15 Funny Tweets from Parents Who Are Hanging on by a Thread

Parents: we support you 100%. Well, maybe not that much, but we sure appreciate your struggles and headaches.

We know some of you are barely hanging by a thread, and we’ve totally got your backs! Well, maybe not your backs. Your knees or something.

Bottom line: we’re in your corner.

Just look at these tweets.

1. That’s how it is.

2. Thanks, that’s a big help.

3. Peak and off peak.

4. Don’t ever say that.

5. Still learning the ropes.

6. Not this time…

7. Figure that one out.

8. That’s my boy!

9. Wrong cup, moron!

10. All of the above.

11. Doesn’t work that way.

12. They clearly prefer mommy.

13. They’ll never find me here.

14. A whole different level.

15. Perfect little angels, aren’t they?

Hang in there, moms and dads! You’re doing just fine!

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15 Funny Tweets from Parents Who Are Hanging on by a Thread

Parents: we support you 100%. Well, maybe not that much, but we sure appreciate your struggles and headaches.

We know some of you are barely hanging by a thread, and we’ve totally got your backs! Well, maybe not your backs. Your knees or something.

Bottom line: we’re in your corner.

Just look at these tweets.

1. That’s how it is.

2. Thanks, that’s a big help.

3. Peak and off peak.

4. Don’t ever say that.

5. Still learning the ropes.

6. Not this time…

7. Figure that one out.

8. That’s my boy!

9. Wrong cup, moron!

10. All of the above.

11. Doesn’t work that way.

12. They clearly prefer mommy.

13. They’ll never find me here.

14. A whole different level.

15. Perfect little angels, aren’t they?

Hang in there, moms and dads! You’re doing just fine!

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14 Funny Memes That Parents of Teenagers Will Probably Enjoy

Kids and adults and those who know either of those two groups of people… welcome to the post where you’ll laugh at ALL the memes.

So without further ado… here’s the comedy!

1. But you said I could go!!!

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. Oh no… you ain’t talking to me!

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. It’s how life keeps us humble…

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. Checks out. Smells right.

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. Well, times have changed indeed!

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. I literally hate you too…

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. Time to save up for that trade school!

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. Just hear me now!

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. Just let them do their thing…

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. Ahhhh yes…. Cecily knows EVERY DAMN THING…

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. Hahaha… rough life

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. I love this.

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. Yep!

Photo Credit: Someecards

14. Life goals!

Photo Credit: Someecards

Alright kids and parents and everybody else… we want to know your faves? Let us know in the comments!

Or don’t. It’s up to you. No pressure.

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Celebrities Share Text Messages They Got from Their Parents

Parents are parents, it turns out, no matter whether their kids have starred on the big screen, small screen, perform on stage, or have never performed a day in their lives.

These 15 texts from the parents of celebrities prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt.

15. First can we talk about me?

14. Some lessons are hard to learn.

13. It doesn’t rhyme but it is universally applicable.

12. Who needs fans when you’ve got a mama like this?

11. Imma go ahead and let you write your own mental caption for this one.

10. There’s no arguing with her taste.

9. She is not my daughter but I, too, have concerns.

8. Grandmas are the best.

7. Just a little professional feedback, Mandy Moore.

6. Moms everywhere are nodding in solidarity.

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Texts from my Mom #thestruggleisreal

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5. Michelle Obama’s mom just keeping her grounded.

4. Moms are experts at keeping it real.

3. A battle over who is a real fan of pasta.

2. I love that her mom just assumes she could get real news on the internet.

1. You can never have too much encouragement. Or too many heart emojis.

I couldn’t love these more if I tried!

What texts do you love/hate to get from your parents? What texts do you love to send your kids? Share with us in the comments!

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Here Are Some Tweets About Dogs Who Might Melt Your Damn Heart

Pretty much every dog puts a big smile on my face, but these puppers are really going above and beyond the call of duty.

They deserve a day of snoozing in the sun and belly rubs for their efforts.

11. Why sleep in a bed when you have a dog?

10. They’re going to be best friends for life.

9. The dog, yes, but also the caption.

8. This guy is not quite as slick as he’d like to think.

7. You’ll get no argument from me!

6. This is just like having kids.

5. You’re going to want to make sure your sound is up for this.

4. My heart cannot take it.

3. I’m sure they thought no one was looking.

2. Whose day wouldn’t be brightened by Max?

1. They both look so proud of each other!


I hope their owners are ready to pamper these little sweeties!

Do you love browsing the web for cute dogs? Show us your favorite below!

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Parents Tweeted the Truth About Sex After Kids and It Is Pretty Funny

Hang on tight for this one.

I’m not married and I don’t have kids, but I have ears, people. I listen to the conversations of my married friends, and I know what’s going on (sort of).

And I know that the nookie takes a nosedive after those adorable little angels become a part of the family.

Which is why these texts from parents are hilarious and right on the money.


1. Please don’t come in here.

2. You’re DEFINITELY a parent.

3. No winners here.

4. See you later.

5. That’s very hot.

6. Makes it kinda fun? Maybe?

7. That’s the way it goes.

8. Fast! No, faster!

9. That should do the trick.

10. You just have to deal with it.

11. It’s totally worth it.

12. Might not be a great idea.

13. What are you doing with your time?

14. Should we just go to bed?

15. It’s over. Forever.

Hey, it’s not all bad, is it?

Parents, weigh in on this matter and give the folks who wrote these tweets (and other parents out there) some good advice about gettin’ it on!

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15 Times Elaine from ‘Seinfeld’ Spoke for a Lot of Us

It’s very difficult to pick the best character on Seinfeld because they’re all pretty great, even the supporting characters. Jerry, Kramer, George, Newman, Uncle Leo, they’re all hilarious.

But Elaine Benes might just take the cake. Because sometimes, she spoke for all of us.

Here are some perfect examples.

1. She knows how to talk trash.

Photo Credit: NBC

2. Fighting for equality.

Photo Credit: NBC

3. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Photo Credit: NBC

4. That’s how you end a conversation.

Photo Credit: NBC

5. We all should!

Photo Credit: NBC

6. As good a reason as any.

Photo Credit: NBC

7. Welcome to the club.

Photo Credit: NBC

8. She’s working on it.

Photo Credit: NBC

9. That’s why it’s called that.

Photo Credit: NBC

10. Zing! Sorry, Jerry.

Photo Credit: NBC

11. That is the perfect date.

Photo Credit: NBC

12. You’re either with me or against me.

Photo Credit: NBC

13. Brain doesn’t work sometimes.

Photo Credit: NBC

14. She can be ruthless.

Photo Credit: NBC

15. She’s worried about all animals.

Photo Credit: NBC

She’s also a great dancer! Remember?!?!

What are your favorite Elaine moments!

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These People Have All Had Their First Names Ruined by Pop Culture

I feel kind of sorry for these people, but my last name is Gilligan, so I don’t feel that sorry for them. Do you know how many times I’ve heard jokes about “The Skipper”?

Yeah, that many.

Let’s all say a little prayer for these folks…

1. She really needs to see the manager.

2. That’s not good.

3. Alexa, I have a question.

4. Ouch, that one hurts.

5. The Legend of…

6. No comment needed.

7. Yes, just like that.

8. A teenage witch?

9. I can hear Homer yelling.

10. You never had a chance.

11. Creepy Carrie! Creepy Carrie!

12. This one is a classic.

13. A double whammy.

14. Yeah, baby, yeah!

15. Could be worse.

Has this happened to you? If so, share your stories with us in the comments!

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15 People Share the Dumbest Things They’ve Done While They Were Under the Influence

People do a lot of weird/stupid/crazy things when they’re high on drugs. And a lot of funny things. And a lot of ridiculous things.

You get the picture.

AskReddit users were brave enough to admit the weirdest things they did while they were high.

1. You did your best.

“I was fucked up looking for my hotel in Atlantic City. Somehow got there and woke up the next morning to just ‘hotel’ being in the search bar of my spotify. That was my best effort.”

2. Am I allowed to leave?

“Got up to leave my bedroom and knocked on the door before opening it to go out.”

3. A role reversal.

“Went to let the dog out and I walked out instead and left my dog inside.”

4. WTF am I doing?

“One time years ago I was camping at a campground with my wife and a few friends, we’re all sitting around the fire drinking. Her brother and I go for a walk to smoke some joints. We finish that and I have to piss so he goes back to the group, and when I’m done I head back as well.

So I get back and I’m pretty baked at this point and I’m just standing there watching the fire and drinking my beer for a few minutes. I then noticed a particular Coleman lantern on the picnic table and thought to myself, ‘I don’t remember us having one of those here’.

It was at that point that I realized I was standing at the wrong damned campsite, amongst a bunch of people I have never met, while my group was watching from the next site over, laughing and wondering wtf I was doing.”

5. So proud…

“Eating yoghurt with a fork in front of my parents. My dad waited for about 10 minutes to say that a spoon might make it easier.”

6. Probably the best place you can go when high.

“Went to White Castle to get food for everyone after we smoked. We all had the same order, two double cheese sliders and an order or mozzarella sticks. When I gave her my order I didn’t just say that I wanted 8 double cheese sliders in total, I repeated the two double cheese sliders and mozzarella sticks 4 times.

By the time I got to the end of my order the cashier sounded so defeated. I still cringe thinking back to that moment, but it’s also one of my funniest smoke stories.”

7. No more ciggies.

“A few years ago I was on shrooms with some friends and we went on a walk to smoke a cig. Every time I took a puff of my cigarette, I was expecting to taste Mountain Dew and I was disappointed every time that it didn’t. I quit smoking cigs a few days after that!”

8. I’m a genius!

“Was watching a korean drama when I had a whole freak out when I realized “Holy shit!! I suddenly understand korean!” I woke my bf up and made him watch with me as I translated for him. He laughed at me for 5 minutes before he told me I was just actually just reading the subtitles.”

9. Where could they be?

“Spent 45 mins looking for my glasses with my friend. Said fuck it bc I had to leave and was now running late. When I went to put on my sunglasses I smashed them onto my glasses.

I had my glasses on my fucking face the whole time and neither myself or my friend noticed.”

10. Wait a second…

“Ordered food for delivery. Forgot. Went to grocery store for stuff to BBQ. Remembered about the food for delivery while paying in line.”

11. Sorry, my bad.

“Freaked out that I’d lost my ipod somewhere on the way to the train station. I got off the train and went back, retracing my steps all the way back to my apartment.

Only to realize that I was listening to music the whole time… on my ipod.”

12. Sounds like quite a night.

“Some girls in high school invited me to go smoke and swim in a creek with them. Of course I went to got high as f*ck. Spent the next 30 minutes sitting in the creek, I was so still that a fish came up and bit my ass. I didn’t realize what I was doing until one of the girls ask me why the fuck I was all alone sitting in the middle of a creek not moving.”

13. Didn’t get hauled in.

“I was on acid at a music festival and asked a cop if he would name a hurricane after me.

Fortunately he thought that was funny.”

14. Time well spent.

“Walked up to the bathroom mirror with a flashlight, shined it on my eyes and studied the color patterns of my eyes for about 20 minutes straight. And singing loudly at the same time.”

15. We have a winner!

“I set a hot pocket in the microwave and put in my pin number for the cook time.”

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433 Men Named ‘Nigel’ Gathered in a British Pub to Honor Their First Name

This is one of my favorite stories of 2019 so far.

Is there any more British name than Nigel? My favorite Nigel is Nigel Planer, who played Neil on the great British TV show The Young Ones.

Recently, 433 men named Nigel came together at a pub called The Fleece Inn in the middle of England to celebrate the heritage of that incredible first name.

Nigels from all over the UK came to the small village of Bretforton for the big bash. One Nigel flew in from Cyprus and one from Texas even crowdfunded a ticket to be able to make it to the event.

The idea was the brainchild of Nigel Smith, the landlord of The Fleece Inn where the festivities took place. Smith said it started off as “a slightly mad idea” and that he thought maybe a couple dozen Nigels would show up to have a few beers.

Smith added, “Nigels were kind of dying out. Those of us who are still around ought to celebrate the fact we are still around and very much comfortable with our Nigelness.”

The night features not only 433 chaps named Nigel, but also special drinks, including the Mad Nigel, Nige Ale, and a cider called Narky Nige.

Even the local MP showed up that night. His name: Nigel Huddleston. Of course.

And Smith is right: the very British name is dying out. Apparently, there were only two British babies named Nigel born in 2016.

I’ve decided I’m going to do my part. If I have a child (or a dog, a cat, or a goldfish), I’m going to name them Nigel. That’s a guarantee!

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