Airing, New York, 1906

In 1906 Eleanor Roosevelt bought a chicken-wire cage for hanging from the window of her New York City townhouse for first child, Anna, to nap in—a practice known as “airing” for city dwelling children. Essentially, the thinking was that this was part of a process to toughen up the babies, and make them better able […]

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A Mom’s Video About her Bullied Son Went Viral. The Internet Shows Their Support and Will Send Him To Disneyland.

Social media gets a bad rap sometimes, but sometimes it can help create some truly life-changing moments.

Take the story of young Quaden Bayles, for example. The 9-year-old boy was born with a form of Dwarfism called Achondroplasia and his mother, Yarraka Bayles, recently shared a distressing video of her unconsolable son reacting to being bullied at his school in Australia.  In it, the young boy talks about killing himself because he is so upset.

This is the impacts of bullying! I seriously don’t know what else to do! 😭

Posted by Yarraka Bayles on Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The video went viral in a massive way and has touched people around the globe.

Quaden said about his story,

“The parents should make them be nicer to kids with disabilities.

If you get bullied stand up for yourself and don’t listen to what they say.”

His mother wrote in a statement,

“Quaden Bayles’ family would like to take this time firstly to thank everyone for the overwhelming show of love and support from so many people from all around the world.”

A comedian with Dwarfism named Brad Williams was so touched by the video that he set up a GoFundMe page to raise $10,000 to send Quaden to Disneyland.

As of today, he’s raised almost $275,000!

The money that isn’t spent on flying Quaden and his mother to the U.S. will be donated to anti-bullying and anti-abuse charities.

A bunch of other celebrities have stepped up to support Quaden as well on social media, including one of Australia’s most famous sons, Mr. Hugh Jackman.

Actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan of ‘The Walking Dead’ also showed his support.

Boston Celtics player Enes Kanter tweeted his love too!

And the National Rugby League Indigenous All Stars asked Quaden to lead them out onto the field for their match this weekend.


Don’t you love it when social media is used for good?

Keep your head up Quaden, and don’t ever let anyone out there make you feel like you don’t deserve the absolute best in life!

And kudos to all the celebrities (especially Brad Williams) who brought attention to this important story. Good work all around, humans!

The post A Mom’s Video About her Bullied Son Went Viral. The Internet Shows Their Support and Will Send Him To Disneyland. appeared first on UberFacts.

A Mom’s Video About her Bullied Son Went Viral. The Internet Shows Their Support and Will Send Him To Disneyland.

Social media gets a bad rap sometimes, but sometimes it can help create some truly life-changing moments.

Take the story of young Quaden Bayles, for example. The 9-year-old boy was born with a form of Dwarfism called Achondroplasia and his mother, Yarraka Bayles, recently shared a distressing video of her unconsolable son reacting to being bullied at his school in Australia.  In it, the young boy talks about killing himself because he is so upset.

This is the impacts of bullying! I seriously don’t know what else to do! 😭

Posted by Yarraka Bayles on Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The video went viral in a massive way and has touched people around the globe.

Quaden said about his story,

“The parents should make them be nicer to kids with disabilities.

If you get bullied stand up for yourself and don’t listen to what they say.”

His mother wrote in a statement,

“Quaden Bayles’ family would like to take this time firstly to thank everyone for the overwhelming show of love and support from so many people from all around the world.”

A comedian with Dwarfism named Brad Williams was so touched by the video that he set up a GoFundMe page to raise $10,000 to send Quaden to Disneyland.

As of today, he’s raised almost $275,000!

The money that isn’t spent on flying Quaden and his mother to the U.S. will be donated to anti-bullying and anti-abuse charities.

A bunch of other celebrities have stepped up to support Quaden as well on social media, including one of Australia’s most famous sons, Mr. Hugh Jackman.

Actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan of ‘The Walking Dead’ also showed his support.

Boston Celtics player Enes Kanter tweeted his love too!

And the National Rugby League Indigenous All Stars asked Quaden to lead them out onto the field for their match this weekend.


Don’t you love it when social media is used for good?

Keep your head up Quaden, and don’t ever let anyone out there make you feel like you don’t deserve the absolute best in life!

And kudos to all the celebrities (especially Brad Williams) who brought attention to this important story. Good work all around, humans!

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Parents Share Hilarious Do-It-Yourself Disasters Done by Their Kids

“Do It Yourself” is a good motto to live by for a lot of things, and it’s also good to encourage kids to make their own way in the world.

In these hilarious Twitter responses, parents shared the times their adorable children tried to do things their way…and the results were a little less than spectacular.

But still, good job, kids!

Oh, bless their hearts…

1. The tweet that got the ball rolling.

2. Making great progress!

3. Willing to relocate…

4. Let’s partner up.

5. The top of her game.

6. Nailed it!

7. What a deal!

8. On her way!

9. Half girl/Half tiger.

10. This is the big time.

11. Picture perfect.

12. Very pleased.

13. Might have a millionaire on your hands.

Wow…these kids definitely deserve an A For Effort, but some of those are a little rough…

Have your kids ever tried to start up their own little gig? How did it go?

Tell us about it in the comments!

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These Tweets Might Make You Never Want to Have Kids

If you’re thinking about having children…these tweets might just change your mind…

Sure, they are tons of fun and everyone says you don’t know what you’re missing until you have children, but still…they’re not for everyone…

Let’s see what these folks had to say…you might just be discouraged.

1. It was an accident.

2. You have a monster on your hands…

3. Now apologize to ME.

4. Stuff like this…

5. Who’s in charge here?

6. Got a bruiser on your hands.

7. I see why.

8. I’m gonna be sick.

9. Not an easy task.

10. How cute!

11. Without warning.

12. You ungrateful little…

13. All fixed now…

14. This clinched it for her.

15. That’s a bummer.

Well, I’m convinced! You don’t need to tell me anything else!

What about you? Do you have kids? Are you totally against having kids? Still on the fence?

Tell us all about it in the comments!

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These Memes Will Speak to You If You Have Kids

Being a parent can be exhausting. The hard work never ends, the kids don’t appreciate it (until they’re older… maybe), and you sometimes look to the heavens and cry to relieve some of the stress.

But, hey, it’s all worth it, right? RIGHT!

Here are some funny parenting memes for all the moms and dads out there.

1. My time is now.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Do whatever you want.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. About to have a meltdown.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. You made the right choice.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. I’m here for you!

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Do not judge.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Even for two minutes…

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Need a breather.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Like a little goblin.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. You’re still a mess.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. An ancient ritual.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. That would be a NO.

Photo Credit: someecards

13. I need four more hours.

Photo Credit: someecards

I do not have children, but even I thought those memes were pretty hilarious.

What about you, moms and dads? Do these memes ring true?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments, please!

Oh, and keep up the good work!

The post These Memes Will Speak to You If You Have Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Memes About the Ups and Downs of Having Kids

Highs and lows.

This describes a lot of things in life and parenting is definitely one of them. But look at it this way: you’re raising the future leaders of the world! Actually, maybe don’t look at it like that because panic may set in…

You know what? Just sit back, relax, and laugh at these funny memes about having kids.

1. What a life!

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Not gonna happen.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Completely deflated.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Please leave now!

Photo Credit: someecards

5. He’s right, you know…

Photo Credit: someecards

6. It’s starting…

Photo Credit: someecards

7. I’ve seen this before.

Photo Credit: someecards

8. The demon child.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Not as much fun as it looks.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Must not have had kids.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Okay, that’s enough.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Don’t do it!

Photo Credit: someecards

On-point parenting memes, in my humble opinion.

Parents, how are you holding up?

In the comments, tell us some funny and crazy stories about things that those little devils have done recently. Please and thank you!

The post Hilarious Memes About the Ups and Downs of Having Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Dumb Things They Believed as Kids

The thoughts of children can be beautiful, pure, open, strangely insightful …and incredibly stupid.

An AskReddit thread on dumb stuff people thought as kids turned into a goldmine of twisted reasoning and childhood confusion. Here’s some highlights.

16. In some cases, this might be true

I used to think that once you finished a grade in primary school you became smarter than the teacher of that grade.

15. From Jim to Jimmothy

That I would have to change my name when I grew up.

I don’t know why, but I thought my name was suitable for a child but definitely not for an adult, and I couldn’t imagine (being) an adult with my name.

I even talked to my mother about it, saying that at some point we’d eventually have to go to court to have it changed to something more “adult-sounding”.

14. Wait, is that not the case?

That if you drink while peeing you’ll keep peeing until you stop drinking.

13. Still less disturbing than the Cats movie

When I was really young, I was convinced I was pregnant (I’m a man btw), with a baby cat named Bridget.

I went on believing it for about 5 months (that’s how long little me thought cat pregnancy lasted), and then when the baby never came, I went to my mom and asked when Bridget would be born, she finally told me that boys can’t get pregnant and humans can’t give birth to cats.

I was traumatized.

12. The richest kid in the world

That all companies with a ‘TM’ (Trademark) were owned by my family, only because those are my initials.

11. It’s not in Kansas anymore…

I was very very young and I blame wizard of oz but I believed that a tornado was just one big phenomenon that continuously happened and spun from state to state country to country.

I also live in the south so we have frequent tornado warnings so I vaguely remember a time we had two or three warnings in one week and I was scared the “single tornado” would come to our town and never go away.

10. I’m sorry, what?

I was under the impression that there were tiny rats that lived inside of my stomach and when they ran in their wheels for exercise it would make me need to pee.

9. Like a Flintstones TV

That there’s a tiny human inside the TV who executed what the remote was telling him to do.

For example, when you press the button to increase the volume, he is being hit in a specific way that let’s him know that he has to go and manually increase the volume.

8. Like a Russian nesting doll

I thought that there would be a baby inside every girl’s stomach as soon as she is born and inside that baby’s stomach too there would be a tiny baby(the cycle goes on and on)and that the baby keeps growing as we grow and after getting married the doctors will cut the stomach and take the baby out to make space for another baby.

7. I’ve gotta admit to this one too. *facepalm*

That the Underground Railroad was a literal secret underground subway style steam engine that Harriet Tubman was the conductor of.

6. Its’a me…your worst nightmare

I thought if you left a video game on then a character would come out of the tv and kill you.|

I was a bit paranoid as a small kid.

5. Parents can’t have parents

Grandparents were assigned to families.

Like, I didn’t know my Grandma was my Dad’s mom.

4. A lot of adults still think this…

Own two credit cards and use them to pay for each other for infinite money

3. One ring to bind them

My Dad lost his wedding ring in the Bay during a fishing trip.

I was absolutely inconsolable.

It took my parents quite a while to get me to calm down enough to be able to explain why I was so upset about it.

I thought it meant they were no longer married anymore. Lol.

2. So, you’re an American, then

That beyond my country was nothing.

1. This one’s longer, but worth it

We lived in the country and I was raised on Disney movies. We lived on our imaginations.

The movie ‘The Borrowers’ had just come out and we rented it on VHS. My sister and I must have watched it 20 times. We played games imagining people running around and all these fantastical things. It was great. It passed a lot of time for us.

Enter bed time. I crawl into my little bed, swirls of games in my head, and I notice a strange light in my closet that is directly across from the foot of my bed.

I gingerly crawl out and open my closet to see a small slit in the dry wall.

I press my eye up to it and see A SUN…AND TREES!


I run and get my sister. I show her. We freak out and run downstairs where my father is gently reading his newspaper after a long day of work. My mother is sitting there talking to him when we bust around the corner screaming about a hidden world in the closet.

My father glares at my mother. My mother tells us she will look into it and brings us back to bed and reads us another story to calm us down.

The next night there was no light. The trees were gone. I destroyed the world. I truly thought I had erased this little existence. I was a murderer…


I had seen a slip of my mother’s marijuana closet farm.

My dad made her move it.

Good thing we’re all so much smarter now, huh?

What about you? Did you have any hilariously dumb thoughts as a kid?

Let us know in the comments.

The post People Talk About the Dumb Things They Believed as Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Tweets About Self-Care From Parents

When you’re single and you don’t have kids, you may think your life is busy and you have no time for taking care of yourself

But when you have kids? You’re in for a whole new world, my friends. A walk from the living room to the bathroom might be the only exercise you get during a week filled with family obligations.

Parents are still trying to practice self-care in their own unique ways, though.

And here are some funny tweets about it.

1. That’s what it’s called.

2. I totally get it.

3. Sleep is all you need.

4. Whatever works.

5. It’s a fun game!

6. All of the above.

7. Looks like she’s killin’ it.

8. That’s all you get from now on.

9. The ultimate checklist.

10. DON’T DO IT!

11. Whole lot of screaming going on.

12. You might be on to something.

13. Some truth right here.

14. The master plan.

15. That will also work.

Hey, self-care is important, right? No matter how small the doses are…

Parents, we want to hear from you!

Tell us how you break away if even for a second to have a little time to yourself. Let’s hear from you in the comments!

The post Funny Tweets About Self-Care From Parents appeared first on UberFacts.