A Man Who Was Annoyed with a Classmate Realized His Own Selfishness and Shared the Lesson He Learned

Sometimes we think to ourselves, the nerve of some people. Invading our space and spreading their belongings everywhere. Don’t they know this public territory is spoken for?

In fact, aren’t there some among us that would prefer way less people around? People are annoying! Wanting to make friends and showing interest in us is a complete invasion of privacy and rights. And… and privacy.

Seriously, mind your own business and leave us alone.

Because of that kind of thinking, every once in a while, someone comes along to remind us that we are not the center of the universe (gasp). Maybe, other people live on this planet who are worth getting to know because they are really nice, decent individuals. Perhaps, just even knowing their stories make us better people.

What follows is a perfect example.

It all starts with a battle student Thomas McFall fought every single day of Management class. He always took the same seat. Some foreign dude was always already there with his stuff piled on the desk. McFall felt this guy should know by now not to take up the space on his desk with his bag, food, books, phone, etc. But every day was the same day.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

McFall would walk into class and this guy would do and say the same thing every day. Come. On.

Photo Credit: Twitter

McFall has had it with this guy.

Photo Credit: Twitter

But one day was different.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Another student was aiming for McFall’s seat.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Because of his narrow view of other, maybe strange, people, he didn’t see the situation for what it was–a gesture of friendship.

Photo Credit: Twitter

McFall decided to spend a little more time with his formerly annoying classmate.

Photo Credit: Twitter

He discovered the guy’s story–his humanity.

Photo Credit: Twitter

He’s in another country, away from his family. Piling his stuff on a classmate’s desk was his way of trying to make friends.

Photo Credit: Twitter

If it wasn’t for the day McFall was running behind, he would have never realized the whole picture.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Instead, he would have an unpleasant memory of his Management class with an annoying foreign guy who piled his stuff on the desk. He would never know the reason behind the high five. And he would never had this gentle lesson on compassion and the benefit of giving someone else the benefit of the doubt.

That’s a lesson we should all carry in this awkward, annoying world we all have a right to inhabit.

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A Bot Wrote a Hilarious ‘John Wick’ Script and People Are Loving It

What if a computer wrote a screenplay? Have you ever asked yourself that question?

More specifically though… have you ever asked: what if a bot wrote John Wick?

You haven’t asked yourself EITHER of those questions? Well, you’re in luck because somebody on the internet did and then made it happen.

Keaton Patti is the genius behind many “bot-written” scripts that he’s posted on Twitter, and to say he’s killing it at the bot-written script game is an understatement.

That title! I’m official in love with this bot.

Photo Credit: Twitter/KeatonPatti

“You are out of horse, Mr. Dog!” Classic Wick.

Photo Credit: Twitter/KeatonPatti

So… what do you think? Are we at the point where bots should replace humans?

The answer is a resounding yes! At least from Keaton.

He even has visuals!

What more could you ask for Keanu? Get on that shit!

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People with Social Anxiety Will Laugh out Loud at These Tweets

Do you have social anxiety? If so, I sympathize with you…but you should also laugh at it once in a while! Might as well, right?

1. Hurry up!

2. Assume the worst…

3. Anxiety thru and thru…

4. It’s not nothing…

5. Open up!

6. It’s always about you…

7. It all means something…

8. Probably dying…

9. But what DID it mean?!?!

10. Must be nice…

11. Always fun to pre-game!

12. Just give me a minute… or thirty…

13. ALL of this!

14. Ditto.

All you Pokémon trainers out there… that last one is for you.

And for you who have no idea what I’m talking about… let that linger for a while…

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I’m Going to Laugh While I Read These 14 Tweets. Will You Join Me?

Welcome to my post about funny tweets. There’s 14 of them, so shall we just start reading them now?

We shall!

1. I can see this…

2. For those Mariah stans only…

3. Less. Is. More.

4. Oh snap….

5. This is gonna hurt.

6. This haunts me quite a bit

7. Trash loves trash

8. At least she’s honest…

9. I like it! More!

10. I’m listening…

11. Just the bare necessities…

12. GIMME!

13. Oh…. I get it!

14. Pokémon coming at ya with the funny…

Well, I don’t know about you, but I enjoyed that quite a bit!

Come back for more of all of that sometime soon!

Until then… toodles!

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15 Funny Tweets About Animals That’ll Give You a Good Laugh

Animals are completely unpredictable, so either they’re going to make us laugh or kill us. One of those two things. Which one will it be…?

Thankfully, they usually just make us laugh… as they lay in wait for the right time to strike!

Here are 15 times they decided it was better to make us laugh then introduce us to an untimely demise.

15. Sing it loud! Sing it proud!

14. Oh… you fancy!

13. The cutest!

12. That’s a no from fido…

11. “You dog? I dog too!”


9. Well, there goes THOSE plans…

8. Pretty much me always

7. No touch fone. Only petz. Pls n thx u!

6. Ninjdog

5. Done got wrecked!

4. Yep… pretty much!

3. Hey girl…

2. “Whatever shall I do?!”

1. Good boy!

It’s a wonder they put up with us and not destroy us all.

Because they could.

They have the numbers.

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10+ OMFG Tweets That Will Bring You All the LOLs

Great jokes are just like a fine wine…they get better with age.

So I submit to you today a collection of 13 deliciously robust tweets that you will be able to revisit time and time again for the LOLs you need on even your toughest days.


13. Too much upkeep, send it back…

12. Just a little game we all play

11. It makes it all the more impressive, really

10. He’s even lying on a canvas

9. If you find out, let me know!

8. Laughing FOREVER!

7. Pipe down, liver!

6. Use your words!

5. If only it were that easy…

4. Respect.

3. This is seriously where we’ve ended up?

2. Can I pet him?

1. Boom.

You’re welcome.

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Millennials Pretend to Be Baby Boomers on Facebook and It Is Very Amusing

Millennials and Baby Boomers don’t really get each other, do they? Boomers think Millennials are entitled brats and Millennials think Boomers can’t keep up with the modern world.

Twitter user Anna (@manhattanna) recently stumbled on a Facebook group in which Millennial users pretend to be Boomers in order to make fun of the way they use social media, and shared some of her screenshots on Twitter.

People love. So will you.

14. I mean why waste time with a second post?

13. “Is he a predator?”

12. Not good with the photos

Image Credit: Twitter

Image Credit: Twitter

Image Credit: Twitter


10. Please enjoy the incongruous backgrounds in the next several posts

Image Credit: Twitter

9. Balloons for days

Image Credit: Twitter

8. That is not a crying emoji…

Image Credit: Twitter

7. Neither is this

Image Credit: Twitter

6. Who among us does not miss a good cheddar biscuit?

5. God bless


3. So polite

2. These posts kill me

1. Ummmm…

Image Credit: Twitter

Stay funny out there, friends.

It’s the only reason to keep the internet alive.

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These Random Tweets Will Be Hilarious from Now Until Forever

There are certain jokes out there that are just timeless. No matter how many times you hear them, how many views you rack up on the video, or how many times you relate it to your friends, you can’t help but crack up.

I humbly submit these tweets under that same category.

17. Aspirations!

16. People’s minds, I swear…

15. I hope they’re being paid union wages

14. Also don’t buy a duvet cover

13. What even?!

12. A wise man

11. I can’t

10. Among other things

9. Right? Ew.

8. Life lessons…

7. Me.

6. As one does…

5. Dying!

4. Well-argued

3. Solidarity

2. If this doesn’t make you snort… what’s wrong with you?!

1. This is one of the weirdest things humans do!

Love it!

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These Twitter Posts Were the Reason We Smiled Today

Some days, the only thing that can put a smile on my face is hilarious people on Twitter.

So please keep tweeting y’all! Because you sure are funny!

1. Hey, I’d buy it!

2. From now on… avocadoes will be known as this. So says me.

3. Well, that’s one to do it…

4. I want to party with this girl. Eventually.

5. I see you!

6. Rough day.

7. It had to happen eventually…

8. She earned it!

9. I think you just did it…

10. Honesty is the best policy!


Alright, if you didn’t laugh, I’ve got nothing more for you.

Go try Buzzfeed or something.

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Brave Women Are Sharing Their Abortion Stories with the Hashtag #YouKnowMe

Right now is a scary time to be a woman in America.

People who support a woman’s right to choose what she does with her reproductive health are trying anything they can to make sure the message is spread far and wide that even if people don’t think they know somebody who has had an abortion… they do.

A lot of people have shared their story, but Busy Philipps recently shared a story on her talk show about her experience…

Busy also shared some statistics… with the hashtag #YouKnowMe

Folks, 25% of all women have had an abortion at some point in their lives. If you didn’t know that stat before, now you do.

Naturally, people are taking up the hashtag and sharing their stories…

Yes, women will die.

Lots and lots of women.

And it doesn’t matter what their reason is..

Because these are incredibly difficult choices…

And without those choices, women literally lose their rights as human beings…

Because imagine a world where rapists just get to have children because they commit a crime…

And the only option being a hotel room in the middle of nowhere…

Women need to be able to plan their lives…

Without fear of consequence for ONE moment taking over their entire life…

Again, these are health care decisions, first and foremost…

And nobody should ever make that decision for another person.

Yes, we all know somebody who had an abortion. And their reasons, while their own, are completely justifiable.

Anybody who tells you differently is just trying to interfere with a woman’s civil rights.

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