People Share Posts That Left Them Seriously LOLing

2020 has been an absolutely garbage year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all sit back and laugh at other people’s stupidity for a moment, right?

If you’ve had a bad day or even if you’d had an okay day… it’s completely okay to guffaw at other people’s painful bad decision making for a moment.

And if you haven’t been on Facebook for a minute… bruh… you’re welcome!

1. Isn’t that like CHURCH size Jesus?
Can you imagine sleeping underneath that thing? GAAAHHHHHH!!!

2. No Mabel, that’s not what it means.
Mind your own business and your own ovaries, kid!

My grandma thought I love babies doing yoga from oldpeoplefacebook

3. I feel this deep down in my soul.
So damn deep.

It do tho from facebookwins

4. I’d let Shaun stay as LONG as he wants.
He’s got the fire posts, y’all!

Anyone want to go to the shoe store? from facebookwins

5. I have a feeling this isn’t really good for the engine…
Fun statement… but naw… time to demask the car.

Just saw this on my Facebook newsfeed. from funny

6. Is this what dentures look like between teeth?
Asking for a friend. No, asking for me.

My grandma decided she’d post a pic of her smiling every day to cheer everyone up from oldpeoplefacebook

7. There’s so much that’s right about this.
And so much that’s very wrong too. I love it.

My aunt from oldpeoplefacebook

8. Was he undressing you with his eyes?
How do you know he works for NASA? Hmmmmmmmmmm????

I feel like being in a Flat Earth group is just cheating… from insanepeoplefacebook

9. I mean… he’s not wrong!
BUT… you know somebody will just strip that audio out. Right?

10. Should somebody tell him?
I think somebody should tell him. In Spanish.

So, were we right or were we right? Well, it’s just me, actually.

Was I right or was I right?

Yeah, I was right.

Okay, which one of these made you really LOL?

Let us know in the comments!

The post People Share Posts That Left Them Seriously LOLing appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Posts That Left Them Seriously LOLing

2020 has been an absolutely garbage year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all sit back and laugh at other people’s stupidity for a moment, right?

If you’ve had a bad day or even if you’d had an okay day… it’s completely okay to guffaw at other people’s painful bad decision making for a moment.

And if you haven’t been on Facebook for a minute… bruh… you’re welcome!

1. Isn’t that like CHURCH size Jesus?
Can you imagine sleeping underneath that thing? GAAAHHHHHH!!!

2. No Mabel, that’s not what it means.
Mind your own business and your own ovaries, kid!

My grandma thought I love babies doing yoga from oldpeoplefacebook

3. I feel this deep down in my soul.
So damn deep.

It do tho from facebookwins

4. I’d let Shaun stay as LONG as he wants.
He’s got the fire posts, y’all!

Anyone want to go to the shoe store? from facebookwins

5. I have a feeling this isn’t really good for the engine…
Fun statement… but naw… time to demask the car.

Just saw this on my Facebook newsfeed. from funny

6. Is this what dentures look like between teeth?
Asking for a friend. No, asking for me.

My grandma decided she’d post a pic of her smiling every day to cheer everyone up from oldpeoplefacebook

7. There’s so much that’s right about this.
And so much that’s very wrong too. I love it.

My aunt from oldpeoplefacebook

8. Was he undressing you with his eyes?
How do you know he works for NASA? Hmmmmmmmmmm????

I feel like being in a Flat Earth group is just cheating… from insanepeoplefacebook

9. I mean… he’s not wrong!
BUT… you know somebody will just strip that audio out. Right?

10. Should somebody tell him?
I think somebody should tell him. In Spanish.

So, were we right or were we right? Well, it’s just me, actually.

Was I right or was I right?

Yeah, I was right.

Okay, which one of these made you really LOL?

Let us know in the comments!

The post People Share Posts That Left Them Seriously LOLing appeared first on UberFacts.

Mark Zuckerberg is the Third Person in the World to Achieve Centibillionaire Status

Even Mark Zuckerberg couldn’t have predicted that Facebook would ever grow this huge. Yet, the former Harvard dropout’s company has become not just a money-making machine but also a part of everyday life.

As a result of his brilliant and bold business, Zuckerberg has become a wealthy man. Even amongst the world’s elite, he still stands above nearly everyone else.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

In fact, the 36-year-old Facebook CEO became just the third centibillionaire in the world on Thursday, August 6. Coincidentally, the company just released Reels, its competitor to TikTok.

With a net worth in excess of $100 billion, that puts Zuckerberg on the same level as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.

Of course, his route to fame and fortune has been well-documented. Zuckerberg co-founded Facebook from his dorm room in 2004.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Even years later, he still maintains a 13% stake in the company. That paid off big time recently when the company’s stock price surged by 6.5% after Reels launched on Instagram—another key part of Facebook’s assets.

Reels could turn into another revenue-generating machine given Donald Trump’s threat to ban TikTok. The Chinese-owned app has become very popular, especially with so many stuck at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Speaking of the pandemic, Facebook has acknowledged that its engagement numbers have increased with people staying in their homes and perusing the platform for entertainment.

In 2020 alone, Facebook shares have increased by nearly 30%. As a result, Zuckerberg’s added $22 million to his impressive fortune.

Sadly for Zuckerberg, that still puts him well behind Bezos.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The richest man in the world gained more than $75 billion during that same span. But who’s really counting?

What is your favorite part of the Facebook platform? Do you plan on using Reels instead of TikTok?

Tell us in the comments!

The post Mark Zuckerberg is the Third Person in the World to Achieve Centibillionaire Status appeared first on UberFacts.

A Patient Guy Proved Why Facebook “Researchers” Are Usually Wrong

Humans sure are funny…

Even when faced with a million signs that indicate the opposite, we always like to think we know best.

One guy recently broke down the reason why it’s nearly always a fallacy to believe that someone could use common sense to defy or disprove scientific research.

In fact, he says that someone believing they could criticize mathematical or scientific research just by applying their own “common sense” logic to it is basically behaving the same way a five-year-old does.

In other words… just because you think you’re smart doesn’t mean you are.

This guy would even say we’re all quite stupid.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

If you’re anything like me, you might already have questions. Like, perhaps, what is an Elo rated player?

The Elo rating system is what’s used to calculate the skill levels of players in zero-sum games like chess.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

So far, he’s just saying that basically… the better you are at something, the more likely you are to beat people at that particular thing.

That makes sense.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

So basically, it doesn’t matter if a chess master is playing an adult who has also played chess for years or a five-year-old who has never picked up a rook.

The chess master will beat them both.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

One can assume that this also holds true for masters in a variety of different fields.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

The conclusion?

This is why the idea that one could use common sense to discredit research is ludicrous.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Not only would you be wrong, you wouldn’t even understand why you’re wrong.


Photo Credit: Cheezburger

We probably all know a Facebook “researcher” or two these days!

Don’t forget to share this one with your friends, and let us know how it goes in the comments!

The post A Patient Guy Proved Why Facebook “Researchers” Are Usually Wrong appeared first on UberFacts.

Old People Facebook Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

Let me paint you a picture and you tell me if this sounds familiar.

You have an older relative or friend who likes to use Facebook…but they don’t seem to grasp it exactly.

Inappropriate comments, strange posts, weird photos. You name it, these old-timers have done it.

Do you know what I’m talking about?

And, by the way, it is totally hilarious!

Let’s take a look at what exactly we’re talking about.


1. That last picture had to have been a mistake.

Right? It had to be?

Photo Credit: Facebook

2. Good job, Carl!

That darn cat! He loves those things!

Photo Credit: Facebook

3. You bet it does.

And now we all know.

Photo Credit: Facebook

4. We all needed to know this.

And we thank you for letting us know.

Photo Credit: Facebook

5. I don’t know. You tell me.

Any feedback on this one?

Photo Credit: Facebook

6. Well, bye…

I wonder if they ever got that microwave…

Photo Credit: Facebook

7. Patty, are you listening? 

I sure hope she is.

Photo Credit: Facebook

8. Wow. Getting kind of intense.

Who did it?!?!

Photo Credit: Facebook

9. What’s with the cake?

Doesn’t seem like a time to celebrate…

Photo Credit: Facebook

10. That would not be good.

Keep that WiFi out of my body!

Photo Credit: Facebook

11. This is amazing.

Just let the whole thing soak in…

Photo Credit: Facebook

12. Amy. Call me.

We have a lot to talk about.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Those really are the gifts that keep on giving, aren’t they?

Darn right they are!

Now we want to hear from you!

Share some of your own funny old people Facebook moments with us in the comments!

The post Old People Facebook Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving appeared first on UberFacts.

Check out This Facebook Group Where Millennials Pretend to Be Boomers

A lot of hay has been made about the “war” between Millennials and Boomers. But in the end, it’s really all about the memes. At least that seems to be the philosophy of a private group on Facebook called a group where we all pretend to be boomers.

It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like, and it’s rapidly gaining popularity, with nearly 15k members at the time of writing and likely far more by the time you see this. The bit is simple: a bunch of people young to youngish people do an impression of the online habits and styles of their older counterparts. That’s it. That’s all. And it’s kind of hilarious.

A thread on this latest lob in the generational war picked up a lot of attention when Twitter user @manhattanna posted a series of screenshots from within the group alongside commentary explaining that she might actually die from laughter.

Here are some examples of the kinds of things she unearthed. (All screenshots are from @manhattanna’s thread here and were presumably taken within the Facebook group. Names and faces have been removed to protect the innocent.)

10. Dinner With Tom

The vicious face at the end of the comment thread is what kills me here.

9. A Trip to the Mall

I know it’s a joke but I genuinely feel sorry for the pretend person that posted this.

8. Off Color

WHY oh WHY do Boomers love minions so damn much?

7. Twinkie Time

The classic “Boomer shares a dirty meme without realizing it” bit.

6. Red Lobster Dates

So many of these are about death and loss and I shouldn’t be laughing but dammit I kinda am.

5. Engojis


4. Ant Man Returns

The way this person never uses a period correctly is just masterful.

3. Custody Battle

This was one of a series of “really tragic post on inappropriately lighthearted background.”

2. Ghost Phone

I have seen legitimate listings like this I swear to God.

1. My Dinner with Bob

Just type that text into whatever box, I’m sure it’ll get where it’s going.

If I’m being honest this sort of stuff fills me with a mix of unbridled joy and deep guilt. I know full well that, if I’m lucky to live long enough, I will eventually be totally baffled by whatever new thing society throws at me. And when that day comes, a group of kids will get together and make memes about it which I will also not understand. And then I’ll just get in my rocket powered recliner and go to my moon retirement estate, I don’t need this mess.

Which of the posts is your favorite?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Check out This Facebook Group Where Millennials Pretend to Be Boomers appeared first on UberFacts.

This is How You Can Change Your Facebook Settings to Keep Your Photos from Facial Recognition AI

Whether it is a picture with your pals at the bar or a selfie at the gym, chances are you have probably uploaded a photo or two to Facebook (or Instagram, which Facebook owns). While it surely feels good to get likes and comments from friends, the flip side is that everything you put out on the Internet can be stolen, hacked or altered.

Today’s technology makes it even easier for people and companies to take advantage of your private data. In fact, a New York Times report recently revealed that a company called Clearview AI used three billion images gathered from millions of websites to create a facial-recognition app with a massive searchable database of faces.

And they’re licensing the software to the police.

Though companies like Clearview unfortunately exist (really, what they’re doing should be illegal), you can take several measures to ensure your photos remain private (or at least more private). Once you’re on Facebook, navigate to Settings > Privacy and look for the option that asks if you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile.

Once you turn that off, Clearview (and other data-munching intruders) won’t be able to take hold of your photos (although that will only apply to new photos, they’ve already got your old ones from before you changed the setting).

Other safety tips that can help protect your content include limiting the visibility of future posts to only friends. You can also make sure only your friends can search for your profile using personal contact information such as an e-mail address or phone number.

Changing your “Timeline and Tagging” settings can also do wonders in keeping your data hidden. And if you have friends who tend to post embarrassing photos without consulting you first, you can turn on the review option. This puts the power of posting back in your hands.

Of course, most people maintain at least a few social media accounts. That means you should also take the time to check the security settings on your Instagram, Twitter and even YouTube accounts.

Start out by making a comprehensive list of all the social networks in which you share content. Once you have exhausted your brain scrolling through the pages of apps in your phone, take the time to do a security debriefing of sorts. Perhaps it would be best to make your SnapChat private, so cyberstalkers or your parents don’t see what you’re up to on a Saturday night at 2 a.m.

Just a thought.

The post This is How You Can Change Your Facebook Settings to Keep Your Photos from Facial Recognition AI appeared first on UberFacts.

Stranded in a Jungle After a Scooter Accident, Their Only Hope Was a Facebook Post

When two tourists from the U.S. got stranded in the jungle after an accident with their scooter, their only hope for rescue was a phone with a dying battery…and Facebook.

When Aimee Spevak spotted the Facebook notification from her friend Michael Lythcott, she happily let it distract her from work. She knew he was traveling in Bali, and she looked forward to checking out his posts.

But there were no smiling selfies against gorgeous tropical scenery this time. Only a red background with white alarming words: “Help. In danger. Call police.”

Help. In danger. Call police.

Posted by Michael Lythcott on Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mikey Lythcott, a 39-year-old graphic designer, was exploring Bali with his friend Stacey Eno, 25. The day after they landed, they rented a scooter outside of Ubud and drove into town, staying until well after midnight, meeting new people and having a great time.

It was after 2 a.m. when they retrieved their scooter and headed back to their hotel. Lythcott wedged his iPhone into a pouch to use as a navigation system. Motoring back, he glanced down to check his direction and when he looked up, they were going into an unexpected curve in the road. Lythcott tried to slow down, but it was too late.

Posted by Michael Lythcott on Wednesday, March 13, 2019

(^The fateful curve, revisited a year later)

He woke up flat on his back in the middle of the jungle, and for a few minutes, he didn’t know what had happened or even where he was. Slowly, his thoughts came together until he finally remembered he was in Bali and had been riding on a scooter. But he didn’t recall the accident where he slammed the scooter into a tree and flew 150 feet down into a ravine.

Covered in blood, aching all over and unable to move his legs, he tried to call out for Stacey. Because both of his lungs were collapsed, he couldn’t speak very loudly, but she heard him anyway. She was close by. He dragged himself over to her. Neither of them could walk. No one could go for help, and in his terror, Lythcott found himself sliding down further into the ravine.

He found a tree root to hold onto and thought hard about how he needed to save them both. Still in a fog, he remembered he had a second phone in his pocket–one that allowed him to make calls to the U.S. He fumbled for it with one good hand and powered it on. At 42 percent power, he had enough to try for help, but he needed to hurry.

Leaving Bali looking and feeling a lot better than the first time. March 2019KelingKing BeachNusa Penida, Bali

Posted by Stacey Eno on Wednesday, March 20, 2019

But who could he call? Where was he?

His Facebook app opened. With one hand slick with blood, and a tenuous grip on the tree root with his other hand, he created his bright-red call for help.

Spevak saw it two minutes after posting. She stared at it a moment wondering what to do. She had no idea where her friend was. Then, she remembered she could call him via Facebook.

Lythcott answered.

He told Spevak he was in the woods somewhere, but he didn’t know where. She told him to send her his location while she figured out who to call for help.


Using Facebook’s “pin drop” function, Lythcott sent Spevak GPS coordinates. She took a screenshot of it and posted it to the original post. Quickly, Lythcott’s well-traveled, but panicked friends responded.

One friend found all the police numbers in Bali by district and shared them. But, still no one could get through to them, or to Michael.

Meanwhile, Eno lay on the jungle floor in extreme pain. The bones of her face were shattered and her tongue had been sliced open. Lythcott called out to her that he was trying to raise help.

This is the place where Stacey Eno and I had our accident. We went over the stone driveway on the left, instead of…

Posted by Michael Lythcott on Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Josh Hofer sat at his computer staring at the pin-dropped location of his friend in horror and helplessness. Desperate for clues, he clicked on the image, and it opened with much greater detail than what others were seeing on their phones. He sent a screenshot of the image to the U.S. Consulate in Indonesia with a message begging for help.

Lythcott posted that he could hear water running. From his home in Los Angeles, Paul Rocha created a map from the coordinates and Lythcott’s hint, and posted it. Another of Lythcott’s friends, who lived in Prague, thought the location might be between a cooking school she knew of and a local bar. A more specific picture emerged. The stranded travelers were near Sweetwater Falls. Pictures of phone numbers to local authorities and the consulate flooded the thread. People began calling the numbers requesting help for Lythcott and Eno.

Christine Getzler-Vaughan, a public affairs officer at the U.S. Consulate General, started receiving the calls. Friends described the location and told her Lythcott and Eno were hurt and needed immediate medical attention. Faced with a barrage of details from Lythcott’s Facebook network, she was able to put together enough physical information to send a search and rescue party. It was 5:29 a.m., less than an hour after Lythcott reached out for help, when Getzler-Vaughan sent a text to him. “Someone from our office in Bali has the info your friends have sent us.”

Lythcott’s cell phone battery finally died. He and Eno drifted in and out of consciousness, alone and terrified of sliding the rest of the way down into the ravine to meet whatever slithered there.

Today is three months since an earthquake knocked myself and Stacey Eno off our scooter and over the side of an…

Posted by Michael Lythcott on Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Eventually, voices from a four-man search party emerged from the jungle. The rescuers carefully carried Lythcott and Eno to a flat-bed pickup.

Four hours after Lythcott’s Facebook plea, Caitlin posted an update. “HE IS OKAY AND IN THE HOSPITAL!”

After 8 days in the hospital for Eno, and a couple of weeks for Lythcott, both returned to their homes, a miracle having been performed thanks to Lythcott’s large circle of friends who wouldn’t let time or geography stop them from saving someone they loved.

Some people have friends who say they care. The lucky ones have friends who show it.

The post Stranded in a Jungle After a Scooter Accident, Their Only Hope Was a Facebook Post appeared first on UberFacts.

Old Folks Who Shouldn’t Have Posted on Social Media, but We’re Glad They Did

Bless ’em…

Bless the hearts of these older folks. They were only trying to join in on social media like all the young kids are doing these days, but…well, they kind of blew it.

In adorable ways, mind you. So that’s why we’re glad they did it, so we can all have a good laugh together!

Let’s see what these people did that brought joy to so many.

1. Oh, no…not that.

They meant "Save the Date"… from oldpeoplefacebook

2. Oh, Pamela…

They’ve lost the business they never had from me! from oldpeoplefacebook

3. Any takers?

Ponch from oldpeoplefacebook

4. Love this pic.

Good job from oldpeoplefacebook

5. Thanks for letting us know.

My Aunt giving everyone a heads up from oldpeoplefacebook

6. And George was…?

Geroge who? from oldpeoplefacebook

7. And the Lord is returning soon.

Gf found this in her feed from oldpeoplefacebook

8. A real snoozefest, apparently.

Same from oldpeoplefacebook

9. Interesting…

Not sure which “sturdy” item she’s referring too? from oldpeoplefacebook

10. David nailed it again.

HaHa good one David! from oldpeoplefacebook

11. Mistaken identity.

Hey! That’s my son! from oldpeoplefacebook

12. Did it work?

Coconut oil fixes everything. from oldpeoplefacebook

13. You never know until you try…

Not the most effective way, but it could work. from oldpeoplefacebook

14. Short and sweet.

I’m an retired. from oldpeoplefacebook

15. This isn’t Google, Dad.

My friend tried to wish his father happy new year from comedyheaven

Has an older member of your family done something hilarious like this on Facebook, Twitter, or another social media network?

Tell us all about it in the comments. And remember to include pics!

The post Old Folks Who Shouldn’t Have Posted on Social Media, but We’re Glad They Did appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Times Older People on Facebook Were Totally Hilarious

Older folks and social media can be a really hilarious combination. It often seems like they don’t necessarily understand how to use Facebook or Instagram correctly – because why would they? – and major humor ensues.

I think you’ll see exactly what I mean when you scroll through these posts.

Get it together, senior citizens!

1. Perfect placement, don’t you think?

Found this on facebook marketplace and cant stop thinking about it from oldpeoplefacebook

2. You asked for it.

Name this plant from oldpeoplefacebook

3. That pretty much sums up old folks.

ITS ON MY COMPUTER SO ITS MY PAGE! from oldpeoplefacebook

4. An epic announcement.

Good job from oldpeoplefacebook

5. Don’t bother correcting that.

Abdomen I meant ottoman from oldpeoplefacebook

6. Hahahaha, this is good.

Please not the attorney general from oldpeoplefacebook

7. Probably not the best place for that.

That’s a bit of a bombshell from oldpeoplefacebook

8. He looks confused.

A voyage into voice dictation from oldpeoplefacebook

9. Thank you for sharing.

My Aunt giving everyone a heads up from oldpeoplefacebook

10. Murray needs water.

water from oldpeoplefacebook

11. She’s really asking for it.

Recipes for cream of corn from oldpeoplefacebook

12. Epic biography.

a small biography of charles from oldpeoplefacebook

13. I need a down loaf.

Free down loaf from oldpeoplefacebook

14. Yes, I really do.

I LIKE YOUR DOG from oldpeoplefacebook

15. A master photographer.

Pet groups are where grandma shows off her photo skills from oldpeoplefacebook

That’s humor, baby!

Never gets old…

Do you have any funny examples of your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. doing this kind of stuff on social media? If so, share some pics in the comments!

The post 15 Times Older People on Facebook Were Totally Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.