Images That Prove How Much Word Spacing Matters

Have you ever wondered how one person can make a difference? How the things that you do, as a tiny human being, has the power to transform another person or a space?

Well, if you want proof of how one small difference can affect the meaning of the whole, we’ve got them for you – these 10 signs were meant to say one thing, but a small space put in an awkward place has nudged them into saying something else entirely.

And of course, I think they’re hilarious. So please enjoy.

10. Please return my cow immediately.

And explain how you got it into that machine.

How did they get a cow into that vending machine! from keming

9. It’s “Bull Titan US”

Convince me this wasn’t intentional.

Bull Titan U.S. from keming

8. For the non-vegetarians in the house.

What a thing to print on a clock. Farmhouse chic!

YOU HAD MEAT. "hello" from keming

7. Definitely don’t follow those instructions.

What a thing to accidentally put on the back of a car.

Hit there from keming

6. I think Don has a problem.

That’s not what we mean by recycling, Sir.

Thanks a bunch Don from keming

5. This is actually quite clever.

If they did it on purpose.

Really smart keming for a local hospital from keming

4. This is glaringly awkward.

What was the purpose of that whole ‘I’ situation?


3. The future hates on spacing.

It’s coming. Not sure why.

Z A R A from keming

2. I refuse to believe this says ‘click.’

Whether it was meant to or not.

you want me to do WHAT? from keming

1. I think that’s meant to say “finals.”

But this is college, so.

Image Credit: Reddit

I refuse to believe no one in real life noticed these before they were posted. Refuse.

Have you ever driven past a sign like this? Tell us what it said in the comments!

The post Images That Prove How Much Word Spacing Matters appeared first on UberFacts.

Images of People Failing at Their One Job

People can be pretty lazy – most of us, anyway. That said, we typically will try to do our best on the days we clock in for a paycheck.

Sometimes, though, we fail. For one reason or another, we can’t get it done that day.

Even though it happens to the best of us, these 13 people should still be ashamed of themselves.

13. Well that is objectively wrong.

Maybe it’s a one-of-a-kind item!

12. This looks sort of like Marie Antoinette?

So maybe this isn’t a mistake, but is actually profound/accurate?

11. Just a blatant disregard for the rules.

Somebody is a rebel.

10. Some special child is going to choose (and adore) the second one.

Everyone needs somebody to love them.

9. Talk about a missed connection.

Those two are just begging to get together.

8. Your cookie was meant for a mafia boss.

It’s sort of chilling, no?

7. This is the kind of thing you never notice until you move in.

And then it’s too late; it will haunt you forever.

6. There are definitely two ways this could be read…

And most of us read left to right.

5. Only the best and brightest.

On the inside, anyway.

4. Someone is going to get an unwelcome surprise.

That will ruin your day, friends.

3. Honestly not even sure what to say.

Did a really talented 3yo paint this?

2. Our kids don’t need any encouragement, okay?

Maybe the teachers could use them, though.

1. Bless their hearts.

What a story to tell at the party, though!

These are making me cringe, y’all.

Have you ever seen anything like this? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Images of People Failing at Their One Job appeared first on UberFacts.

Strange Brands That Made Us Laugh Out Loud

I’m not saying these 17 images are going to fix your life or whatever, but they could make you laugh (and maybe even loosen that knot in your neck) for the next couple of minutes – so why not give them a scroll?

15. It just doesn’t have quite the same scary ring to it.

Perhaps he’s the disarmingly friendly brother.

Image Credit: Tumblr

13. I mean what do they taste like, though?

I’m asking for like, scientific purposes.

Image Credit: Tumblr

12. Did they spell it wrong or steal it?

It’s a little game I like to play.

i want to die from crappyoffbrands

11. What gets you nice and clean in the shower? Dave!

Shoutouts to all of the Daves out there who now have an excuse to horn in on their partners’ shower.

10. Because you can never have too much mint.

This is a fact. Look it up.

Thin Mints’ ugly cousin… from crappyoffbrands

9. The politically correct gaming system.

His gender was not guessed correctly at birth.

Gamechild? from crappyoffbrands

8. This is definitely not the game you thought you were getting.

Not saying it’s not fun, just that it’s unexpected.

I’ve found this in a German IKEA and was told to post this here from crappyoffbrands

7. Not sure who thought that was a good idea.

They’re totally a pervert, though.

I can’t decide which of these off-brand Oreo’s are worse. from crappyoffbrands

6. Who doesn’t want crusty teeth?

Besides everyone, I mean.

5. My heart just hurts for whoever bought this and didn’t realize.

Bless their hearts.

Found this in the store… from crappyoffbrands

4. There are just too many jokes to choose one.

And not a one of them is appropriate.

3. They straight ripped off the tagline, too.

Sort of. In a backward way.

I love these from crappyoffbrands

2. My 3yo would definitely be the star of this restaurant.

I prefer the pizza in the belly, myself.

1. We are all annoying indoor dweeb, now.

Where are my royalties, dammit?

Bazoongis from crappyoffbrands


I’m going to need to find more posts like these that remind me there are reasons to like, enjoy my day!

Which of these made you laugh the hardest? Tell us in the comments!

The post Strange Brands That Made Us Laugh Out Loud appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Photos of People Who Probably Should’ve Used Spellcheck

With the advent of spellcheck (and, you know, the fact that most people have Google at their fingertips at all time), spelling errors are less and less common (at least on public signage).

Which is all to say, these 15 people decided they just really, really didn’t care. At all.

15. Decidedly less appetizing than oatmeal, which is honestly pretty hard to do.

14. I can see that.

[Legit] Delicious hand soup from BoneAppleTea

13. Related to peas, not, well…you know.

12. I bet they didn’t sell a whole lotta those.

11. Those are some bold eggs. Plus an ‘e.’

10. Come on you know what they mean!

Image Credit: Tumblr

9. What happens when you’ve only heard a word and not seen it in print.

8. Mmm, a winning combination if I’ve ever seen one.

free hotel breakfast in alabama from excgarated

7. That is…not the same thing at all.

Skin Milk from BoneAppleTea

6. This one is honestly pretty darn adorable.

5. An answer to the ranibow sprimkles.

4. I mean just oh my laundry please don’t stop.

3. I definitely was not going to smork out here, officer.

Smorking from excgarated

2. The person who could spell quit too, sorry.

On a Burger King. Sorry for the what? from excgarated

1. They have that nice, swampy flavor to them.

Some of these are super cringe-y, if you ask me!

Are you good at spelling? Does stuff like this get under your skin?

Let us know in the comments!

The post 15 Photos of People Who Probably Should’ve Used Spellcheck appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Times We Definitely Entered a Strange Parallel Universe

Do you believe in coincidences? I think we all do to an extent… and yet, there are some coincidences that are so bizarre that you start looking around and thinking “Wtf, am I in some kind of parallel universe or something?

1. But the worst day of all was when someone had to create SandwichBoy SquareBob…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Because this stupid cat killed the real SpongeBob.

(RIP Stephen Hillenburg)

I can’t believe someone actually praised that cat.

3. That thing that no one else saw coming

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. That time when THIS happened

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. When this person’s keyboard was invaded by The X-Files…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. That time a customer request was actually honored

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. Followed by this ‘eye than meeets the more’ moment

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. And THIS

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. And then there was this blasphemous occurrence

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. And this abomination of the human/animal code

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

Rest in peace, Spongebob. Rest in peace.

The post 10 Times We Definitely Entered a Strange Parallel Universe appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Tumblr Posts That Are Instantly Hilarious

While I certainly appreciate a nice long Tumblr story as much as anyone else, I also have those times where I just want to get a quick laugh and be on my way.

If you’re feeling that same need, the following tumblr posts will get the job done.

1. Now playing in my head, on repeat, to the tune of ‘What What in Da Butt’

Photo Credit: Tumblr

2. Oh, Paper… but you had so much to live for!

Photo Credit: Tumblr

3. The horror

Photo Credit: Tumblr


Photo Credit: Tumblr

5. I have no words

Photo Credit: Tumblr

6. I’m also regretting my yearbook choices

Photo Credit: Tumblr

7. When booty calls…

Photo Credit: Tumblr

8. Yup

Photo Credit: Tumblr

9. A classic

Photo Credit: Tumblr


Photo Credit: Tumblr

11. All my childhood pranks are starting to feel inadequate

Photo Credit: Tumblr

12. I started crying at work because your shitty chameleon is judging me and I had to write about it in this article

Photo Credit: Tumblr

13. STILL DEAD… wait is that chocolate

Photo Credit: Tumblr

After these messages, we’ll be right back. Time to take a breather… because that was just too much.

The post 10+ Tumblr Posts That Are Instantly Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.