15 Funny Tweets About College Life

Leaving home to go away to college can be a real eye-opener, depending on how you were raised. If you didn’t have much responsibility growing up, getting to class on time and doing all your work might seem next to impossible.

And that’s what these tweets are all about: learning things almost IMMEDIATELY in college that you don’t learn in high school.

Do any of these look familiar to you?

1. Ain’t that the truth.

2. They’re all morons!

3. It’s crunch time!

4. Why did I do that?

5. Do what you gotta do.

6. She’s gone forever.

7. It’s a different ballgame.

8. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

9. They’ll be in charge soon.

10. Classic dorm decor.

11. That’s not helping.

12. The crying alarm.

13. Two worlds colliding.

14. Way to go!

15. Just keep it professional, okay?

Ahhhh, what a nice trip down memory lane!

Share some of your similar college experiences with us in the comments!

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15 People Share Things That They Think Definitely DO NOT Make You Look Cool

It’s always amusing when you know someone is trying to be cool, but whatever they’re attempting is totally falling flat.

And I’m not just talking about fashion or hairstyles I don’t get or wouldn’t personally wear. I mean people who are really trying.

Well, these 15 examples from Reddit will let you see what I mean:

15. Uh-oh, I wear these too.

I unironically like wearing fingerless gloves. For actual tasks, not just out and about. When people ask me why I wear them I tell them it’s because I’m so cool.

I’m not exactly certain HOW uncool they make me, but I know it’s a lot.

14. Yeah, this is a hard pass.

Bragging about not reading.

13. Some people deserve to have their speaker option disabled.

Having a phone conversation on a loudspeaker in public, or blasting shitty music from a cheap over saturated BT speaker on public transport . We get it, negative attention is also attention, but taking over a public space with your edginess – is just being an asshole.

12. Jokes are supposed to be funny.

Being an asshole while hiding being the “it’s just a joke, stop taking it seriously. Why can’t you take a joke” statements.

Edit: thanks for the silver. Though everyone talking about their IRL experiences but I’m just here saying this because of some mingey prick on the internet who decided to follow me around the Internet with his friends.

11. There are exceptions to every rule.

The most surefire way to not look cool is to do something that you think makes you look cool.

Edit: To everyone asking what about flips and skateboard tricks: Yes, they are very cool. Certainly an exception.

10. General Rule: people who actually have money don’t have to show it to you.

Posting photos of cash on social media. I always think it is funny how doing that is commonly accepted whereas if you screenshotted your bank account or net worth you’d be an asshole

9. It’s literally not that hard.

Never admitting when you’re wrong. It may seem like a confidence power play, however, most people just don’t care enough about you to say anything or indicate that they noticed. They’ll just slowly drift away from you till one day you’re all alone wondering why no one with any level of competence wants to hang out/work with you.

8. Just like what you like.

Elitism. It’s fuckin stupid to attack someone who enjoys a hobby only just because doesn’t put his life on it.

7. Why are visors a thing, period?

I’ve been into the import tuner scene for close to 20 years at this point.

Now this was more a style of the time say 15 years ago.

Backwards upside down visor hats. WTF? Why was that a thing? It’d make more sense to walk around with an onion tied to your belt.

6. Being close-minded doesn’t make you cool.

Hating all genres of music except the one they like, I learned this the hard way by only liking heavy metal and shitting on all other music without giving a chance as a teen. Metals still my favourite but all genres have good music

5. Bad habits aren’t cool.

I was trying to explain to someone why I gave up coffee. I was addicted and I had started to suffer from insomnia. If I went too long (maybe like an hour or two) without one, I would begin to shake and migraines would set in. Basically just normal effects of over doing caffeine. She asked me how many I was having, and basically tried to turn it into this competition of “oh I drink more coffee than you, omg im so quirky and sleep deprived haha”. Stop turning bad habits and other people’s issues into a competition of how badly you treat your body. It doesn’t make you cool.

EDIT: Thank you for gold 😉

4. There should be more noise ordinances and also get off my lawn.

please stop blasting your music in places where people cannot escape it. i see your earbuds in your pocket. please. salvation

3. Really cool, Mr. Office Space.

One upping and putting other people down to make yourself look good.

Rife in white collar jobs. I despise people who do it.

2. Please just stop.

When people play their music loud at the gas pumps.

1. I mean how about you do something about that? THAT would be cool.

People who say things like “I’m just an asshole!”

No. You lack the emotional maturity to deal with others and use nastiness as a defence. Its not cool as a trait. Try be nice.

*EDIT* Thank you for the gold and silver!

Just something to think about the next time “looking cool” is on your to-do list!

Do you do any of these things? Have you see worse? Admit it in the comments – if you dare!

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Millennials Have Some Pretty Dark Jokes About Their So-Called “Retirement Plans”

Oh boy, here we go…

Millennials have been trying for years to get older generations to listen to the truth about how hard life can be for them: jobs are scarce, they don’t pay nearly enough to cover average student loan payments, and living at home with their parents is just sad after a while.

Luckily, millennials are also pretty good at a self-effacing and sarcastic brand of humor that plays really well on Twitter, so please enjoy these 12 “jokes” that won’t leave you feeling at all warm and fuzzy about the future plans of a generation.

12. There’s a progression there.

11. You just have to wait out, well…you know.

10. It might be our only hope.

9. Shoot for the moon, I guess.

8. This seems like a legit plan.

7. Even the people in the mountains could bet on that.

6. I hope she stored those things in plastic bags.

5. Your resume is gonna look soooo good.

4. Oooh what river? Is there a view?

3. There’s going to be even more ocean to explore.

2. Eh, why bother? I feel that.

1. Time for the Baby Boomers to prove they’re as great as they say.

I fall right on the cusp of this generation and I’ve gotta say…I feel this. Who can worry about the future when I’m wasting time worrying about living until my next paycheck now?

Not millennials.

How about you? Can you relate? Are you good at saving? Tell us your secrets below!

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A Man Brought an ‘Emotional Support Clown’ to a Meeting Where He Knew He Was Gonna Get Fired

This might be the best story of 2019 so far.

The emotional support animal craze has officially gone from “weird” to “terrifying”.

A man in New Zealand brought a professional clown to a layoff meeting at work, claiming that it was his emotional support person.

Joshua Thompson worked at an advertising company in Auckland. He was recently called in for a serious meeting with his bosses. Sensing bad news, he opted to bring a clown to, uh, brighten up the event.

Employees in New Zealand are allowed by law to bring a support person to layoff meetings, but a clown is surely a first!

“I thought it’s best to bring in a professional and so I paid $200 and hired a clown,” Joshua told MediaWorks. “I mean I did get fired, but apart from that it was all smooth running.”

A while ago, I got a job. A short while later, I lost it. For anyone who hasn’t been fired, what happens is they…

Posted by Joshua Jack on Thursday, September 12, 2019

During the meeting, the clown blew up balloons and folded them into animals, including a unicorn and a poodle. He even mimed crying when Joshua got his paperwork.

“It was rather noisy him making balloon animals so we had to tell him to be quiet from time to time,” he said.

Joshua paid $200 for the clown, who is reportedly one of the best in the city. He says the presence of the clown didn’t jeopardize the meeting at all.

“They were getting a free service, they were also getting the entertainment from Joe the Clown,” he said.

The adman has spoken about what unfolded when he took a professional clown – as a support person – to his restructuring meeting. 🤡

Posted by nzherald.co.nz on Friday, September 13, 2019

Joshua has now gone viral for this cheeky move.

And in a classic maneuver, since losing his job, he’s obtained another job in advertising in Australia—possibly with the assistance of his new viral fame.

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This Year’s Annual Running of the Wieners Was a Huge Hit

I need to do this next year.

The Oktoberfest celebration in Cincinnati, Ohio – Oktoberfest Zinzinnati – is one of the biggest Oktoberfest celebrations outside of Germany. More than 500,000 people attend the three-day event, and around 100 of them bring their dachshunds along for the ride.

Every year, the “Running of the Wieners” kicks off the event – it’s 100 dachshunds dressed in hot dog costumes running to compete to see who’s the fastest wiener dog in the Midwest.

The dogs compete in 10 heats that all last 75 feet (or about 5 seconds) apiece. The winner of each heat advances to the final round and then runs in a final heat to determine the overall winner.

But let’s be honest – anyone who gets to see this in person is a winner.

This year Maple, a one-year-old dachshund with long hair took the crown.

Leo and Bucky placed second and third.

Maple’s owner told the local news that Maple is just one of 5 dachshunds in the family, and he learned to run fast by chasing the others around the yard.

If you head to Cincinnati next year to witness this amazing spectacle for yourself, you can also stick around and treat yourself to the World’s Largest Chicken Dance.

I honestly can’t think of a better place (outside Bavaria, of course) to spend your Oktoberfest days.

Can you?

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15 Celebrities Who Got Insulted on ‘Between Two Ferns’

I love this guy…

Between Two Ferns: The Movie starring Zach Galifianakis is now on Netflix, and by all accounts it’s pretty hilarious.

If you’ve ever seen the Between Two Ferns show on Funny or Die, you probably already know what you’re in for: hilarious, uncomfortable interviews with big Hollywood stars.

I love it!

Here are 15 times celebrities got burned on the show.

1. Brad Pitt

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

2. Michael Cera

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

3. Benedict Cumberbatch

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

4. Justin Bieber

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

5. Bruce Willis

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

6. Jerry Seinfeld

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

7. Hailee Steinfeld

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

8. Conan O’Brien

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

9. Jon Hamm

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

10. Chance the Rapper

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

11. Steve Carell

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

12. James Franco

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

13. Matthew McConaughey

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

14. Keanu Reeves

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

15. Lastly, don’t mess with Obama.

Photo Credit: Funny or Die

Genius! Now go watch Between Two Ferns: The Movie and report back with your review!

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People Share the Things That Make Them Get Furious with Other People

I try to be positive and be kind to everyone, but man, sometimes people really get on my nerves and I can’t help but get incredibly annoyed at them.

Hey, I’m working on it, okay?

Hopefully, these AskReddit users, are as well, because they are pretty fired up about people right now.

1. Turn on your signal!

“When people slow down as soon as they cut in front onto your lane on the highway. Worst is when they do it with no blinkers.”

2. Before you accuse me…

“When people twist the truth and accuse you of things you didn’t do and people side with them.”

3. I said ‘no’!

“People who can’t take “no” for an answer and will push you to agree/accept what they say.

People who can’t accept criticism when they fuck up and affect other people’s lives.

People who can’t have a discussion where they are being told a fact and they disprove it because “back in the day…” or authority arguments should always win.

It teaches you some hardcore patience when you have to deal with people like these on the daily.”

4. I would be LIVID.

“My dog ran away 5 days ago and I’ve been posting on every website trying to find him. Someone posted him as FOUND yesterday and SOMEONE ELSE CLAIMED HIM. Had to contact the police to help me finally get him back after 5 hours of headache because the person that found him blocked me and they were only trying to cooperate after the Facebook group that originally thought he was returned to his rightful owner put them on blast for stealing my dog. People fucking suck man.”

5. Just admit it.

“When they did something obviously wrong and still openly denies it.”

6. There’s a lot of this going around.

“People who abuse their power and get away with it scot free.”

7. Clean up after yourself.

“People who say “Oh it’s their job to clean up after me” or “I’m making sure that they’re still employed” as an excuse for not cleaning up after themselves in public.

Like NO.

You don’t leave a soda spilled everywhere and then not even attempt to clean it up.

You don’t leave rolls and rolls of toilet paper all over the floor in the bathroom.

You don’t leave bags of popcorn and drinks and popcorn all over a theater floor and seats.

Take responsibility.

Clean. Up. Your. Mess.”

8. Sketchy folks everywhere.

“People that find the utmost joy in saying nasty shit behind others back.

Either that or people that plot on other peoples demise, you know like sit there and watch them make a mistake only to use it against them for their own personal gain when they could have just helped them in the first place.”

9. One of my biggest pet peeves.

“People who litter. Especially when there is a bin literally a metre away.”

10. That was supposed to be private.

“When a coworker decides to “correct” me by sending a passive aggressive email and copying the boss and the whole group instead of just saying something to me privately and in person.”

11. A huge red flag.

“People being assholes to servers/hosts at a restaurant.”

12. Put it back where it belongs.

“People who don’t return their grocery cart. Like, who do you think you are?”

13. Amen to this one.

“People who mistreat animals. I just can’t fathom the mindset that enables someone to hurt truly innocent creatures.”

14. I totally don’t understand this phenomenon.

“Youtube/Instagram/social media “influencers” who make a living off being an obnoxious piece of shit, with thousands/millions of mindless drones rooting them on, buying their merch, giving them advertising power, and imitating them.

And to clarify, I’m not talking about all “influencers”, I’m specifically talking about ones who harass, annoy, and distress people (usually completely random bystanders), cause drama, and have a mindless legion of followers who support it all the way.”

15. A sad sight, indeed.

“Graffiti on historical monuments/buildings.”

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15 People Who Have Found Their Soulmates

Love can be really hard to find. And a true soulmate is even harder to uncover out there in this crazy world of ours. So when you find yours, you never, ever let go.

The people who put up these posts are lucky enough to have found their soulmates and I think you’ll see why they’re so in love with their significant others.

Awwwwww, I’m starting to get weepy.

1. You’re welcome to do as you please.

2. She nailed it!

3. What a guy.

4. You found The One.

5. He’s not wrong…

6. You did win!

7. This is true love.

8. In the slammer…at least for a minute.

9. He’s trying his best.

10. You’re going viral!

11. What you actually got…

12. He’s right, you know…

13. Wait, that’s not his last name?

14. Don’t cry, please.

15. Whatever you need.

Like I said, don’t ever let your soulmate go!

You have any funny stories or posts about your one and only true love? Share in the comments, you lovebirds!

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These Hilarious Cat Posts Might Put a Big Smile on Your Face

There’s nothing better than some playful, cute animals to put a big smile on your face.

Especially when those cute animals are CATS. Keep in mind, cats are in charge of US, not the other way around.

Let’s see some funny cat posts so we can turn our frowns upside down.

1. Total drama queen.

Screamed at me to let him on the balcony and now he’s doing this. Total drama queen. from aww

2. Two thumbs up!

My girl, Rasputin, showing off her thumbs. from cats

3. Opposites do attract.

My sister recently adopted a kitten and he’s already become very attached to her dog… Apparently, the feeling’s mutual! from aww

4. LOL. So funny.

5. She’s literally doing it, bro.

6. I wasn’t doing anything, I swear.

7. Screaming in a good way, I think.

Our new boy SCREAMING from cats

8. What are you doing in my house?

9. Boots is waiting to be served.

10. Whatever works, just go with it.

11. Not a happy camper.

*angy* from aww

12. I would love it if Buster lived in my house.

Good kitties! That did the trick for me.

If you have a funny pic of your cat, show us in the comments! We’d love to meet your furry feline friends!

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Furry Nails Are a Very Awkward Beauty Trend

Prepare to avert your eyes from these photos. You can take a peek, but don’t stare too long. You might damage your eyes permanently, like looking directly into the sun.

So, without further ado, I present to you, furry nails!

PS: I’m very sorry.

1. Very festive! Just in time for Halloween!

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#4 Brisa and Beyond Gel Nails ** go vote for me link is in bio!! LAST CHANCE FOR VOTING! This set I was most excited about, Brisa Gel came out in the early 2000’s and that is my era, so I had lots of thoughts for these nails. We were asked to take a crystal ball look into the future. I know there is no way to tell the future but there is a pattern in the fashion world that everything comes back around in a new invented way. So I really anted to sit back and take a look at the early 2000’s and think about what was most iconic about this time. My experience is Nsync, TLC, Missy Elliot, Furr hooded jackets, cool sunglasses, Bratz dolls, low ride jeans, random Mandarin character tattoos and who could forget the nail trends. The nail trends that stuck out to me and yes my friends were getting this in middle school, was square nails, french tips and airbrushed dolphins and playboy bunny’s, because for some reason every Nail salon had those same stencils. It was also a time when cellphones were starting to become easily accessible so of corse everyone had corded phones and landlines. I wanted to take all these inspirations and put my own modern twist on them to predict the future with this set. I wanted to include some glass i saved from a car accident i was in to use to this project to represent my future of moving on from the past. @nailsmagazine @cndworld #cnd #cndbrisagel #gelnails #noacrylic #brisagel #shellac #phonenails #phonecord #furrynails #furrnails

A post shared by Carly Snyr (@c.a.r.mani) on

2. Looks like a dead animal.

3. Are you playing a werewolf?

4. Pom pom-style.

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#furrynails dont care!!

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5. How can you get anything done, though?

6. A total freak show.

7. This is actually pretty disturbing.

8. She’s covering her face with her new paws.

9. Troll fingers, perhaps?

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Pom-Pom NAILZZZZ! 🖤💅🏻

A post shared by GOLDNAILS By Goldi Furman 💅🏻 (@goldnails_nailart) on

10. Okay, one more…very odd…

Woo! That was quite an experience, wasn’t it?

What are some other weird/awkward beauty trends that people need to know about?

Fill us in!

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