A Person Put Their Sister-in-Law in Her Place for Complaining About Food. Did They Act Like a Jerk?

People get worked up about all kinds of things, and one of the big ones folks complain about is FOOD.

And a person got pretty offended and spoke out against her sister-in-law after she complained about the food she made…but I have a feeling there’s a lot of tension bubbling under the surface here…

Here’s what happened.

AITA for telling my SIL to shut it when she complained about my food?

My SIL and I got along really well when my husband and I first met and were first married.

Then she took offense when I ended up missing her 30th birthday party because I already had pre-arranged, pre-paid plans with a couple of my friends. To clarify, the party was not on her actual birthday, it was two weeks earlier and so I didn’t see any reason to check the date with her.

But she could not accept me picking them over her which is how she views it. Even my husband told her it wasn’t fair to expect me to lose out when it’s not like I planned it on her actual birthday. But it hasn’t been the same since.

Ever since, whenever we’re hosting my ILs or whenever we bring food, she criticizes it. My husband and the rest of the family have called her out on being ungrateful. They have told her she should let the party thing go but she doesn’t. My cooking or baking was never an issue before she got pi**ed about me not being there for her birthday. She used to ask me for recipes and we’d cook together for Christ sake.

This past weekend we hosted a small dinner with family (both sides) to celebrate the impending arrival of mine and my husbands first child. Kind of like a baby shower but smaller and much less fuss. SIL was going off on the food again and I had enough.

I told her nobody was forcing her to come if she hated my food so much and maybe we would all be better off without her constantly s**t talking me through everything, even such a happy occasion.

She was pi**ed. She was so pi**ed. Even more when only one relative (another SIL) came to her defense or called me out. It’s now created tension between the family and I’ve been called a bi**h, an a**hole, a petty bi**h, all sorts of other stuff and I feel bad for lashing out the way I did.


And here’s how folks responded on Reddit.

This person said that person was not an a**hole and that the sister-in-law was put in her place the right way.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader thought up a fun idea about the SIL.

How about they make a game out of her bad attitude?!?!

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said that no one should have to put up with rude behavior in their own home.


Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, a Reddit user said that the person’s family should have stuck up for them in this situation and that the SIL needs to know what the consequences are for being rude.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about this situation?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post A Person Put Their Sister-in-Law in Her Place for Complaining About Food. Did They Act Like a Jerk? appeared first on UberFacts.

This Person Asked if They’re Wrong For Not Paying Neighbor’s Vet Bills After Dog Attacked Cat

Things always get heated when animals are involved…and you’re about to read quite a story from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page.

It features dogs, cats, and a dispute over some vet bills.

Let’s see what happened.

AITA for not paying the medical bills for my neighbor’s cat?

“Let me start off by giving the details.

My backyard is completely fenced in with a metal 6 ft high fence, and so is my neighbor’s. I have a 3 year old husky, they have a cat. My dog has full 24/7 access to my backyard through the use of a doggy door for 2 years now, and we’ve had no issue before.

Every now and then my neighbor’s cat would be sitting on top of the fence and my dog would bark at it, but the cat would run off. Not really an issue.

So now we’re at the part where I’m being accused of being an a**hole, a terrible person, and my neighbor is rallying up the whole block against me.

THEIR cat came through MY doggy door. My dog was alerted within seconds and reacted way faster than I could ever. The cat did recieve some damage, but I managed to save it from my dog. I then rushed it to the neighbor’s, and I drove them to the vet (they didn’t have a car.)

Their cat was okay, hurt, but okay. I brought them home and as I was saying my goodbyes and giving my condolences, they asked about medical expenses. I have pet insurance for my own dog, so I had reassurance that I would be able to afford my own animal’s medical expenses.

I wasn’t financially prepared to handle someone else’s. And I told my neighbor this, but they told me I’m at fault because it was my dog who attacked their cat. I failed to see how it was my fault, as the animal was trespassing in my own home, and my dog was reacting because it’s territory was being infiltrated.

They said same choice words but I ended up refusing to pay by saying “I’m not paying for your cats medical bills, forget it” and I walked away. Other neighbors are now giving me dirty looks and I just don’t feel welcomed here.

I do plan on replacing my doggy door with an electronic one that will only open for my own dog, so I’m not ignoring the issue. I just don’t think I’m to blame, especially when I did what I could to help.

So, AITA?”

Hmmmm. Let’s see how people responded on Reddit.

This reader said that, while they love cats, the cat in the story entered the house so you can’t blame the dog for attacking.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person argued that people who let their cats roam free are nothing but selfish and they do a lot of damage outside.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said that cats tend to terrorize their neighborhoods and that this owner only cared when bad something to their cat…while ignoring everything else it does.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This reader said that outdoor cats are nothing but a nuisance.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this person basically said that if you’re gonna play with fire, sometimes you’re gonna get burned.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about this situation?

Sound off in the comments and let us know!

Thanks in advance!

The post This Person Asked if They’re Wrong For Not Paying Neighbor’s Vet Bills After Dog Attacked Cat appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Asks if She’s a Jerk for Refusing to Celebrate Mother’s Day With Her Mother-in-Law

You know that if you’re gonna read a story about in-laws on Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page, that it’s gonna be pretty ugly.

And we got a good one for you today, folks!

It revolves around a woman who doesn’t want to spend Mother’s Day with her mother-in-law…and she wants to know if she’s a jerk for it.

Take a look.

AITA for telling my husband I won’t be visiting his mother for Mother’s Day?

“My husband is gone for military duties and he called me today to ask if I would be going over next weekend to visit his mother for Mother’s Day. To which I said no. Then I had to rehash what happened last year for my first Mother’s Day.

Back story. Last year was by first Mother’s Day. My baby girl was born September 2019 so May 2020 was my first Mother’s Day. During a pandemic. My husband spent the day with me but his mother called him and complained that we had not gone over to her house for Mother’s Day.

I told him he was more than welcome to go but that baby and I were staying home and hanging out and enjoying my first Mother’s Day. He had gone to his mothers on Friday for Mexican Mother’s Day. I ordered her mother’s day card and flowers and he took them to her.

She never acknowledged the gifts, to me anyway. On the day of Mother’s Day the only people to contact me from my husbands family were my FIL and BIL and they both wished me a happy first Mother’s Day. I was beyond grateful and expressed that to them.

Shortly after MD, MIL called me and told me she was upset that I didn’t go to her house on MD. I politely told her that I too was hurt that she didn’t even acknowledge me on my first Mother’s Day.

I also told her how the year prior when I was pregnant she went out of her way to make comments to me about not being a mother yet when my FIL wished me a happy almost Mother’s Day (I was extremely hurt but kept it to myself. I had miscarried two babies prior to finally having my baby. I always felt like a mother. Her comments were hurtful).

MIL then proceeded to tell me that she didn’t need to acknowledge me on Mother’s Day because I’m not her mother. I told her fair enough but don’t expect me or my child to celebrate you because by your definition you are not my mother and you are not the mother of my child.

She never apologized for her hurtful comments. We are cordial now a year later but after that I decided that I didn’t want to spend any Mother’s Day with her ever again.

I brought this up to my husband and he told me I need to suck it up, move on, and go over to his moms. I said NO. I am celebrating with my daughter and my own mother and I have plans during the weekend anyway.


Here’s how folks responded on Reddit.

This reader said that the woman’s husband seems controlling and that the situation is also kind of weird.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person called the woman’s husband a MOMMA’S Boy…and they argued that the woman needs to put her foot down about this kind of behavior or it’s just gonna get worse.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user argued that the husband might be even more controlled by his mother because of his military background. Something to think about…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said that the husband seems to know that his wife will bend to his controlling ways because she’s more logical and mature.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, a person said that the woman was not to blame for her actions and that, compared to some other women in her position, she is standing her ground just fine.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, let us know if you think this woman was out of line or she was justified in her actions

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post Woman Asks if She’s a Jerk for Refusing to Celebrate Mother’s Day With Her Mother-in-Law appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Asked if She Was Wrong for Telling Her Dad He’s Not Entitled to a Relationship

No doubt about it, family dynamics are always tricky.

And they’re especially tricky when parents get divorced and the kids have to deal with the fallout… and that damage can last for years.

A 27-year-old woman shared a story on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page about a sticky situation with her father.

AITA for telling my dad he’s not entitled to a relationship with me?

“When i (27f) was around 10 my parents divorced, it was a messy thing, no one ever told me the reason and i do not really care. My mom won custody because she was able to prove in court that my father was an unfit parent.

My father never took it well and it showed whenever i had visitation at his house (2 weekends a month). Instead of spending time with me he would spends hours playing video games, order take out and the only time he would ever take me somewhere was when my grandma forced him, needless to say i never had a very close relationship with him

Then once i got older he started to bring up a college fund he had set aside for me and he always said that if my grades stayed up and i do well in school the money would be mine, and i did just that.

I got good grades, was part of many clubs in school and never got into trouble, i was basically the kid your parents brought up when they were comparing you to your friends.

In my senior year my dad got married to his current wife, it was a beautiful and extravagant ceremony. I’m pretty sure some of the arrangements were more expensive than my phone but whatever, i didn’t think much of it.

It wasn’t until i went to talk to my dad about my college fund that i found out he had used it to pay for his ceremony. I was in disbelief when he said it and the more he explained the more i wanted to cry, he didn’t even apologize, he said it with all causality of “Oh, you were looking for that thing you left in the fridge? Sorry, i ate it”

When he realized that i was upset he turned it around on me and told me that i was being selfish and that i was not entitled to his money.

Luckily, got scholarship that covered my entire tuition. Also, my mom and stepdad also had a fund set aside for me, they apparently knew my dad would pull that on me, so i was able to go to college without a lot of debt.

Since then i’ve been distant from my dad, i’ll not lie, i feel conned. If the money was always his, why did he bother mentioning it to me? I don’t care if he used it or not but to promise someone something, hold it over their heads for years, and not give it to them when you should because they’re “not entitled to it” is just a way too lengthy way to say that you’re an unreliable *ss in my eyes.

My dad has tried to reconcile but he still claims that i was not entitled to that money and even says that the money was not needed because i got a scholarship. The last time he said that to me was when i was at his house, visiting my new baby brother, and i got so d*mn annoyed that i said “I’m not entitled to your money but you’re also not entitled to a relationship with me so i guess we’re in a stalemate here”, i guess that hurt him because he got quiet until i left.

I’ve been remembering what i said for a while so i wonder if i was way too out of line in my statement? I was annoyed and wanted him to stop bringing it up but i didn’t want to hurt him.”

Here’s how people responded to the story.

This person said that the woman is not the jerk in this situation and that her father seems to be gaslighting her.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person argued that they could sympathize with the woman because they had a similar upbringing.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said they had a similar situation with their father and it took them years to finally come to terms with it.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that the woman’s father is clearly the *sshole in this situation for his actions and that she needs to cut him out of her life.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this individual said that the woman really doesn’t owe her father anything because he’s been…well, less than an ideal parent.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now it’s your turn to speak up.

What do you think about what this woman did?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post A Woman Asked if She Was Wrong for Telling Her Dad He’s Not Entitled to a Relationship appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Asked if She Was Wrong for Telling Her Dad He’s Not Entitled to a Relationship

No doubt about it, family dynamics are always tricky.

And they’re especially tricky when parents get divorced and the kids have to deal with the fallout… and that damage can last for years.

A 27-year-old woman shared a story on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page about a sticky situation with her father.

AITA for telling my dad he’s not entitled to a relationship with me?

“When i (27f) was around 10 my parents divorced, it was a messy thing, no one ever told me the reason and i do not really care. My mom won custody because she was able to prove in court that my father was an unfit parent.

My father never took it well and it showed whenever i had visitation at his house (2 weekends a month). Instead of spending time with me he would spends hours playing video games, order take out and the only time he would ever take me somewhere was when my grandma forced him, needless to say i never had a very close relationship with him

Then once i got older he started to bring up a college fund he had set aside for me and he always said that if my grades stayed up and i do well in school the money would be mine, and i did just that.

I got good grades, was part of many clubs in school and never got into trouble, i was basically the kid your parents brought up when they were comparing you to your friends.

In my senior year my dad got married to his current wife, it was a beautiful and extravagant ceremony. I’m pretty sure some of the arrangements were more expensive than my phone but whatever, i didn’t think much of it.

It wasn’t until i went to talk to my dad about my college fund that i found out he had used it to pay for his ceremony. I was in disbelief when he said it and the more he explained the more i wanted to cry, he didn’t even apologize, he said it with all causality of “Oh, you were looking for that thing you left in the fridge? Sorry, i ate it”

When he realized that i was upset he turned it around on me and told me that i was being selfish and that i was not entitled to his money.

Luckily, got scholarship that covered my entire tuition. Also, my mom and stepdad also had a fund set aside for me, they apparently knew my dad would pull that on me, so i was able to go to college without a lot of debt.

Since then i’ve been distant from my dad, i’ll not lie, i feel conned. If the money was always his, why did he bother mentioning it to me? I don’t care if he used it or not but to promise someone something, hold it over their heads for years, and not give it to them when you should because they’re “not entitled to it” is just a way too lengthy way to say that you’re an unreliable *ss in my eyes.

My dad has tried to reconcile but he still claims that i was not entitled to that money and even says that the money was not needed because i got a scholarship. The last time he said that to me was when i was at his house, visiting my new baby brother, and i got so d*mn annoyed that i said “I’m not entitled to your money but you’re also not entitled to a relationship with me so i guess we’re in a stalemate here”, i guess that hurt him because he got quiet until i left.

I’ve been remembering what i said for a while so i wonder if i was way too out of line in my statement? I was annoyed and wanted him to stop bringing it up but i didn’t want to hurt him.”

Here’s how people responded to the story.

This person said that the woman is not the jerk in this situation and that her father seems to be gaslighting her.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person argued that they could sympathize with the woman because they had a similar upbringing.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said they had a similar situation with their father and it took them years to finally come to terms with it.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that the woman’s father is clearly the *sshole in this situation for his actions and that she needs to cut him out of her life.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this individual said that the woman really doesn’t owe her father anything because he’s been…well, less than an ideal parent.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now it’s your turn to speak up.

What do you think about what this woman did?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

The post A Woman Asked if She Was Wrong for Telling Her Dad He’s Not Entitled to a Relationship appeared first on UberFacts.

Her Husband Ate a Whole Pie as a Midnight Snack, But She’s the One Wondering if She Was in the Wrong

Marriage sure is complicated. If there is one single truth about life and relationships that everyone can agree on, that must be it. It’s tough to not only love someone through decades of ups and downs and life changes, but to put up with sharing the same space with them all that time, too.

This woman is raving on Reddit about how her husband ate the entire family’s dessert for the next day in the middle of the night, but those of us who have been married all must be wondering what she’s really upset about, right?

It begins like an average day in the life, with a couple discussing what’s for dinner and dessert, then putting out a pie ahead of time like responsible adults.

So I made dinner and I asked my husband to get an apple pie out of the freezer for dessert. We baked it and then we went outside and made a campfire.

The didn’t eat the pie because they have kids and they’re always changing our plans; they had s’mores instead, putting the pie in the fridge for the following night.

Did they discuss this? She doesn’t say.

We ended up making s’mores that night because the kids asked.

So the pie went in the fridge until the next night.

Or so I thought.

The next morning she found two bites of pie and a fork in the fridge (and perhaps the lingering scent of marijuana in the garage?).

I wake up the next day and this dude has a fork and literally 2 bites left in it in the fridge.

I’m talking about the big marie whatever apple pie with the crumbles on top.

When she confronted him about the absurdity of consuming an entire pie under cover of darkness he replied that he didn’t know they were going to eat it as a family.

He has kids, so this seems suspect AF.

I’m like wtf why would you eat the pie we were going to eat for dessert?

He said well we didn’t eat it last night.

I said yeah no shit we all ate s’mores and thought we would eat it tomorrow after dinner.

He went on to tell me it was no big deal and I shouldn’t be so emotional over it.

Which is when she lays out what we all suspect, which is that it’s not about the pie, per se.

It’s about his not thinking about his family or considering their happiness and needs before he takes care of his own wants.

I’m like it’s not that I’m emotional about the pie…. it’s the fact your a$s ate a whole pie in the middle of the night because you get so stoned and can’t control your eating at night.

AND that you are so selfish that you didn’t even think about the wife and kids.

And he does that sh%t all of the time.

He will be a glutton and eat sh%t and I have to hide sh%t. So am I overreacting?

There’s the crux of it.

Is she overreacting? Let’s see what Reddit has to say!

More than a few people pointed out that eating an entire pie could definitely be a cry for help.

Image Credit: Reddit

In marriage, the little things become big things for a reason.

Image Credit: Reddit

People who claim to love you should think of your needs and happiness, too.

Image Credit: Reddit

See? Definitely not about the pie.

Image Credit: Reddit

Reddit loves to get to the root of it.

Image Credit: Reddit

I think these two need to go to counseling – about the pie, but also not really about the pie.

I’m sure a trained professional can help them sort it out. Or not.

The post Her Husband Ate a Whole Pie as a Midnight Snack, But She’s the One Wondering if She Was in the Wrong appeared first on UberFacts.

A Zookeeper Asks if They’re Wrong for Refusing to Do a Pregnant Coworker’s Dirty Work?

Most people try to do their best to support pregnant women in the world. They’re uncomfortable, they’re usually tired, because growing a human is hard work, and we feel a certain reverence, I think, because without pregnant women, none of us would exist.

There are some jobs that pregnant women aren’t supposed to do – like change the cat litter or pick up heavy things – and I imagine people mostly pick up the slack there, too.

In this case, though, it’s not something

she’s not supposed to do because she’s pregnant, it’s just something she’d rather not do.

OP (original poster) is a young man being trained as a zookeeper, along with another young lady who is pregnant.

I [22M] and this coworker just recently got hired as first-time zookeepers in the past couple months.

She seemed nice enough when I met her, and we didn’t talk a whole lot as our work didn’t overlap – she’s being trained on small mammals, whereas I’m a “swing keeper” (basically a junior keeper who fills in as an assistant as needed).

The otter dens were her duty, but she asked OP to clean them every day for the foreseeable future because the smell was making her sick.

OP said the smell makes everyone sick and that no, he didn’t want to do it – that said, he did give it a go.

But a couple weeks ago, she told me that she needs help cleaning the otter dens and wants me to do it every day for the foreseeable future instead of her…which, from my limited experience in that enclosure, was NOT news I was thrilled to hear.

I ask her why I’d need to do that every day, that’s part of her job…she told me that she’s pregnant and that the smell in there is making her sick.

I said “they’re otters, that smells makes everyone feel sick…” but she insisted.

I said no, why should I have to spend half an hour in there every single day on top of everything else I already have to do…but she got mad and I reluctantly gave it a go that day. It was a miserable 30 minutes.

He didn’t want to do it again, and when he told her as much, she got angry and called him insensitive.

The next day she insisted again, but I put my foot down.

I told her I hate the otter smell too, and I had other things to do besides do her job for her.

I said I’d even be willing to help with the cleaning for any other small mammals, but not the otters.

But she insisted I help with the otters and said I was being insensitive to her needs.

When they went to their supervisor with the argument he sided with her, saying it was a reasonable accommodation request based on her condition.

In the end we got in a bit of a fight and our supervisor got involved and basically took her side and asked me if I could spare some time each day to clean the otter dens, and that this was part of giving “reasonable accommodation” for her pregnancy…which I just didn’t think was fair.

And now the coworker won’t speak to me.

Is OP the a$$hole? Let’s find out what Reddit thinks!

He’s lucky this person isn’t his boss.

Image Credit: Reddit

And yeah, having never been pregnant, he really can’t judge how she’s feeling.

Image Credit: Reddit

They really want him to consider having some compassion, but also, this is the job he’s signed up for.

Image Credit: Reddit

We did have a few grudging ESH (everyone sucks here).

Image Credit: Reddit

OP is young. Everyone seems sure that he’ll learn what having a job with other people is like soon enough.

Image Credit: Reddit

I think they were pretty fair with this kid, because it’s really more of a maturity thing as opposed to him just being rude.

What do you think? Would you have cut him some slack? Tell us in the comments!

The post A Zookeeper Asks if They’re Wrong for Refusing to Do a Pregnant Coworker’s Dirty Work? appeared first on UberFacts.

Family Members Kept Complaining About What She Cooked, So This Teenager Went On Strike. Was She an A-Hole?

The past year has seen a lot of us pick up new responsibilities around the house, most of which none of us asked for or wanted. You might not realize this goes for teenaged kids, too, who are certainly old enough to pitch in, but who are also still just children at the end of the day.

This 17yo girl is the oldest of 5, which probably means she’s had a good amount of responsibilities for years, but as her parents continued to work during the pandemic and she and her 4 siblings were home, the job of fixing dinner every night has fallen to her.

I’m (17f) the oldest of five. Ever since Covid my parents have left me in charge at home, and have me cooking dinner most nights (6/7 to be exact).

My siblings and I are going to school virtually so we’re in the house together all day. Although they’re going out to friends more now.

She’s learned the hard way that kids are ungrateful d%cks when it comes to food you’ve prepared, but it also sounds like her parents are annoying about not liking what she’s fixed, too.

There were always complaints about the food I was cooking (don’t want pasta, no rice, why more chicken, used up too many groceries for one dish). B

ut lately it has been bugging me more. I made pizza one night. I did a regular pizza because I was tired of complaints about the choices I was making.

But even that wasn’t good enough.

Things came to a head the night EVERYONE complained about good ol’ pizza.

My siblings all wanted more cheese and said it was shitty (siblings are 15m, 14m, 12f, 10f).

My dad wanted pineapple and ham on his pizza. My mom said pizza wasn’t what she wanted to come home to on a Wednesday afternoon.

The next night she fixed her own food, cleaned up the mess, and was then berated by her sibs and parents for leaving them in the lurch.

I said nothing. I didn’t even show I was frustrated. But the next day I didn’t make them anything. I made myself some spicy chicken noodles. Had it all cleaned up and everything before anyone got home and then everyone was home and they were hungry and complaining and then my parents exploded because they said I was being petty and rude and they threatened to ground me because I didn’t do all my chores.

I told them they should have thought about that before shitting all over everything and I was doing more than enough and why ground me when I never leave the house anyway, I’m basically a live in nanny at this point and I get treated worse than they would treat a paid nanny.

They called her petty and unthinking and even mean, but…was she?

They said it was a wrong move to let them go without food. Especially my siblings.

I guess I can see why that would be an AH move but honestly they should be more appreciative too.


Reddit is about to weigh in, but personally, I’m ready to give this chick a high five.

Some good points here, as no one she’s cooking for is a baby.

Image Credit: Reddit

There are some expectations that need to change.

Image Credit: Reddit

The parents have an imbalance of expectations, and that should absolutely change.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s time she stood up for herself.

Image Credit: Reddit

100. In this day and age of microwaves, freezers, and DoorDash, her actions weren’t forcing anyone to go hungry.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m with this girl, 100%. Probably, because of her age, she could have tried sitting down with her parents first and listing her very reasonable grievances, but she held out longer than I would have.

What do you think? Tell us in the comments!

The post Family Members Kept Complaining About What She Cooked, So This Teenager Went On Strike. Was She an A-Hole? appeared first on UberFacts.

Should You Let Someone Else’s Phobia Dictate How You Live in Your Own House?

Relationships can be hard to navigate for everyone, but when it comes to family, well – complicated sometimes doesn’t seem to cover it. We want to be gracious and loving, but sometimes people ask us to do that at the expense of our own comfort, so…what then?

This woman and her boyfriend are super into snakes and other reptiles, and they own one snake that OP refers to as their “baby.”

The problem? OP’s sister is deathly afraid of snakes. Thus far, they have mitigated this by either going to the sister’s house to visit or having a family member who loves snakes taking their “baby” for the day.

My (22M) sister (17F) is afraid of snakes, she hates them, can’t be near them. my bf (21M) is the opposite, he loves them, and we actually have one (2F).

Because of this we normally go see her or if she comes to our place my bf’s sister will take our girl for the day.

Things went wonky, though, when the sister came over for a pool party with some other family members. The snake was out of the house, but she took issue with the boyfriend’s tattoo of a snake.

So, we have a pool, and it’s been really hot where we live so we invited my sister and my parent round.

Like normal my bf’s sister came and took our snake. when they arrived everything was fine until we got into the pool.

My bf has a tattoo of a snake, it’s a blacked-out silhouette that wraps around both of his arms and his back.

She demanded he put on a shirt. DEMANDED.

When my sister saw it she freaked out and told me to tell him to cover it. (she knew about his tattoo, she just expected him to cover it, which he can’t do without putting on a long sleeve t-shirt) I told her no.

She then went over to him and asked him to leave because he knows about her fear.

OP said that if she was bothered she should leave, because this was her boyfriend’s house and he shouldn’t be made uncomfortable in his own skin.

This annoyed me and I told her that if she has an issue with it she should leave, this is his house, not hers.

She got upset and just sat inside the whole time. when they left my mom told me that I was rude to my sister and we knew about her fear and that we ruined her day.

Now I’m starting to think that I could have handled the situation better.


Was she wrong? Should they be more considerate of a bad phobia?

Reddit has some thoughts!

One of them is that the sister’s phobia isn’t their issue, it’s hers.

Image Credit: Reddit

The sister would also be happier if she was able to get some help, yeah?

Image Credit: Reddit

And yeah, she could do some mitigating of her own issues instead of expecting other people to accommodate her.

Image Credit: Reddit

The sister definitely needs to take some responsibility.

Image Credit: Reddit

She doesn’t have to be rational about the snakes, but she does have to be rational about her reactions to humans.

Image Credit: Reddit

This girl was way out of line, I think.

What’s your opinion? Drop it on us in the comments!

The post Should You Let Someone Else’s Phobia Dictate How You Live in Your Own House? appeared first on UberFacts.

Are Females Wrong for Not Quitting Their Careers to Stay Home With Their Kids if They Can Afford To?

Whether or not to stay home with children is an easy decision sometimes. It could be that one of the parents wants to stay home, to manage the household and the children, while the other party works for a paycheck outside the home.

It could be that both parents have always worked, and they can’t really afford to drop to one paycheck, or they don’t make enough to cover daycare, etc – it’s a financial decision, and no one really questions those, either.

Moms tend to get judged, though, when they have the option to stay home with their kids but choose to continue their careers or studies instead – and that’s exactly the scenario that has this mother second guessing her choices.

Quick backstory: the pregnancy was a surprise and one they didn’t find out about until quite a ways into it, for very legitimate reasons.

Long backstory short: I’ve been with my partner for 5 years, this was an unplanned pregnancy and I only found out I was pregnant a month ago(I’m now 7 months pregnant ?), I was on birth control and actually had 2 pregnancy tests come back negative(one was too early in the pregnancy and the other was because of the hook effect).

As an added bonus my partner and I never expected to be able to have kids naturally as he had cancer a couple of years ago and during treatment he collected and stored sperm that he was told were very poor quality plus I have a big family history or cervical cancer and was supposed to have surgery to remove 2 precancerous lesions a week ago and prep for that surgery was how I found out I was pregnant.

They are coming around to being ok with the thought of becoming parents, and as her partner makes good money, she’s even agreed to quitting her part-time job to help care for him when he arrives.

Now. Obviously it’s way to late for an abortion and my partner grew up in the foster/adoption system and got treated like shit so that’s not an option either. We’ve agreed to raise the baby together but over the last couple of days he’s repeatedly brought up how I should quit my job and study so I can focus on the baby when he arrives.

In theory this would be fine, my partner makes enough money to support us and my part time job pays absolute shit so I had initially agreed to drop my job but not my study.

That said, OP is in the middle of defending her Master’s thesis, and had plans to continue directly into a PhD program when she finished.

She had many very good reasons for not wanting to quit for a couple of years and then pick it back up.

I’m in the middle of writing my masters thesis is Bioscience and if I put it down for a couple of years the likelihood is that my contacts would no longer be available for research work.

Not to mention that I was planning on starting my PhD straight after I finish as it will be a direct extension of my masters study and I already have conditional funding for my research that I will lose if I put the project on hold.

It’s really important to her to finish.

Which is really all she should have had to say, don’t you think?

My study is really important to me and I feel like by giving up my job I’m losing a bit of my independence so I don’t want to lose this too. We’ve now had several huge fights because my partner says I’ll be neglecting the baby in favor of my research which I have no intention of doing. Hes chalking up my resistance to “baby hormones” and I want to check that I’m not TA here?

I think so, but let’s see what Reddit has to say!

The top comment honestly says it all, and as a mom, I wish I could shout it from the rooftops.

Image Credit: Reddit

Plenty of people think her partner needs to shape up, honestly.

Image Credit: Reddit

A few folks wondered if they shouldn’t reconsider the adoption option.

Image Credit: Reddit

She needs to keep her eyes wide open going forward.

Image Credit: Reddit

This whole situation smacks of the patriarchy and we don’t like it.

Image Credit: Reddit

No one would argue that parenthood doesn’t require sacrifice, but it doesn’t require sacrifice from just one party, but every party.

What are your thoughts here? Share them with us in the comments!

The post Are Females Wrong for Not Quitting Their Careers to Stay Home With Their Kids if They Can Afford To? appeared first on UberFacts.