Songs Other Than “Happy Birthday” to Teach Your Kids to Sing While They Wash Their Hands

The coronavirus, aka COVID-19, is or will soon be at your doorstep. And while this new virus is scary for so many people (rightfully so), the truth is that everyone could use a little refresher now and then on how important it is to wash your hands properly – and for long enough – as often as necessary.

Now, the CDC and WHO have important work to do, so they’re only giving you one song option to easily count down your 20 seconds of washing time – Happy Birthday twice – but luckily, there are people all over the internet ready and willing to give you more options.

Below are 5 alternatives hand-picked for the kids in the house!

5. Mary Had a Little Lamb

Your kid probably already knows this one, it’s harmless, and hey, you only have to sing the first verse to use up your 20 seconds.

4. If You’re Happy and You Know It

Change “clap your hands” to “wash your hands” and voila! 20 seconds has passed and your kid has spent it following directions. Will miracles never cease?!

3. Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Another lyric tweak and you’ve got “wash, wash, wash your hands as well as you can!” so this takes the recommended 20 seconds and reminds your toddler what they’re supposed to be doing at the same time.

2. The Alphabet Song

This is a favorite in our house, and honestly, it usually takes more than 20 seconds (unless someone has something they’d really rather be doing).

1. The Germs Song

This one probably isn’t as easy or familiar, but it is instructive! The Kiboomers use three verses to get into the nitty-gritty gross stuff that’s stuck to your hands before you wash them, and any one of them is long enough to get you to your goal.

If your toddler is like mine, you might have to ask them to sing the song twice because they do it so fast, but there you go!

What are you singing while you wash your hands these days? We’re dying to know!

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In 1981 Dean Koontz wrote a book…

In 1981 Dean Koontz wrote a book “The Eyes of Darkness”. The chapter 39 it mentions a Chinese military lab outside of the city of Wuhan, where a deadly virus is invented as part of the country’s biological weapons warfare programme. Owing to the lab’s location, the virus is named ‘Wuhan-400’.

Some People Believe Corona Beer Has Something to Do with the Coronavirus

Yes, that’s right, the Mexican-style beer Corona. With a lime or without, I couldn’t say, but I can promise you here and now that alcohol makes viruses and other icky junk disappear, not the other way around.

In general, I mean, not as a treatment protocol – don’t drink beer if you feel sick.

The coronavirus in the news is a new respiratory-type illness that started in Wuhan, China. It’s now infected around 40,000 people, mostly in China, and the death toll is nearly at 1000 (also mostly in China).

People are scared, because this is a new illness without a treatment protocol, but the truth is that 80,000 people died from the regular flu in the United States in 2017. So that’s just something to keep this all in perspective.

Right now, scientists aren’t sure how the coronavirus outbreak began, but they’re reasonably sure that the virus jumped from an animal species into humans, probably at one of the open-air bushmeat markets so popular in China.

We can say for sure, though, that it’s not caused by drinking Corona beer.

A lot of people seemed determined to prove the movie Idiocracy (and Aldous Huxley) right by believing that they’re safe if they don’t drink Corona beer, though.

Search engines are getting tons of requests for “beer virus,” “corona beer virus,” and the like – so many people were searching, in fact, that Corona issued an official statement denying any involvement.


The internet is largely having fun at these people’s expense, and I’m not really mad about it – I just don’t know how we got to this place as a species, or how to go back.

Because this way lies madness and monsters, and for sure the end of the world.

The post Some People Believe Corona Beer Has Something to Do with the Coronavirus appeared first on UberFacts.

The Coronavirus Can Be Tracked on Johns Hopkins’ Website

The coronavirus, or 2019-nCoV, has spread throughout mainland China and beyond. The virus makes daily headlines, though reports about this new respiratory disease are constantly changing, which makes monitoring it a challenge for everyday people.

However, the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University has provided a way for those outside the medical community to see how widespread coronavirus is with an online dashboard tracking the outbreak as information is confirmed.

Photo Credit: Johns Hopkins University

Users can see hard data regarding numbers of confirmed cases and their locations, as well as recoveries and deaths. Clicking through the various figures and graphs will expand the information further.

For those who like to see the hard facts without the grabbing verbiage of online news outlets, this website will prove to be revealing, if not fascinating. Use it to become informed, but be wary if you live in an area with confirmed cases. You don’t want to scare yourself unnecessarily.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

So far, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that the cases found in the U.S. are people who had recent and close contact with travelers from Wuhan – or were travelers themselves. They state the virus is not spreading throughout communities.

While they call the coronavirus a “very serious public health threat,” it’s also unclear how the threat will affect the U.S. at this time. As of right now, the threat-level to citizens in the U.S. who are not actively treating or being exposed to coronavirus patients in a medical setting is low.

Photo Credit: Edwards AFB

In the meantime, wash your hands, keep yourself healthy and check out that factual dashboard if your concerned or even curious about the coronavirus spread stateside.

And maybe buy a few medical masks, just in case.

The post The Coronavirus Can Be Tracked on Johns Hopkins’ Website appeared first on UberFacts.