Funny Dog Memes to Get Your Day Headed in the Right Direction

I heard someone say once that you should never, under any circumstances, ignore your dog or ever treat them badly because WE are the most important things in their lives.

They can’t wait for us to get home when we leave, they light up with excitement every single time they see us, and we should do the same for them!

Because, sadly, they’re not here for very long so we should do everything in our power to make their lives as enjoyable as possible. What I’m trying to say is that it’s all about the love, baby.

So give your pups a squeeze for us and enjoy these great memes!

1. I hope that’s not the case!

I think they’re just giving us kisses.

2. Pick your gift.

They’re sweet AND smart.

3. Really? Right now you have to do this?

Gee, thanks a lot.

4. I support this 100%.

I hope this dog runs for President.

5. You knew that was gonna happen.

I’m jealous!

6. Awwww. Cute.

He still loves it!

7. This is perfect.

That’s really all you need.

8. He sure does.

And we all agree!

9. Not a fan of this thing.

Get rid of it!

10. Call the dog advice hotline if you need to.

They really do great work.

11. You’re not fooling them.

But nice try…

12. Put on that smiley face.

You can vent when work is over.

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13. I feel you, buddy.

It’s pretty exhausting out there.

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2020 mood

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Will you do us a big favor?

In the comments, share a photo of your pooch and tell us a little bit about them.

We love meeting as many new pups as possible!

Thanks in advance!

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Funny Posts for All the Animal Lovers Out There

Hey, all you animal lovers, we have a sneaking suspicion that these tweets are gonna be right up your alley.

Why, you ask?

Because they’re all adorable, funny, and they’ll reinforce what all of us already know: our pets are the best part of our lives! But you already knew that, right?

Of course, you did! Now enjoy these tweets!

1. Who can take you seriously?

Your cat might want to look into buying some boots…just an idea…

2. This is really wonderful.

And I think you’re going to agree with me.

3. What is this life?

What does it all mean?

4. Why are you such a weirdo?

Care to explain yourself?

5. You just made a new friend!

This is the wholesome content I needed today.

6. We’re here! But take your time!

Does this look familiar?

7. This is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

I want to adopt this cat!

8. Well, at least the cat likes it.

As for the dog…I think we know the answer to that.

9. Don’t you roll your eyes with me!

You’re gonna get it now!

10. That is one crazy-looking cat.

And yes, it does look like Adam Driver.

11. Hahahahaha. Oh my…

This is something you don’t see every day.

12. I love how the cat scampers away at the end.

Pretty much sums it up, huh?

How about you?

Do you have any pets in your home?

If the answer is YES, please share some photos with us and introduce them to the world!

We can’t wait to meet all of them!

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Enjoy These Hilarious Tweets About Animals

We have a treat for you today!

I’m talking about some of the most quality animal tweets that I’ve seen in quite some time. Once you scroll through these great posts, I think you’ll have no choice but to agree with me…

Just trust me on this one, okay?

Take a few moments to yourself and enjoy these animal tweets!

1. Hahahaha. Wow. This is impressive.

You could see him all the way from space!

2. You know where this is going, don’t you?

It was a hit song back in the day, okay?

3. They might be re-enacting that scene from Dirty Dancing.

Could be the case, right?

4. I needed to see this. I DID.

I think you probably did, too.

5. I had to look twice at that one.

How about you?

6. I found this video to be very relaxing.

It really soothed my soul…

7. I think we all do.

And they sure do love it!

8. Is all of this for me?

One day it will all be hers…

9. Now this is some good stuff!

More of this, please!

10. I think this is a good idea.

We’re tearing down old statues anyway, right?

11. This dog is a true ARTIST.

It’s her time to shine.

12. That’s a very confident cat.

The dogs know who is really in power here.

13. There he is!

We were all very worried about you!

14. Not stuck, just enjoying the view.

So don’t be alarmed.

I can’t get enough of those animals!

And now it’s your turn!

In the comments, share some photos and some funny stories about your own cats, dogs, gerbils, birds, etc.

We can’t wait to meet YOUR pets.

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Photo Comparisons That Reveal the True Size of Animals

A lot of the time, we get so wrapped in our own lives and we have our eyes glued to a computer or a phone screen so often that we forget how the incredible this planet can be.

We are surrounded by beauty and nature and animals on all sides, but unless we’re actively seeking it out, we become oblivious to all the great things that are right under our noses.

I feel like the photos you’re about to see are the kind that we should seek out and look at every once in a while so we can truly appreciate how amazing life can be and how humans are just a small part of the planet. The animals are actually running this place, we’re just here taking up some of their space.

So get away from the rat race for a few minutes and enjoy these amazing pics of HUGE animals.

1. That thing is HUGE.

3,000 pounds, right there.

Tagging and blood tests for bison. Just to give you an idea of how big they are, this male weighs around 3000lbs. from Damnthatsinteresting

2. I didn’t know they were that big, either.

Were you aware of this?

I never knew what absolute U N I T S Clydesdales are until I saw this picture. from HumanForScale

3. He looks like a gentle giant.

And I do mean GIANT.

Minazo the Southern elephant seal was known for his blue bucket, he lived in Japan’s Enoshima Aquarium until his death in 2005. from elephantseals

4. Wow! That is enormous!

Kinda cute, though.

Giant African Land Snail from HumanForScale

5. That thing would take your arm off.

Don’t make snapping turtles upset!

? A full size snapping turtle compared to what most people think is a full size snapping turtle ? from NatureIsFuckingLit

6. A very large pooch.

And, by the looks of it, a pretty nice one, too.

My dad and my dog (dad is 6’2") from AbsoluteUnits

7. Just so you realize how big whales are.

Pretty insane…

A whale skull with a human for scale. from interestingasfuck

8. Dangerous or not, I wouldn’t get near that thing.

That is absolutely horrifying.

Believe it or not, this is one of the least dangerous spiders we have in Australia from WTF

9. A hammerhead bat.

A creepy animal, indeed.

This is a hammerhead bat and is by far the creepiest animal I’ve seen. from pics

10. The size of a tiger paw.

Wouldn’t want to run into this thing in the wild.

The size of a tiger paw compared to a man’s hand. ? from NatureIsFuckingLit

11. That thing is a SALAMANDER.

My mind is blown.

The critically endangered giant Chinese Salamander (largest salamander and amphibian in the world). It apparently sometimes smells like pepper and makes noises that sound like small children. Scientist for size- from HumanForScale

12. Those folks probably got a bit of a scare.

Let’s hope the tour guide knows what he’s doing…

The size of this croc jumping out of the water from pics

13. This is awesome!

But…I wouldn’t want it inside my house.

PsBattle: A big, fat, nasty looking caterpillar [1363 × 1145] from photoshopbattles


Now we want to hear from all of you out there.

In the comments, share some interesting facts or photos about animals that you think will blow our minds!

Thanks a lot!

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Let’s Meet the Adorable Dog With Mickey Mouse Ears

Here’s something I think everyone is gonna love!

Everyone seems to be fighting and arguing online and in-person about a whole bunch of issues right now, so we’re gonna spread some happiness and kindness in the form of a dog with Mickey Mouse ears!

Goma is an adorable pooch who lives in Japan and has gained quite a following online because of her ears that resemble a certain Disney character who we all know and love.

And in case you were wondering, her name, Goma, translates to “Sesame”. Is that cuteness overload, or what? I think you know the answer to that question.

Enjoy these adorable pics!

1. Get a load of her!

This is beyond cute.

2. Getting outside.

And enjoying a little bit of nature.

3. Ready to go for a stroll?

By the way, can we mention her EARS again?

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お出かけ〜??? ・ 箱根に行ってきたよ✨ まずは芦ノ湖クルーズ? ペットは300円? お天気も良く風が気持ち良かったよ? ・ 水族館はゴマも一緒に入れたけど顔出しNGなのでゴマ的にはあまり見えていなかったかな? ・ ロープウェイも乗りたかったけど?大渋滞で移動に時間がかかり乗りそびれました? ・ サービスエリアでソフトクリーム?? ・ ゴマとのお出かけはやっぱり楽しい〜??? ・ #箱根 #芦ノ湖 #一泊旅行 #マルパピ#まるぱぴ#マルチーズ#パピヨン#犬#イヌ#わんこ#ふわもこ#小型犬#ミックス犬#mix#Mix#ゴマ#GOMA#dog#Maltese #papillon #犬バカ#親バカ#いぬすたぐらむ#MickeyMouseミッキー犬#koala#pokemon#犬との暮らし

A post shared by まるぱぴ ゴマ (@marupgoma_c) on

4. Smile nice and big!

She’s very photogenic.

5. When she was just a pup.

Very cute.

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・ #代々木公園 #渋谷

A post shared by まるぱぴ ゴマ (@marupgoma_c) on

6. Getting ready for Halloween.

Well, I think you’re gonna nail your costume.

7. Which one should I choose?

Let’s play a little game.

8. Hanging out with a friend.

Looks like a good time!

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?✨? ・ 新しいリュック(@winsun.japan)が届きました? 母の誕生日にピュア子にもプレゼントしました?✨ ・ ゴマ3.3キロ? ピュア子2.3キロ? リュック自体も軽くてコンパクトで小型犬にジャストサイズ?❣ ・ ゴマとピュア子おそろい✨ 一緒にお出かけしようね??? ・ #winsun #ウインサン #リュックタイプペットキャリー #ずっと一緒 #世界中のわんこが幸せでありますように #マルパピ#まるぱぴ#マルチーズ#パピヨン#犬#わんこ#ふわもこ#小型犬#ミックス犬#mix#Mix#ゴマ#GOMA#dog#Maltese #papillon #犬バカ部#親バカ部#Mickey#ミッキー犬#koala#pokemon#犬との暮らし

A post shared by まるぱぴ ゴマ (@marupgoma_c) on

9. I wouldn’t be able to resist petting her if I saw her on the street.

I don’t think you would either…let’s be honest.

10. All kinds of treats!

You must have been a good girl.

11. You’re already a big star!

We’ll be following all your adventures on Instagram.

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◆「MY♡DOG創刊号 うちのコ表紙ver.」 世界で1つのうちのコが表紙になれる雑誌❣ (@pecomydog_official) ・ このたび機会があってゴマがMY♡DOG創刊号のトライアルに参加し表紙になりました?✨ ・ この雑誌が届いた時、大きなサイズの表紙になったゴマを見て感激??✨ 思わず「かわいい〜??」と叫んでしまいました?笑 日頃はスマホのサイズでしかゴマの写真を見ていないので、こんなに大きな表紙になったゴマはインパクト大でとっても嬉しかった?? ・ MY♡DOGはうちの子を表紙にできる新しいカタチの雑誌です?✨ 世界で一つ✨ みんなもぜひ??✨ ・ #pecomydog #pecomydog世界にひとつだけのうちのコ表紙 #pecomydog創刊号おめでとう #PR

A post shared by まるぱぴ ゴマ (@marupgoma_c) on

Isn’t she adorable?

Sure she is!

Now we want to meet your pups!

Share a pic with us in the comments and introduce us to your furry friends!

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Great Cat Posts for You to Enjoy

I currently don’t have a kitty and I gotta say, I really miss the companionship.

Even though they are total weirdos and they play by their own rules and do what they want, cats do bring a lot of happiness and joy into our homes and they make great friends…when they’re not biting, scratching, or ignoring us.

So what better way to celebrate these creatures than to look at some great cat posts that we’ve seen recently? Doesn’t that sound like a good idea?

Let’s check them out!

1. I love this!

Cat owners, are you paying attention?

2. Not a big fan of the wind.

The face says it all.

3. Time to warm up.

That’ll have to do for now.

4. Your little sidecar rider.

How cute is this?!?!

5. That is one chonky kitty.

But also totally adorable.

6. His favorite spot.

Oh well, might as well let him enjoy it.

Schnitzi likes the scanner so much and always sits on it when I want to use it. So I just scanned him. from cats

7. Where could he be?

I can’t seem to find him anywhere.

“My cat literally thinks I can’t see him and jumps at me when I walk by” from cats

8. Might be our best option at this point.

She looks very serious about it.

Holly for President! from cats

9. Take a load off.

Are you comfortable?

The family cat likes to sleep in my pants. from aww

10. Wow! I’m in love.

Beautiful cats.

Mother and her Baby ❤ from aww

11. Must’ve gotten tired during the workout.

That’s okay, take a breather.

Just found her sleeping like this and I can’t stop laughing from cats

12. Blinded by the light.

This cat might be the Chosen One.

Jo found her light! from cats

13. Happy birthday!

She can’t wait to dig into that!

Her name is Jon and she turns 15 years old today! from cats

We can’t get enough of kitties around here!

And now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, please share a photo of your cat (or cats) and tell us a little bit about them.

We can’t wait to meet these furry felines!

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Artist Photoshops Cat Faces Onto All Kinds of Stuff and It’s Pretty Funny

Are you ready for cats, cats, and more cats!

What else do you need in life, really? As I’ve said many times before, we work for them, they are our overlords, they KNOW it, and if you dare to speak out against them, you will pay dearly…I think you know what I’m talking about…just keep your mouth shut and play by the rules…

Anyway, an artist on Instagram who goes by the handle koty_vezde uses Photoshop to make some hilarious mash-ups where he incorporates cat heads into just about everything from other animals to food to anything else you can imagine…

Are you ready for this? Let’s check it out!

1. Watching from above.

That’s a little bit creepy.

2. The elusive enormous cat with antlers.

You don’t see that very often.

3. A sea cat!

Deep below the surface…

4. Are you hungry?

I don’t think I’d be able to take a bite of that! Too cute!

5. Yes! Cat alpacas!

It doesn’t get any better than that!

6. Freshly hatched!

Welcome to the world!

7. A cat-o-saur.

A truly ferocious beast.

8. Check out this family portrait.

They look very serious…and kind of spooky.

9. You knew this was coming.

Hey, it looks pretty good!

10. Care for a kitty breakfast?

If so, dig in!

11. In the great outdoors.

Just take all the majesty in…

12. A very wise cat…

That you shouldn’t mess with.

Those are great!

Have you seen any other funny social media accounts lately?

Maybe on Twitter? Instagram? Facebook?

If so, please share them with us in the comments. Thanks in advance!

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Dogs Enjoy Pooping in Weird Positions and Here’s the Proof

You know you’ve seen it before: the sad eyes, the occasional whimper, the nervous look on its face.

I’m talking about when you take your dog out for a walk and he or she stares at you while they poop…and hopefully this is happening outside and not in the house, just to be clear.

But a lot of pooches out there like to take doing their business to the next level, and who can blame them? Maybe they want to stick out and let the other dogs in the neighborhood who is really in charge…or something like that.

One thing’s for sure, these dogs all have unique pooping styles. Let’s take a look!

1. A huge photobomb!

Thanks a lot…

Posted by Jordanna Bond on Saturday, May 9, 2020

2. Gettin’ all the way up there…

Well, that’s different.

Posted by Ashley Emmell on Saturday, May 9, 2020

3. Very proud of himself.

Did it on the stump and everything!

Posted by Izzy Chetwynd on Saturday, May 9, 2020

4. What’s going on here?!?!

Can anyone explain this to me?

Posted by Avigayil Spero on Saturday, May 9, 2020

5. All the way out in the water.

This dog has its own style. No doubt about it.

Posted by Courtney Crisp on Saturday, May 9, 2020

6. Are you comfortable?

Because that really doesn’t look comfortable…

Posted by Alexa R. Zajac on Saturday, May 9, 2020

7. Climbing a tree backward.

That is just plain weird.

Posted by Nicole Marie on Saturday, May 9, 2020

8. Don’t do that!

What do you think you’re doing?!?!

Posted by Christina Medeiros on Saturday, May 9, 2020

9. Among the rocks.

Very specific tastes with this one.

Posted by Kylie Lynn Beecher on Saturday, May 9, 2020

10. Leg up when you poop, huh?

You don’t see that every day.

Posted by Allie Cameron on Saturday, May 9, 2020

11. Do go inside the house!

Also, what are you doing? Some kind of weird yoga pose?

Posted by Brandon Romero on Saturday, May 9, 2020

Okay, now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us how your dog does its business.

And if you got some pics, let’s see the proof!

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