7 Fun Facts About Bees That Will Amaze You

Bees are among the most incredible creatures in the natural world. From their quirky behaviors to their surprising cognitive abilities, these buzzing insects are full of surprises. Here are seven fascinating facts about bees that will leave you in awe: 1. Bumblebees Are Legally Fish in California In a landmark 2022 decision, the California Supreme…

People Break Down The Most Random Animal Facts They Know

Did you know that the blue-and-yellow macaw can live between 65 and 70 years? To put it simply: it will likely outlive a bunch of you (including me). It can also talk and bond very closely with humans.

It’s a pretty striking and fascinating animal. They’re also pretty readily available. I ran into a woman in the park the other day who had one perched on her shoulder!

But guess what? That’s just one of the multitudes of animals on this planet, and each one is cooler than the last.

That’s what we were so kindly reminded about after Redditor SerialNarcissist asked the online community:

“What random animal fact should everyone know?”

“If you’re camping…”

“If you’re camping and you hear an animal moving around, it’s probably a skunk or a beaver or a porcupine. Bears, moose, and other large animals are surprisingly sneaky.” ~ TypicalCricket

“The ones who don’t make it…”

“A Tasmanian Devil gives birth to dozens of babies, however, the mother only has four nipples. So it’s a race for those babies to reach one of them. The ones who don’t make it are then eaten by the mother.” ~ downvotecitybitch

“Dragonfly nymphs…”

“Dragonfly nymphs are aquatic and can launch their lower jaw like a grappling hook. They use this for hunting other pond-dwelling creatures before they leave the water. Probably the most badass thing in nature for a set of wings.

“That said they have a ridiculous hunt success rate, somewhere above 90%, so you best watch out if you’re a fly just enjoying your day.” ~ TheMadMellom

“You can tell which one…”

“Elephants can be left tusked or right tusked, similar to how humans are right or left-handed. You can tell which one an elephant is by the shorter tusk, if it’s a short right tusk then they’re right tusked and vice versa.” ~ CubsFan30

“A drone bee dies…”

“A drone bee dies immediately after mating with a queen due to powerful ejaculation, causing his penis to eject from his abdomen. He dies having the best orgasm of his life.” ~ insideoutcollar

“If a male clownfish loses his partner…”

“If a male clownfish loses his partner, he will develop female reproductive parts and mate with his male offspring.” ~ [deleted]

“An owl’s eyes…”

“An owl’s eyes are so large that they are immobile, they never develop any muscles for moving their eyes inside their sockets. Instead, they move their entire head.” ~ i-throw-socks-at-a-cat

“Penguins have a gland…”

“Penguins have a gland behind their eye that converts salt water into freshwater.” ~ Ozymandias200

“Leave them alone.”

“A moose will kill you. Like… Leave it alone.”

“It will gore you. It will kick you. It will headbutt you until you’re just a shredded corpse hanging from its antlers.”

“It will kill you in your car. It will kill you in a forest. It will kill you in a swamp.”

“You can’t just run one over with your car if it’s on the road. You can’t run away once it’s spotted you.”

“They are not nice, calm, or gentle creatures. They are massive, terrifying beasts. Leave them alone.” ~ [deleted]

“If you get bitten by a cat…”

“Cat bites are way more dangerous than most people think. A cat bite might not look like much from the outside, but their long, pointy teeth penetrate deep and are much more likely to cause an infection than a dog bite.”

“If you get bitten by a cat (like when trying to pet their tummy), always disinfect the wound, even if it doesn’t look bad.” ~ WarKiel

“They are part of a group of birds…”

“European magpies are the only non-mammal species able to recognize themselves in a mirror test.”

“They are part of a group of birds called Corvids which is basically the crow family, birds such as crows, ravens, rooks, magpies, jays, and jackdaws. Corvids are the most intelligent of all the birds and some of the most intelligent animals on earth.”

“Studies are revealing more and more about this amazing group of birds and their cognitive power easily rivals apes and monkeys –– if not surpasses them. Go check out some documentaries or read up on them… it’s fascinating!” ~ Spawkee

“Orcas hunt out of boredom…”

“Orcas hunt out of boredom and will often toss the dead body of a seal around as if it was just a ball.” ~ IDAbaffal

“Some species of shark…”

“Some species of shark, like the grey nurse shark, eat their siblings (or the egg cells that would have become their siblings) while still in the uterus, meaning they become cannibals before they’re even born.” ~ Poorly-Drawn-Beagle

“They don’t even have feet…”

“Maggots can climb walls. Those don’t even have feet but god damn they hustle around the room.” ~ iremovebrains

“Call ducks were bred…”

“Call ducks were bred to aid their owners in hunting. They make loud noises to lure predators.”

“They’re cheeky, scared cutie-pies. They waggle their tail when they’re happy. They have oil from their butt which they use to clean themselves and keep themselves dry.”

“In some areas, it is illegal to own only one call duck because they’re a very social bird. They’re the cutest pets with personalities of their own.” ~ cteduck

“They are fertile only…”

“Female pandas ovulate only once a year. They are fertile only two or three days of the year.” ~ awesomecutepandas


“CATS DO NOT DRINK ENOUGH WATER!!! Generally, cats don’t drink enough water to keep themselves properly hydrated.”

“In addition to the fact that their tongues aren’t designed to scoop water like dog tongues, it’s also possible for them to feel too anxious to drink from their bowl.”

“Cats in the wild derive most of their water intake from the moisture in their food. If all you feed is kibble, your cat is in a perpetual state of dehydration, which can lead to an overwhelming amount of health issues for them.” ~ OhBee86

How many of these awesome animal facts did you know?

All of them?

None of them?

Few of them?

The world is a fascinating place, isn’t it? We truly take it for granted.

We should probably stop that, especially if we want others to enjoy the wonders of the animal kingdom for years to come.

10 Incredibly Cute Animal Facts

Adorable animals make all of us happy – that’s 80% of the reason the internet was invented.

And you know what’s better than just pics? Random facts that maybe you never knew!

Here are the top ten cool and cuddly facts about all animals that we’re betting will make you smile.

10. Penguins are ticklish

When touched in certain areas, penguins and other animals can give off a laughter response.


9. Bees and harvest mice sleep in flowers when tired.

Bees can get so drunk on nectar that they need a nap. And some harvest mice just like the soft, confined space of flower petals for their rest.

8. Dogs probably dream about their owners

A Harvard psychologist says, “Humans dream about the same things they’re interested in by day, though more visually and less logically. There’s no reason to think animals are any different. Since dogs are generally extremely attached to their human owners, it’s likely your dog is dreaming of your face, your smell and of pleasing or annoying you.”

Photo Credit: freestocks.org

7. Elephants will trumpet the arrival of a new calf

Elephants for Africa explains, “The female elephant community is social and supportive, with young calves being tended to not only by their mothers, but also by other females in the herd. When a new baby is born, all of the females in the group trumpet the news and announce the new arrival.”

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Chris Rhoads

6. Cows make friends with other cows

Aa recent study at the University of Northampton explains the physical changes in heart rate among cows that have been separated.

“Social bonds do occur in domesticated dairy cattle and can be found when living in large dynamic group systems, but they are significantly affected by separation at the time of regrouping. These social bonds are important to the welfare and wellbeing of cattle; practices that promote stability and positive associations will be beneficial to the welfare of animals.”

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Doruk Yemenici

5. A lot of times, mean looking dogs in film are actually really happy

During the making of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, CGI was used to hide wagging tails.

“The dogs are happy, their tails wagging, tongues hanging out. They’re not thinking about the drama, they’re not wondering where are those kids? So, we had to replace their wagging tails in a bunch of shots to make them look more menacing.”

4. Bees make cute sounds when they bump

It’s crowded in a hive and bees bump each other all the time. What’s funny is that they make a “Whoop” sound when it happens, per this video.

3. Squirrels hide a lot of nuts that grow into trees

Squirrels hoard the nuts they don’t eat right away. In fact, they hoard so many nuts that they forget where they stashed them all, which results in millions of new trees, according to this Purdue University study.

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Caleb Martin

2. Baby elephants are confused by their trunks

Not only must a new born elephant learn to stand and walk, they also have to learn how to control their trunks, just like a baby has to learn to grab things with their hands.

1. The Giant Panda is no longer endangered

Great news! The Giant Panda population has increased 17% over the last ten years, putting them out of immediate danger and in the “vulnerable” status.

That’s a wrap!  Comment below with some of you amazing animal facts!

The post 10 Incredibly Cute Animal Facts appeared first on UberFacts.

When a bee hive becomes…

When a bee hive becomes too full, bees will form a “Senate” comprised of older, more experienced bees to seek a new location. When a bee finds a good spot, it begins dancing to motion other bees toward it. Then, they vote on it by dancing as a collective until a consensus is reached.

Coal Miners Are Becoming Beekeepers in West Virginia

Many miners remain out of work in West Virginia as coal mines have shut down. To combat jobless in coal territory, a new nonprofit has stepped in offering training in beekeeping and assistance in selling any resulting honey. It’s good income and good for the environment!

The program is offered by the Appalachian Beekeeping Collective.

In West Virginia, high levels of poverty and lack of jobs make survival for rural families a struggle. But keeping bees and harvesting the honey for selling is a sweet way to make ends meet.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Coal mining was a major part of the economy until 2005, when the rate of mine closures began to tick up, leaving many workers without a steady paycheck. Employment in the coal industry decreased by 27 percent according to a study conducted by West Virginia University.

And it’s not just West Virginia; Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Wyoming all felt the economic loss of energy going green.

The Appalachian Beekeeping Collective was formed within the nonprofit Appalachian Headwaters, which is working to develop sustainable economic opportunities there. The collective operates over 17 counties in WV and offers classes in beekeeping basics and bee biology. Upon graduation from courses, new beekeepers become part of the collective, where they can receive more training, bees, supplies and resources to start their own honey businesses.

Photo Credit: Max Pixel

Because the collective offers free and reduced-cost beekeeping training and supplies, what once was an opportunity with a high cost of entry is now completely doable for many low-income families.

That’s how White Oak Bee Company started. John Young and his daughter enrolled in classes and received 12 hives. Now, he is a part of West Virginia’s robust honey industry – Young even has his own signature honey roasted coffee for sale.

We've got more honey! Local pickup only. Order yours at this link: https://www.whiteoakbee.com/collections/honey-bee-products/products/raw-honey

Posted by White Oak Bee Company on Monday, July 29, 2019

The bees also benefit local forests; as the farmed bees collect nectar from the forest’s flowers, they are pollinating their surroundings and helping them diversify and grow.

But for the rural families that share the forests, the bees are chance at growing a business and fueling sweet hope. Because an economy that leaves so many people behind isn’t really flourishing at all.

The post Coal Miners Are Becoming Beekeepers in West Virginia appeared first on UberFacts.