Sean Connery was once pulled over and fined by a British police officer for over speeding. The Officer’s name was Sergeant James Bond.
“The Most Interesting Man in the World” almost didn’t…
“The Most Interesting Man in the World” almost didn’t get the part. When told they were going with someone younger, his agent wisely said “How can the most interesting man in the world be young”. He got the part.
Hunter S. Thompson pranked Jack Nicholson on his birthday…
Hunter S. Thompson pranked Jack Nicholson on his birthday by shining a spotlight on his house, blasting a recording of a pig being eaten alive by bears, firing his pistol, and leaving an elk’s heart at the front door, while Nicholson and his two daughters hid in the basement.
A children’s entertainer named Soupy Sales once asked…
A children’s entertainer named Soupy Sales once asked the children who watched his show to send him “funny green pieces of paper with pictures of U.S. Presidents” from their parents wallets and purses. He was suspended for two weeks when parents complained.
As a struggling actor, Jim Carrey wrote himself a $10 000 000…
As a struggling actor, Jim Carrey wrote himself a $10 000 000 check for ‘acting services rendered’ and dated it for thanksgiving 1995. By 1994, Carrey had made millions from Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber.
Samuel Jackson has a clause in his film contracts that…
Samuel Jackson has a clause in his film contracts that allows him to play golf during film shoots whenever he wants.
Vin Diesel broke into a Theater in New York with his brother…
Vin Diesel broke into a Theater in New York with his brother when he was 7 with the intent of vandalizing it. When they were caught, instead of calling the police, the theater’s artistic director offered them roles in an upcoming show, thus starting Diesel’s acting career.
The main actor of The Gods Must Be Crazy was only…
The main actor of The Gods Must Be Crazy was only paid $300, even though the film made over $60 million.
Before filming LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring, Jackson made…
Before filming LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring, Jackson made the principal actors train for 6 weeks in sword fighting, riding and boating to allow the cast to bond. Later, most of the actors portraying the Fellowship got a tattoo with the Elvish symbol for the number 9.
Disney executives were initially confused by Johnny Depp…
Disney executives were initially confused by Johnny Depp’s performance as Jack Sparrow in POTC, questioning whether he was drunk or gay. The CEO of Disney proclaimed that Depp was ruining the film. Depp’s response to Disney executives was they could trust him with his choices or let him go.