There’s a Psychological Reason Why Your Anxiety Gets Worse When Good Things Happen

Anxiety is a funny thing. And by “funny,” I mean “a serious mindf***.”

How else would you explain the fact that your anxiety can actually get WORSE when something good happens to you. Seriously, there’s just no winning with this, is there?

Clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly explained to HuffPost why this often happens to people with anxiety:

“Anxiety can be a bit tricky, as it’s a primitive response that’s hard-wired into the brain. The brain’s fear circuit works very quickly, and it doesn’t always pause to differentiate between good anxiety and bad.”

Photo Credit: iStock

When something good happens, it triggers very similar physical symptoms to those that you associate with panic or fear, Carla said. Excitement and anxiety are very similar, as far as your body is concerned.

Also, the mere sensation of happiness can cause fear if you’re not really used to feeling that way. It’s new and unfamiliar — an anxious person’s worst enemy. Furthermore, many people worry that something good happening MUST mean that something bad is going to happen next.

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It sucks to feel overcome by anxiety when you feel like you should be jumping for joy. But the first key to moving past the feeling is acknowledging and accepting it, Carla explained. Then practice enjoying any little piece of good news that comes your way — and be patient with yourself.

“It’s natural for the psyche to want to go back to old thought patterns, so this new one will take time and patience to become hard-wired into the brain.”

Time and patience – that’s some solid advice.

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It’s common for Dentists to have…

It’s common for dentists to have aquariums because they reduce stress and anxiety. Aquarium Therapy has been shown to reduce stress, insomnia, and high blood pressure; achieving results that are the same, or better than, hypnosis.

15 Incredibly Helpful Books for Kids Struggling with Anxiety

We tend to think that things like anxiety or depression wouldn’t affect children, but that’s actually not true. As a matter of fact, these can often be tougher for kids because they tend to go unaddressed, or thought of as just being a “phase.”

These 15 books were written to help parents approach the subject of anxiety and other negative feelings. They range from illustrated children’s stories to workbooks that actually help kids cope with anxiety.

1. “Is a Worry Worrying You?

Photo Credit: Amazon

2. “Help Your Dragon Deal With Anxiety

Photo Credit: Amazon

3. “What to Do When You Worry Too Much

Photo Credit: Amazon

4. “Stuff That Sucks

Photo Credit: Amazon

5. “My Anxious Mind

Photo Credit: Amazon

6. “The Worry Workbook for Kids

Photo Credit: Amazon

7. “Listening With My Heart

Photo Credit: Amazon

8. “Wilma Jean the Worry Machine

Photo Credit: Amazon

9. “Always

Photo Credit: Amazon

10. “Outsmarting Worry

Photo Credit: Amazon

11.  “Wemberly Worried

Photo Credit: Amazon

12. “Coping Skills for Kids Workbook

Photo Credit: Amazon

13. “Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now

Photo Credit: Amazon

14. “Up and Down the Worry Hill

Photo Credit: Amazon

15. “Pilar’s Worries

Photo Credit: Amazon

Now get to reading so you can kick that anxiety in the butt!

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The Truth Behind How Alcohol Really Impacts Your Mood

It’s a pretty commonly held belief that if you’re stressed out after a tough day, a drink (or two) can help you wind down and relax. This belief is bolstered by the fact that a glass of wine in the evening has become a crucial ritual for many a stressed parent trying to relax.

Luckily, for us, it’s not an unsubstantiated practice. Believe it or not, studies have shown that certain types of wine can have legitimate health benefits beyond the mental stress relief.

Photo Credit: Pixabay 


Alcohol quickly boosts our serotonin levels, which results in an elevated or euphoric improvement to our mood. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter (a biological chemical, basically), and it’s a key player in our happiness and mood. People who experience anxiety and depression often have lower than average levels of serotonin in their gut, blood and central nervous system.

The problem is, after that initial boost in serotonin brought on by a couple of drinks, serotonin levels fall down even lower than they were prior to your drinking. So if you drink habitually, it means that you’re regularly lowering your serotonin levels to below what is considered average, and that can eventually rewire your brain.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you’re someone who doesn’t struggle with depression and anxiety, then you may not have anything to worry about – but if you do, having a drink or two every day might be something you want to rethink.

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Target Is Selling Affordable Weighted Blankets, and You Are Definitely Gonna Want One

I was visiting a friend recently, and all she could rave about was the weighted blanket she’d just bought. She admitted that she was basically obsessed with her new purchase. Frankly, up until she went on a 15-minute rant about these blankets, I had no idea these even existed. So, I went home, fired up Google, and did a little research.

These products are all the rage because they’re helpful for people who have anxiety, are stressed out, or just want to get a really good night’s sleep. But the big drawback has always been that they’re pretty expensive.

Not anymore, ladies and gents!

Target is selling a 12-pound weighted blanket for $70, significantly less than most weighted blankets on the market.

While they’re less expensive, they are also a little lighter than standard weighted blankets – often it’s recommended that weighted blankets weigh about 10% of the user’s body weight. Though maybe that’s just Big Blanket…

I haven’t actually tried one of these babies out yet, but all I’ve heard are glowing reviews from friends and reviews online. And they’ve been scientifically proven to relieve stress and anxiety. So grab them up while you can! Perhaps as a Christmas gift?

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A Survey Claims Half of American Women Are More Stressed by Their Husbands Than Their Children

I can hear most of my married friends out there responding to this headline with some version of “duh,” but look – now there’s proof that we’re not just impatient aholes!

The survey, done by Today, surveyed 7,000 American women and found that the majority of us are stressed due to not feeling as if there are enough hours in the day to complete all expected tasks, and that 75% of us feel as if we’re shouldering the majority of both parenting and household duties.

1 in 5 mothers said that one of their major stresses was a lack of help from their significant other.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Also interestingly, the stress levels play a role later in life, too. When a wife passes first, the husband’s health tends to deteriorate, but when the husband passes first, the wife tends to become healthier and deals better with stress and depression.

It shouldn’t be a surprise, but this is likely because the husband leans more on the wife than vice versa.

If you identify a trend like this in your relationship, you can try writing down all of the daily/weekly duties and splitting them evenly.

Might as well give it a shot!

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In Japan doctors would prescribe…

In Japan doctors would prescribe “Forest therapy” to treat depression and anxiety. The scent of the trees increases activity of the natural killer cells that enhances your immune system which boosts resistance against stress. 00

People with poor mathematical skills aren’t necessarily…

People with poor mathematical skills aren’t necessarily bad at math because they are ‘ungifted’. There is a phenomena called ‘Math Anxiety’ that makes people perform worse, which sometimes leads to math avoidance, which leads to lesser knowledge and consequently more Math anxiety. 00