These 15 True Confessions Will Make Your Jaw Drop

Sometimes, you just have to get something off your chest – even if it’s anonymously to strangers on the internet.

In fact, if these 15 confessions were yours, that would definitely be the way to go about it. Because wow.

#15. Confusing family heirloom

“My grandfather is dead and has been since before I was born. He sexually abused my mother as a child. I didn’t know about this for a long time (until recently).

My mother gave me his wedding ring and I’ve worn it for a number of years as my wedding ring. During a shitton of family drama which I might post about separately when I’m not so exhausted, my mother revealed this fact to me and I shared it with my wife (which is not part of the drama). I knew before at some point; I don’t know when. I was in denial of the fact.

I am really feeling conflicted about this. I’ve always viewed it as my ring, and not his, so I want to keep it. Part of me wants to replace it. My wife views the ring as something sinister, and wants to get me a new ring.

We’re both very confused about why my mother gave me this ring. She hasn’t spoken to me much about her abuse, but my sibling says she thinks highly of her father still, which is very confusing towards me. I’m also worried about getting rid of it because I don’t want to hurt my relationship with my mother, which has really taken a heavy beating because of something she said as part of the aforementioned family drama.”

#14. Worth it

“I received a call from my oldest daughter crying. She told me our dog got out and she didn’t know what to do. I had about an hour and a half of work left today. The owner of the company was out so I told the other staff member I needed to go my dog is lost.

I am creeping along my neighborhood, driving down every where looking for my little dog. My phone rings, it is my boss. She said she didn’t appreciate me leaving, that my kids will get over it that it builds character for them, and if I didn’t come back, I didn’t have a job.

I choose to not go back.

Quick edit here:

I just wanted to thank everyone for the support and kind words. I have no regret for my kids and my dog, but the situation left me with a lot of mixed feelings. Thank you all again for boosting my confidence in what I also felt was right.”

#13. Stockholm Syndrome

“I am a married man, currently 28 years old. I would not consider myself being a homosexual due to the fact that I am only largely attracted to women. Just to make it known.

6 years ago, I was kidnapped by a man aged around 40. He grabbed me after a night of wild partying that I had.

He held me captive for 2 nights. Was taken on a Friday night and released on Sunday. It was my first time having sex with a man.

He did not treat me well, but apart from the rape, he never physically abused me either. I was bound and gagged most of the time and was only briefly untied during meals or shower.

Throughout the entire period I was kidnapped, he forced himself on me for at least 8 times. He made me do plenty of sexual acts but none of them degrading or inhuman.

On the Sunday night, he told me he’s going to let me go, but if I ever tell anyone, he’d come for me again.

Just before he dropped me off, he actually kissed me on the lips, and due to the relief, I actually didn’t resist.

When I think back about it, I somehow do not harbor any resentment or ill feelings for what he did to me. In fact I do wish I could meet him again in the future.

Stockholm Syndrome of which I totally do not have any clue as to how and why it developed.

Thank you for reading. It feels good being able to share this in great detail for the first time after it happened. Not many would understand.”

#12. Ex-files

“So I’m 36 and have been married since 30, and dating my wife since 26. Wife is “Anne.” I love Anne completely and have never been such good friends with anyone.

Girl who died, “Kate,” died last March from an overdose of alcohol and drugs. We dated from when I was 21 until 25. On and off, always very tumultuous. But I had real, intense feelings of love for her. This one July afternoon stands out in my mind. It was just her and me, the rest of the world could have exploded and I would have been happy.


They found Kate three days after she died, and had to break down the door to her apartment. The only reason anyone knew anything was wrong was that she didn’t show up for work. She was 37.

I know all these details because her ex-fiance called me. I had been texting Kate up until the day before she died. The last text she sent me was on a Sunday, when she asked whether I’d be visiting her city anytime soon. I didn’t respond till Tuesday or Wednesday, and then started getting calls from a strange number after I kept texting. When I finally picked up it was Kate’s ex.

What Anne doesn’t know is that I was in regular contact with Kate up until the day before she died. Once a month or whatever, just to check in. On a trip to Kate’s city about nine months before her death (don’t worry, no pregnancy, just happened to be nine months) we had gone out to dinner. I changed out of my suit in her apartment before we went out, and she gave me a blue plastic hanger for my dress shirt. That was the last time I saw her.

I never “got over” Kate. We stopped seeing each other because our lifestyles weren’t compatible. She loved partying, drinking, taking risks and experimenting with drugs. I used to love those things but got over it once I got serious about grad school. I don’t think either one of us “ended it,” we just drifted apart. I wanted to succeed in my career and start a family. But I never stopped loving her.

Anne knows about my relationship with Kate and knows she died. She knows how she died. She even knows I’m sad. And she knows that Kate and I kept in touch! Hell, they even met a few times. And she’s okay with it. Both Anne and I had previous relationships where we deeply cared for the other person and we’re very open about it.

Anne doesn’t know how closely I continued to hold Kate. Or how often we talked. Or that we had dinner in the summer of 2016. I worried about Kate and would talk to her often.

She also doesn’t know how much her death truly affected me. I don’t think I did either. A year later I am having ecstatic dreams where I realize Kate is alive after all. I find myself tenderly stroking her blue plastic hanger, which of course I saved and use on my favorite shirt.

I am not sure why I feel the need to hold this all from my wife. I guess it’s because I never really fell out of love with Kate. Of course I am in love with Anne too and would be just as devastated of she passed away, if not much, much more.

I just needed to write this all down. I have been having these deeply painful moments where I realize that I will never speak to Kate again, or touch her, or smell her hair. This was fine with me while she was alive but for some reason is now very emotional and painful after her death.

Thanks for reading all that… just writing it out makes me feel better.”

#11. Disappointed and tired

“When I met my husband, we were both coming out of abusive relationships. We were there for each other and helped each other so much. Our relationship moved really fast but everything felt right and perfect, we never fought, we liked all the same music, movies, made each other laugh. It was the best relationship I could imagine.

After we got married everything was even better. We talked about starting a family but we both went back and forth, hmm’ed and haww’ed about it. Then we got pregnant due to a broken condom. We’d been together 5 years at that point I figured it was the universe giving us the kick in the ass we needed.

My husband told me he was excited but never did anything to show me he was excited. He never read one baby book. Never came to any prenatal appointments even though I told him when they were and encouraged him to come. Didn’t help me pick out names, only shot down names I came up with. Didn’t help me out more when I got bigger and more sore. I had to dig our mailbox and driveway out of the snow when I was 6 months pregnant because he “got home from work too late” (mailman was threatening to quit delivering for days). Never rubbed my back or feet, never texted to ask how my day was going/how I was feeling with nasuasea or whatever. I fell down the stairs when I was around 32 weeks and it took him 3 hours to even text me back. Didn’t come to the dr office when I started bleeding randomly.

After my baby was born my husband took 2 days off (even though he had over 3 weeks PTO accrued) and then I was on my own. He CHOOSES to work 12-14 hours a day, then works from home when he is here. I didn’t sleep through the night until my baby was 10 months old, I’d been living off of 2-5 broken hours of sleep since she was born. My husband has never ONCE woken up at night to help me, even when I’ve been bawling my eyes out begging him to wake up and help me, please take over for a while. Oh, and I’d been back to work since 12 weeks too so it’s not like I’ve been a stay at home and he’s the only one bringing in money.

He thinks because he cleans the kitchen and cleans the floors on the weekend he is doing his fair share. Yeah, no. The mental load of keeping our family running that I carry, as well as my stress of working, and doing it essentially by myself is way more than a couple chores on the weekend. Even though he makes more than me I pay for ALL of the baby’s expenses.

I want to go back to school to be able to get a better job in order to support myself and my daughter totally and completely. Starting this fall, it’s happening. I’ve talked my husbands ear off for the past 2 fucking years begging him to change and I’m sick of talking. You can only agree with me and then make zero changes so many times before I start to move on. I thought I met my soulmate but I was wrong. Another disappointment and a deadbeat dad. He doesn’t do shit with our daughter. When I ask him to spend time with her he puts on little baby bums and sits on his phone.

I come from a history of abuse and I feel like all the wounds that had healed over have been ripped back open. I am broken hearted and every day I am in pain, feeling like I ruined my life and my daughters life. THe anger and resentment bubble up constantly and I am always fighting to keep it down. I didn’t want my life to turn out like this.”

#10. Picky and homeless

“My friend has been making post after post on Facebook about being homeless for a couple months. I offer my place since I’m gone for a work half the week.

Come to find out he makes $20000 more than I do. He’s homeless because he’s being extremely picky about where he wants live. I understand to a certain extent about having preferences for living situations. He wants a place where his son can come visit easily. I understand that. But he’s choosing to live in car until he finds the perfect place. That I do not understand. He could easily rent a room for a couple months until he finds a better place.

He stopped staying at my place after a couple nights because he said he felt weird about it. But I still can’t stop wondering why someone would choose to live in their car over just getting a room somewhere.”

#9. Too late to learn?

“This is not due to lack of trying either. At this point, I’m too scared to learn. I had a horrible experience while trying to learn when I was 17, and then had an even worse experience trying to learn when I was 23.

My parents both worked long hours, so I never really got a chance to go anywhere to learn as a kid.

When I was 17, I went to my then-girlfriend/now-wife’s backyard pool almost everyday during the early summer of that year. I could swim underwater, but I couldn’t keep myself afloat on the surface. While trying to learn one day, my g/f’s younger brother had some friends come over, unbeknownst to me. They saw me struggling in the pool and laughed. My being an emotionally challenged teenager, I exited the water and stopped trying.

Fast forward to age 23. My wife’s older brother invited us to a lake. I stayed in the shallow parts, doing my best to float around on the surface. By then, everyone knew I couldn’t swim and weren’t mocking me.

My BIL suggested I put on my life vest and hop in his boat. I was the only one who hadn’t ridden in the boat yet, and he said it’d be safe. Dumbest suggestion followed by my dumber acceptance.

I fell off the boat due to being tipsy and sitting where I shouldn’t have been while he was speeding, and even though I had a life vest on, my face kept going underwater and my legs kept coming up. I thought I was going to drown. BIL didn’t even realize I had fallen off until he saw everyone on the shore waving at him to go back.

So yeah, it turns out I’m terrified of water now. Not enough to skip showers or avoid drinking water, but definitely enough to never swim.

TL;DR: Parents worked too often when I was younger, so never got a chance to go anywhere to learn. Got made fun of while learning in my late teen years when trying to learn and stupidly stopped because of it. Almost drowned in a lake in my early 20’s. Never tried again.”

#8. Everyone is different

“We recently had the VP visit my work, and my boss said about protesters “why are they protesting? He’s the VP, deal with it”, and everyone in the room went quiet and looked at me.

This is the thing. I can’t turn off my blackness. I can’t turn off my sexuality. I can’t turn off me.

This is what some white people don’t understand in my opinion. Your race can be anything they want. Anything. You can be republican, Democrat, gay, straight, a gamer, an artist. Anything.

Me. I am judged for having pre understood opinions about situations. About music. About clothing. About food. About everything.

You see, no matter what I said or did in that moment I was fucked. I couldn’t agree, because I would be seen as a person who doesn’t stand up in what they believe in. The person who is black but not really; the person that exists in the grey area of culturally acceptable yet not fully in the game.

Or disagree? Then I’m seen as that one black guy who can’t keep his opinions to himself. Who must make it all about race, and playing the race card to get ahead once again.

Why not just quit? You see, I work in one of the most prestigious places for my profession in the world. I can’t just quit. I can’t go somewhere a little less uncomfortable. And I love what I do, And I’ve done everything “right”. Got a perfect GPA in high school and college. Studied my ass off for years. I’m not quitting shit.

So what did I do? I Sat quietly while I felt the searing stares of “what is he thinking?” And honestly, deep down I f*cking hate pence, his “gay conversion therapy”, and his support of this racist, sexist President we have to deal with on the daily. But I’m professional and I don’t let politics come into work, yet, I feel like if anyone were to bring up their opinion, it would have had to been me.

So what do I dream of? I dream of a place where no one is judged for anything. I dream of a place where the clearly dominant race in our society can open their eyes a fucking little and see the results of oppression on the black community for hundreds of years. I’m the only black person on my entire floor. And I worked hard as fuck to get where I am, dealing with people thinking I’m not capable my entire life. That’s not ok. I’m not saying hire 50 black people who aren’t capable or deserving, but acknowledge the problem instead of saying we are just “complaining” and “I have it hard too, so deal with it”.

I guess real change is slow, but god damn I know I’m not crazy for these feelings, and how I know the world can be so much better. We could value everyone’s differences and use it to our advantage. Every culture. Every gender. Every sexuality. We all bring something to the table. Something that builds not destroys.

Maybe I’m asking for too much, but I don’t think so. I really don’t.

Edit: Thanks everyone so much for the kind words. It’s great to see grounded, smart discourse from all races in the comments here (and the messages from what I can only assume are from /r/the_donald subscribers are wonderful to read as well).

Thanks for the allies out there who understand the nuances of privilege and why it truly is a struggle for minorities on a variety of fronts in modern society. To all those who still disagree, I ask you to read some of these comments, many who are personal stories similar to mine, with an open heart full of empathy, and make a sincere attempt to relate with our frustration.

Thank you all so much.”

#7. Not ready

“I am a 17(F) in highschool. I’m a couple of months away from turning 18. I haven’t had a boyfriend in almost a year and I unfortunately still have feelings for him. I didn’t lose it to him because.. well.. I didn’t trust him. He had a bad history with his exes(cheating, manipulation, etc). When I would ask him about it he would turn the situation on me. I saw that as a red flag so I dropped him. I have a pretty rare personality and I don’t mean that in a condescending way. I have always had trouble finding people whom I geniunly get along with.

I want to lose my virginity to someone I completely connect with. I want to be stupidly in love with this person and if I have to wait a little bit longer then that’s fine by me. People keep pressuring me to do it already because I am almost 18. I get called picky, prude, and boring by my closest friends. Even my mom is starting to question me. Why can’t I do it when I want to do it? Sure, I get scared sometimes that I might never lose it and sometimes I do get very lonely but I refuse to settle.

I know this person is out there somewhere. Call me a hopeless romantic but I’ll find him. Someday.”

#6. Hard to believe

“I just got an internship for a big tech company, and today I started crying while reading the employee benefits handout.

I always considered myself average. Strictly average. I never saw myself achieving anything big. I figured big opportunities were for smart people, for hard-working people, for people who deserved it. And I never saw myself as any of those. I only saw myself scraping by college, taking what I could get. Hoping that I didn’t fall behind and disappoint my parents.

But now, I got this internship. During the whole process, I was waiting for them to drop me. I completed multiple interviews, each time thinking about how badly it went, and would just think, “Oh well. It’s not like I deserve this internship anyway.”

Even when I got the congratulations letter, I told myself it was because I’m a female in a tech field, not because I actually deserve it. I told myself I was accepted as a claim to diversity, and that being happy over the internship would show that I’m too proud of skills that I don’t have.

I continually put myself down, but for some reason, reading the employee benefits made it feel so real. I realized that all the cool benefits that the “super smart” people at these big tech companies get were not some sort of unreachable level of life that I was destined to stay apart from since the day I was born. I’m there. I can be one of those people.

I’ve worked nonstop since I got to college and it really feels like it’s paying off. I feel like I’m breaking a barrier that seemed invincible. I’m so thankful for this opportunity and I can barely believe it’s my life. But I won’t tell myself that I’m achieving this out of diversity. I’m not achieving this out of pity. I worked for this. And it feels so good to have hard work show results.”

#5. Close call

“So this is quick and short but I can’t tell anyone so here it is. Wednesday while I was at work I had a heart attack. I am only 36 years old. Genetics are shit to say the least. So I Call an ambulance. So we’re onour way to the hospital, my chest, arm and jaw are in horrible pain. Called my parents let them know. Honestly I was scared as hell I was going to die. So I get to the hospital and they take me in, hook me up to an EKG.

Then it happens

I am starting to lose consciousness

As I am passing out I remember that I do not have a passcode on my phone set. This is important because I like some porn that is niche at best, I know I watched it this morning, and I know I didn’t clear my history. I don’t need my wife or parents seeing this stuff while I’m unconscious or dead.

So while I’m passing out. I gather all my strength to concentrate and turn on a passcode. Then hand my wife my phone right as the doctors whisk me off for surgery.

5 days later and no one is the wiser. Close call.”

#4. Just too awkward

“We have been friends for a long time and as a girl, I understood why you might not like younger guys, but come on! I don’t care who you date but please don’t put me in a situation where the first time I meet your 40 year old boyfriend is on our 2 week trip in Japan! We’ve been planning to go together and suddenly you tell me you’ve been dating a guy who’s 15 years older than you, who’s from the UK and you want to take him on our trip!? I’m happy you found someone you like, but that’s just too awkward, I don’t know him and can’t meet him, and suddenly we’ll all be stuck in a foreign country together where I’m supposed to show you guys around because I’m Japanese!? Nope nope nope nope.”

#3. Not a walk in the park

“I feel needy for wanting to talk about any of this even though I know that there’s nothing wrong with letting this off my chest.

We had an arranged marriage (me 25, him 27) almost two years back and now live in his parent’s house. His family are lovely.

My husband is a nice person at heart. But he doesn’t behave like a husband. We’ve been together for 18 months and to put bluntly, I want intimacy.

How has it been 18 months and he still hasn’t even laid a finger on me. Not even a peck on the cheeks, let alone sleeping together (obviously we sleep in the same bed but we don’t actually sleep together).

I want intimacy. I want to feel loved. Please, kiss me. Please, have sex with me. Anything. Why are you like this? I’ve even tried to make the first move but you turn me away.

What did I do wrong? What would you like me to do? You won’t say anything. You don’t want to talk about it.

Rather then treating me as your wife, you treat me like I’m a flatmate or something. We never had a honeymoon, we never go out on dates. Why? Why don’t you like me?

You’re kind, you’re funny, you make me laugh, you’re smart. You’re all of those things.

But why can’t you be my husband?”

#2. Proud papa

“Have to start off by saying that my dad is a rock. In a family with a history of mental illness and addiction, he has always been steadfast, never losing his cool, never losing control. He holds the family together.

And yesterday I made him cry. After being homebound for 3 years, struggling with severe depression and anxiety, I finally got myself a part time job in a children daycare. I got a text from my boss yesterday, because they wanted to commend me for how good I am with the kids, and how happy they are to have me onboard. I read the text aloud to my dad, and he started crying. He hugged me and told me how proud he is of me. The only other time I’ve seen him cry was when I tried to commit suicide. I feel accomplished and happy for the first time in many years.

Thank you for reading.

edit: all of you kind, wholesome people are almost making me tear up myself. Stay amazing everyone.”

#1. Amen, sister

“So I sent nude pics to my boyfriend (now ex) a long time ago… I don’t put my face in any of the pictures FYI. Anyways I broke up with him two weeks ago and now I get fake Instagram pages named like “expose.nudes” messaging me saying “get back with him or your nudes will be exposed”… Do what you want with them! Every girl has a vagina and everyone has seen a vagina at least once in their life and everyone has at least sent 1 nude photo before. Rather be exposed than be in a trapped relationship… cant break anyone that’s already been broken right?”

h/t: Reddit

The post These 15 True Confessions Will Make Your Jaw Drop appeared first on UberFacts.

12 People Share the Terrible Moment They Realized Their Parents Were Right

No one likes to admit when they’re wrong. Even worse? When you have to admit you were wrong and your parents were right.

Now, most of us got over this particular uncomfortable moment when we hit that magical age somewhere in our twenties and realized our parents were more right than wrong, but for these twelve people, it came as a rather rude awakening.

#12. And also bad for you

“Don’t start smoking, it’s addicting and expensive”

Oh I wish I listened to them”

#11. Listening could have saved years of your life

“When they warned me how easy it is to stay in a comfortable situation rather than the right one.

Wasted a lot of time because I was cozy with the routine, then I looked up and realize I had spent 3 years being comfortable.”

#10. Of course she enjoyed it

“A little while after I had finally got my ex out of my life for good. They had been against our relationship from day one. My mum enjoyed that conversation.”

#9. Solid advice

“You really shouldn’t spend money if it’s not in your bank account (credit cards).”

#8. Truer words…

“As a kid, I was always fascinated – obsessed, even – with being an adult. Being college educated, living on my own, making my own money, etc.

My parents always told me, “Don’t wish your life away. Adult life isn’t as easy and fun as it looks!”

I’ve since learned that is a severe understatement.”

#7. Mother knows best

“This isn’t that exciting but when I was 17 I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school. I was a little shit back then. My mom tried to convince me to take the paralegal program at a community college and I was like hell no. Welp, 8 years later I ended up in the paralegal degree program and loved it. Idk how she knew I’d like it so much. Especially back then.”

#6. Genetics are no joke

“That addiction and alcoholism runs in the family. I thought that because I’d seen what it did to them (and other family members), I’d be able to outsmart the addiction…Luckily, I was able to recognize the signs early on and get help, and nothing really got out of control, but I realize I’ve still got it. If you gave me a drink, I’d just not stop.”

#5. Ouch

“ you keep trying do do wheelies on your dirt bike your going to break a leg”

#4. Short but sweet. Like your breath.

“Take care of your teeth.”

#3. Tried and true

“If it sounds too good to be true, it is.”

#2. Stealing this

“‘Look the part then learn your lines’.

In other words, focus on appearances initially because people judge you on first impressions. If you’ve nailed the body language, tone, eye contact and dress; you can figure out what you’re doing after the fact.”

#1. Quite the lesson

“i grew up in quite a rough neighbourhood between the ages of 4-11, kinda place that drug deals went down, used condoms everywhere and just rough people all over the place. one day, i think i was about 6 years old, i wanted to go to the local park so my dad looked out our window to check it out (our flat overlooked the park) and said no as there were some dodgey looking folk hanging about there but agreed to let me play outside the front of our building. i had no intention of doing that and instead went over to the park like i wanted and started playing, this caused the 2 guys (who were both drinking) to keep looking over at me until they eventually approached me and kept cornering me so i couldn’t escape.

i started panicking but they told me to shut up otherwise they were gunna hit me and one of them grabbed ahold of me. thats when my dad came over like mufasa from lion king and hit one of the guys and kept pushing the other one. the guys were pretty drunk but backed up immediatly when my dad was there. my dad was super angry and it was the first time i’d ever heard him swear but yeah, the guys f*cked off and my dad took me home.

he was absolutely livid with me for going over to the park after telling me not too but he knew i would, turns out he’d actually followed me over and was watching the whole thing anyway, he didn’t expect the guys to get physical with me which is why he was so angry with them but he did expect them to try and bother me, he wanted me to learn a lesson about stranger danger lol. it worked though as i never did anything stupid like that again.”

h/t: Reddit

The post 12 People Share the Terrible Moment They Realized Their Parents Were Right appeared first on UberFacts.

12+ People Share Survival Hacks You Might Need One Day

There are life hacks that help you organize the cords around your desk (which are helpful, sure), and then there are survival hacks that could one day legitimately save your life.

Provided you’re level headed enough to recall them in your time of need, which, you know. I probably definitely wouldn’t be. But hey, no harm in reading, just in case!

#15. It’s still going to hurt

“If your elevator car suddenly falls, don’t jump. Your momentum will still be the same, and upon impact, you’ll collapse into your feet like an accordion.

Instead, lie flat. Make no mistake, you’ll still break something, but the impact will be evenly distributed across your body.”

#14. Common sense can save your life

“Get a carbon monoxide detector for your home and regularly check to make sure it has fresh batteries.”

#13. Don’t worry about fighting fair

“There is no such thing as a fair fight. If it’s a life threatening situation, fight dirty. Attempt to bite if you are pinned down, and press the base of your thumbs onto their eyes if necessary. As soon as you get the opportunity, run towards the nearest place with people around, and report to the police

Obvious, but often people view fighting as a boxing match.”

#12. You’re not in a cartoon

“Two animal ones

If you are scuba/free diving, and a giant octopus grabs hold of you, do not try to pry him off of you. He has more arms than you, and more ways to hold you. Focus on getting him off his anchor point -rock, pipe, whatever. He can’t pull you in and pull you down without using the leverage from his anchor.
If you are being chased by a swarm of bees, do not jump into a lake or other body of water to escape. This isn’t a cartoon. The bees will simply wait above the water to sting you, and now you have created a situation where you move slower, can’t breathe as well, and suffer worse if the toxins affect you. You may even swallow a bunch of bees gasping for air. Also, water has unseen predators that you’ve now introduced to the equation. If pursued by bees, just keep running and running. They will defend their hive to a large proximity, perhaps even a mile. Just run until they feel they’ve won.”

#11. To include in your survival kit

“Bring a small mirror or reflective item whenever you’re going some place or doing an activity where you could end up stranded. The shiny reflection from a mirror can signal rescue aircraft much more easily than most other methods.”

#10. An oldie but goodie

“Don’t be silly, wrap your willy.”

#9. In the unlikely but terrible event that…

“If you ever get held at gunpoint and asked to get in a vehicle, you fight with everything you’ve got to not do that. Run zig zag, punch and kick, do whatever even if you die in the process. Because 99% of the time, people who get in the car do not come back. Especially if being moved from a public place to a private place.”

#8. Follow the bubbles

“If you somehow find yourself so deep in a body of water that you can’t tell which was is up, blow bubbles and follow them up.”

#7. If something feels wrong, follow your gut

“If you’re ever on a dark highway at night and suddenly an unmarked car behind you flips police lights on but you don’t feel right about the situation, drive slowly and cautiously to a brightly lit/populated area before pulling over. You can also call 911 to find out if there are actually any cops in the area that would be out there to pull you over. If they say no, request for a cop to meet you at a nearby location.

There are a lot of carjackers/muggers/etc. that use fake police lights to get people to pull over on a dark and lonely roads because who isn’t going to stop for a cop? If it IS a real officer it may annoy them that you made them follow you for a few miles to a public area, but better safe than sorry and as far as I know as long as you’re not leading them on a high-speed chase/clearly trying to evade them they can’t punish you for it. IANAL though, and maybe some actual police officers can chime in.

edit: I get people being doubtful but this is a kind of thing that happens, and for the people who say it’s bad advice, the advice comes straight from the police departments themselves:”

#6. Don’t drink the urine

“If you’re ever in a situation where you think you have to do it, you should still never drink your own urine. This will only kill you quicker. Urinating expels concentrated blood wastes from your body. Putting them back into your body will only make your kidneys work harder, greatly accelerating your impending kidney failure and reducing the amount of time you have left to find water and save yourself. Survival shows are full of shit. They just want ratings. Don’t drink your own urine, don’t give yourself a lake water enema, don’t eat anything you find in the forest, don’t try to tame a wild horse and ride it back to civilization (all things I have seen Bear Grylls ‘do’).

Real wilderness survival tips: Carry way more water than you think you’ll need, always carry at least one knife, have a flashlight and a backup flashlight, pack at least a few granola bars, have a compass, and carry a comprehensive first aid kit. Preparedness will save your life one day.

Oh, and take your fucking trash back home with you. Nature isn’t your trashcan.

Edit: Obviously, this post is not meant for you experienced hikers and outdoorsmen. This post is for the type of people who need to be told these things. Read into that what you will.”

#5. But first, find some berries

“Around 90% of red berries are toxic while only 40ish% of dark berries are toxic.”

#4. Just like in It’s a Wonderful Life

“Also, a thing I see in movies a lot is people trying to save someone who has fallen through the ice doing it the wrong way.

Never stand. You need to disperse your weight. What you do is belly slide as wide as you can and make a chain of people. Once the person on the end has hold of the person in the water only the people on the shore pull, and the people on the oce shpuld not move. It is always super dangerous, and really should only be done in extreme emergencies. If you can, wait for real rescue to arrive.”

#3. If you’re lost in the woods

“Birch bark has flammable oil in it that lets you light a fire even if it’s raining.”

#2. Modern advice

“Do not text and drive.”

#1. Don’t run

“If a hostile dog is confronting you, do not run. It can outrun you, and the minute you turn your back it’ll see it as a sign of weakness and may attack.

Instead, keep eye contact with the dog and try to find something long like a branch or pole. Face the dog and start slowly backing in the direction you need to go while shouting at the dog. IF the dog comes at you hit it’s face with the branch and shout, it will most likely back up out of the range of the stick. Use your phone to call for help if you can.”

h/t: Reddit

The post 12+ People Share Survival Hacks You Might Need One Day appeared first on UberFacts.

12 People Share The Ways Their Country Loves To Mess With Tourists

If you’ve traveled outside your home country, no doubt you’ve been worried that you’re making some obvious travelers mistake that will make you stick out like a sore thumb.  That, or you’re sure the people are screwing with you, but you’re not exactly sure how…

If it’s the latter, read through these 12 confessions – you just might find your answer!

#12. But it’s probably pretty good

“From Germany: We tell everybody that this specific regional beer is the best in our country. We tell it everywhere to anyone, so people have to try and support the beer industry.”

#11. It shouldn’t be funny, and yet…

“Well North Korea has this suprise extended stay program you don’t get told about till after your in it.”

#10. Montana is kind of like a foreign country

“Out here in Montana we have “Jackalopes”. Taxidermists take antlers and stick them on jackrabbits.”

#9. They probably take turns

“I hear the Irish piss on the Blarney Stone every night!”

#8. Everybody needs a laugh

“We try to get them to ask for directions to Leicester Square, Edinburgh or Loughborough, or to say ‘Worcestershire sauce’.”

#7. Say ‘fake’ one more time

“We built a whole multi-million pound industry based on a fake dinosaur that we pretend lives in a lake.

We take people out on trips to see the fake dinosaur, run fake dinosaur tours, sell photos of the fake dinosaur, have museums dedicated to the fake dinosaur, sell tshirts, key rings, soft toys, pendants, movies, souvenirs of every shape and size. Of a fake dinosaur. That we pretend lives in a lake.”

#6. Those crazy Scots

“Telling them that Haggis is a real creature that lives in the highlands.”

#5. Aussies are savage

“We tell ’em Drop Bears are a made-up legend to fuck with tourists, then direct them to the nearest nest of Drop Bears whereupon they are promptly slaughtered and devoured. We chuckle and open a tinny.

Drop Bears are real folks. Don’t go out in the bush without your conical anti-DB hat made of tin.”

#4. That’s culture for you

“selling you the traditional Chinese medicine (some herbs or even dry cicadas) with high price and telling you they are efficient while we have an intravenous drip for just a common cold.
convincing you are handsome/pretty so that you buy souvenirs
dragons are real
phoenixes are real (But fire cupping therapy is efficacious for sure)”

#3. Hook, line, and sinker

“One of my favourite things to tell tourists is that Wagga Wagga is actually called Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga but they shortened it to Wagga Wagga so it’d fit on maps and signs.”

#2. Have been to the Netherlands, can confirm

“In Copenhagen we kill them when they walk in the bike lanes.”

#1. Everyone has to have a hobby

“I’m a US citizen but I live in Singapore, so whenever I go home I like to fuck with people. I talk about how there’s no change in seasons (there is, but it’s subtle – monsoon versus dry season) and how you can be hanged for chewing gum. My actual family is used to that kind of bullshit by now, but every now and then I’ll convince a gullible taxi driver or waiter of something absurd if they’re talkative enough.”

h/t: Reddit

The post 12 People Share The Ways Their Country Loves To Mess With Tourists appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Reveal The Most Epic Adult Temper Tantrum They Ever Witnessed

There’s nothing quite like an adult totally losing their sh*t over something, deserved or not. We usually reserve the word “tantrum” for toddler meltdowns, and forgive them as such, but for grownups? It’s a bit harder to justify.

Or is it?

#15. Customer service is no picnic

“When I worked in the bakery at Whole Foods, we had a customer who kept asking us to make banana muffins with A LOT of pecans on top for her – but only a few at a time, like two or three. In general it was a request we could accommodate, but we had a few considerations we had to account for, like the fact that if we made them and she didn’t pick them up we couldn’t sell them to anyone else because pecans weren’t on the ingredient list.

The problems started arising when she would call us while she was on the way to the store, expecting to pick them up when she arrived. She was about twenty minutes away and they took 45 minutes to bake. Even if she had called us while she was an hour away, we were on a pretty tight production schedule and someone would have to interrupt the work they had to get done that day for an unexpected special order for this one customer.

First she got mad that we couldn’t magically make them in twenty minutes because chemistry. I was unfortunately the supervisor on shift when she called most of the time, so she’d keep me on the phone for fifteen minutes raging about how the customer is always right – even though she was factually incorrect in this circumstance. She started saying we should just make them her way all the time so that we always had them on hand for her. I explained to her that that we could get heavily fined by food inspectors if we did that, but that only made her angrier because f*ck the man, I guess?

Eventually my team leader said that we had to put our foot down with her and tell her that she had to put in special orders two days in advance just like everyone else. When we told her this, she of course got like sputtering infuriated (along the lines of “How am I supposed to know when I’m going to want them?!?!”). We were able to just say “well management says so, sorry,” and we thought that was that. She went along with it for a couple days, sending her poor mother to pick them up for her because she was too angry to step foot in the store – her mom always looked so apologetic.

Finally, though, she came in personally to berate my team about how rude and inconsiderate and generally shitty we had been to her. Then she asked to speak to our store manager, who had been made aware of the whole Banana Nut saga. He escorted her outside and told her she was banned from the store. We found out later that she had also been banned from the three nearest Whole Foods locations over this exact same set of circumstances.”

#14. Sometimes you just really need a cheeseburger

“Had a patient family member that was super picky, constantly calling the nurses station, constantly coming out of the room to complain.

She was upset because she ordered a guest tray, wanted a cheeseburger, and it hadn’t come up yet.

Another patient coded next door. So basically, patient was literally dying. All of us nurses left crazy lady to go to the code, and the lady went batshit, yelling YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT MY CHEESEBURGER! We ignored her lol.”

#13. Common sense need not apply

“I was at the pharmacy around 8pm, waiting in line behind an older lady. The pharmacist tells her she’ll have to pick up her prescription tomorrow at 10am because this location doesn’t carry this particular medication. The following ensues:

Lady: I’ll wait

Pharmacist: No ma’am, we physically don’t have it in this store. You have to come back tomorrow at 10am.

Lady: Let me speak to the manager.

Pharmacist: I am the manager, I’m the pharmacist and this is my store. I’m telling you, we do not have this medication right now.

Lady: Can you just give me one pill and I’ll get the rest tomorrow?

Pharmacist: Ma’am, we don’t have any of the pills here.

Lady: What if I pay you for the cost of that one pill right now, and I get the rest tomorrow?

Pharmacist: Ma’am, I can’t give you one pill because we have zero pills in this store. You’ll be fine until tomorrow at 10am, I promise.

The woman proceeds to go APE SH*T. She begins throwing stuff on the shelves onto the floor, stamping on them, screaming about how she will sue this pharmacy and how she’s never seen such terrible customer service in her life. She even started kicking the partition between her and the pharmacist, threatening to go back there and fill it herself. It didn’t even seem like she was upset about the medication itself, it was more that she didn’t get her way and didn’t want to come back. He asked a clerk to come help and the whole time, she’s grabbing for things and throwing them onto the floor in fury. She gets escorted out and we could still hear her yelling outside.

Edit 1: The medication wasn’t for any kind of mental disorder or anger problem.

Edit 2: I’m not disagreeing that it’s incredibly frustrating when you need a medication and it isn’t available. I’m simply reporting the outrageous behaviour that I witnessed.

Edit 3: Pharmacists & pharm techs, you guys are saints. Thank you for what you do and for what you have to deal with on a daily basis.”

#12. A sad day for humanity

“I used to work at McDonald’s. One time a guy came through the drive thru and ordered chicken nuggets. We gave him his food and he drives off. A few min later, he comes in to the store and runs up to the counter ranting about how we forgot his BBQ sauce. My manager meets him at the counter, apologizes profusely and him some BBQ sauce packets (extra too, maybe 6-7 packets). He proceeds to throw them at her and the rest of us workers behind the counter. We all had BBQ sauce splattered on our uniforms, on the walls, equipment etc. After he ran out of ammunition, he ran out of the store and drove away like a coward.

I was 15 then and I pretty much lost my faith in humanity.”

#11. People who work at McDonalds just do not get paid enough

“When I worked at mcdonalds I was scheduled for an early morning shifts. This guy ordered a steak, egg, and cheese which wasn’t something we batched cooked. The next three people behind him all ordered batched cooked items and got them before him. The guy proceeds to scream and shout and then get in my face. I tried explaining why but he was just screaming over me. The cook came out to try and explain hoping the guy would back down. We couldn’t find our manager anywhere to try and get help…. His co workers slowly inched towards the door until they were far enough to just run. In the end he demanded a refund which the cook side fine please get in line and wait (ya he actually made the guy get back in line for the refund) as the guy is getting to the register his food was ready and he took it and left with no refund. Then the manager came out trying to figure out what was going on…”

#10. It’s hard to admit you’re wrong

“I used to work for Goodyear tire & auto stores about 10 years ago.

A man, 40s, well dressed, came in wanting an alignment done on his truck. When they told him a price, he got upset and said that he had purchased a “lifetime alignment” from us and would not be paying. Our sales guy explained calmly that Goodyear does not, and has never sold lifetime alignments, but Firestone does, and perhaps he is mistaken. The man became furious, insisting that we perform his alignment because he paid for a LIFETIME ALIGNMENT, and that of we don’t be will sue for breach of contract. Manager gets involved, there’s no calming this guy down, he has us check our system and he’s never even been to a GY store before at all, that just made it worse, etc. The next few minutes was him yelling incomprehensibly at our manager, other customers in the lounge, demanding action be taken on his vehicle. Finally the manager says he’s calling the cops and the guy goes on a full blown profanity induced rampage through our store on the way to the door, knocking over coffee dispensers and cups, a magazine rack, and ends it by kicking open our door. The kick ripped the hydraulic door closer off the wall above the door, and he left.

Our manager ran into him a week later at a car dealership, turns out he was a sales manager there. Our manager walked out and cited that guys behavior as the reason they just lost a sale, then he forwarded the security cam video of his rampage to the GM of the dealership. Still not sure what happened on that part.”

#9. Assault by bagel

“Not so much a tantrum but just an incredible rage incident. I watched as a woman exiting an Einstein Bros Bagels looked into her bag and – in anger over some error in her order – perfectly frisbee’d an all grain bagel across the length of the store, over sitting customers, and beaned the cashier perfectly on the head. Her aim was so impressive that none of us, including the cashier, could do anything but stare in silenced awe.”

#8. Truly excellent

“The parking garage near my work is a frustrating place. The monthly customers have a parking pass that lifts the gate to get in and to get out. The thing is, the pass and their sensor dont work. You have to creep up to where you think the sweet spot might be, wave your pass around, reverse and try again, curse a bunch, endure people behind you honking despite them going through the same thing….. frustrating.

Not surprisingly, I witnessed a grown man throw the most excellent temper tantrum I’ve ever seen. The gate wouldnt go up, and he just started screaming in his car and smashing on the horn, straight out of a movie. The worst part is is that the gate always seems to go up right when you reach peak rage. So he’s yellin’ away, and then the gate is just like “Alright, man. I’ll open. Jeez.””

#7. Stay calm

“A 60ish year old man was getting gas and the pump allows you to pay for a car wash at the same time. He adds the car wash to his bill.

Drives around to car wash, big huge large see from space type sign “Temp Out Of Service”

Goes inside starts screaming that this mother fucker tried to steal his $7.99. The guy explains that the ticket is good for 90 days and he’s sorry. Slams his fist on the counter screaming that if the car wash was out of service the pump shouldn’t have offered it to him in the first place. Demands a full refund including the gas for wasting his time.

Then it gets bad.

He starts calling the guy an ISIS member and throwing things off the shelves before storming out. Calls the guy all sorts of names. I thought his head may have exploded with all of the veins showing.

This man is my father. We don’t speak anymore.

Edit: you couldn’t pump the gas without seeing the carwash was out of service.”

#6. Keep emotion out of it

“I worked in a grocery store and a woman asked me to slice her organic bread. She flipped out when she discovered that non-organic bread was also sliced on the machine. She stomped her foot and yelled, “But that messes up the organic integrity!” It was my last week working there, so I simply told her, “Ma’am, please understand, I’m not emotionally involved in the situation.” She froze and just walked away with the bread.

Edit: Thanks for the gold! This happened at an EarthFare around 2005. Hope more people can use the line, it worked for me. I think I got the line hearing Rocky Balboa tell a guy who couldn’t pay his debt that he wasn’t emotionally involved.”

#5. No good deed goes unpunished

“Was at a restaurant with my uncle and cousins from far away. First time visiting with them in years. At the end of the dinner one of my cousins snuck off and paid for everyone as a nice gesture.

My uncle got irate yelling and complained that he wanted to pay his share because, and I shit you not, he has a movie ticket points Visa card and he was close to getting a free movie. He argued and told off our cousin loudly in the restaurant over a few free movie points. He would not drop it until he got our cousin to apologise to him for costing him movie points.

I don’t think those cousins are going to fly down again any time soon.”

#4. Score one for the wife

“My mother-in-law doesn’t handle stress very well, she tends to start lashing out at people and starting fights for no reason.

On the morning of my son’s 1st birthday party she started to lose it as we were running around getting everything ready before the guests arrived. She first cornered my wife and started freaking out over the thermostat and some other unrelated pointless crap, then found me and started a fight over the garage door (it needed oiling and I hadn’t done it because I was busy setting up the party). Volume of the voice steadily increasing.

My wife marches up to her and actually sent her to her room to calm down, and she did it! She stayed up there for an hour while my wife and I finished putting up decorations. It is a memory I will cherish forever.”

#3. He must have had a real itch

“When I was working at Petco, I used to see all kinds of adult temper tantrums. People needed to take care of their animals, but hated how much that costs. Of course they would take it out on the store employees. People that wanted fish were the worst. They would try to get away with spending so little on fish and never wanted to clean their tanks or buy the stuff to do that. Then they wouldn’t properly introduce new fish to their tanks and would bring in samples of their water that was just terrible and be pissed when they couldn’t get another fish for free to replace the one the killed.

However, the biggest adult temper tantrum was from a guy that bought Flies Off (really cheap) in an attempt to get rid of fleas (relatively expensive). He used the whole bottle and came back expecting a refund because his dog still had fleas. He was told no and things went south quick. He was yelling by the check lanes about how he deserved a refund. Screaming at the manager in front of everyone making a huge scene. He then kicked over this spinning rack holding dog collars and yelled that he was going to come back and shoot up the windows. We called the police. He never actually came back, but what a total piece of garbage over like 5-10 bucks.

Edit: I think a lot of people are thinking this guy bought a cheap flea remedy. He bought “Flies off” which was cheap repellent for flies. There was much more expensive flea collars and stuff that people didn’t want to buy. Now that I think about it, it’s entirely possible some of these people were somewhat illiterate and read flies as literate people would read fleas. Maybe this guy was one of those people and thought he bought fleas off.”

#2. It was glorious

“I worked as a bra fitter in a department store. We had an older lady, probably late 60’s with her rich old husband (80’s) come in to the store wanting to buy bras after she had 2 weeks earlier gotten a boob job. We explained that because of swelling she should wait to buy bras and she became so enraged she literally started yelling abuse at us and pushing over entire racks of underwear. Picture a thin, somewhat wrinkled woman in rhinestones, losing her sh*t and tossing around undies. It was glorious.”

#1. Seriously screwed the pooch

“I told a grown woman she could not pet my service dog while he was working. She got herself so worked up she started shouting, and told me that if I didn’t want people to pet my dog I shouldn’t bring him into the grocery store. I expect this sort of behavior from young children, and I also expect their parents to keep them under control.”

h/t: Reddit

The post 15 People Reveal The Most Epic Adult Temper Tantrum They Ever Witnessed appeared first on UberFacts.

15 More Things You Probably Think Are the Same, but They’re Not

Because be honest, you tried to keep scrolling after that first list. It was just too good!


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Spelling matters, people.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

I don’t care, they’re both cute.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Both are delicious. Fact.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Important information!


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Seems like common sense. And yet…


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

This seems pertinent these days.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Totally thought they were the same dog.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

It’s a doggo just give it snuggles.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

For me, it’s the tail.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Tl;dr: it’s fruit, just eat it.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Also one will give you warts. Maybe.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

One has seeds and is therefore inferior. Boom.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Now you can properly identify the thing your kid is pointing at from the backseat.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

They are all mugs if you want them to be.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth


h/t: WokeSloth

The post 15 More Things You Probably Think Are the Same, but They’re Not appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Things People Think Are the Same but Are Actually Different

These lists are as fun for me to write as they are for you to scroll through – and that’s because most of these are news to me, too!

Have fun!


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

One is nice, the other is a full-on dick.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

The more you know.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

I’m still not sure I get why that matters.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

This is important stuff, people.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

We have clearly evolved as a society.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not whether they’ll see you “in a while” or “later.”


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

I mean, unless you’re British.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

But they will both make you fat.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

I did know this. Because the French have to have the best everything.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

You knew they were different, but did you know how?


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Also, the pangolin is like, way cuter.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Huh. That means the Black Pearl was bigger than it looked.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Contrary to popular belief, both can be pretty.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

Also I’m pretty sure ravens are supposed to be smarter.


Photo Credit: WokeSloth

I admit, I thought these were basically the same thing.

h/t: WokeSloth

The post 15 Things People Think Are the Same but Are Actually Different appeared first on UberFacts.

8 Pieces of Useless Advice That People Should Stop Giving

My personal submission for this topic is “everything happens for a reason.”

#8. “Just forget about it.”

It’s that easy, eh? I think not.

#7. “Think about the people who have it worse than you.”

Someone will always have it worse than you, but that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to be upset when things go poorly, ffs.

#6. “Don’t stop, keep moving.”

What if I’m headed in the wrong direction?

#5. “Take vitamins.”

Unless your friend hocking that crap has an M.D. or a degree in nutrition, take their advice with a grain of salt.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#4. “Just get used it.”

Oh, you’re on fire? It’s stop hurting in a minute.

#3. “Buy a new dress, go out, and have fun.”

Look, shopping isn’t fun for everyone. Not only that, but some of us prefer to decompress in front of a television or with a book, not at a club with music so loud you can’t hear yourself think.

#2. “Don’t blame yourself for past mistakes.”

Who am I supposed to blame, exactly? And what happened to own your mistakes?

#1. “Just deal with it.”

If you say this to me and don’t get a middle finger in response, I’m having an exceptionally good day.

h/t: Brightside

The post 8 Pieces of Useless Advice That People Should Stop Giving appeared first on UberFacts.