Memes That Describe 2020 with Horrifying Accuracy

2020 sure has been a crazy year.

And it’s only about halfway over.

Still, for all the horrors, I am confident (or maybe I should say hopeful) that one day, we will be able to look back on a lot of this and laugh. Or we could just do that right now using memes. That sounds more fun than doing all that waiting.

These 15 memes encapsulate 2020 in the perfectly awful way it deserves.

15. Howdy howdy howdy

That moment when you realize that you are the snake in your boot.

Via: someecards

14. Summer memories

Mostly I just looked at memes like this.

Via: someecards

13. Academic achievements

You’ll be a college graduate by 80.

Via: someecards

12. Oh the places you won’t go

Seriously it’s not that hard.

Via: someecards

11. Hindsight is…

I think when this is all over we should eliminate the number.

Via: someecards

10. Keeping up with the Jones’

Quit being a show-off with your clean laundry, Sharon.

Via: someecards

9. Changing standards

Survival is the new sexy.

Via: someecards

8. Time flies

The theory of relativity states that this whole year can suck it.

Via: someecards

7. Body image

The old school CRT TV gets me every time.

Via: someecards

6. Chill pills

It’s a good thing.

Via: someecards

5. Modern art

Lie back and wait for the end.

Via: someecards

4. Face the facts

You still look beautiful to me.

Via: someecards

3. That’s the spirit

I was gonna say nobody’s gonna be partying on Halloween this year but this is America, of course we will.

Via: someecards

2. King of crap

Behold, my treasures.

Via: someecards

1. Tan lines

We’re all kind of Spiderman now?

Via: someecards

Now if only we could be looking back on this instead of currently living it. Ah well. Memes will get us through.

What’s your favorite 2020 meme?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes That Describe 2020 with Horrifying Accuracy appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets That Sum Up 2020 in a Nutshell

It’s strange to think back to the beginning of this year, when we were all having little semantic arguments about whether 2020 was technically the start of a new decade or not.

(For the record, I don’t care what the official system is, the decade starts when the third digit changes, that’s just common sense.) Little did we know that a short while later we’d be having arguments about whether 2020 was technically the start of the apocalypse or not.

At least we got some funny tweets out of it?

12. Butt of the joke

Thanks, I hate it.

11. Isolation syndrome

It has been a year of very mixed feelings for us introverts.

10. Taste the rainbow

The only vacation I can afford anyway.

9. Love schedule

I’m sure our “QUICK OPEN EVERYTHING UP OH F*** CLOSE IT AGAIN” strategy will start working any minute now.

8. Long hair, don’t care

I’m guessing you’re wrong but a man can hope.

7. Busy busy busy

Panic attacks burn a lot of calories too, it turns out.

6. Corn-n-tine

I’ll never take the little things for granted again.

5. Sweet release

I found myself thinking the other day “Can’t wait for the Fall so this mask isn’t so hot.”

4. Cancelled activities

Just because they were stupid doesn’t mean they weren’t plans.

3. Beat the devil out of it

The gentlest among us have their limits.

2. Safety from numbers

If ya’ll screw me over on this, so help me…

2. Cursed monkey paw

It sounds like paradise until you can’t leave.

1. A new low

The plot twists in this movie are getting out of control.

Eventually this year will fade away with all its horrors, but we’ll still have these funny tweets. So that’s…something? I guess?

What’s the best and/or worst part about 2020?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets That Sum Up 2020 in a Nutshell appeared first on UberFacts.

Predictions We Got From Movies and TV in Thirteen “2020 as Told by” Memes

As 2020 grinds on, one thing we can all seem to agree on is that it’s been UGLY. And SAD. Not to mention very difficult for a lot of people out there.

But did we see it coming?

Some folks sure seem to think so, and here’s the proof: the “2020 as Told By” memes.

It looks like movies and TV shows might’ve had a bit of impressive foresight into how crazy this year was going to be.

So maybe it would do us all a lot of good to pay close attention to movies and TV shows so we can predict what pitfalls we’ll experience in 2021.

Enjoy these memes…and try to stay positive!

1. As told by Marvel.

Did you see this coming?

2. Up Schitt’s Creek.

We should have listened!

3. I guess it’s not always sunny…

They were right!

4. Of course they got it right.

Mulder and Scully for the win!

5. Good luck with that.

Parks and Rec was right…

6. “That was boring…”.

You have no idea.

7. Time to mask up!

Hey, it looks good on you!

8. This is pretty good.

They nailed it!

9. Doom. Indeed.

All doom, all the time.

10. Mamma Mia!

Who says musicals can’t be prophetic?

11. A flu virus…

Also, Earth is cancelled.

12. As told by Mr. Woodhouse.

Next time, listen to this guy.

13. Listen to John.

All the hits and more.

Those are hilarious! Don’t you think so?!?!

Have you seen any other good “2020 as Told By” memes?

If so, please share them with us in the comments!

The post Predictions We Got From Movies and TV in Thirteen “2020 as Told by” Memes appeared first on UberFacts.

2020 Is No Fun… but at Least the Memes Are Hilarious!

How is 2020 going so far for you?

I think I probably have a decent idea…

It’s bad for pretty much everyone in some way, but one thing we have to remember is that we have to keep our collective sense of humor intact!

If we can’t laugh, then what the hell are we doing here in the first place?

So in the spirit of that mindset, let’s have a few good laughs at what a crazy world we live in right now!

1. Hey o! Now that’s a zinger!

Also, this is very true.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. Let’s keep it going!

No need to see people even after it’s over.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. You are now a master gardener.

I’m impressed!

Photo Credit: someecards

4. Let’s change the subject.

I’m very disappointed in myself.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. You’re in love…

A lot of people feel this way right now.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. That’s a legit excuse.

I hope you didn’t get a ticket.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. Totally over it.

Stay away from me!

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Remember those days?

We had no idea how good we had it…

Photo Credit: someecards

9. It’s the truth!

Let’s be honest about it.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. WTF is going on here?

I am not happy with this development.

Photo Credit: someecards

11. Pretty much.

Ugh. So true.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. Let’s get away for a while.

Looks like a great trip!

Photo Credit: someecards

13. Make it realistic.

You might as well at this point.

Photo Credit: someecards

14. Expectations vs. Reality.

Can we fast forward to 2021, please?

Photo Credit: someecards

Now we want to hear from you!

How are you holding up?

Give us a life update in the comments.

And be safe and healthy out there!

The post 2020 Is No Fun… but at Least the Memes Are Hilarious! appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes for People Who Are Firmly Aboard the Struggle Bus

We’re all on the struggle bus right now.

All of us. The bus has been upgraded to like a double-decker Greyhound situation and even then it’s insanely overcapacity, which just adds to the problem because WE’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ALL CLOSE TO EACH OTHER LIKE THAT.

I think my metaphor might have gotten away from me there. Just like my mental health has. At least I’ve got these struggle memes that I can look to for reassurance that I’m not the only one feeling this.

13. Goin’ down

Why have abs when you can take naps?

12. Glitter bomb

How come everything isn’t exactly what I want all the time?

11. A wrench in my plans

My smile is a lie and we both know it.

10. Low-effort

What’s the point in having robot butlers if we don’t let them live our lives for us?

9. Like and subscribe

You wanna know how I got these emotional scars?

8. So close

This feels like a very expensive and mean joke.

7. Yo, teach

How do you do, fellow kids?

6. Lightning round

When you’re too busy to get busy.

5. Play stupid games…

…win stupid prizes.

4. Small defiance

You can only push me around so far, Google.

3. Survival instinct

Sounds like you’re dating a psychopath but OK.

2. To the limit

What if I’m cute while I do it?

1. Missed opportunity

He’s literally sleeping on the chance of a lifetime.

Browsing struggle memes probably isn’t as effective as therapy, but it is considerably cheaper, so there’s that.

On a scale from 1 – 10, how aboard the struggle bus are you right now?

Talk it out in the comments.

The post Memes for People Who Are Firmly Aboard the Struggle Bus appeared first on UberFacts.

These Dumpster Fire Candles Are the Perfect Representation of 2020

This year has so far been a disaster. Between the global health crisis, everyone’s economic woes, and the general uncertainty that 2020 has brought, it’s just been pretty rough out there.

But through this fog of doom and gloom, there are those among us who have boldly risen to what might be one of the toughest challenges: keeping everyone’s spirits up. One such person is artist Meredith Schmidt.

Meredith took it upon herself to create Dumpster Fire Candles back in 2016, following an event that she was very disappointed by. She now offers 7 different scented candles that are designed to “represent redemption, letting go, or just some good old-fashioned hatred.”

Dumpster Fire Candles

Meredith also explains that she chose the imagery of a dumpster fire because it is “devastating and funny at the same time, but it seemed dangerous and illegal to blaze a real dumpster.” Happily, these candles will only cost you $18.

Here are the 7 dumper fire candles that Meredith offers:

1. Resting Beach Face

It smells like: “notes of the ocean, orchid, and judgment”

Dumpster Fire Candles - green Resting Beach Face

2. Puff, Puff, Pass.

It smells like: “notes of wood, regret, and leather”

Dumpster Fire Candles - green puff puff pass

3. Table For One

It smells like: “notes of absolutely nothing”

4. You Ruined Christmas

It smells like: “notes of cedar wood, Frasier fir tree and shitty gifts”

5. Coffee and Cigarettes

It smells like: “notes of coffee, smoke and apathy”

6. Namaste Home Tonight

It smells like: “notes of patchouli, amber and binge watching”

7. White Trash

It smells like: “notes of Uncle Randy’s recliner”

Dumpster Fire Candles - white trash

Aren’t those hilarious? Which one would you buy?

Don’t forget to let us know which Dumpster Fire Candle scent is your favorite in the comments!

The post These Dumpster Fire Candles Are the Perfect Representation of 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Live in Areas Where the Virus Isn’t Being Taken Seriously Talk About What It’s Like

It blows my mind these days when I go into a store or a gas station and people are STILL not wearing masks.

It drives me nuts!

Not only is it dangerous but it’s also incredibly selfish. I don’t think it’s too much of a sacrifice to wear a freaking mask when you go out in public, do you?

I wonder how these people would have reacted during World War II when Americans had to ration materials…they probably would’ve said it was an infringement on their rights…

The point is that there are many parts of the United States where people are still not taking the coronavirus seriously and that isn’t good for anyone

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about where they live…

1. Nobody’s paying attention.

“Stores have implemented all sorts of things, like one way aisles. However, since like 2% of people care, nobody pays attention and somehow everyone ends up closer than they would have if the aisles would have just been normal.

A lot of people don’t wear masks, but on occasion you’ll see someone in a mask, gloves, with their phone and other belongings in a ziploc bag to keep them from being contaminated.

Oddly enough, those are typically the people that get avoided like the plague.”

2. Not smart!

“Well, a younger guy at work said he was at a packed bar over the weekend and we are ending our alternating schedule on Monday.”

3. You’re doing it wrong!

“I remember going to the store a few weeks ago and there was a lady who was just carrying an entire can of Lysol with her and spraying every single thing immediately before touching it.

She’d spray a box on the shelf, pick it up to look at it, and put it back. She’d spray a can, then grab it to put it in her cart. She sprayed the cart handle immediately before touching it EVERY TIME she touched it.

She also sprayed the credit card machine, and her credit card. She was wearing gloves, and her phone was in a ziplock bag.

She wasn’t wearing a mask and was shopping the wrong way.”

4. Let’s go to the park!

“People in my town don’t care that much, but ever since one kid got it they’ve been taking it more seriously.

But then the bomb threat made people go to the park MORE, on the basis that they “couldn’t go yesterday so I’m going to go today” when they never had plans to go anyway.”

5. This is not a hoax.

“I am an EMS helicopter pilot. Two days ago we transported a COVID positive patient that had been in the ICU in a small hospital for three days due to respiratory distress due to COVID. I watched as the crew loaded him into the back of the aircraft which is usual. I heard them asking each for drugs that we don’t normally give to people who we transport.

They were asking for those drugs because he was actively dying. They pull him back out of the aircraft and run back to the ER. Meanwhile my medic is sitting on top of him doing chest compressions while we’re running through the ER to the trauma bay.

As we were running I glanced in the rooms we were passing. Literally no patients had mask on.

I just don’t get it. This isn’t a hoax, a political ploy or a scare tactic. Wear a damn mask.

The patient was a 50 y/o man who was in good health and no previous medical history. Cause of death respiratory distress due to COVID.”

6. Lonely.

“I feel like I don’t really know anybody anymore. Never had a clue how many mild-to-insane level conspiracy theorists there were around me.

I’m not so much lonely as I am just generally let down at how willfully ignorant people are willing to be.

Maybe I’m guilty of it myself, because I genuinely thought better of my city than this.”

7. Ignorance is bliss.

“Where I am in the South its just like it was before the outbreak.

If you don’t watch the news, there’s no reason to think the world is any different.

Ignorance is bliss baby.”

8. Nothing to see here.

“Life has gone on like normal. People crowding into bars, partying like the just don’t care. I know people busy singing in their church choirs without a care in the world.

I grocery shop during church time.

The grocery store if full of people in PPE then and it seems much safer.”

9. Out in the sticks.

“Rural Florida here.

Land of the lifted truck, Trump signs, and Confederate flags.

Maybe about a third of the people in my local grocery store–the only one in a 10 mile radius–wear masks. It’s in the neighborhood that I’ve found a real challenge. Kids are out playing and people are interacting face-to-face like the virus is long behind them.

I’m an extrovert who normally enjoys being a part of that, so social isolation is rough. The children don’t understand why I’m a recluse, and they come to my door looking for me.

I’ve been caving to the pressure and going out some, but then I feel unspoken pressure not to wear a mask. I have medical issues, so I don’t think I’d be looked down upon.

It just feels suddenly like I’m the uncool kid at school.”

10. Jeez…

“Everyone’s using the time off work to party, have barbecues, visit family, etc.

My family has made the trip to visit every single one of our relatives at least once this year since they have so much time off, and they’re out every other evening to go to a barbecue with or a potluck or a dinner with their friends.”

11. This is crazy.

“I live in Florida and work in the beauty industry. My clients are dropping like flies. I spend an hour in their face while they are unmasked.

Had a woman call the other day to tell me she’d been exposed to COVID and was going to get tested, and wanted to know what our policy was and if she could keep her appointment. Had a co-worker get sick and she found out she had been exposed.

She told my boss she was getting tested, and my boss asked me if I thought it’d be okay for her to come back in, because “what’s everyone going to do? Keep quarantining?” YES. YES! That’s EXACTLY what we ALL need to do.

My parents are in their 70s. I can’t go see them. What if this is the last bit of time I get with them? What if I go see them and kill them?

My best friend was just diagnosed with cancer. I can’t go see him. Will I ever get to see him again? Will he die alone?

If I get sick, how long will I be out of work with no sick leave? How long will my SO be out if he gets sick? What will happen if his compromised child gets sick? How would we afford the medical bills? Do we send him back to school? Who will watch him?

The worries are endless. And we could’ve made this so much easier if people weren’t such selfish, entitled, politicized *ssholes.”

12. Can’t do it anymore.

“I don’t even engage anymore.

I can’t have a normal conversation with them and I refuse to argue. Facts don’t matter, common sense doesn’t break the seal, and just common courtesy is a negative.

I just can’t anymore.”

13. Wow.

“I just finished a contact tracing job up in a little town with like <2000 people. My job was to monitor the health of those exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19 and I was there for a month.

Any time I would call and give someone their diagnosis and ask who they have been in contact with, I had a 50/50 shot of them being massive d*ck bags. The things I heard were that COVID-19 was a scam, was used to make big pharma rich, wasn’t real and they just had the flu or a stomach virus ect.

I told people they needed to isolate for 14 days if they were a positive case or exposed and I basically was f*cking them for 2 weeks of pay at work so that was awful. I can’t legally force them so some just went back to work and didn’t care and infected more people. We had an outbreak at an Autozone because of it.

No one wore a mask. Every food worker wore theirs without their nose covered that I saw if they were. I was generally the only one in public with one on, if not only 1 of 2 or 3 people. It was a bible-belt city so lots of “I’ll just pray it away I don’t need the hospital.”

I had a lady raise her oxygen from 2L to 4L overnight, probably due to fluid build up from COVID, which she had because she was living with a lung disease. I told her to go to the ER NOW and when she was there, she called.

She told me she was going to go in and called to ask if they could even help her, I said yes obviously. She turned around and drove home when she hung up. Called the next day to see how the ER visit went and she was at home gasping for air. Husband took her to the ER but not before making her talk to me like an idiot :/.

Oh and people hung up on me a lot when Id be calling them like 5 days in. Or they’d block my work number so we’d send police out to make sure they were alive.”

Are people taking this health crisis seriously where you live?

Please tell us about it in the comments.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Who Live in Areas Where the Virus Isn’t Being Taken Seriously Talk About What It’s Like appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Memes About What a Disaster 2020 Has Turned Out to Be

I’m hoping that things start to look up in the second half of 2020 because the first six months of this have been a total disaster.

But you already know that.

One thing we CAN do to try to ease the pain is laugh. Because laughing is good for the soul and it relieves stress…trust me on this one, okay?

Let’s enjoy some hilarious memes about how horrible 2020 has been so we can forget about it just for a little while.

And remember to keep your fingers crossed that things turn around ASAP!

1. The worst pour of all time.

I really don’t like the looks of that.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. Well, on second thought…

It has not gone as planned, obviously.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Dammit, Toby! It’s all your fault.

But then again, everything is Toby’s fault.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Like being on a roller coaster.

Can we get off of this thing yet?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Thank you!

That is not the kind of fortune you want to get. Ever.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

6. Just you wait and see!

Here we go!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Wait until you get to 2020.

Things are really great!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

8. April was NOT a good month.

And I’m glad those giant chickens are gone.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

9. Normal would be nice.

Let’s hope we get there soon!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

10. Being rolled over again and again.

It’s getting exhausting.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

11. Our alien overlords will be here later this year.

I wonder how that will go…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

12. STILL not your final form?

How can this whole thing get even worse…?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

13. Pretty much sums it up.

When are the locusts going to hit our shore?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

14. It only took a minute.

I’m over it!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about how you’re dealing with the madness of 2020.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post Hilarious Memes About What a Disaster 2020 Has Turned Out to Be appeared first on UberFacts.

This Year Is a Nightmare…But at Least We Have Funny Memes About It!

Can we forget that this year ever happened when the clock strikes midnight on January 1, 2021?

Yeesh…what else can possibly go wrong?

Actually, I shouldn’t say that out loud because I like it might jinx whatever small amount of good karma we human beings have left.

Yes, this year is a total nightmare, but at least we have some hilarious memes to enjoy so we can laugh (and cry) and our current situation.

So let’s dig into some 2020 memes and have a good laugh together…stay safe out there!

1. Why, thank you!

I just love getting that message!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. Seriously…no spiders please.

That would be over the top.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Beware of the meth gators.

Florida for the win! Again!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Looking mighty nice up there…

Why are all the good people leaving us?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Yeah, why did we decide to do that?

I think we’re paying the price for it now.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

6. It’s definitely up there.

Please don’t get any worse, 2020…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Hey, that was impressive!

Total Parkour style!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

8. So far…

It just keeps getting worse…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

9. So, anyway…

Pretty much used to it by now.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

10. What a year it’s been!

Can we slow the trauma down a bit?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

11. We showed those years!

2012? Gimme a break!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

12. Oh, I thought it was already December…

It’s really DRAGGING on…

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

13. Try it again!

And again! And again!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

How are you dealing with all this craziness?

Talk to us in the comments and give us a life update!

Stay healthy and safe out there and keep your fingers crossed that things turn around sooner than later!

The post This Year Is a Nightmare…But at Least We Have Funny Memes About It! appeared first on UberFacts.

How Can 2020 Possibly Be Redeemed? People Offer Their Opinions.

This year has been very…challenging so far.

Every single thing that could have gone wrong seems to have happened and we’re only halfway through 2020.

But, as you know, it’s important to remain positive and to at least hope that things will get better.

So let’s all be good to each other and pray that things turn around quickly.

Folks on AskReddit offered their opinions on what could possibly redeem 2020.

1. That would be amazing.

“While searching for a Covid-19 treatment, someone discovers a cheap broad spectrum anti-viral.

Think the discovery of penicillin, just for viruses.”

2. Keep your fingers crossed.

“Someone discovers how to cure cancer cheaply and easily.”

3. A personal victory.

“I currently have a crush on a girl who works at the bank. I’m not sure if she is interested in me as well. I get a little nervous when I talk to her. I think she already knows I am interested in her.

If I get the chance to ask her out on a date and she says yes, I will climb a mountain and yell with happiness that she said yes.”

4. Let’s feel the love.

“Love, understanding, patience.

For me 2020 is like winter in Game of Thrones. So what would redeem 2020 is for people to realize that life is crazy for everyone but when we work together with love, understanding and patience we can go through anything and actually thrive.

It’s like the saying goes: when the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives. Humanity is the ultimate pack. If people realize this we will not only have redeemed 2020 but every single year after that as well.”

5. They should do this.

“The government forgiving my wife and my student loans for being essential healthcare workers.”

6. Please!

“Everyone actually judging people by their actions and the end of identity politics.”

7. Have to act now.

“Governments and massive organisations taking climate change seriously and actually doing something about it to reverse the problem….”

8. A big change.

“A drastic change of how our governments are functioning and how the officials that are supposed  to protect us are operating.

It’s time that the main goals of a country aim to protect its people – not profit off of and harm all who serve to protect the corrupt at little personal gain.”

9.  The well being of all.

“A sense of humanity and responsibility amongst everyone.

When humans feel responsible not just for themselves but for others, the good and well being of all.

That would redeem everything.”

10. Let’s hear it.

“To have all the governments, secret services, special forces, security/intelligence agencies, secret religious ‘guardians of the truth’ societies, etc WORLDWIDE come clean with all their dirty secrets, lies and misinformation.

Fucking waterboard the lot of them if that’s what it takes. Then, when everyone is on the same page and the conspiracy theorists are happy (they can be quiet for a while then, too), we can actually start to right some wrongs, and maybe, just maybe, humanity can advance in unity towards a common goal.

No one gets out of life alive, most of us ultimately want the same things, so if we can get our shit together, start playing on the same team, share knowledge/resources, and have some fucking compassion/empathy/respect for one another, 2020 might be salvageable. I dunno.

Send everyone to their rooms and don’t let them out until they’re ready to give it a go??”

11. Wouldn’t that be great?

“David Bowie is found to not be dead after all but has spent years in hiding recording new music.”

12. Smoke up!

“The cure to COVID-19 turns out to be hidden in cannabis plants and the whole world decriminalizes’ it making it legal worldwide.”

13. Real progress.

“World wide ban on punishment for being lgbtq+.

Not yet marriage everywhere. Just no more beatings and executions. No one going to jail for being queer. I would also hope that the BLM protests make a big change. Less murdering black trans women would be a nice touch.”

14. Wouldn’t it be nice?

“Benevolent aliens landing on Earth and staging an intervention, bringing gifts of science, knowledge and humanity.”

15. A new health standard.

“Not sure about the rest of the world, But I know what could be great for America.

Covid 19 bringing a complete reset in the health industry. Changing it from ridiculously priced treatment to affordable prices for basic human rights.

Not only that, but due to the protests a complete change in law enforcement as well so there’s no situations where law enforcement has the ability to shoot down someone non hostile.

These two changes would be well worth the 6 months of quarantine and poverty Covid has brought on the world.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about how you think this disastrous year can be redeemed.

Please and thank you!

The post How Can 2020 Possibly Be Redeemed? People Offer Their Opinions. appeared first on UberFacts.