People Admit the Reasons Why They’re Single

Being married is wonderful and all, but as my happily single friends are quick to point out, remaining single can have its merits too.

A lot of the time, singletons seem to get a bad rap, as society sits around waiting for them to follow the socially expected path of getting married, having children, the end.

Comedian Jimmy Fallon recently leaned into this trope of teasing single folks, when he tweeted:

Fallon started off the game, by tweeting about a friend of his who was single.

Frankly, I don’t see anything to make fun of. We should all be more like Kevin.

Some people did see a little humor in the question, sharing their little idiosyncrasies that they were fine with, but that might discourage a long-term relationship.

Like secret and not-so-secret obsessions:

Be they real people or simply characters:

Sometimes your foibles are things you can help, and sometimes not.

There was also the weighted blanket crowd, which… yeah. Waited blankets are amazing.

A number of people seemed to agree with this person’s food habits, so maybe he just needs to find a partner on Twitter.

And this one, for me, raised so many questions:

Are they single because they couldn’t find a partner who could tolerate the 3AM parties?

Or are they single because they don’t want anyone to be bothered by their 3AM parties?

The world may never know 🤔

Some people made jokes about online dating apps:

Even companies like Kraft got in on the joke:

Other users got all too real.

There was this person, who honestly just really loves their dogs:

Apparently it’s not uncommon for pets to come between partners:

Pretty typically, the cat lady got a few laughs.

Why is it acceptable to talk to your dog, but strange to talk to your cat?

And this person, who has political priorities, can’t be bothered:

But a number of the responses showed that young people today aren’t really buying it anymore.

It’s not funny or a flaw, it’s just a fact.

Knowing what will make you happy is a good thing.

Not having to share can also be a bonus.

Honestly, some people choose to be single and some people don’t, but for the most part you just are until you aren’t, whether you’re looking or trying too hard or not.

Did we leave out any good ones? Tell us in the comments.

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Funny Memes About Being Single

If you’re single, you know it has its pros and cons.

First, the pros: no one tells you what to do, you don’t have to answer to anyone ever, and you can eat pizza every single night if you want to.

Now, the cons: soul-crushing depression and loneliness, no sense of accomplishment, and you don’t get to split half of the bills with someone.

It’s a real toss-up, huh? I know where I stand…

Forget about all that for now and let’s enjoy these funny memes about single!

1. Sure I do!

Just of a different variety…

Photo Credit: someecards

2. That was fast.

They won’t try that one again.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. That’s not happening.

Did they learn a lesson?

Photo Credit: someecards

4. It’s much easier to just give advice.

The actual relationship part? A little bit harder.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. No, another one.

Sorry, pal…

Photo Credit: someecards

6. I’ll be over here drinking a beer.

Always the seventh wheel.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Not a great idea.

It won’t end well…trust me…

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Hey, this isn’t bad.

I can get used to this!

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Didn’t go as planned.

But that’s okay!

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Might be here for a while…

Maybe even decades…

Photo Credit: someecards

11. This is the life!

And here is my Bill of Rights.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. I don’t actually play the game.

But I can dish it out with the best of ’em!

Photo Credit: someecards

Hahahaha. Those are pretty hilarious, if I do say so myself.

Now we want to hear from you.

If you’re single, talk to us in the comments and tell us you’re happy about it or if you’re looking for a partner in crime.

We’d love to hear from you.

The post Funny Memes About Being Single appeared first on UberFacts.

If You’re Single, These Funny Posts Should Look Familiar

Being single can be pretty lonely and sad on occasion, but look at it this way: think about all the poor folks who shacked up RIGHT BEFORE the worldwide lockdown and who now can’t stand each other and think they made the biggest mistake of their lives.

I’m doing just fine by myself on my couch, thank you very much…

Oh, also, I spend a big chunk of my free time crying on that couch…

Are you ready to laugh at some hilarious posts about being single?

Let’s get started!

1. The good stuff!

All you can eat!

2. Those days are over.

And they’re never coming back!

3. Yeah, pretty much.

It’s a sad state of affairs out there…

4. Yes! I love it!

Use all the pillows you need, buddy.

5. Time to run away!

It was fun while it lasted, though.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. Pure and simple.

With no distractions.

7. This is actually brilliant.

Get this guy a job!

8. Need someone around to feel safe.

But then you get over it…

9. There you go.

Time to take care of #1.

10. Yeah, it’s pretty bad.

Just focus on yourself for now! You’ll be fine!

11. Sounds like quite a day.

Treat yourself!

I guess being single can be kind of a mixed bag. A lot of ups and downs…kind of sounds like being in a relationship…

What do you think? Is it good or bad?

Do you prefer to be single or to be paired up with someone?

Talk to us in the comments, we look forward to hearing from you.

The post If You’re Single, These Funny Posts Should Look Familiar appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Funny Jokes About Being Single and Ready to Mingle

Being single has its ups and downs.

And it also depends on what kind of person you are. Let’s just put it this way: being in a relationship consists of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

That’s why being single is the best! Sometimes…

Let’s take a look at some folks who are livin’ the single life.

1. Who won?

2. Make your move.

3. It’s not going well.

4. That’s a fun game, isn’t it?

5. A sad state of affairs.

6. All kinds of trash.

7. That was your topic of conversation?

8. Back away. Slowly.

9. You’ll be back on there in no time.

10. Seems like a good move.

11. That’s pretty much the only way to make it work.

12. Two sides of the coin.

13. Get away from me.

14. Imagine that…

15. What does touch feel like?

Are you single? Dating? Married?

Give us an update in the comments and let’s see who’s living their best lives!

The post 15 Funny Jokes About Being Single and Ready to Mingle appeared first on UberFacts.

20 Very Happy People Share Why Being Single Is Totally Worth It

This was the question on Reddit:

“Singles of Reddit, what do you like most about being single?”

And hey, being single does have its downsides, but these folks are having NONE of that. They love being single. And they have their reasons.

Let’s get it…

1. What if you slept in different beds…

“You don’t wake up because someone else is snoring.”

2. Can’t stop. Won’t stop.

“You know the feeling you get the first time you have your house to yourself?

It’s kinda like that — you get to do what you want, the way you want.”

3. Sleep is important ya’ll!

“Being able to sleep diagonally across my bed — so much space!”

4. Beat the heat

“I was single for almost all of my twenties. I miss setting the thermostat to whatever temperature I want.”

5. You couldn’t do this?!?

“Being able to go to the movies alone!”

6. Naturally…

“I can flirt with every cute person I meet — and there are MANY.”

7. So many reasons…

“Not having to share a bed.

Not having to share your food.

Your space. Your free time. Your time out with friends.

But best of all …

Not having to have unnecessarily long discussions on where to eat.”

8. Focusing on your own damn life…

“I enjoy not worrying about their success.

Life can be difficult, so supporting an S.O. while putting personal struggles on the back burner can be exhausting.”

9. Two very good reasons for long term happiness

“I save a fucking boatload of money and can do what I please.”

10. Yeah, texting is the worst.

“Not having to worry about texting someone back.”

11. Bonus!

“Everything in my car and apartment is exactly where it should be.”

12. Pfffftttttttt

“I can fart whenever. No guilt.”

13. Ladies… why the jealousy?

“The fact that I can just talk to my female friends and no one gets jealous or gets the wrong impression.”

14. People should be okay with needing space, anyway.

“That stuff can just happen.

If I want to change my entire weekend plans, bam — done. If I stumble upon a thing that happens and want to participate, boom — done.

If I don’t want to talk to anyone, ka-blam — done.”

15. Yeah, this kind of stuff isn’t fair at all.

“Not getting dragged into lame events with her family that essentially ruin my weekend.”

16. Literally you do not anymore. Yes.

“I don’t have to choose between hanging with my friends or my S.O.”

17. Laughter is the best medicine…

“I never have to laugh at unfunny memes found on Facebook, or explain why I’m laughing so hard at anything.”

18. Taking care of your own damn self for a change!

“I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.

I can spend money on myself with zero regard for what anyone else thinks.

I don’t have to factor anyone else into my plans or life decisions.”

19. Why do people move things?!?

“The fact that when you put something somewhere IT FUCKING STAYS THERE!!!”

20. Mobile AF!

“Being able to move to another city and state as I please for work or hobby-related purposes.”

Oddly enough… not a lot of mention of sex, though…

Just saying…

The post 20 Very Happy People Share Why Being Single Is Totally Worth It appeared first on UberFacts.