People Share the Most Empowering Things About Their Jobs

Having a job that you enjoy and that EMPOWERS you is pretty incredible. And, if we’re being honest, those kinds of jobs are also pretty hard to find.

But they do exist, so don’t give up hope if you’re looking for a new gig.

It’s also nice to hear from people who are in those kinds of jobs so you can be inspired by their experiences and keep pushing for the best that you can be.

And hey, you never know: maybe you can change the culture at your own company over the course of time…

Enjoy these tweets about people talking about the empowering things they enjoy about their job.

1. I love this.

All about amplifying voices.

2. All the way.

It’s what public health is about.

3. Women in STEM.

Brilliant minds.

4. Show ’em how it’s done.

Keep up the great work!

5. Doing great work.

Helping minds.

6. Be there for them.

Getting through all the challenges.

7. Impact through art.

I love this one.

8. Research is crucial!

Working towards answers.

9. Stories are so important.

Keep them coming!

10. Feeding people.

And it’s affordable, which is nice.

11. Purpose and direction.

It’s essential work.

12. A good balance.

Works for some people, for sure.

Now we’d like to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us what you love about your job.

We can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

The post People Share the Most Empowering Things About Their Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.

This Hilarious Insta Account Imagines Nightmare Products That Nobody Wants

Y’all ready for this?

“Stuff you shouldn’t buy, even if you could…”

That’s the tagline for a hilarious Instagram account called Worst Buy that imagines fake, horrible products that you wouldn’t want to buy even if they were available.

And we think some of these made-up products will have you screaming “my eyessssss” because they are so bad. Ugh. These are definitely no bueno…

Let’s take a look and have some laughs at these totally ridiculous products.

1. I can’t wait to try it!

Wait…on second thought…

2. Very yucky stuff.

Your kids will NOT be into this.

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Good morning y’all ?? (@erixworxmemes)

A post shared by Worst Buy ( on

3. I’d take this right about now.

I think you might, too…

4. Looks good to me!

I do love olives…

5. This could be a million-dollar idea.

Don’t give up on this one!

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Cheers I’ll drink to that bro ? (@boxofchowder)

A post shared by Worst Buy ( on

6. Wayne Campbell for the win!

Please tell me that you get the reference…

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Schwing! ? ? (Facebook: Richie Day)

A post shared by Worst Buy ( on

7. The breakfast of champions.

Start your day off on the right foot.

8. You need this in your life.

And so do I!–VDNfW/

9. Just slide your foot right in.

It feels wonderful!

10. A lot of people seem to be doing this anyway…

Ugh…come on, people.

11. Be careful with your teeth!

I’m just sayin’…

12. This will not be a big seller.

Parents are not into it.

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Where were these when i was a kid? ? (@deathbytoys)

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13. Might as well start them early.

We still might be working from home by the time they’re our age…

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Will to live not included ? (@adam.the.creator)

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14. What a letdown!

Don’t you hate it when that happens?

I really don’t think I need any of those in my life…

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us which one these is your favorite.


The post This Hilarious Insta Account Imagines Nightmare Products That Nobody Wants appeared first on UberFacts.

A Psycho Boss Turned Against a Productive Employee and It Didn’t Turn Out Well

You just can’t win with some employers.

We’ve all had bosses who we thought were happy with us, but out of nowhere, showed us they weren’t and that we were expendable after all.

This Redditor tells the tale of an employer who did just this. She accepted a high-ranking position with a company, and her main priorities were cleaning up the last person’s mess. She excelled at what she did.

Photo Credit: Reddit

She worked hard, and her boss seemed like a friendly, supportive person with excellent management skills.

Photo Credit: Reddit

However, he did have a temper, which she was aware of, but, as he only seemed to express it to others, their relationship remained fine. By the time her year-end review came around, she felt she deserved more money as she brought money into the company.

Photo Credit: Reddit

One day, she made a small mistake. It was a simple error, but his reaction to it was so overblown that she quit on the spot. He decided to fire her at the same moment.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The employee lives in a country that is bound by different labor laws than the U.S. In the end, her boss had to follow them. Meanwhile, the employee has had job offers left and right—if the company doesn’t act on hiring a new person as she is the only one in her department, it just won’t exist.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Some readers wished her well at her new job.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Others also shared their stories of terrible bosses.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The lesson? It pays to keep your temper in check!

Have you ever worked for someone who had anger management issues? Let us know in the comments below!

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A Company Wanted to Keep Worker’s Invention After Firing Him, So He Got Sweet Revenge

Some companies really don’t appreciate their staffers…even though they like what they have to offer.

Take, for example, the story of this Redditor. He designed a program to help a company he worked for to run its manufacturing more effectively. The company didn’t pay him for it but allowed him to tweak it on the factory floor and use it in real-life scenarios.

Photo Credit: Reddit

You would think that, if it worked well the person who invented it would be promoted, or the company would buy the invention outright.

Well, neither thing happened—he was let go of instead.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The worker was willing to sell the company the program and help them to configure the source code to meet their needs and said as much in his exit interview, but the owners had other ideas.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The company ended up paying for that decision dearly and asked him to come back to fix the program.

As he walked through the factory, he noticed something.

Photo Credit: Reddit

After about a month, the company was desperate to make a deal, but he had already moved on to a better job where his system is being utilized once again by people who appreciate it and him.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This is another lesson in karma—how you treat someone who’s working for you can make all the difference in the world when that relationship is over.

Readers shared their own experiences.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And contracts can be a very pesky thing for employees…

Photo Credit: Reddit

But employees can be a pesky thing too… because once they’re gone…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this got people thinking…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Others appreciated the karmic retribution.

Photo Credit: Reddit

But note to self… create paper trails…

Photo Credit: Reddit

We don’t think it would have hurt this company to acknowledge what this person brought to the table, and the owners would have spent less energy doing the right thing!

Have you ever been treated terribly in a job, and if so, what was the outcome?

Let us know in the comments below!

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People Share Their Thoughts About a Four-Day Work Week

I know what I think about this possibility…I love it!

Now, I don’t have a 9-5 job anymore like I did in the past, but if I did, I’d be all about working ten hours a day for four days a week instead of the standard five.

Three-day weekend EVERY WEEK? Booyah!

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say about the prospect of a four-day work week.

1. Extra time.

“Working a 5 day work week just makes life seem so much more pointless.

By the time I get the other things I need to do (grocery shopping, appointments, etc.) done, its Sunday night.

A 4 day work week might give me time to play the piano I bought to combat depression.”

2. They love it.

“My company switched to 4 10 hour days. We are diesel technicians and work 7-5:30. Half of us work Monday through Thursday and the other half work Tuesday through Friday.

We have did this for over two years and we all love it. It is so nice to have a three day weekend every week. Another thing about it that is nice is if you doctors appointment or something I can make it on a Monday and don’t have to miss any work.

Plus I forgot to mention having a two month this helps out a ton. More time for me to be with my wife and daughter. And if there is a lot to do I can just come in on Monday and boom 10 hours of overtime.”

3. Much better.

“Life would be that much better.

I would have somewhere around 50 extra days a year to do all the yardwork and home projects that I don’t want to spend all weekend doing.”

4. Not as great as you think…

“It’s great, don’t get me wrong, but if you have to work the full 40, it’s not as great as you might think. An extra 2 hours a day doesn’t sound like much, but it takes a while getting used to.

Especially when you are drained, and you still have a few hours left. On top of that, if you have a family and you got off at 5, now you’re getting off at 7. So if you have small children, that gives you roughly an hour with them a day before they go to bed, which has been a deal breaker for some coworkers in the past.

If you instead go in earlier, you now can’t be the one to take the kids to school. You miss out on after school sporting events. On top of that, you’re just generally more drained from going 120% for four days in a row.

I still think it’s worth it. But not by much.”

5. Gladly take it.

“I would gladly work 4 ten hour days to have an extra day off.

2 day weekends are too short. They’re gone just as soon as you start to feel comfortable.”

6. A big fan.

“I work 4 10s a week instead of the usual 8 5s and I f*cking love it.

2 extra hours each shift is easily worth the 3 day weekend.

Feel like I actually get a break from work each week.”

7. A good idea.

“Think it makes sense.

All the evidence suggests it works, and the welfare benefits would be enormous.”

8. Game changer.

“My BF works 4 10s and it’s a total game changer.

It’s adjusted his schedule so he wakes up at earlier hours on his days off, which gives him more day in his day, on top of already having an extra one.

I’m self-employed and I try to have all my work done by Friday’s, so we usually get 3 day weekends together, which also makes taking short trips easier without missing any work.

It also opens up a weekday for him to do certain things that have more limited hours on weekends like appointments and whatnot.”

9. Might be a good idea.

“Given that we now have more people in the workforce and supposedly more “productivity” because of automation, we ought to be dropping down to 32 hour weeks to compensate for the changes in our household structures.”

10. Not much difference.

“I think it’s less about 4 day work weeks, but more about work life balance.

For people that’s already working more than 10hrs day or no-pay overtimes or working during holidays, working 4 days week means very little.”

11. Energy saver.

“In terms of climate change it’d be about 20% less CO2 emissions from commuters which is nice.

Not just commuting, but running a workplace. Industrial jobs are the most obvious, but even an office building full of computers, lights, climate control, etc uses a lot of energy.”

12. Keep the hours the same.

“As long as it is 4 – 8 hour days with no change in pay.

I can get the same amount of work done in 32 hours as I get done in 40.”

13. All good things.

“I would do some or all of the following:

Cook more

Play more competitive video games

Join a band

Play dodgeball

Go to the doctor/dentist once in a while

Travel out of state more often.”

14. Wouldn’t work for everyone.

“It wouldn’t work for me.

I work at an animal hospital, open 7 days a week, and there’s not enough of us to go around. And the company would never hire enough people to cover for a four day work week.”

How about you?

What do you think about a 4-day work week?

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post People Share Their Thoughts About a Four-Day Work Week appeared first on UberFacts.

Great Facts That We Think Will Impress You

It can be hard to sort through the endless information out there on social media and the Internet.

Where’s the good stuff? The interesting stuff? Heck, where’s the REAL stuff?

Well, look no further, because we consistently bring you great fact sets that will pique your curiosity and, most importantly, IMPRESS YOU.

Hey, it’s what we do!

Here are 10 more facts that we know will impress you.

Enjoy and feel free to share these with your friends and family!

1. That’s pretty wild!

All from the “mother tree”.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. I think we might need to bring these back…

For kids and adults! We all need to lose weight!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. Keep this in mind.

A lot of psychos out there.

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4. She ruled as a king.

What a life story.

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5. More than friends?

It sure seems like it…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Yikes. That looks horrible.

No wood in there.

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7. Which type are you?

I think I might be the Hemingway.

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8. Watch it in slow-motion.

It’s always fun!

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9. The Sea Peoples.

Who were they?

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10. The Angel’s Glow.

It saved their lives.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Now we want to hear from you!

Have you seen anything online lately that has really impressed you?

Facts? Stories? Charts? Great photos?

Please share them with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Great Facts That We Think Will Impress You appeared first on UberFacts.

10 Interesting Facts for You to Enjoy Today

We all need a break…a FACT break, that is!

And we think we have some damn good ones lined up for you to look at that will make you think about the world in a new and interesting way.

Hey, it’s what we do…and we LOVE doing it!

So dive into this set of facts and feel free to share it with your family and friends.


1. That is horrifying.

Can you imagine these creatures roaming around?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. A true story.

And a tragic one.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. That should get them to talk.

Let’s start from the beginning…

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4. That’s kind of crazy to think about.

Did you know about this?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Mayday! Mayday!

Make sure you use it the correct way.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Women are survivors.

And they always have been.

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7. I wish they lived to be 80…

But, such is life…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. I love this idea!

Let’s bring it over here!

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9. Stop and smell the roses.

It’s good for you.

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10. And they never forgot this…

They’re still kind of worshipped, aren’t they?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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How about you?

Have you seen any facts or interesting stories lately that have really caught your eye?

Share them with us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post 10 Interesting Facts for You to Enjoy Today appeared first on UberFacts.

Fascinating Facts That’ll Make You Think

Ready to put your thinking cap on?

I know I sure am!

In that case, we’re happy to present you with another set of great facts that will stimulate your brain and make you ponder all kinds of facets of life.

What else could you ask for, really?!?!

Are you ready to get your learnin’ on?

Let’s do it together!

1. Let’s see how rich you are…

Let me see your pineapple, sir.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. It happens to even the most famous people.

All throughout history…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. This makes a lot of sense.

Kids need their fathers.

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4. Monkeys using money.

They’re pretty sharp, aren’t they?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Well, that’s a relief.

Forgetfulness is okay!

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6. Mind your business.

He was a smart man.

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7. This guy! Right here!

I’m very thankful for this invention.

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8. Is this obscene?

No, but this is hilarious.

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9. I did not know that!

Very interesting stuff!

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10. An offer he couldn’t refuse.

That sounds like a very loud cat!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Now we want to hear from you.

Have you seen any really interesting facts or articles lately?

If so, please share them with us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post Fascinating Facts That’ll Make You Think appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Loopholes They Discovered and Exploited

You never know when you might find a loophole.

It could be at your job, somewhere out in the business world, or maybe something completely random that you happen upon by accident.

But when people actually DO find loopholes…look out, because they’re gonna use ’em!

Here are some pretty interesting stories from AskReddit users about the loopholes they found AND used to their advantage.

1. Wow.

“Microsoft used to have (still might for all I know) online training for videogame retailers in order to train store employees on current and upcoming products that they could sell.

The training gave points for each video and knowledge quiz you took, which could be exchanged for free games, computer hardware, store gift cards, etc.

By signing in under a random Gamestop store ID number (which was posted online), skipping the video, and brute forcing the knowledge quiz, was able to rack up a whole bunch of points and get several XBox games and simple computer hardware for essentially nothing.

Never worked a day of retail in my life.”

2. A big glitch.

“The soda machine at a dorm I lived in had a weird glitch. If you put in five cents more than the asking price and pushed the product select button, the machine would empty all of its change out at once.

We did this a few times and got $20-40 each time!”

3. Raking it in.

“1 Credit Card point for every dollar spent.

But up to 5X for every dollar spent abroad.

I’ve been on a 6 year “holiday” abroad and they haven’t brought it up.”

4. Smart move.

“I was visiting a hospital on a daily basis for many weeks ( premature twin babies) but they didn’t do multi-use discounts. “There’s the hours you were here – pay up” type of thing. And it was costing something like £5 – £10 per day

Until a few days in I realized that the hospital had only recently appointed the car parking company and they haven’t yet installed the “arrival time” machine at the car park entrance but had only put a temporary machine in the Hospital lobby . . . . which you were meant to use on your arrival.

And from that day on I got my “arrival time” ticket when I was leaving and only paid minimum stay.”

5. Never-ending pizza.

“This pizza place local to us had a glitch in their online ordering service for a while. You could technically combine 2 deals of 50% off. One was 50% off for any XL pizza of an order that was normally $30 or more, and the other was 50% off on a XL Pizza, with two 2-liter drinks, wings, and cheese fries at regular price.

If you put both of these coupons in, you only paid for the wings, cheese fries and pop which would be about $18. With delivery charge + tax it would be about $25. Plus 2 Extra Large Pizzas for literally free.

Normally this would be $70+. Any other coupon you could not combine, but this one worked together for some reason. For some other reason it would mark 50% off 2x on each pizza.

We discovered this when we were ordering food the day we moved in. Feeding our friends that helped us move in. We thought it was a 1-time thing. Tried it a few weeks later and it worked. We did this at least once a month for the year or so we lived there.

We always gave the driver a $10-$20 tip and he knew what we were up to. The place never said anything about it for years. Eventually they updated their site a couple years ago, and we had moved out by then.”

6. Hey, that’s pretty good!

“Had intermittent anemia in college that I was trying to improve. But the blood work was about $100 each time.

I started donating blood and if I was too low they’d turn me away and I’d keep trying to up my iron. If I was high enough, I got to donate to a good cause.

Win win!”

7. Extra cash.

“Opened an Amex credit card and the introductory offer was 10% cash back in restaurants for the first year.

I worked for a sh*tty chain restaurant as a server, so I would just stack a few of my large cash tables and put them on my card, then pay it off every week.

Made an extra $20-$30 a shift.”

8. Free burritos!

“There was a summer where I got free chipotle all the time. I had a gift card that had like 2 dollars left on it. I hadn’t updated the app yet so it still had the “use my gift card and pay the rest in store”.

However either the computer at the store said I already paid the full amount ahead of time or I always came in during a time that they were swamped so no one ever asked me to pay.

They also never charged my gift card. I got away with it until the app made me update it.”

9. Playing the system.

“Coming to school 3 hours late.

I found out that as long as you have a parent’s note, you could come in late unlimited times. The only restriction is that after 15 days missed for a class, you’d fail it.

So, at the beginning of the year I pressured my guidance counselor to move my two study periods to period 1/2 and a blowoff class (which I didn’t need the credit for) to period 3.

Came to school at 10-10:30am every day my senior year opposed to 7am. Extra 3 hours of sleep, bringing fast food into lunch, and avoiding the hectic metal detectors made it well worth.

Props to my grandma for writing 140 late notes for me at the start of the year. That my friends, is how you play the system.”

10. That’s a lot of tea.

“The Starbucks subsidiary Teavana (now out of business) would let you use your Starbucks rewards (“stars” or whatever they’re called) to get loose tea by the ounce.

However, there was an error in their point-of-sale system that only deducted 1 reward point, no matter how many you spent in a given transaction.

My wife and I spent 32 rewards on a couple pounds of the most expensive loose tea they had. She checked her rewards balance the next day, and holy sh*t, she still had 31 reward points left.

So we drove to a different Teavana and got a bunch of loose tea from them, and then another, and then another. We were in Los Angeles, so there were a lot of Teavanas within driving distance.

At retail price, we took a thousand bucks or so of free tea off their hands before the loophole was closed.”

11. School uniforms.

“My school had uniforms, it was kinda strict with those… but nowhere in the rules it stated that girls should wear the female uniform and boys the male uniform.

Sooooooo, I bought the male one and wore it. A lot of teachers wanted to give me detention, but when I went over the school rule book and sh*t, they had to stay steaming mad because I was not breaking any rules.

They assumed it was implied, but the only think stated was that the uniform was to be worn properly, be clean and fit well, but that’s it.

By the time I graduated, a lot of students were doing about the same sh*t I was.

That rule changed shortly after my generation went off to university. sorry kiddos, maybe you will find new loopholes to give the inspector an aneurism.”

12. Life hack.

“The Mc Cheapy.

McFlurries were like 4 bucks. All it is is ice cream in a cup with some shots of topping. They don’t even mix it.

So we asked for a soft serve, 30c, two shots of toppings, $1, a cup and a spoon (free).”

13. No permit needed.

“Not me, but my dad.

He was building a deck on their house. If the deck attaches to the house, you need a permit to build one in our city, since it’s considered an addition/improvement. If the deck doesn’t attach to the house, it’s a free-standing structure, and you don’t need a permit.

So he built the deck right up against the house, but it doesn’t actually attach to the house, so he didn’t need a permit.

All he had to do was add a few extra posts under the side of the deck nearest the house.”

14. Free refills.

“Years ago, Burger King sold mugs that you could refill for free any time at all. With soda or even shakes.

My friends and I would bring a single mug, go in and get a chocolate shake, go back to the car to move the contents to another mug, go back in and repeat until all of us got free chocolate shakes.

We did this regularly for about two years of high school.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about the various loopholes that you’ve discovered and exploited.

Please and thank you!

The post People Talk About Loopholes They Discovered and Exploited appeared first on UberFacts.