15 Hilarious Fake Book Covers About Life

Life – it’s full of amazing, beautiful moments. In between those moments, however, there’s a whole lot of not much happening. It’s those mundane, everyday moments that really define life.

These 15 book covers are about those mundane moments in life, and they’re so funny it hurts! And if you love these, make sure to follow @storyofmyfuckinglife on Instagram!

#1. Sure to be a bestseller.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#2. I always win.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#3. #momlife

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#4. It could go either way.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#5. Puppies are so cute, though.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#6. I would buy this planner.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#7. Is there another option?

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#8. I feel so seen.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#9. Don’t judge.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#10. Being an adult is overrated.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#11. Alexa is everywhere.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#12. There’s one in every family.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#13. Being a kid was really the best.

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#14. I even have I.D., see?

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

#15. Why don’t I learn?

Posted by SoMee – Social Media Redefined on Monday, February 18, 2019

Was I right? You can admit it!

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A team of economists at NYU…

A team of economists at NYU found that getting off Facebook appears to improve people’s lives. Users who deactivated their accounts for a month seemed to enjoy themselves more as a result, showing decreases in depression and anxiety and improvements in happiness and life satisfaction.

Everyone is In Love With This Pupper’s Adorably Weird Sleeping Position

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping puppy? I think not. Every time I see my little fur baby curled up on the floor, I melt into a puddle.

Recently, one sleeping pup went viral for the cutest reason…

So, naturally, we have ALL the questions. Namely, what is going on with this adorable little fur ball?

Naturally, Twitter tracked down even more photos…

Because that’s just what Twitter do…

It seems the puppy is a she, her name is Paningning and there’s video!

And then the memes started…

Up, up and away!

And people had feels…

ALL the feels…

Somebody even made Paningning wallpapers, because why wouldn’t you?!

Eventually, the internet tracked Paningning back to owner Janessa Cua, who posted this pic of the pooped pup on March 30th.

And the pup during feeding time… still on her back… and still loving life.

Paningning is even attracting some sponsors!

Ultimately, it comes down to this fan drawing and this simple message.

Our life is complete now. We can all die happy.

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Woman Threatens Breastfeeding Moms on Facebook is Immediately Roasted by EVERYONE

Oh, Carly, Carly, Carly.

Why’d you have to go and do something so stupid?

Photo Credit: Fatherly

Did she post a threat of physical violence against any woman she saw breastfeeding in public?

“I’m not sorry – the next female that tries to whip her boob out to breastfeed in front of my kids will get a black eye, move that baby [because] I’ll punch it too #zerocare #why #inpublicletsjustshowkidsboobs #notmine.”

Yep, Carly did that.

And it turns out that women who breastfeed (or women in general) don’t like to be threatened online or anywhere else for feeding their children. Crazy, right?!

Yeah, this went viral very, very quickly.

Photo Credit: Carol Freeman/Facebook

Because moms have to stick up for themselves.

Carly’s response?

She was defiant, and followed up on her Facebook post with this comment which, honestly, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Photo Credit: Kim Riendeau/Facebook

What Carly doesn’t seem to realize is that women aren’t just pulling their boobs out just to pull their boobs out. We’re in the late 2010s. Things have changed Carly. They’ve changed!!!

This was hinted at earlier in the article, but people could see her profile and found out where she worked…

Photo Credit: Cafe Mom

And yeah, you know what’s coming next…

Photo Credit: Cafe Mom

Here’s the thing folks, if you want to post something like this on Facebook, you should probably select a very, very small group of people to share it with. Rant all you want, but rant to close friends. Don’t make things like this public, or else you are bound to suffer the consequences.

Or here’s a crazy thought… don’t put something this toxic online in the first place. Right it down on a piece of paper and throw it the garbage where it belongs.

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Black People Asked White People their Burning Questions in Facebook Thread

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all just get along? I believe that humor has the ability to achieve that because it’s pretty hard to be mad when you’re busy laughing!

Recently, the Afrocentric Film Collaborative Facebook page posted a simple question that ended up creating a hilarious discussion about race, and went viral along the way.

Here’s where it all started:

You just know that spice usage (or lack thereof) was going to get brought up!

Oh, snap!

What was awesome is how white people on the thread took it all with a great sense of humor.

We actually even learned a few things along the way…

… But had lots of fun too.


All in all, this conversation definitely made Facebook great again!

Amen to that!

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This Woman Silenced Her Bullies in the Best Possible Way

The world can be so cruel to anyone who seems a little different, and the internet has only made it easier for hateful cowards to hide behind their keyboards as they spew their vitriol everywhere.

That’s what was happening when a young Sikh girl named Balpreet found a snapshot of herself online along with some negative comments about her appearance – particularly her facial hair.

However, her response, thoughtful and affecting, is what ended up garnering attention. Her self-confidence, self-awareness, and grace in the face of ruthless bullying is a thing of beauty. It is something we could all aspire to reach.


You go, girl. You go.


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Here’s How to Unlock Facebook Messenger’s New ‘Dark Mode’

If you’re like me, you’re on Facebook Messenger all day long. Not only do I use it to talk to all my friends and family, but a lot of my work conversations are also actually on Messenger too! Staring at those message windows all day can be pretty taxing on the eyes, which is why I was pretty stoked to take advantage of its newest feature.

Facebook recently rolled out a secret “dark mode” for Messenger that features white text on a black background for two reasons: to lessen eye strain for users late at night and to save battery.

You want in on this action, don’t you? Well, it’s a pretty simple process to unlock the hidden feature.

He’s what you need to do: in Facebook Messenger, send someone the “crescent moon” emoji, like this: 🌙 .

Then you’ll see a whole bunch of moons falling from the top of the screen and you’ll be prompted to enable the dark mode option for Facebook Messenger. You’ll now see the new option in the app’s settings.

Photo Credit: Facebook

As you can see, the feature is now working for both iOS and Android.

And there you have it! I love it when a plan comes together!

Try it out for yourself, it really is easy on the eyes!

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When Facebook and Instagram Went Down, Twitter Naturally Had Jokes About It

As just about EVERYONE is aware, we had a Facebook and Instagram blackout recently. Both networks were down for an entire day!

So, how did people deal with it? By going on Twitter to joke about it, of course!

Isn’t social media wonderful?!?!?

Here are some of the best tweets from that infamous and tragic day…

1. A team effort?

2. Oh hi, Mark

3. That is an evil laugh

4. It’s happening!

5. I’ll be here now

6. Tantrums everywhere

7. Just keep hitting refresh

8. That’s not cool, Cardi B

9. The world is on fire

10. She’s not doing well with this

11. That’s what it’s for

12. Gotta love Tommy Wiseau

13. It’s getting ugly

14. Pure hatred

15. This is crucial

How did you deal with this humanitarian crisis?

Stay strong everyone! We’ll get through the next blackout, too!

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Mom Calls out Anti-Vaxxers After Her Newborn is Exposed to Measles

Never as a child growing up did I think we would one day live in a world where anti-vaxxers were as big of a thing as they seem to have become these days. Even though cases of vaccines causing adverse effects are exceedingly rare, and the concern about links to autism has been thoroughly debunked, they still continue to endanger everyone else via their stubborn refusal to accept science. Thanks to anti-vaxxers, previously eradicated diseases like measles are now making a comeback.

Jennifer Hibben-White posted about her experience on Facebook. Thankfully, her son didn’t get measles, but her story should be read by every anti-vaxxer.

She starts with a picture of her son, and then the facts:

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Her doctor advised her to take precautions, which left her enraged (understandably):

Photo Credit: Facebook

She directs her rage at the ones who deserve it: those who have chosen not to vaccinate their children. And she doesn’t hold back:

Photo Credit: Facebook

Hibben-White reveals the heart-breaking reason that underlies why she’s so passionate about vaccinations—the loss of her daughter at five years old. She would have done anything to save her daughter, yet people are taking their access to life-saving vaccines for granted.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Finally, she calls out anti-vaxxers on their hypocrisy:

Photo Credit: Facebook

So savage.

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Viral Facebook Post Shows Just How Men Can Be Allies

For those who may be unfamiliar with the term, “mansplaining” is the incredibly frustrating experience when a man explains something to a woman under the assumption that she has no knowledge or experience on the subject. While it’s always rude and patronizing, it’s even worse when the subject at hand is one the woman actually has professional expertise in.

Hilary Jerome Scarsella is a Ph.D. candidate in Theological Studies at Vanderbilt University whose work focuses on the relationship of traumatic experience to religious faith and liberation theology. She recounted an experience of mansplaining, and how men can respond, in a viral Facebook post.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Honestly, she’s already been much kinder than I would be in similar circumstances. She listened to him respectfully, challenged his points, and he doesn’t engage productively; he doubles down on his opinions and leaves. In many cases that would be the end of the story.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Her new friend pointed out this guy’s mistake, and that it was too late for him to rectify it. He had a subject matter expert right there, and he didn’t take the time to listen or to learn.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Her friend speaking up created a safe space, and it stemmed from a practiced commitment to challenging male patterns of behavior. He isn’t a savior; he was simply doing what decent men can and should be doing whenever they see sexism in their daily lives.

Just taking on one or two of these guys a month would make a big difference.

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