This is How Long Your Fresh Produce Will Reliably Last

One of the worst things about being an adult and buying your own food and stuff is having to figure out what to buy when, how long something will reliably last, and having to throw things in the trash that cost you some of your hard-earned money.

Fresh produce is the most likely culprit here, because we forget about it, we don’t use as much as we think we will, or we change our mind about what’s for dinner (usually trading the good-for-us stuff for ordering pizza or Chipotle).

So, how long will that lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, or melon last in your fridge? On the counter?

If you’re curious, don’t worry – we’ve got your back.

#20. Onions

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 2-3 months at room temperature

When to toss them: Moisture and soft spots can be a sign it’s gone bad.

#19. Apples

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 4-8 weeks in the fridge

When to toss them: If it looks wrinkled or feels mushy, it’s time to toss.

#18. Oranges

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 3-4 weeks in the fridge

When to toss them: Check to see that there are no soft spots – they’ll also be dry on the inside instead of juicy.

#17. Avocado

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 4-7 days at room temperature

When to toss them: If it’s brown and reduced to mush, you’ve missed your window.

#16. Peaches

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 1-3 days at room temperature

When to toss them:  If they’re very wrinkly or start to smell boozy, it’s time to let them go.

#15. Bananas

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 2-5 days at room temperature

When to toss them: If they’re tough to peel, give under your fingers, or are brown all over, you can lie to yourself about how they’re going to be banana bread.

#14. Potatoes

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 3-5 weeks in the pantry

When to toss them: It’s OK if it has small sprouts, but if the sprouts are longer than a few centimeters, your potato may have gone bad. If it’s gone VERY bad, there will be no mistaking it.

#13. Blueberries

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 1-2 weeks in the fridge

When to toss them: If they start to feel moist or look moldy, it’s time to toss.

#12. Strawberries

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last:  3-7 days in the fridge

When to toss them: If they are too soft, have dark spots, or are showing mold, show them the trash.

#11. Broccoli

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 7-14 days in the fridge

When to toss them: Once it starts to go limp, all is lost.

#10. String Beans

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 3-5 days in the fridge

When to toss them: You’ll know they’ve gone bad if they’ve turned limp or moist.

#9. Carrots

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 3-4 weeks in the fridge

When to toss them: Carrots are past their prime when they feel limp or have developed a white, grainy look.

#8. Tomatoes

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 1 week at room temperature

When to toss them: Bad tomatoes will have rotten spots, and they’ll be mushy rather than firm.

#7. Cucumbers

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 1 week in the fridge

When to toss them: Discard if it has any sunken areas, is yellow or has wrinkly skin.

#6. Watermelon

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 7 to 10 days at room temperature

When to toss them: Melons have a peculiar, too-sweet smell that’s sickly rather than enticing.

#5. Garlic

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 3-6 months at room temperature

When to toss them: If it’s grown any sprouts, peel them away before cooking. Pass up garlic that has turned tan or looks wrinkly.

#4. Mushrooms

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 7-10 days in the fridge

When to toss them: If the mushroom feels sticky or slimy, it’s bad. Whole mushrooms will keep longer than sliced mushrooms.

#3. Lettuce

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 7-10 days in the fridge

When to toss them: If your greens look discolored, feel soggy or have a rotten smell, it’s time to discard.

#2. Zucchini

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 4-5 days in the fridge

When to toss them: If the zucchini looks gray, or the skin is dull rather than shiny, it may be overly ripe.

#1. Lemons

Image Credit: Pexels

How long they last: 3-4 weeks in the fridge

When to toss them: It’s overripe if it has soft spots, dark blotches or is oozing juice.

This is super helpful information, though I usually just figure mine has gone bad once it’s reduced to wet mush in the bottom of my vegetable drawer.

Don’t judge. You know exactly what I’m talking about.

Cheers to healthier eating in the future!

The post This is How Long Your Fresh Produce Will Reliably Last appeared first on UberFacts.

A Dad Asked if He’s Wrong to Still Cook Bacon in the House With His Vegan Daughter

More and more people are making different dietary choices lately – whether it’s for health reasons, because of a concern for the environment, or over moral objections – and many of those changes mean no longer eating meat (or any animal byproducts, in the case of vegans).

If you know a passionate vegan, there’s a good chance you also know many of them are not quiet about their choices, or about trying to convince you to make the same ones. Everyone has to decide for themselves, though, and what’s the best course of action when people who take different paths still live together under one roof?

That’s the question this bacon-loving father is asking now that his daughter is a practicing vegan.

Dad here, old fart, loves his daughter to pieces but I’m struggling to see eye to eye with my teenager and wife on this one.

As a Midwestern family, their meals have always revolved around meat and potatoes, but when his daughter decided to become a vegan, he jumped on board to help her make the switch.

We’ve always been a meat eating family, we live in the rural Midwest and bacon for breakfast is pretty much a given. This year my 14 y/o daughter decided to go vegan, and I jumped onto her support team with enthusiasm. We learned how to substitute ingredients, cook new things, try new things, I adjusted our budget to include more expensive vegan substitutes for her, etc.

Then, there was an incident with a pan.

None of this has been a problem for me until recently. She saw me cook bacon in a pan, and then I rinsed it out to load in the dishwasher. She exploded in anger (teen years, I’m not too fussed about the anger explosion, I know she doesn’t mean it) and said that that was HER pan for vegan food. I was completely floored and said, kiddo this here is a family pan, older than you, it’s not YOUR pan.

She asked for pans to be specifically designated for cooking vegan, and he agreed.

She asked me to purchase her a pan that she can solely use for vegan food. I didn’t want her to feel weird about food, so I said sure, and ordered her a few colored ones that are only for her. The reason they’re colored is so it helps me remember that I’m not to touch them unless I’m cooking vegan.

That wasn’t enough, though, and then she asked that they all stop eating meat at home to stop the cross-contamination.

That wasn’t good enough. Now apparently the dishwasher is ‘contaminated’ with animal product, and the fridge has ‘bacon grease fingers’ on it (because I eat bacon and then touch the fridge) and she’s asked me and her mom to completely stop eating meat at home. I don’t mean I literally touch the fridge with greasy bacon hands, because I wash my hands, but it’s clearly enough that it upsets my daughter.

He and his wife disagree on how to handle it – she thinks that they should make their daughter comfortable in her own kitchen while he says he’s not going to stop enjoying the things he loves in his own house.

frankly I’m on team hell no, her mom is much more amenable and strongly wants me to consider taking our daughter up on the request. My wife’s reasoning is that both our parents live close so we can eat meat products there, and that she doesn’t want our daughter to feel uncomfortable in the kitchen.

My daughter says she is fine with cheese and butter in the fridge, but it’s specifically meat products that make her feel sick. Now I’m sorry for her, but I feel like she just needs to adapt and live side by side, because I’m not going to stop eating bacon in my own house.

Look out, folks – here come the comments.

Mostly, people believe more compromises can be made so that everyone can continue to eat what they want.

image Credit: Reddit

Others suggested the daughter needs a (kind) reality check about all of the ways the world is not going to change to accommodate her.

Image Credit: Reddit

And yeah, learning to cohabitate with people who don’t share each and every one of your beliefs is one of life’s necessary lessons.

Image Credit: Reddit

Other vegans weighed in, and they were surprisingly on the father’s side on this one.

Image Credit: Reddit

“Feeling sick” is something she’s definitely just going to have to get over.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m definitely with the dad here – it’s his house, he pays the bills, he eats what he likes. Sure, it’s great that he’s willing to support his daughter, but he also needs to teach her that living with other people will always involve compromise.

What do you think? Let’s hash it out in the comments!

The post A Dad Asked if He’s Wrong to Still Cook Bacon in the House With His Vegan Daughter appeared first on UberFacts.

What Cooking Tips Should We All Know? Chefs Were Nice Enough to Offer Their Advice.

No matter how much experience you have working in restaurants or even just in your home kitchen, you can always learn new tips about how to make food and make the process smoother.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to dive into today!

Let’s check out some awesome cooking tips from folks on AskReddit!

1. For beginners.

“Two things for beginners:

First, taste as you cook. At various stages of cooking, while safe (not raw meat) taste your food as you cook it. This lets you know if you have too much of something or too little. It also helps you develop your palette for what different seasonings do.

Second, if you’re just starting out and don’t know which spices to buy. Pick a specific cuisine you like. Are you a fan of Italian food? Focus only on Italian recipes for a while. Most use similar herbs and spices because the cuisine of the area used what they had available to them.

This will let you learn several recipes without having to buy massive amounts of spices to make it work. Eventually you will build up a good stock and be set to handle most things.”

2. Yummy.

“Soy sauce goes on more than Asian foods.

Try a dash in scrambled eggs or towards the end of your caramelized onions.

It is a savory salt flavor that compliments many dishes.”

3. Some tips.

“The spice measurements in most online recipes are way too small. I usually double them.

Cinnamon isn’t just for sweet foods. It can be really really good in savory foods.

Don’t forget the acid. A bit of citrus juice or vinegar can really make a dish pop and bring out the other flavors.

Don’t be afraid to deviate from a recipe, but be careful with baked goods. If you make big changes in baked goods you might get a dud unless you know how it will effect the baking process.”

4. Spice it up.

“Salt is seasoning. It makes food taste more like itself.

Acids, like citrus or vinegar can also do this. If your food tastes flat, or like it is missing something, try some salt or acid. Acid is also critical for balancing very rich fatty foods.

The reason Americans love tomato ketchup so much is the fact that it adds acid and salt to their food. Adding a bit of “heat” like a pinch of cayenne can also accentuate a the flavor of a dish. Spices are something else. They bring a new and different flavor to the dish.

In sweets, sugar often takes the place of salt and is usually balanced by acid – see passionfruit, raspberry, citrus, etc. But salt plays an important role in sweets as well – often in unexpected ways. Try putting a pinch of kosher salt into your next batch of whipped cream.

I could keep going but I’ll leave it there. If you can master these concepts you will have a big advantage over most home cooks.”

5. Nice and easy.

“If you’re getting annoyed because it’s taking you too long to peel garlic, place an unpeeled garlic clove under the flat side of your kitchen knife and press on it with your hand.

The garlic peel will separate easily and your garlic will be crushed.”

6. Ouch!

“A falling knife has no handle.

The worst cut I’ve ever had was from trying catch one on reflex.

I got sliced across all my fingers, great tip to internalize.”

7. Good advice.

“Everything in it’s place. Have everything cut, seasonings and ingredients measured before you start cooking. This way you can focus on cooking.

Brown meats in small batches, do not overcrowd the pan. It will cause meat to sweat and will not brown properly.”

8. Keep it simple.

“Learn basic cutting techniques for cutting vegetables.

Keep it simple. The number ingredients doesn’t say anything about the taste of a dish. Go for dishes you can make in 30 to 40 minutes with 6 to 8 ingredients.

Keep a notebook. Gather a list recipes and dishes you do regularly. Expand gradually with new stuff. Don’t just buy cookbooks you never really use.

Adding is easy, removing is hard. People here argue to liberally add butter and seasoning. Tastes differ, though. It’s totally fine to put in less if that’s what you fancy.

You don’t need a gazillion utensils. In your daily cooking, a basic kitchen knife already does a lot of the heavy lifting. Learn to use that properly.

Observe. How do ingredients act when you combine them? What happens when your put them in a pan or pot and apply heat?

Always be cleaning. You have idle time? Clean the sink.

Don’t be afraid to fail. Learn from your mistakes. Also, don’t pretend you know better then the recipe. Especially if you never made a recipe before.”

9. All about timing.

“The amount of garlic flavor is dependent on WHEN you add the garlic.

Add it early for light flavor, add it late for bold flavor.”

10. Fond.

“Massively improve the quality of your proteins with fond. Doesn’t matter the protein. Bird, beef, pork, tofu. Fond is the dark brown stuff that sticks to your pan when you’re cooking.

Its not burnt unless is actually black. To get it off the pan on on the food, pour in either an alcohol or acid to dissolve it and get the now brown liquid to coat your protein. Different proteins work best with different alcohols.

Good rule of thumb, dry white for chicken or any lighter meat. Red for beef. Lemon juice works great for almost everything.”

11. Brine is good.

“Brine your dang birds.

Like salt, sugar and water makes a basic brine; let it sit in there overnight.

Juicy bird guaranteed.”

12. Good stuff here.

“Your pan does not need to be on maximum heat.

You have to cook meat to a specific internal temperature to kill bacteria, anything more is just trying it out (generalized).

Lemon zest and garlic with a cream sauce makes anything delicious.

Wash your hands, tools, and area after dealing with raw meats. Watch the water splatter from the sink when washing aswell.

When a recipe calls for you to let something ‘sit’ or ‘rest’, do not rush this step. Good things happen to the food in that time.

You are less likely to cut your self with a sharp knife, compared to a dull one.

Sifting flour, when adding it to baking recipes, can improve the results.

Test your yeast before committing to using it.

When cooking for a group, season lightly, and use hot spices sparingly; they can both be done after its served.

Puree or fine grate veggies such as carrots or zucchini into sauces, or even peanut butter, to get kids to get some nutrients.

Buy a rice cooker. Uncle Roger said so.

Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize.

Wet hand / dry hand while breading or coating food.

Never pry anything out of an electrical appliance. No metal in toasters or microwaves.

Dishwashers have a ‘gunk trap’ or general area where stuff collects. Clean this. Also check the water outlets as lemon seeds and other things can clog them.

Herbs and spices can be annoying to eat, such as twiggy pieces of rosemary or peppercorns. Put them in a cheese cloth, or emptied out tea bag, draped in the liquid, to give their flavours but not the textures.

Dont pan fry bacon in the morning with no shirt on.

Buy local as often as you can.”

How about you?

What cooking tips would you like to share with the world?

Do it in the comments, please!

The post What Cooking Tips Should We All Know? Chefs Were Nice Enough to Offer Their Advice. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Food Nobody Can Make Better Than Their Mom

Even if your mom isn’t the greatest cook ever, I have no doubt in my mind that there is at least one thing she makes that, if nothing else, reminds you of growing up.

For me, it’s my mother’s meatloaf. The smell of it baking in the oven on a chilly winter evening is like being transported back to my youth, and no matter how many times I try making it myself, it’s never quite the same.

These 20 people are sharing the dishes that their mom just knocks out of the park, and I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy inside about it!

20. I’m drooling a little bit.

Leche flan. Even the stuff from the local Filipino bakery is spongey scrambled eggs compared to my mom’s. Thick, smooth custard. No bubbles.

Her secret ingredient is the tiniest splash of lemon extract. Sometimes she’ll put a layer of flan on top of cassava cake (shredded cassava cooked with macapuno coconut). Lord, so good.

19. There’s no such thing as too much butter.

Sticky toffee pudding.

Could be something to do with the full pound of butter she uses, but who can say.

18. At least you know why she married you.

My mother is from the Philippines. Her adobo is something magical and out of this world. When my wife is mad at me she says the only reason she married into the family was so that she could eat my mom’s adobo.

I somehow forgot to mention her lumpia. Oh lord, her lumpia is something I could eat several times my own bodyweight in.

17. Ooh, please tell me more.

My mom makes the best carrot cake in the universe. Hands down. It’s her own recipe, hybridized from two different recipes she had long ago. It’s like no other carrot cake I’ve ever had. I have it every year for my birthday, she has even shipped it to me unassembled (icing in a jar, cake layers wrapped in wax paper and foil) when I lived far away. I estimate I’ve eaten this cake at least 50 -60 times in my 43 years on the planet, sometimes we make it for her birthday too it’s so good.

Editing to add that she cooked and baked a ton all throughout my childhood, and still does a fair amount. Many other things she makes are great too (her meatloaf and her chicken & dumplings are on point… pumpkin pie is amazeballs…) but if I had to pick one stellar winner it is the cake of carrots.

16. I’m willing to adopt it.

My mom’s lumpia shanghai is literally Filipino crack and no one can convince me otherwise. She has a few secret ingredients and no one else’s recipe comes close

Another note: It’s wild to me that Pinoy food isn’t as widely popular in the States. I’ve made that argument before, but if Filipinos are the third fastest growing Asian group in the States (behind Chinese and Indian) why isn’t Filipino restaurants as widely available / popular as say Thai restaurants.

It’s criminal to me since Pinoy food is so good too.

15. This is quite an endorsement.

I married into a Ukrainian family and my mother in law and wife make potato/cheese perogies for christmas and thanksgiving each year from scratch and there’s nothing like them.

You think you like perogies and then you have a homemade one and suddenly you can hear colours.

14. Tell me more.

Pupusas. A Salvadoran dish.

Absolutely delish. It’s like a flat tamale.

13. Insult to injury.


My mom made the absolute best gumbo and I’ve spent the last 10 years trying to get it right because she never wrote down the recipe for me before she died despite me practically begging her to do so.

God I miss her (and her gumbo!)

12. I like all kinds.

Chocolate chip cookies!

From a recipe passed down from HER mom. So many happy memories of three of us generations making those cookies all together ; )

Always baked perfectly medium rare. She had a specific cookie scooper that she always used. After she died, my dad rested her beloved cookie scooper on top of her urn.

11. That’s just petty.

My great grandma was a renowned candy maker and wouldn’t write down any of her recipes either. “My recipes will die with me.”

I don’t understand why people do that? Let us remember you and carry on your legacy 🙁

10. A labor of love.

Not my mom, but my grandma makes the best fried chicken EVER.

I won’t eat any other fried chicken except for hers bc all the others just disappoint me.

9. I don’t know why I love this story but I do.

So my great-grandmother never wrote down her recipes either and her big thing was always banana nut bread. It’s a staple in my family. Like, every holiday, there’s at least a half a dozen loaves laying around to get munched on.

Memaw DID end up writing her banana bread recipe down before she passed and gave a copy to her daughter and DIL and each of her granddaughters.

But she wrote a different version for each person. Which like, okay weird, but she was old and never measured anything and just eyeballed it. So.. alright.

The kicker is she told each person she gave a recipe to that “Now, I gave you the REAL one because you were always my favorite. Don’t tell anyone else.”

And then she DIED and all the granddaughters compared notes on their recipes one Christmas and figured out she told them all the same thing about being the favorite and we still don’t know which recipe is the a real one or if there even is a real one or which one is closest.

8. Oooh I need that second recipe like yesterday.

My mom makes hands down the absolute best lasagna ever, and she can almost perfectly recreate the rice, noodles, and steak from hibachi restaurants.

7. When you just can’t choose.


That woman’s like a mad scientist in the kitchen. She’ll f*ck around and experiment, turn out some really weird/gross/downright obscene stuff from time to time, and just figure out what works.

And the process ends with something that you imagine the gods would eat on Olympus.

6. It’s the homemade sauce that does it.

My mom’s lasagna was the best too! She would make homemade spaghetti sauce, from fresh tomatoes + cans of tomato paste, then cook the meatballs in the sauce, scooping the grease off the top over the course of the day.

She would also parboil italian sausage. When the sausage and meatballs were cooked she would slice them into 1/2 inch pieces. Then she would make the lasagna with alternating layers of sausage, meatballs and ricotta cheese.

All of us kids always requested this for our birthday dinner!

5. Wow, so can mine!

My Mum can make the single best roast potatoes I’ve ever had.

4. Can’t beat a good soup.

Vegetable soup with small meatballs. Was a recipe from my grandmother who learned it from her mother who again learned it from her mother (the meatballs came later it used to just be vegetable soup). Its good in all seasons and when smelling it it instantly transports my mind to when I was a small kid going to grandma for the weekend.

I have learned how to do it but my mother says it will taste better once you pour some extra love for your kids and grandkids into the soup. Don’t have kids so I’ll have to wait to find out.

3. A sweet legacy.

My late mother was a fantastic cook–which I didn’t realize or appreciate until I grew up and left home. She didn’t like baking very much and rarely did it, but she was a great cook.

But the one thing she had been making for 60 years and could do it blindfolded & in her sleep was Chocolate Roll–a mixture of egg whites & egg yolks beaten & mixed with cocoa & powdered sugar, then baked in a jelly roll pan, spread with sweetened whipped cream when cool, rolled up & frosted w/a light chocolate frosting. It resembles a large Hostess Ho-Ho.

Most delicious treat in the world. I try to make one every other week to put a smile on my dad’s face, but mine will never come out looking as good as my mom’s (but it still tastes great).

2. Or the not having to do it yourself.

Literally everything.

Even toast.

I think it’s the love.

1. I guess it’s the love that’s missing.

Banana bread.

I use the same recipe and it just isn’t the same.

Miss you Mum x

Now I’m hungry!

What’s the dish you ask your mom to make every time you go home? Let’s keep taking yummy stuff in the comments.

The post People Share the Food Nobody Can Make Better Than Their Mom appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Food Nobody Can Make Better Than Their Mom

Even if your mom isn’t the greatest cook ever, I have no doubt in my mind that there is at least one thing she makes that, if nothing else, reminds you of growing up.

For me, it’s my mother’s meatloaf. The smell of it baking in the oven on a chilly winter evening is like being transported back to my youth, and no matter how many times I try making it myself, it’s never quite the same.

These 20 people are sharing the dishes that their mom just knocks out of the park, and I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy inside about it!

20. I’m drooling a little bit.

Leche flan. Even the stuff from the local Filipino bakery is spongey scrambled eggs compared to my mom’s. Thick, smooth custard. No bubbles.

Her secret ingredient is the tiniest splash of lemon extract. Sometimes she’ll put a layer of flan on top of cassava cake (shredded cassava cooked with macapuno coconut). Lord, so good.

19. There’s no such thing as too much butter.

Sticky toffee pudding.

Could be something to do with the full pound of butter she uses, but who can say.

18. At least you know why she married you.

My mother is from the Philippines. Her adobo is something magical and out of this world. When my wife is mad at me she says the only reason she married into the family was so that she could eat my mom’s adobo.

I somehow forgot to mention her lumpia. Oh lord, her lumpia is something I could eat several times my own bodyweight in.

17. Ooh, please tell me more.

My mom makes the best carrot cake in the universe. Hands down. It’s her own recipe, hybridized from two different recipes she had long ago. It’s like no other carrot cake I’ve ever had. I have it every year for my birthday, she has even shipped it to me unassembled (icing in a jar, cake layers wrapped in wax paper and foil) when I lived far away. I estimate I’ve eaten this cake at least 50 -60 times in my 43 years on the planet, sometimes we make it for her birthday too it’s so good.

Editing to add that she cooked and baked a ton all throughout my childhood, and still does a fair amount. Many other things she makes are great too (her meatloaf and her chicken & dumplings are on point… pumpkin pie is amazeballs…) but if I had to pick one stellar winner it is the cake of carrots.

16. I’m willing to adopt it.

My mom’s lumpia shanghai is literally Filipino crack and no one can convince me otherwise. She has a few secret ingredients and no one else’s recipe comes close

Another note: It’s wild to me that Pinoy food isn’t as widely popular in the States. I’ve made that argument before, but if Filipinos are the third fastest growing Asian group in the States (behind Chinese and Indian) why isn’t Filipino restaurants as widely available / popular as say Thai restaurants.

It’s criminal to me since Pinoy food is so good too.

15. This is quite an endorsement.

I married into a Ukrainian family and my mother in law and wife make potato/cheese perogies for christmas and thanksgiving each year from scratch and there’s nothing like them.

You think you like perogies and then you have a homemade one and suddenly you can hear colours.

14. Tell me more.

Pupusas. A Salvadoran dish.

Absolutely delish. It’s like a flat tamale.

13. Insult to injury.


My mom made the absolute best gumbo and I’ve spent the last 10 years trying to get it right because she never wrote down the recipe for me before she died despite me practically begging her to do so.

God I miss her (and her gumbo!)

12. I like all kinds.

Chocolate chip cookies!

From a recipe passed down from HER mom. So many happy memories of three of us generations making those cookies all together ; )

Always baked perfectly medium rare. She had a specific cookie scooper that she always used. After she died, my dad rested her beloved cookie scooper on top of her urn.

11. That’s just petty.

My great grandma was a renowned candy maker and wouldn’t write down any of her recipes either. “My recipes will die with me.”

I don’t understand why people do that? Let us remember you and carry on your legacy 🙁

10. A labor of love.

Not my mom, but my grandma makes the best fried chicken EVER.

I won’t eat any other fried chicken except for hers bc all the others just disappoint me.

9. I don’t know why I love this story but I do.

So my great-grandmother never wrote down her recipes either and her big thing was always banana nut bread. It’s a staple in my family. Like, every holiday, there’s at least a half a dozen loaves laying around to get munched on.

Memaw DID end up writing her banana bread recipe down before she passed and gave a copy to her daughter and DIL and each of her granddaughters.

But she wrote a different version for each person. Which like, okay weird, but she was old and never measured anything and just eyeballed it. So.. alright.

The kicker is she told each person she gave a recipe to that “Now, I gave you the REAL one because you were always my favorite. Don’t tell anyone else.”

And then she DIED and all the granddaughters compared notes on their recipes one Christmas and figured out she told them all the same thing about being the favorite and we still don’t know which recipe is the a real one or if there even is a real one or which one is closest.

8. Oooh I need that second recipe like yesterday.

My mom makes hands down the absolute best lasagna ever, and she can almost perfectly recreate the rice, noodles, and steak from hibachi restaurants.

7. When you just can’t choose.


That woman’s like a mad scientist in the kitchen. She’ll f*ck around and experiment, turn out some really weird/gross/downright obscene stuff from time to time, and just figure out what works.

And the process ends with something that you imagine the gods would eat on Olympus.

6. It’s the homemade sauce that does it.

My mom’s lasagna was the best too! She would make homemade spaghetti sauce, from fresh tomatoes + cans of tomato paste, then cook the meatballs in the sauce, scooping the grease off the top over the course of the day.

She would also parboil italian sausage. When the sausage and meatballs were cooked she would slice them into 1/2 inch pieces. Then she would make the lasagna with alternating layers of sausage, meatballs and ricotta cheese.

All of us kids always requested this for our birthday dinner!

5. Wow, so can mine!

My Mum can make the single best roast potatoes I’ve ever had.

4. Can’t beat a good soup.

Vegetable soup with small meatballs. Was a recipe from my grandmother who learned it from her mother who again learned it from her mother (the meatballs came later it used to just be vegetable soup). Its good in all seasons and when smelling it it instantly transports my mind to when I was a small kid going to grandma for the weekend.

I have learned how to do it but my mother says it will taste better once you pour some extra love for your kids and grandkids into the soup. Don’t have kids so I’ll have to wait to find out.

3. A sweet legacy.

My late mother was a fantastic cook–which I didn’t realize or appreciate until I grew up and left home. She didn’t like baking very much and rarely did it, but she was a great cook.

But the one thing she had been making for 60 years and could do it blindfolded & in her sleep was Chocolate Roll–a mixture of egg whites & egg yolks beaten & mixed with cocoa & powdered sugar, then baked in a jelly roll pan, spread with sweetened whipped cream when cool, rolled up & frosted w/a light chocolate frosting. It resembles a large Hostess Ho-Ho.

Most delicious treat in the world. I try to make one every other week to put a smile on my dad’s face, but mine will never come out looking as good as my mom’s (but it still tastes great).

2. Or the not having to do it yourself.

Literally everything.

Even toast.

I think it’s the love.

1. I guess it’s the love that’s missing.

Banana bread.

I use the same recipe and it just isn’t the same.

Miss you Mum x

Now I’m hungry!

What’s the dish you ask your mom to make every time you go home? Let’s keep taking yummy stuff in the comments.

The post People Share the Food Nobody Can Make Better Than Their Mom appeared first on UberFacts.

Chefs Offer Cooking Tips They Think All of us Should Know

Have you been spending a ton of time cooking (or learning how to cook) during the pandemic and the quarantine?

You’re definitely not alone on that one!

And we have a treat for you today!

Chefs on AskReddit offered up cooking tips that will help all of us out. Let’s take a look.

1. Watch the temp.

“Watch your cooking temperature! You don’t need everything blazing hot. In fact, with high heat you’ll usually end up burning/drying out your meal. Medium heat is your friend. It gives you more time to get it right.

A simple example is a good grilled cheese sandwich. If you make it in a skillet on medium heat, it might take a while. BUT you’ll have enough time to make sure the toast is perfectly crispy without getting burned.”

2. Take it all in…

“Learn how to hold a knife and cut correctly.

Use acid – it’s your friend! Lemon juice, vinegar, microplaned zest, whatever. It brightens up everything.

Season every step of the way and taste as you go. Don’t overdue it, obviously, but you want to season every layer and taste.

Keep in mind that acid will then also amplify things like salt – keep everything in balance.

Someone else said it, but it’s true – it’s easier to add than to take away.

And if you’re making something like soup or stock or sauce – if it’s something that will reduce down season lightly as you make it, and then when it’s finished season at the end to get it where you want it.

If you haven’t noticed, a lot of mine are about seasoning. The vast majority of home cooks (and even some restaurant dishes) are under seasoned. Sometimes all you need are salt and pepper, but most people don’t use enough – salt especially. It shouldn’t taste SALTY, but just shy of it.”

3. I love risotto.

“When you make risotto, add the rice to the pan and cook it on very low heat until the edges turn slightly translucent before adding any liquid.

Your risotto will be much more tender and evenly cooked”

4. Roast ’em up.

“You can roast almost all veggies and they turn out delicious. It’s also really easy.

Take the veggie, cut it into bite sized pieces give or take (can be larger if you want, just adjust cooking time and test for tenderness). Place in a bowl and toss with olive oil until everything is lightly coated. Spread out on a baking sheet (can put a layer of parchment paper on it to make clean up easier) and season with a thin layer of kosher salt and pepper on all pieces.

Place in an oven at 350F or above and once well browned, remove and eat. You can roast at 450F if you want but just know that it will take less time at this temp and more time at lower temps. Do it a lot and you’ll gain experience and figure out what temps you like. For me, it often depends on what else is in the oven and I just go with it and check it periodically.

If you want to kick it up a little, sprinkle some diced garlic and some red pepper flakes (go light if you’re sensitive to spice) over the veggies as well. Cook the same. They are delicious.

Works with almost everything – broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrots, all squashes, etc.”

5. Listen up!

“Too much salt in a soup? Add potatoes. Potatoes soak up salt like mad, I swear.

Whole roasted chicken will make two meals, plus create stock. First will be roasted chicken. Second will be chicken soup. Finally, boil bones to make stock.

Don’t be afraid of acid, like vinegars, citrus, pickled items. Fermented things as well. Add more jarred olives to your recipes, they will expand flavors.

Red wine is required for the best beef dishes.”

6. That’s all you need.

“Kosher salt, cracked black pepper, olive oil, garlic, lemon, butter.

That’s all you need to season anything. Any protein, any roasted veggie, any salad- keep it simple.

Also, a working meat thermometer will never let you down. Take the guesswork out.”

7. Now I’m hungry.

“Flour and fat makes a roux. Roux makes sauces thick.

You want a white country gravy? Put equal amounts oil and flour in a pan. Cook over medium heat while stirring until flour turns a little brown. Pour milk and whisk together. Crack black pepper. Reduce. Done.

You want thick sauce with some chicken or meat? Sear the meat and set aside. Sauté your vegetables in oil or butter. Sprinkle flour on it until it soaks up the oil. Stir it until it browns the flour a little. Pour in broth or milk for a sauce. Put meat back in to finish in the sauce.

Creamed spinach? Add oil to pan. Sprinkle with a little flour and a dash of nutmeg and pepper. Cook couple minutes just to get rawness of flour gone. Add milk and reduce to desired consistency. In separate pan sauté finely minced onion in butter and EVOO. Add garlic until fragrant. Wilt spinach. Mix together when they are both to your liking.

You want gumbo? Add flour and oil to big pot. Stir constantly until it gets dark (about milk chocolate color). Collect the roux. Sauté vegetables. Add roux and broth. Add chicken and sausage.

Seafood gumbo? You cook the roux until peanut butter color instead of super dark. Sauté veg. Add roux and broth. Add crawfish, shrimp, and blue crab.”

8. Good info for you.

“- Prepare ingredients before cooking them. This means get spices, seasonings and condiments ready to hand before you cook anything, and chop up everything you need.

Some recipes can be more forgiving and you can chop stuff while something’s cooking, but other dishes have a quick cooking time, and it can get chaotic if you’re trying to find a certain spice while your food is getting burnt.

– Clean as you go. One thing I hate about cooking is cleaning up after, but I try to clean every item that I use as soon as I’m done with it, so that there isn’t a mountain of cleaning up afterwards. I’ve lived with people who do not do this, and they put off the washing up because there is so much to do.

– Learn from mistakes. I have a few staple recipes that I can do pretty well, but I have f*cked up cooking on many occasions (even the stuff I usually get right), and have made stuff that I would throw away if I didn’t care about food waste and wasn’t hungry.

That being said, I try to figure out where I went wrong while I’m eating, and either look for a different recipe, or retrace my steps on the method to see what I could do better.”

9. Makes sense.

“If it grows together it goes together.

Want a tropical-tasting dish? Find a fish that lives in tropical climates and add tropical fruits. Want something Italian? Roma tomatoes, oregano, Italian parsley, they all come from the same region.

Of course, you can add things from other climates, but it’s a simple rule to follow.”

10. From a veteran.

“Things I would add to the list of tips given my time running restaurants:

Build a pantry of ingredients you can use…this includes dried spices/herbs, different vinegars, maybe a fancy(finishing) salt and regular salt. You won’t use them all every meal, but it’s good to have a bunch of stuff to work with. Think of a good mechanic. They have toolboxes full of various tools for any problem they may come across. This is the same for cooking.

Grab some small bowls…these will be your mise en place bowls. Prep your stuff out, place them in bowls and then use them as you need. There’s a reason you see cooking shows have all of their ingredients in bowls. It’s easier to NOT scramble around trying to chop up some veggies while trying to not burn the onions you put in the pan. Make sense?

Taste. Taste. Taste. Taste. Always taste the food. Somebody mentioned how different garlic tastes depends on when you add it to the process. That is absolutely true about EVERYTHING. Always taste as you add stuff and cook longer.

Don’t buy substitutes. They’re generally all trash. Get the regular butter. Get the regular mayo. Avoid “olive oil added!” For “health reasons”. They’re generally full of more crap and additives than the regular version. “Low fat” or “reduced calories” are the in the same boat. This is a broad stroke comment – for those with medical issues this may not apply. Everybody is different.

Keep trying stuff out. Try the same dish multiple times. Don’t get too hard on yourself. I’ve been doing this for 12 years and STILL cook some crappy meals or come up with dish ideas that just kind of suck. It’s going to happen. It’s not a 100% success rate with good food. You’re going to f*ck up dinner a few times. We’ve all done it. We’re going to do it again. It’s a craft. It takes time.

Hope these tips help! Keep cooking. Don’t stop. Make some funky meals. -From a chef de cuisine from Chicago.”

11. Practical advice.

“Keep a waste container.

As you chop stuff, put waste in the container. When you’re done, toss the waste in the garbage (or save vegetable scraps for stock).

No running to the garbage every second and no mixing of waste and your food.”

Do you have any great cooking advice you’d like to share with us?

If so, please talk to us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post Chefs Offer Cooking Tips They Think All of us Should Know appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets People Who Work in Restaurants Will Understand

Restaurant jobs sure are hard. And tough.

Having worked them a bunch is sort of a badge of honor – it’s like the military service of the job market.

And who better to complain about that sort of thing in a funny way than the people of Twitter, who are serving up a steaming hot entree of sass with a side of “tip me 20%+ or go home, you cheap jerks.”

Let’s get to the tweets.

10. Boxed in

I worked at a pizza chain once and I got so good at folding the boxes I might have been some sort of world record holder.

9. Mr. Otis

It really does break all boundaries.

8. On the line

Look, I didn’t become a cook to cook food.

7. Dead serious

We can all hope for such miracles, and one day they may come.

6. On the mat

“But I heard they use chemicals.”

5. To the extreme

How can a person even have that kind of mental focus and persistence of memory?

4. Open for business

For you? Never. Get in here, ya big lug.

3. Sorry not sorry

I almost never get angry with the representative I’m talking to, I know that if there’s bullsh*t happening it is almost certainly not their fault.

2. Cold storage

In here, no one can hear you sob.

1. By the way

Just a fair warning you should probably order now, or five minutes ago, or just leave.

Here’s to all our heroes out there making it happen. We appreciate ya.

Do you have food service industry experience?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Tweets People Who Work in Restaurants Will Understand appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious and Accurate Memes About What It’s Like to Work in a Kitchen

I think everyone should have to work in a restaurant at some point in their lives.

Maybe it’s in the kitchen or maybe working in the front of the house, but either one is going to expose you to the general public and it will make you appreciate how annoying and difficult a lot of people can be out there…

And you’ll definitely be a better tipper for the rest of your life.

Here are some hilarious memes that get to the heart of what it’s like to work in a kitchen. Let’s take a look.

1. Wait your turn to cry.

We’ve all done this, right?

Photo Credit: Demilked

2. Uhhh, are you sure about that?

Doesn’t sound right for some reason…

Photo Credit: Demilked

3. It will be a fight to the death.

Who will survive?!?!

Photo Credit: Demilked

4. Uh oh…this could get ugly.

You better get the manager out here!

Photo Credit: Demilked

5. You gotta make ’em feel a little bit better.

That usually works!

Photo Credit: Demilked

6. A blast right in the face.

Am I melting? I feel like I’m melting…

Photo Credit: Demilked

7. Just remain calm, cool, and collected.

And everything will be just fine.

Photo Credit: Demilked

8. Business up front…

A wild part in the back…

Photo Credit: Demilked

9. Can’t you see that I’m very busy?

I haven’t stopped moving the whole time!

Photo Credit: Demilked

10. We all need a place to cry.

No shame in that!

Photo Credit: Demilked

11. We’ll see about that!

Can I ask you what the hell you’re doing here?

Photo Credit: Demilked

12. You know you do it!

We all do it…

Photo Credit: Demilked

Have you ever worked in a kitchen?

Or maybe in the front of the house in a restaurant?

If so, please share some funny work stories with us. We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Hilarious and Accurate Memes About What It’s Like to Work in a Kitchen appeared first on UberFacts.

This Account Shares Hilarious (and Disgusting) New Flavor Ideas for Oreos

I want you to close your eyes and think about the weirdest, craziest, and most disgusting Oreo flavors that you can come up with…

Do you have some in mind?

Well, you might want to send your ideas into a Twitter account called “Upcoming Oreos” that specializes in just that! And their posts are totally hilarious…and odd.

Have you ever considered eating an Eggs Benedict Oreo? Well, you can at least consider it now!

Let’s take a look at some of the funny and strange posts from this page.

1. Are you ready for a sodium overload?

This is gonna be great!

2. It’s gonna be a long night…

Don’t drink the bong water!

3. This is making me uncomfortable.

Are you with me on this one?

4. See if you can find it!

It’s like a treasure hunt…or something…

5. Now, this is classy.

I think you just met your future wife.

6. The ultimate breakfast Oreo.

Give it a shot!

7. Yummy yummy yummy!

I can tell you’re excited about this one.

8. Just the middle bun, please.

Finally! I’ve been waiting for this for years.

9. A very interesting choice.

Might get stuck in your mouth for a while.

10. A unique combination.

You’ll feel like you’re at the beach!

11. It’s what you’ve been waiting for.

Do you think you can handle this bad boy?

You gotta love it! Or, well, at least respect the comedy.

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about some other ridiculous Oreo flavors that you’d like to see come to life.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

The post This Account Shares Hilarious (and Disgusting) New Flavor Ideas for Oreos appeared first on UberFacts.