People Who Broke Free From Cults Share Their Stories

I can’t even begin to imagine what people who get involved in cults or were even raised in cults have gone through.

And the ones who have managed to escape definitely have some very interesting stories to tell. So let’s take a peek into a world that most of us will never experience in our entire lives.

Take a look at these disturbing stories from AskReddit users who escaped cults.

1. Doomsday.

“I was in a doomsday cult for 23 years from my age 13 to 36 (1995-2018). Based on its “knowledge” , this world should have “transformed” by now, into the so called “heaven”, and only a bunch of the cult followers should have remained in harmony.

I totally believed everything I heard without questioning ( probably because I was young and naive) and followed their ” Rules and regulations ” to the dot. Like celibacy, food habits, keeping a distance from everyone outside the cult ( even close family members) .. etc.

Finally, when some obvious questions started arising in my mind I felt like fool, and totally lost and betrayed. It took a lot to break free and am still in the process.”

2. Only notice when you’re out.

“I think the funniest thing about living in a cult isn’t what you notice living in it. It’s what you notice once you’re out.

There were some pretty strange things that when you’re long removed from it all you’re like, “Holy sh*t that IS messed up.” When you’re in it it just seems normal. That’s the weirdest part. When you ask what it was like, my first response is to go, “Like any other childhood really…”

And then I think about it and go…hmmmm okay, not quite. It’s funny how accepting minds can be when it’s all you know.”

3. Sucked in.

“I broke away from a cult. I had gotten sucked in during college.

They prey on college kids who are away from home, searching for an identity and desperate for a sense of belonging. At first it was fun. Nonstop activities. People who genuinely wanted me around. Help. Support. It felt good. But it quickly took over. Then the pressure started. Subtle at first.

Give up all other people and activities because they weren’t good for me. Spend all my time and energy with the church. They assigned someone to watch me. To report to. To confess to. At the same time I befriended the cult leader’s wife and spent a lot of time with her. I felt privileged. But I started to see things.

I went to catholic school 13 years and I think that was the best inoculation! Then the whole women’s role thing really got me steamed. I started arguing with the cult leader’s wife about women being equal and I suspect something I said got to her.

Because the cult leader hauled me in to a meeting and talked to me for an hour and by the end he could see I wasn’t going to fall in line and I could finally see him for what he was – a fraud. So he kicked me out. I was banned hard! He was afraid I would infect others.

My good friend had to flee in the dead of night and hide in another state. They hunted him. But me- they never even spoke to me again!”

4. Hard to process.

“It was difficult. 25 years of not knowing how to think for yourself and suddenly having to, is hard to process. Everything was very routine and once I got out of that routine, I didn’t know what to do.

Forced myself to meet new people and figure out what “truth” is. Very happy with who I am now after three years but still learning more about being independent and being open to new ideas and beliefs.

Plus, holidays are AMAZING! I love Halloween and Christmas.”

5. A very hard thing.

“Leaving was one of the hardest things I have done in my life. It took me years to realize the pain I caused my family was actually not my fault.

Also, I felt so alien in the world. I missed the general background that people have, because the world I had lived in was so different. I was trying to fit in, without knowing how to set boundaries to protect myself.”

6. A different perspective.

“I left AA in 2011, after ten years of lies, coercive deception, and being intimidated by extreme fear.

Although many may laugh at AA being considered a cult, It has all ten of the ‘Sam & Tanner’ indicators, that would describe it as such. As Scientology hides behind it being a religion, AA hides behind its structure of anonymity (at all levels).

I was pursued and threatened if I didn’t go back, and other members visited my family, at home, and at their places of work, to tell them I was going to drink, and soon die if I didn’t resume meetings. As AA promotes the image of an ‘altruistic fellowship’ the Police are very wary of getting involved.

It took me over six years to de-program, and even today, I have troubling thoughts from the incidents I witnessed while a member.”

7. Relearning the basics.

“Having to re-learn basic words, definitions, and thought processes.

Oh, Practical Prayer doesn’t take up hours of your time? Circular logic is bullsh*t? Idle hands are NOT the Devil’s playground?

Being a passive-minded, obsessively-clean, hardworking, frugal SHEEP that gives your blood, sweat, tears, time, and MONEY all to the Church DOESN’T make you a contributing member of society?”

8. Mennonite.

“Ex-Mennonite here, from a rather extreme branch of it.

I hate how people idolize Amish and Mennonites and have no idea how f*cked up it all is. The physical, s*xual, and spiritual abuse that is carried out behind walls. The sickening way they treat animals. How they force victims to forgive, and cover up the crimes of their own.

People were so surprised and admiring when those Amish whose school had been shot up “forgave” the sicko who did it. Missing from the commentary was that we are told from when we are very young that the only way to enter heaven is to forgive everyone everything.

And to be doormats for all the violent men in our lives. Whether in or outside the community.”

9. In a bubble.

“Being so completely ignorant of how the world really works was the worst for me.

I lived in a bubble just thinking everything outside the religion didn’t matter, because soon everything will be destroyed and almost everyone would be dead because they were not Jehova’s Witnesses. I had to educate myself when I finally woke up. I read more than 20 books in one year.

Trying to comprehend how the outside world really works. But my life has been full of failures because is not the same in theory than in practice. Maybe one day I’ll get the hang of it and start succeeding.”

10. Eye-opening.

“It was pretty bad. I was 7 when we left, and my childhood was filled with terror, daily beatings, hunger and exhaustion.

When we re-entered the real world, I was like a fish out of water. Straight from a cult into the projects, that was an eye opener.”

11. Was in multiple ones.

“I was in multiple different cults growing up. Evangelical brand, doomsday cults, all extorting money from their members.

One kept me socially isolated for years, exorcised me, designated me to be a surrogate mother to carry the children of everyone in the church who was infertile, despite the fact that pregnancy would kill me, said I was unfit to be married because I’d been r*ped as a child but I still had to give birth as that’s what God demands of women to free them of their sin.

The town I lived in was controlled by the main cult I was in- I couldn’t escape it. Everyone everywhere knew that I wasn’t a good enough believer. They were always feeding information back to my parents and the cult leaders to use against me. Everyone knew everything about me at all times.

In another, I was psychologically tortured, forced to consume rotten food and if I threw up I had to eat the vomit, forced to commit racist acts, and allow the leaders of the cult to s*xually harass me, a child. In the last one, I thought, finally this one is normal, until they tried to kill me.

I’ve been “out” for a year and moved hours away, but one of them managed to find me again. Periodically, they’ll send people I used to know to my town who are just “happening to run into me” when they’re “on outreach”, just so they know I know they’ve still got an iron grip on me.

My older brother used to be being groomed to be a leader in one of them and responsible for facilitating a lot of the abuse because he didn’t have a choice, and me and him are struggling to reconcile and be civil due to this fact.

The trauma is intense and I can barely leave my house a lot of the time, and my memories of my entire life are fragmented because I can’t handle them. The worst part is trying to function.”

12. Had to get away.

“I accepted a job as a traveling salesman once upon a time when I was desperate for income. Had no idea that it was a front for a cult.

We sold waterbeds. But anytime someone would tried to leave the company, management would gaslight you, become mentally abusive and manipulative, and try to use your personal life against you. All the other coworkers were honestly like creepy as f*ck. They all behaved like subservient loyal robots literally.

The cult itself, was centered around the owner. They had subtle wording in their company core values and policies that basically referenced that they were a God, if not the God of humanity. It was weird as f*ck. I was subjected to some really sh*tty situations, and trying to tell my family and friends about it they wouldn’t believe me.

Thought I was a lunatic, it was just a sh*tty job etc. But no, there were death threats, other forms of threats, all sorts of just mind-blowing crap from management, including attempted blackmailing, framing etc. Company meetings consisted of people getting hazed, but they called it “trust building exercises”.

There was also some kind of weird double love triangle going on between some of the coworkers and management. Im pretty sure the coworkers all f*cked each other too. Like you know the movie, whats it called…West World or something, where all the cyborg robot humans were obviously preprogrammed to act and behave a certain way without fault? Thats exactly how my coworkers were.

In the end I realized I had to move across country without warning to get away from them.”

13. Creepy stuff.

“Long long ago when I was a preteen I had to stay with some relatives for a while. These relatives were in a ‘church’ that was run by an openly admitted, formerly imprisoned con man.

I was told I had to go to this ‘church’ too, 3 times a week, or be thrown out of the house with nowhere else to go. Things started off more or less normal-ish and only gradually did it become a fanatical cult.

For the time I was there, I was as sucked in as everyone else and couldn’t see that things were messed up. One Wednesday evening I had a bad tummy flu and was left with the neighbors while everyone else went to the church. Friday night rolls around and I’m still too sick and weak to go.

Sunday morning comes and I’m perfectly healthy, but no longer want to go. Once again I was left at the house, but with instructions to be gone before they returned. I left and have never regretted it.

What made this ‘church’ a cult:

I know of at least one young woman in the congregation that had quietly asked around for help because the ‘leader’ was hitting on her and not taking no for an answer. She soon disappeared and was never heard from or mentioned again. I have no idea if something happened to her, or she just ran but either way it was bad.

At any given time in the last year I was there, at least 3 of the most attractive mid-teen girls lived with the ‘leader’, an unmarried man, with no supervision, and their parents seemed to think this was wonderful.

The ‘leader’ would frequently say one thing and then contradict himself in the next sentence, and no one ever noticed or commented on it.

The ‘leader’ put a great deal of effort into separating his ‘flock’ from friends, family and the community at large. All holidays became ‘satanic’ and the congregation was forbidden to practice anything considered normal for holidays.

Years later when I was grown and married, a friend from childhood contacted me to tell me the cult was being investigated by, I don’t remember now which alphabet agency. I immediately called the number for that agency that was in the phone book, and told them everything I knew. I never heard anything after that, and have no idea what happened.”

How about you?

Have you ever had any experiences with a cult or any kind of extreme religious organization?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments.

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Funny Memes for All the True Crime Lovers Out There

I am a true crime FANATIC.

I love true crime books, movies, TV show, you name it. And it’s been a thing for me since I was a little kid and found a book that my older brother left on the coffee table about different serial killers. I actually still have the book and I flip through it sometimes to remember the good old days…

So, yes, the way I turned out is definitely his fault.

But I’m not alone! You’re here, so you’re obviously just as deranged as I am!

And to celebrate our morbid interests, let’s enjoy these true crime memes together!

1. I’m in!

I mean, can I get in on this conversation?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

2. Now, isn’t that interesting?

A good way to pass the time.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

3. Do you think it worked?

She might’ve just fallen in love with you.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

4. Winning people over with that knowledge.

At least…well…maybe…?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

5. Sleep tight.

The fake stuff scares you more, for some reason.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

6. Bring joy into my life!

That’s more like it!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

7. Sorry, we can’t be friends.

We gave it a shot, though.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

8. This is what “busy” means.

Gotta get those crime programs in.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. I know what’s going on here.

And so do you!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. I find that very disturbing.

And maybe we should question our friendship.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. You’re not gonna sleep tonight.

And you know it!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. Uh oh!

That’s Jeffrey Dahmer, by the way.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

13. Ahhhh. Isn’t this nice?

Goodnight, Jason Voorhees.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

14. Sounds like someone I know.

Don’t say that out loud!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

Are you a big true crime fan?

If so, tell us about your favorite creepy TV shows, movies, book, etc. in the comments!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Funny Memes for All the True Crime Lovers Out There appeared first on UberFacts.

North Korea law specifies…

North Korea law specifies ‘three generations of punishment’. If you commit a crime, your children and grandchildren will also receive the full brunt of punishment, which often involves a lifetime in prison, also children born in prison are raised as prisoners because their “blood is guilty”.

The post North Korea law specifies… appeared first on Crazy Facts.

Police Officers Talk About the Smartest Criminals They’ve Ever Encountered

It’s been a permanent fixture of film, television, and literature for years. The cunning criminal who is so bright that they routinely outsmart the police and make them look foolish.

But this phenomenon exists in real life too, believe it or not.

AskReddit users shared their stories about especially smart criminals.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. That is insane.

“My favorite was the guy who stole a post office mailbox off the street, repainted it, and then put it next to the night deposit box at a bank.

And hung an out-of-order sign on the deposit box. All the businesses came along and dropped off their deposits in the mailbox.”

2. Ahhhhh, the GPS.

“I worked crime scenes. This guy had attached GPS to the bottom of peoples cars who owned houses, he wanted to rob.

He did it to ensure they wouldn’t be showing up while he was ransacking the place.”

3. Almost got away with it.

“I remember an officer telling me about a B&E alarm he and his team responded to. No one was there to report the alarm, it must have been a security monitoring company that called.

When police showed up, everything seemed normal, most lights were off, and there was an employee still working. Explains he was there working late and must have set off an alarm.

They almost believed him until he said “uhh” before saying the name of the company he worked for. After that it was downhill but with a little more research he would have pretty much gotten away with it.”

4. On parole…

“There’s one guy I recently dealt with who is on parole. I stopped him in my city after he was looking to buy drugs (usually people come from all over to buy drugs and then leave). I issue him a warning and let him go as it’s pretty common and he sang like a bird regarding the people he was trying to buy from.

Anyway, the next day, I got a call from his parole officer who says he was alerted the guy was pulled over and wanted to verify that It was his guy that I stopped. I’m a little confused at first but he goes on to say that the day before, he was scheduled to meet with him but he had an excuse and bailed.

His excuse was that he was in the hospital. Well when he spoke with him the following day, he was able to provide documentation that he had entered the hospital day 1 and had left day 2. Well I had stopped him at 115 in the morning and after looking at the picture, it was 100% him.

Turns out the guy had checked in then out of the hospital on day 1, then in and out again on day 2. He then re arranged half the paperwork to make it look like he was in the hospital overnight which would make my car stop of him appear like I mixed him up with someone else as well as give him a valid excuse to miss their meeting.

Not sure what’s gonna happen to that guy but I thought it was pretty clever.”

5. It’s cold outside.

“Worked at a jail. After getting off work, I watched an ex inmate (homeless) being released, he walked over to a patrol car, looked me in the eye, and the elbowed the window in. He was walked back to the entrance and re-booked in. It was middle of January. He didn’t want to get too cold.

To the people talking about “Can’t break car windows.” That’s true. Also depends on the car. The patrol car they used was specifically old model. Used more for the perimeter of the jail unless other patrol cars were in the shop. Those windows had been replaced so many times. Idk if it’s the same material or what.”

6. The great state of Costco.

“A friend of my brother moved to Israel where for a period of time it was/is acceptable to drive with an American driver’s license.

He was pulled over for speeding, and when asked for his license, gave the officer his Costco card (Costco is a membership-based retail warehouse in the US and a few other countries. The exchange apparently went something like this: Officer: “Costco? What is Costco?”

Friend: “It’s the state I’m from.”

Officer: “That sounds made up.”

Friend: “There are lots of states you probably haven’t heard of. Have you heard of Arkansas? How about Idaho?”

Officer: “I guess not…”

Friend: “Well I’m from the small state of Costco.”

The officer didn’t have a response and wound up writing the ticket to someone with a Costco driver’s license. Friend framed the ticket and still has it hanging on his wall.”

7. It all adds up.

“One guy would print barcodes, bring them into home depot and stick them on merchandise in the $100 range. When scanned the items came up around the $10 range. Putting random barcodes on things isnt really illegal and super hard to notice. Guy two would come in an hour later and buy the underpriced stuff. Complete plausible deniability. They would then sell the stuff on Ebay.

Only reason they got caught is because the guy with the barcode printer/software cut the second guy out of the operation so guy 2 stole a bunch of barcodes, put them on the merchandise and paid for it immediately afterwards. He then proceeded to rat on the first guy and spilled the beans they had been doing this on a weekly basis for over four years.

Because we could only pin the one case on him, the burglary was dropped down to a pretty theft and he walked away with a few days in county and a small fine. Dude probably took homedepot for tens of thousands over the years.”

8. Fraud!

“I have a nice story from insurance/debt collectors.

There was this guy who was already in heaps of debt. Like more than a lifetimes worth of debt.

He proceeded to file several policereports for identity theft up to the point that he got protected from financial checkups – It was a temporary measure that were given to repeated identity theft victims. At the same time he had reported fake income to the IRS for the last couple of years to between 40 to 60 millions depending on the year.

So when he applied for credit cards and loans, they were unable to check his financial credit (Due to the identity theft protection) but they checked his tax returns which showed he had a massive income.

Got his loans and credit cards – emptied them out and left the country.”

9. Very clever…

“A while back, there was a series of thefts along the bus lines in my country. People’s things kept missing from one city to the next, and nobody had any idea what happened as things were presumably safe in the bottom of the bus which nobody except the driver had the access to.

What happened?

Apparently there were two guys, one of whom was really small. You get where this is going. The big guy would put the little guy in a suitcase, buy a ticket to somewhere, load him up with the rest of the luggage, and enjoy the ride, while the little guy went out, stole people’s electronics, jewelry, cameras and whatnot, then returned to his suitcase until the ride was over.

Not really sure how they caught them, but it was pretty amusing to read about, and i found the whole thing clever enough.”

10. This guy wasn’t messing around.

“There was an incident in Fargo ND where a guy wanted to steal electronics equipment. The store had plenty of alarms on it and generally cutting an alarm triggers an alarm so instead he cut ALL the alarms. This was before cellphones were really widespread and alarms were usually just connected to the phone line.

He found an access point to one of the phone companies big trunk lines (correction: 9 access points). Massive thick copper cables with tens of thousands of lines running through them. He cut through the whole thing with a circular saw, knocked out phone service to most of the town and robbed an audio store during the ensuing chaos.

There were no leads until a tip came in from another town where he’d pulled something similar. They hadn’t been able to pin that to him but had strong suspicions and he’d relocated to Fargo. So the cops pay him a visit. He refused to let them in because they didn’t have a warrant so the cops left to get one without leaving anyone to watch him and he split. When they came back they found the saw coated in copper dust and a lot of the stolen stuff.

He was in the wind for a while but even after he got caught he had another card to play. While being transported between prisons he used a key he’d made to unlock his shackles and climbed out the roof vent of the bus.”

11. In broad daylight.

“20 years ago a guy on Australia’s Gold Coast got away with a bank robbery in broad daylight.

He cased the bank for a while and discovered a pattern of the bank manager arriving about 30 minutes before anyone else each morning where he would leave the front doors unlocked so staff could help themselves in without a key or needing to wait for the boss to come and let them in.

One morning the crook dressed himself up for a busy day of office work and waited for the bank manager to arrive. As the manager was unlocking the doors he made his move, entering the building and threatening the manager with a gun. He got all the details he’d need to access the vault and so forth and then tied the manager up and stuffed him in his office.

When the staff arrived he told them that the manager had called in sick and that regional office had sent him in to do the open shop thing and no one batted an eyelid. This bank had a small walk in vault that normally only held about 30-50k on any given day but old mate had timed his robbery for the morning after business banking day when all the local small businesses would make their end of week deposits and reportedly got a score of close to 250k.

Once the vault was open he pulled his gun out and invited all the staff to enter the vault and locked them in. By this stage the bank was due to be open so when he went to leave there were a number of customers waiting to get inside to do their banking.

He told them all that there had been an issue with the computers and that the tech team had estimated it would take about 30 minutes before the issue would be resolved and that they couldn’t open until then.

Then he got into his car and drove straight to the airport and flew to Hong Kong and then disappeared.

To my knowledge the cops never caught him and never managed to find the money – they knew he’d have had to leave most of it in Australia somewhere because you can only take 10k aud in cash in any currency out of the country before customs pulls you into their interview rooms so the assumption was that he had to have an accomplice here who would funnel the money to him slowly over time.”

12. Never got caught.

“Several years ago in Cape Coral FL, a man waited on a sidewalk in front of a Publix grocery store and used a taser on an armored car guard carrying too bags of money.

A get away driver in a car with stolen tags pulled up, taser guy and money bags get in and they took off. Never caught.”

13. Small-town crime.

“Probably one of the smartest robberies in my small city.

One of the main streets is cut into a hillside and, as a result, there is a very steep and quite tall concrete-covered bank immediately behind the buildings. Between two buildings there is a gap that was filled at the street-end by an ATM.

To access it for filling, the security staff went through the next door building, out a side door and into the gap, which had the ATM at one end and the steep bank at the other. On the Friday before Christmas, when the ATM was to be filled to the brim, one of the robbers abseiled down the bank at night into the gap and waited for the guys to arrive to fill the ATM (they came early in the morning).

As they came through the door into the gap, he held them up, took the money, and took off through the building to an accomplice waiting in a van on the main street. Then the van took off on the main road out of the city and vanished.

After a big search, the police finally found the burnt-out van. Turned out the gang had driven it up a gorge road and had two other accomplices in cars at the top and bottom of the gorge who simultaneously drove really slowly into the gorge and held up the traffic so that no one was there to see them when they turned off down an access road into some bush.

They ended up being caught, because one of the gang was a former employee of the security company.”

14. Working the system.

“I worked with this one guy who had a lengthy record. He had a system for getting released if he got caught. After committing a crime, if the police were in pursuit and he knew he was about to be cornered, he would act insane.

His girl would play along with it telling the police that he was off his medication. The police would arrest him but then send him to a mental ward with papers instructing the ward to release to police once he was cleared. Once he was in the mental ward, he would cause a distraction that would make the person attending the desk with the file cabinet to leave said cabinet.

He would then crawl to the file cabinet, look for his “release to police” papers, and then would literally eat the papers. When the psych evaluators decided that he was stable enough to be released, there would be no instructions to send him to the police, and he would be released to the general public.

He did this about 10 times until police officers noticed him back on the streets. This stunt forced the state to change their procedure for detaining mentally unstable suspects.”

As someone who is pretty obsessed with crime, these stories were very interesting to me.

Now we want to hear from you!

Have you run across any wily criminals in your day?

Maybe as a cop, a lawyer, or in some other capacity?

Tell us about them in the comments!

The post Police Officers Talk About the Smartest Criminals They’ve Ever Encountered appeared first on UberFacts.

Celebrities Who Got Away With Doing Bad Things Because of Their Fame

It’s a fact of life that famous people and people with a lot of money get away with all kinds of things when it comes to crime and scandal.

Also, sometimes the general public just kind of seems to “forget” about really bad things celebrities do because they’re, well, celebrities and people are obsessed with fame.

What celebrities do you think have been let off the hook for bad things because of their fame?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts on the subject.

1. Rock n’ roll bad boy.

“Vince Neil of Motley Creue drove drunk and killed one of his very good friends and gave the 2 people in the other car very bad injuries and brain damage.

He also had other DUIs after this.

But hey everybody loves a good party song and now he has a famous liquor brand.”

2. A lot of talk about this guy.

“R Kelly married Aaliyah when she was 15 years old in the mid 90’s and yet it took like two decades for people to start boycotting him as a sexual predator.

He was still making songs with beyonce and lady gaga etc for a looooong time.”

3. I’m Rick James, bitch!

“Rick James kidnapped TWO women with his wife while on separate crack binges.”

4. From the old days of wrestling.

“Jimmy Superfly Snuka killed his girlfriend and got inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.”

5. This guy…

“Ted Nugent shit his pants to dodge the draft and has a song called “jailbait” which ends with him pleading with an officer not to arrest him and instead share a 13 year old.

That’s not even his worst offense as also he adopted his 16 year old girlfriend because the government refused to marry them.”

6. The Man in Black.

“Johnny Cash walked out on his wife and kids saying that his career was more important to him than they were, then went on to eventually settle down with June Carter and start a whole new family while still ignoring the kids he already had.”

7. Interesting…

“Boy George

He beat a guy with a metal chain after cuffing him to a radiator. Should make for an interesting sequence in his forthcoming biopic…”

8. Classy!

“Steven Tyler became the guardian for a 16 year old he was dating when he was 25 so he could bring her on tour…knocked her up too.”

9. The King.

“Elvis Presley and Pricilla age 14. Right out in the public, no one batted an eye. Her parents allowed her to go on a trip under The condition that Elvis pay for a first-class round trip and arrange for her to be chaperoned at all times, and that she write home every day.

Elvis agreed to all these demands, and Priscilla flew to Los Angeles. Elvis told her they were going to Las Vegas, and to throw her parents off the scent, he had Priscilla pre-write a postcard for every day they’d be away to be mailed from Los Angeles by a member of his staff.”

10. Hmmmm…weird…

“Gwyneth Paltrow

Shes a con artist and manages a MLM, as well as recommending women treat their illness by putting rocks up their Vagina and steaming their privates causing harm to people.

You can say shes an idiot.

Or just that shes a sociopath that loves making money off hurting other people.

She admitted on Jimmy Kimmel that she has no idea if anything really works.”

11. Dr. Dre.

“Dr Dre beat a reporter, Dee Barnes, savagely for writing a negative story on him. Or one he perceived as negative, I don’t know.

He picked her up by her hair and “began slamming her head and the right side of her body repeatedly against a brick wall near the stairway” as his bodyguard held off the crowd with a gun. After Dr. Dre tried to throw her down the stairs and failed, he began kicking her in the ribs and hands. She escaped and ran into the women’s rest room. Dr. Dre followed her and “grabbed her from behind by the hair again and proceeded to punch her in the back of the head.”

12. Have you ever noticed…?

“Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old girl in highschool, when he was 39 years old.

I know it isn’t illegal. He had money, fame, and was at the height of his show. And he chooses to date a 17 year old who is still in highschool ? It might not be illegal and as bad as murder/rape/kidnapping/etc. , but it’s still pretty scummy.”

13. From the 1970s…

“Roman Polanski’s still getting awards and standing ovations for his films.”

14. Sticking up for “family values.”

“Newt Gingrich.

Republican politician Married his high school geometry teacher when he was 19 and she was 26. Had multiple affairs and while she was in the hospital undergoing treatment for cancer he came into her hospital room and told her he was divorcing her.

Friends of Gingrich report that Newt told them that “she wasn’t pretty enough to be the wife of a president”, which he planned to be. He proceeds to divorce her, and then doesn’t pay child support and first wife has to get help form the church to make ends meet. I say first wife because he gets his divorce and in 6 months marries his second wife.

But while with second wife has an affair with his staffer. During this affair, the massive hypocrite leads the impeachment proceedings of Bill Clinton for lying about an affair. Gets divorced and four months later marries his latest wife.

He also blamed past infidelities on his “passion for this country”. Oh, and he is credited with driving a wedge between the parties in politics and being a leader in “Christian Family Values”. You can currently find him as a popular pundit on news programs.”

15. Okay, here’s a long list.

“Jimmy Page was 26 when he started calling 14 year old Lori Maddox his girlfriend.

Mick Jagger had a few rounds with Maddox around the same time.

Also of the rolling Stones, Bill Wyman started dating 13 year old Mandy Smith when he was 47. He got her mother’s permission.

Jerry Lee Lewis of course married his 13 year old cousin – she still believed in Santa on their honeymoon.

Chuck Berry was arrested for crossing state lines with a 14 year old prostitute. He was also recording women in the washroom of the restaurant he owned.

Marvin Gaye knocked up his wife’s 15 year old niece.

Don Henley (the Eagles) was charged after paramedics found him with two naked girls, aged 15 and 16.”

16. A boxing great.

“Floyd Mayweather beats his wife with hands that are registered as lethal weapons in front of his children. But because he wins nobody cares.

I’ll have to look into some of those stories…

What do you think?

Which celebrities do you think have gotten away with dastardly deeds because they’re famous?

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