Hunters Shared the Creepy Things That Made Them Never Want to Venture Back into the Woods

Are you prepared to be creeped out? If you’re the kind of person who frequents the woods — whether it’s for hunting, hiking or bird watching — these scary stories from AskReddit might make you think twice about back heading out into the wild frontier.

1. Drug runner?

“My father and I were following a trail for a while so we decided to take a break and catch our breaths, I sat on a log off the trail and my dad stood on the edge of the trail waiting for me to get up. I hear some movement and scan around and I see a man, dress casually, walking quickly down the trail with a Glock in his hand.

He is not really following the trail, he is just walking toward my dad with haste. Before he comes up to my dad, he asks if he’s seen anything(pretty normal). I keep an eye on him because I don’t believe he was there to hunt, I think he was there to make sure my dad hadn’t seen anything he wasn’t supposed to. He wasn’t dressed like a hunter, he didn’t walk like a hunter, and It was deer season and he decided he would take his Glock out to get a deer… I wasn’t buying, so I put a round in the chamber and watched them talk.

He seemed to be confident until my dad mentioned that he was here with me and gestured in my direction. I nodded and made a half-assed wave. And he seemed to lose interest in us and ended the conversation shortly after and turned around and walked back the way he came, just about as fast as he walked up to us. It worried us a bit but we continued on. We haven’t been back to that area in a while. My dad told me that there have been drug busts near that area in the past. This isn’t a supernatural tale, just an experience that made me not want to go back to that area.”

2. Creature in the night

“A long time ago my grandparents bought a small cabin in the woods in Pennsylvania. My dad, uncle, and aunt are all small children. My father told me this story. They’re all sitting around outside with a small fire going when they hear branches breaking and footsteps coming from the darkness. They think it’s a black bear because it’s close but they can’t see it. It’s seems to be going straight for my uncle, the littlest of the children.

He starts panicking while everyone tells him not to move. Now this big black beast is within arms reach of him and he’s shaking like a leaf with his eyes closed. All of a sudden it opens it’s jaws and starts licking his face.. turns out that the next property over is owned by a couple who raise Newfoundland dogs and one got out.”

2. Bones

“I work in the woods for a living and I’ve seen a fair amount of odd things… Carvings in trees, old beat up cars, random weird trash scattered through the woods, and a fair amount of animal carcasses. I’ve had instances where I’ve gotten spooked, stuff like jumping big critters is always quite jolting, but I can recall one rather butt puckering experience. I was working with a few other people at the time, spaced out of sight but not out of ear shot. I crossed over a little ridge atleast 2 miles from the closest road, in the middle of the woods, and I saw what looked like a full skeleton of a cow tied together with twigs and a little bit of twine.

Who ever made it had fashioned it to be sitting on a log. They left a very neat pile of bones in front of the thing, and nothing anywhere else. I saw it and about fainted. Definitely really fucking odd considering how far we were off the road, and how thick and steep it was. I ended up getting the folks I was with to come check it out, really just for shits and giggles. I took note of it and we moved on to the next plots.”

4. Snake pit

“There is a place in Kingston, Idaho or the otherside of Fernan Saddle- depending on which way you go to get there. I call it the snake pit, and no I don’t mean the restaurant. I still visit the area now once in a while and camp there. Anyways next to where I camp in the trees is a basin, and it has a bunch of old 1920s-1930’s rotted cars in it, overgrown by bushes and trees but sunlight falls on the cars.

First time I camped out there I walked into those woods and the leaves all started to move. The snakes were running from me while they were sunbathing on the cars. Fuckin creeeeped me out. I don’t go in there for wood anymore and I don’t see the snakes leave that spot so I just let them be.”

5. Fire three shots

“When I was a kid, a poacher must have thought I was a deer or something and shot a round at me. It impacted on a tree above my head. I immediately fired three shots as fast as I could, not at the shooter but in the air. In my hunting group, immediate three shots means “HELP” basically.

My dad and our hunting club immediately came out to find out what the fuck happened by honking the horns of their trucks letting me know they were coming. I basically laid on the ground until I could tell they were near the dirt road. Told them what happened and guessed it was probably a road poacher trying to get a deer as it came from the same road. They didn’t see him. It was private property and we were always very aware of who was at what location and who was hunting where. Nobody was suppose to be in the part I was at.

Scared the shit out of me. This was mid-90s. Reason why I don’t like hunting on public property is cause of that and I don’t know the people out there.”

6. Near-death experience

“I was in the woods once in really dense fog and had an arrow fly past my face into a tree haha nothing like a near death experience to avoid the spot and idiot that shot at you.”

7. Caught on camera

“When i went hunting with my dad one time we saw a homeless looking guy carrying what looked like a torn cloth and a screwdriver on one of the trail cams. this cam was pretty deep into the woods, and it was no one we knew so we were pretty creeped out to go back out there.”

8. Hell no

“I was being watched on the woods, it was the strangest feeling. I got paranoid enough that I began walking all the way to where I knew a park warden was parked. After about 100 meters, I turn around to make sure I wasn’t being followed, and I see three bears smacking my stuff around. One bear was standing up in the middle of the access road staring right at me.”

9. Overly friendly dear

“Not a hunter but I go backpacking and fishing quite a bit. I have an irrational fear of bears, and waking up to bear tracks around my camp was quite unsettling and I did not spend much more time in the area.

I’ve also had a creepy encounter with an overly friendly deer. I was in a pretty isolated area so I thought it was odd to see a deer that was so calm around humans, this deer would not leave me alone it walked around my camp all day and came back at night to scare the shit out of me by laying down outside my tent.”

10. Missouri

“Camping alone in the middle of Missouri the night before turkey hunting. The place I found was a fairly well used campsite but no one was there. About to go to sleep when I hear a truck come up. I find a reason to come out (use the restroom) so I can get a look and maybe even ask for some good places to spot turkey.

It’s a dude and his girlfriend drinking beers and going for a ride. They are super nice but they mentioned after our chat and before leaving “watch yourself out here.. lots of meth heads and they won’t stop for bird shot. Want a slug? I probably have a few in my tool kit.” I did not sleep at all that night.”

11. Get out of there

“I walked up on a meth lab while scouting for a hunting spot. I noped the hell out of there immediately. I had never encountered such a thing before, and in hindsight the smell should have been a dead giveaway. It wasn’t until I was standing there looking at what looked like a bunch of garbage under camo tarps and such that I realized what I was looking at.

Edit: I walked back to where I had cell service, called the sheriff and showed him on a map where it was. Bunch of them went in (found nobody), and made me wait with another officer for over an hour by the cruisers.”

12. A suitcase

“My family owns a couple hundred acres of forest in eastern NC. No one lives on the property anymore, and hasn’t for the last six or seven years.

We went down there to do some target shooting in October of 2017, and I decided to go walk through the outskirts of the woods to locate a good limb for our range marker. As I’m walking, literally and proverbially kicking rocks I come across a fairly nice, but practically brand new looking suitcase, full of clothes and other personal effects. No ID, nothing with any sort of identifying markers on them. But seemed to be clothes for four people; two kids and two adults, one male and one female. Had some food, coloring books, etc. there was a makeshift lean-to about 100 yards farther into the woods.

Set up a trail camera and left it there for three weeks, never saw anyone.

For reference, this is 35 miles from any sizable town or city.”


“Went on a camping trip maybe 10 years ago and in the middle of the night we heard this incredibly loud “SMACK” way out on the water. Water carries sound really well, so it woke us all right the fuck up. My first though was some drunk/deranged motherfucker with a gun was shooting out over the lake and the sound was a bullet skimming off the surface.

Turns out it was a beaver that smacked the shit out of the water before diving under. It happened again in the early morning and we laughed it off, but the notion of being out in the middle of nowhere with some homicidal prick taking potshots at you creeped me out pretty good.”

14. Learned your lesson

“Copperheads.. Bow season in KY starts early enough that you can run into a ton of them. I learned my lesson years ago to wait until at least mid November before venturing out too deep.”

15. Don’t get off the boat

“Couple of years ago I was in northern British Columbia on a fishing trip with my dad, uncle and cousins. The lake and river was a two hour drive from the nearest city. We were drifting down the river when I needed to go to the bathroom, so I got out of the boat.

As I’m doing my business, I look over and see what seems to be the top of a building. I turned to the people in the boat and told them what I saw. Walked towards the building, and realized it wasn’t alone. Multiple homes, buildings in the middle of the forest. It was a very small and isolated Native American tribe, and we backed away. Not super creepy but didn’t want to cause any trouble. We continued on without any contact.”

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A Guy Shared Some New Parents’ List of Meal Requests on Nextdoor App and It Is Bonkers

Having your first child is an overwhelming, 24/7 job that usually makes people put aside their pride and reach out for any assistance they can get.

And one of the easiest things they can get is food. And lots of it. It’s often called a “meal train” and it’s so valuable.

But this couple… wow. They’re something else.

Meet Jack Jokinen. He joined the social network Nextdoor, which is basically just Facebook but for your neighborhood. He saw a post from some soon-to-be parents who asked for help after their baby was born.

And then things got CRAZY…

Yeah, we’re ready…

Oh, you don’t think that’s what they’re doing Jack? Well, get ready…

“On a fence of emotions” might just be my new favorite phrase.

But it gets better…

Yeah. YEAH.

And here are the meals…

Breakfast and Lunch…


And even Snacks! Because why not, right?

It keeps going!

And going…

Jack has the right response…

Needless to say, the story went viral and people had some things to say…

Some negative…

Some positive…

What do you think?

Personally, I think this guy had the right reaction.

If you’re asking people to help you out FOR FREE with meals, you can list a couple dietary restrictions… but this is nuts.

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People Reveal Their “Never Again” Brands, Restaurants, and Companies

There is one restaurant where I live in North Carolina that shall remain nameless that I’m never going back to because the service is just BRUTAL. And I’ve given them a couple of shots.

AskReddit users went on the record and revealed what brands, stores, restaurants, etc., made them say “never again.”

Share yours in the comments!

1. That’s bad

“We bought a flea medicine from Hartz to use on our cat and she became lethargic and didn’t eat anything. We took her to the vet and they told us that they have been trying to get that medicine off the shelves because of how it affects animals.

I was in a theater watching despicable me when my cat finally passed away. It sucked knowing that my cat is dead because of some money-hungry brand who doesn’t care about the safety of the animals it gives its products to.”

2. Cable companies are the worst

“Comcast. A door-to-door salesman straight up lied to my dad, saying they had a four-DVR setup that would cost less than what we were paying AT&T. When the installation guy got there, he said that no, they didn’t have a four-DVR setup, he was told to give us the standard two-DVR setup.

Which was absolutely not something that would work in a house with six people with wildly different tastes in TV shows.

So my dad tells him never mind, we’re sticking with AT&T then, but because the Comcast guy had already installed our new cable box, he couldn’t take it back with him, so we had to mail it back to Comcast ourselves.

The kicker is, five years later Comcast tried to bill my parents for the cable box, saying we never sent it back. My parents insisted they did, and Comcast wanted the UPS receipt, which obviously we no longer had because it was five years ago and we hadn’t heard anything from them before this.

So my parents refused to pay, Comcast sent a collections company after us, and when my parents explained the situation to the collection company, they were like “those f*ckers, we’ll take care of this.” That was, thankfully, the end of it.”

3. Avoid at all costs

“If I see something is being shipped by OnTrac, I’ll cancel. The three times they were the delivery company from Amazon, they lost one package completely and tried to say it wasn’t their fault. The second package was also deemed lost but then showed up on my door step something like six weeks later.

The third time it sat on “shipping label created” for a week and I just contacted Amazon and canceled the package. You don’t find a lot of positive reviews out there and any positive ones you do find seem like they were written by the company via a fake account.”

4. Jiffy Lube

“Jiffy Lube.

Those idiots told me my car has no filter! I’m pretty sure they just didn’t want to take it out. They also said my car takes a “special European oil” and charged a lot extra for it. It’s not a special oil at all.

It’s an uncommon oil but a gallon of it costs the same as typical oil. I’m going to stick with the dealership to get oil changed because it’s cheaper and they know what they’re doing.

EDIT : I forgot to add the ending to this story! Not long after I got my oil changed, Jiffy Lube sent me a text message with a link asking to leave a review of their service on Google. So I obliged and left the most brutally honest one star review you’d ever read!

The next day, the manager called me and left a voicemail. She was VERY adamant that Jiffy Lube had to charge a high price for my oil because it “only can run on special European oil”.

In regards to the air filter, she offered an investigation to look at video footage to see if the technicians looked for the air filter. I know they didn’t, because I would’ve seen them take it out! It’s inside the engine cover, which they never took off.”

5. It wasn’t me

“Lyft. They recently charged me a damage fee for damages I could not have plausibly caused. I sent statements explaining how it couldn’t have been me. They sent back a standardized statement and didn’t give me any additional information.

There is no phone line to talk to a representative. I sent them multiple follow up emails, which they never responded to.

Now I have to write a statement for my credit card company to dispute the charge.”

6. Never again

“Wayfair. Purchased a $1000 sectional couch that was delivered with damaged upholstery. They refused to let me return it and instead offered me 10% off my next purchase. Yeah….. Never using that discount code.”

7. Ugggghhhhh

“I went to Dickeys Barbecue pit, their food isn’t amazing but I was craving southern food and my suburban town in California doesn’t have many options. So me and my girlfriend buy some sandwiches and have them for dinner, they’re cold and taste like salty sweat.

The next day I have uncontrollably shitting liquid shit and vomiting multiple times an hour. If I was alone I would have gone to the emergency room but my dads a nurse and was there. I vomited something like 20 times in the whole day and kept dry heaving afterwards.

The diarrhea came so fast and uncontrolled that it ruined multiple pairs of underwear and a rug that was by the toilet (Why my dad has rugs in the bathroom I don’t know but I shit on it when bent over the toilet). It took only a day for me to feel better and I was already eating heavy foods again, but lo and behold guess who comes over to see me well again and shits herself in my bathroom?

My girlfriend, the only other person who ate at Dickeys. So I spent the rest of the day, after having just shit and vomited myself to death, helping my girlfriend when she was shitting and vomiting. I think we’re closer to each other after that experience.”

8. Get in the zone…or don’t

“I bought an engine from AutoZone for a vehicle I owned. They had a vendor build the engine, and it was supposed to ship to my house. I waited three weeks for it to arrive, but it never did. I contacted their store, was told that it hadn’t shipped yet and was coming via FedEx freight. I kept up with the tracking # but couldn’t get anywhere with it.

I kept calling back every couple of days to see what was going on, and no one could figure it out. I finally managed to find out that it had shipped via another company (RL freight), and had been delivered to somewhere else. It was like pulling teeth to get a refund on an engine I never received. It took another two weeks to get the refund.

I won’t buy a soda from AutoZone now.”

9. Nope

“1-800-Flowers. F*ck them. They waited several days after I placed an order for Mothers day to tell me that they wouldn’t be able to fulfill the order. They waited until the day before, putting me in a bad position.

Now I google my Moms ZIP, add flowers and have a few choices. I call the local shops directly and 1-800-flowers is cut out of the process.”

10. Harrassed

“Macy’s. Got a credit card through them to buy a suit. My parents offered to pay the card off as a birthday present. Cue months of them calling me 5+ times a day, asking where the payment, that had already been made, was.

Harassing me to make more and larger payments. When it was finally payed off, they then tacked on a “completed payment fee” and never sent a bill, so the whole damn thing started all over. I was genuinely about to file a lawsuit over harassment or something.

It was unbelievable, because I would tell one person the payment was made, and then get 4 more calls the same day asking the same thing. Then rinse and repeat tomorrow.”

11. All fired up

“Spirit airlines. Never again. F*ck them. Flight from Vegas got canceled. They don’t even bother trying to put you on another flight, not only that you have to pay extra for the next flight available.

I told them they can go f*ck themselves and I want a refund, the customer service person told me he can refund me spirit credit, that’s when I lost it. After enough bitching, he gave me my money back to my credit card and I bought a flight on delta.”

12. Phantom charges


I was told that canceling my cable and internet services with them would cost me $50 to not return the modem and cable boxes. I didn’t care, as I would’ve had to mail them in and didn’t want to mess with the hassle, so I didn’t.

6 months later I find a $487 charge on my MasterCard and it was from AT&T. It was $150 per piece of equipment, and a $37 service charge (you know, charging me money for their hassle of having to charge me money).

I asked if I returned the equipment would they rescind the charges, they said yes, I returned the equipment and they refused to take off the charge.

I confirmed with them that they received the equipment and they said yes they did, but wouldn’t rescind the charges after all. I fought it up their chain of command as much as possible and even tried to fight it through MasterCard but they couldn’t do anything about it either.”

13. Don’t wanna mess with taxes

“Turbo Tax. Did my return, got a notice that my e-file needed to be corrected, logged back in to fix it and my return wasn’t there anymore. 6 hours on the phone with 3 tiers of tech support, each one trying exactly the same thing.

Finally they were just trying random shit, so I tried random shit in parallel, managed to get to my return with the invoice number from paying for the service WITHOUT logging in. Tried to get them to understand that this was a Very Bad Thing that they should report to someone… and they told me they had no access to anyone technical and no way to submit bugs.

This from the company that lobbied to make it illegal for the government to offer tax filing service.”

14. Tell us how you really feel

“Golden Corral. That place is a festering pile of shit.”

15. You have to take a stand

“Olive Garden. First the meals got shitty and I could deal with it, but then the Alfredo sauce did too and that’s where I draw the line.”

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15 Bartenders Share the Strangest Conversations They’ve Overheard

One perk of being a bartender: hearing all the drunks and weirdos tell their tales. People spill out their guts to barkeeps, and even if they’re not being directly addressed, you know they’re still listening to everything going on on the other side of the bar.

In this AskReddit article, bartenders reveal the weirdest conversations they’ve ever heard on the job.

#1. Awwwww

“Even though we were busy, I clearly heard a women say to her friend, “Hey look, the bartender’s really cute.”

Friend: “No he’s not!”

Response: “Oh yeah, you’re right.”

#2. Negotiations

“Work in a downtown hotel bar right across from our convention center. I’ve heard way too many negotiations between businessmen and escorts.

Last one I heard involved the guy asking the lady how much extra she would charge to let his friend watch.”

#3. Classy

“Had a husband and wife who were by far the most rude people I’ve ever encountered, talking with a traveling business man. By the end of the night the business man was propositioning the woman to go back to his hotel room for some money.”

#4. Lots of cheating

“Lots and lots of cheaters. It’s weird that serial cheaters take their girls to the same spot.”

#5. Heated argument

“I’ve bartended but my favorite conversation was overhead while I was on the other side of the bar. “Look all I’m saying is Grand Theft Auto severely ruined our generation’s perception of how many police helicopters exist.” Sounded like they were getting really heated over the matter haha.”

#6. Tennis ladies

“I bartended at a country club, and there was this one group of tennis-ladies that would always sit at the bar and get absolutely sh*tfaced on weeknights at our wine nights. They took a liking to our main bartender and kept calling him exotic (he’s Mexican), they would say how love his beard, would talk about their fav (not tennis related) positions, how they kept their nether-regions tidy, slip him their numbers, how sh*t their husbands were, etc. Gave me death glares every time I’d be bartending/bar backing with him lol.”

#7. So obvious

“On Valentine’s Day this year, we had a guest who accepted a FaceTime from his girlfriend while his side-chick was with him at the bar. He angled the phone so his girlfriend wouldn’t see the girl, but it was so obvious.”

#8. Categorize them

“I overheard a woman who worked for a New Zealand online dating service, and was basically a profile censor. She described her job as being 80% dick pic removal, and had seen so many she could divvy them up into a few distinct categories.”

#9. Shady business

“I heard some chick say “and the worse part about it, is that lucky bastard got a whole gram of crystal out it for free.”

#10. Now I’m in love with myself

“I hated myself until I discovered masturbation.”

#11. Hahahaha

“Two businessmen having after work drinks on a Friday, where the conversation built up to one of the sweetest sentiments I’ve heard. At first the usual “Lemme tell ya, you’re a good person. I love you man.” Later on (still fairly basic): “Fuck the wives! Hey, you and me, we buy motorcycles!”

To finally this gem: “If a tornado were to blow you away… I would fly after you.”

#12. Adorable

“Guy: “I think I’m going to need a coke chaser for this one.” Girl, presumably SO: “we already did all the coke…” Guy: “Coca Cola, you idiot!”

Not even the most memorable, just the most recent. For sure, a real snapshot into their relationship.”

#13. Wonder how that worked out…

“I once listened to three people have an in depth discussion about how they were going to kill the “local vampire” and the steps to take to protect themselves from the coven that said vampire is surely from.

My favorite though what a heated debate over whether the first Robin would be a crime fighter if Batman hadn’t picked him up and trained him.”

#14. Sounds fun

“I once heard a guy tell his buddy, “It’s fun, it’s like laser tag but with real guns” That was twenty years ago and to this day kick myself for not getting the whole story.”

#15. These are on the house

“A customer is on the phone in the middle of the bar, not too crowded but a long bar. Guy couldn’t have been more than 25. I go to help someone at the end of the bar and on my way back I overhear:

“No, I don’t care! She’s my sister, she is THIRTEEN and there is no reason she should be doing cocaine! At all!”

Gave him a few drinks on the house that night.”

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Tenants Share Their Disturbing Renting Experiences

Renting can be a nightmare. From bad roommates, landlords from hell and terrible apartment spaces, finding a spot that’s good for you isn’t easy.

These 11 renters know that all too well, and they’re not shy about sharing their horrifying experiences.

Find out what went down right now!

1. What in the actual fuck?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Bruhhhhhhh… pay for that sink!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. That is SOOO fucked up!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Super gross and such a shame. Ugh!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Black mold is literally the worst. It can kill you!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. What a creepy fuck!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. You’re right. That’s insanely rude.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Looks like you need to “fix” your living situation…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. What did kids ever do to you?! Don’t answer that…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Ummmm…. isn’t that illegal?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Did you make friends with it and feed it cheese? jk

Photo Credit: Whisper

Alright fam… time to share your crazy renting situations!

Let us know in the comments!

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These Horrible Renting Situations Might Make You Want to Buy a House

From crazy landlords to horrible roommates, being a renter can be so precarious and vulnerable.

Maybe that’s why these people are sharing their shocking situations. Because you’ve gotta get that stuff off your chest!

1. Haha… how would she even know?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Okay, not cool!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Truth

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Ugh! Sleeping in heat is so shitty…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. I would move out IMMEDIATELY.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. GTFO!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Don’t hate the player…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Such a bummer!

Photo Credit: Whisper


Photo Credit: Whisper

10. How do people think this is okay?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Yeah, but you should. And I guess you did. To us!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Haha… well….

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. That would be insane!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Oh… I like that revenge!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Got any horror stories you want to share?

Let us know in the comments!

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A Billionaire Created a Fake Driveway to Score His Own Private Parking Spot in New York

Have you ever tried parking in New York City?

Wellllllll, parking in New York is a nightmare, so one billionaire took desperate measures to get his very own ‘permanent’ spot.

Noah Gottesman, a very wealthy hedge fund honcho, created the illusion of a driveway on his property where none exists. He now hands out parking violations to anyone who tries to park in front of it.

Noah lives in the West Village in Manhattan, in a corner compound on Jane and Washington Streets that he built himself over 10 years ago.

During a renovation, he illegally added a curb cut to the sidewalk outside his home to make it appear as if there’s a driveway at 777 Washington St.

He also added “No Parking” and “Active Driveway” signs to the large black door at the entrance to his complex.

Neighbors who have tried to use the spot have received parking tickets and even had their vehicles towed by Noah’s employees.

Obviously, Noah is not well-liked in the neighborhood.

“It’s all a scam. He doesn’t have a freaking driveway,” neighbor Eyal Levin told the NY Daily News. “He just has fake signs on it. He knows it, everybody knows it and still they try to intimidate everybody about it. I found it to be outrageous.”

Noah received a violation over the illegal curb cut earlier this year, and the Department of Buildings has stepped in to investigate the issue.

“This is a shameful abuse of public space that we won’t tolerate,” Mayor de Blasio spokeswoman Marcy Miranda told NY Daily news.

“The building owner needs to play by the same rules as everyone else, no matter how deep his pockets are, which is why we’ve instructed the Buildings Department to investigate further and take whatever enforcement actions are needed.”

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15+ Hilarious Area 51 Memes for People Who Want to “See Them Aliens”

Ya’ll ready for this?

Have you heard about the “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All Of Us” event on Facebook? It’s gonna happen on September 20th… and it’s COMPLETELY REAL! Really!

We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens.

In that spirit, let’s see them memes!

1. Dat me!

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. Let’s go!

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. All day, every day…

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. They won’t suspect a thing…

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. I wanna go home now…

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. We’ve made a terrible mistake!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. He got this!

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Love this!

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. Space cheese!

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. They ready!

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. Dat forehead!

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. Go back to bed!

Photo Credit: Someecards

14. Bitmojis everywhere

Photo Credit: Someecards

15. The new Fyre Fest?

Photo Credit: Someecards

16. She’ll thank me later…

Photo Credit: Someecards

Them memes is funny!

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10+ Times People Forgot They Were Being Recorded by Security Cameras

Did you know we’re being videotaped most of the time we’re in public? And if you don’t realize that by now, well, surprise!

Sometimes, however, it’s easy to forget you’re on camera. Or, even if you’re aware, how good are those cameras good at spotting you anyway!

These 11 people DEFINITELY forgot they were being filmed… and some crazy shizz was caught.

Get ready to laugh and gasp and shake your head!

1. Wait… how did you let this happen? You just ate it?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Damn. That’s harsh!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Hey, not a bad thing!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Did you want to watch this or…?

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. “Where did this wall come from!?”

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. There’s so much going on here, I don’t even know where to start…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. People! Stop stealing shit! You’re being filmed EVERYWHERE.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Sure….

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Yeah, I bet they’re really keeping track of that…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. You took an entire ANIMAL?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Awwww… that’s sweet. 🙂

Photo Credit: Whisper

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

Share in the comments!

The post 10+ Times People Forgot They Were Being Recorded by Security Cameras appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Babysitters Share the Strangest Rules That Parents Gave Them

Babysitting can kind of be a nightmare.

It’s the first job for many teens, and the pay is often less-than-spectacular. Parents often leave lengthy lists for babysitters, covering things like feeding times and routines and screen time. Sometimes parents are a little over the top, though. These 15 babysitters told reddit the strangest rules parents gave them:

1. A stomach of steel

No hot sauce after 9pm.

Edit: To give some context, the kid LOVED hot sauce…but his folks were super over protective…maybe they had heard of ppl eating too much hot sauce an throwing it up as it would not settle?

Honestly the kid was made of solid steel…we went to Taco Bell pretty much every time I babysat.

2. Not staying for a home birth

Hippy family. The two year old had no bedtime and no rules. “She can eat what she wants, no bedtime, and if she falls asleep, leave her wherever she crashed.” The parents came home at 2:30 to a toddler eating chocolate cake on the couch with her preferred American Pickers on tv. That’s fine apparently.

6 months later the mom is very pregnant and asks that when the baby is born, if I could wrangle the toddler while the mom gives birth in a bathtub at home. The two year old was to be in the room, watching, while I explain what’s happening. I left that evening when the parents came home (fried chicken in the toddlers hand, Keeping Up with the Kardashians on tv) and denied their next request to come sit. As a 20 year old, I wasn’t prepared to see the mess of someone else’s home birth!

3. Still in diapers at 6?

I had to change the kids cloth diaper every 2 hours on the dot. The kid was 6. I assumed it was for some sort of disability or something, but no. His parents just didn’t want to potty train him, and the kid was content with being babied. I remember just making the kid put his own diaper on and encouraged him to use the bathroom if he had to go. I never went back.

4. Bribery works

On the opposite end of the spectrum, The family gave me instructions to let their kids drink chocolate milk, which they were otherwise not allowed to have. I think they wanted their kids to associate baby sitter time with fun time, so the parents could go out more often. Seemed to work out well for them, the kids both grew up to be successful people.

5. Uh, no

Asked me to drive their three year old twins around in my personal vehicle for 2.5 hours because “that’s the only way they can nap”.

No. I simply put the kids in their beds, closed the door, and they were asleep in 15 minutes.

6. A bottle?

To give him warm milk in a baby bottle right after every dinner – he was a fully functional 10 year old boy.

Edit: To answer some of the quesions: Yes, he was fine with it; His parents were otherwise normal (as far as I saw), the kid himself was great; His teeth seemed fine from what I can remember (not that I really would have paid attention to that back then), but I just found him on facebook and it looks like he did have braces around 14-15 years old

7. Sleepy CD

I had to put the kids to sleep with the CD player going. That wasn’t the weird part.

It was a recording of their parents basically going “Molly, you are wonderful. You are a star. You’re going to shine bright.” That isn’t super weird…But it was like several hours long, and apparently they listened to it every night.

8. Let him out

“If Brady stands by the door it just means he needs to go out. Open the door, and let him back inside in a few minutes.”

Brady was a four year old boy.

9. No Fleetwood Mac

OMG thanks for asking because you reminded me of a weird thing.

The 3 year old daughter HAD to watch this vhs tape of a live Fleetwood Mac concert before bed.

I was like, okay cute , that’s adorable, 3 year olds love the weirdest things she’s so quirky and this will be fun.

But she didn’t love it. She always wanted to watch land before time instead. But it was always on the note left for me. Like /pager number, pediatrician, chicken soup for dinner is in fridge and, and WATCH FLEETWOOD MAC at 630 before bed/

Obviously the family eventually found out I wasn’t making her watch it, as I had no fucking reason to believe it was a secret. They were clearly upset by this and I was never called back to babysit.

So that was weird…

10. Severe allergy

Not necessarily a rule but the first time I went to their house they told me about their daughter’s very serious peanut allergy, walked me through the epi pen, prevention, phone numbers of their neighbors who were doctors- all fine so far. I took this very seriously. But then the mother put her hands on my shoulders and said “if she dies we wouldn’t blame you. It wouldn’t be your fault”. While I appreciate the thought this freaked me the hell out and I was 100 times less comfortable

11. This is a test

Wasn’t a rule, but on my first day they sent over an adult male friend of theirs who asked to come in. I said no, and was then told I was being tested and I had passed.

12. Seems sketchy

The mom had me put her kids in their car seats and sit in the driveway with all the car doors open while she just hung out inside the house. 5 hours of me standing in the driveway watching them sit inside their car. Never returned.

Edit: I meant I never returned to babysit for her again, not that the mother mysteriously disappeared.

As for people asking why I didn’t take them somewhere, she specifically asked me to just sit in the driveway with them. I also didn’t have my drivers license yet so I couldn’t have taken them anywhere even if I wanted to. The kids were twins who were 4 years old, I think. They were weirdly, weirdly well behaved and didn’t complain about what we were doing. To this day I have no idea what she was doing inside or why she didn’t just let them play in the yard. I am just as confused as you.

13. Seems oddly specific

I was told that the only thing she specifically wasn’t allowed to do was eat a bowl of sugar

14. I heard you the first time

I used to babysit for this family when I was in high school (in the 80s) and they had no books or reading material of any kind, except that there would usually be like two sections of the WSJ and a running magazine lying around. No. Books.

Anyway, once I went over there and the mom told me like nine times, BEGGED ME, not to eat the box of ‘Nilla Wafers that was in the cupboard because she needed them for a recipe the next day. BEGGED. I was like, “Ok, got it. They’re totally safe because I don’t even like vanilla wafers!” She kept mentioning it, and it was the first thing she asked me about when they got home.

15. Emergency dad

Not a rule but a single mom once told me to use the bat by the door in the event the kids father comes by and tries to take them. That was pretty weird and uncomfortable.


The post 15 Babysitters Share the Strangest Rules That Parents Gave Them appeared first on UberFacts.