Here are Some Jokes for the Book Lovers in the House

I’m a book person, and I don’t discriminate in this modern age, either. You can read ebook, listen to audiobook, or read the old fashioned way; it doesn’t matter, only the fact that you love stories does.

If that describes you, well, these 12 jokes are going to be right up your alley.

12. He’s definitely going to get the girl.

11. That’s one sad state of affairs.

10. Any idea where we can get these?

9. IE: not my type.

8. I would second this.

7. No way would that ruin your life.

6. My eyes are leaking.

5. This is what books have taught us.

4. I’m not sure that’s what they had planned.

3. Sometimes you just have a good feeling, I guess.

2. Poor Filch got no respect.

1. Welcome to the future.

I’m off to finish my very first Toni Morrison novel right now, actually – and I promise to at least try not to be too pretentious about it afterward.

What’s your favorite book to tell people to read?

Share it with us in the comments!

The post Here are Some Jokes for the Book Lovers in the House appeared first on UberFacts.

14 Tweets for All You Book Lovers Out There

Book people are the greatest!

They’re also my people, which is why I’m so excited about sharing this list of funny, insightful, pithy tweets about our very favorite things.

Book people are also also hilarious, as is evidenced below – so get ready for a big ol’ grin that just won’t quit.

14. I feel like this would definitely get you an A.

13. She knew it was coming.

12. I’m pretty sure this is historically accurate.

11. Seriously what was wrong with him?

10. I just groaned and snorted at the same time.

9. Strictly speaking there’s nothing wrong with old books though.

8. I want to say YTA, but…

7. Some of us have made real accomplishments in this life.

6. Cathy Catherine Cath Linton Heathcliff.

5. Publishing, man. It never changes.

4. And we’ve all chosen Harry Potter, clearly.

3. Why am I not surprised?

2. They’re not hard to find.

1. No way this dude had friends.

I love each and every one of these, and also think I need to step up my Twitter game!

Which was your favorite? Share with us in the comments – and tell us what your favorite book-related account is while you’re at it!

The post 14 Tweets for All You Book Lovers Out There appeared first on UberFacts.