What’s an Underrated Ingredient to Go With Mac and Cheese? Here’s What People Said.

There are no two ways about it, mac and cheese is a delicious staple of the American diet and has been for a long time.

But when things got a little bland or overdone, what do you add to it to spice things up a little bit?

I don’t really get too adventurous except for occasionally putting a little bit of Crystal hot sauce in there to make things a little bit more interesting.

What do you think is an underrated third ingredient to go along with that delicious macaroni and cheese?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Do it!


Once you discover smoked paprika finding new things you can add it to is the best.”

2. Spicy!

“Hatch chiles.

Green chile is actually underrated, unlike the other things here that are just rated.”

3. Yummy.


Come to Kansas City.

All the barbecue places have Mac and cheese here.”

4. Boom!

“Hot Sauce.

Franks Red Hot and a little garlic powder is my perfect bowl of box mac.”

5. I like it!

“Old Bay seasoning. Do it.

Good morning, Baltimore!”

6. Do what you gotta do.

“Lobster Mac and cheese is fucking incredible.

But for us poors, black pepper is really nice.”

7. Okay, okay…

“I try a lot of weird mac & cheese combos (we call it Kraft dinner up here in Canada).

Here are my top 5:

  1. Butter chicken

  2. on french fries with cheese curds (a poutine of sorts)

  3. Chorizo

  4. Flaked tuna

  5. Wieners.”

8. I’ll try that.


Pretty much any dairy based pasta sauce can be improved with an addition of broccoli, especially jarred Alfredo sauce.”

9. Whoa!

“You mean besides the macaroni and the cheese?

Dry mustard powder.”

10. It’s healthy, right?


My favorite part is how it turns the macaroni green and I can convince myself it is now a vegetable and I am very healthy.”

11. Worth it.

“I sometimes put a can of Tuna in.

You get a bit of protein so it’s a little bit healthier, and it’s not too expensive.”

12. Very strange…

“Sliced apples on the side.

Now I know this is weird but hear me out. Apple sauce mixed into Kraft mac’n’cheese. I don’t think it works as well with other brands or homemade or anything. I’ve stopped doing it in favor of hot sauce but when I was little with applesauce was the only way I would eat it lol.

Try it and let me know how it is. My sister was the only person to actually give it a shot and she liked it, I haven’t heard of anyone else doing it tho.”

13. Now I’m hungry.

“Depends on what you want.

Need some crunch? Croutons, crackers, etc work wonders. Especially if they’re flavored/seasoned.

For meat. Bacon goes excellent. Or even some left over chicken if you have any.”

14. Umami bomb.

“Mushrooms – umami bomb incoming.

You can also try different types of mushrooms for varying textures, and prepare them differently for unique flavor combinations.

I love finishing off mushrooms in soy sauce.”

15. The lowdown.

“Tapatío for when you want the burn.

Sriracha for when you want to thin out the sauce a little.

Frank’s/Sweet Baby Ray’s for when you want the sauce creamy.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you!

What do you like to add to your mac and cheese?

Fill us in in the comments!

The post What’s an Underrated Ingredient to Go With Mac and Cheese? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

This Thread from an Inuit Person Shows the Incredible Expense of Fresh Food in the Arctic

Pretty much everything seems expensive these days. But what do you do about price gouging?

One Inuit shopper, fed up with the price of fresh foods for sale in the Arctic, took to Twitter, and soon, the thread went Viral.

The thread started in response to vegan lifestyle proponents arguing that the Inuit way of life, which includes a great deal of hunting and fishing, is inherently cruel and unnecessary.

Twitter user @KataraPiujuq responded by laying down some facts about life in the Arctic.

The thread also showed the price tags of many every day food items that most of us take for granted.

First there was bagged lettuce, still $12.99 despite being 50% off.

Fresh broccoli was $16.79 per kilogram. For Americans, that’s around $8.50 per pound.

A carton of fruit juice ranged from $11 to $13 in Nunavut, while red grapes went from a whopping $23.49 per kilogram before subsidy to a no-less-shocking $15.99 per kilogram after subsidy.

One of the most shocking photos showed a watermelon for sale for $70. Granted, it was a 15 lb watermelon, but still. Who can pay that much for a melon?

And a bundle of asparagus might be good for you, but it’s going to cost you $32 per kilogram.

The subsidies seem to help a little bit. A 10 lb bag of russet potatoes went from over $60 down to about $22.

For comparison, though, that same bag of potatoes cost only $3.99 in Toronto.

With that in mind, the subsidies feel like a slap in the face to a shopper on a budget.

And it makes you wonder how much the pre-subsidy prices are inflated, like the “regular” price in a clothing store that always has everything “on sale.”

Comments displayed shock and dismay. On a purely logical level, you might expect food prices to rise in the Arctic due to the expense of transporting them there.

But the actual result is far worse than most people would have imagined.

And while some of the comments devolved into arguments about the virtues of veganism, most people agreed that the Inuit way of life, including hunting and fishing, is a sustainable one that should be allowed to continue.

Unfortunately, a live-and-let-live mentality may not be enough.

But the original poster is one step ahead, promoting charities that help bring equity to this food OASIS.

Turns out, hanging on to one’s traditions and cultures may not only about remembering the past, but a matter of survival.

What do you think about this situation? Are these prices unfair?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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When Disasters Happen, Willie Ray’s Is There with Free Barbecue

There’s nothing quite like a feel-good story, right?

Well, here’s one that will make you feel good any day of the week.

Back in August of 2020 when most of us probably first learned that the term “derecho” more or less meant a sustained straight-line wind version of a tornado, most of Cedar Rapids, Iowa was left without power.

That’s when Willie Ray Fairley of Willie Ray’s Q Shack stepped up.

Come on out and try this Brisket Baby it’s
Brisket Friday

Posted by Willie Ray’s Q Shack on Friday, January 8, 2021

The restaurateur saw his friends and neighbors working hard to clean up the city, and he decided to cook up his entire stock and give it away to anyone who needed a hot meal.

As he told the local news station, KCRG:

“I just got my food truck and was ready to start selling, but once the storm hit I thought there might be something better to do with the food.”

Something better indeed.

Willie’s kindness went viral, and soon, people were even donating to his Venmo account to help fund his charitable mission.

“People keep donating, so we’re going to be giving out food for a long time. Even when the storm is over, cleaned up. If there’s still funds left we will continue to give.”

The country began to take notice. He even made MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle’s #GoodNewsRUHLES list.

The local Cedar Rapids community nominated him for a black owned business award from Discover, and he won!

Food can always bring people together. See how Willie Ray’s Q Shack used his $25,000 #EatItForward award to help make a real impact in his Cedar Rapids community. https://youtu.be/HQXQjxm9UAY

Posted by Discover on Friday, December 11, 2020

They called his work #EatItForward. There’s even a YouTube video:

It’s a really nice award, but Willie hasn’t let it go to his head.

“I would have done all this anyway and never thought anything of it,” he said. “It was how I was raised. It makes me feel good to know that people care.”

But the story doesn’t end there.

A few months later when Texas was rocked by an ice storm causing power outages to thousands, Willie called on volunteers to help him make the trek down from Iowa.

Me and the team is planning on going to Texas to help the needed. By any chance is there a couple volunteers that would…

Posted by Willie Ray’s Q Shack on Thursday, February 18, 2021

They stayed for a week, helping out the Texans in desperate need of a hot meal.

Austin’s @cbsaustin had a piece on the news about this man who came down to provide free bbq 🍗 food to Texans in Dallas,…

Posted by Advocacy and Beyond on Tuesday, February 23, 2021

And then Willie and his team headed to Mississippi to deliver bottled water to those communities, which had been left without water for weeks after the same winter storm.

Posted by Willie Ray’s Q Shack on Saturday, March 13, 2021

Willie is a shining example of the good we can do when we pull together as a community, as well as the healing power of food.

Doesn’t that give you all the feels? Are you hungry for some barbecue now? Let us know in the comments!

The post When Disasters Happen, Willie Ray’s Is There with Free Barbecue appeared first on UberFacts.

Take a Look at These Confessions From Restaurant Hosts

A lot of us have worked a restaurant job at some point in our lives, maybe for a little while, maybe for years or even decades.

There’s a good reason for that – people love restaurants. We literally have to eat, and we want to do it in a fun and easy way if we can afford to. So we interact with cooks and servers and hosts and cashiers and bussers and the like all the time – but don’t you wonder what they might not be telling you?

Here are 11 real confessions from hosts.

11. Fit it in

I guess I’ll know what to look out for now.

Source: Whisper

10. The fantasy

Hey, gotta keep your mind occupied at work somehow.

Source: Whisper

9. Spin around

You have no idea what you’re messing with behind the scenes.

Source: Whisper

8. Show off

See, you’re gonna mess with my mind with this one.

Source: Whisper

7. Lame jokes

If you’re here, you’re basic.

Source: Whisper

6. There’s a reason

Trust me, I know this place slightly better than you do.

Source: Whisper

5. Standard greeting

Ok but to be fair, you don’t actually want to know how they are, right?

Source: Whisper

4. So cheap

The pay system we have for these jobs is just insane.

Source: Whisper

3. A toss up

How do you even throw cash, really? Doesn’t it just float down in front of you?

Source: Whisper

2. Go off

Turns out your problem meant nothing, even to you.

Source: Whisper

1. Sit down

Yeah don’t mind me, I’m just standing here at the entrance for fun.

Source: Whisper

Pretty incredible how dense some people can be.

Do you have job confessions you want to get off your chest?

Leave them in the comments.

The post Take a Look at These Confessions From Restaurant Hosts appeared first on UberFacts.

Could “Babe Are You Okay” Be the Defining Meme of Our Time?

Millennials are always checking in with each other.

Gotta keep advocating for mental health, even when we’re living in a time where there’s no normal and no baseline and the notion of sanity is kind of laughable.

Maybe that’s why “Babe are you okay?” has become one of the defining memes of our era.

Take it away, people of Twitter.

15. Curry favor

What and why and what.

14. Sing it

If you look closely enough, you can hear the nothing.

13. It’s a business opportunity

Are you not feeling quite so high up today?

12. Cows

I think if you forget to do that three times your car will actually stop working.

11. Stock up

What is happening to us?

10. Pile on

Yeah, what’s WRONG with you?


Threw your arms in the air and said “you’re crazy!”

8. Gotta go fast

At what point were marketers convinced that consumers REALLY wanted to eat Sonic the Hedgehog?

7. Game on

I would do this in my sleep, it’s an unavoidable reflex.

6. Water o’clock

I feel seen and not in a way I’d like to be.

5. Call and response

Are you on auto pilot?

4. Buy buy buy

Did you finally just run out of money?

3. Let ’em know

Spread the word.

2. So touching

That hits hard.

1. Oh well

Isn’t that like the only word we know now?

Babe are you okay? You hardly scrolled through all those tweets.

But seriously, are you okay?

Tell us in the comments. Babe.

No, seriously, we want to know.

Please and thank you.

The post Could “Babe Are You Okay” Be the Defining Meme of Our Time? appeared first on UberFacts.

A Girl Shared Her Boyfriend’s Mango Hack and It Went Viral

I’ve only tried to prepare mango a few times. Both times, I had to google what to do with the thing.

I guess it depends where you live, but it seems like everyone struggles just a little over what to do with a mango. That’s why a woman’s TikTok about her boyfriend’s unusual mango hack took social media by storm.

I was taught to cut a sort of grid into the mango and then peel the sin back and scrape the cubes off the skin.

But Katie Feeney’s boyfriend had a different sort of technique.

First, he sliced the mango around the middle, crosswise.

Image credit: Katie Feeney via TikTok

Next, he pried the two sides apart.

Image credit: Katie Feeney via TikTok

As Buzzfeed explained:

Then, he pops out what he calls the “lollipop” center…

Image credit: Katie Feeney via TikTok

After scooping out the inside of each half, he is left with a perfect, delicious mango, ready to eat or cook with.

Image credit: Katie Feeney via TikTok

This method totally blew my mind. Because if you’ve ever eaten a fresh mango, you know how completely frustrating the process of getting that massive seed out of the middle is.

And this guy did it like it was nothing!

A lot of viewers felt the same way.

Image credit via TikTok

They really appreciated the clever ingenuity and vowed to try it themselves.

Image credit via TikTok

Some even went so far as to describe it as life-altering.

Image credit via TikTok

Others, however, were less impressed.

Image credit via TikTok

It seems that this is a very common way of preparing a mango in Middle Eastern and Asian cultures.

Image credit via TikTok

In fact for some, it was the only way they knew how to eat a mango.

Image credit via TikTok

Isn’t it funny how something that seems completely revolutionary to one group of people can be just as mundane to the other?

Take a look at the video, and see what you think for yourself.


what do you guys think?🥭 #howto

♬ original sound – ☆ katie feeney ☆

Ordinary? Or extraordinary?

Let us know in the comments!

The post A Girl Shared Her Boyfriend’s Mango Hack and It Went Viral appeared first on UberFacts.

Bad Cooks Share Some Real Bad Cooking Stories

Cooking is pretty hard.

One time I burnt Ramen noodles. I would go into the details but my insurance company has me on a gag order. They said Ramen isn’t supposed to go into a molten state like that. The authorities were called, biochemical weapon sanctions were placed. It was a weird afternoon.

These “cooks” are on much the same skill level. Read their full confessions of debauchery below.

1. Third time’s a charm.

And every time a mitt burns a shrimp a get its wings… That was funnier in my head.

2. Haircut on a budget

I used to do the same thing in college to save money. I mean the hair, not the ramen. I used a Flowbee. It was magical.

3. Nothing like a fluffy, yummy fish cake from the pan.

Syrup, please?

4. The Greening

I’ve had worse. I have had better… Would still eat. Happy Thankspatty Day

5. Thicc as a juicy ham.

Eggs and bacon served on a bun. 86 coffee, tho.

6. “Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?”

Hard as boiled.

7. The chocolate chips do bear a resemblance.

Doc told me to lay off the sodium.

8. The Gordon Bombrownie.

I made a Mighty Ducks reference because hockey. Fiskey!

9. Care for another egg…in these even more trying times?

Does water burn? Yeah?

10.   Fryin’ up a baking dish.

They don’t rewarm well.

11. Toaster>Towel

If you can’t take the heat get out the toaster.

12. Rice and water makes delicious rice

Rice and no water makes functional charcoal.

Any bad cooks gone worse reading this? Any horrible stories you want to share?

Do that in the comments, fam!


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Person Asks if Their Joke About Only Eating Apples Went Too Far

Apples are my favorite fruit and I really like the idea of making a joke about it, but I would never pull the kind of prank I’m about to tell you about.

Judging by the comments, a lot of other people are also not fans of what this person did to their friends, but a lot of people also found it really funny.

This person wrote about the incident in the the “Ask the ***hole” Reddit page and asked people if this prank crossed a line.

AITA for pretending to be an “Appletarian” (eating only apple derived foods/drinks) for 3 weeks as a prank, causing my friends to have an intervention for me?

I got the idea a few weeks ago to prank my friends my pretending to be an “Appletarian”, meaning somebody who only eats food products that are derived from apples and would only drink apple juice or apple cider.

I told them them all that I had read on the internet that eating only apples was the healthiest thing for you. When I first told them they thought I was joking, but they underestimated how committed I would be to a joke. So, whenever in the presence of one of my friends (or friend-of-friends/coworkers/etc who knew them) I was very careful to only be seen eating apples or drinking apple juice/cider.

Apples whole, apples diced, apple sauce, the inside of an apple pie, baked apples, candy apples with the chocolate shaved off, etc.

Finally after about a week they bought that I had become an Appletarian. They started giving me information about how unhealthy it was to only eat apples, and growing increasingly exasperated by it. Some of them even got angry.

But I wanted to stick with the joke. Finally, after the end of 3 weeks, I walked into what I was told was a movie night but was actually an intervention for me.

They were all super concerned about my well being and had all sorts of information or whatever. Finally I started laughing hysterically. They were confused as hell so I told them I had been faking it the whole time and had been eating real meals outside their knowledge. I even took out some beef jerky from my pant pocket to prove it and munched it.

I thought they’d appreciate the joke but they were actually really annoyed. My girlfriend even broke up with me over this because a few days ago I had ruined our date night when I told the waiter I only wanted apples because I was an Appletarian and had “embarrassed her for a dumb joke”.

In my opinion the joke was solid and they should appreciate my commitment to the prank.

But, did I go too far?

This person didn’t feel he went too far at all.

Image Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user understands the value of pranks, but is not happy with the pain the OP caused.

Image Credit: Reddit

Read your audience — that’s this user’s message.

Image Credit: Reddit

This person tells the OP to think about how worried his loved ones must have been for his mental health.

Image Credit: Reddit

However, at least one more person didn’t think this guy was an a-hole.

Image Credit: Reddit

It was nice to see so many people in the comments advocating sympathy for friends instead of disregard for their feelings. I would have liked to see ideas in the comments for harmless alternative pranks.

Share a time with us when you pulled a prank and it failed.

The post Person Asks if Their Joke About Only Eating Apples Went Too Far appeared first on UberFacts.

People Debate an Incredibly Bold Statement: “I Absolutely Believe Cheese Ruins a Good Hamburger”

I think this hot take is really going to upset some folks.

As for me, I honestly can go both ways on the pressing issue of whether you need cheese or not to make a burger complete and delicious.

Sometimes I love cheese on my burger, sometimes I go without it…I like to be unpredictable, okay?

AskReddit users shared their opinions about a very divisive topic:

I absolutely believe cheese ruins a good hamburger. from unpopularopinion

Let’s take a look at what they had to say…

1. Against the essence of the meat…

“Every time I’ve ate a cheeseburger I found myself highly disappointed and always regret it. Every bite into a cheesburger I feel a horrible clash of flavors and tastes that just go against the essence of the meat.

I believe Burgers are much better suited with on your fresh veggies like lettuce, pickles, red onion, and possibly tomatoes (depending on what you like), and either simply just some ketchup, or a more interesting sauce if it’s available to you, but not anything that will overpower the meat, like cheese does.”

2. Agreed!

“This is less about cheese as a standalone and more so about cheese not quite fitting in with the rest if the layers in the burger.

I agree.

No cheese please.”

3. Depends on the cheese.

“It could be the type of cheese as well.

American cheese is more likely to overwhelm than other types. I prefer provolone cheese on mine.

But most people I know personally only use American cheese.”

4. Gotta get the good stuff.

“I used to not like cheeseburgers as well.

Turns out, I didn’t like burgers with crappy cheese.

I’ll usually get a hamburger from most fast food/chain restaurants, but will get a cheeseburger from local places because they usually use better cheese.”

5. Mixed emotions.

“I actually think tomatoes ruin burgers, and I like tomatoes.

But to the cheese part, to me, it depends on the quality of the meat.

A great beef burger, cooked just right, needs no cheese.”

6. Adds texture.

“Cheese adds a nice texture to the burger, and a good flavor that, in my opinion, brings all the flavors together with a good flavor.

Also, tomatoes are the devil a deserve to be eradicated.”

7. No hot cheese, please.

“I do not enjoy hot cheese at all.

If it’s on my burger and it’s not melting, that means I have a cold burger, which is an entirely different problem.

Therefore I’m in this camp. Do we get hats or t shirts?”

8. We can’t be friends.

“I can’t think of a single burger combination that doesn’t benefit from cheese.

I disagree with you and actually kind of dislike you despite knowing nothing about you.”

9. Something to think about…

“What if you add a really good cheese though?

Not that sliced plastic crap, I’m talking a smoked German cheese with bacon, a rich creamy brie or aged mature cheddar?”

10. Too rich for my blood.

“I’ve always been called crazy for thinking this exact thing.

In my opinion cheese just makes the burger too rich, like I’m going to have a heart attack or throw up if I try to eat the whole thing.

I love cheese and I love burgers, but those two things do not belong together.”

11. A bold stand.

“Cheese ruins almost everything except pizza.

I will die on that hill.”

12. Maybe you’re doing it wrong?

“I think you havent had a good cheeseburger.

It highly depends on the cheese used and the amount used. Cheese goes well with a fatty hamburger. If you’re using 80/20 meat then cheese flows with the fat and enhances the flavor.

If you use cheddar cheese it should be a single slice per 1/2 lb which is a lot less than most people use on a burger. For more lean meats you want less cheese. The fat from fattier burgers actually melds with the cheese and makes it spread into the burger.

Now if you have veggies you want even less cheese.”

Oh, boy…

Now we want to hear from all of you out there.

In the comments, let us know how you feel about this controversial topic.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Debate an Incredibly Bold Statement: “I Absolutely Believe Cheese Ruins a Good Hamburger” appeared first on UberFacts.

Do You Think Fish is Meat? People Debated This Big Question.

I have a friend who told me that he was going vegetarian for a while to see how he liked it.

We were chatting a little while after he started his new diet and I asked him what he was making for dinner that night. His answer: salmon.

I was a bit confused and I asked him why he wasn’t a vegetarian anymore. He replied, “fish isn’t meat.”

Hmmmm…I’m pretty sure that it is…but maybe I’ve been wrong on this one the whole time?

So what do you think? If fish meat?

AskReddit users weighed in with their opinions.

1. I don’t get it…

“I don’t understand why people say that fish is not meat.

Meat is defined as “the flesh of an animal as food.” Why isn’t fish considered a meat then?! Why do religions act like it is not meat? Why is the flesh of a fish not considered meat?

It literally makes no sense to me. I understand it is food from the sea, hence seafood, but seafood is just meat from the “sea.””

2. It stuck.

““Fish is not meat” comes from the Catholic/Christian tradition of fasting (not eating) meat during Friday’s and during Lent. Depriving oneself of a luxury to remind yourself of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Fish was a common and inexpensive food in the area earlier christians lived. Hence it was not a luxury and didn’t need to be avoided while fasting.

That turned into “fish doesn’t count as meat” because it wasn’t part of the fast.

Of course fish is animal flesh, but that wasn’t the point. It’s kind of stuck since.”

3. It’s a mindset.

“In the modern day English speaking world, eg the US because it’s so large, a culture filled with “red meat”, fish is often perceived as less hearty, lighter.

In other words “meat” is often synonymous with “red meat”(primarily beef in an array of cuts and preparations(roast, steak, ribs, hamburger, etc), with most other animal flesh less common, many falling either into delicacies or inedible. Pork, fish, and poultry are more common than, say, shrimp or venison but are still less proliferate than beef for much of the nation.

It may have started with religion, but it continues in the US heavily because that’s what’s readily available and/or what the culture focuses on.”

4. It’s an animal.

“I have to say this to everyone who says, “can you eat fish” when I say I’m a vegetarian.

My mother in law does this all the time. No. Fish is meat. It’s an animal. It’s flesh.

I don’t understand how a fish can be considered not meat.”

5. Blame it on them.

“I think that’s more because over the years so many pescatarians said they were vegetarian.

And because no one knew what a pescatarian was and it was just easier to tell people you were vegetarian, but ate fish.”

6. LOL.

“This reminds me of one of the three jokes that I think of when someone says “tell a joke”.

What do you call a vegetarian who eats fish?

A liar.

It’s not a good joke, and the one time I posted it on Facebook 10 years ago someone pointed out that they’re pescatarian and just don’t know that word.”

7. No doubt about it.

“It’s meat.

It’s an animal that was living and breathing.

Therefore, it’s meat.”

8. It’s clean.

“It’s because we are not supposed to eat blood, and red meats are considered to be a lot closer to that and hence considered less “clean”.

Fish is “white meat” (despite some fish such as the salminidaes being orange and such), along with poultry. I also don’t think fish ISN’T considered meat, it’s just not improper to eat under different circumstances.

Another important thing too is that Fish is considered to be a much lower quality/cheaper item that is “easily replenishable without having to farm them”. On the other hand red meat is more of a luxury item (especially beef and lamb).

Fish IS considered meat by literally everyone. It’s just considered edible and pure to eat while the other meats aren’t across different religions.”

9. Good comparison.

“Same reason alcohol is usually considered separate from other drugs, I assume.

Maybe not in a literal sense, but the constant distinction of “Drugs and alcohol” always annoys me.

Kind of implies alcohol isn’t a drug…Yeah it is.”

10. Where’s the line?

“”I’m a vegetarian, but I eat fish.”

This has always upset me. Like. Fish are animals, why would you consider them differently? Honestly fish are dope. They’re super pretty, have homes where they spawn for generations, they can jump up waterfalls and grow swords out of their faces.

Fish are truly incredible and someone out there is like nah, f*ck them fish. They’re not animals. They’re just an addition to my veggies.

I just don’t understand where the line is drawn.”

11. Here’s another view.

“The reason Catholics are permitted to eat fish on what Catholics call “days of abstinence” is not because fish are not meat, but because fish are cold blooded. (so this means alligator would be fine as well).

This originated from a Jewish tradition where any cold blooded animal was associated with death, ex, snakes, lizards and so on. (hence the devil being referred to as a “serpent”).

On the other hand. Warm blooded animals were associated with life, ex lamb, goats, and cattle. In remembrance of Jesus being crucified as a “sacrificial lamb” Catholics are asked to observe days of abstinence on certain days.

Fish are indeed meat and the Catholic Church doesn’t actually claim that they aren’t.”

What do you think about this?

Is fish meat?

Sound off in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Do You Think Fish is Meat? People Debated This Big Question. appeared first on UberFacts.