People Are Sharing Their Custom Face Mask Fails and They’re Hilarious

Wearing masks is part of the new normal we all live with these days, and that’s fine. There are a lot of face mask options out there, which at least makes it fun.

For example, you can find literary-themed face masks, movie-themed face masks, and even totally custom-designed face masks.

Of course, as with anything that you have completely designed for you, the odds that it will be a little off are generally quite high.

People have started sharing their own custom face mask fails, and honestly, this is probably the laugh that you need today.

Be warned: some of these are hilarious, and some are downright terrifying. This guy’s mask is relatively normal, right?

Well… get ready for the next one:

It seems like something is a little off with this one…

This guy definitely should have chosen a different design, or perhaps a different shop altogether.

This one isn’t too bad, except it reminds me of an oven mitt.

Again, another with the oven mitt design!

This one is almost entirely reminiscent of an actual face, which makes it a little spooky:

This is just… a hard no.

These two decided to get a two-for-one deal, but it seems that just about everything is flat-out wrong.

Why are we doing oven mitts on our faces, people?

Maybe see if they do refunds?

Decided to try and get one of those custom face-masks… it didn’t turn out so good… from funny

This one is just… so close, but still so far away.

How wild are some of those masks? Which is your favorite fail? Make sure you let us know in the comments!

The post People Are Sharing Their Custom Face Mask Fails and They’re Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.

Photos of a 433-Pound Gorilla Getting a COVID Test Have Freaked Out the Internet

If you have to get a medical procedure taken care of, getting tested for COVID-19 is just part of the process right now.

It turns out this is true even if you are a 433-pound gorilla.

Shango is a gorilla who recently got into a fight with his brother. He was injured and needed to have a few wounds tended to.

Before the team assisting him could dive in, they had to make sure he didn’t have COVID-19, which turns into coronavirus.

Someone was on hand to document the entire experience, and the photos of Shango getting his COVID test have completely startled the internet.

It all started when a member of the team at the Miami Zoo shared the news to Twitter.

First, they had to weigh Shango, which in and of itself is a feat.

GORILLA TREATED FOR BITE WOUNDS AND RECEIVES COVID-19 TESTSWARNING – some of the images may be considered too graphic…

Posted by Zoo Miami on Friday, July 10, 2020

Once his test came back negative, the team had to get X-rays to see if Shango had any damage to his bone. He also needed an ultrasound, to be checked for tuberculosis, and to have his teeth looked at.

Zoo Miami Associate Veterinarian Dr. Rodney Schnellbacher, prepares to intubate Shango

Posted by Zoo Miami on Friday, July 10, 2020

The team even had to intubate Shango.

The Animal Health Team intubates Shango

Posted by Zoo Miami on Friday, July 10, 2020

Since most of us will never, ever see a gorilla in real life, let alone one in this state, the photos are definitely jarring.

An intubated Shango is under general anesthesia while a variety of procedures are performed

Posted by Zoo Miami on Friday, July 10, 2020

The Miami Zoo team also performed several of the procedures at the same time, so that Shango wasn’t under anesthesia for too long.

The Animal Health Team performs a variety of procedures while Veterinary Technician, Abby Sigward, monitors anesthesia

Posted by Zoo Miami on Friday, July 10, 2020

If you’ve had a COVID-19 test performed, you will recognize this next bit!

Shango has a nasal sample taken for COVID-19 testing

Posted by Zoo Miami on Friday, July 10, 2020

The team also checked Shango’s eyes to make sure he’s doing okay.

Zoo Miami Associate Veterinarian, Dr. Rodney Schnellbacher, examines Shango’s eyes

Posted by Zoo Miami on Friday, July 10, 2020

Shango suffered a bite on his right arm, and the team at the Zoo x-rayed it to check it out.

Bite wound on Shango’s left hand

Posted by Zoo Miami on Friday, July 10, 2020

One of the technicians at the zoo cleaned up Shango’s teeth.

Shango receives a dental cleaning

Posted by Zoo Miami on Friday, July 10, 2020

If you’re curious, this is Barney, the brother who beat up Shango in the first place.

Barney, 23Barney is famous for Gorilla vs Goose videos from 2013 and 2014

Posted by Sedgwick County Zoo on Friday, May 12, 2017

Brothers, am I right?

Isn’t this story pretty amazing? That gorilla is huge! Let us know which part surprised you the most in the comments!

The post Photos of a 433-Pound Gorilla Getting a COVID Test Have Freaked Out the Internet appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Live in Areas Where the Virus Isn’t Being Taken Seriously Talk About What It’s Like

It blows my mind these days when I go into a store or a gas station and people are STILL not wearing masks.

It drives me nuts!

Not only is it dangerous but it’s also incredibly selfish. I don’t think it’s too much of a sacrifice to wear a freaking mask when you go out in public, do you?

I wonder how these people would have reacted during World War II when Americans had to ration materials…they probably would’ve said it was an infringement on their rights…

The point is that there are many parts of the United States where people are still not taking the coronavirus seriously and that isn’t good for anyone

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about where they live…

1. Nobody’s paying attention.

“Stores have implemented all sorts of things, like one way aisles. However, since like 2% of people care, nobody pays attention and somehow everyone ends up closer than they would have if the aisles would have just been normal.

A lot of people don’t wear masks, but on occasion you’ll see someone in a mask, gloves, with their phone and other belongings in a ziploc bag to keep them from being contaminated.

Oddly enough, those are typically the people that get avoided like the plague.”

2. Not smart!

“Well, a younger guy at work said he was at a packed bar over the weekend and we are ending our alternating schedule on Monday.”

3. You’re doing it wrong!

“I remember going to the store a few weeks ago and there was a lady who was just carrying an entire can of Lysol with her and spraying every single thing immediately before touching it.

She’d spray a box on the shelf, pick it up to look at it, and put it back. She’d spray a can, then grab it to put it in her cart. She sprayed the cart handle immediately before touching it EVERY TIME she touched it.

She also sprayed the credit card machine, and her credit card. She was wearing gloves, and her phone was in a ziplock bag.

She wasn’t wearing a mask and was shopping the wrong way.”

4. Let’s go to the park!

“People in my town don’t care that much, but ever since one kid got it they’ve been taking it more seriously.

But then the bomb threat made people go to the park MORE, on the basis that they “couldn’t go yesterday so I’m going to go today” when they never had plans to go anyway.”

5. This is not a hoax.

“I am an EMS helicopter pilot. Two days ago we transported a COVID positive patient that had been in the ICU in a small hospital for three days due to respiratory distress due to COVID. I watched as the crew loaded him into the back of the aircraft which is usual. I heard them asking each for drugs that we don’t normally give to people who we transport.

They were asking for those drugs because he was actively dying. They pull him back out of the aircraft and run back to the ER. Meanwhile my medic is sitting on top of him doing chest compressions while we’re running through the ER to the trauma bay.

As we were running I glanced in the rooms we were passing. Literally no patients had mask on.

I just don’t get it. This isn’t a hoax, a political ploy or a scare tactic. Wear a damn mask.

The patient was a 50 y/o man who was in good health and no previous medical history. Cause of death respiratory distress due to COVID.”

6. Lonely.

“I feel like I don’t really know anybody anymore. Never had a clue how many mild-to-insane level conspiracy theorists there were around me.

I’m not so much lonely as I am just generally let down at how willfully ignorant people are willing to be.

Maybe I’m guilty of it myself, because I genuinely thought better of my city than this.”

7. Ignorance is bliss.

“Where I am in the South its just like it was before the outbreak.

If you don’t watch the news, there’s no reason to think the world is any different.

Ignorance is bliss baby.”

8. Nothing to see here.

“Life has gone on like normal. People crowding into bars, partying like the just don’t care. I know people busy singing in their church choirs without a care in the world.

I grocery shop during church time.

The grocery store if full of people in PPE then and it seems much safer.”

9. Out in the sticks.

“Rural Florida here.

Land of the lifted truck, Trump signs, and Confederate flags.

Maybe about a third of the people in my local grocery store–the only one in a 10 mile radius–wear masks. It’s in the neighborhood that I’ve found a real challenge. Kids are out playing and people are interacting face-to-face like the virus is long behind them.

I’m an extrovert who normally enjoys being a part of that, so social isolation is rough. The children don’t understand why I’m a recluse, and they come to my door looking for me.

I’ve been caving to the pressure and going out some, but then I feel unspoken pressure not to wear a mask. I have medical issues, so I don’t think I’d be looked down upon.

It just feels suddenly like I’m the uncool kid at school.”

10. Jeez…

“Everyone’s using the time off work to party, have barbecues, visit family, etc.

My family has made the trip to visit every single one of our relatives at least once this year since they have so much time off, and they’re out every other evening to go to a barbecue with or a potluck or a dinner with their friends.”

11. This is crazy.

“I live in Florida and work in the beauty industry. My clients are dropping like flies. I spend an hour in their face while they are unmasked.

Had a woman call the other day to tell me she’d been exposed to COVID and was going to get tested, and wanted to know what our policy was and if she could keep her appointment. Had a co-worker get sick and she found out she had been exposed.

She told my boss she was getting tested, and my boss asked me if I thought it’d be okay for her to come back in, because “what’s everyone going to do? Keep quarantining?” YES. YES! That’s EXACTLY what we ALL need to do.

My parents are in their 70s. I can’t go see them. What if this is the last bit of time I get with them? What if I go see them and kill them?

My best friend was just diagnosed with cancer. I can’t go see him. Will I ever get to see him again? Will he die alone?

If I get sick, how long will I be out of work with no sick leave? How long will my SO be out if he gets sick? What will happen if his compromised child gets sick? How would we afford the medical bills? Do we send him back to school? Who will watch him?

The worries are endless. And we could’ve made this so much easier if people weren’t such selfish, entitled, politicized *ssholes.”

12. Can’t do it anymore.

“I don’t even engage anymore.

I can’t have a normal conversation with them and I refuse to argue. Facts don’t matter, common sense doesn’t break the seal, and just common courtesy is a negative.

I just can’t anymore.”

13. Wow.

“I just finished a contact tracing job up in a little town with like <2000 people. My job was to monitor the health of those exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19 and I was there for a month.

Any time I would call and give someone their diagnosis and ask who they have been in contact with, I had a 50/50 shot of them being massive d*ck bags. The things I heard were that COVID-19 was a scam, was used to make big pharma rich, wasn’t real and they just had the flu or a stomach virus ect.

I told people they needed to isolate for 14 days if they were a positive case or exposed and I basically was f*cking them for 2 weeks of pay at work so that was awful. I can’t legally force them so some just went back to work and didn’t care and infected more people. We had an outbreak at an Autozone because of it.

No one wore a mask. Every food worker wore theirs without their nose covered that I saw if they were. I was generally the only one in public with one on, if not only 1 of 2 or 3 people. It was a bible-belt city so lots of “I’ll just pray it away I don’t need the hospital.”

I had a lady raise her oxygen from 2L to 4L overnight, probably due to fluid build up from COVID, which she had because she was living with a lung disease. I told her to go to the ER NOW and when she was there, she called.

She told me she was going to go in and called to ask if they could even help her, I said yes obviously. She turned around and drove home when she hung up. Called the next day to see how the ER visit went and she was at home gasping for air. Husband took her to the ER but not before making her talk to me like an idiot :/.

Oh and people hung up on me a lot when Id be calling them like 5 days in. Or they’d block my work number so we’d send police out to make sure they were alive.”

Are people taking this health crisis seriously where you live?

Please tell us about it in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Hilarious Posts About Calling Out People Who Are “Totally Over” the Current Health Crisis

Do you want to know what I’m over?

THESE PEOPLE who are acting like we’re not all pissed off and struggling with this worldwide shutdown.

Of course it sucks and of course we’re all incredibly frustrated, but science is science and we need to wear masks when we got out and stay the hell away from people in public.

It’s really not very hard, but some folks are acting like it’s ALL ABOUT THEM and that they are so inconvenienced.

So much for doing your part, huh?

Here are some funny posts about how annoying these folks are who are “over” the current health crisis…enjoy…and try not to get your blood boiling.

1. Might as well die then, I guess.

Hey, you only gave me two options.

2. It’s gonna magically go away…

Now, where have I heard that before?

3. We’re bored!

Well, you better get used to it.

4. Short and to the point.

Thank you for this!

5. A sad state of affairs.

Shaking my damn head.

6. This is on point.

Just stay home and shut up.

7. This is depressing.

Get it together, people!

8. This is 100% true.

What the hell happened?

9. This is gonna blow your mind!

Get a load of this: when you get into a car…

10. Yeah, me too.


11. The pretending doesn’t seem to be working.

Which is pretty surprising to me.

12. We’re totally lost.

What are we gonna have to deal with next?

13. And there you have it!

She’s right, you know…

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us how you’re holding up and let us know if you’ve had to deal with any total DICKS during this crisis.

Put them on blast! We can’t wait to hear from you!

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Funny Posts About Those Folks Who Are “Over” the Health Crisis That Has Us Living This Way

I shouldn’t be too surprised, but I have to say that it’s pretty disheartening that people are acting like total spoiled brats during this national shitshow we’re all dealing with right now.

Some people (including very powerful people who shall remain nameless) have decided to make this entire crisis about them for some reason and it makes my damn blood boil, if I’m being honest about it.

Well, now it’s time to put these people in their place, okay?

Here are some funny and accurate posts that call out these folks who are apparently “over” this whole fiasco.

Those poor babies…

1. You dumbass!

Yes, we’re all judging you for not wearing a mask.

2. Yeah. It’s not that hard.

Why make this so complicated?

3. How the hell do I know?

Do I look like Dr. Fauci to you?

4. I like this.

Getting creative with the judgment!

5. Seriously. Quit whining and wear it.

Do it for you, your family and friends, and STRANGERS, as well.

6. There you go.

Should be common sense.

7. This. Right Here.

You are correct, sir!

8. Get over it.

The kids won’t care for much longer. Let’s move on.

9. How did that get flipped around?

What a shitshow.

View this post on Instagram

It was supposed to be the other way around 🤔

A post shared by memesrant (@memes_rant) on

10. You’re doing it all wrong.

Come on, everybody!

11. Getting kinky…

She must be a FREAK.

12. I’m tired of these people.

How about you?

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, give us a little life update about how you’re doing and tell us if you’ve had any bad experiences with people who are being real jerks during this whole pandemic situation.

Please and thank you!

The post Funny Posts About Those Folks Who Are “Over” the Health Crisis That Has Us Living This Way appeared first on UberFacts.

A Girl’s Mask Was Attached to Her Earring in Piercing Mishap

Getting your ears pierced is a rite of passage, but getting your ears pierced during a pandemic sounds like nothing short of a nightmare. Just ask 16-year-old Sissy Sheridan.

The Tik Tok teen and Nickelodeon actress shared a distressing video of her piercing with the online community. As she choked back sobs, she said that an employee at Icing by Claire’s in Sterling, Virginia, near her home, pierced her face mask to her ear.

@itssissysheridanmoral of the story. don’t get your ears pierced during a pandemic♬ original sound – itssissysheridan

Sissy and her mom tried to get the mask out by cutting a good portion of the string away, but were unable to get it all removed. Claire’s said it would honor her request for a full refund, if she brought the earrings back.

When she went for her appointment, she made sure to wear two masks a precaution and didn’t feel the string as it went in. In fact, she didn’t notice that the mask was stuck until she tried to remove it as she and her mom drove home. That’s when she became hysterical.

@itssissysheridanwhere it all went wrong❤ (the first ear was the one she pierced my mask to)♬ original sound – itssissysheridan

The next day, a much calmer Sissy told Tik Tok viewers that she saw the humor in her situation, although it initially scared her.

@itssissysheridanEAR PIERCING UPDATE 👂 💍♬ original sound – itssissysheridan

She and her mom were also finally able to get the remainder of the mask off by “folding her ears forward.” She still had to wait a few days to remove the earring as it was too swollen, and she was still in a lot pain.

There’s no word on any other piercings in Sissy’s future—at least during the pandemic.

Have you ever had a piercings that didn’t go like you though it should? Share your stories below!

The post A Girl’s Mask Was Attached to Her Earring in Piercing Mishap appeared first on UberFacts.

A Writer Ranted About Working From Home in Sweatpants and Got Roasted by Twitter

You know all too well that one of the best aspects of working from home is the dress code. There is none!

Getting up to make my morning coffee in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt before I sit down at the computer makes working from home a breeze. After all, it’s a lot better than waking up at the crack of dawn to iron a dress shirt and pants.

Not everyone is a fan of the casual work-from-home dress code. In fact, LA Times writer Adam Tschorn openly criticized all of us who don sweatpants at our home office.

But there’s strength in numbers. And my fellow sweatpants-adorning, hard-working home folk have risen up and battled back against Tschorn and his senseless, scathing criticism. After all, should we really be listening to fashion advice from a guy whose profile picture reveals someone who has no sense of style?

Step right up, folks. Who’s ready to take a ride on the merry-go-round with Mr. Tschorn?

Now that one was a little harsh, but I get the point. Let us make a living from home in whatever pants we want.

Apparently Mr. Tschorn’s own newspaper can’t even back the internet bully. Though, I’m not sure cheetah print should be considered professional work attire, either.

Fashion bloggers and I don’t have a ton in common, but we can both agree that Mr. Tschorn’s cruel words have no place in our society. Everyone’s already feeling down being stuck at home, so what’s wrong with getting work done in the most comfortable pants known to man?

Boom. Even the dictionary backs us up on our fashion choice. And you can’t argue with a book that only spits facts. Take that, Mr. Tschorn.

Are you part of the sweatpants revolution? How do you dress differently when working from home compared to a traditional office setting?

Let us know about your fashion thoughts in the comments below!

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On October 18, 2019, in New York, The Johns Hopkins…

On October 18, 2019, in New York, The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to […]

The post On October 18, 2019, in New York, The Johns Hopkins… appeared first on Crazy Facts.