Cooking Fails That Will Make You Shake Your Darn Head

Do you feel like your skills in the kitchen have improved during the pandemic and the lockdowns because there’s not really much else to do?

If so, then you are NOT like these people. Not at all, actually, because, based on these photos, these people shouldn’t even be let near a kitchen…or an oven…or even a toaster.

Take a look at these epic fails that took place in the kitchen and say a special prayer that these folks get their acts together soon…

Let’s see what happened.

1. Well, you failed.

Don’t try that again!

We tried to make "Ladybug Rolls." from ExpectationVsReality

2. Who’s ready for a tasty, historical dish?

I don’t think that went over too well…

Tonight was foreign culture night in my house so I decided to cook a traditional dish from Pompeii from funny

3. Oh, my…

I can’t say I’ve ever seen that before.

4. The Book of the Dead!

You need to burn that thing. Trust me.

5. That is absolutely horrifying.

That also needs to be incinerated.

My friend made a “hedgehog” for her 14-year old son’s birthday from shittyfoodporn

6. That’s a sign.

And it’s not a good one.

7. Take it home with you!

You have a new best friend.

Someone left a bread pudding in the back of the oven for 5 days. So here is my new pet rock, Charlie. from KitchenConfidential

8. Oh, there it is.

I was looking for that…

….Found the spoon honey from funny

9. Not a good day.

You need some new kitchen equipment!

Came home late from work, drop my open sandwhich in the parking lot. Go to make pasta, the first pot slips and I pour it all on the ground. Make a second pot and the handle straight up breaks and my pasta goes everywhere. Didn’t eat; had a lil cry. from Wellthatsucks

10. What am I looking at here?

Never seen this before…

Boiled an egg this morning and I think something went horribly wrong from awfuleverything

11. She really tried…

But don’t let her near the grill again.

12. Yikes. That is scary.

There’s no way anyone ate them, did they?

I baked some strawberry cakes in cat molds. Once iced, they looked like burn victims. from mildlyinteresting

Yowza! Those are definitely not good. I mean, they might TASTE good… but boy do they look like s**t!

How about you? Have you had any bad cooking mishaps lately?

If so, please tell us about them in the comments and share some pics if you have them.

Thanks fam!

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People Shared Their Epic Cooking Fails and They’re Something to Behold

This is not good. Not good at all…

What you’re about to see might cause you to experience a range of emotions. You’ll probably laugh, you might cry, and you’ll most likely cringe and shake your head in disgust.

Because these photos of cooking and baking fails are not pretty…

Let’s take a look at the damage that took place inside these kitchens. You’ve been warned.

1. The absolute worst.

Looks like you’re gonna be working a little overtime tonight.

5 minutes before close after a 12 hour shift… from KitchenConfidential

2. The stuff nightmares are made of.

Never try that again!

I tried to bake. from ExpectationVsReality

3. What a fun hobby!

Hmmm, nice try on that one.

Bake bread they said… an overnight rise will taste so good they said… put in the fridge they said… it’s so a rewarding hobby they said… from Wellthatsucks

4. It was obviously a great holiday!

The perfect texture, I think.

Happy Thanksgiving from my little sisters first ever turkey! from pics

5. Looks like something out of a horror movie.

This is pretty scary.

Apparently using a syringe to inject the filling of a jelly bun doesn’t work that well… from shittyfoodporn

6. Didn’t work out so well.

Better luck next time.

Tried cooking a sweet potato in my new air fryer today… from Wellthatsucks

7. Have a Corona Cake!

Actually, you should trademark that.

Attempted to make Flower Pancakes for my wife as a mothers day surprise but they ended up looking like Corona Cakes from Wellthatsucks

8. Totally and completely defeated.

You gave it your best shot…

This is what defeat looks like. from funny

9. It looks like something else.

I just can’t put my finger on it…

I tried to make a cake with a lobster shaped dish from Wellthatsucks

10. This is outrageously bad.

But we commend you for trying!

Birthday Cake attempt this weekend from nailedit

11. Lucky the house didn’t burn down.

Gotta be careful with fire!

12. Is that a dead dinosaur?

That’s kind of what it looks like to me…just saying…

What my brother was trying to make vs what he actually made from nailedit

13. The perfect pairing.

You are a wizard in the kitchen!

My own invention: eggplant with a side of melted knife from shittyfoodporn

Maybe those people should stay away from the kitchen for a while…just a thought.

And now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about your worst cooking or baking fail. And share some photos too if you have them! Thanks!

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The Folks Who Made These Gross Meals Should Never Be Allowed Back in the Kitchen

Looking at these photos gave me flashbacks of awful food I’ve had to endure in the past…and one incident in particular…

Let me set the scene for you: I was around 12-years-old and I spent the night at my friend Greg’s house up the street. The next morning, his mother INSISTED I sit down for breakfast with the family because she had a real treat in store for us.

Guess what? IT WAS NOT A TREAT.

I’m still not sure how you mess up scrambled eggs but she managed to do it and they tasted like some kind of alien life form. I ended up feeding mine to the dog underneath the table while no one was looking. That is a true story.

Anyway, here are some gross meals that might make you never want to eat actual food ever again…

1. Time to find a new roommate.

This is really not cool…just sayin’…

TIL my roommate leaves the plastic on the crab… from shittyfoodporn

2. Can someone please explain this to me?

I’m very confused…

All other subs told me it belongs there from shittyfoodporn

3. Turkey looks a little bit dry…

Just a thought…

Going to need a lot more cheese sauce to choke thay turkey down from shittyfoodporn

4. Absolutely not.

You should be ashamed of yourself!

People love cold pizza, so why not cold sauce and cheese in a tortilla? from shittyfoodporn

5. Living the high life, huh?

You are definitely a high roller.

My Christmas dinner a few years ago. from shittyfoodporn

6. Someone had a terrible birthday this year.

What did you do to deserve this?

Quite possibly the worst excuse for cake ever. from shittyfoodporn

7. No, no I haven’t.

And I really don’t want to.

You’ve heard of the pizza roll, the pizza bagel, and the pizzadilla. But have you considered…pizza grits from shittyfoodporn

8. This isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

It’s not great, but…

Flaming Hot Mac n Cheese from shittyfoodporn

9. Looks like you found this in a dumpster.

Get it out of my face!

Chicken soup on toast from shittyfoodporn

10. A very interesting concoction.

Question: did anyone throw up after they ate this?

Spaghetti with sour cream as sauce because I didn’t want to open a can of spaghetti sauce. Plus a big squirt of buffalo sauce, garlic powder, salt, and then bacon bits cause from shittyfoodporn

11. Funny to look at, not funny to eat.

You spent a lot of time on this, didn’t you?

[Meme Of The Day] Thanksgiving Memes from KnowYourMeme

12. How did it taste?

You’re a real wizard in the kitchen.

Forgot to set a timer on my Red Baron pizza. Was supposed to go in for 16 minutes, not half an hour. from shittyfoodporn

I think I’d rather go hungry than eat any of those dishes…just sayin’…

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about some really bad meals you’ve eaten before. And share some photos too if you have them! Please and thank you!

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Really Gross Meals That People Made for Some Reason

You know what I’ve learned during the pandemic and the resulting lockdowns? And I’m basing this all on the social media accounts of my friends…

There are A LOT of bad cooks out there. Hey, I’m not the greatest thing known to humanity in the kitchen but I’m okay…and I don’t share pics of my food so no one will ever know anyway.

My point is that a lot of folks are stuck at home and all of a sudden they think they’re Guy Fieri or something.

So, in the spirit of that, are you ready to see some bad food creations that might make you sick?

Let’s go!

1. A very interesting choice.

Are you a professional chef, by chance?

Microwaved hotdogs with shredded cheese and ketchup from shittyfoodporn

2. Well, you failed.

And no one wants to talk to you ever again.

Had some leftover gravy so I tried making some “poutine” from shittyfoodporn

3. This is a disaster.

I think I’m gonna be sick!

Turkey bacon fried in Italian olive oil & white vinegar; topped with mozzarella from shittyfoodporn

4. Well, at least it’s kind of fun to look at.

Eating it? That’s a separate issue.

Loch Ness Monster from shittyfoodporn

5. What am I looking at here?

Care to explain yourself?

idk what this was but it tasted aight from shittyfoodporn

6. Well, it’s time to break up with her.

Some things just aren’t meant to be…

My GF put mustard on her pizza slice from shittyfoodporn


Get this “dish” out of my sight.

Smashed up breaded fish, with cheese and Jalapeños, (eventually) rolled up in a tortilla with mayo and BBQ sauce. from shittyfoodporn

8. Looks like a bloody mess.

Just go ahead and throw it out the window.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Tart with Cranberry Glaze when you don’t let either part cool from shittyfoodporn

9. Good Lord…this is not cool.

I might even call the police about this one.

Microwaved ciabatta, w/taco shop tomatillo salsa poured over a buttery spread from shittyfoodporn

10. Hmmmmm. Hard pass!

Sorry, but it’s not working for me.

"A different spaghetti bolognese" by Kay’s cooking from shittyfoodporn

11. Looks like something out of a horror movie.

And I don’t mean that in a good way.

Lamb bits – Persian delicacy from shittyfoodporn

12. Simple, yet disgusting.

Hey, you tried your best.

I overslept so here’s my meal for the day a chimichanga and 2 hotdogs from shittyfoodporn

13. This is completely out of control.

And I hope no one actually put this in their mouth.

happy Thanksgiving, americans from StupidFood

Yuck! I can’t unsee those meals…

And now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about the most disgusting meal you’ve ever eaten…or prepared.

Share some pics too if you have ’em! Thanks!

The post Really Gross Meals That People Made for Some Reason appeared first on UberFacts.

Coffee Ice Cubes and More Mouth-Watering Food Hacks You Should Check Out

Whether you’re an experienced cook or your lunchtime go-to is microwave ramen, there’s always something new to be learned in the kitchen.

Food hacks are the best way to get more bang for your buck and save yourself some time and heartache. No as-seen-on-TV products necessary.

Reddit users share these 10 food hacks to turn your every day meals into something special!

1. Let’s start with dessert:

I’ve had these before. They’re DELICIOUS!

You can add 2 eggs and 1/2 a cup of oil to turn any cake mix into cookie dough. from foodhacks

2. I’m drooling:


secret to the best grilled cheese ever: spread mayo instead of butter on the outside of the sandwich from foodhacks

3. As if you needed more protein:

I’m skeptical, but appreciate the ingenuity.

I know this image looks like pot but hear me out: use crushed dried edamame as a breading for chicken in place of bread crumbs for a high protein/less carb crispy crust that tastes awesome from foodhacks

4. Know how to use your tools:

I knew there was a reason I had a vegetable peeler.

Cheese grater broke, used a vegetable peeler to shave my parmesan from foodhacks

5. Waste not, want not:

I’ve never made chicken kiev’s, but now I want to.

It will stop it going soggy at bottom too! from foodhacks

6. Ice, ice, coffee:

You know, just in case you were wanting more caffeine.

Pour some coffee into an ice cube tray. Freeze your ice cubes and use them in your ice coffee instead of regular ice cubes. from foodhacks

7. When life gives you lemons:

Grill salmon!

Try the lemon method under the salmon to avoid burning your fish from foodhacks

8. A simple fix:

This calls for a drink!

look at this from foodhacks

9. Now this I have to try…

It’s healthy, Mom!

Make “sour patch” candy grape snacks by tossing grapes in lemon juice and different flavors of gelatin mix, chill or freeze (black cherry, lemon and lime flavors pictured) from foodhacks

10. This actually did blow my mind:

Isn’t math awesome?

2 frozen pizza 1 tray? No problem from foodhacks


That last one! WHY have I never thought of that before? There will definitely be some homemade sour grapes in my future. And some cake-mix cookies!

I hope you find these food hacks just as mouth-watering as I did. And hopefully you learned something new (like what vegetable peelers are for!)

Do you have any favorite food hacks? Let us know in the comments!

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Check Out Lizzo’s Special Recipe for the Hungover Vegans Out There

Lizzo is an icon. And while she hasn’t been active on the tour scene lately, she’s definitely been active writing and making us all jealous of her poolside ways.

But despite the fact that her insta handle is @LizzoBeEating, she doesn’t tend to dedicate a ton of her online space to food content.

When she does though, it’s pretty great.

Recently, she offered up her personal solution to a big conundrum: what do you eat if you’re committed to a vegan diet, but you had a little too much to drink last night?

“Being plant based and vegan has been pretty easy,” she says in a cooking TikTok, “except for when I’m hungover. I used to crave cheesy eggs. So, here is my substitute…”


Might do a what I eat in a day vid because I feel like us fat queens need to represent 🤤

♬ original sound – lizzo

It sounds pretty good even to us omnivores. Here’s how the recipe breaks down:

1. Carne Asada and Black Bean Corn Mixture

This is the base for the recipe, she talks more about it in a previous video you can watch here.

2. JUST Egg

Add this plant-based egg substitute to the mix.

3. Season to Taste

Lizzo added some garlic powder, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper.

4. Add Spinach

Gotta get those greens in there.

5. Slice of Vegan Pepperjack

For a little spice.

6. Fry Up Some Vegan Bacon

Lizzo recommends cooking it in maple syrup so it’s “crunchy and candied.”

7. Enjoy!

Now you’re ready to chow down on what she calls “a really ugly but delicious scramble!”

A few specialty items to pick up for sure, but if you’re already stocking up for a plant-based diet, this sure looks like a recipe to try!

What’s YOUR go-to hangover meal?

Tell us in the comments.

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People Who Just Don’t Know What Is and Isn’t Cake Anymore

There’s no reasonable way to enter into this topic, so I’ll just say it: Twitter is being overrun by cakes in disguise and nobody is OK.

Why did this happen? How? That’s for future historians to unravel.

All we can do right now is sit back and marvel at all the cakery fakery overtaking our bakeries. The skill is takes to create such horrifyingly detailed edible facsimiles is far beyond my mortal comprehension, but it sure is fun to watch, and there are no shortage of jokes.

Beware ye who scroll past here, you’re about to question everything.

10. Taking the cake

Witness the absolute peak of man’s hubris.

9. Serrated blade runner

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Shoes made of sweets. I watched toilet paper split to reveal its sumptuous core. All those moments will be lost in time, like cake in rain.”

8. Sweet release

Soon we will all be cake.

7. Dog-gone

If I cannot have the chocolate, I must become the chocolate.

6. Cover versions

It’s all cake all the time.

5. Absolutely vicious

This is the series that just keeps on giving.

4. Beware the ides of starch

These are the signs that precede the fall of an empire.

3. Out of touch

A rallying cry for our moment in history.

2. Self-defense

Will the witness for the prosecution please cake the stand.

1. Soft reboots

This is the kind of retconning that I can get behind.

It’s been a confusing year, but at least this is the kind of confusion that’s delightful and funny and not just straight up horrifying. We need more of that.

What do YOU suspect may actually be cake?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Who Just Don’t Know What Is and Isn’t Cake Anymore appeared first on UberFacts.

“These Are All Cakes” Are Weirding People Out and We Don’t Disagree

By now we’ve all seen the spooky deep fakes. You know what I mean?

Faces replaced with other faces; eerie video transformations that are becoming more and more commonplace.

But there is perhaps an even more pressing issue at hand. Beyond simply knowing who really appears in what video, how can any of us be sure what is and isn’t cake?

See, there’s been a rash of videos on twitter of what appear to be everyday objects which are then sliced through to reveal that they are made entirely of cake. Suffice it to say, nobody trusts anyone or anything anymore.

12. Original deep cake

Look at this parade of fakery and tell me you’ll ever believe your eyes again.

11. Take a bite

Sweets for the sweet.

10. Let them eat cake

My god, this goes back further than we could have ever anticipated.

9. Foamy philosophies

Bring back the pyres, there’s witches to burn.

8. One in a million

Got yourself a winning dating profile there.

7. The cutting truth

We must all face the facts someday.

6. Desperate times

Cake is in the eye of the beholder.

5. Adorable murder

This is fine.

4. The cakening

Join us! Join us! Join us!

3. High art

Can you appreciate it?

2. So much winning

This has officially gone too far.

1. Wipe away your fears

Big if true.

We must arm ourselves now with the tools we need to tell cake from thing as best we can. Our future is at stake. Or should I say…at cake?

What do you suspect may actually be cake?

Prove you’re not a cake by telling us in the comments.

The post “These Are All Cakes” Are Weirding People Out and We Don’t Disagree appeared first on UberFacts.

Julia Child was a terrible cook until well into her 30s

Julia Child was an American cooking teacher, author, and television personality. She is recognized for bringing French cuisine to the American public with her debut cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and her subsequent television programs. Little known fact is that she did not have a natural talent for cooking. In fact, she was […]

The post Julia Child was a terrible cook until well into her 30s appeared first on Crazy Facts.

How Are We Coping with 2020? With Food, Obviously.

Oh, boy…

So, 2020 has been completely insane and none of us have known what to do with ourselves. That’s a well-established fact. That will be the subheading to the chapter about this year in history books, or history…holograms, or whatever the hell we have in the future. One of my all-time favorite expressions of what this has been like came from @KevinFarzard on Twitter who said:

Kevin’s theory was bolstered by a whole lot of replies to a thread started later by Franklin Leonard, in which he asked what purchases had been making a difference in people’s lives recently.

There were lots of answers; home improvement stuff, comforts, entertainment, pet adoption, and, oh yeah, food. What do you do when you’re stuck at home bored and anxious? You eat. And you find new, interesting methods of eating that maybe you haven’t tried before. That’s just the American way.

10. Fry me to the moon

Two words so beautiful have rarely been paired.

9. Let’s get this bread

Unsliced bread is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

8. Mixin’ it up

Weird hill to die on, but OK.

7. We all scream

Anything can be alcohol if you try hard enough.

6. Stock up

“Rice is great if you’re really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.” – Mitch Hedberg

5. Eggcellent idea

Live that farm to table life.

4. Good old fashioned booze

I’m deservin’ a bourbon.

3. Lettuce feast

I’m a little disappointed to learn that an “AeroGarden” isn’t like, flowers in the sky.

2. Sugar and spice and everything nice

I’ll put this on my list of things to try to salvage my mental health.

1. Grill baby grill

OK but the real question is, which one of those stove burners is your favorite?

Personally I’ve been trying out a lot of this great culinary tradition called “ordering delivery.” What it lacks in nutritional value, it makes up for in being overpriced.
I…may need to rethink this strategy.

Have you been trying out any new cooking adventures?

Tell us about them in the comments.

The post How Are We Coping with 2020? With Food, Obviously. appeared first on UberFacts.