People Remember Their School’s Dumbest Rules

There’s nothing more satisfying than knowing that YOU are the reason there’s a new rule at some place.

It happened to me at my old school, which was rife with plenty of ridiculous rules. Apparently I’m not alone in that.

What’s the dumbest rule your school ever enforced? from AskReddit

How are our institutions of learning striving to keep the peace? Reddit tells all.

1. “No jackets without the school logo”

I was a high school teacher for several years, both buildings I worked in were FREEZING, and having admin pull students out of my classroom during a 50 minute period & giving them detention instead of letting them LEARN is cruel and completely unnecessary, in my opinion.

– Master_Catch_9089

2. “No snowballs”

If you throw snowballs, you get a one day suspension.

The first long weekend after a snowfall everyone would throw snowballs to get an additional day added to the long weekend.

– MrFake_Name

3. “Go to class, no exceptions”

I got Saturday school for missing a day of classes when I was 16. Seems reasonable, except I missed to go complete my US citizenship and officially become a citizen alongside my mom (it took us 12 years to go through the legal process, btw. Whole other issue).

I had a note from my mother as well as a signed official Federal form they give you to explain to school/employers why you were absent.

Apparently the only acceptable absence excuse was illness. I got punished for becoming a citizen 🤦‍♀️

– Lumpy_Constellation

4. “Zero tolerance”

That if you say/do anything back to your bully it becomes a mutual conflict and isn’t bullying, so if they start calling you slurs and making you feel bad every day and you call them stupid once or twice the school probably won’t help.

– wowthatfood

5. “If you’re late, we’ll make you more late”

The new Principal made a “morning round-up” rule where anyone arriving to class after the last bell had to go to the cafeteria and listen to a lecture about not being late for class.

This took about an extra 15 minutes, making the students even more late to class than they would have otherwise been.

Needless to say, everyone hated it, even the teachers. That principal didn’t last long…

– LiveTrash

6. “Toilet paper must be rationed”

This was in 1997/98, btw.

Apparently the high school girls room was going through too much toilet paper so the dean, a woman, stood outside the door and distributed a few squares of 1-ply institutional toilet paper to us as we went in. If she noticed toilet paper on the floor, our ration got cut down. If we asked for more for…bigger jobs…we were told to saved it for home.

There were several episodes of girls stuck in stalls until friends could beg for more TP because of period messes or unexpected bowel incidents. The dean wouldn’t even hand it over–she would go in the bathroom and pass it a few squares at a time over the door. If you didn’t catch it as it fell and it landed on the floor, well, that’s your fault and you’re not getting more. If you used more than she thought necessary, tough luck, go to class with blood/s**t on your body.

It took about a week of extremely angry parents coming to the school and calling both the school and the school board, but we finally got our toilet paper back, unlimited.

How did we celebrate?

By TPing her car, of course.

– stabbyspacehorse

7. “Bathrooms are closed”

Closing boys toilets, because some c**t was stealing toilet paper.

When school staff announced this stupid rule, some students actually threatened to s**t on the tables then.

– latvian_username

8. “ID safety”

It wasn’t really the rule that was dumb but the reason for it. In my last year of high school, the school issued a rule that all students had to wear student IDs. If you didn’t, you had to immediately go and pay for another ID. While you can see how many students may have saw this a way to skip class, the reason for this was the school shootings that happened the previous year.

The reasoning was that it would be easier to spot who is a student and who is not a student to then see who has malicious intent…..except that most shooters were students….so….

– Seiko_Enohara

9. “No touching the snow”

In grade school, we weren’t allowed to play on the playground equipment when it snowed.

Eventually, were weren’t allowed to play with snow or even go near it- I got in trouble for sitting in snow.

This was in Minnesota where it snows half the year. Recess basically consisted of milling around the blacktop for thirty minutes.

– BW_Bird

10. “Don’t play on the golf course”

Our tiny community got a burst of cash in the 70’s due to having mineral rights on land with oil. It was amazing some of the things we had access to for a school in the plains in Montana: computer lab, ceramics, photography, and a freaking laser! They also bought the grade school a miniature golf course in the center of the playground.

A majority of the playground was concrete squirrels, turtles and a whale. These looked like a lot of fun to play on for a kid. We couldn’t touch them. We couldn’t get near them. We couldn’t land our star wars figures on them, incorporate them in our games in any way or even walk near them when running from someone playing tag. Once in PE we got out the clubs and played a few rounds in my entire time in school. Other classes never even got that.

After about 30 years, during a student clean up, they got some of the upper level high school kids to take hammers to them and pulverized them.

– DarrenEdwards

11. “Ties ALWAYS”

You have to wear your tie all the way home.

Some sad bastard teachers would stand on the main road away from the school and try to hand out detentions in presumably their own time

– ——__————

12. “Bathroom sign in sheets”

My friend is an administrator at a private school in NJ and the faculty has to sign in and out of the bathroom using Google sheets.

9am, 10 minutes, M-F

– no__ragrets__

13. “No ankles allowed”

Girls weren’t allowed to show their ankles.

The dean had a pack of socks in her office she would give the students and make them wear.

Only girls tho. This was the 2000s.

– LoveAndDynamite

14. “No unnatural hair colors”

Except for Lily, who dyed her hair the school color (maroon).

It was dark enough to argue it was a weird red/brown, but it was clearly maroon and I think she got away with it because it was “school spirit”

– poachels

15. “We keep your phones”

If you were caught on your phone they’d take it until the end of the week. you’d get it back at half 3 on friday.

parents went mental and a few even came together and sent bills through for part of the phone bills, they ditched that rule after 2 weeks.

phones were kept overnight in the school in the office until that friday if they were confiscated. no safe or anything, just in a plastic box. no getting it back at the end of the day, you just had to go for days without a phone, even at home

– bigfrogb**ch

Well, I’ve certainly learned a lot.

What was the dumbest rule at your school?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Remember Their School’s Dumbest Rules appeared first on UberFacts.

Weird Things That People Faked for Attention

We all need a little attention from time to time. But how far are we willing to go?

For some, the answer is clear: WHATEVER. IT. TAKES.

What was the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone fake for attention? from AskReddit

Oh boy, does Reddit have some stories.

1. A heart attack

My grandmother faked a heart attack because she and my dad got into an argument at Thanksgiving.

Grandfather was so embarrassed.

– acorngirl

2. The “asthma” attack

One of my classmates got an asthma attack and everyone was flocking over to them to make sure they were okay.

On the other side of the room another one of my classmates also got an asthma attack, even though it was common knowledge that she didn’t have asthma (there were very few people in class that had asthma and we all knew just in case it was an emergency). They faked the hard breathing and exaggerated gasps.

It was weird that someone would do something like that just so they would have attention.

– AmeriRos

3. The hallucination

One of my friends friends pretending to be hallucinating.

She even had the nerve to ask me “how long do hallucinations last?”.

She was doing it to see how her boyfriend would react.

– Anqel_Celeste

4. The seizure

A girl in my class faked a seizure after someone got injured in baseball practice, she loved the attention.

Her seizure magically came to a halt when I suggested we call 999

– chocotripcookies

5. The possession

Being possessed by the devil.

He would ask people to hit or slap them to prove that it didn’t hurt him as if that proved he was possessed.

This went on for like 3 months until he got bored and just started acting normal again.

– dylan7404

6. The center of attention

There was this one dude, Jake, hated it when the attention wasn’t on him.

This was roughly 12 years ago but once after a party ended he was deemed too drunk (he had a beer and 2 shots of sour pucker liquor) he stayed the night them pretended to sleep and that he was a soldier during nam and was running all over the place with his eyes closed.

One of his buddies ended up tossing a bucket of water on Jake but that didn’t wake him up. That same buddy tackled Jake before he ran outside to make a scene and that magically woke him up.

Whenever there were get togethers he would saying he’s gonna hurt himself when people weren’t interacting with him.

People stopped paying attention cause he would say it every single time and when he realized it he’d start throwing a tantrum that everyone hates him and that he has no friends so no one would care.

I responded, “the police will care. Let me call them” he stopped that act real quick

– SingleWar5

7. The other woman

In high school I had a toxic, controlling friend. She once set me up with this classmate of ours, essentially pushing for it to make us both just feel cornered.

A week or so later, he breaks up with me (didn’t really give a s**t, really) and then not quite 12 hours later, she calls me and confesses that he loved her all along and how guilty she felt but this is the man for her.

She’s just going on and on. His sisters are supposedly pressuring him to confess that he’s gay but he denies it, says he and my friend have s** all the time. So she runs with it, allowing this ongoing lie that they’re having all this s**, they’re so in love, just really laying it on thick.

Dude later comes out as gay and they were both still virgins. I just don’t get the point? She further ruined a s**tty friendship for a guy that was gay. But for what? People are f**king weird.

– bitterherpes

8. The miracle recovery

A girl said to me she has cancer 3 days after I rejected her proposal.

I still didn’t accept her in my head I was feeling terrible that I am such a bad person but 2 days after that she said she got cured.

So either I am crazy or there must be some fastass super effective chemotherapy out there.

– shrewdlyweird

9. The phantom pregnancies

A chick I went to high school with always faked pregnancies, did this multiple times.

It got to a point where she stole her sisters ultrasound pictures and posted it everywhere… Her sister ended up calling her out on her bs.

Then she claimed she had a miscarriage..which she also lied about multiple times.

– mynameis-human

10. The fight


I was in an argument with a girl in elementary school and she was being antagonistic.

She picked a scab and squeezed it until it started bleeding. She started crying as if I’d hurt her.

– Narrow-Ad-6338

11. The injury

I’m an aerial instructor, some of my students are young girls, between 9 and 14 yo..

One of them once said she broke her back and she wouldn’t be able to climb on the silks.

Then she spent several minutes crawling on the floor asking for help.

She had absolutely nothing, she always does that kind of thins the get attention

– TotalCardiologist793

12. The finger-pointer

A pupil with a grudge against a teacher at my school deliberately broke his own finger by slamming a locker door on it and then accused the teacher of slamming his finger in a door in a fit of anger, just to get him into trouble.

Of course, the problem was it was his index finger and he could not have had it so badly damaged without severely bruising/cutting/breaking the fingers on either side.

He was psychotic!

– VorlonKing

13. The hall of fame

we had a girl fake asthma (for years, she then became a smoker so), a couple faked mental health s**t like anxiety, depression, panic attacks and tics.

My personal favorite is this one guy faked having a record label sign him even though he was 12 and he would leave class on fake phone calls with his “producers” lol.

– punkmf

14. The inmate

A friend of my classmate faked her death once.

My classmate went on for five years believing that her friend was dead.

Turns out, the girl was just in prison.

Her grandparents (who she had been living with her whole life) told everyone that the girl had died and everyone believed it.

They even had a fake funeral for her. I don’t know much about it, but that’s what I do know.

– purple_flower18

15. The survivor

In second grade this girl everyone loved said her sister threw a plastic headband at her and it scratched out her eyeball, so she had to go to the ER and they dug through a bucket full of donated eyeballs to find one that matched her iris color.

She also told us she had her leg bitten off by a shark and had a prosthetic leg (but we all saw her at a water slide party a week later so that was hard to explain)

– OctopiBlobby

However lonely you get, try to never be this person.

Do you have stories like this?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weird Things That People Faked for Attention appeared first on UberFacts.

Mating Rituals That Would Definitely be Super Strange For Humans

One of the strangest writing jobs I’ve ever had was for an annual infotainment show for a zoo in which my partner and I wrote a series of sketches about weird animal mating rituals.

I have learned things I never wanted to know, and my search history is forever scarred.

What is an animal’s mating ritual you’re glad humans don’t have? from AskReddit

And now it’s time for you to join me in my forbidden/cursed knowledge. Behold, the words of Reddit.

1. Bellbirds

In 2019 researchers found that the song of the male white bellbird can reach levels of up to 125 decibels.

This makes it the loudest bird ever recorded to date, crushing the previous record holder, the screaming piha (which has been recorded up to 116 dB).

The worst/best part (depends on how you look at it) is that it performs at its loudest when the female is on the same branch, screaming right at her, which is enough to even cause hearing damage in the female. Imagine walking into a bar, and just screaming at the top of your lungs, popping the eardrums of every girl in the bar, just to announce that you’re single.

– girrafitygoo

2. Giraffes

The males repeatedly headbutt the females in the bladder until they p**s themselves, then they taste the urine to see if the female is in heat.

I’m sure some of you freaks are into that but still.

– Coera

3. Moose

They make a ditch, fill it with p**s, trample around to make some delicious p**sy mud then splash around so it covers their whole body.

Moose are LIT.

– Crackracket

4. Anglerfish

Females are humongous compared to males, so rather than doing it the old fashioned way, the male will bite onto the female, his insides will slowly turn to mush, and he eventually fuses with the female, depositing sperm in the process.

Pretty metal.

– begoniasaurus-rex

5. Salmon

They’re born in freshwater, swim sometimes thousands of kilometers to get to the ocean and live out most of their lives, then when it’s time to mate they have to make the same journey back to where they were born except this time upstream against the current.

And on top of that, the majority of salmon die after spawning.

Imagine living your entire life knowing it all leads up to you making a grueling several thousand km journey just to bust one nut and die right after.

– the_freshest_scone

6. Antechinus

Male Antechinus refuse to eat or rest during mating season; they will smash nonstop until their body begins eating itself.

By the end of their mating season, the corpses of ragged males litter the breeding grounds.

– Spooplegeist

7. Garden birds

Many garden birds have a ritual in which the male pecks the female’s cloaca empty of the sperm of previous mates before having his own go.

Imagine if men would suck out previous partners’ sperm before having s** with a woman. I have imagined and I am very sorry I did…

– MissRbvK

8. Eagles

Evidently they do some some complex mating ritual, which eventually results in them locking claws as they fall to the ground.

Much fewer fatalities than the bee thing, but there’s still a chance of making birdie pancakes, rather than baby eagles.

– CrankaWhiskour

9. Elephant seals

A male will force about 50 females together on a beach as his harem, and will mate with them while biting them to keep them from fleeing.

Usually other males will be attracted, and the beachmaster will rush over to fight the newcomers, potentially rolling over and crushing some of his own offspring. They’ll slam and bite each other bloody, and the winner grabs a female and mates in triumph.

– ugagradlady

10. Slugs

They are hermaphrodites and in order to determine which of the two individuals will be the male seed, they gnaw at each other’s penis until one of them snaps off.

– randolphism

11. Dogs

Dogs get stuck during mating because of a process called a copulatory tie. It is also one of the main stages in the process of intercourse.

The male dog has an organ called the bulbus glandis, which is responsible for keeping him tied up with the female. The dog breeding tie basically keeps the semen secured inside the female dog.

The bulbus glandis expands and gets locked in the uterus, and the female dog gets higher chances of getting puppies.

You could never pull out! That’s the true doggy style

– Escape-Lucky

12. Porcupines

So much erect penis pee spraying and screaming, and then of course the risk of the act itself.

The only good part is they do it once a year instead of frequently, but still.

– BuffetOfBeav

13. Periodic cicadas

They live underground as larval nymphs, sucking xylem from tree roots, for years. Thirteen or seventeen, depending on the species. That’s all they do.

Then, a brood emerges from the ground, thousands or millions strong. Each one climbs a trunk or branch, molts one final time – and then the males begin to sing the song of their people. Nonstop, for the rest of their lives. The males and females mate, the females usually once, the males as frequently as possible.

The females lay their fertilized eggs, and then the adults (the ones who have not been eaten by predators or crushed by human accident) all die. When the eggs hatch, the new generation of larval nymphs burrow into the soil and the circle of life continues.

– Genshed

14. Monkeys

There are monkeys which hierarchy is based on having sex.

That means if you are a young male monkey, you got to hold your a** out for the elders, to be in better standing

– izefaze

15. Suriname Toads

The Suriname Toad keeps its eggs in its back the eggs infuse with the skin.

When the eggs hatch the tadpoles will live inside the skin of their mother until they have matured into young frogs and squeeze out.

– Block_Mountain

Yeah, I’m glad we don’t have to do any of that.

What’s a weird animal fact that you know?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Mating Rituals That Would Definitely be Super Strange For Humans appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What Would’ve Happened if They Were Confronted By Their Past Selves

When I was taking acting classes (because my life goal is to get attention), I learned one concept that I found really helpful, both on and off stage.

It’s a psychological phenomenon my teacher referred to as a “private audience.” No matter what we’re doing, all of us carry around people in our minds and sort of wonder what they might think of what we’re doing. Maybe you’re thinking of trying to make a parent proud, or how to impress a crush. Maybe some abuser from your past remains in your head, judging all your actions as inadequate, etc.

But one private audience member I think most of us share is ourselves. Our past selves, and our future selves, which is what this Reddit post was all about.

If 16 year old you could see you now, what would 16 year old you think about your life? from AskReddit

So, what would yesterday us say about today us? Let’s find out.

1. California dreamin’

16 year old me would be p**sed I still lived in California instead of moving back to Texas as planned.

But I’ve fallen in love with it.

– Pythias

2. I’m still there

Like at 35 I’m still struggling with the concept of home ownership and a long term career (I have both, just still can’t wrap my brain around it).

I am living the 16 yo’s life though, own every game console (except PS5, f**k scalpers), and more Gundams than could have imagined.

– TrandaBear

3.  Pretty impressive

16 year old me would be impressed with my hot wife, great kids who would have much in common with him, being a homeowner of a really nice house, cool cars, and killer gaming PCs (I was a huge computer nerd in high school).

S**t, my whole house is automated which would have blown his/my mind.

– VisualBasic

4. It all changes fast

He’d be surprised with how quickly life goes from easy to hard. Both parents die in our 20s, the last living grandparent develops dementia at 100 years old whom we become POA for.

It’s easy to compare grass is greener. You’ll feel isolated because you don’t relate to people in your 30s or even older generations in the workplace.

The salary is good though, not to mention the core group of friends you have always answer the phone when you call.

– DaGurggles

5. Don’t give up hope

16 year old me was a foster kid in a girl’s home who wanted to die.

She wouldn’t even believe that I finally made it to Hollywood, became an artist and entertainer on her own terms and now owns her own victorian home.

I sure am glad those suicide attempts didn’t work.

– Immorefunthanyou

6. OMG so awesome!

16 year-old me would be shocked at how well I am doing.

At 16 years old I had just quit doing drugs after failing the ninth grade for the second time. I am now a DBA and make six figures.

Also, 16 year-old me would be like “Did you have s**? Yes?! OMG so awesome!”

There really is a benefit to coming from low expectations.

– imk

7. Not a doctor (shh!)

“So…not a doctor huh?”

“No, but you have a masters and you work as a therapist helping people who really need it.”

“But not a doctor.”


“Are you thinking amount doing a PhD at least?”

“Kinda, there’s a limited about of good that would do us, outside of the title, and importantly you like what you do”

“But the title is awesome!”

“I know…”

– ConneryFTW

8. Nailed it

Still overweight, that sucks. Great career though, so that’s awe…


– Garroch

9. Pretty grim

Like back then, I don’t value new experiences much because I’m not interested in most things or people, have no innate curiosity or desire to learn things and am affected deeply by negative events while getting nothing out of positive ones.

At most, after learning about my disappointing experiences with therapy and medication, I reckon my 16y/o self would just be sad that this is incurable, and probably much more bitter than I currently am that I have to put a crazy amount of effort into getting even half as much joy out of life as the average person.

I miss being blissfully ignorant about these things. Back then I was so much better at ignoring the external pressure to be someone I’m not because it didn’t even register to me that I was that abnormal. It’s getting better now, but it’s something I’ll have to make a conscious effort to fight for years to come.

– dniwehtotnoituac

10. Blinded by science

My 16 year old self would be devastated that both my parents and all my grandparents have passed away by the time I’m 32.

She would also be very surprised that I’m not working in marine biology or doing science of any kind as a career.

– Kaylin_Neya

11. No mountain high enough

16 year old me would be very impressed!

Stopped self-harming, left our emotionally-damaging hometown & now live in a gorgeous state, hiking mountains, traveling the world independently (pre-pandemic), rescued the sweetest dog ever, and still very close friends with a lot of my high-school friends that weren’t a**holes.

She would look at me and say “wow I truly made it”.

– NipplesOnIce

12. Reach for the stars

Astronomer here! I was already obsessed with the idea of being a radio astronomer when I was that age, so pretty sure she’d be over the moon ecstatic. 🙂

I actually think about 16 year old me a lot on days when research feels hard or I’m less motivated about a specific task.

It seems like such a minor thing to push through once you remember the passion you had as a teenager, and while a lot of astronomy is about chasing the next position it really makes me appreciate where I am now on the day to day level. Not sure that makes sense.

– Andromeda321

13. I’m livin’ my life

He would ask what happened to our hair and slim toned physique, then I’d explain that in adult life you eat what you want and don’t care about your hair so much so deal with it

– ScottyAlex1909

14. But why?

I am happy that 24 yo you is financially successful and managed to land a good career and have a girlfriend you like…

But why did you stop going to the gym, why do you take all those antidepressants / pills to sleep and why do you smoke weed?

– topastop

15. Mostly about phones

Well, for a start he’d be all: “You’re looking at a, whatchacallit, a ‘website’, on your telephone?”

Then he’d be happy that I was happily married with three awesome kids. Maybe a bit sad I don’t have a dog.

– TheWrongFusebox

I guess if 16 year old me showed up he’d probably mostly just scream and be confused.

But what would your former self say?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Talk About What Would’ve Happened if They Were Confronted By Their Past Selves appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Weirdest Things They’ve Faked for Attention

We all do stupid things for attention once in a while. For instance, I got a theatre degree.

But some people really truly take it too far. And it gets UNCOMFORTABLE real quick.

What was the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone fake for attention? from AskReddit

Prepare your shocked face for these tales from Reddit.

1. The speech impediment

A kid in elementary school faked a speech impediment so she’d keep getting out of class for speech therapy.

Initially it was real, but speech therapy had totally cured it. She just didn’t want anyone to know. One of the words she mispronounced was “yellow.” She would say, “Lellow” instead.

One day we were on the playground together and she said, “I’m gonna tell you a secret!” she leaned over and whispered in my ear, “YELLLLOWWWW,” with a hard “Y” at the beginning. Then she laughed and said, “Don’t tell anyone!”

So I didn’t, until just now.

– NeedsMoreTuba

2. The “cousin”

When I was in middle school, a girl who was a senior at the high school died.

This girl in my class said it was her cousin, she even broke down crying in class, shaking, hyperventilating..etc.

Turns out it was not her cousin, in fact, she never even met or knew of her till she died.

– Cannonfury

3. The stoner

In year 7 this kid always pretended to be high so he would seem cool in front of everyone, I’m pretty sure he’d never done any drugs of any kind since all he did was act like he was seeing stuff lmao.

Eventually he told everyone he was smoking weed in school and the headmaster called his parents and he got in s**t.

– Time-Sand-1452

4. The senator

One of our senators is the lunatic daughter of a late dictator

She never finished college, but keeps insisting that she graduated from Princeton, as well as one of the top law schools in our country. She doesn’t show any paperwork, photos, degrees, diplomas, or records of any kind.

She just insists it’s true despite it being the easiest thing in the world to debunk (as it was, over and over through a simple email or phone call to the schools in question.)

Her bizarre, elaborate statements to dodge simple yes/no questions about her academic credentials have become somewhat of a meme.

– AdvocateSaint

5. The hidden friends

In high school this kid passed away in a car accident. I didn’t really know him but was tight with his older brother.

The sheer amount of people who never associated with him that came out of the woodwork was f**king crazy.

Like the guy was really into riding dirt bikes and any x games types of hobbies (skating, bmx, snowboarding) and actively talked s**t on a couple of regular sports jocks. But apparently they were best friends when nobody, not even his brother knew they were. His brother just kinda eye rolled them to their face and talked mad s**t with us later on. It was really pathetic to take one families pain and try to get attention with it.

– No-Umpire4788

6. The big emergency

An acquaintance faked a kidney stone problem, demanded her husband take her to the hospital in the middle of the night, and then when he got dressed and grabbed the car keys, she insisted on going alone by car and warned him that she might get into an accident and end up getting killed, and it would all be his fault.

He insisted on taking her, and she wouldn’t go, she would only go herself, all alone, risking her life in a car accident.

So it’s either getting the kidney stones untreated, or risking her life in a terrible car accident that might happen.

They had a huge falling out and she went back to bed.

Of course, this was all a result of a previous fight they had earlier that day.

– madashmadash

7. The kidnapping

A boy i went to elementary school with faked being kidnapped in the middle of the school day. He disappeared for hours. The whole school was in a panic, especially his mother who was a teaching assistant.

They eventually discovered him “passed out” in the woods near the school.

He claimed that one of the Hispanic construction workers who was across campus working on a new building had abducted him, beat him unconscious and left him for dead in the woods.

However, he did not have any signs of being assaulted. He was just covered in dirt.

His mother was immediately suspicious of her sons behavior, not sure why, and told authorities she thought he was lying. The construction worker he blamed had several good alibis. He had a special trade that made his whereabouts particularly important for the project they were working on that day.

The cops investigated and his story quickly fell apart and he confessed to making it up. I’m not sure why he did it.

I went to school with him for years after. He was a weird kid and acted out on other occasions for attention just to a lesser degree.

He had great grades too and seemed to have a very loving family.

– valerieswrld

8. The “alter”

I knew a girl in high school who spent about half an hour lecturing me about creepypasta so that I would understand what she meant when she said Jeff the Killer was an “alter” of hers.

I think she was hoping I’d be more impressed than I was.

– an_ineffable_plan

9. The pregnancy

A girl in my year at school faked a miscarriage and went ’round telling everybody that a guy from her class fingered her and he must have had some cum on his hands because she got pregnant and lost it.

The guy had an alibi, his friends confirmed he was playing football with them and a LOT of people called her a dirty slut.

Being fingered on a Friday evening and losing the “baby” on Saturday is quite impressive (/s) She got attention but I think she was expecting sympathetic attention and it backfired spectacularly!

– Retrosonic82

10. The relative

A friend of mine used to make up relatives and talk about them on a daily basis.

She apparently had an aunt that worked for the Rolling Stone, and would come into school saying her aunt interviewed Paul McCartney/Mick Jagger/*insert famous rockstar here*. We used to both use DeviantART on the regular and she actually made an account for her aunt and commented as her.

Also claimed to have a cousin who was in the SAS and would legit start the waterworks claiming he was leaving the country for his work.

Even faked a boyfriend at one point. Fake Facebook profile and everything. Always had an excuse for where any of them were whenever one of us would visit her house (despite them apparently visiting almost every day!).

These three were just a few of the supposedly massive family she had!

No idea why she did it, eventually these family members just faded out of existence, we never heard about them again after secondary school!

– geekitygeek

11. The liar

There’s a woman I work with that is a chronic liar.

Normally the stuff she makes up are about how she was a world renowned x. So far she’s been an opera singer, competitive swimmer, prodigal child, teacher in Mexico (doesn’t speak a word of Spanish), mensa member, coked out drag queen, figure skater, and has just a ton of obscure diseases.

The diseases obviously prevent her from being able to do certain things around the office but luckily never interfere with her ability to go out to her car to smoke on break.

What sticks out was telling everyone she was pregnant and later on that she miscarried. That one sticks out because it happen while another woman in the office was pregnant and getting more attention.

Currently a good friend of this person who also works with us is pretending to use a cane in order to try and get FMLA and avoud certain responsibilities. Which is…. Not boring…. if anything else. Luckily for her, despite not being able to walk 5 feet to check in stuff, she’s also still able to make the journey out to her car and smoke on her breaks.

– [deleted user]

12. The orphan

My “friend” who I cut off, pretended,

a) he had DID,

b) that his mom was dead.

Both of which turned out to be false, and even to this day I remember her face when she came to back to school night only to find out her son had told everyone she was dead.

I can only imagine what she felt.

– KingofChing

13. The phantom pregnancy

There’s a post on Facebook about a girl who faked a pregnancy for 9 months.

She got her bf to pay for everything, they had a gender reveal.

Just for 9 months to pass and nothing….

– mad_scientist434

14. The baboon

Here’s a doozie from college years ago: This attention-w**re-of-a-woman tried to convince all her friends that she not only received a baboon’s heart as a transplant, but then proceeded to win a marathon thereafter.

Like… WTF?

– eatababy

15. The survivor

Was dating this girl and things were getting serious, her best friend was jealous of the time we were spending together and faked a story about cancer.

Shaved her head and everything.

We found out it was a lie a month later when we ran into her dad

– DeftTrack81

What can I say but yikes?

Do you have a story like this?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Talk About the Weirdest Things They’ve Faked for Attention appeared first on UberFacts.

People Open Up About Their Most Useless Talents

Useless talents, or useless skills. We all have them. I’m really good at the pogo stick, for example. I set a record of over 5,000 consecutive jumps as a kid.

Why? I have no idea. It wasn’t a competition. Nobody even saw me do it. I just jumped and counted in the driveway one morning until I got too tired to keep going. And it’s the little things like that you learn to treasure.

What’s a useless talent of yours? from AskReddit

Let’s hear about some other useless treasures, via Reddit.

1. The impossible

I can fit the usb into the slot in the first try every time

– Panja_Paradesi

2. Dirty Al

I can make a disgusting parody out of any song. ANY song.

– speedballmonkey

3. The sweet sense

Knowing if someone is unpacking any sweets in the kitchen.

– straight-up-bs

4. Just browsing

I trained for a long time to only move one eyebrow as a child and as a side effect I can wriggle my ear on that side too.

Once I could lift one eyebrow I was satisfied and didn’t bother to train the other side.

– DerWassermann

5. Burp beyond limits

I can burp whenever I want and as much I want, without limits.

I mean, I can fill my stomach with air at will, allowing me to burp again and again. Also I can hold it long enough to make it go down and allow me to rip massive 7-9 seconds long farts.

Downside is that is that all that air pressure makes me look like an 8-month pregnant.

Upside is that I don’t have to worry about constipation, all that pressure pushes my poop down so fast I literally sh*t brown missiles out my *ss. I also don’t have to worry about inflatables in the pool/sea, I just float without a problem.

– N1664TR0N3000

6. ϱnibɒɘɿ ɘƨɿɘvɘЯ

I can read mirrored writing (without mirror), read upside down writing (without turning anything upside down), and read mirrored upside down writing (you guessed it. Without using mirrors or turning anything upside down).

– SalFunction12

7. The true accent

I can imitate nearly any accent and sound like a native speaker. (has been confirmed by people I’ve met from a variety of nations, and no, they weren’t just being polite to the goofy American.) I can’t speak French for sh*t though. I sound like Clark Griswold in “National Lampoon’s European Vacation”.

– DeadLined784

8. Forget and forget

I have a wonderful ability to forget people’s names almost immediately after they tell me then avoid asking until its reached a point where it’s far too awkward to bring it up

– Pale-Yam8117

9. Speaking my language

I can program in shellscript, it’s useful on very rare occasions.

– Flynntheforce

10. Sniff ’em out

I can tell when a u.s. currency bill is counterfeit with my eyes closed.

– Fromoogiewithlove

11. Opening doors

Not super useless since it has a few uses but I can open doors with my feet.

It’s best with doorknobs.

If I have my hands full and I’m not wearing any shoes or socks I usually do this method.

– TrutiTru

12. Take the stairs

I am exceptional at going down stairs two at a time

– tungstenwalrus2

13. That rocks

I am weirdly good at skipping rocks.

Just did it a lot as a kid and now people get excited when I toss a rock and it skips 20 times.

– contrary-contrarian

14. Work up an appetite

When I start talking about food people start drooling.

Apparently I just start getting really descriptive about the things I like.

Came in handy when I was working as a waiter at one restaurant and a cashier at another. I was able to upsell more customers than anyone else.

Most of the time these days it is pretty useless.

– RabbitsRuse

15. Achieving enlightenment

You know that question “what is the sound of one hand clapping?”

I can answer it, with either hand.

– calcbone

I dunno, I’m pretty envious of some of those. The accent thing seems pretty killer.

What’s YOUR useless talent?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post People Open Up About Their Most Useless Talents appeared first on UberFacts.

Read About the Real Upsides (and Downsides) of Being Attractive

There’s been a whole lot of wisdom about physical attractiveness and shallowness and finding true fulfillment over the years.

The best of it, of course, came from Zoolander.

Would you pay $5000 to be extremely physically attractive? Why or why not? from AskReddit

So, is there actually more to life than being really, really, really, ridiculously good looking? Let’s see what Reddit has to say.

1. Seems like a bargain.

I need at least $5000 more in dental work and also probably twice as much for surgery, just to look normalish again. $5k to fix everything would be magnificent!

Wouldn’t even need the whole ‘extremely attractive’ bit, but if that’s included, nice.

– MedusasSexyLegHair

2. Reverse!

It doesn’t say decent shape though, it just says extremely attractive.

It could be achieved by making everybody attracted to my fat unhealthy body.

– of_a_varsity_athlete

3. Easy for you to say.

“No no no, just be yourself! Looks aren’t everything!”

– The average very attractive person

– Princess_Moon_Butt

4. Give me a challenge.

Isn’t this supposed to be a tough choice?

Like you’re extremely physically attractive but you can’t stop farting whenever you smile or something

– Dainish410

5. There are downsides.


Because I’m finally at an age where I am comfortable in who I am. I prefer to not be the most noticed person in a room.

Being extremely attractive as a woman comes at a cost. Constant harassment by men, jealousy from women. Never going anywhere or doing anything inconspicuously.

I love being anonymous in public and prefer for people to find me attractive getting to know me.

– MustBeThursday42

6. Things change.

I wasn’t attractive or popular as a child, I was the last picked for the team and generally just a nothing.

Then there was a time in my life where I was very physically attractive. People treat you differently. People want to be your friend who sneered at you before. People want to be around you because of what it does for them, and their image. People who bullied you before suck up to you. People of the opposite sex pretend to like you and you think they are your friend but then they hit on you.

Now that I don’t look like that anymore I know that people who like me, genuinely like me for who I am.

– [deleted user]

7. Sign me up.

Dude, I would pay 50,000. F*ck, 500,000 (assuming i can pay in instalments). Sh*t man, I would give up the last twenty years of my life (and I am 45)

Nothing determines your success in life more than attractiveness. Nothing.

– theAnalepticAlzabo

8. Not a collector’s item.

I have an extremely attractive friend and by that experience I wouldn’t want that life.

She has a lot of *ssholes around her and there has been a lot of jealousy in her relationships.

It’s like many people just want to collect and possess her to bump up their image

– theswamphag

9. A solid investment.

heck yeah, even in terms of just sheer money I’d absolutely make all that money back before too terribly long just in terms of what extra I’d make/save because people find me hot.

At the end of the day though, it would give me the push I need to get my confidence and turn myself around

– ParkityParkPark

10. Want to be known.


I’m decent enough looking now. Being attractive doesn’t matter and I don’t think I’d do well with more attention based on my appearance.

I want to be known, accepted, wanted, appreciated, and loved.

Being extremely physically attractive may open more doors, but it doesn’t guarantee ever being seen for more than just that.

– switchboards

11. Save that cash.

No. I’d rather spend the money on something else.

– PerfectParfait5

12. It’s a steal!

Even at like 100k it’s a steal. It’s a well documented phenomenon that attractive people are considered more frequently for promotion / raises at work and are more likely to be judged as having ‘leadership skills’ than average people.

Assuming you work a standard office job, it would pay back fairly quickly.

– Wind_Yer_Neck_In

13. The married life.

Nah, just because it’d be a waste.

I’d still be kinda old and married and thus, completely unf*ckable.

– TheRynoceros

14. Let’s haggle.

I would pay $1 to look remotely attractive.

– ThiccDaddy1198

15. What a twist!

Monkey’s Paw : OP didn’t specify physically attractive to what

– xaradevir

At this point I’d empty my bank account just to fit into my old jeans again. But apparently I have to “exercise” and “stop eating nachos for every meal” instead. What a rip off.

How would you answer this question?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Read About the Real Upsides (and Downsides) of Being Attractive appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out These Fascinatingly Useless Talents That People Have

Everybody has a useless skill or two. For example, I can make a dolphin noise with my mouth. I’ve never met anyone else who can do it in the way I can, and it’s gained me exactly nothing in this life.

I’m teaching my 5 year old niece to do it so she can keep the torch of meaninglessness aflame, because these things are important.

What’s a useless talent of yours? from AskReddit

So what useless skills to the people of Reddit have? Let’s delve in.

1. That special touch

[I can touch my nose with my tongue] too.

I never understood why all the guys in my class would ask to see my “cool trick” and why the girls hated me.

– Ret*rdoTheGayDolphin

2. Rip roarin’ time

I can reproduce the exact sound of a chainsaw with my mouth

– frank_98_

3. Anyone can whistle

I can whistle in many different ways.

Actually very useful for annoying the f*ck out of everyone.

– ilovebravebrowser

4. Reading and writing

I can read and write at the same time. I’ll read a bit, process it, send it to my hand, and take notes while I read the next bit. It was very useful in college but I got burnt out and have a sh*t job now, so it’s not useful to me any more :/

At my peak it was like having my own internal secretary. Good times.

Edit for clarity: Yes I mean reading one thing while writing another thing

– ipakookapi

5. Don’t do it

If I drop the soap in the shower 9 times out of 10 I can catch it before it hits the floor.

I call the skill being soapidextrous.

Sadly, I have never been to prison which is the only place this skill might come in handy.

– slartibartjars

6. The fart of the deal

Farting with whatever loudness I want. I can somehow control the loudness of my farts without a change in the quantity of them

– Minecraft_Player1475

7. A whole lsit

Ooh my wife says I have quite a few utterly useless talents! Among them:

Remembering the lyrics to a song after only listening to it 1-2x.

Knowing what time it is within 5 minutes regardless of when I last looked at the clock.

Throwing our son’s toys into their baskets/buckets with stupid accuracy.

Avoiding stopping short when driving by accelerating / decelerating at the perfect time when coming up on yellow lights.

– ReallyCleverName69

8. Very snappy

I can snap, like, really loud.

Like if i snap too close to my head or someone else’s it can cause my/their ears to ring.

– Nogard_Ruler_Brynn

9. On the fence

I took 3 years of fencing. Not a lot of call for sword fighting these days. However It did come in handy just once when I was in the army and we were getting riot control training, a bunch of us were dicking around with the batons and I managed to do pretty well in a 4 on one baton duel.

But really it’s a useless talent.

– Wacokidwilder

10. That’s still a thing?

I’m really good at Dance Dance Revolution.

Like not “play sometimes and can play on medium” like I’ve traveled and won tournaments in other cities and can perfect most songs on the hardest difficulty.

It’s fun and a great workout but it doesn’t really get me anywhere in life.

– PoPo573

11. Cursed cursive

I can write (in cursive) backwards… neatly… hold it up to a mirror and its perfectly neat and legible

– MelodyM620

12. Gotta hand it to ya

I can do ALL the “hand and finger movement tricks” more or less perfectly..

Like spinning hands in opposite direction, patting head – rubbing belly, split fingers in the middle, leaving the two middle fingers together while spreading pinky and pointer finger, and so on…

I learned this back when games came on 1.44 discs and there was a lot of waiting time.

– guvakkamole

13. Battle ready

Knowledge of military equipment and tactics (I don’t claim to be a tactical genius or know how the military works, I’ve never served).

I’ve read so many books about military hardware, supply chains, tactics and much more that just ends up being useless at the end of the day.

– Ghost-Rider9925

14. Just my type

I can type fast. On typing tests I average 85-90wpm if I’m tired but I can go up to 120wpm for up to 5 minutes at a time with over 90% accuracy if my fingers are extra nimble.

It might sound useful but it’s really not. Past about 50wpm there’s no real purpose because nobody’s job is to type up documents or anything anymore.

When I’m typing an email or essay or something I don’t need to type nearly that fast.

– ceramicthumb

15. Guilty slumber

I can sleep peacefully even if I didn’t do my homework

– Neoptys

Here’s to all the useless skills out there. One day perhaps you’ll find a home.

What’s your most pointless talent?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Check Out These Fascinatingly Useless Talents That People Have appeared first on UberFacts.

Take a Look at These 15 “Holy Grails” of Random Collections

I’ve had very random, half-hearted collections throughout the years.

When I was a kid and home internet was still a new thing, I would collect discs and CDs that had free internet service trials on them. I realize that for any Gen Z people reading this that probably sounds like gibberish, so maybe I should keep this more accessible and mention my less than impressive shot glass collection instead.

In any case, I’ve never been serious enough to really go for a “holy grail,” like these people on Reddit did.

What is the "holy grail" of the thing you’re a collector of? from AskReddit

Here are some of the big find items for these categories of collections:

1. Obsolete tech

I collect obsolete tech, my personal holy grail would have to be the Halcyon video game console from 1985.

There were only a handful that were actually produced and most likely even fewer still floating around.

– starcabin_

2. Vinyl

While I do not personally collect vinyl, I love this story.

“During the early days of the White Stripes, Jack White teamed up with musician friend Brian Muldoon to form The Upholsterers. Both former upholsterers, the pair then hid 100 copies of their song ‘Your Furniture Was Always Dead… I Was Just Afraid To Tell You’ in reupholstered furniture around Detroit in 2004.”

A few have been found, but last I checked only like 4-5. I just love the idea of opening up a chair and finding a Jack White album placed there by the man himself.

– AllBadAnswers

3. Nintendo

Nintendo world championship gold cartridge NES.

– Fezzic5

4. Artifacts

probably ancient Greek or Roman coins which have been perfectly preserved

– theeCrawlingChaos

5. Niche art

An original Bob Ross painting.

He painted 3 for every show.

Almost none are in circulation though.

– edward_anastasio

6. Comics

The hulk vs wolverine comic where MARVEL introduced Wolverine as a side character not supposed to become big.

– lookin4BEANSS

7. Rudolph memorabilia

My mom collects Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer stuff. She has an entire room of it.

I think her holy grails are a table and chairs set, artwork signed by the original designer, a rocking horse, and I’m pretty sure she has one of the original film reels.

– YourMomsSideUp

8. Roller-coasters

I collect roller-coaster credits (that is, I track the coasters I have ridden).

There are a few grails, mostly coasters that only opened for a short time or we’re in obscure parts of the world. I have one of the holiest of grails: I rode ring°racer at the Nurburgring during one of the four days it was open to the public.

The only rarer credits out there are Twist Coaster Robin (Japan, only open for a few hours) and Orphan Rocker (never opened; it is estimated four people have ever ridden it).

– Alaeriia

9. Stamps

Really fun modern stamps. I don’t want the old ones or the rare ones. I really just enjoy modern fun stamps.

I buy thousands of dollars per year in postage for my company and all of it is in fun stamps, not meter credit. Every piece of mail I send for business has a fun stamp on it. Sesame street, mr rogers, first space walk, thermographic solar eclipse stamps, scratch and sniff popsicles, and soon the star wars stamps!!! I love them all and want to share them with my clients.

My holy grail would be more harry potter stamps. Those were really cool stamps.

– KiniShakenBake

10. Model trains

My holy grail was just recently accomplished. As a model train collector, the centerpiece of any toy train collection is the Lionel Blue Comet, a tinplate train they made in the 1930s and continue to make in varying forms today. The most valuable versions are the 400E Standard Gauge and 296E O Gauge “Baby Blue Comet”, both of which Lionel made in the 1930s out of tinplate and clad in enamel paint. Mine is a 262E, a small O gauge engine that almost never came in blue apart from maybe one or two examples I’ve found online.

Here is a picture of it.

My Blue Comet isn’t the most glamorous or expensive model, in fact it cost me $150 for the engine and tender, but it satisfies something deep inside me that I don’t want any other tinplate Blue Comets anymore. I think that’s what a “holy grail” should be: something that puts to rest a long-gestating want for something.

​ – Reymond_StJames

11. Video games

I collect video games, and I really really want a copy of Hideo Kojima’s “Snatcher” for the Sega CD.

– jidar

12. Perfume

I used to collect high end perfume and there are a lot of vintage classics that are highly coveted.

Even a small decant (5ml or so) could be really hard to track down and then very expensive if you could find it.

But my *personal* holy grail is a perfume that was discontinued in 2011 or 12 and then re-released in a very limited quantity, but only in Paris, in 2016 or so. The only 2 or 3 bottles still available for sale are going for over $650 and…I’m very sad about that.

It’s Iris Ganache by Guerlain, if anyone is curious.

– NicoleNicole1988

13. Beanie Babies

I collect Beanie Babies. (no, I don’t think they’ll get valuable, I just legitimately like them lol)

Most Beanie Babies are worth very little. But for serious collectors, the holy grail is the Peanut the Elephant Beanie Baby, in royal blue! Only a small amount of royal blue Peanuts were produced, (1500-2000 or so) very soon after, the creator decided that Peanut would look better in light blue. (Teeny Beanie and Beanie Buddy royal blue Peanuts were later produced on a larger scale) Royal blue Peanut is probably the most valuable Beanie Baby, selling for up to a thousand dollars.

– PartyPorpoise

14. Plants

I collect plants! For a lot of plant collectors, philodendron spiritus sancti is the holy grail.

They’re endangered, and more of them exist in the homes of private collectors and growers than in the wild.

A small plant goes for around $10k. I saw an auction for one go close to $15k.

My personal holy grail is a variegated rhaphidophora tetrasperma. Maybe one day I will be super lucky and find a random sport variegated one!

– mmmatchaball

15. Guitars

1959 Sunburst Les Paul

Of the few that are on the market, some have gone for well into the six, and (maybe?) seven figures

– DreadPirateCristo

Remember, before you go throwing literally anything out, look it up online. There may well be someone looking for just that!

What would be the holy grail of your collection?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Take a Look at These 15 “Holy Grails” of Random Collections appeared first on UberFacts.

Signs of a Truly Good Friendship

I don’t know if this is actually a well-known song or if I just grew up in a very specific circle, but there’s kind of a cheeseball tune by a guy named Michael W. Smith that goes:

“And friends are friends forever
If the Lord’s the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
‘Cause the welcome will not end”

From here we can surmise that a true friend is endlessly welcoming and also religious, apparently. But let’s see if we can broaden that a bit, with the help of Reddit.

What are some of the "green flags" of a true freindship? from AskReddit

Here are some solid green flags, regardless of your feelings for the Lord.

1. Pick back up

Even if you haven’t seen each other in a while you’re able to pick up right where you both left off.

– radpandaparty

2. Non-compete

When they don’t try to compete with you, aren’t jealous of you, truly are happy for you when good things happen to you don’t give you back handed compliments and don’t put you down.

When they don’t talk bad about you behind your back.

Good friends listen to you, care about you and are there by your side through good and bad times.

– Fitbarbie1

3. “Get a divorce”

When my dad got divorced, he found a lot of his friends were really just my mom’s friends.

He had exactly ONE friend who helped him pack up and move. His joke after this was if you win the lottery, you’ll find out real quick how big your family apparently is. But if you wanna find out how many friends you have, get a divorce.

The lesson here is that a true friend will stand by you even in a really dark place where they have absolutely nothing to benefit from standing by your side, and even in some cases, something to lose.

– wehosh

4. Stepping up and stepping in

I got the news that my grandma was dying this past Tuesday.

Unfortunately I had work at 4 and class before hand so I planned on going to see her the next day. But my sister was insistent that she wasn’t going to make.

Texting my group chat I asked my other shift leads (only can switch with a SL due to me being a SL) to ask if anyone could cover. No one answered. I left for work early. At the shop, I was beyond frustrated at my friends that I started ranting to my old co worker ( and now my absolute best friend) who quit a few weeks ago.

He jokingly said he could cover if my boss let him. Literally a few mins later my boss walks in, and in tears I explained to him my situation and agreed to let my friend cover my shift for me. My friend agreed and he came in to the shop literally 20 mins later.

I was able to see my grandma and say my goodbyes that night. My grandma passed away an hour after I left. The realest of them all.

– nutttymeag

5. Hot gos

When nothing you ever told them, ends up as gossip.

– MorgainofAvalon

6. Laughter

Being able to make each other laugh.

Really, truly, help-I-can’t-breathe laughter.

I didn’t realize how rare it was until it was too late.

– hamanar

7. Listening skills

When they listen to your problems and give you intelligent solutions, or remember something you once told them that was important to you.

– NotAnNSASpySatellite

8. The list

For me, there are usually a lot of those little green flags, but a few stand out.

1) You can tell that the person is genuinely concerned or truly sad when something terrible and/or heartbreaking happens to you.

2) They become angry on your behalf whenever someone hurts you, disrespects you, screws you over, etc., and they go into protective mode for you.

3) They’ll remind you of all the great things about yourself during those dark times when you can’t see such things so clearly.

4) They remember details about things you’ve discussed with them.

5) They let that song that you love play until the end – even if it’s a song they don’t really dig.

– SquirrellyRabbit

9. Pitching in

I’ve always noticed that with new acquaintances that turned out later to become good friends of mine there’s a big focus on respect, consideration, and reciprocity from the get go.

Obviously it’s cool to take turns buying lunch for each other but I’ve also hosted new friends that would clean up for me before they left while my old friends leave beer cans everywhere.

That new person expressed through their actions “I respect you offering your home, that’s why I considered to return you at least a small favor of cleaning up my mess just because I appreciate the relationship we have”.

– Layton115

10. No expectations

Doing things for you without any expectation of reciprocation.

– RedditRam24

11. Checking in

When they will stop doing stuff they like or want to do in order to see if you’re okay or need anything.

– CSPStuff

12. How far will you go?

Loyalty with a breaking point.

Obviously all friends should be loyal, but I think the best things one of my best friends ever did for me was threaten to end our friendship.

I liked a girl who was toxic, but I kept going back to her. My friend and I were on the phone one night and I told her I was talking to this girl again and she just got real quiet and she said “I know how bad she has hurt you before because you tell me. And I tell you every time she’s not worth it, but you keep going back. I can’t keep seeing you get your heart broken when it’s your choice because then I pick up the pieces and you do it again. If you do this, eventually we’re going to wake up one day and we won’t be friends.”

Talk about the strongest kick of realization I ever had. My friend had known me so much longer than this girl. And she had never done anything to screw me over like this girl had. I told the toxic girl that night and told her I didn’t want to be friends anymore.

So, loyalty, but with a breaking point.

– expletiveinyourmilk

13. Feeling comfortable

When you’re with them and you don’t have to second guess anything or feel self-conscious. When you can just say what you want to say without rehearsing it first.

(Of course, this differs depending on your level of social anxiety, but I find that in general you should feel more at ease around true friends).

– iniestas

14. Secrets

You can tell them your deepest darkest Secrets the things that you’re ashamed of and embarrassed about and know there will be no judgement

– kcpstil

15. REAL secrets

They tell you about the bodies even when they haven’t asked for your help burying them.

– AsboZapruder

That reminds me, I need to tell my buddy Mike about some bodies.

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Signs of a Truly Good Friendship appeared first on UberFacts.