A Woman Wants to Know If She Was Wrong for Leaving a Baby Shower Thrown by Her Creepy In-Laws

The time you spend pregnant and postpartum are some of the most vulnerable of our lives. We’re trying to care for ourselves, to care for another human being that depends solely on us, and the hormones swirling around combine with other physical changes to make our emotional states understandably fragile.

It can be a trying (but joyous!) time if you’ve got a great support system around you, so I can’t imagine what this woman has gone through with her husband and in-laws bizarre behavior.

She tells the Reddit forum Am I The A**hole that since she got pregnant her husband has been a bit too excited, and has all but stopped calling her by her name in favor of using “Mommy,” even though she’s asked him to stop.

His family, bizarrely, calls her by the baby’s name.

Even though she expressly asked her mother-in-law to not throw her a party, she did it anyway, using a “gift” from her son to trick the woman into showing up. They groped her belly, ordered a distasteful cake that she couldn’t eat (because her husband wasn’t “allowing” her to eat dairy or processed sugar “for the baby”) and when she said she wanted to leave, he said she was acting crazy.

She left anyway, calling a cab and going home before letting him know she was fine, and even though only 30 minutes had passed, he had called the police.

Now, he’s angry and the in-laws want him to divorce her and sue for full custody and she’s not sure if she overreacted.

No one – no one – thinks she’s the a**hole here.

Largely because she’s being mentally and emotionally abused by an entire family.

I mean, who does this kind of thing to somebody who’s pregnant?!?

The advice to get out of there, live with her family and talk to her doctor, seem very valid to me, a woman who has been there (not pregnant, thank goodness).

She hasn’t posted any updates, and I join everyone else on Reddit hoping that she and the baby are okay.

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A Guys Asked If He Was Wrong for Fat-Shaming His Teen Daughter on Her Birthday

I think I know my answer to this question that someone asked on Reddit, but I’ll let you make up your own mind.

A father took to Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole” page to ask about how he treated his teenage daughter about her weight. Read the man’s words and then decide how you feel about this situation.


Here is the full post from Reddit:

“This happened a few months ago. I just learned about this subreddit and thought this would be a good place to ask about a point of contention in the family.

My daughter is overweight. Not anything too drastic, but she is around 5’4 and 155 pounds. So she could stand to lose a few pounds. I’ve been concerned about her weight for a long time. None of it has been helped by my also-overweight, enabling wife.

On her 19th birthday, in August, we went on a hike in the state forest. She complained about it literally the entire time. She didn’t like that it was hot, she didn’t like the incline, she didn’t like the mosquitoes. I still encouraged her and pushed on, I think she was satisfied with having exercised at the end of it.


But, while we were driving back home, she knew that we would be driving past a Dunkin Donuts. She wanted me to stop so she could get herself a “birthday donut.” I said no. She was upset about it, saying she just wanted a donut and she’d just done this long hike to please me on her birthday. I argued calmly that she didn’t want to undo all the work of the hike by getting a donut. She said the one she wanted is 350 calories (which I doubt is true) and would fit into her day. I pointed out she’d probably be eating cake later. We didn’t stop and she sulked about it on the whole ride back. When we got home, she told her mother, who of course sided with her and went on a rant about how our daughter’s birthday shouldn’t be a time I’m preaching healthy eating.


I am trying to protect her health at every turn, when she spends most of her free time with her mother. Am I really the asshole for not wanting to stop and get her a fatty donut after a nice hike?”

People weighed in on the situation and it was pretty clear that basically NO ONE was on this guy’s side.

“You’ve got to be fuckin kidding my man. On her birthday, you forced your daughter into an activity I suspect you knew she would not enjoy, and then denied her a 75 cent treat. Beyond that, you didn’t even pretend you took the hike for time together, or– God forbid– her enjoyment; you made it clear that your focus for this event was getting her to exercise. You’re a huge asshole.”

Angry Man

“This is completely the wrong way to go about helping someone lose weight.. One hike is not going to make a difference in the larger picture of health, but this memory is going to be burned into her brain. Health and weightloss is an ongoing lifestyle change and one doughnut has ZERO impact on her weight.

As someone who spent their teens slightly overweight, it was my relationship WITH food that was the problem, I was an emotional over eater, no matter how much I wanted to slim down. My parents withholding something like a doughnut only drove me to eat in secret and form unhealthy habits. such as binge eating. For teenage girls, their relationship with their body easily becomes a societal reflection of their self worth.

You say she “sulked” in the car home, she was probably filled with lots of shame and self hatred that she was fighting with her dad who clearly views her as fat. If you really want to help your daughter, which you seem to care about, you need to change your tactics.

Depriving her of one doughnut is not the solution, working on life long healthy patterns is. For me, I dropped weight in university when I found an activity I liked to do with friends and learning to cook my own food, so that when I wanted a something tasty, I could make something myself rather than grabbing and downing a bag of chips. You’re not wrong to want your daughter to be healthy, but weightloss is as much about mental health as physical.”

What do you think about this situation? Does the dad have a point or is he WAY off base?

Let us know in the comments!

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A Woman Kept Her Personal and Professional Lives Completely Separate, but Years Later Wonders If She Was Wrong

A lot of us prefer to keep a good line between work and home, if only to keep ourselves sane and to be able to focus on one without the other creeping in.

That said, it’s a bit odd to work somewhere for nine years and never reveal anything personal to the people you work with every day.

It’s also a bit weird if, when they learn you’ve been holding out on them and go cold, you feel as though you’ve lost friends.

AITA for hiding my personal life at work? from AmItheAsshole

Because if you were so intent on being extremely private, why would you believe you had friends at work?


This woman’s personal life was outed by a new (nosy, by her account) employee, and now she’s wondering if she was wrong, since her co-workers are miffed.

Most people fall either in the NAH (No A**holes Here) or YTA (You’re the A**hole) camps and I have to say I agree.

You aren’t the asshole!

But… she’s KIND of the asshole…

It’s complicated…

Her coworkers definitely aren’t in the wrong feeling slighted (aside from the snoopy one, but that’s really a different question).

Melinda! Stay in your lane!

Personally, I think it’s her business how she wants to conduct herself at work, but she can’t expect people to be friendly if she’s clearly demonstrated not wanting to be friends.

Just sayin.

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A Dad Wanted to Know If He’s Wrong for Not Wanting to Share His Daughter With Her Stepdad on Her Wedding Day

What do you think about this story?

The way families look has changed for many people over the years, which means that, in the best of cases, the involved kids have more people to love and care for them as they grow up.

Mature adults are able to put the kids first, and realize that anyone willing to love a child is worth respecting (even if you like having to do it), but others struggle with this concept years after the fact.

Which is what’s happened here.

The original poster (OP) is a dad who split from the mother of his daughter two decades ago. His ex remarried to a man she’s still with, a man who was a stay-at-home dad and quickly bonded with OPs daughter – a fact her biological dad always hated.

AITA for telling my daughter [26F] that I [55M] will not walk down the aisle with her stepdad [50M]. from AmItheAsshole

Now, she wants both of them to walk her down the aisle at her wedding but OP is refusing to the point of claiming he won’t go to the wedding at all if she insists on her stepdad being part of the process.

It probably comes as no surprise to you (or it shouldn’t) that the majority of people on the Am I The A**hole Reddit thread that most people agree he’s the jerk, here (YTA – You’re The A**hole, in Reddit language).

Maybe this dad needs to know how to dad better… like a lot better…

This makes some people remember their own shitty fathers…

It’s one after another.

In fact…I couldn’t find anyone who disagreed. Rightfully so.

Yeah, it’s pretty much unanimous.

I hope this man took everyone’s comments to heart, apologized to his daughter, and plans to do whatever she wants on her big day, but based on most of his replies, I doubt it.

And I hope the daughter has a wonderful day, regardless of a father who can’t grow up enough to put her first.

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Guy Who Disowned Sister for Marrying His Bully Asks The Internet if He’s the Bad Guy. They Assure Him He’s Not

Whatever your dilemma in life, chances are there’s a subreddit for it. For instance, if you’re struggling with whether or not you handled a situation in the right way, there’s the AITA subreddit, where you can ask strangers, “Am I the asshole?” for a given situation. Redditors then (mostly) comment with YTA or NTA, meaning You’re The Asshole or Not The Asshole.

Usually people get a mix of comments, but the following thread, “AITA for cutting my sister out of my life for getting engaged to my worst highschool bully?” gave user /MightBeAnAsshole overwhelming support in the form of over 5,000 comments.

Here’s the set up…

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

So yeah, the bully is borderline psychotic.

Maybe one isolated incident of somebody getting hurt, but breaking an arm and a detached retina?

Nahhhh, that guy is no good.

Unfortunately, the guy’s sister fancied the bully.

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

And the parents don’t seem to be much help either.

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

As mentioned, reddit users were quick to swoop in and assure /MightBeAnAsshole that he was not, in any way, an asshole.

Because really, how could somebody’s family be okay with that past violence?

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

One user rightly pointed out again that the bully isn’t even sorry… which is nuts.

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

Yeah, remember… the sister IS A TWIN.

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

Some saw the sister’s point of view, but that still doesn’t make the guy an asshole

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

Some wanted the guy to remind the bully of their past deeds

Photo Credit: Reddit/AITA

As you can probably tell, I completely agree with the sentiments the other reddit users shared. There’s no reason why you have to keep somebody in your life who condones somebody who was physically or emotionally abusive to you. Or, in this case, both!!!

If people do reprehensible shit, they should pay some kind of consequence. And sometimes the best way to get back at them is completely deny them your time or attention.

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