New Year, New You – 8 Ways to Start Actually Enjoying Exercise

Just about everyone has struggled with their weight at some point. It’s an ongoing struggle for most of us, and one of the biggest hurdles that people can’t get past is that most of us hate exercise! It’s just not as enjoyable as sitting under the covers and binging your favorite Netflix shows.

Wouldn’t life be so much more enjoyable if exercising wasn’t a chore? I think so. If you do, too, then check out these 8 tips for turning yourself into someone who will actually stick to those resolutions – and not hate doing it, either.

#1. Take notes on your progress.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Motivation is far easier to find when you can easily see how you’ve improved, whether or not you’re feeling great that day. Track distance run, weight lifted, sit-ups or pushups or burpees accomplished, etc, to see how far you’ve come.

#2. Know your excuses.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Acknowledge ahead of time all of the things that get in your way when it comes to keeping your commitment, and punch them in the face before they can hold you back.

#3. Allow yourself time off.

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Even a whole week, if you’re going to be out of town or super busy with a deadline or something similar. It’s okay to give yourself a break – in fact, you’ll be more likely to keep your goals if you do.

#4. Save your Netflix binge for cardio time.

Image Credit: Pixabay

What better motivation to hop on the treadmill than the next episode of whatever show you never have time to watch otherwise?

#5. Don’t make your goals about weight loss.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Make it about your clothes fitting better, or you having more energy or better muscle tone, etc. It’s easier to maintain and also, weight truly is just a number.

#6. Evaluate your lifestyle.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A workout routine is only going to stick if it fits with your other lifestyle elements – if you’re going out drinking four nights a week there’s no way you’re getting up early to work out every morning. Change only happens when you can incorporate it into your everyday.

#7. Don’t worry about looking silly.

Image Credit: Pixabay

This is great advice for everything you do in life, tbh, but it goes double for those classes at the gym you’ve always wanted to try but don’t because you worry you’ll look dumb. Who cares? Have fun and get fit in the process – anyone who would make fun of you is showing their own insecurity and nothing else.

#8. Make your goals weekly, instead of a giant one.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Say you’re going to exercise 3 days a week instead of “lose 20 pounds by Memorial Day,” etc.

Here’s hoping it takes!

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20 Before and After Photos That Show Stunning Transformations

Weight loss is hard, and those who can shed major pounds deserve a lot of credit and recognition.

These 20 folks were kind enough to share their before and after photos, and they look great.

And remember, if they can do it, you can do it!


Photo Credit: Bored Panda


Photo Credit: Bored Panda


Photo Credit: Bored Panda


Photo Credit: Bored Panda


Photo Credit: Bored Panda


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Photo Credit: Bored Panda


Photo Credit: Bored Panda


Photo Credit: Bored Panda

h/t: Bored Panda

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This Infographic Shows Where in the U.S. People Aren’t Getting Enough Exercise

Yes, the United States is a notoriously sedentary country, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that some places are lazier than others. There’s plenty of evidence out there to support the idea that Americans spend too much time in their cars and in front of screens, but according to the CDC, physical activity rates can vary significantly from state to state.

The CDC recommends that adults take part in 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, plus 2 days a week of weight lifting or calisthenics. Countrywide, only about 23% of people between the ages of 18-64 meet these recommendations.

The infographic below draws on data from 2010-2015 National Health Interview Surveys.

There are a few things to consider, like the fact that broad recommendations don’t take into consideration people who are injured, ill, or disabled. In addition, the survey only asks about leisure time used to exercise, which doesn’t account for people who might meet the requirements with physically demanding jobs or who bike or walk to work on a daily basis.

Still. I think I’m going to go for a walk.

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7 Surprising Benefits of Walking

We should know by now that the simple act of walking can have many health benefits – mental and physical – but here are 7 benefits that you might not have been aware of until now.

If so, the knowledge will definitely get you up and moving!

#7. It can increase vitamin D levels

Photo Credit: Brightside

Vitamin D is connected with brittle bones, fractures, and difficulty in walking – but walking 15-30 minutes a day in the sun can help you get enough to avoid these common health issues.

#6. It can help reduce your blood pressure

Photo Credit: Brightside

40 minutes of daily walking can reduce blood pressure in individuals with hypertension – 3 to 5 points.

#5. It increases creativity

Photo Credit: Brightside

It turns out creative types who like to take walks for inspiration aren’t crazy – this study found that creativity levels rise for a short time during and immediately after a walk.

#4. It can reduce instances of breast cancer in women

Photo Credit: Brightside

7 hours of walking per week reduces the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women by up to 14% – if you walk more than that, your chances drop by up to 25%.

#3. It can boost your immune system

Photo Credit: Brightside

A moderately-paced 30-45 minute walk every day can help protect your body from common colds.

#2. It reduces your risk of contracting diabetes

Photo Credit: Brightside

Just 3,000-7,500 steps per day can help treat and/or prevent type 2 diabetes.

#1. It slows the aging process

Photo Credit: Brightside

Walking is one of the most effective ways to avoid losing mobility as you age – it also keeps your skin tighter and can even reverse the aging process (and help avoid dementia!).

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The 5 Best Workouts, According to One Harvard Doctor

Health and fitness are a billion dollar business these days, and it seems like every time you turn around, one of your friends is trying to hock some new, amazing, pain-free diet and workout program that’s sure to change your life in the next thirty days.

Well, you can ignore them going forward, because this Harvard doctor has come out with a list of the 5 best workouts available, and guess what? Most of them are old school.

So get moving!

#5. Walking

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Surprise! You don’t have to join an expensive gym or program to get a low-intensity workout that benefits the body and the brain. Just make sure and do it for a period of at least 30 minutes on more days a week than not. Voila!

#4. Swimming

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According to Dr. Lee, swimming is the perfect workout. It’s low impact, so it won’t damage your joints, and it works almost every muscle in your body. In addition, it raises your heart rate and, if done regularly, can help you battle depression, aging, and stress.

#3. Tai Chi

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The flowing, detailed movements combine purposeful breathing and attention to balance, all of which can act as a moving meditation that benefits the mind as much as the body.

#2. Kegels

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Apparently, men and women can benefit from strengthening their pelvic floor. The exercises maintain the muscles around the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum. Doing them regularly can help you reduce, um, leakages later in life.

#1. Strength Training

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Okay, so maybe your Crossfit friends have a point. Dr. Lee recommends both resistance training and high-intensity interval training for strengthening muscles and achieving cardiovascular benefits. Like with the rest of the workouts on this list, consistency is key.

h/t: Elle

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