People Talk About Modern Practices That Will Be Seen as Horrible in 100 Years

I’m a huge Star Trek fan. It didn’t happen until I was in my very late 20’s, but I finally sat down and checked out The Next Generation and I was hooked.

Partially because of the engaging stories, partially for the imaginative sci-fi, and partially, and maybe most importantly for, the absolute sense of optimism and progress the series excluded.

Trek says that in the future of humanity, we’ll have done away with just about all that ails us. And I want to believe that. Which is why questions like this are so fascinating.

What do we do now that will be looked at as primitive and backwards in 100 years? from AskReddit

So, what are the next steps? What will we be discarding on the road to progress? Let’s ask Reddit.

1. Chemo

Using chemo therapy to treat cancer.

– CheetosnSalsa

2. Organ Transplants

Hopefully organ transplants.

Currently we take organs out of dead people to keep nearly dead people alive. Or living people who share an organ with someone nearly dead.

That’s why I’m here, my awesome aunt shared her liver with me.

– greffedufois

3. Toilet Paper

Wiping our *sses with toilet paper.

I am really looking forward to finding out what those 3 seashells do.

– ELPwork

4. Modern Psychology

Our field of psychology is actually woefully subjective and theoretical. We don’t even know for sure if some illnesses even really exist, or if they are a symptom of other illnesses or the result of multiple disorders occurring at once. We often have no idea if the medications which we prescribe for said possibly non-existent or misinterpreted illnesses will work. When Said medications do work, we often don’t why or how. We don’t even know what causes common well researched illnesses and disorders.

I believe that future generations will very much view our present grasp of psychology much like how we view alchemy in relation to chemistry. They knew there were natural processes between certain things that could produce an interesting, or even useful result, and they did use these results for practical purposes. They just really didn’t have any clue why or how any of it worked, and a TON of the stuff they held as “proven fact” we now realize was totally wrong.

– Vict0r117

5. Modern Gynecology

Gynecological practices that amount to “suck it up” and treat pain as an unimportant symptom.

– Shebolleth

6. Smoking

I was really surprised when I went to Europe how many people smoked. I met one co-worker who vaped, and he told me it was just catching on over there.

So many people smoked compared to the US. This was several years ago, but I imagine it will continue to go downhill.

– jajohns9

7. Antibiotics

Antibiotics. We basically use a WMD on our bodies to eliminate the single type of bacteria we’re targeting.

– Icedcoffeeee

8. Driving

Driving the cars ourselves. At the rate that self driving technology is going it’s probably gonna be about another 50 years before every car has it.

It will be the other 50 where it becomes the norm.

– Dumbdude22

9. The War on Drugs

Arrest and punish people for using drugs. The War On Drugs will be seen as huge Human Rights violation in 100 years.

– squarehipflask

10. The AR-15

The AR-15. In 100 years the phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range will be a much more elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

– ShadowDV

11. Weed Laws

Cannabis being illegal.

– TrooperJohn

12. Overworking

50+ hour work weeks

– pierso37

13. The Controversy Around Marriage Equality

Politically divisive social issues such as same-sex marriage will be something most people will likely take for granted.

People will look back on the controversy much how we look back on the suffragette movement.

– DarkReviewer2013

14. Everything

It is fair to assume that almost everything we do now will be considered barbaric in the future, and what is “normal” in the future would be considered horrifying by our standards.

– Ameisen

15. It’ll Just Get Worse?

Bold of you to assume that we won’t be primitive and backwards in 100 years.

– pourquoi-moi

Well that’s a cheery note to end on. Save us, Star Trek Universe!

What do you think will age badly?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Talk About Modern Practices That Will Be Seen as Horrible in 100 Years appeared first on UberFacts.

Stereotypes We Need To Get Rid of Immediately

The word “stereotype” supposedly comes from the days of printing presses, where commonly used groupings of words would be set aside and reused over and over to print up frequently occurrences and such.

Now it’s come to mean basically anything that a particular group can’t seem to shake, and it’s annoying.

What stereotype annoys you? from AskReddit

Reddit’s got some tea to spill for ya.

1. Cheerleaders

That high school cheerleaders are always stuck-up, shallow, and mean.

I definitely wasn’t part of the “in” crowd in high school, but I got to know some cheerleaders through various extra-curricular programs.

Sincere and smart girls who never hesitated to greet me in the hallway.

– p38-lightning

2. Asians

That, because I’m Asian, I’m a math wizard.

Boy, I break my calculator out if the number is greater than 5.

– gizmosbutu

3. Dwarves

That because I’m a dwarf I must have a really loud personality, fun at parties, and basically be the jester in a group.

Nah I’m just an awkward introverted nerd like the rest of you b**tards.

– Usidore_

4. OCD

That people are surprised when I tell them I have OCD because I’m not a neat freak or like to keep things clean and orderly.

Instead I get crippling obsessional disturbing thoughts that I can’t get rid of no matter how much I compulsively challenge them.

– WeenisPeiner

5. The mentally disabled

The “This person has a mental disability, therefore should be treated as a baby 24/7”

– FryingPanZ

6. Mafia glorification

the mafia stereotype!! Hate it when mafia culture is glorified and loved on italians, russians, and germans but on Pakistanis or middle eastern cultures its terroristic and barbaric.

mafia culture is nasty to began with but when people hear that my family used to be part of the mafia, they immediately link it to terrorism, like no bro, it was all drugs and theft.

– Siyah-Hidayat

7. Men

That men are more about chasing the rabbit than actually catching it.

Like, come on, I can’t play those stupid flirting games, just let me be in a happy relationship with a woman I enjoy spending time with and love already

– maciej_telecaster

8. Snobby Professors

That English professors are all a bunch of elitist snobs who would never stoop to the depths of reading anything that doesn’t come in a Penguin Classics edition.

Go poll a bunch of English professors on what they’re reading and you’re far more likely to hear Harry Potter or Twilight than you are Hamlet or War and Peace.

And you can’t even begin to imagine how much scholarship in English departments is focused on pop fiction, graphic novels, fan fiction and other supposedly “low brow” forms of entertainment. I still haven’t met an English professor who likes Fifty Shades of Grey though. There are some lines we won’t cross.

– schnit123

9. Southerners

I had a teacher who was in mensa, absolutely brilliant.

He joined the military and was consistently mocked for his thick southern accent (would say things like ‘fur’ instead of fire or ‘ ‘ul’ instead of oil), despite being one of , if not, the smartest person there.

So, he taught himself a northern accent and now it dominates his regular speaking.

– TheCoach_TyLue

10. Interracial relationships

White guy yellow fever.

My wife is Canadian/Chinese. I cannot express how much it annoys me that people will reduce my very deep rooted love and life changing, powerful relationship with my wife, the mother of my child, to me simply “having yellow fever” because I’m white and she’s Asian.

– LesPaulOnceAndForAll

11. Gay men

Gay men are feminine

Yes, there are plenty of gay men that are more feminine, there are also just as many gay men that are masculine, but most are somewhere in between.

But at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter, being masculine or feminine isn’t what makes someone gay, it’s who they are attracted to

– loganah76

12. Asian men

Asian men aren’t manly and are never portrayed as having sex appeal, at least in American Cinema. Im not asian but this one actually really annoys me. I was watching some old Kurosawa movies and I was thinking man you never see manly asian types like the ones in these movies in American cinema.

[…] Something happened in the old days and all of a sudden asian characters in movies were laundry workers, old, or a servant of some sort. If the character was supposed to be positive or masculine they would just cast a white guy in yellowface. Its insane.

– Rackbone

13. Women

All women want flowers and/or jewelry. Uh, no. Cut flowers turn brown and nasty, which is depressing. And although an attractive but modestly priced bracelet or pair of earrings will always be a hit with me, I’d rather a man buy me a new water heater or set of tires for my car if he feels inclined to spend a large sum of money on me. Don’t even get me started on poetry. Unless I have expressly shown interest in a particular poet, save it for your previous girlfriend.

I don’t say this to suggest that I’m typical, only that a man should get to know a lady and not just assume that everyone with two X chromosomes wants the same thing, which is an unfortunate assumption I encountered over and over during my dating years. I wouldn’t dream of giving my husband a fishing rod, for example, or a tie, since those aren’t the things he’s into.

When your loved one says they like this thing and don’t like that one, believe them.

– nakedonmygoat

14. Quiet people

Being quiet means you have nothing to say or contribute – typically I have a lot and most will add value, but I don’t feel the need to fight to say it.

– Mephistepheles13

15. Australians

When i visited America more than one person said i, an australian, am descended from criminals.

I mean, sure, my dad once stole a goat and my mum once stabbed a guy after he stole her goat.

But beyond that, it’s a harmful stereotype.

– youjustgotzinged

Personally my least favorite stereo type is Sony.

Which busts the stereotype my mom holds that says I’m funny.

Which one is your pet peeve?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Stereotypes We Need To Get Rid of Immediately appeared first on UberFacts.

These Neighbors Took Petty to a Whole New Level

My parents moved a few years ago and while there were several reasons, one of them was that they lived next to an absolute lunatic who lived to antagonize my dad.

Among the things this man did for spite were erect giant floodlights that pointed right into their yard all night and buy a chicken which he had classified as a therapy animal to get around city ordinances so it could make a bunch of noise and bother everyone.

Neighbors can be nightmares.

What’s the most petty thing a neighbor has done to you? from AskReddit

Here are some other tales from Reddit.

1. The Carcass Killer

I had a neighbor, who I had never met, continue to throw dead animal carcasses in my yard. This went on for several months. Rabbit. Rabbit. Possum. Squirrel. Raccoon. You name it. One day, I witnessed him doing it and this was how I determined who was actually performing this strange act. He was probably in his 60’s. He opened his garage door, walked out with a pitchfork and something dead on it, then proceeded to yuck it in my front lawn.

I waited until that night, picked it up and hurled it onto his car’s windshield.

He never did it again. My other neighbor, who I eventually met, said he had some feud with the previous owner of my house. I guess he never realized I wasn’t the guy he feuded with.

– sump___erson

2. The Worst Woofer

A dorm neighbor was a huge d**k and didn’t care for anyone in the suite. So he did something like tip over his sub woofer, turn the music up and left for the weekend. The entire crew could feel it from our beds. I guess he didn’t know that RA’s have keys to the rooms. Maybe he also didn’t know that you could get ejected from dorms.

F**k you Bosco. You turd.

– GirlsPMYourSpreadAss

3. The Loser Litigator

Not me, but what the woman who did live in our house did to her neighbors.

We moved into a house up a long shared driveway. Our neighbors are an elderly couple and she has dementia. Sometimes she doesn’t know where she is or what she is doing.

The new neighbor came over one sunday night to ask if he could put his wheely bin in the end of the drive so the rubbish truck could back up the drive to empty it as it would save him trying to move it to the road. I said that was no issue. Turns out the old resident had her lawyers send the elderly couple a cease and desist letter over putting the rubbish bin in the driveway the first week after she moved in. No knock on the door and ask to stop or talking to them. Straight to get the lawyer involved.

We also found out she got upset about the neighbor with dementia wandering onto her driveway. Remembering she had dementia and didn’t know what she was doing. So she put a chain across the driveway to stop her wandering into her property. The chain was fitted and hung at about 8 inches off the ground and the first time the elderly lady wandered over she tripped on it and fell face first onto the drive, knocking several teeth out and breaking her hip. She spent some time in hospital and before she even got out of hospital, the elderly neighbor had a knock on the door from the police with a trespass notice…………

All the neighbors were ecstatic when she left and we moved in. I met the woman once and she seemed Ok. But what sort of piece of s**t acts like that towards neighbors?

– Amockeryofthecistern

4. The Salty Surveyor

He’s salty about a land survey that was done decades before I moved in. We have a decent neighborly relationship in general, but when I moved in he tried to convince me that a whole section of my yard was his. Fortunately, the previous owner had warned me he might try this.

Now we rent the house out. Every time a new tenant moves in, he walks the property with them and tries to move the property line again. Very petty, and so consistent!

– pachatacha

5. The Trashy Treasure Hunter

I was at this neighbourhood treasure hunt when I was around 11. It was in a big park with lot of trees and rocks, parking lot and a community centre next to it.

Me and my neighbours kid both figured out final clue and sprinted towards the finish, only for me to ‘accidentally’ bumped by his dad and fall.

Still salty about it till this day

– f__h

6. The Queen of the Streets

I had a neighbor who literally thought she owned the actual street and had some big beef with my landlord (she’d sued him several times for things that never made any sense).

My landlord installed cameras because she took him to court so often and he needed proof that she was making stuff up.

She would mark down the time that I or any friends of mine arrived at or left my house and would sit in her driveway watching us.

Once, my landlord was going out of town and told me I was welcome to use his grill and have friends over (he lived next door to me). I did so, inviting maybe 5 friends, max, and we had a nice, mellow cook out. No loud music, no drunken debauchery or anything like that. True to form, the nosy neighbor called my landlord and told him that she was calling her lawyer and threatening legal action over our small party. Thankfully my landlord had footage of our gathering and deemed it all totally fine and completely within the bounds of what he’d invited me to do.

She sucked. F**k you, Sandra.

– Violinist-Rich

7. The Counselor

Lived in a neighborhood for about a year that was also home to one of the city council members. This bitch would send notices to everyone for anything she didn’t like and she’d try and sway the council to crack down on those she deemed the “worst” offenders. We earned a spot at the top of her sh**list because we put our garbage cans at the curb in the afternoon rather than the evening. None of us were going out after dark and dealing with rats springing out of the cans like tiny, flea-ridden missiles.

We didn’t stop because legally, we weren’t doing anything wrong. She was a stickler for making the neighborhood look fabulous even though most of the houses were in sh**ty condition and as mentioned earlier, the entire city had (probably still has) a really bad rat problem. So every week, we’d get a new notice from her, though she always tried to say it was from the council as a collective. Yes, she hand delivered that s**t.

– rarestereocats

8. The Fruitful Foot

We were sort of that neighbor a few years ago. We were in the process of building our new house and had everything staked out before any of the groundwork started. I guess our neighbor thought we were too close to their property and had some city official come out to measure and in the process delayed our contractor.

Turns out we were 1 foot further away from their property than necessary and so, without even bothering to ask, our annoyed contractor picked up all the stakes and moved them 1 foot closer to the neighbor

– RxHumdinger

9. The Poo Pointer

People in the building were complaining that he didn’t pick up after his dog. All of the apartments except mine were accessible behind a security door. Mine opened right onto the porch.

One day I came home from work and saw he wrote this HUGE note in thick Sharpie that said, “Clean up after your dog!”

He must have told the neighbors it was me, and left that note so that they could all see it really was me. To prove his point.

Except it wasn’t me. It was him.

– waterbottlejesus

10. The Shady Shader

He had a tree in his yard that threw a lot of shade on my side, which eventually killed everything that was growing there.

So I spent a lot of time and money to plant a beautiful shade garden. He watched me the entire time, asking questions about the plants and how much they cost.

The following spring, he cut the f**king tree down.

– darkpixie1

11. The Buttpicker

Water people were out checking meters. Water guy asked me where our meter was – showed him where it was at.

Buttpicker neighbor comes out of his house hollaring to the world that was HIS METER and I was not to touch it. We shared the in-ground meter thingie, two separate meters. Water guy had a good laugh and instructed the neighbor that it was indeed where my meter was, neighbor was embarrassed at his own behavior and went back into his house but watched us for a bit.

They were sort of weird. Always remember that they smelled like dirty bedsheets. #andersonisland

– frenchkids

12. The Poor Pluggers

Mine was a downstairs neighbor and they would constantly switch the drier plug to our outlet to charge our unit for drying their clothes.

– Notsodarknight

13. The Trash Bandits

Stolen my green trash can. What the f**k am I going to do? Go up to them and accuse them of doing it? They only had one, but I knew they f**king did it, but what if I was wrong?

Would have been mortifying. Just unbelievably petty and shady

– 10Cinephiltopia9

14. The Big Dog on the Block

My upstairs neighbor (in an apartment) was peeved that I contacted the office about him and his loud wife. I had no contact with them directly.

So this grown man waited until I took my 15 year old, blind, dying of cancer dog outside to relieve himself, and he came out to loudly bark and growl at my dog to scare him since he couldn’t see.

Luckily, my dog didn’t care, but what a petty thing to do.

– Ok_Eye_3511

15. The Misguided Guardian

Called CPS on my family because we took a family vacation with our two older kids and let our youngest with special behavioral needs and violent outbursts spend the week with my mom.

They did movies, swimming pools, children’s museums, a food truck festival, and a fireworks show together in that time.

He had a blast, and the rest of us got some badly needed respite.

Neighbor thought it was blatant favoritism and reported us.

– bubblegum1286

Kinda makes ya want to just move out to the wilderness, doesn’t it?

What’s your worst neighbor story?

Tell us in the comments.

The post These Neighbors Took Petty to a Whole New Level appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Good Questions to Ask Strangers

Let’s get to know each other!

Hmm. How to start. Maybe Reddit has some ideas!

What is a seemingly mundane question you can ask somebody that will tell you a lot about their personality? from AskReddit

These questions are brilliant. I’ll provide my answers one by one, then you do the same in the comments.

Ready, go!

1. “You mean what you say.”

Favorite compliment they’ve ever received.

It tells you a lot about what people think of themselves, and what they tend to value.

– howdidthishappen2850

2. I agree with your friend.

How would you describe the internet to a caveman?

It will show you how they look at what the internet is used for. For example, some might say it’s a source of information, or it’s a way to connect people who are far away.

I know one person who said they wouldn’t explain it to a caveman because they wouldn’t go back in time without AC.

– not_a_library

3. Night, generally.

Do you prefer night or day?

– featoutsider

4. Pay off debt, go from there.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

For me, it’s a non invasive way of listening to people’s attitudes on finance in general, and also how they feel about the rich.

– Johnny_Vinyl

5. Honestly? Leftover pizza.

What are you having for dinner tonight?

It’s really cool to hear about what people like, what their culture is like (because food is a huge part of that), and generally just how they live.

Expensive or cheap? Quick or elaborate? Adventurous or safe?

– ShiraCheshire

6. A place without scarcity.

I had a TA ask me in a get to know you activity “What my vision was for a perfect world?” And I said round lol

– American-Dragon88

7. Being a child.

What was the last thing you did that gave you child-like joy?

– mntucker10

8. Flying, hands down.

What super power they want. – _-_bort_-_

9. Always return the cart.

My husband used to work for bed bath and blah blah.

He told me part of his job was to put carts away. He said that was his favorite part about the job, wasting time walking around the parking lot finding carts and putting them away. He got to be outside, chill by himself, not have to deal with other worse tasks etc. Of course this story only came up after I gave him some s**t for not putting the cart back one time.

This story was his elaborate rationale for not putting a cart back and to prove he was in fact a nice normal compassionate human. Normally, a fastidious cart returner, I started to leave my cart. Thinking I was actually being nice and even more compassionate than ever before! I probably only did it 2-5x until I realized, he’s just an a**hole. Who has now made me into an even bigger a**hole. I now get to think about how much we are both assholes in our own ways every time I return a cart.

– tigglewigglekiggle

10. Pterodactyl.

What’s your favorite dinosaur?

In my last year of college, I took a prehistoric history class and was loving it. I (a history major) commuted by light rail to school and would end up spending the hour or so on the train congregating with other history majors.

One day, I asked this group, “what’s your favorite dinosaur?”

Most of the people gave answers like velociraptors or that they hadn’t really been interested in dinosaurs since they were kids, which was fair enough.

But one guy said, “I don’t believe in dinosaurs” and that the earth was 6000 years old. This was a guy that was studying history, for the sake of teaching children history, and he was denying that most of the earth’s history didn’t exist, despite learning otherwise in the classes he was specializing in.

I lost a lot of respect for him that day, and now, having a favorite dinosaur is a barometer test of mine.

– Jibabear

11. Probably less likely they’ll get stuck.

My girlfriend’s dad always uses one interview question that makes or breaks a possible hire. “Why are man hole covers round?”

The goal isn’t to know the answer it’s to show that you are willing to critically think about a problem before you say you need help.

– SoftwareCycle

12. Sure it is, that’s why we make so many stories about it.

One I saw on a dating-site of all places (I forgot the name of it) was:

“Do you think the concept/consequences of a post-apocalyptic world is, in some ways, interesting?”

And it really resonated with me. It shows whether a person is interested in abstract thinking and imagining. Most people on the site voted no. I even had a conversation with someone who was like “no? Why would you want the world to end?!” – I don’t, but the idea of how it would be like, how the world ended, what society looks like afterwards, is interesting.

I probably don’t match up well with anyone who would vote no to that question.

– SuiTobi

13. Falcon, probably.

“if you could be an animal, what animal and why?”

Young and old, it’s a fun question that tells something about a person. – Eschew_Verbiage

14. Grilled cheese. Tacos fall apart too easy.

Grilled cheese sandwich, or a taco..who wins in a fight?

– shartnado3

15. !!

Did I just see you digging through the trash?

– TillikumWasFramed

Apologies if you haven’t played Stardew Valley and have no idea what that last one was about.

Now you answer!

Pick your favorite(s) and share your responses in the comments, please!

The post People Share Good Questions to Ask Strangers appeared first on UberFacts.

Strange Questions That Will Help You Learn a Lot About Someone

First dates are intimidating. You want to get to know someone but you don’t want to go about it wrong, right?

Luckily, there are some great conversation starters you can try, courtesy of Reddit. Even more luckily, we can practice right now.

What is a seemingly mundane question you can ask somebody that will tell you a lot about their personality? from AskReddit

I’ll give some sample answers based on my own opinions, and you do yours in the comments.

Let’s test how just how insightful these queries really are.

1. Cults, probably.

Wow, coincidently just had this conversation earlier today and my friend proposed:

“What topic could you give a 30 minute presentation on with no preparation?”

I thought it was genius.

– theGrodon

2. Muppet Treasure Island

“What do you know Tim Curry from?”

– WhichSpirit

3. A falcon?

My father-in-law went on a job interview about 10 years ago and absolutely nailed the interview, as he was being shown around the office a high level person in that company who normally wasn’t there just happened to be there that day.

After they were introduced he asked my FIL what kind of animal he would be. My FIL said he panicked and picked bear (he’s a bigger guy) and the other guy said something along the lines of “that’s a little to aggressive maybe this isn’t the job for you”.

So he didn’t get the job but I guess it worked out because he’s got a pretty good job now and if I was him I wouldn’t want to work for someone who hires people based on what animal they think they would be.

– Darth_dubj

4. He stares into your soul.

Does Mike Wizowski blink or wink?

– legeume

5. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

What book would you like to live in?

– jealousofhiscat

6. With my teeth.

Got this one in an interview once:

How do you go about eating a muffin?

Learned a lot about muffin anatomy that day. It was a bakery after all.

– b_o_p_g_u_n

7. Call an emergency biologist!

Fav question I heard in an interview; what would you do if you came home and found a penguin in your freezer?

It ends up not only being an ice breaker, but a good personality tell.

– strongerone

8. For me it would be beer and failure.

It’s not a single question but by the second or third date with a guy I would ask him to go bowling.

As it turns out there’s many ways to play the game. Do they take it too seriously and get competitive or angry if they don’t do well? Does he act disinterested or bored of the game? Do they try to teach me how to play or do they just try to be goofy have fun with it? Do they order two pitchers of beer and get totally smashed?

In my opinion you can learn a lot about a person by the way they approach bowling.

– Billlliejean

9. Usually nothing.

Ask them what they like to cook for breakfast.

– BrainstormingNetwork

10. I freelance mostly, so, I call in sick to myself all the time.

In a job interview, ask your prospective supervisor how much vacation time and sick days they took last year. This is great because both extremes take pride in their answer and so will answer honestly. The no/low vacation boss is proud of how hard she or he works, but really it’s bad if they don’t take time off. They’re coming in when they’re sick, they’re not recharging by taking vacation, and the expectation — even if unstated — is that their staff should follow that example. You’ll feel guilty every time you call in sick or take vacation time.

You want the boss who says “I always take my vacation time and encourage my staff to as well. I called in a couple times last year when I came down with a cold.” Good boss.

– regular_gonzalez

11. Hosting live shows.

One of my standard job interview questions is “Tell me about something you like doing that you’re good at”.

I don’t really care what the answer is. I just want to see passion, effort, and creativity.

– ThadisJones

12. Yes, I’m not a monster.

Do you put the cart back when you’re done shopping?

– Dunsparces

13. Sold something on eBay.

What’s the last thing you did for the first time?

– Tmadred

14. WHERE?!

“Ooh squirrel!” – then check to see if they get excited at the prospect of a squirrel.

– moshritespecial

15. I plead the fifth.

where were you the night of the murder?

– Gretchiemations

Alright, now it’s your turn!

Pick your favorite(s) and give us an answer!

Leave it in the comments, please.

The post Strange Questions That Will Help You Learn a Lot About Someone appeared first on UberFacts.

People Debate What Would Happen if You Sat on Your Own Voodoo Doll

Sometimes the internet can seem like more trouble than it’s worth.

But then I see important discussions like this, and I remember the value of the world wide web.

If you sit on your own voodoo doll, can you ever get up again? from NoStupidQuestions

Before we begin the discussion let’s get it out of the way that the general cultural understanding of a “voodoo doll” has little to nothing to do with the real world traditions behind the namesake.

But for the purpose of philosophical argument, let’s assume we’re defining this doll as a thing that causes its target to experience the same things it experiences.

Aaaaand go, Reddit!

1. To some, the prognosis is clear.

Since the voodoo doll will be deformed and crushed under your weight, your body will be too, probably breaking some bones in your body or even crushing your vital organs.

You won’t be able to get up ever again.

– ParsleyJam

2. Some would-be astronomers chimed in.

I propose sitting on your own voodoo doll would create a black hole.

Sitting on your voodoo doll would cause your weight to be applied to yourself. Because you’re on your voodoo doll, the weight will also be applied onto the voodoo doll again then onto you again, then the voodoo doll, then you- infinitely more.

Idk much about physics but infinite weight onto a finite space sounds like it would create a black hole to me

– That_Duck1

3. Is it more about the feeling?

From what I’ve seen in pop culture, things that happen to a voodoo doll only cause the effects of those things to happen to the person, rather than the thing itself. so, if you burn a voodoo doll, the person will get burned and be in extreme pain, but they won’t catch on fire.

likewise, i think if you sat on a voodoo doll, you would be crushed as if by your own weight, but there wouldn’t be any extra pressure applied to the system.

– savushkin_redux

4. Perhaps it’s a “sympathetic link.”

Anything that someone does to said doll happens to you, right? Mmmm, not quite.

The doll is supposed to be a parallel sympathetic link to the You who is alive and breathing–not a physical marionette. If that were true, we’d’ve harnessed these powers to launch people into space, safely. That would be a strange alternate universe, no? Instead, as I said, it’s a sympathetic link. Think of it as a connection via your brain, rather than your body (it’s meant as a spiritual connection). That’s why when someone pricks the doll, the person who the doll is connected to will feel that pain in the area that was ganked. If they THREW that doll across the room, the body the doll is connected to won’t feel the kinetic force of being thrown–they’ll only feel the pain of hitting the wall (or floor, or wherever the kinetic energy comes to a sudden stop).

So. Let’s say that person got ahold of their own voodoo doll. And, carelessly, forgot it was on a chair and sat on it.

Nothing would happen, because basically?They have their spirit back.

The link is more or less neutralized because the connection made through the doll was to your spirit–and what made the connection possible was through use of something that was once part of you. So if anything, sitting on the voodoo doll would destroy the connection between you and the doll, because it would deform or twist it so much that it no longer resembled you.

Now, if someone ELSE sat on the doll…

– RecycledEternity

5. How fit are you?

I would think it would depend on your personal fitness level, some people can lift their own body weight and some can’t.

If you’re strong enough to shove through the force of yourself I would think you could.

– katobabee

6. What’s the reality?

It comes down to how the dolls work in your mind.

I feel like the way voodoo dolls are commonly shown in media, it’s not that they cause a physical force to the victim, more a sensation. Like getting needles stabbed causes pain, not bleeding and puncture wounds.

Based on that, I feel like sitting on your voodoo doll would just cause you to feel pressure or a crushing sensation or shortness of breath, not a physical inability to move.

– tapport

7. What the heck is “thaumic congruence?”

Sure. When your own weight drops on your chest, it’s a pretty sure bet that it will both break your focus, and interrupt the charm of binding.

If someone else is actually maintaining the thaumic congruence, just ask them to give it a rest for a minute.

Be sure to apply betadine or peroxide to your back side if the doll contained any pins.

– GaeasSon

8. Some people think it would be fine.

Yes, you’d be fine, and you would have no problem getting up again. You’d feel no pain, no discomfort.

Most other answers here are misunderstanding what a voodoo doll does. They are trying to suggest that there is an actual physical connection between the doll and the subject of the doll, the person who the doll represents. And therefore, whatever the doll experiences, the subject also experiences.

This is not how a voodoo doll works.

The doll isn’t some New Orleans version of quantum entanglement. It thrives instead on emotions. The only thing that matters is spirit, and intent. Anything you do accidentally to a voodoo doll doesn’t evoke any change in the subject. But even symbolic bad thoughts toward the doll can cause damage to the subject.

This principle is why a voodoo doll doesn’t actually need to be damaged. You can stick a pin in it’s arm, and cause pain, and that pain is just the same whether it’s a tiny pin, or cutting off the arm with scissors. The point is the intention of the voodoo doll’s holder.

– CatOfGrey

9. Is it a loop?

So whatever you do to your voodoo doll, it applies to you.

It might seem like it’s an endless loop, but it’s just whatever your weight is will be dropped on you. so just imagine if you’re like 60 kg, you’ll feel like there’s 60kg weighing you down.

Depending on your strength, if you’re able to move, which a normal person probs could cuz of the adrenaline I guess, then you can get your **s off the voodoo doll and have the extra weight disappeared instantly.

– mae916

10. Some acknowledged their limitations.

I am limited in knowledge of voodoo and magic in general, but as I understand it, focus would be required to activate the doll.

So if you accidentally sat on the doll, nothing should happen, as you were not actively casting a spell on the doll.

Now if you sat on the doll, and focused your energy on the doll, you might feel yourself sitting on yourself, but you eventually would stop focusing on yourself and then you could get up.

– MuadDib1942

11. What about the Minecraft approach?

I’ve been playing Minecraft all night; is it possible to dig a hole coming from underneath the doll, big enough for the doll to fall through but too small for your body, thus freeing you from your own trap?

– WithSugar0nTop

12. It’s all about the ratio.

For your consideration: If the voodoo doll represents you in a ratio to your real body, and you sit on it with your full weight, you will experience that increased weight perhaps as a ratio.

That increased weight then is experienced again by the voodoo doll. This could create a feedback loop of increasing weight.

The consequences of this could range from broken furniture to death, depending on where the voodoo doll was when you sat on it.

– Subpar_Scientist

13. What a sensation.

Voodoo dolls, too my understanding, only inflict sensations. A classic example is when a Voodoo doll is poked with a needle you don’t get a wound just the pain.

So you’d feel the pain of someone of your weight sitting across your entire body but it wouldn’t apply the actual weight just the pain.

So you’d be able to stand up. Even if it apply the pressure of your weight on you, and you couldn’t push it away, you could wiggle to the side until you’re off the doll.

– OhTheHueManatee

14. Under pressure.

The pressure will be applied on yourself milloins and billions of times in some seconds until you destroy your own body and no more pressure is applied

– AtmosphereSweet5130

15. Then there’s this approach…

Yes, because voodoo dolls aren’t supernatural

– Roskal

Dumb ol’ rationalists coming in here and ruining the fun like usual.

But what do you think of this?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Debate What Would Happen if You Sat on Your Own Voodoo Doll appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Stereotypes that Annoy Them the Most

Stereotypes are lazy. Especially the ones about certain groups being lazy. I guess those are actually…ironic, maybe?

In any case, almost everybody has some kind of stereotype they have to deal with at some point in their lives, and most people have a pet peeve.

What stereotype annoys you? from AskReddit

Here are some groups that would very much like you to start thinking of them in more nuance, please – via Reddit.

1. Colombians

That all the colombians can think about is drugs and coffee.


– Heyo_guys

2. Married Couples

Ball & Chain of marriage trope, and along the same line, the idiot dad trope.

Why can’t we normalize marriages that are happy with partners that each have their own flaws and strengths?

– Ender505

3. Autism

If you have autism you are either mentally challenged or have a special ability

– redpokemaster06

4. Black people

Black people liking fried chicken.


– smallz86

5. Germans

That Germans have no Humor.

The only problem is, that I always feel like telling people that this stereotype is annoying just confirms them in their stereotypes.

– anspitzerhino

6. Extroverts / Introverts

As an introvert, people think all extroverts are annoying attention seekers and all introverts have no friends and are shy

– Reddituserrdr2

7. Southerners

All Southern people are backwards, racist hillbillies.

– Garnetsareunderrated

8. Women

Not a kid person= cold-hearted monster. It’s pretty awful when women say it to other women.

Also, the whole “all women must be supportive of each other” narrative. There are people out there who just always want to climb higher than everybody else and will willingly destroy anyone they view as an obstacle. Gender is irrelevant.

– BroadViewRationalist

9. Expensive schools

the expensive schools are good schools, i live in colombia and i study in the best school of my town, the school is destroying himself

– juanitoelpro

10. Blondes

The blonde mean girl stereotype. Or dumb blonde. Or anything with blondes being lesser.

– Petalfrost

11. Programers

That being programmer means you’re good at everything related to computers (hacking, hardware, etc.).

H**l, even the different subcategories of programming are different. Being a game developer is very different from being a software developer or a web developer.

– KodeBenis

12. Alabamans

People from Alabama all know how to work on trucks, are as slow as molasses, and talk about “them new-fangled computers,” like it’s some foreign concept.

The last time I traveled out of Alabama to meet with family, I heard some people mocking me (both strangers and family) about my accent. It gets annoying real fast.

– OpenLocust

13. Wives

That women/wives are nags, the one thing they ask for help with, their partner just doesn’t do it and then god forbid she ask again for help with it.

– ASMRemma

14. Texans

Being from Texas, I hate those stereotypes.

I can’t tell you how many times I meet people who were so disappointed I didn’t have stories about riding my horse to work/school and living on a ranch.

I live in one of the biggest cities in the country, in the 21st century for crying out loud.

Why do so many seemingly intelligent people from around the country think it’s the Wild West here?

– CH11DW

15. Italians

That Italians are easily provoked to anger.

P**ses me off so f*&%@ much!

– coolidge_fan

Remember, everyone is different. We all suck in our own beautiful and unique ways.

What stereotype are you most sick of?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Talk About Stereotypes that Annoy Them the Most appeared first on UberFacts.

Stubborn Myths That Just Won’t Go Away For Some Reason

Did you know that the surface of Neptune was once all water?

I didn’t either, because it’s not true. I just made it up. But if I slapped that on a meme it might just spread around enough that a handful of people carried it around with them as though it were fact.

That’s why it’s important to check up on things before you spread ’em. Otherwise you end up with these:

What is a common myth that has been debunked but too many people still believe? from AskReddit

Debunkers of Reddit, do your thing.

1. You have to wait 24 hours to file a missing persons report

There’s no law governing how long you have to wait before notifying the police of a missing person. It’s nonsense. File a report as soon as you suspect the person is missing or in danger.

Do you know how many wellness checks officers go on in a day? Call it in man…

– grammar_oligarch

2. We only use 10% of our brains

You actually use 100% of your brain.

Each section is responsible for controlling different functions of your body. For example, the Prefrontal Cortex controls, thoughts, memory and behavior.

The Parietal Lobe controls language and touch.

The Occipital Lobe controls, visual processing and the brain stem controls basic functions such as breathing and maintaining your heart rate.

– CrotchWolf

3. Shaving makes hair grow back thicker

When I was learning how to shave, I remember this one being debunked in a teen magazine.

What they said made sense. A new hair grows with a kind of pointed tip. When you shave, you cut off that part. So what is now growing is middle of the hair which is thicker.

I would also add, I started shaving before my hair was fully grown in (moving from per-adolescence to adulthood) and hair continues to come in thicker over time. So it has more to do with when females often start shaving compared to having reached full maturity.

– OctobersAutumn

4. Your hair and fingernails grow after you die

It’s mainly an optical illusion.

Your skin decays and shrinks, causing hair and fingernails to look like they’ve grown.

– CasinoKitten

5. The War of the Worlds radio broadcast caused mass panic

We all know the story: Orson Welles broadcast War of The Worlds over the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). But people only tuned in part way through, and heard the radio announcing that machines were landing in the country and were advancing and attacking. People panicked in the streets and thought aliens really were invading. There was hysteria on the streets, people were looting and traffic jams banked up as people tried to escape.

But it turns out, that isn’t really true. It turns out barely anyone actually listened to the broadcast, and the few that were listening knew it was Orson Welles and knew it was just a broadcasting of War of the Worlds. If there was anyone that did tune in and mishear it and panicked, it was nowhere near the hundreds and thousands that have been reported in this myth.

– LittlestSlipper55

6. Lightning never strikes in the same place twice

Yeah, that would basically invalidate lightning rods.

And I think that park ranger who’s been struck by lightning 6+ times would tend to disagree with that notion.

– MrLuxarina

7. NASA spent millions on space pens when they could have just used pencils

Before the Space Pen was developed, NASA used pencils in space (expensive custom-made mechanical pencils starting with the Gemini missions) and the Soviet space program used a mix of regular pencils and grease pencils […].

Both programs were aware of the potential problems with graphite dust, and both were dissatisfied with the writing quality (pencil smears a lot more easily than ballpoint ink, and grease pencil smears if you look at it funny), but they took their chances with the least-bad available options.

And once the space pen was developed by a private company, both space programs bought a bunch of them.

– Gyrgir

8. You swallow 8 spiders a year in your sleep

It was made up to prove how misinformation can spread so quickly over the internet.

– Dr_McKay

9. Vaccines are linked to autism

Debunked decades ago. The sole proponent lost his medical license over it.

Yet every anti-vaxx mom apparently knows someone whose friend’s cousin has a child who turned autistic after the measles vaccine and somehow not a single one has met this alleged autistic child but the story is of course 100 percent true and vaccines are terrible.

– whereismyporcupine

10. Everyone in the Middle Ages was literate

The study that influenced the idea determined literacy by the prevalence of books written in Latin, which only the upper class knew.

Most peasants could actually read and write in their own language.

– luke56slasher

11. We only recently learned the Earth was round

By around 500 B.C., most ancient Greeks believed that Earth was round, not flat. But they had no idea how big the planet is until about 240 B.C. when Eratosthenes devised a clever method of estimating its circumference.

He realized that if he knew the distance from Alexandria to Syene, he could easily calculate the circumference of Earth. But in those days it was extremely difficult to determine distance with any accuracy. Some distances between cities were measured by the time it took a camel caravan to travel from one city to the other. But camels have a tendency to wander and to walk at varying speeds. So Eratosthenes hired bematists, professional surveyors trained to walk with equal length steps. They found that Syene lies about 5000 stadia from Alexandria.

Eratosthenes then used this to calculate the circumference of the Earth to be about 250,000 stadia. Modern scholars disagree about the length of the stadium used by Eratosthenes. Values between 500 and about 600 feet have been suggested, putting Eratosthenes’ calculated circumference between about 24,000 miles and about 29,000 miles. The Earth is now known to measure about 24,900 miles around the equator, slightly less around the poles.

– JohnDax

12. 95% of the ocean is unexplored

It depends how you define ‘explored’.

People throw this figure around like 95% of the Earth’s ocean surface is just a huge blank spot on the map, or like there’s plenty of space for a surviving population of plesiosaurs to live where we just haven’t checked.

Neither of those things is remotely accurate.

– green_meklar

13. Fad diets are the most effective weight loss method

No, calorie deficit is the one responsible for weight loss no matter the diet.

– vox_verae

The more you know!

What else would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Stubborn Myths That Just Won’t Go Away For Some Reason appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Their Best Techniques for Quickly Ruining a Date

Dates can be pretty rough, and usually we’re trying our very best to do everything within our power to make them go well.

But what if, hypothetically, you wanted something a little different?

You have five seconds to ruin a date, what do you do? from AskReddit

Unsurprisingly, Reddit has ways to ruin things quickly.

Let’s take a look!

1. The hunger technique

Eat my food like I do when I’m on my own

– ToBoredomAGem

2. The art of the crunch

My sister told me about a quiet pub date she had with a guy recently who bought himself 2 packs of pork scratchings.

He opened both bags and separated them by most crunchy to least crunchy and then would pick 2 up at a time and ask her which one he should eat next.

He did this for the whole date.

They didn’t have a second date.

– Reave1905

3. The full assault

Ooh something I’m good at! Quickly find a way to steer the conversation to the eastern front during World War Two, and just keep talking about Stalingrad.

Once their eyes glaze over you know the city on the Volga has claimed yet another life

– tateochip

4. The money gambit

So, how much did you say you earn?

– dior_princess

5. The familiar face

Hi! Wow, you look just like my ex!


– firewire87

6. The vital vidya

Tell them I’ve played 7000 hrs of Grand Theft Auto.

Watch the interest dry up immediately.

– thelocalllegend

7. The gambling gambit

I used to work at a gaming bar.. this dude was on a first date and had been drinking with a girl for a while.

An hour or so in, he put like 40 bucks in the machine. He ended up hitting for like $1200 or something. Nothing crazy, but a nice hit.

We paid him out and he ordered a round of shots and soon after said he had to use the restroom.

Dude bolted. Left the girl with the bill. She legit walked in the bathroom looking for him, walked around the building.

Felt bad for her. She started crying at the bar, had a shot, and paid the bill while she waited for an Uber. Ouch.

– PuddingPoops

8. The sniff shift

One time a guy leaned over and deeply smelled a lock of my hair within the first couple minutes of our meeting for the first time.

I made up an excuse and left

– LydiaAgain

9. The unexpected double

Bring my friend and expect my date to treat them.

– s**ykenobi

10. Just go too fast

Say “I love you please marry me I’m not kidding”

– Thermal_bay

11. The “nice guy”

“I’m a really nice guy, like super nice, I would treat you so Good. Now show me your t**s.”

– invinoveritasb**ch

12. The warranty

I just watched this all play out in my head:

You meet someone online who seems to click with you.

You arrange to meet at a cozy restaurant.

When you arrive they’re already at the table, waiting for you.

You – hi, you look amazing

Date – thanks, now I’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.

Pulls out huge wad of paper, and dumps it on the table

Date – you see it states here in the terms and condi..

– Your_One_Lord

13. The slug…system?

Pour salt on them and say “sorry, I really, really, reaaaaaaallllllly hate slugs”

– Randomredditwhale

14. Start a fight

Pull up their social media and point out all the things they like that you don’t

– _manicpixie

Yup, I’d say those are all sure to work.

Do you have any others to add?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss Their Best Techniques for Quickly Ruining a Date appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Debunked Myths That Just Won’t Go Away

It was Mark Twain who once said “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”

A point that’s all the more poignant when you consider that actually it was probably not Mark Twain who said that.

Just goes to go how confusing following the truth can be, like in these cases:

What is a common myth that has been debunked but too many people still believe? from AskReddit

What does Reddit have for us to debunk today? Let’s find out.

1. Albert Einstein failed math as a kid

This myth originated due to a misunderstanding of grading scales.

Einstein’s primary education took place in Germany, where the grading scale went from 1 (best) to 5 (worst).

His secondary education was in Switzerland, where the grading scale went from 1 (worst) to 6 (best).

His scores in math and science were excellent at all stages of his education.

– sillybear25

2. Dogs see black and white

Most placental mammals are dichromats with two types of cone cells in their eyes. They’re descended from tetrachromats with four retinal pigments, but we believe that two were lost during an era when mammals were primarily nocturnal and color vision was less useful at night.

A branch of primates including apes and, specifically, us mutated up a new pigment, different from either of the ones that were lost, getting us back to trichromatic vision. (Our L and M, or red and green, cones are very similar, with one being a mutation from the other that proved useful to have exist in parallel.)

It’s why hunters wear orange vests and tigers are bright orange despite living in jungles.

To prey species, they both look green like vegetation.

– ThePowerOfStories

3. Lemmings are suicidal

they were filming a disney nature documentary where the producers herded them off cliffs and the misconception stuck

It’s been debunked but you ask someone about lemmings and see what they say.

– graeuk

4. The tongue has “taste zones”

Not only was this one a myth, they TAUGHT us this in school.

I remember coloring in the different sections of the tongue various colors.

– MattieMcNasty

5. Handling a baby bird will make the mother reject it

Most birds don’t have a significant sense of smell. So put the nakey baby back in the nest!

Now, sometimes mother birds will push a sick or otherwise terminal chick out of the nest, so when people try to put it back she goes “Hey, thought I got rid of you” and does it again.

But that’s not because of you, she just knows something you don’t, so take that babe to a rehab rescue and hope for the best.

But a lot of the time the little squishy beans just wiggle out of the nest, so feel free to put them back in. No harm done.

– AlwaysWantsIceCream

6. Bumblebees shouldn’t be able to fly

Except they obviously can.

I think bumble bees perfectly exemplify the fundamental misunderstanding that laypeople have of the scientific process and the difference between a law and a theory.

A scientific law is a physical description of what we observe under specific circumstances. A theory, on the other hand, explains why we observe different phenomena when at least one variable isn’t controlled for.

So it isn’t that “bumble bees shouldn’t be able to fly”. It’s that they fly as a result of a different set of variables within the mechanisms of flight.

– Dynasuarez-Wrecks

7. Direction of a toilet flush depends on the hemisphere

The design of toilets direct water in a specific way, the Coriolis effect would never change that, but even in more passive drainage systems, the internal flow of water and geometry of the basin will be much more significant than that of the Coriolis effect. This is true even if water sits still for long periods of time.

Under very specific scientific conditions, with a flat, perfectly circular pan and a centralized drainage hole, many days after filling the water the Coriolis effect can begin to govern the direction of the water as it’s emptied, but this is not exactly practical. We do see the effect in weather patterns of course though, so that’s something.

– CanFjord

8. Blood is blue before being exposed to oxygen

Seriously tho, I was told that everyone’s blood was blue on the inside when I was younger, and I honestly don’t know why my Mom thought that.

Maybe it’s just one of those things that you only believe because your family has been saying it since your Grandma’s Grandpa’s Grandma’s Grandma’s Grandpa or something like that.

– Rand0mWe1rdGuy

9. The tryptophan in turkey makes you tired

The reason you always feel tired after a Thanksgiving meal is because your body is spending all its energy digesting your big meal.

– LiquidMetalStarman

10. It’s dangerous to swim after eating

There’s no reason that should be dangerous.

However swimming after drinking alcohol puts you at a substantially higher risk of drowning.

– Scrappy_Larue

11. Mammals have alpha males and beta males

The researcher who wrote it himself not only said that this cannot be used to interpret human behaviour in any way, but he even proved his own findings wrong in a later study, because this behaviour only applied to wolves in captivity (so, a constantly stressful situation)

– JuFo2707

12. The McDonald’s “hot coffee lawsuit” was frivolous

Lady melted her vagina and only wanted to get enough for bills.

They wouldn’t even do that.

– Tenebrousoul

13. Electromagnetic fields cause nausea

A lot of people in Sweden believe this despite research attributing it to the nocebo effect.

– hampan97

14. Ted Bundy was a very popular playboy

That goes into a bigger myth that people with psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder are these cunning manipulative geniuses.

Ted bundy abducted girls in a busy af park going by the nickname ted and only got so many girls because cops didn’t communicate across state lines at all and there was virtually no video surveillance.

By definition these people have god awful impulse control, delusions that they can control people, and terrible control of their behaviours. They have awful control of how they act when they get emotional, and people like Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Wayne Gacy, ect. All got caught because they were genuinely suffering from arrogant , very dumb, and poorly planned behaviors.

– Antispam1432

It’s always nice to find out you were wrong!

What other myths would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss Debunked Myths That Just Won’t Go Away appeared first on UberFacts.