People Talk About What They Think Can Redeem 2020

When the books are written, 2020 is gonna be a big chapter, probably up there with 1968.

We have civil unrest, protests, a divided populace, a health crisis, and a whole other host of issues we’re dealing with right now.

So, what could possibly redeem 2020?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. You never know…

“Scientists discover that a unique side-effect experienced by COVID survivors is that their lungs develop the ability to sequester carbon directly from the air, which gets processed in their bodies and harmlessly removed in their stool.

And that’s how COVID becomes the unexpected cure for climate change and carbon pollution.

Which sounds silly, but I also never in a million years would have guessed that 2020 would see the revival of drive-in cinema (still hard to believe I’m typing this), so what the hell?”

2. Here’s how you should do it.

“Benevolent, advanced aliens publicly stepping in to correct the course of our civilization.”

3. Time for progress.


Actual remedies for the problems that got us here.

Criminal Justice Reform and and Public Health policy that prevents pandemics instead of just reacting to them.”

4. Let’s hope for it!

“Scientists find a cure for Covid and miraculously Cancer as well.

Government works out universal health care, universal basic income. The mars rover accidentally trips the the alien tera-forming button a-la Total Recall.

Elon Musk unveils he’s invented teleportation and an unlimited energy supply. Peace reins across the world. Atlantis is discovered.

We receive contact from an alien society that was just waiting for us to evolve enough to be civil in the universal society.

We learn all of us are one and the cosmos groove electric.”

5. Come together.

“People realize how unity is required to overcome the most difficult challenges on earth so people come together to challenge, among other things:

Global Warming

Income Inequality


6. Could happen…

“If a bag filled with $50,000,000,000 in crisp thousand dollar bills suddenly falls from the sky and lands in my front yard…”

7. Just wear a damn mask!

“The anti-maskers realize what idiots they’ve been and stop making everything worse with their conspiracy theories and dumbfuckery.”

8. We need it.

“At least for here in America, the election of a candidate who takes the role of president seriously, can lead us through national tragedies, and organize people to find solutions rather than cause more problems.”

9. Here’s the list.

“Free universal wifi released without comcast or Verizon stopping it somehow.

Jeff Bezos decides to open a new warehouse in every major city, but instead turns them into homeless shelters.

The government gets out of the student loan game. Causing tuition to drop and loans to become affordable again.

Cure for cancer

Game of thrones releases a secret 9th season with 10 episodes showing brann brann having visions of season 8 making it retconned.

Me getting a girlfriend.”

10. Just do it, already.

“The national legalization of weed in the US that would make my year.”

11. The time is NOW.

“Big steps being made to mitigate the climate catastrophe we have waiting for us in the next decade or two.”

12. Here, here!

“4-day work weeks, universal income, social reform.”

13. Who could that be…?

“A certain US president losing his reelection might be a start on the path to redemption.

But the broad spectrum antiviral discovery would be good too.”

14. Education is important.

“Making people more educated on how can we to do something for one another with love and compassionate to one another.”

15. Shut it all down.

“For America, most immediately, it would be shutting things down. No talk of the NFL returning, shops reopening, K-12 schools reopening, or colleges reopening in the fall.

Ideally, we would lock things down solidly through the end of the year, suspend nonessential travel between states, and find funds to support everyone through this. If other countries can do it, and if we always find funds to bail out banks and corporations, why not care for our people?

Employers would be required to allow employees to work from home, and justify why others must remain onsite. Those who must work onsite would have access to daily testing via their employer. Free testing for everyone, and free care for those who test positive.

To continue this fantasy, employers would also be required to develop policies for employees to work offsite long-term, and face real penalties for firing employees or outsourcing jobs. Again, ideally, this would bring about a shift in management models nationwide.

I think we have a tendency to think that all of this, from the inability to have a football season to universities only offering online classes, is a permanent thing, and it isn’t–or it doesn’t have to be, if we really make an attempt at locking down.

Other things that seem unrealistic atm, but could be possible some day: voting from home, more options for students to learn remotely, and for free, a total revamp of the current K-12 curriculum, free healthcare, free assessments and mental healthcare starting in childhood, better support systems in communities, especially for our poorest, youngest and elderly members, truly separating church and state, getting money out of politics, everyone having the time and inclination to pay attention to and get involved with local, state, and national politics, reigniting an interest in recycling and conservation, giving people the time, money, resources, and freedom for self-actualization from an early age.

There are so many things that would make 2020 and our future better.”

16. To the future!

“It turns out 2020 was just the introduction to 2021 when all of humanity gets an extremely fast change of mentality. By 2025 we turn this bitch around and the world turns into something similar to an utopian planet where there’s no crime, corruption or prejudice. We finally reach the golden age.

Science, education and culture get all the funding that we gave to military and marketing, so within 20 years we colonize other planets, and by 2070 we start colonizing other galaxies too.

By 2147 we discover traces of an unknown element on one of the surrounding planets. Two years later a weird crate is found on mars, holding some advanced technology. Scientist study it and quickly find out how mass effect fields work, which results in humans finally discovering Faster Than Light travel.

But before we can even get to use it, we find out that one of Pluto’s moons is actually some technology, some kind of relay, that’s been there for thousands of years. We dig it up only to realize that it’s a mass effect relay that basically teleports you to various parts of space.

In 2157, the first contact is made.”

What do you think?

What could happen that would redeem this awful year?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Talk About What They Think Can Redeem 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Think Can Redeem 2020

When the books are written, 2020 is gonna be a big chapter, probably up there with 1968.

We have civil unrest, protests, a divided populace, a health crisis, and a whole other host of issues we’re dealing with right now.

So, what could possibly redeem 2020?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. You never know…

“Scientists discover that a unique side-effect experienced by COVID survivors is that their lungs develop the ability to sequester carbon directly from the air, which gets processed in their bodies and harmlessly removed in their stool.

And that’s how COVID becomes the unexpected cure for climate change and carbon pollution.

Which sounds silly, but I also never in a million years would have guessed that 2020 would see the revival of drive-in cinema (still hard to believe I’m typing this), so what the hell?”

2. Here’s how you should do it.

“Benevolent, advanced aliens publicly stepping in to correct the course of our civilization.”

3. Time for progress.


Actual remedies for the problems that got us here.

Criminal Justice Reform and and Public Health policy that prevents pandemics instead of just reacting to them.”

4. Let’s hope for it!

“Scientists find a cure for Covid and miraculously Cancer as well.

Government works out universal health care, universal basic income. The mars rover accidentally trips the the alien tera-forming button a-la Total Recall.

Elon Musk unveils he’s invented teleportation and an unlimited energy supply. Peace reins across the world. Atlantis is discovered.

We receive contact from an alien society that was just waiting for us to evolve enough to be civil in the universal society.

We learn all of us are one and the cosmos groove electric.”

5. Come together.

“People realize how unity is required to overcome the most difficult challenges on earth so people come together to challenge, among other things:

Global Warming

Income Inequality


6. Could happen…

“If a bag filled with $50,000,000,000 in crisp thousand dollar bills suddenly falls from the sky and lands in my front yard…”

7. Just wear a damn mask!

“The anti-maskers realize what idiots they’ve been and stop making everything worse with their conspiracy theories and dumbfuckery.”

8. We need it.

“At least for here in America, the election of a candidate who takes the role of president seriously, can lead us through national tragedies, and organize people to find solutions rather than cause more problems.”

9. Here’s the list.

“Free universal wifi released without comcast or Verizon stopping it somehow.

Jeff Bezos decides to open a new warehouse in every major city, but instead turns them into homeless shelters.

The government gets out of the student loan game. Causing tuition to drop and loans to become affordable again.

Cure for cancer

Game of thrones releases a secret 9th season with 10 episodes showing brann brann having visions of season 8 making it retconned.

Me getting a girlfriend.”

10. Just do it, already.

“The national legalization of weed in the US that would make my year.”

11. The time is NOW.

“Big steps being made to mitigate the climate catastrophe we have waiting for us in the next decade or two.”

12. Here, here!

“4-day work weeks, universal income, social reform.”

13. Who could that be…?

“A certain US president losing his reelection might be a start on the path to redemption.

But the broad spectrum antiviral discovery would be good too.”

14. Education is important.

“Making people more educated on how can we to do something for one another with love and compassionate to one another.”

15. Shut it all down.

“For America, most immediately, it would be shutting things down. No talk of the NFL returning, shops reopening, K-12 schools reopening, or colleges reopening in the fall.

Ideally, we would lock things down solidly through the end of the year, suspend nonessential travel between states, and find funds to support everyone through this. If other countries can do it, and if we always find funds to bail out banks and corporations, why not care for our people?

Employers would be required to allow employees to work from home, and justify why others must remain onsite. Those who must work onsite would have access to daily testing via their employer. Free testing for everyone, and free care for those who test positive.

To continue this fantasy, employers would also be required to develop policies for employees to work offsite long-term, and face real penalties for firing employees or outsourcing jobs. Again, ideally, this would bring about a shift in management models nationwide.

I think we have a tendency to think that all of this, from the inability to have a football season to universities only offering online classes, is a permanent thing, and it isn’t–or it doesn’t have to be, if we really make an attempt at locking down.

Other things that seem unrealistic atm, but could be possible some day: voting from home, more options for students to learn remotely, and for free, a total revamp of the current K-12 curriculum, free healthcare, free assessments and mental healthcare starting in childhood, better support systems in communities, especially for our poorest, youngest and elderly members, truly separating church and state, getting money out of politics, everyone having the time and inclination to pay attention to and get involved with local, state, and national politics, reigniting an interest in recycling and conservation, giving people the time, money, resources, and freedom for self-actualization from an early age.

There are so many things that would make 2020 and our future better.”

16. To the future!

“It turns out 2020 was just the introduction to 2021 when all of humanity gets an extremely fast change of mentality. By 2025 we turn this bitch around and the world turns into something similar to an utopian planet where there’s no crime, corruption or prejudice. We finally reach the golden age.

Science, education and culture get all the funding that we gave to military and marketing, so within 20 years we colonize other planets, and by 2070 we start colonizing other galaxies too.

By 2147 we discover traces of an unknown element on one of the surrounding planets. Two years later a weird crate is found on mars, holding some advanced technology. Scientist study it and quickly find out how mass effect fields work, which results in humans finally discovering Faster Than Light travel.

But before we can even get to use it, we find out that one of Pluto’s moons is actually some technology, some kind of relay, that’s been there for thousands of years. We dig it up only to realize that it’s a mass effect relay that basically teleports you to various parts of space.

In 2157, the first contact is made.”

What do you think?

What could happen that would redeem this awful year?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Talk About What They Think Can Redeem 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.

The “My Plans/2020” Meme Will Remind Us How 2020 Went off the Rails

Remember when this year started and we thought it was going to be awesome and things were really going to turn around?

Wellllllllll, it hasn’t gone quite as planned, has it?

In fact, some people might even call it an outright disaster so far.

But, maybe we have time to right the ship!

In the meantime, let’s take a look at these hilarious “My Plans/2020” memes that will remind just how insane the world is right now.

1. That’s not good.

Not good at all…

2. Going up in flames.

You better be careful!

3. She’s here!

And you were not expecting that, were you?

4. Surprise, surprise.

Didn’t go the way you expected, did it?

5. She does not look happy.

What a shitshow…

6. Here come the waterworks.

How much time have you spent crying lately?

7. It all comes crumbling down.

A fabulous disaster.

8. Well, that was unexpected.

Sorry about that, world…

9. Oh, it’s bad.

Much worse than you could even imagine.

10. Hmmmmm. Not sure how I feel about this.

Thoughts about this?

11. We all had such big plans…

And look what happened!

12. Well, that was a major tease.

Not cool…not cool at all.

13. The party’s over.

You’re in for a big shock!

14. Scary stuff.

Now I’m really freaking out!

Hey, keep your heads up, we still have a lot of time to turn this thing around!

Now we want to hear from you!

How are you holding up during all this madness?

Talk to us in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

The post The “My Plans/2020” Meme Will Remind Us How 2020 Went off the Rails appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Examples of the “My Plans/2020” Meme That Show How This Year Went to Sh*t

When January 1, 2020 rolled around, I think a lot of us were excited to start a new year and to finally get it right for once.

Things were gonna be different! Remember?!?!

We were going to travel, get in shape, make some new friends, and generally be more productive and social people.

Then it all went to SHIT.

And now here we are in the midst of way too many crises to even count.

And that’s what these “My Plans/2020” memes are all about: what we planned on doing this year and how it actually worked out.

So let’s take a look and have a few laughs.

And remember to hang in there!

1. Look out behind you!

Didn’t see that one coming…

2. Oh, shit!

Kevin spilling the chili is all of us right now.

3. Well, there’s this…

I guess he’s doing semi-ok.

4. How do you describe 2020?

Like a bull in a china shop.

5. Now I’m gonna have to cry.

I have something in my eye…

6. Iceberg! Straight ahead!

A little warning would have been nice.

7. Don’t look at me!

A very sad state of affairs.

8. Get out of the road!

We all know what happened to this kid from Pet Sematary.

9. Oh, no!

That’s not good!

10. In case you’re wondering…

That pole took her head off…FYI.

11. That really does not look good.

Don’t go up there!

12. My eyes!

Now, this is a real tragedy.

13. Oh, Larry…

You poor little fella!

Now let’s hear from all the readers out there!

In the comments, tell us how you’re doing.

What were your big plans for 2020? And how are you doing during all this craziness?

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post Funny Examples of the “My Plans/2020” Meme That Show How This Year Went to Sh*t appeared first on UberFacts.

Is Sex With People You Don’t Live With Now Illegal in the United Kingdom?

Obviously, 2020 has been an absolutely wild ride so far.

Yet, even in a year when headlines routinely outshine the most bizarre imaginations, some things still manage to be surprising. Such as the various news outlets this month which have been reporting that sex is now largely illegal in the UK. Or, more specifically, sex with people you don’t already live with. So what’s going on here?

Let’s take a closer look.

Photo Credit: iStock

The motivation

When you hear about a law like this, your mind might leap to antiquated, prudish, Puritanical motives surrounding sexuality, like how some U.S. states still technically have statues outlawing “sodomy.”

But that’s not what we’re looking at here.

In fact, the sex aspect is sort of incidental; collateral damage taken as a part of trying to repair a larger problem.

Photo Credit: iStock

It’s about the virus

Like pretty much the entire world, the UK has implemented lockdown restrictions this year to slow the spread of disease.

The things that are officially off limits by law (for now) are indoor gatherings, which, as Mashable reports, are defined as:

“when two or more people are present together in the same place in order to engage in any form of social interaction with each other, or to undertake any other activity with each other.”

Obviously, if you can’t go over to someone’s house to hang out, you can’t go over to have sex. At least, not without risking a fine.

Photo Credit: iStock

Is this new?

Sort of.

The main difference with the legislation that went into effect at the start of June is that before, the “guest” would be in trouble, but now, both/all parties involved could face consequences.

The main gist of the “stay the hell at home” guidelines really haven’t changed much, and in fact have generally loosened as the year has gone on.

Is there any way around this?

There are, of course, various exceptions to the lockdown rules, though certainly none of them are designed to give you an excuse to go get your freak on.

Social gatherings are still allowed in outdoor spaces, though outdoor/public sex is and always has been illegal and would likely get you into a whole lot more trouble than a simple lockdown violation, so no loophole there either.

Photo Credit: iStock

What happens to people who break this law?

Not much.

The default fine is £100 (about $123), which for most people is enough to sting but not enough to mess up your life. As with everywhere else, authorities in the UK really do not have the interest in nor the resources for running around punishing every last lockdown violation; the point of the law is get enough people to behave responsibly so that the virus can remain at least relatively under control.

For some, that may mean some more lonely nights.

What do you think of all this?

Let us know in the comments.

The post Is Sex With People You Don’t Live With Now Illegal in the United Kingdom? appeared first on UberFacts.

Don’t Wanna Risk the Bars During Rona? Try Bar in a Jar!

Can’t make it out to the bars right now? Or feel like maybe it’s a bad idea? That’s probably wise. Fortunately, keeping it to a night in doesn’t mean you have to give up all the fun of the bar experience.

In fact, you can customize and retain a lot of it for way less money than you’d likely spend on a night on the town. One idea that’s been getting a lot of traction for the at-home party / gift idea is the “Bar in a Jar” – basically just a customized collection of drinks festively set in one container for your sipping pleasure!

It’s an easy idea that truly is the complete package. Check out some of these examples that might provide inspiration for your bar in a jar project!

Life’s a Beach

This beach themed container was posted a while back by Instagram account boozekays, which specialized in creating personalized alcoholic arrangements. You can see here how adding just a few simple, inexpensive materials to the display really creates a sense of theme and fun.

The Open Bar

This gift idea comes via the decorating blog Shabby Creek Cottage. They’ve got an entire rundown on how to easily make your own – starting with some simple supplies:

• A large jar with lid (big enough to hold several small bottles)
• 5-7 small bottles of alcohol
• Adhesive Vinyl
• Transfer Tape
• Silhouette Machine + tools

You can see the rest of the instructions here.

Neon Lights

This specialty lid decoration is available from KylerDesigns on etsy for just 8 bucks. Download and print out instantly!

Mason Jar Cocktail Gifts

The website has another guide on a slightly different style of bar jar that’s perfect for gifts of all kinds!

Source: Rachel Hollis

So, if you wanna get to having/spreading some fun but not exactly, yanno, out in the world, turn your boredom into creativity with a bar in a jar! Now if only we could figure out how to fit a steakhouse into one of these things…

Have you tried something like this? How did it turn out?

Let us know in the comments.

The post Don’t Wanna Risk the Bars During Rona? Try Bar in a Jar! appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Recreates Cliché Travel Instagram Photos in Her Apartment During the Shutdown

2020 has really sucked so far.

And if you’re a person who regularly travels for business or pleasure, you know that’s it’s been a big adjustment being stuck at home and pretty much not being able to go ANYWHERE.

Travel blogger Sharon Waugh is based in South Africa but she, like all of us, is also stuck at home. So what’s a travel enthusiast to do…?

Waugh decided to spend her time recreating cliché travel photos that you routinely see people post on Instagram in her apartment and they are funny and totally spot-on.

Take a look at her photos. We think they’re great!

1. High on the mountaintop…

But now in your kitchen.

2. The Sydney Opera House.

Nice placement with the dishes, at least…

3. Jump for joy!

But do it inside for now.

4. Oh, to be at the beach…

Don’t try to surf with that ironing board.

5. Come right this way.

Doesn’t quite have the same look to it, does it?

6. Getting out in nature.

The great indoors.

7. Yayyyy! Oh, wait…

Hmmmm, well, this will have to do for now.

8. The Taj Mahal.

I love this one!

9. All the love in the world.

We’ll get back to it soon!

10. Definitely an “influencer” photo.

Get out of the road!

11. Close enough…

Gotta do the best with what you have.

12. Nailed that pose!

The lighting works, too!

Those are great!

Let’s hope that we can all travel to REAL places sooner than later.

Where is the FIRST place you want to go when it’s safe to travel again?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post Woman Recreates Cliché Travel Instagram Photos in Her Apartment During the Shutdown appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Posts About What a Disaster 2020 Has Been

Let’s cut the crap: this year has really sucked so far.

It wouldn’t even be worth it to attempt to go down the very long list of terrible things that have happened in the first half of 2020, so we won’t bother.

BUT, the good news is that in the face of all of this upheaval, we can still find some time to laugh at what a shitty year it’s been.

If you can’t laugh sometimes, you’re just gonna break down and cry, right?

So let’s laugh at some funny memes and tweets about 2020!

Keep your head up and keep hanging tough!

1. This is how much.

That’s a looooooooooong smoke.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Uh oh…that doesn’t sound good.

She finally snapped.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Yes, please!

And keep the drinks coming!

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Didn’t live up to expectations.

Not even close…

Photo Credit: someecards

5. I’ll walk from here.

Totally over it…

Photo Credit: someecards

6. The worst reviewed year of all time.

Nothing good to report about it.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. This is very accurate.

Drink up!

8. They might as well.

That will give people a little happiness, right?

9. Leave it right there.

And slowly back away.

10. Hahahaha. Oh, boy.

That just looks weird.

11. Not good at all.

Dammit! It happened again!

12. Let’s hope not…

Please pray for a better 2021…

Photo Credit: someecards

How are you holding up, friend?

Has 2020 really kicked you in the ass so far?

In the comments, sound off about how you’re dealing with this shitshow of a year.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post Hilarious Posts About What a Disaster 2020 Has Been appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Sum up How We Feel About 2020

I think it would be the understatement of the century to say that 2020 has been quite a doozy so far.

A worldwide health crisis, millions of people out of work, protests and civil unrest in the streets.

All we can hope for is that the second half of this year turns around and we can start healing.

And we all need to remember to have a laugh once in a while.

It’s good for us and it’s a way to relieve stress.

So what do you say? Do you want to have some laughs at some funny memes about how bad this year has been?

I think that’s a YES.

1. Be careful out there.

You never know what’s lurking in the water…

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Taking extra precautions.

You gotta be safe!

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Let’s not even go there.

It’s just too much to think about.

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Didn’t see that coming…

Ouch! That hurts!

Photo Credit: someecards

5. This is getting pretty old.

What else could possibly go wrong?

Photo Credit: someecards

6. You can say that again…

Some good news, please?

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Me, too.

Way out of my price range.

Photo Credit: someecards

8. You’ve had way too much to drink.

What a half-year it’s been…

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Keep doing your best!

You’re doing great!

Photo Credit: someecards

10. A lot to take in here.

Those poor kids…

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Exactly right.

Not pleasant at all…

Photo Credit: someecards

12. How weird is that?

No more bad news, please…

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Working overtime.

Their heads are about to explode.

Photo Credit: someecards

Hey! We still have half a year to turn this thing around, so let’s do it together!

But first, tell us how you’re dealing with the challenges of this year so far.

Talk to us in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Memes That Sum up How We Feel About 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.

How Are We Coping with 2020? With Food, Obviously.

Oh, boy…

So, 2020 has been completely insane and none of us have known what to do with ourselves. That’s a well-established fact. That will be the subheading to the chapter about this year in history books, or history…holograms, or whatever the hell we have in the future. One of my all-time favorite expressions of what this has been like came from @KevinFarzard on Twitter who said:

Kevin’s theory was bolstered by a whole lot of replies to a thread started later by Franklin Leonard, in which he asked what purchases had been making a difference in people’s lives recently.

There were lots of answers; home improvement stuff, comforts, entertainment, pet adoption, and, oh yeah, food. What do you do when you’re stuck at home bored and anxious? You eat. And you find new, interesting methods of eating that maybe you haven’t tried before. That’s just the American way.

10. Fry me to the moon

Two words so beautiful have rarely been paired.

9. Let’s get this bread

Unsliced bread is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

8. Mixin’ it up

Weird hill to die on, but OK.

7. We all scream

Anything can be alcohol if you try hard enough.

6. Stock up

“Rice is great if you’re really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.” – Mitch Hedberg

5. Eggcellent idea

Live that farm to table life.

4. Good old fashioned booze

I’m deservin’ a bourbon.

3. Lettuce feast

I’m a little disappointed to learn that an “AeroGarden” isn’t like, flowers in the sky.

2. Sugar and spice and everything nice

I’ll put this on my list of things to try to salvage my mental health.

1. Grill baby grill

OK but the real question is, which one of those stove burners is your favorite?

Personally I’ve been trying out a lot of this great culinary tradition called “ordering delivery.” What it lacks in nutritional value, it makes up for in being overpriced.
I…may need to rethink this strategy.

Have you been trying out any new cooking adventures?

Tell us about them in the comments.

The post How Are We Coping with 2020? With Food, Obviously. appeared first on UberFacts.