What Scandalous Rumor at Your School Turned Out to Be True?

In case you don’t remember, every school is a rumor mill.

Speculation runs rampant through the hallways and classrooms about teachers and students and the nefarious deeds that are going on.

Heck, sometimes even the janitor gets pulled into the stories.

And sometimes…the rumors are true.

What big rumor at your school turned out to be true?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Jeez…

“There was a family in my town that foster-to-adopted all their kids. Everyone had known one of their daughters since she was quite young and then they adopted another girl her age when we were in 8th grade.

They did NOT get along. When the original girl developed epilepsy a few years later, her new sister claimed she was faking and everyone thought she was so f**king mean and ostracized her.

Eventually, she had to fess up to faking the seizures all along when she signed up for basic training, which she never even completed. Unfortunately this was after we all graduated, so we never got to apologize to her sister.”

2. Pregnant.

“That a 12-year-old 6th grader had gotten pregnant over summer break.

Our Los Angeles county suburb (it was a small and far-separated from LA itself, see how large that county actually is on Google if you are unawares) was so scandalized by this “rumor” that a newspaper article came out with a cartoon drawing of a pregnant girl in a pretty little girl dress and ribbon in her hair — playing with dolls and kneeling next to a doll-house — accompanied the story about the “little girl who got pregnant and planned to keep the baby.”

She was interviewed. I remember her name but it’s unnecessary— the whole town knew who it was.

What’s wild is that the kids in Jr. High actually had a baby shower for this 7th grader as she got close to full-term, and all brought in packs of diapers and formula for her on a designated day. With the teachers, principal, and probably the school district in support of this.

The year was 1984-1985.”

3. It’s all true.

“In high school: that the biology teacher was growing weed in the environmental lab. Supposedly he did it for 30 years without anyone noticing. No one could ever prove it though.

Later on, I was assigned to be the agent taking care of some of his financial matters, so I went to his house to have him sign some paperwork. He had a hydroponic setup there, so I asked him about the environmental lab. It was like Han Solo in The Force Awakens.

“It’s true. All of it.” Then he offered me a brownie.”

4. Whoa.

“There was a rumor that a teacher had s** with whole basketball team.

Well, turns out it was half of the team.

Worst part is her son was on the team.

Her husband ended up divorcing her and her son left with his dad.”

5. Scandalous!

“Our science teacher was having an affair with our science technician and regularly left class to do his thing with her in the technician’s room.

That rumor started on Day 1.

Four years, two divorces, and two very quick departures later it was confirmed and what was left behind was a technicians daughter in my year whose life had fallen apart.”

6. Undercover.

“That one of the students was actually a cop.

Turns out he was a cop and busted one of the actual students for selling handg**s in school.

If you thought 21 Jump Street was unrealistic, think again. The cop was a 33 year old male and undercover for like half the semester.”

7. Sad.

“In Elementary (about 15 years ago), our favorite school teacher didn’t come back after a summer break. He was awesome: funny, sporty, cool, down to earth, never shouted. Just a great role model to have around when you are a kid.

Rumors went round that his wife and daughter d**d in a car accident. No one believed it. It was just what kids said on the playground. Somebody heard it from somebody who heard it from somebody.

Then I went to the local grocery store with my Mom a little while after school had started again. I saw my old teacher. He was a shell, a wreck. I was only 8 but even then you can tell when someone isn’t there anymore. I asked parents of my friends, and they confirmed the rumors.

I felt so bad that something as awful as that could happen to one of the best guys I ever knew and always looked up to. Turns out he committed suicide a couple of years ago. Same bridge that his wife and daughter d**d on all those years ago.”

8. He’s cool, man!

“There was always a rumor that the head janitor was a huge pothead and would smoke with students in one of the storage sheds away from the main building.

I always figured it was bulls**t until my friend CJ sent me a pic of him and the janitor smoking weed while surrounded by folding chairs.”

9. Tunnel of love.

“In my Catholic (Jesuit) high school, one of the priests and one of the nuns were very close friends.

We all loved them, and we could see that they were quite fond of one another (and they made a really nice looking couple). We used to affectionately kid them about “meeting in the tunnel” between the convent and the rectory.

A few years after my class graduated, they both left their Orders, got married, and had kids. We’re all happy for them.”

10. Seemed like a nice guy…

“We had a dean who “retired” one summer.

Turns out, he was busted in a huge pr**titution/drug sting by cops. He had 2 pr**titutes and coc**ne in his apartment when he got rolled up; ended up pleading guilty to felony drug possession (a few others I can’t remember), and sentenced to 5 years of probation.

He was an advisor for the school’s Drug/Alcohol Task Force.

Nice enough guy. Really cool with all of his students, maybe too cool. Always seemed to have super red eyes.”

11. Crazy.

“That one of the kids hung himself on a swing set in a local park.

They didn’t say who it was, and just thought it was a vicious rumor about the same guy… then four girls who were close to him came down the stairwell crying and ran out the front door and started heading in the direction of the park.

It was confirmed around noon, we were sent home after lunch.”

12. Uh oh…

“Our freshman science teacher was a massive jerk to any girl, and would frequently throw the dress code book at girls for the slightest issue.

Everyone said it was because he was p**sed his daughter became a str**per… that ended up being true.”

What were the crazy rumors that turned out to be true at your school?

Please share them with us in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear your stories!

The post What Scandalous Rumor at Your School Turned Out to Be True? appeared first on UberFacts.

What Are the Dumbest Lies That People Believed?

We all grow up believing certain lies that our parents, siblings, friends, and enemies tell us.

Some of the lies are big and important, some are little and insignificant, and some are just plain DUMB.

What I’m really trying to say is that we live in a world full of LIARS.

What are the dumbest lies that people actually believed?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. How does this work?

“You give birth when the doctor puts a key in your belly button and opens it to get the baby.

Was mindblown a decade later when they told me how kids were actually manufactured.”

2. It’s poisonous!

“Growing up my dad told us kids that eating pie without ice cream was poisonous.

My mom thought it was funny until one day, when my dad was working out of town, she tried to feed us pie without ice cream and we all believed she was trying to poison us and would not eat it.”

3. He got away.

“My dad told me that one time, a leprechaun stole his newspaper off the front porch.

He didn’t get a good look at it, but he saw it running away down the street.

I believed that stupid story for yeeeeears.”

4. You made this?

“My grandma said she worked in a factory that made our Christmas presents.

I… I believed it longer than I care to admit… And I believed it despite knowing what she actually did for a living… I just didn’t put 2 and 2 together because of my tiny child monkey brain.

I was just so humbled and impressed that my nan made this Power Rangers action figure set.”

5. Fraud.

“In the 1800’s, a man named Denis Vrain-Lucas forged tens of thousands of fake letters from historical figures.

He made hundreds of thousands of francs from prominent French collectors by selling documents supposedly written by Biblical figures such as Judas, Mary Magdalene, and Pontius Pilate, and got away with it for years.

This would all be pretty understandable–except that all the letters were written in modern French, on watermarked paper.”

6. Can’t get over this one.

“When I was a toddler, my mom lied to me that when the ice cream van plays music it means that all the ice cream is gone.”

7. Not buying it.

“I was working for a midsized company.

One day we had a company meeting where the CEO gave a speech where someone asked if they were going to put in cubicles. The CEO swore that there would never be cubicles at a company he ran. We all believed him.

Three weeks later workers showed up and started assembling cubicles. Then we had meetings with our mangers where it was explained to us that they were not cubicles. They were ‘work stations’ and anyone who said the word cubicles would be fired.”

8. A popular one.

“For whatever reason, I went on for years thinking you just couldn’t turn the lights inside the car on.

One night, I was eighteen years old and went to drive home from work. I saw some cops on the side of the road and didn’t realize my overhead lights were on until I had already passed them.

I panicked and started wondering why they weren’t chasing me, but I guess that was the night where I figured it’s actually okay to have those lights on.”

9. I believed it!

“That gum took 7 years to digest if we accidentally swallowed it.

An older kid I knew also perpetuated this lie by telling me he had to get surgery to remove a big wad of gum that had accumulated in his stomach.

His mom backed him up.”

10. Compulsive liar.

“When I was a kid there was a guy maybe about 10 years older than me in our church.

He worked at a grocery store and drove a Camaro. we thought he was the coolest guy in the world. He was telling us that Phil Jackson would go into the grocery store all of the time and they were friends. This is believable since Phil lives in the area and most people have encountered him at least one time.

Phil told Camaro guy that Shaq and Kobe were coming to the area to stay with him and they needed someone to come play with them to keep their skills sharp. Camaro guy said he wanted to go but couldn’t because he had to work his minimum wage job.

At the time us kids were extremely impressed with this. As I got older and wiser, I realized there was no way Shaq and Kobe needed a 5’7″ overweight grocery store clerk to keep them NBA ready.”

11. Don’t drink that.

“That drinking pickle juice will dry your blood up.

My mom told me that (we’re from the South we believe a lot of stupid stuff). IDK where my mom got it.

When I pointed it out to my High School Home Ec teacher she just looked at me like I was a moron… and I was an honor student.

It’s actually good for muscle cramps.”

12. You fell for that?

“My dad had weird rules to music.

For the longest time I believe that Spotify would make me lose my hearing beacuse he told me that the app used a certain frequency that the army used to torment POWs.

Turned out he just didn’t like the fact I was listen to music he hadn’t pre approved.”

13. Very controversial.

“That Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) was the one “True Church” even though everything it claims about itself is either a fraud or a lie according to all extant evidence.”

What do you think are some of the dumbest lies that people have believed?

Sound off in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post What Are the Dumbest Lies That People Believed? appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Asks if She’s a Jerk for Taking Her Son to Get a Pedicure Instead of Her Husband

I can’t say that I’ve ever heard a story like this one…but there’s a first time for everything!

Are you ready to read about some family drama that involves PEDICURES?

Let’s see what went down…

AITA for taking my son to get pedicures instead of my husband?

“For the first time since last year, my 46F husband 48M have a three day weekend! We were discussing what we wanted to do that day, and i suggested that we go get pedicures since I wanted to get a manicure that day anyway.

My husband normally goes with me every other month to get pedicure, so I made the appointment. We also made plans to do some shopping and go to a late lunch/early dinner when we were done.

Last week my husband told me that his friend Jeff needed his help on Friday (the same day that we had our pedicure/shopping date), and I told him that we had plans that day. My husband asked if I could change the appointment time, so I called the salon and they said they were booked full until the following day.

I told my husband this and he said that his friend needs his help, maybe we could go another time. So I told him that was fine, he could go help his friend and asked my son 18M if he wanted to go instead. My son agreed and we have a whole mother/son day planned.

My husband is now upset with me, and basically said that I was being over dramatic and inconsiderate. I disagreed and told him that this is not the first time he has ditched me for Jeff.

Last month we had plans to take care of a project in our house, and he ditched me to go bring Jeff a ladder and help him clean his gutters so I ended up doing the project myself. He also brings him to date nights because “he is all alone and has no girlfriend or other friends.”

I told my husband that I was tired of him putting his friendship with Jeff over spending time with me, and that it only seems like he needs his help on days when we have something planned to do together.

This has happened at least 15 times in the last 6 months. The first couple times, I was okay with it because i feel like if someone needs help, and you can help, it is a nice thing to do, but after the 4th or 5th time, I felt like he was taking advantage.

My husband said that we could go again next weekend, and I told him that we could do something else, but that I am now looking forward to my mother/son day and that I wasn’t canceling. Now he is pouting and making me feel guilty about it.

AITA for changing our date to a mother/son day because he wants to help his friend?”

Now it’s time to see how Reddit users responded to this story.

This reader doesn’t think that the woman was wrong and that her husband needs to step up and set some boundaries.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that the whole idea of bringing a friend to date night is just plain weird.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual argued that the woman’s husband sounds negligent AND entitled. Boom!

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person went so far as to suggest that the husband might be having an affair.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person seems to have the same idea…are we sure that this Jeff fellow is just a friend? Inquiring minds want to know!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this lady acted like a jerk?

Or is this no big deal?

Talk to us in the comments and share your thoughts!

The post Woman Asks if She’s a Jerk for Taking Her Son to Get a Pedicure Instead of Her Husband appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Won’t Allow Her Mother-in-Law Watch Her Son. Is She Wrong?

You’re not watching my kid!

You know that any story that includes this line is gonna be ugly.

A young woman took to Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page to air her grievances about the situation she’s dealing with regarding her mother-in-law.

Let’s see what happened.

AITA For not wanting my MIL to watch my son?

“My (27f) son is three months old. My husband (34m) and I tried for three years to have a baby and suffered two miscarriages in 2019 that were devastating.

We live in an area where COVID restrictions have lifted, so we are slowly introducing our baby to family. We have introduced him to my MIL, and since then she’s been very pushy about babysitting him for us.

The issue is, my husbands family is very chaotic. His stepbrother is a heroin addict who has robbed their family home on several occasions and has the tendency to hide his needles around the house. He doesn’t live there, but my MIL has not stopped him from coming around.

My husbands sister lives at the family home. She does not work or pay rent, and she has a big jealousy issue with my husband. He goes over to the house on a regular basis to help with yard work, etc. And she always makes a scene about not wanting him there.

Last October when I was eight months pregnant, I was dropping my husband off at his moms to clean the gutters for her. His sister came home while I was in the driveway and started screaming at my husband about how they don’t need his help. She was triggered by me blocking her spot. My husband pointed out that he wouldn’t need to come by if she stepped up and helped my MIL.

She then said that she hopes I have another miscarriage, which was disgusting and hurtful. As always, MIL stuck up for her and said she didn’t mean it.

At this point, there’s too much chaos in the house and I don’t feel like it’s a safe place for my baby, especially without my husband and I. My MIL doesn’t understand this at all. I know she isn’t responsible for her stepsons addiction and her daughters awfulness, but I don’t trust her judgment. AITA?

Some people are also questioning why my husbands sister has such a hate on for him. She’s been like this since they were kids, according to many people in the family.

In my opinion, he’s the only one that calls her on her shi*t, and she doesn’t know how to handle her emotions.”

And here’s how folks on Reddit responded to this story.

This person said that the woman’s mother-in-law is obviously a doormat and that she doesn’t have to comply with her wishes if she doesn’t want to.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that the woman is under no obligation to let anyone, not even her mother-in-law, watch her kid unsupervised if she doesn’t want to.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This reader said that this just sounds like a bad situation all around and that the woman shouldn’t even let her child near her in-laws.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual argued that if she does agree to let her mother-in-law watch her child, everything needs to be in writing and she needs to be very careful about every little detail.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this person thinks that the mother-in-law may be well-meaning, but she obviously has a few screws loose and can even be considered delusional.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Would you let this mother-in-law watch your kid?

Talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Woman Won’t Allow Her Mother-in-Law Watch Her Son. Is She Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Dumb Lies That Folks Believed

I still remember some of the dumb lies I believed when I was a kid.

If you swallowed gum, it would get stuck in your stomach and you’d have to have it surgically removed. And then there were the fake stories about certain rock stars and actors and the incident with the gerbil…do you remember that one?

My point is, there are a ton of dumb lies floating around there and every generation has their own version of the old classics.

Folks took to AskReddit to discuss the dumb lies that folks out there believe.

Let’s check them out!

1. Propaganda.

“That carrots help vision. It was WWII propaganda.

“…the British government—aided and abetted by Walt Disney—told Britons that eating carrots could sharpen their eyesight and help win the war…. Portraying carrots as a night vision-enhancing superfood had another benefit—hiding a secretive English radar technology from the Naz**.”

2. A hard truth.

“The American dream of “If you go to college, work hard and study hard you can have a good job, great life and be happy”.

That’s not how reality works.

A lot of the times it’s a mixture of dumb luck, right place/right time and/or nepotism.”

3. How it really went down.

“Galileo was burned for saying the earth revolved around the sun.

He was actually excommunicated for mocking the pope…

A pope that was supportive of his work.”

4. So ridiculous.

“That the wind turbines that failed in Texas this winter are proof that wind power is not reliable.

Fox viewers believe that to this day.”

5. Is that a lie?

“That you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

I cant even drink 8 glasses of anything else.”

6. No more.

“Growing up my mom always told me that i have to eat two bananas together because if I eat just one the banana won’t give me any potassium.

It takes two bananas to work together to activate the potassium release.

I just stopped eating bananas.”

7. Not true.

“You have to go to college if you want a good paying job, otherwise you’ll be working as a garbage man.

Trade schools exist and garbage men make a pretty decent salary.”

8. Fell for it.

“My grandfather told me he got his gold tooth from not putting his tongue in the area he lost his baby tooth from.

I’d try to get a gold tooth every time but I’d always cave at like a day or two.”

9. Disproven!

“That your tongue has 5 taste ‘bud’ centers, each in different areas of the tongue.

They made us do a taste test in jr high.

I couldn’t taste what the hell they were talking about.

Since been disproven.”

10. Is it out there…?


Dumb enough to get a primetime tv show called Finding Bigfoot, too.”

11. I remember this one.

“When I was in elementary school, we were always told that the fire alarms would squirt ink on your hands if you pulled them.

Fast forward to me as a teacher in my 20s. A kid pulled the fire alarm. The principal mentioned pulling video footage to find out who did it. I told my principal “just look for the kid with ink on their hands!”

My principal was confused at my comment until I gave more detail. It was only then that I realized I still believed a lie told in elementary school!”

12. Sorry…

“That there are hot singles in my area looking to meet me.”

13. Misinformation.

“Unions are bad for workers.

My job is unionized and we get 4 breaks, $22/hr, basically f**king free health care (a guy got 4 X-rays and paid nothing) and the company is still profitable.

Don’t let the rich pigs tell you otherwise. Unionize your workplace.”

Okay, it’s confession time.

In the comments, tell us about the dumbest lie that YOU ever believed.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Talk About Dumb Lies That Folks Believed appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Really Dumb Lies That People Actually Believed

I remember the dumbest lie I ever believed when I was young.

A kid in my neighborhood had a whole group of us mesmerized one day at the bus stop telling us his epic story…the night before, he had actually seen THE FREAKIN’ EASTER BUNNY hop out of his house.

Yes, the night before was Easter, so it totally made sense to our second-grade brains. We were all blown away…and apparently, we were also pretty dumb.

AskReddit users talked about the dumb lies that folks actually believed. Let’s dive in!

1. Gramps.

“My grandpa told me this story of those signs that warn for falling rocks on the road.

He said a Native American chief put them up in an attempt to find his estranged son named Falling Rock. Every time I saw those signs I would look for him, only to be told years later that he made the whole thing up.

Man, I was a dumb kid.”

2. Spy games.

“In middle school, rumor was that I was a Russian spy.

Literally everyone believed it and ignored me for the next month, since they don’t want to leak information about themselves to Russia.”

3. A lot of this going around.

“A government providing financial aid to citizens in need (even during a global health and economic crisis) is a form of Communism and should never even be considered.

To be clear, I never believed this, but many others do.”

4. Okay…

“I heard this one a couple times when I was a kid:

“God is so precise in his designs that if the earth was a few inches closer or farther away from the sun we’d burn down or freeze.””

5. A tall tale.

“My grandpa used to tell me that story where he went to hunt one day and, as he was focused on hunting, a snake ate his leg.

Then he cut her open from head to tail in a rage attack but felt guilty after a while and sew her together again. She ran away and his leg grew back some time later.

Why I believed that, I have no clue.”

6. Ouch!

“When I was around 4, my older brother told me that since we were in a house with no chimney, we had to leave the door unlocked for Santa to get in on Christmas Eve.

We forgot and were robbed a month later.”

7. Red scare.

“”If South Vietnam falls, next week the whole world will be Commies”

And its sequel: Vietnam War 2: Middle Eastern Boogaloo.”

8. Carpe Diem?

“”Live life in the moment.”

High school and college loved to teach us that Carpe Diem stuff. Like, no bud, reflect on the past, dream and plan for the future.”

9. That’s why.

“In high school a student asked why the American soldiers in WWII got the nickname dough boy.

I said because when they were in France they would visit the French women and love the French bread so much they kept coming back. This is also why we have the Pillsbury dough boy.

This explanation was quickly shot down by my teacher but for just a moment I had them.”

10. I see what you did there.

“A few thousand years ago, a group of lunatics in the desert decided that there was a Big Man in the Sky that wanted them to k**l any person who didn’t agree with them about the exact qualities of The Big Man in the Sky.

Over the years they came to also believe that The Big Man in the Sky would send you to burn for all eternity if you mast**bated, but was perfectly fine with slavery.

Unfortunately many people still believe this lie.”

11. Have some!

“My stepdad always drank this vegetable juice so he could lose weight, but for years he told us it was blood and always tried to get us to have a sip, we would cry almost every time he tried to get us to have a sip.

I believed this for years until I actually bothered to read the bottle and realized it was just vegetable juice.”

12. Don’t touch that…

“My husband’s dad told him that the hazard light button was the “self-destruct button” of the car.

First time he saw the hazard lights get turned on, it terrified him.”

Okay, now it’s your turn, friends.

In the comments, please tell us about the dumbest lie that you actually believed.

Let’s do this!

The post People Discuss Really Dumb Lies That People Actually Believed appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Selfless Thing Folks Did For Them Without Realizing It

Sometimes in life, people will do things for you that really touch you in a special way and they don’t even realize it.

In fact, you’ve probably done things like this many times in your life and really made someone’s day and you never even knew.

What’s the most selfless thing someone did for you that they are unaware of?

Take a look at these stories from folks on AskReddit.

1. Car wreck.

“I was driving and hit another car.

He was stopped to turn and I simply wasn’t paying attention. I rear-ended his car at about 30 miles per hour. Set off my cars air bags. I managed to pull over to the side, he completed his turn. I was in shock and blundered right into the highway.

He ran out, pulled me to safety and as I’m sobbing and apologizing, he just gave me a big hug and kept telling it’s ok, we’re ok, cars can be fixed. He was so sweet and calm when I was a complete mess.

Found out from my co-worker a week later, the gentlemen I hit had lost his wife to cancer the week before.


2. There’s another way.

“When I was in grade 3 my teacher invited me to have dinner with her and her family. My family life was not good.

I never had a dad. My mom is an alcoholic (She has been sober now for 30 years). I did not know what a normal family was like until that dinner and night at her house. It was just so calm and stable.

I remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was almost 40 years ago. It made me realize that there was another way to exist.”

3. Compassion and understanding.

“My daughter has a progressive neurological issue that is slowly taking away her right side. A few years ago, when she was 12 and could still ride a bike, we were riding to a place to watch fireworks on the 4th of July.

She was struggling to ride and was somewhat unsteady and couldn’t make quick moves. We weren’t riding far. As she was riding by a new Mini Cooper, she was struggling to keep her bike straight and her handle bar hit the side view mirror of the guys Mini. He was in the car and and just smiled and waved us on saying everything was fine.

I think he had a sense that my daughter had to work extra hard to ride her bike. After we moved out of the way, I went to thank the guy but he drove off. I know she broke the glass on his mirror, I heard it. I’ll never forget the guys face and how compassionate and understanding he was.”

4. A nice gesture.

“I have a genetic condition that makes me look rather awful. People are often uncomfortable around me. I get it, totally – but still, it hurts.

One night, I was a church activity, and they told everyone that they could go target shooting (I know….weird). That’s not my thing, and so I just stayed by the campfire. After everyone left, a girl stayed there with me and just talked.

As we were talking, a few bugs came and landed on my face, and she brushed them away – like it was the most normal thing in the world. People never touch me at all – or at least not without fear.

I know that is not really doing much – but I think that she must have gone through a lot in her life – in order to be around someone like me, and not be afraid.

It’s been years since that happened, and I still get that ache in the throat just thinking about it.”

5. Still think about it.

“I was severely depressed at that time and I was sitting outside in the veranda on a bench when my 4 year old cousin came and stood on the bench and just hugged me.

I asked her what are you doing and she replied, “maya korchi” which means “showing you love”.

I still think about it when I am feeling down.

6. Tea time.

“I’m a nurse in a public hospital and every day, no matter how s**t my shift is going, I look forward to my morning tea.

This consists of a banana and a very strong coffee. Simple, but a puts the spring in my step. Anyway one morning I LOST my banana. Could not find it. I was having a rough morning and really needed my banana. Anyway I just got on with it and went on with my day, albeit a little bit sulky haha.

About 20 minutes later an orderly comes up to me holding a banana he had gone all the way to another floors kitchen to get for me. He was like “I heard you lost your banana, I know you needed that. Go have a break, eat this and I’ll listen out for your call bells.”

This was over two years ago and probably seems so small, but I still think about this and it makes me so fuzzy to know the compassion and kindness of the people I work with. What a legend.”

7. Almost homeless.

“My ex’s mother took me in for a few months and refused to accept any money from me. My ex didn’t tell her how bad my situation was.

If she hadn’t taken me in I would literally have been homeless. I had already asked about emergency housing at the local council offices and had gone to the homeless shelter. Neither could help me.

All because my mother went back on her word and said I could move in with her if I couldn’t pay rent that month on the house she owned when I was temporarily unemployed.”

8. You can see again.

“An organ donor saved the sight in my left eye when I was 20. The law in Australia prevents me from ever knowing who the donor was but I hope their family knows how grateful I am and are proud of them.

When I talk to people about organ donation, a significant proportion of people tell me that they leave corneas unticked so they won’t be donated. I will always tell the story of my donor and how much it meant to me.

No it didn’t save my life, but as an artist in a visual medium, I owe my career and success to someone I never knew.”

9. Never saw them again.

“I was having a really bad depressive episode and this man and their dog were walking down the street. I was waiting for my food and considering just walking saying f**k it and walking down to one of the bridges on the river.

The mans dog was walking with her leash dragging on the floor, and she came up to me and sat down on my feet and looked up at me and refused to move for about 5 minutes.

I don’t know if the man realized I needed this or what, but he didn’t say or do anything as I stood there crying and petting his dog.

When the dog decided she was done, she got up and they walked off and I never saw them again.”

10. Thank you.

“When I was 20 I had to have major surgery and was facing a life with a chronic illness.

When I was home recovering a friend came by and put me in her car and took me on a random drive down to the beach and just all over. It was so relaxing and healing for my mind.

I’m a grandparent now and have had challenges but have been fine and I’ll never forget what she did. Thank you Marie.”

11. Lunch money.

“While I was in college, I couldn’t afford groceries most of the time so a few of my friends would buy me lunch with their dorm meal cards.

I’m not close with any of them anymore but I still think about what they did for me a lot.”

12. Doing your best.

“I was on welfare in my early 20s and one worker would take time out of her day to listen to me and do everything she could to help me out.

She was only supposed to have about 15 minutes with me but she’d regularly stay with me for like 45 minutes. She helped me so much just by believing me and treating me like a person who was trying their best.”

Have you ever had an experience like this?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Discuss Selfless Thing Folks Did For Them Without Realizing It appeared first on UberFacts.

Driving Instructors Share the Wildest Things Their Students Did on the Road

I still remember the Driver’s Ed class I took…

It was the summer after my Freshman year of high school and I was so nervous that I was going to fail. Then what would happen?!?!

I wouldn’t be able to get a car, I wouldn’t be able to have a life, and I’d just hang out at my parents’ house for the rest of my life.

Of course, I ended up passing and it was fine…

But I guess that some kids didn’t do so well…

People took to AskReddit to share their stories of student drivers gone wild.

1. Can’t win this argument.

“The girl who got in an accident on her driving test that she caused (I believe she ran a red that had been red for a while and hit a car that had right of way), in front of a cop.

She didn’t understand why she failed and tried to argue about it and schedule an appointment for the same day to retake.”

2. I think it’s too late.

“A student ran over a grey squirrel.

Stopped the car, got out and got it.

Brought it back to the car and asked if she could bring it to a vet’s office.”

3. Overeager.

“I had a student so excited to drive that when he open the door to get in he hit himself in the forehead with the door and cut himself so bad I had to drive him to the hospital to get stitches.”

4. A lot of stories.

“I taught mostly foreign students studying in the US. I have lots of stories.

The first is about the mid 30’s woman from Bangladesh. We are driving around a surburban neighborhood getting acclimated to making 90 degree turns. Pretty low key not scary stuff. Her phone rings so she stops in the middle of the road to reach her purse in the back seat to answer her call. I informed her she must first pull to the side of the road as you cannot just stop in the middle of the street. She told me I could not tell her what to do.

The second one was a woman in her late 20’s from Saudi Arabi. She was graduating college in 3 weeks and wanted to go home with a DL as women could not drive in her country. I go to pick her up and I ask the standard, ” Have you ever driven before”. She replied she knew what she was doing. 3 minutes in I ask her again because she was performing like this was her first time behind the wheel.

She then stated that she had watched her family driver many times from her vantage point in the back seat. I made her pull over and I drove her to an empty parking lot. She was just not getting it after about 4 actual hours in the car with me on multiple days but she insisted I take her to the licensing bureau for her driving test. I had no choice but to take her even though I knew she would fail.

They call her name and off she goes with the testing person. 7 minutes later the tester walks through the door and straight up to me. She said the woman had about taken out a school bus and that she (the tester) had to grab the wheel to keep them out of the ditch. I was asked for advance warning if I ever returned with such a bad driver.”

5. A terrifying one.

“The most terrifying one I’ve heard of was from a colleague. Like me he takes drivers out to familiarize them with new routes, procedures etc. In this instance the vehicle was a 38 Ton wagon.

About half way though the training trip, the guy just freezes solid, literally mid sentence. Truck is going around a curve, and they end up on the opposite side of the carriageway, getting dodged by oncoming traffic.

By a miracle, nothing gets hit, and a few seconds later he snaps back awake and veers back over to the correct side of the road. Needless to say, they stop, clean out their underwear, and my buddy takes over.

Turns out he’d had a seizure, and once diagnosed had his truck license revoked. Had no medical history of anything prior to this happening.”

6. Oh, boy.

“I had a coworker driving instructor in south Australia who had trained drivers for thirty years (longer then me) and I asked him what is the worst driver you have ever had, Paul?

Right away he told me but I forget her name. She was a little Asian woman who was very nice but would get transfixed behind the wheel. She never spoke just nodded and never seemed to take anything in or change her bad habits. She had over 50 driving lessons before Paul gave up on her. He said one time she ran someone over.

I asked what happened and he said “we were approaching a road works where the guy was standing with the stop sign and cones, and she pulled up and was first in line. She went too close to the guy with the sign and he seemed a little uncomfortable (the car has signs she is learning) so he gave me the thumbs up with a concerned face like “is it alright? I gave him the thumbs up and confident nod “yes it’s fine, don’t worry”.

I explained to her she must pull over slowly to the other side of the road and turn away from the guy and cones. I kept asking her if she understood and she would nod. Eventually the man turned his sign around and she floored it straight at him. He fell on the hood and grabbed the windscreen wipers. He was screaming and I was screaming at her while applying the passenger brake.

At this point she was staring blankly ahead as if she want there and yet accelerating the car as much as she could, foot to the floor, transfixed. This is a true story. Thankfully I never had someone as bad as that.”

7. Not good.

“I was the only American working for an East Asian software firm.

They’d send over PMs or Devs on business, these guys had licenses in China/Vietnam but usually had never driven or even been to the US before. They need to drive so I’d take them out to practice US driving style. It was horrifying.

Example – they’ve heard right turn on red is ok. So they’d do it at full speed, no stopping or slowing or even looking at cross traffic (which is, seriously, how it’s done in Vietnam).”

8. Police driving instructor.

“I’m a police driving instructor, so I teach new recruits emergency operations of police cars. I don’t have any great stories personally, however when I was at the academy as a guest instructor once, I witnessed something pretty crazy.

It was the first day that the recruits were going to run at high speeds with lights and sirens. The way that it works is that an instructor is always in the car with the recruits. I watched as a car driven by a recruit made the turn onto the beginning of the course. The lights and siren came on and the car accelerated down the road.

At the end of this road there is a stop sign at a T-intersection, and on the other side of the intersection is some grass and then the forest. You’re supposed to stop, clear the intersection, and turn right. The car kept accelerating toward the intersection longer than what we were used to seeing, but I thought maybe this was just a particularly aggressive recruit. Most of them are more timid on the first few runs.

However the car was way past where they normally start slowing down, and looked like it was going to blow through the intersection, when suddenly we see the car veer to the right and spin out into the grass. We then see the instructor and the recruit get out of the car and the instructor is yelling and cussing at the recruit. They switch seats and come driving back to the staging area.

The instructor gets out and meets with the head instructor. He explains that as they approached the intersection and he began to realize that the recruit was not stopping he looked over and saw that the recruit had a glazed over look on his face, kind of like a 1,000 yard stare.

He started yelling at the recruit to stop, but the recruit was not reacting at all. Realizing they were about to run through the intersection and go into the woods, he grabbed the wheel from the recruit, and put them into a spin.

When he asked the recruit what the hell happened, the recruit said “sometimes, when I get stressed, I kind of halfway black out.” That was the end of the recruit’s law enforcement journey, as that trait is not very compatible with the career.”

9. This is crazy.

“I swear I’m not making this up.

My drivers ed teacher would take us down country roads on purpose, and not just because there was less traffic. She thought that the only way you could learn to protect a human life was by deliberately taking the life of an animal.

If she saw an animal in the road, she’d say, “Pretend there’s a human in your lane!” and she’d grab the wheel and swerve to hit the animal, if necessary.

This was horrifying, and when other students heard which instructor you’d gotten they’d ask which animal she made you kill. Mine was an opossum.

My best friend had to kill a squirrel. It was the first and only time I’ve hit and killed an animal while driving and I’ve been on the road for 20 years.”

10. Did I pass?

“I know a guy who used to give the final exams for people contesting suspensions of their drivers license with the DMV. He had horror stories to tell me about how bad drivers were.

He had multiple stories about students not even making it out of the parking lot before failing and losing their licenses permanently. But the best was when a woman was backing out of the parking space took quickly and hit a car behind her.

He turns to the driver, and tells her to park back in the space, she guns it and hits the DMV building itself! She then turns to him and asks “Did I pass?”. He said it was the shortest test of his career.”

What’s the craziest thing that you’ve ever seen out on the road?

Share your stories with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Driving Instructors Share the Wildest Things Their Students Did on the Road appeared first on UberFacts.

Neighbors Paid the Price for Refusing to Turn Down the Heat

Being a good neighbor when everyone is in their own, single-family homes can be tough enough, some days, and people who share walls or buildings or other close-type quarters have my eternal sympathies.

This person lived next door to a commercial unit that was rented to the city, who in turn rented the space to the postal service.

Once they moved in there was a buzzing sound that was loud and made it hard to sleep, and OP struggled to figure out exactly what it was, so they could try to stop it.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It turned out to be the heating unit for the post office next door. OP went over to find out what was wrong and was told they were going to have someone look at it.

They asked whether or not it could possibly be turned off at night so they could get some sleep, and were told no, because it took too long for the unit to fire back up in the morning.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Someone did come by to check the unit but no repairs were made, and the tenets next door were getting icier by the day.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

OP was starting to go crazy from the constant noise and the lack of sleep.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They worked hard trying to get it resolved before the holidays, but now the supervisors were being rude, too, and it was clear that no one really cared to take the time or spend the money to fix the problem.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

OP knew they were on their own if they wanted to have a restful holiday season.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They spoke with their landlord again and learned that this whole time, the fuse box had been in his own apartment.

While they were on holiday next door, they turned off the heat and enjoyed the blessed silence.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They were cold during the day next door, but OP really didn’t care – the time for revenge had come.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

No regrets and no backsies.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

I actually love this. Everyone knows that no sleep makes a person crazy, so they really can’t be held accountable for their actions.

Do you agree, or are you on the side of the legal mumbo-jumbo here? Tell us down in the comments!

The post Neighbors Paid the Price for Refusing to Turn Down the Heat appeared first on UberFacts.

Neighbors Paid the Price for Refusing to Turn Down the Heat

Being a good neighbor when everyone is in their own, single-family homes can be tough enough, some days, and people who share walls or buildings or other close-type quarters have my eternal sympathies.

This person lived next door to a commercial unit that was rented to the city, who in turn rented the space to the postal service.

Once they moved in there was a buzzing sound that was loud and made it hard to sleep, and OP struggled to figure out exactly what it was, so they could try to stop it.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

It turned out to be the heating unit for the post office next door. OP went over to find out what was wrong and was told they were going to have someone look at it.

They asked whether or not it could possibly be turned off at night so they could get some sleep, and were told no, because it took too long for the unit to fire back up in the morning.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

Someone did come by to check the unit but no repairs were made, and the tenets next door were getting icier by the day.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

OP was starting to go crazy from the constant noise and the lack of sleep.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They worked hard trying to get it resolved before the holidays, but now the supervisors were being rude, too, and it was clear that no one really cared to take the time or spend the money to fix the problem.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

OP knew they were on their own if they wanted to have a restful holiday season.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They spoke with their landlord again and learned that this whole time, the fuse box had been in his own apartment.

While they were on holiday next door, they turned off the heat and enjoyed the blessed silence.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

They were cold during the day next door, but OP really didn’t care – the time for revenge had come.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

No regrets and no backsies.

Image Credit: Cheezburger

I actually love this. Everyone knows that no sleep makes a person crazy, so they really can’t be held accountable for their actions.

Do you agree, or are you on the side of the legal mumbo-jumbo here? Tell us down in the comments!

The post Neighbors Paid the Price for Refusing to Turn Down the Heat appeared first on UberFacts.