People Sharing Anxiety Symptoms Highlights How Individualized the Illness Can Be

Society as a whole is more open and accepting than it used to be when it comes to treating mental illnesses the same way we treat physical ones.

Part of this movement depends on the people who struggle with these types of issues being willing to put their personal business out into the world, risking judgment and negative feedback.

If we really want to understand what it’s like, and how anxiety can look and feel different depending on who is living with it, we need to listen without comment, though.

So, here are some tweets that offer you the chance to do just that.

14. Those little message notifications can wreck havoc.

13. So many ways to feel embarrassed.

12. And worrying that people aren’t going to understand.

11. This person is poetic.

10. It’s not a fun to live.

9. Complete with emojis.

8. Not being able to go and do what you’d like.

7. There are a lot of people outside.

6. Physical manifestations are common.

5. And then freaking out when you run out of tomorrows.

4. Chronic fatigue is no joke.

3. Not much worse than second guessing.

2. Worry can be so exhausting.

1. Easy to deal with, right?

It’s fascinating to me how brains work, and how the same affliction can appear differently in different people.

Do you or someone you love struggle with anxiety? Do you see your symptoms here, or are yours missing?

Share with us in the comments!

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Cows in Russia Are Wearing Virtual Reality Headsets Showing ‘Summer Fields’ to Combat Their Winter Depression

In Russia, cows are getting a new tool to help fight the winter blues that a lot of us deal with. A dairy farm in that country is outfitting its cows with virtual reality headsets to help the animals tone down their anxiety and to fight their winter depression. The moooooove (see what I did there?) is also intended to boost milk production from the farm animals.

The headsets display green fields and pastures to the cows in order to make them feel more relaxed. The project is taking place at RusMoloko farm, outside of Moscow.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region said that the virtual reality headsets have achieved “a decrease in anxiety and an increase in the overall emotional mood of the herd.”

The plan is to monitor the cows wearing the headsets to see if their milk production increases throughout the winter. The ministry said that “technology improvements should impact the industry as a whole.”

In addition to the look of green fields and pastures, the developers of the virtual reality headsets gave the design a predominantly red color scheme because studies have shown that cows see red better than other colors of the spectrum.

Is this the wave of the future in farming? Will the results show that the impact of these VR headsets is positive among the cattle and this technology become commonplace for animals?

Time will tell…

But I think I might need to get my hands on one of these for myself this winter.

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Enjoy These Anxiety Memes About Anxiety That Won’t Make You More Anxious

It’s time to just calm down already, put that anxiety aside and just BREATHE.

Phew… that was nice. Because that’s all it takes. Thinking about it.


No… just a long, cleansing breath in… and then out. Let that anxiety just melt away.

Okay, now on to these memes. Those should help too!

1. All day. All night.

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

2. What even is reality anymore?!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

3. Agreed.

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

4. Oh! That’s all I had to do?!?

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

5. Do that thing!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

6. Yes, that’ll do it!

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

7. OMFG…

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

8. What happened?!?

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

9. Not so fast…

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

10. Never go to sleep right away. Ever.

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

11. Oh, I’m you alright…

Photo Credit: Pizza Bottle

Well, how do you feel? Anxious as always. I knew it!

Okay, share how you feel in the comments anyway. Anxious or otherwise. Because we actually DO care about you. For reals.

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15 Very Funny Tweets About CBD

Every time I turn a corner these days, there’s a CBD shop staring me in the face.

Which I guess is a good thing because (apparently )it helps out a lot of people who have to deal with anxiety, depression, and other ailments.

And one thing is for sure: people seem to LOVE it.

Are you one of them? Enjoy these tweets.

1. What is this feeling?

2. Might’ve chilled him out.

3. Not gonna work this time.

4. Chill out, pooch!

5. Thanks, Gramps.

6. Not the greatest side effect.

7. Give it a shot.


9. I’m sure it’ll be here soon.

10. You’re canceled.

11. Do it together.

12. Listen, I’m gonna fill you in…

13. It’s different, you see…

14. Gonna leave a mark.

15. Yes, pretty much.

I might have to give this CBD thing a shot…all the kids are doing it!

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When you first meet people it is common….

When you first meet people it is common to forget their names – a phenomenon called the ‘next-in-line’ effect. This is because people are too worried about themselves, and what they’ll say next, to focus on remembering the names of people they’re introduced to.

People with Social Anxiety Will Laugh out Loud at These Tweets

Do you have social anxiety? If so, I sympathize with you…but you should also laugh at it once in a while! Might as well, right?

1. Hurry up!

2. Assume the worst…

3. Anxiety thru and thru…

4. It’s not nothing…

5. Open up!

6. It’s always about you…

7. It all means something…

8. Probably dying…

9. But what DID it mean?!?!

10. Must be nice…

11. Always fun to pre-game!

12. Just give me a minute… or thirty…

13. ALL of this!

14. Ditto.

All you Pokémon trainers out there… that last one is for you.

And for you who have no idea what I’m talking about… let that linger for a while…

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Enjoy These Funny Tweets About Anxiety When You Need a Break

Dealing with anxiety really sucks. It can affect your job, your relationships, and every other aspect of your life in negative ways. But one way to deal with the ailment is to try to laugh at it, at least every once in a while.

As the old saying goes, laughter is the best medicine.

At the very least, these tweets will remind you that you are not alone in your struggle.

1. This should help

2. You can do it!

3. Please?

4. Need a little change

5. Pretty funny

6. #GetAnxious

7. Pleased to meet you!

8. Ahhhh, that’s better

9. Which one will it be today?

10. Get prepared

11. Damn!

12. Hahahaha

13. Nothing but mumbling…

14. Very true

15. That’s not a bad idea

16. Uh oh

17. Run!

18. That’s a brilliant idea

19. Don’t tell me that!

20. Oh, the possibilities…

Keep your chin up! Things will get better!

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15 Tweets About Mental Health That’ll Definitely Give You a Good Laugh

Mental health issues are no joke. Suffering from anxiety or depression can be absolutely crippling, and can even affect you physically.

Still, laughter is the best medicine and while it might be tough to find much mirth in the midst of a depressive episode, if you can manage to scare up a few chuckles, it really does help a lot.

If you’re having a rough day, week, month, or year, take a look at these funny tweets about mental health.

1. Like this?

2. True

3. Tell us more

4. Hahaha

5. This might catch on

6. LOL

7. Self care

8. That’s not good

9. Sounds healthy

10. That’s a yes

11. #NonStopWorry

12. Finally!

13. Samesies

14. BFF

15. That’s a start

Ahhhhh, now that feels a little bit better, doesn’t it?

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Study Finds Anxiety Makes People More Obsessively Clean

Are you struggling to keep your space clean? It turns out that maybe all you need to clean up your act is a light dose of anxiety.

Researchers at the University of Connecticut presented test participants with a shiny statuette and a list of seven questions to consider about the statue (such as “How old do you think the object is?”). Then, half the participants were told they’d have to present a short speech on the object to an art expert – thereby inducing anxiety.

All the participants were then given a few minutes to ponder the questions, plan their presentation (if they were in that test group), and polish the statuette. The experiment then ended, with the speech-giving group being told they didn’t have to speak after all.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The results were remarkably consistent across both groups. The “relaxed” group that never believed they had to give a speech tended to clean using pretty varied motions. Meanwhile, participants in the “anxiety” group (the speech-givers) all cleaned with repetitive motions, focusing on smaller areas and cleaning much more meticulously.

Remarkably, even participants who didn’t show any perceptible signs of stress still followed the same pattern of cleaning! The researchers behind this study hypothesize that people might engage in repetitive behaviors during stressful situations because it gives them a sense of control in a time of uncertainty.

So, you know. If you ever feel like your room needs cleaning, you could just stress yourself.

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