15 Times Grownups Got Completely Roasted by Kids

Are little kids really adorable or are they just expert roasters laying in wait for their next victim?

Well, who’s to say, but these little monsters delivered some third-degree burns and roasted these adults TO A CRISP.

Here are 15 times every grownup died inside just a little bit.

1. That hurts

2. Not so fast…

3. Hahahaha

4. They’re paying attention

5. Thanks a lot

6. All this

7. Not looking for that

8. Not cool

9. Yummy!

10. Game Over

11. Maybe?

12. LOL

13. Zing!

14. Tell no one

15. Harsh!

Game. Set. Match. –> Children.

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These Moms and Dads Won’t Be Winning ‘Parent of the Year’ Anytime Soon

You try to do your best for those little monsters but sometimes you just gotta do YOU. But parenting is a tough gig, right?

None of these folks are in the running for ‘Parent of the Year’ and if these look familiar, you probably aren’t either.

1. Might’ve overdone it

2. Do what you gotta do

3. Earmuffs

4. When you’re in jail…


6. Major headache

7. Not cool

8. Might want to listen in

9. That’s why

10. Which one is worse?

11. Ugh

12. Pray they don’t notice

13. Sure…

14. It’s over

15. Flip ’em the bird

Maybe shoot for 2020 ‘Parent of the Year’?

Something to strive for…

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Kids Cry After Theater Plays a Horror Film Instead of “Detective Pikachu”

Uh oh. This does not sound good.

It all started out simply enough.

A guy went to go see Detective Pikachu because it’s 2019 and we can watch what we want. We’re adults!

But then, the trailers weren’t exactly lining up with the adorable kids movie to follow…

Not at all..

No no no… this isn’t good…

And, guess what? Somebody seriously screwed up.

Because La Llorona is a legit scary horror film.

I mean, just look at this footage!


But somebody must have finally told somebody, because…

And all is right with the world.

Kind of.


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Fourth-Grader with Autism Gives a Truly Incredible Explanation of His Condition to His Class

A fourth-grader with autism explained what his condition is really like to his entire class, and the depth and clarity of his words have since gone viral.

Rumari, who is on the autism spectrum, is a student in Lisa Moe’s fourth-grade class in Chino Valley, California. Since May is Autism Awareness month, Rumari raised his hand one day during an awareness exercise and asked for permission to say something.

Ms. Moe agreed, so Rumari got up in front of the room, and he began to speak.

“For a really long time, you guys had not known I had autism,” Rumari said. “So you guys thought I was weird doing this,” and he demonstrated the “stimming” behavior of hitting his hand as it rested against his face. He does it when he wants to feel better, he explained, and other kids might want to try it too.

Rumari also shared that it’s important to make kids with autism “feel like a somebody.” He pointed out that other kids may sometimes think he was weird because of how he talks or his stimming behavior, but they shouldn’t judge.

The entire class silently listened to Rumari as he shared. Meanwhile, Ms. Moe had begun filming once she realized that something “beautiful” was happening in her classroom.

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🧩 Today, a beautiful thing occurred within my classroom. My two most important mottos and lessons I stress every single day with my students is to “Be Kind” and to believe in one’s self through the growth mindset of “Yes I Can”. • • It is #AutismAwareness Month and every classroom on campus has been asked to have each student decorate a paper puzzle piece and hang it on our classroom doors. When I handed out the puzzle pieces, most students were familiar with the idea of Autism and aware of the cause of decorating the puzzle pieces. What my students did not know is that Autism is present within our classroom with one of our fellow classmates, Rumari. With excitement, Rumari rose his hand and said “May I please say something?” I nodded and said “of course”, but never could I have imagined what was to follow. • • Rumari has faced challenges and barriers beyond what any of us will ever be able to fully understand. But today, Rumari stood in front of the classroom with full confidence, enthusiasm, and courage and showed us that there is no challenge or barrier that can stop him. He brought to life the meaning of “Yes I Can” as he explained to his fellow classmates that he was autistic. With full knowledge, he explained the differences that may come when being autistic and how the spectrum is vast. He courageously spoke about his own differences and quirks, while defining what it means to make everyone feel like a someone. • • My other students and I sat quietly and listened, completely engulfed in every word he spoke to us. Because of this, it took me a bit before realizing I needed to capture this moment. Without any of the students knowing, I hit record and captured the final moments of Rumari speaking to us and the raw, authentic reactions of the rest of my students. It is then, that I lost my ability to hold back the tears. It is then, that the daily lessons to “Be Kind” and to remember “Yes I Can” were brought together. • • If I were unable to ever teach again or if there was ever a question to my path into this role as an educator, this moment solidified my purpose. With permission from Rumari’s parents, I wanted to share with you this moment:

A post shared by Lisa Moe (@missmoeteaches) on

After Rumari was done, kids began raising their hands – but not to ask Rumari questions about autism. Instead, they began praising him. One asked if she could give Rumari a hug.

The moment meant so much to Ms. Moe that she posted the video onto Instagram, with Rumari’s parents’ permission. That video has now gone viral.

“If I were unable to ever teach again or if there was ever a question to my path into this role as an educator, this moment solidified my purpose,” Ms. Moe wrote.

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21 Things Parents Found While Snooping on Their Kids That They Can’t Unsee

As a parent, a significant amount of your time is spent wondering what kind of trouble your kids might be getting into behind your back. Obviously, they’re not about to tell you, so what do you do?

Respect their privacy and hope you raised them well enough to make good choices?

HELL NAW! You start swiping through their phone and computer to see what you can find… until you discover something you can’t unsee, like these 21 parents did.

1. Coincidence? I think not!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Yeah, you’re not grounded forever. But it’ll seem like forever!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Oh boy…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, you dead!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Well, at least she knows now… right?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Finally! A good one!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Actually, that’s legit good advice. Analog is untraceable! Heh

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Well, you’ll always be. But you’re also a human being.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Overreact much… mom?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. At least they’re GIFs!  😂 🤣

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. “Get my name out of your phone!”

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Maybe that can be a good thing?

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Hey, it’s Where Stories Live™

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Let me guess… your dad?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Yeah, that’ll work out… sure…

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Oh shit. That SUCKS!

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Indeed!

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Yes, you’re the only one… heh…

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. OMFG! Your life is over! jk

Photo Credit: Whisper

20. Yeah, you should be in charge of revealing that info.

Photo Credit: Whisper

21. Jeez… why do parents do this?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Seriously, all you parents need to stop going through your kids phone UNLESS you have clearly communicated to them beforehand that’s how it goes. If you’re just randomly peeking into their private life, that is wrong, wrong, wrong.

The end.

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10 Life Lessons Gained by Wasting Your Childhood Playing “The Sims”

If you’re like me, you could have been a millionaire if you spent as much time learning about finance as you did playing “The Sims” growing up.

I guess we’re all not millionaires then, yeah? Anybody?

But we did learn some completely useless things about life, so here they are…

Your life isn’t complete until Drew Carey crashes your party…

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

House look like hot garbage? Who cares… as long as that bed is hot AF!

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

You’re so lazy that you’ll just pee on the floor.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

How many personality traits do you really need? Five. Just five.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Newspapers just take up WAY too much space…

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Nobody knows what to do when fire breaks out.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Friendship is hard.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Life has no maybes. It’s now or never.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Remember that kid you had who started getting bad grades and then they were shipped off to a military school, never to be seen again? Yeah, me neither…

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Clowns can just randomly move in to your house and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

Photo Credit: EA/The Sims

Okay, now go study some finance and get rich. Enough Sims already!

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10+ Hilarious Memes That Every Parent Can Relate To

If you’re a parent, or even if you’re not, these memes are relatable AF.

Still, this is for all the parents out there, who tirelessly put up with their kids’ bullshit.

You have our respect.

1. Good life rules…

Photo Credit: Someecards

2. OMFG… you’re going to kill us all…

Photo Credit: Someecards

3. Oh? Yes? What? Who?

Photo Credit: Someecards

4. Come on kid! You need to alert me to these things!

Photo Credit: Someecards

5. Why not?

Photo Credit: Someecards

6. Truer words…

Photo Credit: Someecards

7. Oh realllllllyyyyyyy….

Photo Credit: Someecards

8. They love it.

Photo Credit: Someecards

9. They. Don’t. Care.

Photo Credit: Someecards

10. I’m not frazzled. Who’s frazzled? Not me!

Photo Credit: Someecards

11. Pretty much!

Photo Credit: Someecards

12. Child of the year!

Photo Credit: Someecards

13. See! I’m perfect too!

Photo Credit: Someecards

You know what’s fun? Sharing posts with your mommy and daddy friends.

Because what’s nicer than being tagged in a funny meme?

Answer: nothing.

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Mom Films Herself at Night to Show What Sleeping with Babies Is Like for Parents

Parents: you know the drill – you’re not gonna get a whole lot of sleep. Or any at all. For a long time. And that’s just part of the gig.

To make that point obvious for any disbelievers out there, a mom named Melanie Darnell decided to film herself and her kids sleeping over one night, and parents around the world said, “Amen.” The time-lapse video of the evening went viral in a big way because it’s just so darn relatable.

Darnell originally started off sleeping solo but later brought her baby into the room. The baby wiggles around…and neither of them sleep as a result.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Photo Credit: YouTube

Then, adding to the fun, Darnell’s other child decides to join the party – so now there are three people in the bed, none of whom are sleeping.

Photo Credit: YouTube

At 1:30 a.m., the baby finally falls asleep and Darnell takes the other child back to their room.

Photo Credit: YouTube

But the baby wakes up again. Also, the baby decides to play with mom’s hair.

Photo Credit: YouTube

And the baby wakes up again at 6:20 a.m.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Let’s just call it a rough night all around.

Here’s the whole video. Does this look familiar, all you parents out there?

Let’s give it up for all the moms and dads out there who are running on little or no sleep for months at a time. We salute you!

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10 Who Kids Spied On Their Parents and Got More Than They Bargained For

I have no idea why anybody would ever want to spy on their parents, but these folks apparently did and got exactly what was coming to them: way too much information.

Now, this doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. Some of these stories are actually really nice. But some of these stories… wow.

Here we go!

1. Well, you asked for it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Wow, mom. Why tho?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Now you won’t be surprised! But maybe that’s okay?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, I guess you all have that going for you.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Ummm, cool story.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Are you sure your dad is your dad?

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Okay, legit cute.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Okay, this is legit good news.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Like mother, like daughter…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. And?!?!?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Note to self: never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever spy on either one of my parents.

My siblings on the other hand…

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15 Reasons Not To Give Your Kids a Phone

I swear, kids these days are practically born with a phone in their hands. I remember I didn’t get my first phone until well into my teens!

Luckily, things can end up getting pretty funny when you give kids phones.

1. It never gets old.

Photo Credit: Instagram: kimholcomb

2. Kids never change.

3. Gotcha.

Photo Credit: Instagram: mrsturnbow1

4. We teach our kids to be honest…

5. Lol.

Photo Credit: Instagram: shutupmoose

6. At least they’re practicing creative writing.

7. What would this parent have done without that vital information?

Photo Credit: Instagram: mbflatau

8. At least she didn’t Tweet it.

Photo Credit: Instagram: kmahvan

9. Yeah… but what’s for dinner?

Photo Credit: Instagram: mrs.cavanna

10. That’s against the rules.

Photo Credit: Instagram: ecfroman

11. “I said only text in case of emergency.”

Photo Credit: Instagram: justanitra

12. That was quick.

Photo Credit: Instagram: raeonix

13. Hang in there…

Photo Credit: Instagram: mkb1119

14. You’re dream-grounded.

Photo Credit: Instagram: birdflurn

15. Poop always comes before chores.

Photo Credit: Instagram: vonniematthews

Yup. I’m convinced!

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