People Offer Tips to Those Who’ve Never Been in a Fight Before

The older you get, the more you realize that fighting is very serious.

What seemed kind of harmless when you’re younger really becomes dangerous and potentially life-altering as you keep aging.

You should always avoid a fight whenever possible, but there are some instances in life when you have to defend yourself.

And you should be prepared, just in case.

Here are some fighting tips from folks on AskReddit.

1. If you have to…

“If you absolutely can’t run, take them out by any means necessary.

No such thing as a fair fight when your health and safety are on the line.”

2. Keep moving.

“Make sure to move away from a punch.

You don’t need to dodge a punch, you just need to make sure you’re dampening the impact as much as possible.

Notice in combat sports that they never move into a strike.”

3. At least look ready.

“Be ready if you can, at least look ready, that may discourage a would-be opponent.

Talk your way out of it if you can. Let’s face it; you’re probably in a situation that will not be improved by violence.

If all that fails, Theodore Roosevelt said: “The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly.””

4. Some tips.

“Elbows in, hands eyebrow level, chin down.

Throw mostly straight punches to the nose. “

5. Don’t drop your guard.

“Always keep your guard up!

This is one thing you see a lot of beginners do: throw a punch and then drop the guard. Don‘t expect that you can evade like some of the pros do by dropping their guard to provoke their opponent into a mistake.

This takes years of trained reaction and still fails them too.

Also, street fights can be quite scary even if you‘re trained. There are no rules, there is no ref, there is most likely no one stopping your opponent from going too far or using dirty tricks. That‘s no joke and a horrible situation to be stuck in. First rule is always: avoid the fight if possible.

If your opponent pulls a knife, distract (throw sth for example) and run! Don‘t try to disarm your opponent like in some of those idiotic YT videos – this works in those showcases, usually doesn‘t work in a real fight. A hand with a knife is a lot faster and flexible than you’d probably think. You‘ll end up heavily injured or dead.”

6. Fighting dirty.

“If in closer combat, and you aren’t mentally prepared to fight “dirty” (as in, gouging eyes, ripping ears, biting, etc.), use elbows.

Elbows, with the right velocity (swept across your body like a blade) can be absolutely devastating for close combat.

More effective if you have your other hand on the other side of their head.”

7. From an MMA fighter.

“I train MMA, here’s my advice.

Don’t get in a fight;

Always cover the temples & keep your jaw clenched shut.”

8. All in.

“Go all in.

If you’re not committed to do the most damage there’s a good chance you’ll get your ass whipped.”

9. A lot of advice.

“It’s easier to use the heel of your palm. Don’t throw a punch unless you have experience. Aim for the bridge of the nose. Maintain eye contact with the nose bridge, and don’t turn your head upward or to the side when they start throwing punches back.

Everyone turns their head because they don’t want to get hit in the face, but if you’re in a fight you don’t get the luxury. Maintain eye contact with where you want you throw your palm or punch.

Expect it to be mostly grappling. Hand-to-hand isn’t really a thing, despite what you see on tv and social media. Get ready to get on the ground, because that’s probably where you’re both going.

Don’t let them get behind you. The second anyone gets their arms around you they’re gonna try and snake their way to your back. Don’t let that happen, because their next step is probably a rear-naked choke, and those are impossible for regular people to escape. Unless you have forearms the size of tree-trunks, the fight is over once you’re in a rear-naked.

Don’t fight dirty unless you’re prepared to receive that back. For example: most guys never go for the balls, because that shit is excruciating and incapacitating. But the second you throw a knee to his balls, the “no balls” rule is off the table and your balls are fair game.

No big windups. Throw punches or palm strikes straight. Avoid hay makers and the such. And don’t hook to the face unless you know you have an opening. Be okay with the idea of not throwing any hooks, because there probably won’t be a chance.

Severely underrated moves include: fast gut punches and consecutive hard kicks to the legs (right above the knee). Most street fights won’t have these moves because amateurs mostly only go for face hits and rear-naked chokes, but professionals will tell you they are essential moves that are just as important.

Get out as soon as possible. The second it’s safe, turn heel and bolt. Why? Because fights aren’t worth it unless you’re getting paid. And the longer you’re there, the lower your chances are of getting out in one piece. Additionally, you’ll never lose a fight if you always end it on your own terms. I’m undefeated.

Does that means I’ve won every fight I’ve ever been in? That’s not the point. I’ve never been knocked out, I’ve never gone to jail, I’ve never had to go the hospital, and my face is still as beautiful as it’s always been. Some things are more important than pride. Prioritize.”

10. Fancy footwork.

“Footwork is important, stand so that a punch won’t knock you over.

Don’t lean into a punch. Also know what advantage you have over your opponent. If he’s bigger than you, try to move to the side or behind him, movings harder for him so make him move.

If he’s taller, get in close so his reach advantage is taken away.”

11. No chivalry.

“If you can’t avoid the fight, choose soft ground, if possible.

Fight to win. There’s no chivalry in a fight. Keep your head.”

12. Use those legs.

“People forget that they have legs a lot in fights, they also forget that there is more to do with them than just kicking people.

If you grapple someone else calve by wrapping a leg around it and twist your hips you can easily bring them down into groundwork which is always advantageous for the defender.”

13. Do what you gotta do.

“Your targets are eyes, throat, crotch, feet, in that order. Your goal isn’t to win, it’s to run away and stay alive.

Don’t fight like in the movies; scratch and bite and scream and shove them away and then run like hell.”

14. An interesting perspective.

“When shit is about to break loose, start undressing and get naked.

It is important to demonstrate the opponent that you are utterly insane and will use that during a potential murder trial.”

15. Run for it.

“I have years of experience in boxing and Muay Thai.

My best tip is: Run!

Street fights aren’t a sport where people follow the rules.

Even an experienced fighter can end up with a knife in his stomach or a brick in his neck.

Just run.”

Hopefully, most people will never have to use any of those tips in their lives…

Now we want to hear from you,

If you have any further advice in this department, please share it with us in the comments.

The post People Offer Tips to Those Who’ve Never Been in a Fight Before appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Questions You Should Ask Someone When You’re on a First Date

When it comes to first dates, many people could use as much help as possible with breaking the ice.

It’s hard to get to know someone and it can be difficult to know the right questions to ask to keep the conversation (and hopefully the romance) moving along.

Do you want some advice about things to ask on first dates?

Let’s dive into these answers from AskReddit users.

1.  This will tell you a lot about a person.

“What do you do with your shopping cart when finished at the grocery store?”

2. Movie first, THEN dinner.

“I read a LPT earlier today that stated if you’re taking someone on a dinner/movie date, go to the movie first.

That way, at dinner, if the conversation is lacking or having a hard time starting up – you can get it going with talking about the movie. ?

3. Get this out of the way.

“Vaccinations… safe or harmful?

Earth… round or are you a dumb ass?”

4. Give me the details.

“What kind of music do you listen to?

Might seem basic but this is a great question to ask to get to know someone.

I have noticed however that most people just answer with “anything but country” so you could probably get a more passionate response by asking something along the lines of “What artist(s) are you currently listening to?””

5. For the bookworms.

“If your life were a book what would the title be?”

6. The trifecta.

“Do you like The Office?

Do you like dogs?

Do you have a real personality?”

7. Looking forward.

“What is something you’re looking forward to?

Always gets a good answer, and it’s usually something unexpected.”

8. You’ll get some good insight.

“What would you do if the zombie apocalypse started right now?”

9. What kind of weirdo does this?

“Do you sleep with your socks on?”

10. Just get it out of the way.

“I asked my husband (we’ve been together 27 years), “You aren’t an ax murderer are you?” on our first date.”

11. This is a good one.

“What’s getting you through the week?

You find out what makes them happy and what’s important to them.”

12. Get to the real stuff.

“My favorite was always “what are you passionate about?”

So much better than “what do you do?””

13. I like this.

“When was the last time you felt proud of yourself?”

14. You better be a big reader.

“What are your favorite books?

If you get the impression they don’t read books, run.”

15. Might be interesting…

“What is your mother’s maiden name?

What is your high school mascot?

What is the name of your childhood best friend?”

16. Try these out.

“OK Cupid had a really cool blog about statistics from their huge user base. The three questions they found were best predictors for compatibility:

Do you like scary movies?

Have you ever traveled alone in another country?

Wouldn’t it be fun to chuck it all and live on a sailboat?

If you agree on those 3, you’re likeliest to succeed.”

17. Straight to the important stuff.

“Are you Introvert or Extrovert?

And how do you rank your mental health level from 1 to 10?”

18. This is usually fun.

“I always like to ask about the worst date they ever had.”

19. Are you an animal lover?

“Do you have any pets?

1 of 3 things will happen:

1: Yes they do, and will talk / show photos of them for ages.

2: they don’t, but then you follow it up with what pets do you want and they will talk for ages.

3: they say no, I’m not really an animal person, in which case you leave them because you don’t need someone like that in your life.”

20. Give up the info.

“What’s your favorite dinner?

What’s in your bucket list?

Are you a dog person or a cat person?”

21. A smart idea.

“How was your latest night out?

IMHO a person who brags about how shitfaced or wasted they become doesn’t make a good impression as a responsible partner.”

22. Okay, that’s just weird.

“Are your fingerprints in the police database?”

“In millimeters, How long are your toenails before you decide to cut them? Do you keep the remains?”

“Do you have any pets you aren’t using anymore?”

“How do you feel about basements?”

“Which bodily fluid do you think has the most pleasant aroma?”

“Which layer of skin do you favor the most?”

“My cat died six years ago…. wanna see?”

Well, what do you think?

Are you going to incorporate any of these into your first-date question arsenal?

Let us know what you think in the comments!

And if you have any suggestions, please pass them along to us!

The post People Share Questions You Should Ask Someone When You’re on a First Date appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day

You never know when you’re going to be in a situation where your life might be in danger.

That’s why it’s important to LISTEN when people share these kinds of facts and tips about things that could potentially save your life one day.

So sit back and take all of this in, okay?

Pay attention to these tips from folks on AskReddit. They might come in handy one day.

1. This is important.

“Airplane depressurizes and the masks drop?

Put your damn mask on first, as instructed.

At 35,000 feet you have 30-60 seconds of useful consciousness.

Make it count.”

2. Get out as fast as possible.

“Do not delay getting out of a burning building.

The flames are not what will kill you. The smoke will get very thick and toxic very quickly and you will not be able to see the way to get out.”

3. Stay safe out there.

“If you are driving in inclement weather pay attention to truckers, they are often warned ahead of time of wrecks and things due to their radios.

Also never drive in the rain without headlights!!”

4. Keep an eye out.

“Maybe not your life, but someone else’s. Most drowning is silent. The victim quite literally cannot speak to call for help, as they are too desperately trying to get any air at all.

Drowning can look simply like a person bobbing in the water until they no longer come back up. Keep a watch out. Especially if it’s kids.”

5. Get to the hospital ASAP.

“If your vomit look like coffee grounds, you are bleeding internally and you need to go to the hospital.”

6. What’s that smell?

“If you smell a fish smell in your house (some people also report a smell like urine) for no reason, 9 times out of 10 it means there’s an electrical fire.

I actually was the hero in this situation!

Was visiting my sister a number of years back. Hanging out on her couch. Smelled a smell of urine (with a bit of dead fish mixed in) …I asked her what that was. She answered, “it’s been here for weeks. We think a rat or squirrel got trapped in the walls.”

That didn’t sound right to me. a dead animal would smell different.

And for whatever reason, I googled “smells like urine.”

Electrical fire was the first answer.

So, I sniffed all around the room… and found it was coming from the plug of an old lamp. Unplugged it, odor vanished.

Instant hero!”

7. Don’t pull it out.

“If you get impaled or stabbed leave the object in and call 911 (or your country’s equal).

That object is keeping all the blood on the inside of your body.”

8. Sounds terrible.

“If you are ever buried in rubble (earthquake, tornado, building collapse etc).

Don’t shout. You’ll lose your voice and waste energy.

Instead, grab a piece of rubble and knock in patterns of threes. Humans are expert pattern makers and pattern noticers.

Rescuers will hear the distinctive pattern sound and go toward it.

Once you can hear people, then use your voice.”

9. Sadly, you hear about this a lot.

“If someone is in trouble and you want to leap in to save them, make sure you have a way to get out yourself.

I recently saw a video of a drowning man. Another man jumped in to try and save him. Instead both drowned.”

10. This is extremely important.

“If you’re visiting an unfamiliar location like a cinema or concert hall, take a few moments to look around for the nearest exit, then pick out a second as a backup in case the first becomes blocked or cut off.

If something happens, especially in a crowded public place, most people’s first instincts are to turn around and head for the main entrance but this is not always the closest, safest or easiest way out. Nine times out of ten there will usually be a closer exit.”

11. Take shelter.

“If a tornado looks like it isn’t moving, it’s heading right towards you.”

12. Absolutely true.

“There are no rules if a stranger puts their hands on you.

Yell, scream bloody murder, kick, bite, make the biggest scene you possibly can and run away as fast as you can.

Make sure your kids understand that this is the exception, the time they MUST draw as much attention as possible and do ANYTHING it takes to get away and get help.”

13. Always get it checked out.

“Treat all head injuries seriously.

Even a bonk on the head can lead to brain swelling and bleeding. Also, signs and symptoms for a head injury may or may not express immediately.

Get them to a hospital ASAP.”

14. Riptide.

“If you get caught in a current, don’t swim towards the shore and instead swim parallel to the shore.

15. Hopefully, this never happens.

“If you are being shot at, follow Army infantry tactics.

Find any form of cover (car, tree, dirt), and run to it while finding the next cover location

Drop to the ground in your cover location, and don’t raise your head!

Roll left or right so they can’t track your last position, this is very important.

Run to the next cover location while finding your third one. You shouldn’t be running longer than three seconds before the next drop.

I hope you never have to use this.”

16. I didn’t know this…

“If you ever almost drown to the point of throwing up water or passing out, even if you feel 100% fine, get to a hospital.

Your lungs can unwittingly self-fill up with fluid over the next few hours.

Secondary drowning is no joke. More people definitely need to be aware of the dangers!”

17. You have to chew it.

“When having a heart attack, you don’t swallow aspirin, you chew it.”

There is definitely some wisdom in those words…

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, please share some facts that might just save someone’s life one day.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Questions You Should Ask on a First Date to Get to Know Someone

First dates are always kind of awkward.

You’re kind of uncomfortable, you don’t quite know what to say, and you want to get to know a little bit more about the person besides what they’re going to have for dinner.

Well, you’re in luck!

The truth is we can use all the help we can get going on first dates and here is some advice from people that you might find useful.

Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. That’s intriguing.

“What are some things your parents don’t know about you?”

2. Okay…

“Which vegetable offends you the most?”

3. You never know.

“What’s your favorite dinosaur?”

4. Always important.

“Do you have any outstanding warrants?”

5. Maybe you can try these.

“What was your first pet’s name?

What was your second grade teacher’s name?

What was the make and model of your first car?

What is the name of the road you grew up on?

What city were you born in?

Good way to get to know someone.”

6. Some good advice.

“Honestly there is no rule book questions you should really abide to. Just get to talking. Start off with small talk-openers like where did you go to school, where do you work, do you like this and that.

Eventually you’ll get around to talking about hobbies/experiences. You can tater off and then talk about your own experiences and just ping-pong off of each other. Eventually you get a pretty good feel of that person as genuine or fake.

That’s how most conversation starts sounding natural with a good flow.

Of course if you get somebody that sees you, and finds you butt ugly, then you won’t get any responses at all. And any questions you ask would lead to no information about them.”

7. Skip the work talk.

“What do you like doing in your free time?

I never asked about people’s jobs.

I didn’t really care how they got their money, I cared how they got their excitement and passion.”

8. Fighting words.

“Ask them who their favorite muppet is.

If they choose anyone other than Gonzo, explain why they are wrong and then leave.”

9. Let’s get hypothetical.

“Lots of hypothetical situation questions, I find they help you understand how they think and prioritize their lives.

Eg. If you could travel anywhere in the world for w month, all expenses paid, where would you go? What would you do?”

10. This one is crucial.

“Why don’t you put away your phone?”

11. Kind of intense…

“Your parents are about to be executed. You are given a chance to save only one of them. Which one do you choose?

Bonus points if you follow up with what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?”

12. Never heard this one before.

“I don’t know if it’s good for a date but it’s fun to ask strangers, what’s your favorite compliment?

It gives you a lot of information and i think it starts a conversation pretty easily.”

13. The good stuff.

“What’s your favourite random fact?

What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done?

What’s your worst cooking disaster?

What would be the hardest thing for you to live without?”

14. A big one.

“Coke or Pepsi?

Especially if you’re serving them.”

15. Let’s play a game.

“This isn’t so much questions, but a little game you can play that can help break the ice and let you know how well you mesh together.

If you’re at a place like a bar or restaurant look around the room and try to come up with backstories for other people there. It’s can be a lot of fun and takes some of the pressure off, while getting you two talking to each other and getting a feel for each other’s sense of humor/personality.”

16. Cut to the chase.

“Just get it off the table.

Kids or no kids?”

17. This would actually tell you a lot about them.

“I’m stung by a jellyfish, you peeing on me?”

18. Might scare them off.

“If I called you and told you that I killed my neighbor and I need help getting rid of the body, would you:

A. Accept with no questions asked

B. Call the police

C. Start your oven and ask how much they weighed.”

19. The day the world changed.

“Where were you on 9/11?”

20. The nitty-gritty.

“If you had an hour during which any crime was both legal and socially acceptable, what would you do?”

“Are there any social taboos that you feel are a bit ridiculous? Are there any to which you don’t personally adhere?”

“What is the most allegedly unacceptable perspective that you hold?”

21. Just in case…

“What would be your weapon of choice in the apocalypse?”

22. You gotta know that one.

“How likely are you to yell at me in public”

From comedian Sam Morril.”

23. You might bore them to death.

“What’s your favorite pPowerpoint slide transition?”

24. Let’s get weird.

“Open-ended questions that lets them talk about them a bit. Stuff like “what are your political leanings?” “Are you religious?” “What is your stance on the Armenian genocide?””

25. You don’t want to mess that up.

“If their name is an uncommon one, make sure you ask what’s the correct pronunciation.

Literally the first thing I said to my husband on our first date was “hello” followed by a butchered attempt to say his name. He replied “what did you just call me?” and up until that moment, I had never before felt the urge to jump into the nearby creek in mid-February.”

So what do you think?

Would you use any of these questions next time you’re on a first date?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Questions You Should Ask on a First Date to Get to Know Someone appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Share What They’d Say If They Were Able to Talk to Themselves 10 Years Ago

This question is probably going to elicit some very interesting and very painful answers.

AskReddit users answered this question:

“If you could call yourself 10 years ago and speak for 1minute, what would you say?”

What would you tell yourself 10 years ago? Share your thoughts in the comments!

1. Might not be there in 10 years.

“Enjoy that hair while you still can.”

2. That’s gotta hurt.

“For the love of god get your drivers license, if you don’t you’re going to get hit by a car.”

3. Don’t be scared…

“Oh god..I would say…”Dont be scared, get an education and find a good job.” Now I’m stuck in a miserable retail job.”

4. Just do it!

“Finish school, you asshole.”

5. Stay away from Susan

“Do not date Susan, she will ruin your life.”

6. Two major points.

“Invest in Apple and you aren’t marrying that girl you’re seeing right now.”

7. A rambler and a gambler

“Put all of your money in bitcoin. Oh yeah Patriots win Super Bowl 49, 51, and 53. Put your life savings on each one.”

8. Be in charge of your own life.

“Don’t live your life according to what your mom wants you to do. Do what you want to do.”

9. Take some deep breaths.

“Bro, you need to chill out, it gets worse.”

10. “That’s no way to go through life.”

“Relax and enjoy. You’re worthy of the experience.

About 10 years ago, I got my job at Google and the worst part of the experience were my insecurities. I was a 49-year old (ancient by Google standards), self-taught programmer. I got my non-programming degree from a back-woods school but, to make up for it, I got really, REALLY crappy grades. I had no big-data experience and, at the time, I hadn’t programmed in any of Google’s 4 development languages (C++, Python, Java, and JavaScript). Add all this to my normal insecurities and I really felt like I was outclassed by everyone else at the company. I spent every day expecting to be fired for gross incompetence.

That’s no way to go through life. The experience would have been _so_ much better if I’d just ignored my insecurities. I still would have been dumbest fucking programmer at Google but I would have, at least, been much, much happier.”

11. This is sad.

“Tell your dad he has to go to the doctor to check his heart – it will save his life.”

12. Let people know how you feel.

“Tell mom and grandma you love them! They won’t be here in 10 years.”

13. Don’t even start.

“For the love of god, don’t start drinking. It’ll destroy you.”

14. A lot to take in here.

“Don’t move to the coast – it ends horribly and you’ll get stabbed.

Put down the drugs, you’ll regret it in 5 years.

Go to the dentist, that shit is important.

Go see your Nanny. She dies in 2 years, and you’ll miss her more than you realise.

Don’t drink at your Mums wedding. She still loves you, but hot damn you hurt her.

Be nice to your sister. She’s going through a lot too. She won’t tell you, but she needs you.

Most importantly – go back to school, Eliza. Get your education. You’ll need it when you’re a 21 year old single mum struggling to support yourself and a toddler.”

15. Do something for yourself.

“Your friends will leave you. Your girlfriend will leave you. Your job doesn’t matter. Don’t waste your time and energy on people that will forget about you in 10 years. Do something for yourself. Do it because you want to do it, not because you hope other people will like you for it. Live like you mean it. Forget the haters.”

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Check out This Advice for People in Their 20s That Might Make Life a Lot Easier

There are a lot of things that older people want you twenty-somethings to know – but also to enjoy – while you’re still young. You probably still have your health, and maybe even your freedom, so there’s no time like the present to really take a deep breath and explore.

And hey, even if you’re in your thirties (or far beyond), none of this is bad advice!

13. Revel in failure.

People who are successful have failed far more times than someone afraid to try – it’s the only way to truly achieve success.

12. Travel.

While your responsibilities at home are minimal, wander the world. There’s so much to see, do, and learn.

11. Don’t try to walk someone else’s path.

Your journey is yours, and comparing yourself to others is a worthless waste of time.

10. Read all the books.

One day, you’ll be too tired to do anything but stare at the television until you pass out.

9. Don’t make excuses.

No one wants to hear them, and no one is buying them, so save your breath.

8. Just learn how to apologize – and mean it.

If you screwed up, own it. Apologize, and move on.

7. Turn off your screens.

The television, the computer, your phone – there’s a whole lot to see, smell, taste, and experience in the real world.

6. Don’t invest in a job you hate.

You probably don’t have a mortgage and the pressure of saving for your kids’ future, so move on and find something you love. A lifetime is a long time to slog through a day job that you hate.

5. Patience really is a virtue.

In our culture, we’re not used to waiting – but you’ll save yourself a lot of gray hairs if you learn how.

4. Be brave enough to trust people.

Yes, some of them will let you down. Yes, a true, emotional connection is still worth it.

3. Live in the now.

Let go of the past and don’t give yourself an ulcer borrowing trouble. Take your 24 hours and accomplish something amazing.

2. Know that your time is valuable – and so is others’.

Don’t waste your time on people or things or work you don’t believe in – and who don’t believe in you. Do things that make you happy and screw all of the rest, but understand that others are also allowed to do the same.

1. Ask for help.

We all need a hand. Other people have valuable things to add. It’s not a weakness, it’s a strength.

Some of these things are still on my bucket list, and I’m determined to check them off.

What advice would you give your 20-something self? Let us know in the comments!

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A Guy Asked the Internet for Advice About His Wife Not Cleaning Their House and Taking Care of Kids

Wow. Get ready for this one.

This is one time when reading the comments on the internet is not only okay, but will make you feel as if everything is right with the world instead of the other way around.

It all started when a man posted this question on a Facebook page called Man Who Has It All.

Image Credit: Facebook

His wife doesn’t clean the house or take responsibility for the kids, and he wants to know what he should do about it?

Image Credit: Facebook

As you probably can guess, the women of the internet had a good belly laugh about how the men in their lives don’t do much to clean the house and also, even if they play with the kids, don’t take much responsibility when it comes to the heavy lifting of parenting.

Image Credit: Facebook

Imagine a world where gender roles were reversed.

Image Credit: Facebook

Where it was acceptable for women to behave as men do when it comes to cohabiting or parenting.

Image Credit: Facebook

That’s all we’re saying, Ben.

Image Credit: Facebook

Just stop and think about your question and why it seems acceptable to you to ask it and what that says about the world we live in.

Image Credit: Facebook

For his part, Ben did have regrets about posting his question…

Image Credit: Facebook

Which honestly just delighted everyone more.

Image Credit: Facebook

I know it did me.

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Women Also Abuse Their Boyfriends. Take a Look at This List to See How.

Abusive relationships knows no gender. It can happen in every single combination of people who decide they want to spend time together. That means friendships can be abusive, as well as romantic relationships.

For the purposes of our discussion today, we’re going to focus on the female being abusive towards the male in a romance relationship. Because according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, “1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime,” AND “more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.”

So, it’s important to make sure that women also acknowledge their role in abusive relationships and make sure they try and break the cycle.

Tumblr user Exposing-The-Bullshit recently put this list together, and it’s worth a look…

The post got reblogged over 430K times and here are some of the best reactions…

1. Nothing wrong with losing “friends” over this…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

2. She’s seen this first hand…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

3. Yep. It’s not really about gender or sexuality.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

4. Important stuff is important!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part one…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part two…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part three…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part four…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part five…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part six…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

6. Part one…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

6. Part two…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

What do you think?

Leave your thoughts in the comments!

The post Women Also Abuse Their Boyfriends. Take a Look at This List to See How. appeared first on UberFacts.

13 Reasons Why Single Life Is Actually the Best Thing Ever

Let’s be honest for a moment… relationships…kind of suck.

And let’s be honest for another moment: sex is NOT something we need a relationship to get. In fact, it’s not even super complicated for a single person to find a hookup these days…just look on Tinder.

So today we’re going to take a look at some reasons being single is fantastic. Perhaps the best thing ever.

13. Diagonal Sleeping

The bed is all yours, and you can sleep on it however you damn well please. True story, there are a lot of couples who sleep in separate beds anyway, so if you’re in a relationship and you want to try separate sleeping, you’re definitely not alone.

12. Your Netflix is Your Netflix

No waiting to catch up on that series together. No screwing with your viewing algorithm. Yeah, you can create separate users, but nobody does. Your Netflix belongs entirely and solely to you.

11. Eat Wherever You Want and Whenever You Want

Feel like Mexican food tonight? Great! Go have that. And you’ll never get into that conversation where somebody doesn’t know what they want to eat, but they know what they don’t want to eat. Because that is a fresh hell we’ve all experienced and never want to again.

10. No. More. Crazy. Families.

No creepy uncles. No overbearing mothers. No politically inappropriate dads. They’re all gone – at least, all the ones that don’t belong to you.

Ahhhh, doesn’t that feel good?

9. Remember Your Friends and Family? Now You Do!

Being single means that you can actually spend time with the people who will always be there for you. Use that single time to strengthen the fuck out of those relationships, because you need them far more than you need an SO.

8. Holidays = Vacation

No more driving in a car 14 hours to the suburbs outside of Cleveland to stay in a childhood bedroom that smells like old dolls and broken dreams. Not at all like your childhood bedroom, which smells like awesome memories…

You can go anywhere you damn well choose during the holiday season, so do it!

7. Anxiety Be Gone!

Worrying about what someone else is thinking and doing is fucking exhausting. And then there’s where you are in your relationship. Are things cool? Are they just okay?

You don’t have worry about any of that shit anymore. So take that sigh of relief. You’ve earned it.

6. Take It To The Bank

No more dinners or movies that you didn’t want to spend money on in the first place. The less you spend on somebody else, the more you can save or spend on you. And it adds up quickly.

That’s just math, folks.

5. No Permission Needed

Your schedule is your own, and you don’t need to juggle it around another person’s life.

Maybe you want to watch TV tonight. Maybe you want to go play trivia with your friends. Maybe you want to go on that mountain bike ride.

Whatever it is you want to do, you determine the when, where and how much.

4. The Decor Is Yours

Did your SO have some weird toy collection they had to put up in a very visible place that absolutely horrified you?

Well, yeah, that’s not happening anymore. Because you’re single, and you’re not weird like that!

3. Also, the Radio Is Yours

Driving in the car has never felt freer now that you can tune in to whatever the fuck you want.

Sing it loud and sing it proud. Because you chose it. Naturally.

2. You. You. You.

Spend time with you! Focus on you! Do whatever the fuck you want.

Listen, ultimately we’re all we’ve got in this world. So if we’re not good with ourselves, we’re not going to be good with somebody else. And being alone is not a bad thing at all.

And if you want to find somebody to be with, well, focus on yourself and get that train humming along the tracks smoothly. If you do, odds are that you’ll meet somebody moving just as smoothly who you can ride or die with.

1. No Need to Clean For Two

Things used to get dirtier twice as fast. No longer.

Now you’re responsible for only the messes you make. So yeah, you don’t have to treat another adult like a child. Which is, ya know, a nice thing.

Btw, we know you can read a lot of stories these days, so we’re really thankful you chose Humans of Tumblr.

I guess what I’m saying is… you rock!

The post 13 Reasons Why Single Life Is Actually the Best Thing Ever appeared first on UberFacts.

Parents Share the Advice They Want Teenagers to Hear and Remember About Life

There are actually a lot of parents out there that just want to make sure that teenagers know they’re not alone in this crazy world.

The question asked was this: Parents of reddit, what’s something that you think teenagers need to hear?

If you’re a teenager or a parent, take a read. There’s some great advice in here.

1. College dayzzz…

You don’t HAVE to go to college. And you also don’t have to NOT go if you don’t know what to do with your life. You’ll figure it out, maybe get inspired by your classes.

And, as long as it will not launch you into a huge debt, it IS ok to Major in something you might not end up getting a career in. (To an extent).

College is more than career training. It’s a much bigger learning experience about… everything! People, the world, yourself. Don’t dig a debt, work very hard, have lots of fun, and try to keep your eyes on a career path, but also absorb everything like a sponge.

2. Social media tips

If social media makes you feel shitty, just stop.

It makes everyone feel shitty — even the people whose lives seem so much better and glamorous than yours. Chances are, they’re posting that stuff to not feel shitty too.

Remember, everyone is posting their Greatest Hits. Remember, everybody poops — even the girl posting glam pics from Greece, she probably pooped right before or after the pic. Point is, don’t get wrapped up in that.

Take a month or two break from social media and see how you feel.

3. High school really isn’t a big deal

I hated when people told me, “you won’t even miss high school when you’re older.”

I did, for a little bit. And now, I really don’t.

As important as it is as a state of your pre-adulthood, in the big scheme of things, it’s just a tiny chapter. So don’t get hung up on the mistakes you made or the drama you had.

Appreciate the experience for what it gave you, and move on.

4. No phones when driving. Seriously.

Please put your phone away in the car. Even at stoplights. Just wait until you arrive. You may be super used to it, but it only takes one second of inattention to become potentially fatal.

Someone just died in my neighborhood for this very reason.

Sending a snap.

It can wait.

5. Money, money, money

Teach yourself personal finance basics.

Your school and maybe parents probably neglected this, if times haven’t changed all that much. But… The internet is wonderful! You can teach yourself. Take an edX or Kahn or iTunesU course. Learn the basics and start saving. Really truly understand student loans before taking them.

And save. Saving sounds like something you have plenty of time for later… when you make more money… but tomorrow never comes. Learn and save now.

6. Those pesky social skills…

There’s nothing wrong with not liking to talk to people as long as you’re friendly.

Don’t force yourself to be talkative just because others want you to be. You’ll still need to learn social skills like gauging trustworthiness, effective communication, and helpfulness.

However, you don’t need to force yourself to be talkative to be socially adept; you just have to be mindful.

7. Drama

Your emotions won’t be this intense forever. But they are real and valid.

My parents always invalidated my feelings — too dramatic, it’s just your hormones, you’ll grow out of it, you don’t know how good you have it — while on some base level they possibly were right, it didn’t mean my feelings weren’t real and intense in that moment.

Allow yourself to feel what you feel. But don’t wallow or feed the Depression Kitty.

It DOES get better.

8. You’ll always be our child…

That we miss you & we actually want to spend time with you, not because of how you were (our little boy/girl) but because we are in awe of who you are and want to get to know you better. So you know we love you unconditionally but also that it’s ok and fun to hang out sometimes.

Soon you’ll be leaving home, time passes quickly, and we want to create as many good memories as we can for you so you can use them for when the world is not so kind and I’m not around to give you a hug.

You’re amazing, you’ve always been and I know your life will be filled with ups and downs but I hope the love we share reminds you that you’ll always have a soft spot to land

9. Making babies…

Just because you pop out a baby doesn’t mean it’ll keep your SO around and at times it’ll make them break up with you. To that part, just because you have the kid doesn’t mean it’ll unconditionally love you, especially when you’re a shitty parent.

These are things my idiotic friends had made when we were young, choosing to get knocked up at a wrong time in life has shaken lives to rubble at points.

10. Take care of your health

Build good health habits now. If you’re not already active, find a simple active hobby you can do.

Take up Pokemon Go or take up bike riding or something. Also, learn how to cook some basic and healthy meals like chicken pesto pasta or fried rice.

The healthier you are as a teen the easier it is to stay healthy as an adult.

11. Rebel, rebel…

Go ahead and be rebellious, it’s part of growing up.

But please be safe while you are doing it! Use the condom, don’t depend on your date for transportation until you know them, tell someone where you are so we know how to get to you in an emergency, keep your phone charged, ask for help if needed.

12. The social scene…

None of social-structure/drama shit is going to matter once you’re out of school so don’t worry about what others think.

You just do you.

13. Beer?

It’s completely legal for a teenager to buy all the equipment and ingredients to make beer.

Just saying.

My two cents… personal finance is huge. They more you save now, the more you’ll have down the road.

Money won’t buy happiness, but it can sure buy a lot of therapy. And everybody needs somebody to talk to now and then.

The post Parents Share the Advice They Want Teenagers to Hear and Remember About Life appeared first on UberFacts.