Funny Tweets From Parents That We Think You’ll Enjoy

Parents…we feel your pain right now.

Everyone has been crammed together for so long that we’re all going a little crazy. And the kids…oh, those kids.

Aren’t they just delightful when they’re not allowed to do anything with their friends?

We all know that the statement above is meant to be sarcastic, right?

Parents, read through these funny tweets and at the very least, you’ll realize that you are not alone in your madness right now.

1. That’ll show him!

You gotta mess with them a little bit. Trust me.

2. That is a brilliant strategy.

Now is the time to turn it around.

3. Just let him be.

Being a superhero takes a lot of work.

4. Dammit! Knew that was gonna happen.

Are we missing anything else?

5. I think about 85% of people on the road are doing this.

Are you one of them? Don’t lie!

6. Planting people all day.

Kind of cool name, though…

7. Why the hell not?

What do you have to lose?

8. It can always get worse.


9. Same here…

Do you think she’ll listen to you?

10. They are remarkable.

And you never know what’s next!

11. This is great!

Giving the mascot the third degree.

12. Pass the Farmer John, please.

Just go with it and don’t tell her until she’s a teenager.

13. You’ll learn this lesson. 

One way or another…

Are those accurate, or what?

I think we all know the answer to that…

Moms and dads: now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us how parenting during the lockdown is working for you.

We want to hear it all!

The good, the bad, and the very, very ugly!

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People Talk About What They Thought Was Really Expensive or Cheap When They Were Kids

When I was young, there was a family in our small town and they drove a convertible…

And I thought they were THE SHIT.

Who actually OWNS a convertible, I used to think to myself. I believed they lived in a mansion, went to country clubs, and probably had maids and butlers.

Looking back on it years later, I think it was actually kind of a middle-of-the-road car (I can’t remember what kind, exactly). The point is that when you’re a kid, you have little or no concept of money and what things really cost.

But it always makes for hilarious stories later on!

Let’s dig into some stories from folks on AskReddit.

1. The good stuff.

“Always had sparkling grape juice as kids but only for New Years.

Seemed like such a lavish bottle. They’re cheap as hell… but only having it that often made it feel so special.”

2. She loves it!

“It never occurred to me that some food was more expensive than other food. I 100% thought my mom made spaghetti all the time because it was her favorite.

I was much older when I realized it was because it would feed a lot of people very cheap.”

3. Three flavors.

“I always thought Neopolitan ice cream must’ve been the apex of ice cream decadence and expense because you got not 1, not 2, but THREE flavors in one tub!”

4. Well, it turns out…

“Food colouring and fondant icing for baking. Thought it was sooo expensive and that’s why only fancy cakes used them.

Turns out they cost like £1 each.”

5. A painful lesson.

“The dentist.

Didn’t think I’d be in debt from getting teeth fixed.

My husband and I are having to take turns with the dentist this year. He needs more work so I’m going to let him go first once things open up, because we can’t afford for us both to go.

Luckily I just a need a few fillings, he needs a root can*l and a crown.

He had a bunch of work done last year too. I don’t even know why we have dental insurance if it covers so little.”

6. Costs a fortune.


Honestly I didn’t really have a guess on how much a ticket was but we got to go every couple of years so I figured it was no big deal.”

7. Getting fancy.

“Going out to anything other than fast food was an expensive night out.

Even Applebees.”

8. You must be loaded.

“Disney movies.

I grew up poor and my dad would always get the forgettable off brand versions of popular cartoon movies. Instead of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, for example, I’d get to see The Secret of the Hunchback. Lots and lots of that.

When I saw a kid who owned a REAL Disney movie on VHS I assumed they were very rich. I didn’t realize you could buy several in one month and not have to declare bankruptcy even without being rich.”

9. It adds up.


Never thought of them being valuable.

Guess what, if you have someone make them fit your place they cost a fortune.”

10. Don’t throw those away.

“Those self-stick bows you put on gifts.

I used to think they were super expensive because everyone in my family used them over and over. We had a few that we used so much, they were recognizable. We had a few “fancy” ones. Wrapping paper too!

Based on how careful my family was about not tearing it and how my grandmother would fold it, I figured it must be really expensive…yeah, both are super cheap.”

11. Everybody’s doing it.


My oldest brother and all his friends went to college, never mentioning the expense.

As a kid, I thought it must be cheap because “all the guys are doing it.””

12. We’re staying in tonight…

“Going out to eat.

I think I thought it cost like $10-20 or something. I never understood why we didn’t go to more restaurants when I was a kid. Thought my mom was just cheap.

Turns out feeding a family of five at mediocre restaurant can easily cost over $100.00 if people get drinks, appetizers, and dessert.”

13. My life is over!

“I stood on our toilet seat and broke it when I was around 10. I was so upset thinking that it was the biggest mistake of my life and would cost my parents so much money.

I replaced my toilet seat last week and it cost me $6.”

14. Only for the very wealthy…


Such an extravagance! Once a year only, for your birthday party – and even then you get just one each. Be careful, don’t pop it!

I prized that thing – it provided entertainment for days.

You can buy 100 for a fiver.”

15. Moms do that kind of stuff.

“Always thought clothing was cheap.

Wasn’t until I was in college that I realized I always had new clothing because my mom never bought anything for herself for life 15 years.”

16. That’s all I’ll need!

“Ten dollars is a lot of money for a kid.

I thought I could run off to California, pay for the flight, food, and downpayment for a celebrity mansion with ten dollars.”

I don’t know why, but I got a HUGE kick out of those responses.

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, please share the things that you wrongly thought were really expensive or really cheap when you were a kid!

We look forward to hearing from you!

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An Artist Uses Comics to Express the Little Moments of Parenthood

Yehuda Adi Devir, or Jude Devir as he goes by on Instagram, is the creator of a comic called One Of Those Days, which for years has chronicled the little misadventures of his daily life with his wife Maya. The Instagram account to which he posts these comics has amassed a huge following for its lively art style, humorous depictions of relatable moments, and ridiculously attractive central couple.

The comic has taken on a whole new world of stories now that Jude and Maya have an adorable daughter named Ariel. Here she is in her first real-photo appearance on social media:

Now that they’re parents, the comic has shifted to depicting lots of moments that anyone with kids will definitely understand.

15. The strange fixation

Give her the world, she’ll play in the box.

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🎉🎉!!! Ariel First Birthday !!!🎉🎉 " My sweet angel, my baby girl @ariel_devir . Tomorrow it's you 1st Birthday and I am so excited. Exactly one year ago you were a tiny thing in my belly that keeps me up at night, and now you are a little person with a say that keeps me up at night.🌛❤⭐ Since you got in my life, my nights are the most beautiful part of my day! " – @maya_devir – AND NOW!!! Especially for Ariel's first birthday, "One of These Days" is launching a fun NEW kids collection with a variety of gifts for your little ones! Be among the first to enjoy all of these adorable pieces! ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 👉👉👉 LINK ON BIO 👈👈👈 SUPPORT OUR WORK: #judedevir #mayadevir #arieldevir #oneofthosedays

A post shared by YEHUDA DeVIR OFFICIAL (@jude_devir) on

14. Midnight magic

Nothing better than inspiring some wonder.

13. Give me a minute

Please please please just behave!

12. Different perspectives

I like how the Hulk doll is just confused.

11. Every moment counts

Gotta catch ’em all.

10. Inside out

We’ll get through this together.

9. The struggle

One false move creates an irreversible chain reaction.

8. Strong

Witness her ability to function without sleep!

7. Hair care

You’ll figure it out.

6. Stuck in the middle with you

More to love.

5. Feeding frenzy

It’s always a war zone.

4. Separation anxiety

You gotta let go sometimes.

3. Obsessions

There’s so much to be explored.

2. Sleep kicker

Beware the bed warrior.

1. A quiet place

Every parent knows about stealth mode.

Congratulations to Jude and Maya – wishing you luck with your family and your careers. Keep up the great work!

Which one did you find the most true-to-life?

Tell us in the comments.

The post An Artist Uses Comics to Express the Little Moments of Parenthood appeared first on UberFacts.

A Couple Turns Memorable Moments with Their Baby Into Great Comics

One of Those Days is a web comic created by married couple Yehuda and Maya Devir of Tel Aviv, Israel. They’re both artists, though its unclear if they both contribute to the actual artwork of the comic, or if it’s solely inked by Yehuda (aka “Jude”.) Either way, the comic has a long history of entertaining and inspiring through its humorous and heartwarming depictions of the tiny, meaningful moments of married life.

It has amassed quite an audience, with 5.5 million followers on Instagram, as well as lots of accolades and award nominations:

But the central theme of the comic has changed lately due to a corresponding change in their own lives: they’re now parents! And their depictions of life with their daughter Ariel are incredibly relatable to anybody with kids.

15. Pain and love

It’s a magical, messy moment.

14. A rush of affection

She’s just got a funny way of showing it.

13. Spooky times

Who doesn’t love a first Halloween?

12. Time apart

The separation anxiety is real.

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I miss you already…🙁🥺😢😭 If I thought giving birth was the hardest thing a woman had to go through in her life then I was wrong! Separating a woman from her baby is a million times harder. I thank every day that we have been blessed with a job we enjoy and make millions of people happy with us, but the work requires us to travel quite a bit, which means we have to leave Ariel in the hands of her loving grandmothers. Maya is a true hero the way she flies off for work every time despite the difficulty in parting from Ariel and manages to put her future ahead of her own personal struggle. She keeps saying that separating from Ariel is the hardest thing she's ever experienced, and it doesn't get easier from time to time, even though it makes sense it will. So, there is no sense in parenting… Only what the heart feels. Being a career person while raising a family is perhaps one of the most difficult challenges we would have to face in life. I don't know what we would do without both of our amazing mothers. I guess mother love to her child has no expiration date. Shop: Support us: #judedevir #mayadevir #arieldevir #oneofthosedays

A post shared by YEHUDA DeVIR OFFICIAL (@jude_devir) on

11. The clothing ritual

Socks to be you.

10. Overload

Division of labor.

9. Fatherhood

It doesn’t always feel right.

View this post on Instagram

It's OK It's okay when she cries in your hands It's okay that she only wants her mom It's okay that you can't put her to sleep It's okay that you still don't understand your status It's okay that you don't have that connection, that everybody is talking about It's okay that you still don't understand your job definition It's okay that you don't make her laugh It's okay that you're tired It's okay that you're angry It's okay that things don't work out for you It's okay to ask for a hug It's okay to share your partner with everything you go through, even if it doesn't seem so manly It's okay that your life has changed It's okay that your plans have been canceled It's okay that you have no time for anything It's okay to feel weak It's okay to be moody It's okay to feel lonely It's okay to ask for help It's OK… Shop: Support us: #judedevir #mayadevir #arieldevir #oneofthosedays #ilovemyfamily

A post shared by YEHUDA DeVIR OFFICIAL (@jude_devir) on

8. Vomit commit

Just trying to snap a cute picture.

7. Not today, bugs!

Of course you realize this means war.

6. Nap time

Take it wherever you can get it.

5. A fear of needles

Everybody’s gotta deal with it.

4. Shower power

What a rush!

3. The eternal battle

I’m so tired…how are you not tired?

2. The changing times

Diaper time is serious business.

1. Cute as a toot

Every little thing she does is magic.

Well that’s just unbelievably adorable. You can check out more of this couple’s work on their official website –

Which one of these moments spoke the most to you?

Let us know in the comments.

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A Mom Invented a Seat Belt Cover That Helps Kids Get Better Care in Case of Accidents

No parent plans on getting into a car accident with their kids, but the reality is that these occur nonetheless. Parents who have children with health issues may not be in a position to do much for their children once ambulances arrive.

But one enterprising mom, Natalie Bell, created a seat cover that could potentially help children get better healthcare in a worst-case scenario. Hailing from Victoria, Australia, Bell thought of what would happen to her daughter, who has a cochlear implant.

Her Facebook post explains more,

“I always wonder what would happen if I was in a car accident with my daughter in the car and I was unable to let the doctors know that my daughter could not have a MRI due to having a cochlear implant, now I don’t need to worry about that with these seat belt covers.

These can be made for any special needs that the medical team will need to know if you are unable to tell them.”

Check ’em out!

I always wonder what would happen if I was in a car accident with my daughter in the car and I was unable to let the…

Posted by Personalised by Nat on Tuesday, 4 June 2019

But Bell thought of children who have other conditions, so she got to work and created seat covers for children with disabilities as well.

The idea took off and Personalised by Nat was born! She’s designed other products, such as keychains that also provide essential information.

Posted by Personalised by Nat on Monday, 9 December 2019

Bell created this seat cover for children who are deaf.

Posted by Personalised by Nat on Monday, 8 July 2019

And this one, which is specific about cochlear implants:

Posted by Personalised by Nat on Monday, 10 June 2019

She even came up with a seat cover that can ensure service dogs stay with their owners.

Posted by Personalised by Nat on Monday, 8 July 2019

Seat covers like this are simple, but can help medical staff in case parents or guardians can’t answer questions about their child.

What did you think of these seat covers? Do you know about other helpful tools that can help parents communicate in a jam?

Please, do share in the comments!


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Funny Kids Who Obviously Have No Filter

If you spend enough time around kids you’ll learn one thing very quickly: they have no filter and they say things that sometimes catch adults completely off guard.

But, hey, it’s what kids do, right?

You might say they just don’t know any better, but maybe they DO know better and they just don’t care because they are little devils.

The jury is still out on that one…

Let’s take a look at funny kids who have ZERO FILTER.

1. The kid is right in this case…

All because of me…

2. Oh, gross!

You should’ve just said 100% MEAT.

3. That kid has a sick sense of humor.

But maybe they got it from you?

4. A lot of yelling in this household.

You need to get them moving, right?

5. Deny, deny, deny.

Never admit your guilt! That’s a good life lesson.

6. You need to look elsewhere.

I’m not a non-stop cuddle machine, mom.

7. Didn’t need to hear that one.

Like I said, NO FILTER.

8. Hahahaha. That’s good.

Even the kids know…

9. Teaching Dad a lesson.

You won’t make that mistake again, will you?

10. Not my department.

This kid is going places!

11. Brutally honest.

This is kind of amazing.

12. Ouch…a sick burn.

Sometimes, kids can really cut deep.

13. Best/Worst Dad Ever!

A big blow to the ego.

Kids just say the darndest things, don’t they?

How adorable! How sweet! How precious!

Or something like that…I don’t know…

Have your kids ever said totally hilarious/ridiculous/embarrassing things that took you by surprise?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments!

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Parents Share the Funny Things Their 7-Year-Olds Are Saying and Doing

You know that kids do and say some hilarious and bizarre things on a pretty regular basis.

Do you ever stop to wonder what’s going on in those little brains of theirs?

It might not even be worth your time because kids are just on a totally different level.

Parents took to Twitter to talk about what their 7-year-olds have been up to…hang on for this ride.

1. This kid seems pretty smart.

It took me another 20 years to get this way.

2. That’s very insightful.

This kid is going places.

3. We can all use this one.

I’m right. You’re wrong.

4. Just got showed up.

In a major, major way.

5. Maybe don’t go out in nature for a while.

Let’s be friends!

6. How is this even possible?

I’m the funniest person in the universe, right?

7. That’s VERY expensive.

Don’t hold back now. Buy the kid some stones!

8. I’ll be ready in a bit.

This outfit sounds like a masterpiece.

9. Getting creative in the tub.

We all did this, right?

10. I was thinking maybe more like NOON.

That’s much too early.

11. That was a great performance.

Be sure to give them positive feedback.

12. That is an expert move.

A future member of Mensa, perhaps?

13. A healthy breakup.

You don’t hear about too many of these, do you?



Hahahaha. Those tweets sure are funny!

Now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, share some of the more ridiculous things that your kiddos have said and done recently.

We’d love to hear from you!

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These Kids Are Adorably Clueless

There has to be an age when being clueless becomes less adorable and more what-the-f*ck, right?

I’m not sure exactly what that threshold is, but I am sure that these 12 kids are still in the safe zone. Because even though they know absolutely nothing, they’re still as cute as heck.

I forgive them.

12. He had a different fashion statement in mind, clearly.

It was probably one that involved a lot less clothing, if he’s like my kid.

11. Those are definitely legs.

But let’s be honest, that face was nothing to write home about.

10. Well, he got one thing right.

May he maintain his passion, but in a more useful manner.

Aah the young mind of a young child from KidsAreFuckingStupid

9. Toddlers do not care about your things.

They have flushed expensive things down the toilet and they will do it again.

While the world is fighting over TP, my toddler is giving ours a bath. from KidsAreFuckingStupid

8. That kid is going to rule the world.

And also always win at games.

Found while walking dog from KidsAreFuckingStupid

7. Now is the time to confess, I suppose.

That was the only option then, I suppose.

6. That makes me laugh, but it is really dumb.

I’m going to have to remember that for a book one day.

Photo Credit: Me.Me

5. I want an updated picture of them doing the same thing.

Also, someone call CPS for adults.

4. 100% applaud her letting him do it.

And somehow managing to not explain herself at every house.

3. I’m pretty sure this is how comedians are born.

The good ones, anyway.

2. This definitely qualifies as adorably clueless.

Best friends never outgrow each other.

1. That kid is not going to be the class rebel.

But he is going to be a responsible pet owner, so there’s that.

This is just the kind of content I need in my life right now.

Which was your favorite kid?

If they were yours would you laugh or disown them? Both? Tell us in the comments!

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