What Unrealistic Things in Movies Drive You Crazy? Here’s What Folks Had to Say.

I love movies and have since I was young.

But still, even I, as a film lover, admit that there are a lot of unrealistic things we see in movies that tend to happen over and over again.

What unrealistic things in movies annoy you?

Here’s how folks on AskReddit responded.

1. The battle.

“When there are 2 armies marching toward each other in formation but as soon as the battle starts it all breaks up into thousands of 1 on 1 melee duels completely ignoring the importance of unit cohesion, discipline, training, and morale.”

2. Just like in Die Hard.

“People climbing through ductwork to get in between rooms.

Most ducts are not big enough for a person to fit in.”

3. The law.

“Attorneys pacing around during a trial and attorneys approaching the judge without asking.

My personal favorite is when a new, d*mning piece of evidence or witnesses is presented in the middle of trial to the complete surprise of the opposing party.

Like sorry buddy but discovery deadline was a month ago. You should know this.”

4. Blasphemy!

“In medieval/fantasy, whenever there is a siege weapon they fire one shot and then “CHARGE!”

Like, “b*tch it took you a month to erect that trebuchet and you’re only going to fire it once?”

During the siege scene in “The King” they sat around for days and days hurling stones at the castle until the wall finally fell and I was like “Yes. Thank you.””

5. A bunch of weaklings.

“Grip strength.

People hanging off of anything, one handed, for long times, holding on to other people, pulling themselves up.

General population can’t do a pull up.”

6. Headshot.

“Blows to the head knocking someone out for exactly as long as is convenient for the plot with no long term consequences whatsoever.

Even otherwise “realistic” shows and movies are guilty of this. In reality, and blow to the head strong enough to knock you out is likely to cause brain damage or even death.”

7. Awkward!

“Walking up to a microphone and it squeals feedback.


In reality, that shouldn’t happen unless the sound person is a moron.”

8. Happens all the time.

“Any movie where the villain who is beating the sh*t out of the hero and decides to brag or monologue before killing them, which gives the hero enough time for a sneak attack or for somebody else to intervene.”

9. Isn’t anyone gonna eat?

“The food.

The poor, long-suffering food.

No one eats it. No one enjoys it.

People go to restaurants primarily to order something, have it arrive, and then have an argument and storm out.”

10. Take it easy!

“When people slice the palm of their hand open for a drop of blood.

That sh*t will take FOREVER to heal, just prick your finger.”

11. It’s all bullsh*t.

“Courtroom confessions, but also just courtroom scenes in general.

First, nobody confesses to a crime while on the witness stand at somebody else’s trial. Nobody.

Second, have you been to court? It’s 97% waiting around, 2% wondering if you have time to go to the bathroom, and 1% anything to do with you or your case.”

12. Every time!

“Turning on the TV and what they needed to hear is on TV on the right channel at the right time.”

13. Come on!

“Bad guy receives a mortal wound like a point blank gunshot to the torso or deep knife wound and just lays there bleeding profusely for a minute with the protagonist immediately forgetting about them.

Then is able to somehow stand up and have like an 8 round boxing match with the protagonist before finally being finished off.”

How about you?

What things do you see in movies that really annoy you?

Talk to us in the comments!

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People Share the YouTube Video That Always Makes Them Smile

In this day and age, I think most of us have found those YouTube videos or channels that we go back to when we need an emotional pick-me-up. The internet has so many things that are (or can be) downers, that we need to appreciate the good things it brings us, too – and these 21 videos definitely fall under this category.

My own contribution is Where the Heck is Matt – so check it out!

21. It’s the positivity that makes it great.

Best thing about this video is how humorous he is while he is obviously being pranked and can laugh about himself at the end. The whole video is pure positivity and fun!

20. The belly laughs are contagious.

Old man with the funniest laugh disrupts comedy show. This can cure anything.

19. Man these two were national treasures. Sigh.

The Front Fell Off is always my go to.

18. Because cats really never get old.

Cat Runs Into Glass Door on French Bakery TV Show.

17. Who knew this was a thing?

For more information on the crack spider’s bi*ch, contact the Canadian Wildlife Service in Ottawa.

16. I honestly feel sorry for this mummy.

The Recreation of a mummy’s vocal chords… Never. Gets. Old.

15. You have never seen a more elated dog.

Guy dresses up as dog’s favorite toy.

The way the dog reacts to it. Its straight out of a blockbuster film. Can it be? No… no… it is. The prophecy has been fulfilled. schmacks and goob times ahead. Walking over with a cool air about him as if hes ascending to a plane thats far beyond us.

14. I need to know this couple’s dramatic backstory.

Nice, Ron! 😂 oh I’m not allowed to sneeze???

13. It’s not what you’re expecting.

Count: I **** the candles on the shelf

Me: hmm, what rhymes with shelf?

Count: and when I’m alone I **** mysellllllllf

Me: there it is

12. I think he might need to give it another shot.

A video where a guy is talking about building a cage for a baby rhino. The rhino just runs out of it when he’s talking. Gets me every time. “Ohmygod”

11. You gotta roll with the punches.

Weatherman’s map displays temperatures in 1000’s and he rolls with it.

“I think steel boils at that temperature” … Can’t stop laughing

10. I’m literally crying laughing watching this one.

Guy has Facebook share what are clearly his favorite memories on ‘Friend’s Day’

9. Well now I need a ferret.

A man has a ferret that has babies and she wants his hand in the box with them. When he takes his hand away she runs after it and takes his hand back.

8. Pretty soon we’re not gonna be laughing about the robot uprising.

Runaway concrete buffer.

“Oh no, they have angered the machine!”

7. It makes him look kind of human.

a seal slapping his belly

6. This one is an absolute classic.

These guys even tried to set up a fan shop for their one successful video. How enterprising.

5. When you’re just having too much fun at work.

These two TV announcers losing their MINDS covering this downhill biking race:

4. You want to watch this but also you’re glad it’s not a closeup.

Man sneezes into his trombone during concert.

3. He’s obviously always been funny.

David Blaine street magic parody on YouTube. Never fails to get me laughing my ass off. Also the dude who’s in it now works on SNL, Mikey Day!

2. Kids getting harmlessly knocked over is always funny.

Kid gets beat up by carnival game. The 4th hit is gold!

1. I mean, it is ice cream.

That first taste is really something, though.

“I don’t know. Life is so uncertain. I may never get another chance.” -baby, probably.

I’m going to bookmark each and every one of these for future use.

If you’ve got another one to add to my list, drop the link in the comments!

The post People Share the YouTube Video That Always Makes Them Smile appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Terrible Things They’ve Heard From a Therapist

A therapist’s office should be a safe place.

We’re supposed to be able to talk about our deepest fears, the secrets we can’t tell anyone else, and be able to get help for the struggles that are impeding our lives.

It’s sad to think that there are many people who have gotten the opposite of help in that setting, but these 14 people have definitely heard some pretty horrible things from the mouths of people who were supposed to help.

14. That woman should lose her license.

When I was about 8 or 9 years old I went to see a counselor who was supposed help me deal with being repeatedly molested when I was younger. The bitch kept asking me “But didn’t it feel good? It felt good right? Just admit it felt good.” etc. until I was a sobbing mess. When i told my mom she refused to take me back, thankfully.

To answer a couple of questions:

I am female and the therapist was also female, which made it all the more difficult to deal with, coming from a woman.

It was over 30 years ago and yes, I did eventually find a great therapist who helped me deal with things.

I am in a wonderful place in my life now with an amazing husband who is always there for me, no matter what and is a great comfort on my occasional bad days. Never pushing and always willing to listen. He is a truly beautiful and kind soul <3

I know I am one of the lucky ones among survivors of assault, being able to trust again, and am thankful there are so many kind people like all of you. Lots of love to you all 🙂 <3

13. A grown up bully.

At that time, I moved from Berdsk (a small city in the region) to Novosibirsk. In the new school, preventive conversations were held with a psychologist, all the children told about their dreams, hobbies and shared their views on life. I said that I love rock and would like to spend my youth traveling or working.

Apparently, the psychologist was not impressed. In front of the whole class, she said: “Are you from Berdsk? That explains why you’re so weird. Everything in your city is not of this world (interpretation of an offensive phrase in Russian, hinting that you are crazy).”

12. Best to just let that one go.

I was dealing with a lot of family issues at the time and my ex had just broken up with me that week so I was taking it fairly hard.

My therapist said “it’s because they found someone better” and when I said no and tried to explain she just dug in deeper that my ex had dumped me because they found someone better than me.

11. That doesn’t seem right.

I had a psychiatrist who was convinced I was anorexic even though I wasn’t.

It really sucked because my therapist and my psychiatrist worked at the same company and they had a policy where they don’t help people with eating disorders.

So even though I went to a specialist and they confirmed I didn’t have an eating disorder I was still banned from that facility and lost my long term therapist.

10. No one could blame him.

Not me but my late Father and I am still pissed off. My brother, his only son, had a nervous breakdown after our Mother died. He was good, through and through. It was like losing two people at once. My Father believed sadly, that my brother would find his way home but he never lived to see him again. We know he’s alive out there.

Now, I worked in a funeral home that assisted the coroner’s office. If someone passes away, they can take the fingerprints to identify them. Bottom line is, there are many ways that they can identify a deceased person.

My Father was a trucker, blue collar kinda guy. When he lost his leg, he lost his ability to work and he hated it. I am convinced he would have preferred to die in his truck. A provider. But, he was a good father and loved his children.

The therapist asked why he was depressed and he said he misses his son. She said, “you know there’s a good chance he’s been dead for a while. Yet you’ve continued to live.” He was quiet when we got into the car and I knew something was wrong. Finally he told me.

I called the therapist and asked her where the f*ck she got off putting that idea in his head. The man had lost enough. He refused further counseling. Who could blame him.

9. That’s definitely awkward.

Nothing..she fell asleep in her chair while writing notes….I was talking about the death of my parents.

I was 16. Never went to another therapist.

8. Good instincts, kid.

That my dad was in hell after committing suicide. I was 12. I ran out of there faster than anything.

7. Not really funny.

My therapist would literally order a meal and eat it right in front of me while literally saying nothing.

She did that for the entire year I wasted with her, just watching this lady eat her food while saying nothing, only to then give me snarky and 2 word replies.

I want my year back lol.

6. They trusted him.

My uncle is a minister.

He announced at an 18 yr. old kid’s funeral (he committed suicide after struggling for years with profound depression, but was dissuaded from seeing a psych or taking meds because they were “from the devil” and only given “prayer counseling”) and announced what a shame it was that the kid was burning in hell.

In front of the whole damn family.

5. Criminal.

My mom saw a shrink the year my brother almost died from a lung infection, she had had a miscarriage, and her husband lost his leg in an accident (all within about 4 months’ time).

The shrink asked, “Have you considered that maybe God hates you?”

4. That’s not how this works.

Go back to work, you’ll be fine, you don’t need different meds.

3 times being sent home and psych ward visit later.

3. You can’t come back from that.

14, telling my shrink about how I was bullied in school.

“Do they make fun of your nose?”


And thats how I found out I have a big nose.

2. Not the greatest start.

A couple of years ago, my partner was trying to find a therapist. In the first few appointments, this woman told her that if she didn’t start doing certain things, I’d “burn out” and leave her.

I’d never spoken to this woman in my life and she knew nothing about me.

My girlfriend never went back (after she struggled for a few weeks thinking it might be true before telling me what she said).

1. You never want to stun a therapist into silence.

“Well, you have a lot going there…” followed by an awkward silence and nothing helpful.

It was my first time ever opening up on that level.

I’m appalled, y’all, and it’s hard to appall me these days.

If you’ve been stunned by a therapist, share the story of what happened in the comments.

The post People Share the Terrible Things They’ve Heard From a Therapist appeared first on UberFacts.

Disturbing Facts That People Wish Weren’t True

People generally love facts, whether they’re weird or funny, interesting, or even a little bit gross.

There aren’t that many, in my experience, that horrify people to the point where they wish they weren’t true at all – but I can definitely see how these 19 facts fit into that category.

19. That’s reassuring.

in the NT (Australia) I remember seeing a government warning that crocodiles inhabit the area.

Among the few bullet points of advice on the sign, the last one read “If they see you, it is already too late”

18. I don’t want that to exist.

There is a parasite that will eat your brain. It’s called Naegleria fowleri and it lives in warm water lakes in the sand and silt in the shallows. It will swim up your nose and proceed to eat your neurons and your brain.

Usually symptoms occur around 4 hours after infection and include headache, sensitivity to light and nausea. If you experience any of these after swimming in a lake you need to go to the hospital ASAP. If undiagnosed, you’ll be dead within 24 hours.

To diagnose it, you’ll have to get a spinal tap and pray the tech working knows what to look for.

17. Stop it.

Snails have thousands of teeth.

And apparently there’s one who can grow their body back after decapitation.

16. You could have it right now.

You could have mad cow disease for 12 to 50 years before symptoms start showing.

15. That is a LONG time.

In 2009 a paralyzed Belgian awoke from a 23-YEARS-LONG coma, and it was discovered he was fully conscious and could hear everything around him the entire time.

Like.. What. The. Actual. F!?!?

Just imagine lying there not being able to move for two decades but also being aware of your surroundings.

That’s all kinds of messed up nightmare fuel right there.

14. Something is coming for us.

Long-dormant bacteria and viruses, trapped in ice and permafrost for centuries, are reviving as Earth’s climate warms

Gamma-ray bursts can kill all life on earth without any warning

Asteroids can mess earth up

13. Should we thank them? Or?

When you get a sunburn, your cells are dying to avoid becoming cancerous.

12. I have no words.

Some monks used to endure an intense spiritual practice.

They eliminated all their body fat through diet and exercise, ate wood lacquer tea to kill off internal bacteria, then sealed themselves in a tomb holding a string attached to a bell.

A year after the bell stopped ringing, the tomb was opened and if the monk’s body was found to be uncorrupted they were revered as a saint; if not, they were re-buried.

The process took years and as they continued the monks required more and more help from their brothers until they entered the tomb. And the whole time you’d hear bells ringing from the nearby tombs as the monks inside slowly wound down the last days of their lives, voluntarily poisoned, starved, and buried alive for a chance at sainthood.

11. Gotta be one of the worst ways to die.

Fatal insomnia.

I learned it from this other post I hope I get to sleep tonight!

10. I want to be surprised, but…

There is more actual lemon juice in lemon-scented Pledge spray than there is in Country Time Lemonade.

9. This never fails to freak me out.

Over 150 dead bodies of climbers are still on Mount Everest.

8. Don’t like that.

The youngest person confirmed to be pregnant was only 5 years old.

She had a C-section and she and the baby survived. There’s a disturbing number of young girls that have gotten pregnant.

And obviously they didn’t get that way by choice. It f*cks with my head.

7. That’s just depressing.

There are more Panda Express locations in the world than actual panda bears.

6. And that’s probably low for some other places in the world.

60 percent of murders are unsolved here in Pakistan. We simply dont have the technology and training of the police officers in the west.

5. Crime novelists everywhere, take note.

Pigs can dispose of a body with relative ease.

Actually, pigs will eat everything except the teeth, lobsters on the other hand will dispose of the whole body.

4. You just don’t realize.

An unbelievable number of people who die of dehydration do so with a fair amount of fresh water in their possession.

Yep, knew somebody that died this way due to horrible headaches (caused by an undiagnosed brain tumor found during her autopsy) that were so painful she threw up to the point of severe dehydration and died in her apartment right next to the sink.

3. Why is it always Florida?

In Mississippi and some parts of Florida, there is a Bacteria in the water at the coast that will literally eat your flesh off of you. Florida is much safer than Mississippi though. At least, in that aspect.

There is a mosquito in Florida that, when it bites you, can make your brain swell inside your skull and can possibly kill you.

2. Humans are monsters.

Elephants grieve like humans, and often visit the site of an elephant’s death. They’re also very emotionally intelligent, and our poaching of them is leading them to insanity.

The same applies with the killer whale.

1. Rabies is a waking nightmare.

If a person gets bitten by an animal who has rabies, he will continue to live on a normal life for 12 weeks, and after the symptoms develop, there is no way he’s making out alive.

You’ll know you’re gonna die.

These are so much yikes, y’all.

What other facts would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments!

The post Disturbing Facts That People Wish Weren’t True appeared first on UberFacts.

World Records That People Say Will Never Be Broken

Records were made to be broken – at least, that’s the idea…

Very few world records will stand the test of time, because human beings are always looking for faster, better, more efficient ways to do everything.

Some things, for one reason or another, do seem like they might never be broken – and here are 19 world records people think will definitely stand.

19.  The true GOAT.

Wayne Gretzky’s most points / goals / assists.

The dude is part of the highest scoring pair of siblings in NHL along with his brother Brent who tallied I believe 5 points in his brief career.

I’ve seen some talk about who is the “GOAT of GOATs” between all the sports and it’s pretty unreal how little respect Gretzky gets, although with how limited hockey is in popularity it’s not too surprising.

18. The rules have changed.

Several baseball records won’t be beaten due to the way the game is played now, one of the big ones being Cy Young’s winning record.

No pitcher will ever match that because they don’t pitch every day any more. No other player has even come close, that record has stood for over 100 years.

17. It was a good show.

The final episode of MAS*H, which aired on February 28, 1983, was the most watched series finale ever, drawing in 105.9 million viewers.

Because there were only 3 or 4 channels when it aired, I think the viewing numbers are untouchable.

16. But they’ll be healthier.

Same for Nolan Ryan’s strikeout record. It just won’t happen with the advent of strict pitch counts, five-man rotations, and the general shift in caution with pitchers.

He’s got the record with 5,714 Ks over like 27 seasons, and the next closest pitcher is Randy Johnson with 4,875 in 22 seasons.

Justin Verlander is the active leader in strikeouts with 3,013, but he is 16 years into his career and is 37.

Nobody will ever catch up to Nolan Ryan.

15. Be careful out there.

There are a ton of records that have been deemed to dangerous to attempt, and so the relevant organizations will not accept submissions.

Things such as longest time without sleep.

14. That is a lot of people.

Greatest amount of extras used in a single movie scene.

The record holder is 1982’s Gandhi which used 300,000 for a 10 minute funeral sequence.

Most films now prefer to use CGI for crowds of that size, so it’s likely to remain the record holder

13. Who would have thought?

I’m pretty sure too many people have died trying to break boating speed records. Turns out rocket engines and water are a dangerous combination.

12. This is as it should be.

Most of the “world’s youngest” records have been retired.

I think at some point- probably when a girl had to be rescued trying to be the youngest to sail solo around the world, or a 7 year old died trying to be the youngest to fly across the country- people realized this was irresponsible and not something to be encouraged.

So you can definitely still do it- I know a family whose twins are the unofficial youngest to cycle the Pan-American highway, for example- but no one will recognize you for doing so.

11. That’s pretty dangerous.

David Blaine looked into breaking the no sleep record but decided it was too dangerous even for him.

10. Poor little dogs.

A lot of “fattest animal” records are also retired to discourage animal abuse.

9. Apple is giving it a shot.

Most popular single model of home computer. Ghe Commodore 64.

There are so many options now, it would be nearly impossible to reach that level of saturation again.

8. Too much pressure on small shoulders.

Youngest monarch.

Both Alfonso XIII of Spain and Jean I of France became kings immediately upon birth, as their respective fathers died before the sons were born.

7. Safety first.

Javelin, probably. The current world record is 106m iirc.

They changed the guidelines on the specifications that the javelins could be made to so that they wouldn’t fly over 100m and impale the running track/runners, so 106 will never be beaten

6. I love this one.

The longest-lasting lightbulb is still switched on and burning after 120 years of operation.

5. Unsettling to think about.

Visible stars and galaxies. As the universe expands and light red-shifts more and more of the theoretically possible viewable stars and other celestial bodies disappear.

If we had a perfect telescope and cataloged everything we could, we would notice that catalog shrinking little by little every year as object forever red shift out of our view. The ballpark figure is that we lose 60,000 stars every second from our viewable range.

4. Unless someone let it.

I recently read about the Champawat Tiger.

A bengal tiger that killed 436 People and with that is in the Guinness Book of World Records. She was shot dead in 1907.

I don’t see with today’s technology that a Tiger would ever beat that record.

3. Because it’s impossible.

Paper folding. The world record is folding paper 12 times using a hydraulic press. Folding paper 13 times is impossible.

Fun fact:

30 folds will get you to space, because your paper will be now 100 km high.
42 folds will get you to the Moon.
81 folds and your paper will be 127,786 light-years, almost as thick as the Andromeda Galaxy.
At 103 folds, you will get outside of the observable Universe, which is estimated at 93 billion light-years in diameter.

2. No one would want to.

tallest person ever; nowadays the condition he had would be treated much earlier.

He was from a town over from me. They have a life-sized statue of him. Poor guy only lived to 22.

1. One large instrument.

World’s largest organ:

The largest and loudest musical instrument ever constructed is the Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Completed in 1932 by the Midmer-Losh Organ Company, it had two consoles (one with seven manuals and another movable one with five), 1,477 stop controls and 33,112 pipes, ranging from pencil-size to 64 feet tall, both wood and metal.

It’s said to have “the volume of 25 brass bands,” with a range of seven octaves.

I think the reasoning here is solid.

What’s a world record you think will stand the test of time? Add it to the list in the comments!

The post World Records That People Say Will Never Be Broken appeared first on UberFacts.

World Records That People Think Will Stand Forever

When a record is broken, whether it’s sports, something random, or something that’s even out of our control, I think we have to assume that someone, somewhere, someday, is going to break them.

It’s the nature of records, after all – they’re made to be broken and all of that.

Even so, some of them probably never will be, and people say these 17 will probably stand the test of time.

17. Because people cannot be trusted.

They retired all of the “world’s heaviest cat/dog” type records because sh%theads were overfeeding their pets in an attempt to get the record.

The previous winner for cats was a tabby who apparently weighed 46 pounds (generally a healthy range for domestic shorthairs is 8-10 pounds) and I sincerely hope no cat ever gets anywhere near that big again, that kind of animal abuse just breaks my heart

16. Cool, indeed.

I know I’m late to this but there is an oil well in Pennsylvania that is the world’s “oldest continuously producing oil well”. Its the McClintock #1. Drilled in 1861. It still produces about a barrel of oil a year (31.5 gallons) but most of it is salt water.

It’s off the side of the road and only a small sign marks where the little park is. I just think it’s a cool piece of history.

15. This one will be interesting to watch.

Best selling album ever. Thriller will have that record until the sun burns out.

Prior to Thriller, the best selling album would be topped every 3-4 years. Thriller has now been the World’s biggest selling album for 37 straight years. The closest competitor is 18 million records behind.

14. That’s a long way off.

John Stockton’s all time assists in the NBA. It’s insane, closest is down by 3,715 assists.

13. Seriously hard to believe.

The highest horse jump with rider. A thoroughbred jumped with its rider 2,47 meters high. Hopefully this record will never be broken.

12. More variety now.

Greatest percentage of cars on the road at any one time.

For a hot minute back there, the Model T Ford comprised more than half of all consumer cars on the road.

11. Because she could, I guess.

Woman holds record for having s^x with 919 guys in the same day

Lisa Sparks is her name.

10. Just who he was.

How many beers in one sitting. Andre the giant has kept that record at 110-120 beers.

He was a 7ft 4inch tall man weighing in over 500 pounds. This was in a 6 hour period with his manager who drank 56 beers himself. The bar tab itself was at $40k. Record has been there since 1976.

9. So many immortalized baseball players.


Cy Young’s 511 wins
Pete Rose’s 4256 hits
Ty Cobb’s .367 lifetime batting average
Barry Bond’s 232 walks in a season
Nolan Ryan’s 383 K’s in a season

8. At least, I hope it will stand.

Ratu Udre Udre ate at least 87 people.

I doubt with modern technology anyone would get away with being a cannibalistic serial killer for that long.

7. Are you not entertained?

The record for the movie with the most tickets sold is still Gone with the Wind, which was released in 1939. It has sold an estimated 202,286,200 tickets across all of its releases.

Second place is Star Wars (1977) with an estimated 178,119,500 tickets sold.

While the records for highest box office earnings get beaten every few years due to inflation (with Avengers: Endgame currently holding the record), it’s unlikely that the record for the number of tickets sold will ever be beaten since people don’t go to the theater in numbers as large as they used to now that we have television, home theaters, streaming services, and other ways to keep us entertained.

6. I’m not sure if this is good or bad.

Longest siege in the world: Siege of Candia, 1648-1669. Herakleion was sieged for 21 whole years. Modern weaponry guarantees that will never be bested.

Edit: some people in the comments corrected me. It seems that the actual longest siege is the Siege of Ceuta 1694-1720. However, when searching “the longest siege”, Google answers Candia (Crete), something I already knew. Idk guys.

5. And yet people keep trying.

The water speed record. As I understand anyone who’s tried to beat the record has died horribly from losing control of their boat.

4. They’ll never get close.

Cy Young, with over 500 wins as a major league pitcher.

Will definitely never see another 500 game winner, or a 400 game winner, and very likely not even another 300 game winner.

Active leader is verlander with 226.

3. Lol indeed.

Largest percentage of humanity slept with. Probably belongs to Genghis Khan. Unless Adam and Eve are to be considered historical figures lol

2. He’s got some catching up to do.

John Stockton assists and steals record. John Stockton has 15,806 assists which is 3,715 more assists than the next guy on the list. He also has 3,265 steals which is 581 steals ahead of 2nd place.

The current active steals leader is Chris Paul who has 2,002 steals, he would have to average 100 plus steals a season for the next 12 seasons to come close to breaking that record.

1. A classic.

Wilt Chamberlain’s 100 point game.

The only way a guy is getting to even 80 points again is if it’s in the flow of the game and the game is undecided. We’ve seen Steve Kerr shut down his players once they reach certain scoring milestones, but mainly because the games are out of reach and he doesn’t want anyone getting hurt intentionally. Even Kobe got shut down for a fourth quarter after scoring 62 through three quarters.

That being said, scoring 100 points in a game is the only realistic record of his that can be matched/broken. Nobody is averaging 50 points per game, 27 rebounds per game, 48.5 minutes per game, etc.

I have to say that I agree with most of these.

What would you add to the list? Do it in the comments!

The post World Records That People Think Will Stand Forever appeared first on UberFacts.

Creepy Stories That People Have Read Online

If you love creepy stories, there is no shortage of them on the internet. Whether they’re true, complete fiction, or a little bit of both, there are a ton that will raise every hair on your body at once.

These 16 stories are the creepiest of the creepy, though, so if you’re about to read through this thread, I hope you’re ready.

Let’s go.

16. Every single night.

I can’t find it but one where this kid was spending the night with his new friend. Went down into the basement to go to sleep and saw an abnormally tall native american man standing in the corner.

The “man” looked at him so he ran upstairs to sleep in his friend’s room. He woke up around 3 am to the sound of whispering coming from the floor vent(which led to the basement). His friend was awake too and said, “I hear it every night”.

15. She’s one lucky girl.

Years ago, I was on a cross country trip, solo, to a family reunion. I was supposed to make it a friends house, but there was horrible weather, it was slow moving. Then a terrible accident happened just ahead of me, and I was stuck for quite a while. All told I was five hours behind schedule.

I was exhausted, in need of a bathroom and a shower, so I pulled into a little strip motel off of a fairly back roads state road. It was obviously small and dirty, but would work in a pinch.

There was a window to the outside where check in was. The guy there eyed me up (then a college aged girl), asked me if I was traveling alone. I went to hand him my ID and credit card, but he insisted cash only. Red flags were going off at this point, but I scrounged together just enough cash and he tossed me the key.

The room was dirty, barely bigger than the bed. The first thing I did was go to the bathroom, then I flipped up the mattress: dirty, signs of bed bugs. A moment later, I spied a cockroach.

That was it, I was out. I decided I would use the parking space at least, and sleep in the back trunk hatch of my suv. I curled up, using a suitcase for a pillow and random clothes for a blanket and fell asleep for an hour.

I woke up aware of someone talking on a phone outside, and glanced out to see the guy from check in standing outside (it was now around 3 am). He finished up his call, then walked quietly over TO MY ROOM, unlocked the door, and walked in. The lights didn’t turn on, and a minute or two later later, he came back out, slamming the door behind him, and cursing, with ANOTHER GUY. I hadn’t seen guy two enter, so I still don’t know where he came from.

They angrily talked for a moment, then check in guy walked over to my suv. I covered up my head quickly with a shirt. After he tried the locked door, he peered in the backseat, but between my tinted windows, and blending into the general mess, he didn’t notice me in the hatch.

The two guys walked away to the far side if the lot. talking more, the one gesturing across the street where a diner was. While they were distracted, I climbed up to the front seat and started up the suv, they turning around in surprise as I pulled away.

I called my friends back home and told them, but didn’t want to worry my family, so I said nothing to them. When I got back home some three weeks later, we figured out the name of the hotel thanks to google maps and called the local police. They told me the place had closed down only days before I called.

14. Creepy is an understatement.

I have a creepy one from my own life; during my teenage years I would stay up extremely late playing World of Warcraft (headphones on, my back to the door).

My parents had broken up years past and my dad was working nights to pay the bills, basically. He wasn’t home this night.

It was a bit creepy being home alone, so I would always close the door to my room. Headphones on and forget about being home alone, by speaking to friends in the game.

Cut to the middle of the night, I turn off the game to go to bed where I turn to see the door to my room slightly ajar, the front door to the house wide open, as well as the back door out to the garden.

No sign of break in, but I assume someone broke in through an unlocked door, heard me speaking, checked me out from behind, and left the house in a hurry.

I always double checked the locks after this 😅

13. I would never be ok.

I sat on the bed while using the phone, and when I dropped the phone I saw something under the bed.

There was someone under my bed… My eyes widened and I choked the urge to scream. The person under my bed was lying still with his back towards me and his head to his chest, so I couldn’t see his face. And he didn’t see me, trying to be rational while so many thoughts rushed through my head, I picked up the phone, said “Sorry I dropped my phone, I’m just gonna take a shower and call you back.”

The bathroom is right by my bed so I hastily walked in, quietly locked the door, turned the shower on, jumped out my window (my apartment is on the first floor) and called the police. They told me to wait nearby, but to go to across the street and see if anyone comes out the door to the apartment complex. This was during summer and it was still light out, I placed myself across the street, hiding behind a car while watching my open bathroom window and the entry door. I called my boyfriend and he came to me just before the police. I gave them my keys and they went inside. Only moments later two cops came out holding a thin and tired looking man. His eyes looked crazy, but he didn’t try to get away. The policeman that had stood beside me and comforted me while the police searched through my house (I was a mess, shivering and crying) told me that the man stood outside my bathroom door with one of my kitchen knives waiting for me to come out.

This man had somehow crept in my entry door while I was getting my mail and hid under the bed.The man that was trying to hurt me turned out to be a homeless person and was placed in a mental hospital. My boyfriend moved in with me the very next day.

12. I wish I didn’t have an attic.

One of the creepiest ones I’ve read is where someone was living in their attic. That really creeped me out for a bit. The idea that someone could be living in your place and you don’t even know.

Another one where these urban explorers were crawling through the inside concrete work of a bridge. They found evidence of someone living in there.

11. I have so many questions.

A rapist lived inside a child’s bed for 3 months whilst hiding from the police in Manchester (2007) her parents had no idea he was there. Totally true story.

10. That’s not funny.

I live in England now but for a few months I lived in Wales in a really old row of houses that were built for coal miners. The day I moved in I unpacked all my stuff (it wasn’t much, I was only there for 8 months, for work) and went to bed, absolutely cream crackered.

I was laying in bed, just drifting off to sleep when I hear a knocking sound. I sat bolt upright and started listening for the origins of the knocking. It was a gentle sound at first but got progressively louder.

After about 10 minutes of me shi**ing myself I locate the knocking (which had become a banging by now)… it was coming from the ceiling. I went down stairs to get the biggest knife I could find and apprehensive, climbed into the loft. In my loft was a bloke in his 20s!

Turns out in some of those old houses don’t have separating walls so you can move all the way along the row of houses with access to any of them if you cared for it.

This was my new work mates idea of an initiation joke. It almost ended up with one of them getting stabbed but it still makes me laugh to look back on. You better believe I put a bloody great padlock on the loft hatch the next day, just to be safe.

9. Are we sure it’s nothing?

This one always freaks me out because I sleep talk and use a sleep recording app. Sorry for the amp link, I’m doing this on my phone. There’s a bunch of other posts that do analysis on the recording.

A lady records audio while she’s sleeping. She sleep talks, asking “what are you doing?” and a voice replies “nothing.”

8. Nothing good, that’s for sure.

The Australian guy who posted about the shipping container out in the desert and when he came back later everything was torched.

I think it was used for kiddy p**n or something similar

7. Hope you’ve got a good hiding place.

One where this lady lives by herself and in the middle of the night she hears crashing in the downstairs of her house and then hears someone large running up the stairs toward her.

She grabs her cellphone and climbs into an attic in her closet.

She called 911 and it was apparently some guy who had escaped prison and was looking for someone to prey on.

6. Why is this so scary?

There was a guy who sold a house but didn’t tell the owners that there was a secret bunk on the property and was still living there.

He never posted again.

5. That’s one horrible twist.

The one where a man asks Reddit for advice when he finds out his wife was cheating on him with the neighbor. He takes Reddit’s advice and files for a divorce.

The kids were stabbed to death by the wife the next day.

I think he even wrote in a update how every time he visits his kids’ grave there’s always somebody from his wife’s family stalking him there.

4. That kid is never going to be the same!

Where a kid wakes up in the middle of the night due to tv static and hugs his suppose father who is sitting on couch.

Kid asks father later that morning why he was watching tv so late but father says it wasn’t him.

3. Static people are no joke.

There is one story about some kid having a sleepover in the basement of a rich kid and he saw a tall, only somewhat human shaped figure on the basement wall due to the static from the TV.

The static turned off and the kid went back to sleep, only to wake up to the friend’s mom screaming. Years later the friend’s mom said that she saw a tall, oddly shaped figure in front of her bedroom door.

That story first appeared when I was about 12 years old and it scared the sh** out of me for a whole month and made me extremely paranoid to go to bed without the whole room lit up.

2. A complete nightmare.

A week or so before my 10th birthday, I walked to the corner store with a $5 bill and picked up a jar of Ragu for my mom. On my way home, a man I’d never seen before fell in step with me and began talking.

“Hi!” he said, cheerfully. “My name is Dr. Ramsey. I’m a pediatrician. Do you know what a pediatrician is?”

I walked along silently, not replying and fervently hoping he would take that as a sign he should leave me alone. Subtleties were not his strong suit, though, because he kept right on chattering.

“Are your parents looking for a pediatrician for you? Of course, you’re almost a big girl now, you’ll be needing another kind of doctor soon, won’t you? That’s okay though. They can still bring you to me until then. What’s your name? You have beautiful hair. I was just on my way to get some suckers for the candy jar in my office. Do you like suckers?”

Thankfully, we were nearing my house, so I ran forward, up the back steps and into through the kitchen door. I didn’t know it then, but that was the beginning of a very long, very scary ordeal. It didn’t take long after that for “Dr. Ramsey” to begin showing up. At first, it seemed benign enough…at least to a kid. He would drive by nearly every day, smiling and waving. I told my mom, who said maybe it was on his way home from work. But then, the phone calls began.

My dad called me into the living room, and sat me down. He asked about the day Dr. Ramsey followed me home, and if I talked to him. He said I wasn’t in trouble, but that I needed to tell him the truth. I told him know, and he asked if I was sure…could I be forgetting something? I told him know again, and he frowned, then asked “Then how does he know your name?” I didn’t know.

It turns out, that was not all he knew. He knew my sister’s name as well. Pretty soon, neither my sister or I were allowed to answer the phone. He called several times a day; at first, neither of us knew what he was saying. Then, one night, one of my brothers told us that he was telling my parents that he was going to hurt me (and later, my sister).

Things got complicated after that. My dad had called the police, but as this was before there were any stalking laws, there was not a lot they could do. They told my parents to call back if he “tried anything”. My dad then called a friend of his from back in the day, who happened to be a cop. For the next month, my dad’s friend escorted me to and from school. Suddenly, life as I knew it came screeching to a halt. I couldn’t walk to school alone, I couldn’t play outside, I couldn’t walk to SuperAmerica (sort of like a 7-11 for those who don’t know).

When access to me was completely denied, things escalated. It was around this time he began threatening my sister as well. Then one afternoon my sister, two of my brothers, my mom and I were in the kitchen. One of my brothers saw a glimpse of someone in the garage; they’d seen him too. Dr. Ramsey came bolting out of the garage, my brothers chasing after him. They ran all the way to Cherokee Park, where he lost them in the trees. My parents called the police again, but nothing came of it. The only information they had was a description and a name that was almost certainly fake.

A couple weeks later, we woke to find our dog hanging from the side porch. She was a gorgeous saddle-back German shepherd, born the same day I was. We were all devastated. The cops said there was no evidence it was him, and ruled it accidental, but none of us believed that.

His phone calls became more informative in the meantime. He would talk about who was home, and who wasn’t. If my brother would say my dad was home, he would tell him who was really in the house. He also would talk about the house itself…about the window in the kitchen he could easily open with a knife from the outside even when it was locked, and about the french doors that connected the living room to the side porch and how the lock could be finagled from the outside if you jiggled it just right. That night, my dad put in some carpenter nails at the bottom of the french doors until he could get a new lock ordered.

My parents had to go to a company event for my dad’s work. My older brothers were at Saints West roller skating rink. My sister was on the phone with her best friend. My little brother was on the floor asleep. I was watching Devo on the Midnight Special with Wolfman Jack. It was late. Suddenly, the top of the french doors swung inward, and in the few miliseconds before the nails in the bottom caused them to snap back, I could see his silhouette. My sister whipped the phone at the television, and we ran up the stairs. About halfway up, we realized our little brother was still asleep on the living room floor. As quietly as we could, we slipped back down the stairs to get him. We all went into our bedroom and didn’t turn on the light; this way we could see outside. We watched out the window for a while, and when we didn’t find him, we crept down the hall to our brothers’ room to look. We looked down and could see someone standing at the backdoor. He knocked, loudly.

“What do you want?” my sister asked out the window. He stepped back and said “Is this the Mercy residence? I have a pizza for delivery. Can you come to the door?” She scoffed at him, declaring she was not stupid, she could see he didn’t have a pizza, and she was calling the cops. He left.

A short while later, my brothers returned home. We told them what happened and they walked around the yard, watching for him. They came back in, and things settled down. By now we’d pretty much given up calling the cops because it never helped, so we just went back in, each of us (except my youngest brother, still asleep) carrying a knife from the kitchen “just in case”. Eventually, one of my brothers went into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal as a snack.

You know that sensation you get when you can just feel someone watching you? Yeah, he had that in spades. He kept looking around the kitchen, through the doorway into the dining room, at the windows. He didn’t see anything, but he could still feel eyes on him, so he went closer to the door to try to see better. The kitchen lights were reflecting on the windows of the door (it had 3 rows of 3 windows), so he still couldn’t see. He stepped closer, then closer again, until he was right up to the door, then cupped his hands on either side of his head so he could see. There on the other side of the window pane was Dr. Ramsey, smiling back at him. He turned to yell for my older brothers, and when he looked back again, he was gone. They went out again to look for him, but didn’t see him.

The next night we were at the table playing crazy 8’s, and my brother was restless. My sister asked him what’s wrong, and he said he always felt like any minute now there would be a ‘boom boom boom!’ on a door or window. Almost immediately after he finished his sentence, “BOOM BOOM BOOM!” on the window right behind him. In the chaos, the two eldest ran out, but he was already gone.

A couple of weeks later, I was at school and we were outside on the playground during recess. I was swinging upside down when I saw that now-familiar blue Ford Galaxy cruising by, moving slowly. There he was, smiling and waving. He called my name, and I ran to the teacher and told her. The school had been told all about him, and she took me inside right away and called my mom. That same day my mom had gotten a call from the school office asking her to verify that my dad was picking me up, as he’d called to say he was on his way. He wasn’t.

Not long after that, I woke up one night, thirsty. I went down to the kitchen for a drink and there, sitting alone in the dark, was my dad. On the table, a gun. He was tired of the the police waiting until Dr. Ramsey “tried something”, he was tired of his children being terrorized, he was tired of being afraid every time he left for work that something would happen to us while he was gone. I sat with him for a time, watching, before he sent me back to bed.

These events, and many more, took place over a period of around 18 months. Then, as suddenly as it began, it was over. He had vanished from our lives; the phone calls, the drive-by with the creepy waves, everything. For a long time, during and after the Dr. Ramsey days, I would have a recurring nightmare in which I would wake up to find him standing over me as I slept. It took a long time before I felt like a kid again.

I found out years later that when he was calling, Dr. Ramsey would tell my parents that he was going to rape and kill me, and later my sister…and that there was nothing they could do about it. I don’t know what happened to him when he disappeared. I don’t know if he was in a car wreck, locked in prison, in a coma…but sometimes I wonder if the wait ended for my dad when he was sitting in the darkened kitchen one night. I don’t know, and I’m not sure I want to.

1. Sometimes the details just hit you wrong.

It’s probably here somewhere, but I read this one where it was from the perspective of a kid. It was about 9 at night and someone knocks on the door of their house.

The kid’s dad goes to open the door, but notices that the security light hasn’t been tripped by someone coming up to the door, so he keeps the chain lock on and opens the door just a crack. He can see that there’s more than one person there, but they’re standing in the shadows and he can’t make out their faces. When he asks who’s there, a laughing voice of a girl asks if “Kenny” is there. Not sure of the name.

The dad says there’s no one by that name at that house, but the sound of the voice is familiar to the kid. The dad slams the door, makes sure all points of entry are locked and they go to sleep. In the morning, every house on the block has been broken into and vandalized except for theirs.

It turned out to be a group of older kids from school.

It may not seem that scary, but the thought of someone deliberately loosening the security light bulb so that you can’t see them when you open your door at night freaks me right out.

I love scary stories but I would not be ok if I read these alone after dark.

What’s the scariest story you’ve read online? If it’s not here, share it with us in the comments!

The post Creepy Stories That People Have Read Online appeared first on UberFacts.

Straight People Ask Questions About the LGBTQI+ Community

One of the most important things to do when we’re trying to be empathetic or understanding about a community that isn’t our own is to do our best to walk in their shoes. That said, generally we don’t want to spend time bothering minorities with questions that we could easily Google or figure out on our own.

When there’s an open forum, though, everything is fair game – so see what these 17 straight folks asked the LGBTQ+ community when they had the chance.

17. How to best handle a new brother after he came out as trans?

Just ask him what he would prefer. He’s still your sibling, and I’m sensing you guys have a positive relationship, so it’s okay to outright ask him how he would prefer you to talk to him. It may be as simple as just changing pronouns, without trying to “bro it up” just for his sake.

Communication is key. Make sure you guys are on the same page and you’ll be fine. If he were a coworker or friend or acquaintance, I would steer away from outright asking, but for close friends and family, sometimes it’s best to just be honest, open, and vulnerable with the people you trust.

Find out what he is looking for or feels comfortable with, and go from there.

16. It’s a nice generic term that works for everyone.

I am a healthcare provider and when going through your social history if you are married or in a long term relationship and you tell me you have a “partner” is that for my comfort or do you really prefer referring to them as your partner?

15. How can a dad handle his 13yo son’s first boyfriend?

Treat him like you would if he had a gf. If he is having relationship problems talk to him about it and offer support. See if he wants to join any local lgbt+ groups (post covid obvs).

I want to add on to this, to note that dad is going to still want to talk about safer sex practices, even though pregnancy isn’t a likely outcome. It’s still important.

14. What support did you need when you came out?

When I (m) came out as bi to my college girlfriend, I made sure to tell her that I was happy in our relationship, didn’t want to experiment while I was in a relationship with her, and that I just wanted her to know everything about me.

She cried for a week. So, don’t do that.

Spoiler alert: she came out as a lesbian five years later and is now married to a woman.

13. If a bi person ends up with a straight person is that look down upon in the community?

To your main point, bi people in straight relationships can be looked down on by the community, yeah.

That’s biphobia.

It’s fairly common, unfortunately, and comes from a place of ignorance, since someone being in a heterosexual relationship doesn’t make the person any less bi.

It’s kind of the whole idea that they like both.

12. Is there ever a big queer cookout called the LGBBQ?

LG setting up a corporate cookout for their employees called LGBBQ at the end of a good Quarter getting confused at all the random people at their cookout.

11. As a straight person, am I allowed to use the “Q” word? I grew up in the 80s and it was considered a slur, as bad as the F word, and for that reason I feel weird using it.

I’m queer and I would personally say it’s fine is that person refers to themselves as queer.

I know some older LGBTQ+ people don’t like being referred to as queer because they grew up with it as a slur, so I would just use that word if that’s how they refer themselves.

10. Seriously, what is the Q for? I’m not being sarcastic or trolling, I don’t get the distinction.

Queer is just an umbrella term.

Kind of like how “pasta” is an umbrella term for certain foods.

Back in the 80s and 90s, the Q did stand for Questioning. As with everything, the community continues to grow and embrace resulting in new interpretations and broader definitions.

9. How would you feel about straight friends going with you to something like pride?

Hells yeah you can join at pride. Pride is a place for lgbt+ people and allies alike. So long as you are being nice and respectful of everyone it’s all cool.

Seriously, I think it comes down to your reasons for going. Do you want to go to be supportive of the queer community, or do you want to go to get drunk and look at the weirdos? If you’re there to be supportive the more the merrier.

Sadly, a lot of pride celebrations have become more of a party for straight people than a celebration of queer identity.

People get f*cked up and cause trouble, or make fun of outlandish outfits, etc.

8. What’s the + for. Like literally plus anything else?

It’s just an easier way of saying etc. so that other parts aren’t left out of the community, but you don’t have to say every single letter.

7. How do you feel now that commercials and media are more representative of more races, genders, orientations, etc? Do you notice it? Does it make you feel good, bad, indifferent?

Sometimes it’s really good but depending on what the media is it can feel really fake and like they’re capitalizing off of it.

Brooklyn 99 has really good representation, but I find certain businesses going “yayy we support the gayy” really toxic.

I think it’s cool, being able to see people like myself just existing in modern day, without having it be some big deal.

6. Do some bisexuals who want to have kids tend to favor relationships with the opposite sex because it makes it just so much easier?

I am a bisexual man and would like to have kids someday.

I’ve seriously dated both men and women, but I just happened to find “my person” in my 9o who is a gay man.

I guess I’d rather spend my life with him and adopt children than get hung up on needing biological children with a woman.

Passing down my crooked teeth gene and a family history of depression probably wouldn’t do my kids service, anyway!

5. One of my best friends and old roommate (I got a job somewhere else) is gay and told me he didn’t like a lot of toxicity some people bring the the LGBTQ+ community. Is this something anyone else has experienced?

It exists especially, sadly, where gay communities are better established. For example I’ve been accused of lying to get “into” an lgbtq friendly apartment in Toronto. I’m bi but was dating a dude at the time.

When I went for my roommate interview I was accused of lying to get the apartment. Though I’m bi, and it was advertised as an lgbtq “friendly” apartment. In my mind, that’s the same as 4/20 friendly in that I thought it meant “were cool with it,” not like you HAD to be gay (nevermind, gay ENOUGH for their standards) to live there.

Being gay in Canadian cities is pretty safe but it’s very lonely and cookie cutter. By the time I was 22 or 23 (I’m 30 now) I flat out gave up on trying to find a welcoming community.

My sexuality isn’t something I live and breathe constantly, and it was exhausting to be told you’re not gay enough when the rest of the world is disgusted you’re not straight enough.

4. What is the correct way to respond to someone who comes out to you?

I’ve always responded with “Thank you for trusting me enough to share that with me,” and it seems to be well received.

It acknowledges that it’s a big deal to say it out loud and that they’re vulnerable in that moment.

The correct way to respond is to match their energy. If they’re energetic about it, match that energy. If they’re chill about it, match that.

3. What are some things you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT say to a transitioning person to comfort them?


-Use their preferred name and pronouns

-Tell then that if they want to try out a name you could try and call them that so they see if they like it or not.

-If you have a way to validate them try it out (e.g. If you’re a girl with a trans girl friend you could offer her help choosing clothes, giving tips about shaving, etc. If you’re a dude and have a trans man friend invite them to some “dude activities” like hanging with the boys, working out together, etc) TIP: DON’T force them to do it, even if they’re trans they might not be yet confortable enough, or maybe they don’t want to be the stereotype of their preferred gender, maybe a trans girl still wants to dress butch or a trans man might still rock a dress or makeup.

-Treat them as you already did, we don’t want to be treated like we carry the plague or something, we’re still your friend and nothing should change besides the pronouns and name you use to refer to ourselves.


-Out them to someone without asking first (this can be subtle, for example talking about how “when they were still a he/she” or profusely apologizing when getting the pronouns wrong) it’s sometimes dangerous and invalidating!

-Deadname/Misgender them when you’re mad at them, yeah it might be tempting to hurt someone when you’re mad, however for some of us the mental pain goes beyond a regular insult; imagine someone making fun about a very personal issue you confided to someone you though you could trust, we’ll be left thinking you don’t really support us and that you’re just “acting up”

-Never end any compliment with “for a trans person” you’re so pretty for a trans girl, you have such a great beard for a trans man, etc For you it might sound nice, however it can be felt like you’re invalidating us or make us insecure. Yes we are proud of our identity however we just want to live a regular life as our preferred gender, so there’s no need to constantly remind us!

Of course there are lots more, however as others have said, each trans folk is different so just ask them!

2. I’d like to ask the other LGBTQ+ people when they received their copy of the gay agenda and when I can expect to receive mine.

If you came out between July 2019 and now, it was delayed due to COVID.

You typically get your copy in the first Pride after you come out, but the planning meeting for last year got cancelled because of the pandemic, so there isn’t an agenda for this year

1. As a teacher, how can I be better? Is there anything I should avoid that might not be so obvious?

If a student comes out to you ask trans/nb, show them acceptance (use their name, pronouns, etc) and if you see them being harassed for being lgbt+ stand up for them.

Also don’t out them unless they are okay with it (ie if they’re only out to you and they don’t want anyone else to know be conscious of names and pronouns used around others)

Some good questions here, and better discussion.

If you’re not straight, what would you share with straight people? Tell us in the comments.

The post Straight People Ask Questions About the LGBTQI+ Community appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Facts That Are Very Disturbing

There’s a good chance that you’re going to stumble across a few facts in your lifetime that you wish you hadn’t read.

Knowledge is power and all of that, but I mean…some things we just don’t want or need to know.

That said, you can’t “un”know things, so what do you do with the most disturbing facts you know?

You wait until the perfect question shows up on Reddit and then hit other people with them, of course!

15. Definitely horrible.

The chances of any of the super powerful people that used Jeffrey Epstein’s Island as a place to f*ck underage girls actually being punished for what they did is almost zero.

Clearly, these people are never going to face any kind of legal punishment, so I’d really appreciate if some kind of superhero assassin would just do us all a favor and take care of it.

Obviously, that’ll never happen, but a girl can dream.

14. It’s all very efficient.

Within three days of death, the enzymes from your digestive system begin to digest your body.

13. So glad I’m not that guy.

Khaled El-Masri is a German and Lebanese citizen who was mistakenly abducted by the Macedonian police in 2003, and handed over to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While in CIA custody, he was flown to Afghanistan, where he was held at a black site and routinely interrogated, beaten, strip-searched, sodomized, and subjected to other cruel forms of inhumane and degrading treatment and torture.

After El-Masri held hunger strikes, and was detained for four months in the “Salt Pit”, the CIA finally admitted his arrest and torture were a mistake and released him. He is believed to be among an estimated 3,000 detainees whom the CIA abducted from 2001–2005.

In May 2004, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Daniel R. Coats, convinced the German interior minister, Otto Schily, not to press charges or to reveal the program.

El-Masri filed suit against the CIA for his arrest, extraordinary rendition and torture. In 2006, his suit El Masri v. Tenet, in which he was represented by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), was dismissed by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, based on the U.S. government’s claiming the state secrets privilege. The ACLU said the Bush administration attempted to shield its abuses by invoking this privilege. The case was also dismissed by the Appeals Court for the Fourth Circuit, and in December 2007, the United States Supreme Court declined to hear the case.

On 13 December 2012, El-Masri won an Article 34 case at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The court determined he had been tortured while held by CIA agents and ruled that Macedonia was responsible for abusing him while in the country, and knowingly transferring him to the CIA when torture was a possibility.

It awarded him compensation. Which was fuck all.
This marked the first time that CIA activities against detainees was legally declared as torture.
The European Court condemned nations for collaborating with the United States in these secret programs.

12. That will keep you up at night.

Antibiotic resistance.

In 2010 I got a MRSA infection. Spent 6 weeks in and out of hospital ending in organ failure and sepsis- nearly died. 2 months later I was back in again. 2 months after that I was back again.

On my 3rd admittance they had run out of antibiotics to give me. The doctors researched for hours to find something they could try. Dug up an old antibiotic with terrible side effects and tried it… it didn’t work. Luckily one of the ones I had previously tried and had a bad reaction to (during sepsis, so probably not the medication)- they tried again and it worked.

But being deathly ill while the doctors have no idea what to give you is a scary place to be!

11. There’s nothing more disturbing as a parent.

Thousands of children are sexually abused every day by adults they are supposed to be able to trust.

10. I’m not sure this is scary…

The actual scientific cure for hiccups is anal massaging…and it works.

9. You just never know.

You might feel like the healthiest person in the world and yet still randomly die in your sleep. Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome is just one example. There are tons of small obstructions and irregularities that your heart could be suffering from that go completely unnoticed by you, your friends, and your doctors.

You might be at an increased risk of just passing on when you go to bed tonight, and no one would even suspect as much until you actually died.

8. Where do they all go?

Every single year, there are thousands of people in the US alone who disappear.

Most of them show up again; usually the next day but sometimes a few days, a few weeks or even a few months later.

However, out of these thousands of people, there are roughly 150 people – every single year – who disappear and… simply never appear again. Nobody knows what has happened to those people. They might be dead, they might not be, we simply don’t know.

7. The harsh truth.

Every time unemployment goes up 1%, 40,000 people die. From “The Big Short.”

Well yeah, it’s bad enough losing your job but it’s infinitely worse when you’ve got a chronic condition and your health insurance is suddenly gone.

6. His poor mother.

Dylan Klebold, one of the killers of the Columbine massacre, attended the school’s prom three nights before the shooting. When he got home he was talking to his mom and showed her the flask he’d brought to prom, explaining that they’d only drank a little bit. He told her “I just wanted you to know you can trust me.”

It’s so chilling that he could say that and less than 72 hours later participate in the killing of 13 other people and himself.

5. I’m sorry, what?

A lone pilot was flying in Australia in 1978.

He reported to air traffic control that he was accompanied by an aircraft above him.

When asked to identify the aircraft, he replied “It isn’t an aircraft”.

His plane disappeared, and was never to be found again.

4. Swoon!

In just 1 kiss, over 80 million bacteria are exchanged

3. Is that all?

The average American consumes over 150 pounds of sugar every year.

2. I actually love this.

The Amazon Forest has a huge gap of virgin forest between Brazil and other countries, places kilometers away from the nearest cities. The Brazilian institute for native Indians (FUNAI) has got agents overlooking tribes and they take flights over the forest and always end up spotting huts, fire pits and bow-and-arrow armed men. There are plenty of unknown tribes hiding somewhere that huge forest. People never contacted by “civilization”.

The fun fact is even the Institute agents have no idea of number, types and tribes there inside. Can’t track down, account, or detect their genealogy.

Amazon forest is a complex and humid place, you can hide a family of elephants there inside and you won’t see it from the sky.

1. Eat your fruit.

When you have scurvy, all your old scars and wounds open up, due to the vitamin needed to maintain scar tissue. So for me for example, I had my jaw dislocated and my gums cut open from check to check to remove wisdom teeth.

If I got scurvy I would bleed uncontrollably from the inside of my mouth out.

What would be your most horrifying scar?

I’m…I don’t know how to feel right now but it’s not good.

We might as well continue – share your worst facts with us in the comments!

The post 15 Facts That Are Very Disturbing appeared first on UberFacts.

Read About When Therapists Were the Opposite of Helpful or Kind

We all realize by now that while the majority of people in the world try their best to be kind and to do the right thing, there are bad apples out there – and they fall off the tree and land in all sorts of professions.

Even ones, it turns out, that are normally populated by people who go the extra mile to serve those who need it the most.

These 12 people signed up for mental healthcare because they needed help and a kind, understanding ear – and they got total jerks who should have their licenses revoked, honestly.

12. So much cringe.

Had to go to the hospital because I had cut myself about 4 years ago, I sat in the room where there are multiple different people and cases going on so there wasn’t any walls in between patients. And what does the head nurse do?

“We got a cutter! We got a cutter!” To the whole damn room, you could see how uncomfortable the other nurses were and even some police men looking after someone else looked upset she decided to yell it to everyone. Made me feel like complete garbage on top of how I already felt at the time.

11. Not the best parenting.

tl;dr: cheap parents ‘hired’ a therapist they knew would give them info, i got suspicious and confirmation after i told a ridiculous lie and my parents sat me down to talk about it when i had never told them anything. since it was a lie. it took YEARS to trust any adult after that. (of which i still struggle with as a 34 yo)

in high school i was pretty difficult because of some real intense shit happening in my life. i wasnt on drugs or violent or flunking out. HOWEVER, i had a super rough family home life as well as some sexual assault stuff and i withdrew because of it. my parents were very “sunday christian” meaning while at church theyre the best christians but the teachings did NOT make it home. (they still dont understand why only 1 of their 6 kids talk to them etc etc kinda thing).

anyway they gave us NO Privacy ever, always in our phones, our bags, our rooms, just in every aspect of our life if it offered them control and i knew it would be no different when they “found me a counselor and you know her”. guys, they sent me to therapy with the PASTOR’S WIFE. it became super clear she was telling them things immediately but i held out hope until i couldn’t anymore, because i didnt have proof really.

i ended up telling her i got in a fender bender but there was no damage so it was all good. well, she told my parents right when i left i guess because when i showed up home my dad demanded to see my bumpers.

they wont admit what happened to this day, but they never made me go again. so there’s that, at least. also i guess this turned out mostly about my parents but fuck them and that ‘counselor’ too.

10. I have secondhand anger.

I was having panic attacks daily and the med he gave me made my anxiety worse. Turned out I just have bad reactions to SSRIs and that was all he kept trying like a moron.

Anyway I’m in his office and he seems to be taking it personally that all the SSRIs he has put me on are giving me seriously bad side effects.

“Have you just given up then?” the f*cker asks. “Do you just want to be like this the rest of your life?”

Obviously f*cking not that is why I’m in this office trying new medications. I was so angry and yet also having a panic attack at the same time. I ended up just walking out and finding a new psychiatrist later.

9. Yikes.

That there was no point in continuing therapy because I was ‘emotionally devoid’ and was wasting her time.

It was a licensed therapist that I was referred to by my doctor after an emotional breakdown (ironic much?).

Her comment came on our third appointment, we had never ‘clicked’ and she had made judgemental comments about my parenting choices in the first session so there wasn’t any trust there.

I’ve since found a new therapist who was amazing and now, five years on I have left a toxic marriage, dropped two of the three meds I was taking and am loving a genuinely happy life. While her comment initially stalled me and left me feeling that there was no hope, I’m now genuinely happy and loving life

I’m also halfway through studies to be a counsellor myself.

8. How about neither?

“You need to find religion and also buy this self help book series that I wrote.”

7. Just drink like everyone else.

I use my creativity with art and craft as both a coping skill and as something that gives me extra purpose in life.

A psychologist told me that doing so is maladaptive.

I didn’t go back.

6. That’s not a joke.

For this it’s important to know that I live in Germany.

I saw a psychologist once who treats and diagnoses adults with Asperger’s. I was there for my second diagnostic interview, and my mother was with me to be interviewed as well. She told the doctor about my sensory issues, especially with noise, because I would occasionally scream and punch walls and throw stuff around if I was too overloaded with a sound. The psychologist just said something along the lines of “Well, 100 years ago people like this would have been treated rather differently around here, eh?” and laughed in our faces.

Even if he wasn’t talking about the National Socialist euthanasia, which took place not quite 100 years ago, I still felt incredibly disgusted and angry. The entire interview with him was a disaster, but this was clearly the worst thing he did.

5. Not her problem.

Ok, this is actually my mums story but it’s relevant. 1980’s in the UK. My mum is pregnant with me and my dad is, well, not a good person. My dad called my mum when she was out asking her to come home. Mum thought he sounded odd so asked a friend to come with her.

Daddy dearest is drunk which has brought out all of his angry, violent tendencies and he fires a gun that god knows where he got it at my mum. Missed, thankfully. Police are called, a standoff happens and it’s hours before he’s finally taken down.

The psychiatrist who treats him after tells my mum who was bracing herself for a good old fashioned divorce not to leave him as he wouldn’t cope.

F*ck. That. Noise.

Unfortunately, they did succeed in guilting mum into staying but she got out a few years later and gave me the best childhood. She passed a few years ago now but damn she was awesome.

4. Lucky you?

Had a therapist tell me that my soul, long before I was born, chose my parents and subsequent childhood abuse so that I could learn from it.

By this logic, of course, the abused person is always in control and the abuser is helpless.

Argue with that logic.

Needless to say I never saw her again.

3. To. A. Child.

“You’ll never do an important job like doctor, veterinarian, firefighter, lawyer, counselor…You’ll probably end up in a Walmart for your whole life.”

I was 8 years old and still remember how mad my parents were lol.

2. No excuses.

The whole, “trauma makes you stronger, trauma teaches you something, there’s a silver lining to your trauma,” schtick makes my skin crawl. People only say that when:

They’ve never experienced serious trauma or abuse themselves,

They are trying desperately to find a reason or why that doesn’t lay blame on themselves or their abuser. It’s nobody’s fault if it was destined by God, right?

I always tell people (and myself), “Children shouldn’t have to be strong, children shouldn’t have to be resilient, children should just be safe.

Trauma is just trauma, not a f*cking learning experience.”

1. Beyond not ok.

“You’re taking up someone else’s space, and they’re probably dealing with worse” veterans mental health recovery program when I was suicidal and reaching out✌

I’m a F vet in Australia, so negative to those asking if this was through the American VA system. Though, I’m sorry to hear that the resources are just as turbulent overseas.

Veteran mental health is a complicated area, and not every vet went to war, or served overseas. It creates an internal hierarchy in the way we think about ‘who has it worse’ and how we view the way we fit into the structure of Defence.

I hope those of you who had similar experiences were able to find the support that you needed, and if you haven’t yet – please DM me – though may take me a while to respond.

And for the friends and family of vets who have been supporting and suffering with them; what you go through is also valid. You signed up with them and it’s a pain that can be hard for others to understand. That doesn’t mean it matters any more or less.

I would walk right out of these appointments. Or at the very least, refuse to go back.

Has something like this ever happened to you? Share the story with us in the comments!

The post Read About When Therapists Were the Opposite of Helpful or Kind appeared first on UberFacts.