Celtic Druids: Esteemed Arbiters and Spiritual Leaders

The revered Celtic druids enjoyed numerous privileges, including exemption from taxation and military conscription, and were held in such lofty regard that they possessed the authority to halt conflicts between clashing armies. In addition to their roles as spiritual leaders, these Druids were also responsible for preserving cultural knowledge, maintaining the oral tradition, and serving […]

What’s Cool Now, But Won’t Be in 5 Years? Here’s What People Said.

Are you old enough to remember the glorious Hypercolor t-shirts?

If you’re not, let me fill you in.

Hypercolor shirts changed color with your body heat. They were all the rage when I was in seventh grade and I even had one of my own. I was there, man!

But…by eighth grade, they were definitely not cool anymore and that thing sat in the back of my closet, lost to history…it’s quite sad, actually…

People on AskReddit talked about what is popular and cool now but probably won’t be in five years.

1. Can’t last forever.

“The <insert name here> Nutrition drink shops.

MLM bright teas that have no actual nutritional value can’t last forever.”

2. Might go away.

“Galaxy print is probably going to go the way of the bowling alley carpet patterns we used to wear on our clothes in the 1990s.

It’ll come back ironically in 10 years.”

3. YouTubers.

“Probably most popular YouTubers.

That’s something I’ve noticed.

The shelf life of YouTube popularity seems to be shorter than “mainstream” pop star popularity.”

4. Darn, already got mine…

“Brazilian Bootie Lifts.

I feel like it will not age well.

A lot of plastic surgeries collapse over time or have complications as it degrades.”

5. A lot of BS.

“Life hacks.

Since they have taken over YouTube, it just will be bland after amount of time because a lot of it is just BS and many just don’t work now.

Many I’ve seen so many stupid harmful things they are doing like “oH PuT YoUR TiN FoIL iN a BaLL anD pUt It iN a MICrowave tO MakE a SmOTH BaLL.”

6. That doesn’t sound good.

“The bowl cut.

For some reason it came back in south Houston.

Looks ridiculous.”

7. You see it all the time.

“Corporations trying to be weird and relatable on Twitter.

Wish it would die out now.

Twitter, where people try to be brands and brands try to be people.”

8. Totally embarrassing.

“A lot of the stuff I see people doing on TikTok seems like the kinda thing you’d be embarrassed about in a few years.”

9. That’s sad.

“Instagram is going to be an online shopping mall.

Far removed from the cool blogging site it used to be.”

10. What’s next?

“Subscribing to multiple streaming platforms.

Isn’t that why cable doesn’t exist anymore?”

11. Enough! 😬

😁  putting 👏  emojis 💥  everywhere 🍆  especially 🎂  if 🍾  you’re 🌐  a 🔥  brand 🎉  trying 🎃  to 🎯  do 🎙 buddy 😂  marketing 💩.”

12. Electric vehicles.


In 5 years, it’ll just be a commonplace thing.

It won’t be every car on the road, or every purchase, but already the shock of “oh look it’s a Tesla” is fading out.”

13. Could be…

“Funko Pops.

They’re the Beanie Babies of the ’20s.”

Okay, now it’s your turn…

In the comments, tell us what YOU think is cool now but won’t be in five years.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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A Wife Told Her Husband That His Culture Is “Garbage” and Wonders if She’s The A-Hole

I think things are about to get a little touchy here!

I mean, just look at that headline…it can’t lead anywhere good, right?

But let’s get to the story…a woman wrote a post on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page asking if she was wrong for speaking out to her husband.

Let’s see what transpired…

AITA for telling my husband that his culture is garbage and I won’t “compromise” by incorporating it into our family life?

“My husband and I live in the US northeast, where I am from. “John” moved here for work several years ago, from the deep south of the US where he grew up, raised with Christian holidays but never attending church. Coincidentally, shortly before everything hit, John’s parents AND his childhood best friend “Dan” and his wife decided to move here as well.

This past weekend was the first that us three couples have gathered together since any of us moved here; we had a “distanced picnic” at our house. John sat down 2-3 minutes after I did, as he was settling our kid into his pen in the yard with us.

Dan and my FIL immediately started to “jokingly” rip on him for being “whipped” and doing “my” job of parenting our child while he was supposed to be “allowed” to just catch up with the two other men. I was trying to politely deflect when it turned to how “mean” I was for not “fixing him a plate” and serving him before serving myself.

If I thought a certain dish would run out before he got to it, or if he had asked me to, I of course would have! Dan and FIL continued to brag about how their families “do it right”, where they handle the “outside chores” while their wives handle the “inside chores” (including the care of Dan and his wife’s two children).

I think it’s important to note here that both currently live in rented condos that by their nature do not have “outdoor chores”, and both their wives have always worked full time, as I do.

The whole day was kind of wrecked by that start, and I was frustrated when John left with Dan and FIL to “go for a walk” and left me to do all the clean up alone while also looking after our kid.

I expected John to apologize when he returned hours later, but instead HE got at ME for “making [him] look bad” in front of his friend and dad. He brought up how “a traditional division of labor” is “a huge part of southern culture”, and how I was being “disrespectful” to his background by “forcing northern culture” onto him and his family.

He said he’s been building up a lot of “resentment” the past few months that I “make” him do half the chores and childcare, since in his “culture”, women do the chores and hands-on childcare, and men do the fun parenting, the discipline, mow the grass, and bring in the cars for oil changes when needed.

I was stunned but honest and told him southern culture is garbage. It’s bigotry. I lived in John’s home state for 8 years, and I saw how “southern hospitality” is reserved only for those in your in-group. Deviate from the norm–be queer, non-Christian, a POC, a liberal, a non-traditional woman–and they turn on you viciously. Does every single person act like that always? No. But it’s the culture.

John is livid and says his “culture” is just as valid as that of other global regions, religions, and ethnic groups, so I am the bigot by not “compromising” with him here and incorporating aspects of his culture into our family life the way I would if his “culture” was “Islamic or Asian or whatnot”.”

Here’s how folks on Reddit responded…

This woman said that she’s about to marry a Southern (gentle)man but they’ve taken a totally different approach to the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that their husband was raised in a s*xist environment but he has worked hard to change the behaviors that he learned from a young age.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person from the South said that they vehemently disagree with some of the backward traditions there and that some Southern men are way behind the times.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that this man is controlling and that he sounds like a serious d*uchebag.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this reader said the woman wasn’t wrong for voicing her opinion and that the women can say whatever they want because they’re the ones who are usually carrying the load. Preach!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear from you.

How do you feel about this situation?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. Thanks in advance!

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Classical Art Memes Everyone Can Enjoy

Hey, classical art isn’t just for the elite. Nor should it be reserved for museums and fancy homes. The best kind of art is accessible art.

And what’s more accessible than a meme?

You don’t need an art history degree to appreciate these 14 pieces of classical artwork, just a sense of humor!

1. To make a long story short…

…and then this man started painting my portrait.

Image Credit: electricmind

2. Welp.

At least she’ll never have to worry about STDs?

Image Credit: electricmind

3. “Pssst. Frank. Hey Frank…?”

“It’s ok everyone! He’s just super hungover.”

Image Credit: electricmind

4. I bet he has a great personality:

Or, you know…some other good quality…

Image Credit: electricmind

5. It was for the best:

She’s better off without him.

Image Credit: blackwolfrise

6. #YOLO

Especially if you’re THE EARTH.

Image Credit: renaissancerubbish

7. “Squirrel!”

At least he has a sheild?

Image Credit: u/29065035551704

8. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty…”

I genuinely want to know the actual context for this one.

Image Credit: u/Androman777

9. My old nemesis:

You’re late. Or am I early? I can never remember which way it goes.

Image Credit: u/joeychuckles

10. I got your nose!

Err, here, let me just…find some glue…

Image Credit: u/picatostas

11. At least He’s consistent:

Death actually looks pretty happy to be choosen!

Image Credit: electricmind

12. I knew it!

Excuse me while I set out some baskets…

Image Credit: electricmind

13. Hey now, let’s not be hasty…

You really want to walk around naked for the rest of your life?

Image Credit: electricmind


It’s called social distancing for a reason.

Image Credit: blackwolfrise

This is the type of artwork I’d love to see on display. I feel like I really get what the artists were going for. So modern. So old. So…art.

Haha, just kidding! Which one of these artistic memes amused you the most? Let us know in the comments!

The post Classical Art Memes Everyone Can Enjoy appeared first on UberFacts.

Here are Some Memes and Tweets to Look at While You Pretend to Work

I spend most to all of my time online staring at memes. I dream in memes. My wife is a meme.

Since you clicked on this article, I assume you’re the same. It’s ok. There’s no shame here. Have a dose of the good stuff.

11. Let’s get moderate in here

10. Build out, not up

9. We all have layers

8. “I’ll be in my womb.”


6. Don’t start nuthin’, won’t be nuthin’

5. I just need a few years to myself

4. Life is regret

3. Take victories where you can get them

2. Hello, fellow human

1. I call this phenomenon “Rumgret”

What’s your favorite fountain o’memes? What source do you love to go for the freshest lols?

Let me know about ’em in the comments. We want to swim in the waters of their comedy FOREVER!

The post Here are Some Memes and Tweets to Look at While You Pretend to Work appeared first on UberFacts.

Nicki Minaj Has a Wax Statue and Nobody’s Happy About It…Except Her

Madame Tussauds is a wax museum with a main location in London and other locations in major cities elsewhere. It’s an institution that dates back to the mid 19th century, specializing in wax replicas of countless celebrities and pop culture characters.

But every once in a while, a Tussauds figure comes around that lives somewhere in the “No Thank You” region of the Uncanny Valley. For instance, twitter recently found out about their Nicki Minaj wannabe doppelganger, and they are not happy.

You know there’s something wrong right away, even if you can’t put your finger on it.

Because… hmmm….

Yeah, what’s going on here??

It quickly started getting ranked among similar sculpture missteps.

Because if Twitter is good at anything, it’s being judgey AF…

And there were a lot of takes on not just the look, but the pose itself.

Even Trevor Noah got in on the conversation:

But in all the hubbub, a couple of important details got lost…

1) The figure isn’t new, it’s been up for more than 4 years

2) Nicki has seen it, and apparently loved it

Hey internet… catch up!

What do you think? Not a really good representation of Nicki? Could they have done better? Or did they nail it?

Oh… and would you pay to see it in person?

Let us know in the comments!

The post Nicki Minaj Has a Wax Statue and Nobody’s Happy About It…Except Her appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes About Life in the 1990s and Why Kids Will Never Know the Struggle

I try not to go off on my “you damn kids don’t know how good you’ve got it!” rants too often. After all, it’s not like us American 90’s kids grew up traversing a dessert to get well water or something. It’s not like we were all dying of dysentery in our ox-drawn carriages (though we did love to pretend we were, for some reason.)

Still. The rate at which technology has moved in the last few decades does mess with my mind enough that I can’t help but occasionally shake my head at how different everything is.

Let’s reflect on this with some memes.

15. Circle “yes,” “no,” or “maybe”


13. It’s amazing I never wrecked my car flipping through this

12. This was my retirement plan

11. There’s a lot going on here

10. As long as nobody finds my diary

9. This sentence would be gibberish now

8. Our coming of age was a little…slower

7. And then you’d immediately lose this

6. We didn’t understand minesweeper, but we played it, dammit

5. Beware the dreaded double exposure!

4. Brought to you by limewire.exe

3. This is the only true art

2. There are so many more ways to ignore people now

1. Honestly, a better investment

Alright, now get off my lawn.

What was the hardest part about 90’s life for you?

Let us know in the comments.

The post Memes About Life in the 1990s and Why Kids Will Never Know the Struggle appeared first on UberFacts.

5 Facts About Being Left-Handed Around the Globe

The right hand has been the dominant hand for ages, spanning time and cultures. And because populations of left-handed people are relatively stable at 10% globally, it’s not surprising that right-handedness has been the default classification among humankind. It can represent anything from power, rational, conscious and logical thought, depending on the culture.

Now, since most of us are right-handed, we don’t even think about how we use it so much more: we shake hands on the right, we pass food with the right, we gesture with the right. Even lefties are so inculcated into the cult of the right hand that they also shake hands on the right – it’s just how it’s done.

And so maybe you want to bust of out of that mold and start using your left hand willy-nilly. Just be careful; in some cultures, the right v left hand debate is more than just a curiosity. It gets downright intense.

5. Pass the food to the right

Photo Credit: Raw Pixel

Okay, so you’re sitting at family dinner and passing around serving plates. Have you noticed that the motion is usually counter clockwise? This is actual set-down etiquette in Western cultures, put in place so as not to disrupt the flow of plates being passed. It’s interesting that this is a common practice because someone, a long time ago, determined that passing to the right was better than passing to the left.

4. Passing food or objects in India

Photo Credit: Pexels, Fancy Crave

There is a distinct difference on right hand versus left-hand usage in India. Rough Guides explains:

“Rule one eat with your right hand only. In India, the left hand is for wiping your bottom, cleaning your feet and other unsavoury functions (you also put on and take off your shoes with your left hand), while the right hand is for eating, shaking hands and so on.”

It would be an insult to offer something to someone with your left hand and most likely that person will not take it.

3. Dining in Ethiopia

Photo Credit: Pexels, Fancy Crave

Ethiopians typically eat with their hands, forgoing any plates. Often you would share a large dish with friends, which is why eating with only your right hand is so important.

Remember how in India the left is used for unsavory functions? Same with this culture. So when you use only one hand (the right one) to dip pieces of injera into the communal bowl, you are reducing the risk of contamination.

2. Shaking hands

Photo Credit: Raw Pixel

You guessed it! Shaking hands with your right hand is a rite! Have you ever come across someone that shakes with their left? It’s awkward! In many cultures, including America, left-hand shakes are considered an insult and refer to insincere promises.

1. Sign Language

Photo Credit: Raw Pixel

Okay, this doesn’t exactly have strict rules over which hand to use. But the key to signing is to stick with your dominant hand. Which for most of the world is the right. Sorry, lefties.

Jon Miller from Signing Saavy says:

“When signing, it does not matter if you sign as left-hand or right-hand dominant. The biggest thing to remember is to pick which hand you want to use as the dominant hand and stick with it. You should not switch back and forth between dominant hands. Most signers will be able to understand your signs no matter which hand you use as the dominant hand.”

There you have it! When in doubt, go for the right.

The post 5 Facts About Being Left-Handed Around the Globe appeared first on UberFacts.