been over this before…
Why do millennials always look at the screen instead of the camera when they take a selfie?
— Wile E. Peyote (@e_peyote) October 13, 2020
7. Oh, isn’t that adorable?
Well, maybe not so much…
millennials say doggo and think they're gonna get laid
— bellizzle (@belllizzlle) October 23, 2020
8. I’ve heard about enough of that.
Are you with me on this one?
millennials be like “coffee is bae!
— Kyra
(@harrys_girl132) June 18, 2020
9. I had no idea!
And here we are…
Not sure how millennials made liking pizza a personality trait but they did and now we’re all forced to live with it
— izzy (@izabowl) December 19, 2020
10. I’m not a fan of that one.
It’s kind of annoying!
millennials love saying “so i did a thing
” girl go re read harry potter and shut up
— huge stupid head
(@jacuhhbb) June 21, 2020
11. Can we stop all the wine talk?
It’s gone on for far too long.
millennials are so cute they're like obsessed with rose gold and like WHERES MY WINE
— sofie halili (@literallysofie) November 4, 2020
12. You know you’ve seen it!
And we all feel the same way about it.
@lexi.borden pack it up “i can’t survive without coffee”
#millennial #foryou #girlboss #avocadotoast #millennials #fyp #laughingemoji #harrypotter
Have you seen any funny memes, tweets, or videos about people making fun of other generations?
If so, please share them with us in the comments.
Let’s see if you can make us laugh!
The post According to Gen Z Folks, These Things Millennials Do Are Not Cool Anymore appeared first on UberFacts.
Our Parents’ Lives Vs Ours in 10 Handy Memes
It’s not a secret that my generation’s experience has been quite a bit different from that of our parents, but I don’t know if we take the time to fully appreciate that enough. The extent to which we live in different worlds is really astounding, and as with all things borderline unfathomable, it’s truly best expressed with a meme format.
Consider this timeline of contrasting lives, won’t you?
10. The early twenties
You really gotta consider those big life decisions carefully.
Via: Bored Panda
9. Moving on up
If they didn’t come here so I could fry things then what was even the point?
Via: Bored Panda
8. The food of life
“Let’s have married.” is how I plan on proposing someday.
Via: Bored Panda
7. Saving grace
What the crap is retirement?
Via: Bored Panda
6. Playing the market
Just roll the dice and kinda hope for the best, I guess.
Via: Bored Panda
5. Meme culture
No one can tell me what I need to value most in this life.
Via: Bored Panda
4. Role reversal
First of all, I’m baby, so write that down.
Via: Bored Panda
3. Vibe check
You can’t be too careful when it comes to relationships.
Via: Bored Panda
2. End game
My plans mostly involve which thing I’m going to watch next.
Via: Bored Panda
1. Building a family
Soon my battle station will be quite operational.
Via: Bored Panda
We may not have been dealt the best hand, but at least we’re good at making memes. And in the end, isn’t that what truly matters?
What’s the biggest difference between you and your parents?
Tell us in the comments.
The post Our Parents’ Lives Vs Ours in 10 Handy Memes appeared first on UberFacts.
Times When People Had Serious Questions About Millennials That Turned Out to Be Jokes in Disguise
Millennials…prepare to get dragged all over the place, because 12 people decided that today was the day to ask you serious questions that weren’t so serious.
You know the drill. They tweet. They funny. You don’t respond. We all laugh. Repeat.
Thank you to this site for bringing all these together, and thanks to us for going through them and finding the best.
You’re welcome, internet
1. Eggplants just doing eggplants things
I’m endlessly amused by what emojis mean.
why do millennials always go apeshit over the eggplant emoji. like it is SPECIFICALLY a millennial thing
— kim
(@sukkarights) April 9, 2020
2. Because they can!
It’s all meta, all the time!
Why do millennials take photos with a Polaroid and then take photos of the Polaroid photo?
— k lynn (@ladyin_orange) January 19, 2020
3. Chef’s kiss!
You can eat it AND drink it. Win win!
Why do millennials love soup so much?
— Mr. Hitachi (@KolbiashiMaroon) October 21, 2019
4. A true rite of passage.
I deleted it, btw. Because reasons.
Why do millennials think that not downloading TikTok makes them an adult. Like grow up smh
— Stefan Feher (@StefanFeher4) June 17, 2020
5. Is it their 6th or 16th?
Seems like MOST of the people on TikTok are drunk.
why do millennials only post tiktoks of them dancing to music from 2003 and holding their 6th glass of wine
— zoie
(@ohzoiix) June 15, 2020
6. I can’t even with this
I use adjectives in place of verbs. So there!
Why do millennials use nouns in the place of verbs?
"I can't math"
"Englishing is hard today"— Jaye RYM (@rotyourmind) June 15, 2020
7. Yes, it looks distressed! It doesn’t want to be that way!
Shabby indeed!
Millennials always shit on boomers for carpeting hardwoods in the 70s, but who's the one painting over original brick and high quality wood furniture, BECKY?
— Amy (@AmyintheAtl) May 18, 2020
8. 80s kids and 70s kids are so much cooler.
We’re colder because we’re older and old people get colder faster.
why do millennials care so much ab the fact that theyre 90s kids??? sis WE KNOW. THATS WHEN YOU GREW UP.
— mckenna | smail (@wlwillgraham) June 14, 2020
9. Why do so many of them have back problems?
Maybe because they have drinking problems? Hmmm…
why do millennials say we’re annoyingly when all they do is complain about their back problems and drink cheap wine
— laffy taffy || heymamas anti era (@laffy_taffy980) June 16, 2020
10. This tweet is wrong.
GIFs are hilarious and DO NOT pronounce that word with a J.
Why do millennials still thinkd gifs are funny it’s not 2015
— jenna
(@coolgirlswaggy) June 15, 2020
11. Well, I don’t blame them.
This is their fight son.
Why do millennials lose their minds whenever they hear a song from a 90s Disney movie
— Benningfield O’Connor (@benning17681066) June 10, 2020
12. Isn’t it?
Buzzfeed, you keep on feeding us that buzz.
Why do millennials act like growing up in the 90’s is a personality trait?@BuzzFeed I’m talking to you.
— (@ProudAm15730327) April 21, 2020
In all the history of all the tweets… these were among the finest. Don’t you agree?
I’m really asking a rhetorical question there, but you can feel free to respond if you want. I won’t judge. Much.
See ya soon!
The post Times When People Had Serious Questions About Millennials That Turned Out to Be Jokes in Disguise appeared first on UberFacts.
A 9,000 year old skeleton…
A 9,000 year old skeleton found inside a cave in Cheddar, England, has a living relative who was teaching history only a 1/2 mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations.
The post A 9,000 year old skeleton… appeared first on Crazy Facts.
Gen Z-ers Are Making Fun of Millennials on TikTok
It just seems to be a fact of life: There will always be feuds between different generations.
Typically, those fights are between older generations, who look down upon or criticize younger generations (see also: Baby Boomers and literally every other younger generation).
But now, Gen Z-ers are getting in on the action and throwing some major shade at Millennials. And of course they’re doing it on TikTok, the most Gen Z platform ever made.
According to researchers, Millennials are people who were born between the years 1981 and 1996. Gen Z, on the other hand, are people born between 1997 and 2012. They grew up in very, very different times, especially as it relates to technology.
It all started with this video from user @wholesam:
@wholesam Stop bullying millennials! They’re pretty cool
He made fun of Millennials for using the word “adulting” and for taking coffee breaks. Other people quickly piled on, however.
They took serious issue with Millennial’s love of “Harry Potter:”
@mayalepa inspired by @wholesam
They also apparently think Millennials use the word “doggo” too much:
@kavyewest finally able to jump on the #millennial hate trend
so happy to be here #fyp @wholesam
However, at least one person pointed out that Gen Z threw a hissy fit when Millennials started using TikTok — so I guess this feud goes both ways after all!
@mortgagesareboring The circle of life #millennial #over30 #millennials
Dang, what else will Gen Z-ers take issue with next? Avocado toast? Student loan debt? Living with your parents? Lack of work ethic? Now they’re starting to sound just like the Boomers. You can hardly tell them apart!
Do you agree with the Gen Z assessment of Millennials? Will we ever live to see a time when generations don’t fight with each other?
We’d love to hear your opinions!
Let us know in the comments!
The post Gen Z-ers Are Making Fun of Millennials on TikTok appeared first on UberFacts.