Remakes of Melodramatic Hipster Memes Will Have You Snorting into Your Craft Beer

Did you know there’s more to the modern day hipster than funny clothes and sarcasm? Sure they may be into craft beers, gastropubs, and bourbon, but have you considered their minds?

Hipsters encompass a different way of viewing culture. Hipsters love progressive politics, appreciation for music—specifically alt-rock, independent thinking and we can’t forget the witty banter, to name a few.

Many may think of hipsters as melodramatic with the inspirational memes floating around the internet, but these once emotional memes turned parodies might make the hipsters of the 21stcentury not take life so seriously. And to be honest, these may be better than the originals!

13. Keep walking, maybe?

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

12. True…but yikes!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

11. Grammer police!


Photo Credit: Bored Panda

10. If she’d just turn around

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

9. If there’s no one around to catch a tree, does it fall?

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

8. The new way to create a friendship pack

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

7. Aquaman approved

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

6. “I love lamp.”

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. For “wheel”?

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

4. Don’t try this at home

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

3. And that favorite pair of shoes…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

2. And Hawaii…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

1. Bird droppings

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

See, life doesn’t need to be taken too seriously!

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Brilliant Map of Indigenous Lands Shows Whose Property You’re Currently Occupying

Holidays like Thanksgiving and Columbus Day, along with the way we teach colonization of the Americas in general, have all come under scrutiny over the last few years, and not without reason — the true roles of indigenous peoples is almost entirely glossed over and watered down. One effort to amend that has been for some communities choosing to celebrate Indigenous People’s Day on October 8th instead of Columbus Day.

But there’s much more we can all do to educate ourselves and our children about the people who populated North America before European settlers arrived.

Enter this pretty cool use of Google Maps, created by a company called Native-Land. It shows you which Indigenous tribes resided in what parts of the country over the centuries.

Photo Credit:

But the maps include more than the Americas.

Hold onto your hats, Aussies and New Zealanders.

Photo Credit:

Canadian developer Victor G Temprano started the company in 2015 during a time of a lot of local development projects, according to the company’s website:

While mapping out pipeline projects and learning more about them for the sake of public awareness, I started to ask myself whose territories all these projects were happening on. Once I started finding the geographic data and mapping, well, it just kind of exploded from there.

Photo Credit:

Controversial development projects like the Trans Mountain and Dakota Access pipelines not only helped him to be more culturally aware, it made him wonder where else modernization might be infringing on native lands.

He continues to explain on the site:

I feel that Western maps of Indigenous nations are very often inherently colonial, in that they delegate power according to imposed borders that don’t really exist in many nations throughout history. They were rarely created in good faith, and are often used in wrong ways.

Photo Credit:

The maps are not part of any academic project and feature input from users that causes them to change constantly, but Temprano did recently announce that he’s hired a research assistant to ensure all of the information is as accurate and complete as possible.

It’s a great site to visit with your kids around the holidays or anytime you want to discuss cultural appropriation and western civilization.

As one does.

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15 Things We Are Definitely NOT in ‘The Golden Age’ Of

When historians look back at this era, how will they define it? Most likely not by reason or thought. Am I the only one who feels like we’re trapped in an age of stupidity?

AskReddit users went on the record and revealed what we are NOT in ‘The Golden Age’ of.

1. Very true


2. No common ground

“Water cooler talk at work. Ten years ago if I saw something incredible I would talk to people about it at work the next day, now nobody watches the same thing so those conversations don’t happen.”

3. Fall of the mall

“Shopping Malls, they are super dead and getting a little deader every day.”

4. Tragedy


We’ve killed so many fish it’s a f*cking tragedy. By some estimates we’ve killed 90% of the world’s shark population alone. Reading old books and running into offhand comments about fishing is depressing as hell.

I love seafood, but we need like a decade-long commercial fishing hiatus followed by much stricter limits and better regulations. There are a bunch of really dumb rules right now; bycatch is wasted, for example. Let’s get by on sport-caught and farmed seafood for a while and let the fishes come back.

Fishing now is nothing whatever like it was even fifty years ago. A century ago it was like another planet. And this is coming from a kiteboarder, somebody to whom sharks are a genuine threat.”

5. Muscle men

“Bodybuilding. Go look at the recent Mr. Olympia winners and compare that to the days of Schwarzenegger. Night and day.”

6. Damn shoelaces

“Shoe fastenings. We’re still using primitive shoelaces just like all of those grim people in the earliest photographs, standing there in their tall uncomfortable black boots, out in the barnyard next to the well, with the tethered mule standing dumbly by the family, all of whom look angry or like they want to die instead of face yet another brutal day trying to wrestle their sustenance out of the unforgiving ground.

The well is gone, the mule is gone, even the barnyard is gone, and we sit in our shiny air-conditioned towers talking to each other across a networked world swarmed with satellites, yet still we wear those same laces.

We tried in the 80s with Velcro; every kid had a pair, or at least some hybrid hi-tops. But Big Shoelace crushed it behind the scenes, relegating it to the shoes of wriggling infants and arthritic seniors in the painful twilight of their mobility.

So here we are still enslaved, still tethered to Big Shoelace, suckling at its teat as the only means of sustenance within the radius allowed us. We are the mules now. We will never escape. We will never escape. Congress has a golden shoelace around its neck and we will never escape. Perhaps it’s a golden age after all, just not for the many.”

7. Long gone neon

“Neon signs

Ok, people are saying that “hey, you’ve clearly never been to X, there’s a ton there!” While you’re right, I’ve never been to Austin or Vegas, that doesn’t mean that we’re still in the golden age. There’s a great documentary that was actually on the Reddit front page about the industry dying in Asia (I believe it’s been linked to in this thread multiple times). There are a lot out in the world, but there’s almost no new ones being made, and not like they used to be. I would say the golden age for neon was in the 80s. LEDs are the future and that’s kinda sad.”

8. We need an upgrade

“Toilets. Either make them all flush automatically or make them where you have to push the handle down.

If it’s one of those automatic ones, please make it smart enough to not flush while I’m just sitting down or mid poop. I like to wipe down the toilet seat before I sit on it and throw that toilet paper in the water to avoid any splash backs . Half the time it doesn’t work because the toilet will just flush before I even sit down.

And fix the bathroom stalls. No one should be able to make eye contact with me through the crack of the door as they walk in and I’m in the stall talking a poop.”

9. Any Brits care to weigh in?

“The British Empire.”

10. Is it in the past or the future?

“Space Exploration.”

11. A lot of people are sorry

“The Halo franchise. Sorry 🙁

12. Interesting take


13. On the decline


14. Not a bad thing

“Small pox.”

15. What’s gonna happen?

“Gene manipulation.

CRISPR is at its infancy, and won’t reach its full potential for a few decades I’m guessing. Who knows what could happen when we reach that point?”

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5 Uniquely American Traditions That the Rest of the World Find…Odd

People are different all around the world. From the way we eat o how we dress to the language we use, every country has its own unique culturat traditions. While that diversity is a beautiful thing, it also means that what might seem perfectly normal to you might seem absolutely bizarre to someone else.

Here are 5 things that Americans do every day that the rest of the world finds a bit odd:

Photo Credit: Pexel,

Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving, shoppers head out in droves to claim steeply discounted merchandise for Christmas. A cheery, exciting day to bond with family and physically fight your way to the best deals. But Black Friday was not a positive term when originally coined in the 1950s. Back then, the mobs of shoppers and spectators out for the Army-Navy football game in Philly made it chaos for the police force. But retailer spun it into a positive by the 1980s. Yes, we still see the reports on chaos, but we don’t necessarily feel bad about it.

Whether we should is another question…


Photo Credit: Pexel

More Ice, Please!

In America, we love our ice. From iced tea to ice-filled fountain sodas to a refreshing glass of water, you can get a cold drink most anywhere drinks are served. But in many other areas of the world, iced drinks are nowhere to be found – in fact in many countries putting ice in your water is thought to be unhealthy.

Photo Credit: Pexel, Susanne Jutzeler

The Pumpkin Craze

You either love pumpkin or hate it. Since 2011, the pumpkin obsession has grown almost 80% – as measured in sales of pumpkin products by Nielson. What started out as a Halloween tradition quickly moved to a Thanksgiving dessert and then exploded with the pumpkin spice craze. Marketers capitalize on the pumpkin craze from the beginning of fall well into the winter.

Photo Credit: Pexel, J Carter

Baby Showers

In America, we celebrate everything “baby”, starting with a gender reveal with family and friends, name reveals after the baby is born, all the way to the over-the-top annual birthday parties! But let’s not forget the baby shower. A day devoted to “showering” gifts on the mom-to-be as she prepares for the birth of her child.

Whereas in Israel, families don’t even talk about baby names or set up the nursery until the baby is born. They feel the American way is a “counting your chickens before they hatch” mentality, which can come back to bite you in a worst case scenario.

Photo Credit: Pexel, Pixabay

Doggie Bags

If you don’t finish your meal, at many restaurants you are automatically asked by the waiter if you would like to take the rest home. And it’s normal to say yes. It means you don’t have to buy lunch the next day. Score!

Well, in certain countries, taking home food is a no-no. According to the manager of a fancy restaurant in Moscow, “We use fresh, high-quality products here. It makes no sense to let it grow old. Pasta dies after 20 minutes; things lose their taste.” Europeans believe it to be a health hazard and a way to avoid unnecessary food poisoning.

Photo Credit: Pexel,

Coffee on the Go

Starbucks has changed the way we “coffee”. A quick stop at your local beanery, and your day is underway as you go out to win the business world. But overseas? Forget about it. Coffee is meant to be savored. It’s a way to socialize and relax. Most cafés don’t have cardboard cups, leaving you out of luck if you want to caffeinate on the run.

Silly Americans!

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11 Facts About India That Will Make You Want to Book a Flight

When you think of India, it’s possible that certain stereotypes come to mind. Maybe you think its dirty, or crowded, or that little kids will steal your shoes while you sightsee (thanks, Slumdog Millionaire). But here’s the truth: there are dozens of reasons to love and want to visit this beautiful, intriguing country.

Here are 11.

#11. The food.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Indian food is super spicy, which most Americans know, but you might not be aware that a large part of the population are vegetarians. Consequently, there are many places to buy vegetables, and the variety is amazing.

You’ll also be delighted by the clay and leaf ad banana leaf bowls that take the place of basic serving pieces – eco-friendly!

#10. Scuba

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The 8 islands off the Goa coast attract divers from around the world, and under the water, you can find a host of shipwrecks to explore. India also has amazing beaches that can compete with Rio, Ibiza, and Australia and the warm water is sure to draw you in.

#9. It’s young, diverse, and fun.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

India is home to 400 co-existing ethnic groups and a young population – over half of them are under 25 and 2/3 are under 35. You’llheare 21 official languages being spoken on your travels, which is bound to make you feel less out of place – and ready to step out of your comfort zone!

#8. Alternative medicine.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If holistic healing calls to you, then Ayurveda – a treatment method and philosophy native to India that uses oils, herbs, juices, massages, and herbal pills as opposed to modern medicine – should be right up your alley.

#7. History

Photo Credit: Pixabay

India is one of the oldest places on earth, and in Hampi you’ll find the remains of ancient cities, palaces, temples, and other architecture that represents the entire history of humanity.

#6. Wildlife galore!

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Most people want to see elephants, but you can also check out camels, cows, and a bunch of other rare plants and animals around the country – over 1/3 of the local flora is completely unique to the country.

#5. Dance

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The traditional dances of India represent people, animals, plants, nature, and emotions, and some are over 5,000 years old. That, combined with the costumes and makeup, mean you’ve got culture at your fingertips anywhere you go.

#4. Bollywood

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Indians are talented people and produce over 1600 original films a year. If you’re a movie lover, there’s no better place to be.

#3. Transportation

Photo Credit: Pixabay

There are really no road rules – which can be an upside or downside, depending on your personality – and you can travel on public transit from 30 cents per ride to the Maharajas’ Express train, which is the best train in all of Asia. Long story short, you’ve got lots of choices depending on budget, but you’ll be able to see the country in style.

#2. Find the meaning of life.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It may sound cheesy, but millions of people head to India looking for the meaning of life – the people there seem to have a lock on living in harmony with the world and each other. If spiritual enlightenment is on your to-do list, visit ashrams, where you’ll find gurus and places to meditate, recite mantras, attend lectures, etc.

#1. There’s always something new to see.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

From Mumbai to the temples, caves, and mosques to the Taj Mahal, you’ll never be without something to see.

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14+ People Reveal What Poor People Buy That Ordinary People Know Nothing About

It can sometimes seem as if there is a veil separating poor people from the rest of society, and the only way to begin to bridge it is for the middle and upper classes to understand what life is like on the other side.

These 15 people try to do just that by sharing things they buy that would be mysteries to their richer counterparts.

15. Nothing goes to waste

“I was so poor once that I would go to Long John Silvers and order a water and crunchies (which used to be free) then sit there and watch the people that would dine in.

It was amazing how little they ate. And then they would leave without dumping their tray off in the trash.

Fries, hushpuppies, chicken, fish… all untouched. No I didn’t eat a piece that was bitten off of.

I once saw a woman order a 2 piece fish and more for her kid, that ate 1 hushpuppy and a few fries, and then left the rest of it there. It was the best I had eaten in weeks.

Glad that’s behind me now.”

14. Generic Spam

“The generic version of Spam is called Treet. You learn that sorta thing as a kid.”

13. Tricks of the trade

“Learning the times of the day when meat, bakery, fish, vegetable and misc. items are reduced to 75% at the local supermarket.

I’ve been learning for years, but it’s a good day when you find 400g of fresh mince for 99p, and you have warm filling food that you used to take for granted when living with parents.

One thing Ive noticed about being poor is that you become almost vegetarian because meat just costs too damn much. Frozen or fresh.

Another thing would be buying the cheapest large container of yoghurt, and mixing in jam for fruity yoghurt. But that’s not about being poor, that’s just a good idea.”

12. Animal medicine

“I knew a guy that would go to a livestock feed store and buy antibiotics and some other meds there that were meant for farm animals when he got sick. There was another med he’d get at pet stores too. He’d just cut the pills into smaller pieces to try to guess what the proper mg amount was. It’s apparently crazy cheap for certain meds and doesn’t require a prescription or govt. oversight like it would at a normal pharmacy.”

11. Grocery store castoffs

“Rotten bananas, stale bread, gray meat, and anything else the grocery is about to toss in the garbage. Giant bags of rice, beans, grain, or flour. Canned vegetables. Dried milk.”

10. No such thing as a free ride

“Growing up my family had it’s moments of struggle. Our public transport system at the time had tickets which were simply hole-punched with the date and month, not the year. So we’d save them and store them neatly in envelopes marked by month and concession or full fare. After a few years of saving tickets we pretty much had free train and bus travel for the next 10 years… until they changed the ticketing system to electronically stamped tickets with bar codes.”

9. Super Dad

“Lots of school systems do free lunches for kids under 18 during the summer. When I was a kid I remember my dad taking us to get lunch at the school then go play disc golf, soccer, or do something else free and fun, it was a blast and I had no clue it was because we were poor.

Dollar theaters, and sometimes they have a free afternoon/evening show for kids with the purchase of a parent ticket. Many movies were seen by the three of us for $4 with a shared popcorn and coke.

My dad was amazing at making us feel rich on basically nothing.”

8. They pay more

“I have been both very poor and very comfortable. A lot of very true statements already posted here, but here’s what I have noticed. When you are broke, you can’t plan ahead or shop sales or buy in bulk. Poor people wait to buy something until they absolutely need it, so they have to pay whatever the going price is at that moment. If ten-packs of paper towels are on sale for half price, that’s great, but you can only afford one roll anyway. In this way, poor people actually pay more than others for common staple goods. Edit: Holy cats! Thank you for the gold!”

7. Home surgery

“At home surgery. Used a pair of needle nose pliers, a razor blade and some anti septic super glue to remove a cyst on my forehead. The secret is to cut it in a “cat’s eye” shape, quickly push the skin back after you pull the cyst out (don’t let it pop) and get the glue on fast. Burn like ten bitches on a bitch boat, but it bleeds a lot and you have to get it on quick to stop the bleeding.”

6. Another racket

“Rent-to-own furniture.”

5. They should be free

“My office only has a unisex bathroom so it has the facilities for men and women. Naturally there’s a tampon machine, and tampons are only 5 cents. Once a month I’ll work late, get a roll of nickels and fill up a grocery sack with tampons for my wife.”

4. A mother’s love

“When I was child, Burger King ran a special kids meal where it was two mini Burgers that were attached to each other like a weird conjoined burger experiment. Sometimes we would go. My dinner was 1.5 of the mini burgers, my moms dinner was the half I didn’t eat and she would fill up on the free refills of soda.”

3. Not what it looks like

“Sold so much plasma in college folks thought I had track marks from drugs.”

2. It comes in powder?

“powdered milk. I once worked in a call centre and an old lady called almost in tears that cable went up by $1.50. Her line that she repeated more than once was that she couldn’t afford fresh milk and had to buy powdered milk. Unless it’s due to a lack of refrigeration available or some sort of allergy, only the very poor would buy powdered over fresh milk.”

1. Potatoes are the perfect food

“In university I used to buy a 10-20lbs bags of potatoes, freeze dried chives, and gravy mix in bulk (not the supermarket packs which are $1 for 2 cups of gravy, restaurant sized packs that make 8 liters)

That was often dinner, usually at the end of the month when money got tight. Sometimes I had even saved enough that I could have mashed potatoes made with some sort of dairy, or bacon grease.

I also had a cheap tub of protein power for weight lifters, it was gross. But I would blend it up, usually with water hold my nose and gulp it down. It was actual protein, and slightly more healthy then a week long diet of potatoes.”

h/t: Reddit

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12 Things That Are Normal to South Korea but Astonishing to the Rest of the World

Both Koreas can be a bit of a mystery to the West, but the way they blend modern technology with Asian tradition is quite beautiful…if you know how to look.

#12. You can taste test food in the supermarket.

Photo Credit: AdaKwon (Pikabu)

You can try as much as you want and buy it or not – no one will say a word.

#11. Kids stay at school late.

Photo Credit: hitchcocklikedblonds (Reddit)

Young children attend school until 6pm, secondary kids until 8 or 9, and high school kids often study until after midnight. Likewise, libraries are open 24/7.

#10. Themed subway cars are a common sight.

Photo Credit: AdaKwon (Pikabu)

They’re often themed for cartoon or anime characters.

#9. They’re short on trash bins and heavy on public toilets.

Photo Credit: sawbutter (Reddit)

Koreans are tidy and have little need for public trash bins – but everyone needs a public toilet now and again (looking at you, Europe).

#8. Treatment of pregnant women.

Photo Credit: nihilo503 (Reddit)

Along with designated parking spaces, all South Korean pregnant women receive $500 from the government to spend on treatment and medicine. They also receive a trinket that lets them ask for and receive seats on public transportation.

#7. Gift-giving is a practical affair.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A traditional housewarming gift is a couple rolls of toilet paper.

#6. Couples dress alike…on purpose.

Photo Credit: AdaKwon (Pikabu)

Local shops sell paired clothes and shoes for young people in love.

#5. They’re not up on Western anything.

Photo Credit: Instagram

The isolated island doesn’t study geography, and most people don’t listen to Western music or watch Western movies. But don’t worry – they have plenty of culture of their own!

#4. Bus travel is nice.

Photo Credit: AdaKwon (Pikabu)

Every bus stop has an informational panel containing the schedule, the buses are new and air conditioned, the drivers wear white gloves and sunglasses, and the buses operate 24/7. They are pricier than they are in the US, however.

#3. Every kindergarten has their own uniform.

Photo Credit: AdaKwon (Pikabu)

It helps teachers and staff keep track of their kids, especially on crowded field trips.

#2. Teacher gifts are coffee or sweets.

Photo Credit: AdaKwon (Pikabu)

Big gifts are considered bribes and are frowned upon.

#1. They love dogs.

Photo Credit: Instagram

They don’t eat them as a practice (you can get it, but it’s expensive). South Korean cuisine is actually very healthy and (surprise!) they love coffee.

h/t: Brightside

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10 People Share Examples of Double Standards That Ruin Things for All of Us

In this day and age of feminism and “wokeness,” it’s sometimes hard to believe that double standards still exist. At least, I’ve heard that’s the case if you’re a man.

If you’re a woman, these 10 incidents probably aren’t going to surprise you. But they’re still going to make you mad.

#10. Reverse ageism is a thing

“Search my bag as I leave the store? How about all the older people than myself that you let stroll on by without bag checking?

At my workplace the only people I’ve ever seen shoplift or attempt to shoplift are those over 50.”

#9. Hypocrisy is the worst

“Anything involving politics. Obama/Hillary does a thing the right goes nuts, Trump/Bush did the same thing the right makes excuses. The left does the same thing. They are so oblivious to their hypocrisy it is maddening. Or they excuse their parties actions because the other party did it before or still does it. If it is wrong it is wrong no matter which side does it ffs!”

#8. Thin skin abounds

“Someone being able to poke fun at you but then can’t handle it when they’re the one being poked fun at back.”

#7. Let people be

“As someone whos underweight and has a hard time gaining weight, nothing pisses me off like how people feel its okay to make fun of my weight, body proportions, etc. But god forbid the same was done for someone overweight.”

#6. Give respect/get respect

“My father is always yelling at us (don’t worry, I’m 17 and almost out of here), but when I (or really anyone) tries to talk to him, he gets angry and accuses me of having “an attitude”. I get that I need to stay calm and all, and I do. But for real. Am I really the one with an attitude here?”

#5. I married the babysitter

“Woman taking care of her children without her partner = nothing special.

Man taking care of his children without his partner = babysitting.

A man taking care of his own children is doing nothing more special, heroic, or out his range of normal skills and duties than a woman. You don’t “babysit” your own children.”

#4. Dog days

“Nobody bats an eye when my dog takes a dump in the middle of a park while staring at a group of kids, but everyone loses their minds when I do it”

#3. Be successful anyway

“Most girls are okay with being in a relationship where the guy is more financially or academically or whatever successful, but most guys are uncomfortable and intimidated if the tables are turned.”

#2. Score a point for the men

“Woman: here are things about you I don’t like, you need to change.

Man: Ok, here are some things you should change.

Woman: if you can’t accept me for who I am then maybe we shouldn’t be together.”

#1. Rinse and repeat

“Stereotypes are bad.”

“Everyone from the South are a bunch of hillbilly racist KKK Nazis.”

h/t: Reddit

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These 8 Tweets Sum up the Link Between Toxic Masculinity and Gun Violence

There are a lot of opinions out there when it comes to gun violence, ownership, and mass casualty events in the United States. And while some of them focus on the guns themselves or access to mental health, comedian Michael Ian Black thinks we should be looking toward a different culprit – a culture of toxic masculinity that is robbing boys and young men of the opportunity to develop healthy outlooks on the world around them.

He explains why in this series of 8 poignant tweets:

Whatever your opinion, it’s definitely food for thought!

h/t: Huffington Post

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