15 Movie Buffs Reveal the Opening Scenes That Lured Them in Best

There’s a theory among writers that if you don’t hook someone by the end of the first page, you might never get another chance – because they’ll stop reading (or watching) and try something else.

According to these movie buffs, though, you’ll be hooked from the very first scene of these 15 movies.

#15. Just perfect.

Kill Bill vol 1. The music as well that went with it ‘bang bang ‘ by nancy sinatra is just perfect

#14. The fight at the rave.

The opening scene of Blade, with the fight at the rave.

#13. Iconic.

The Lion King.

#12. Deliver us.

The opening scene of The Prince of Egypt. “Deliver Us”

#11. The tension and terror.


The tension and terror were built up perfectly and the eventual killing of Drew Barrymore’s character was shocking. Not just in its brutality (which was quite graphic for its time), but because such a major name was killed off that soon into a movie. The opening kill is a tried and true horror trope, but it had never been done before with such a big name so early in a film.

For the rest of the film, every time you saw a big name show up (Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courtney Cox), you weren’t sure if they were going to make it to the end of the film or not.

#10. So eerie.

Jaws. So eerie. The bright moonlight shining down on the ocean and a swimming girl. And then the ocean is empty again.

#9. American Psycho.

.. I’m 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine.

I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.

#8. The Last Alliance.

The Last Alliance of Elves and Men, from “Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring”.

#7. Shoot her!

Because I just saw it last night: Jurassic Park.


#6. It set the mood.

A Clockwork Orange.

It set the mood for that entire movie.

#5. It just takes off.

The “Dawn of the Dead” remake was one of my favorite opening scenes. When the little neighbor girl comes in their bedroom and bites the husband, shit just takes off and it is an intense ride. Really got me into the movie.

#4. An overwhelmingly sad story.

It’s going to sound weird, but The Rescuers. I hadn’t seen that movie in about a decade-and-a-half when I picked up the Blu-Ray during a local sale. I… was also rather smashed when I was watching it. Anyway, I’m watching it after a few drinks when the opening comes on.

It’s almost like how, when you’re a kid and you don’t realize that you’ve heard what is an adult joke because you were too pure and innocent? Well… as an adult, it truly hits just how overwhelmingly sad the story is, especially since the opening song, “The Journey” is almost like a lament. This is a young child who was taken against her will, in a situation where she could most certainly die and a note in a bottle is honestly her only real chance of escape.

I admit, I definitely cried the next few times I watched that movie. The same for the scene after Medusa insults Penny, although that was more due to pure rage.

#3. Cool.

Hot Rod.

“Kevin, did you reinforce the takeoff ramp?”

“No, we didn’t have time.”

#2. Super intense.

28 Weeks Later has an amazing longer opening but it is super intense and really sets the tone for an average movie

#1. “As far back as I can remember…”


“As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a gangster…”

You’ll have to give them all a try for yourself!

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A Comedian Tweeted an Epic Play-By-Play of the Breakup Happening Right Next to Him

Comedian Kyle Ayers was just trying to enjoy the view on top of his NYC apartment building when a couple began breaking up right next to him. Instead of going back inside, he decided to stay out there and live tweet the whole thing. And boy are we glad he did.

Continue reading below to experience the entire epic saga for yourself.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Sure…that doesn’t sound suspicious at all.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

What we wouldn’t give to see what he was wearing that fateful night.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Time and shit…it’s heavy stuff.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Well, you can’t argue with that logic.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

How dare you be cold!

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers


Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

If you wanted labels, you should have dated that successful label-maker your parents tried to introduce you to.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers


Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

This guy might want to rearrange his priorities.

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

Photo Credit: Twitter: @kyleayers

What a ride! We wish those two the best of happiness, wherever they are (which is hopefully not together).

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People Are Flocking to the Site of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster to Post Pics on Social Media

Due to the success of the hit HBO show Chernobyl, naturally now Instagram “influencers” are descending on the site of the 1986 nuclear disaster in Ukraine (and risking their health) to have their photos taken. Seems like kind of a disrespectful place to showcase your fabulous lifestyle, doesn’t it?

The show’s creator even tweeted this message out.

It kind of reminds me of this story about people taking “playful” photos at the site of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Get a load of these photos. Very bizarre…

1. Okay, that’s weird

2. Very stylish

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Chernobyl ☢ ☢ ☢

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3. Nuclear tourism

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Hbo выпустили последнюю серию своего нашумевшего сериала «чернобыль», который в рейтинге обошёл «игру престолов», так что я тут не могу не поделиться сборной солянкой фотографий со своих трёх походов в чзо. На полке у меня пылится ещё не проявленная фотопленка, которую я забрала из Фукусимы. Ее я собираюсь до конца отснять в Чернобыле этой осенью, надеюсь получится что-то веселее, чем засвеченные кадры и что ещё никто до меня не снимал руины одной крупнейшей техногенной катастрофы на фотоплёнку найденной в зоне отчуждения второй по масштабам ядерной аварии пхахах. PS Стеллу ПРИПЯТЬ какие-то мудаки щас в украинский флаг раскрасили ;(

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4. Exploring the grounds

5. Radiation levels

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6. Hmmmm

7. All decked out

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Inside the control room of the destroyed unit 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant ☢ Yesterday I had the chance to visit one of the most fascinating but also most terrible places on earth – control room number 4 ChNPP. Amongst other things, the actions taken in this room 33 years ago led to the worlds worst nuclear disaster. Standing there is just indescribable, it’s shocking and something I will never forget ?? Diesen Ort zu betreten, die Geschichten und Handlungen, die sich vor 33 Jahren dort abgespielt haben, in Gedanken vor sich zu sehen und zu wissen wie sehr sie ganze Welt beeinflusst haben, ist etwas das man nicht in Worte fassen kann… Ein Ort, der an Faszination aber auch an tiefer Betroffenheit kaum zu übertreffen ist ☢ in meiner Story nehme ich euch in das Atomkraftwerk mit ☢ #chernobyl #nuclearpowerplant #reactor4

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8. A good place to work out

9. Artsy shot

10. Wow

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И снова здравствуйте ?? Повреждение атомов клеток. Процесс воздействия радиации на организм называется облучением. Это крайне разрушительная сила, которая трансформирует клетки, деформирует их ДНК, приводит к мутациям и генетическим повреждениям. Деструктивный процесс может запустить всего одна частица радиации. Действие ионизирующего излучения специалисты сравнивают со снежным комом. Начинается все с малого, затем процесс нарастает до тех пор, пока не наступят необратимые изменения. На атомарном уровне это происходит так. Радиоактивные частицы летят с огромной скоростью, выбивая при этом электроны из атомов. В результате последние приобретают положительный заряд. «Черное» дело радиации заключается только в этом. Но последствия таких преобразований бывают катастрофическими. Свободный электрон и ионизированный атом вступают в сложные реакции, в результате которых образуются свободные радикалы. Например, вода (H2O), составляющая 80 % массы человека, под воздействием радиации распадается на два радикала – H и OH. Эти патологически активные частицы вступают в реакции с важными биологическими соединениями – молекулами ДНК, белков, ферментов, жиров. В результате в организме растет число поврежденных молекул и токсинов, страдает клеточный обмен. Через некоторое время пораженные клетки погибают или их функции серьезно нарушаются. Что происходит с облученным организмом. Из-за повреждения ДНК и мутации генов клетка не может нормально делиться. Это самое опасное последствие радиационного облучения. При получении большой дозы количество пострадавших клеток настолько велико, что могут отказывать органы и системы. Тяжелее всего воспринимают радиацию ткани, в которых происходит активное деление клеток: * костный мозг; * легкие, * слизистая желудка, * кишечник, * половые органы. Причем даже слаборадиоактивный предмет при длительном контакте наносит вред организму человека. Или когда убегаешь от чужого мужа.. ?? Photo : @annaliza.ph ; @balans_belogo_ MD : Принц пилорамы савдеповской . #дорого #насопрте #classicphisique #arnoldclassiceurope #spain #спортивныйфотографкемерово #графскайпа #солошенко

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11. True love

12. He looks satisfied

13. So odd…

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Поток туристов в Чернобыльскую зону отчуждения в 2019 году после выхода мини-сериала HBO "Чернобыль" может возрасти вдвое по сравнению с 2018 годом. 90% туристов составляют иностранцы, несмотря на то, что стоимость тура для граждан Украины в три-четыре раза дешевле ⠀ Чернобыльская АЭС расположена вблизи города Припять в 18 км от города Чернобыль. Авария на АЭС произошла 26 апреля 1986 года. Взрывом был разрушен четвертый энергоблок, в атмосферу выбросило большое количество радиоактивных веществ. Авария расценивается как крупнейшая в истории ядерной энергетики – как по предполагаемому количеству погибших и пострадавших от её последствий людей, так и по экономическому ущербу. 31 человек погиб в течение первых трех месяцев после аварии. Отдаленные последствия облучения, выявленные за последующие 15 лет, стали причиной гибели от 60 до 80 человек, пишет Интерфакс ⠀ #краснодар #krasnodar #krasnodarnews

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14. Top of the world

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В одиночку на заброшенный энергоблок атомной станции. ________________ Фото сделано в первые минуты, после подъёма на крышу 5-го энергоблока АЭС. К сожалению, фотографировать мог только на телефон. Но ценность этого фото крайне высока. У него есть история. ________________ Далеко не один раз бывал я в Припяти, в ЧЗО в целом. Но третью очередь ЧАЭС, и сам пятый блок все как-то обделял вниманием. Те, кто был там, – говорили, объект впечатляющий, даже эпичнее Дуги будет. Но, пока лично не убедишься, не поверишь. _____ Май. Есть готовый план одиночного похода, с проникновением на третью очередь. Конец мая. Воплощаю план в жизнь. Успешный заброс в Зону. В одном из сел забираю велосипед, оставленный @svyatogr, что упростило перемещение внутри ЧЗО. Два дня в Припяти. И ночь проникновения на новую территорию. _____ В голове только общие представление о местности, о третьей очереди знал мало, но у меня были карты и энтузиазм. И этого достаточно.. Первое, что увидел ночью – градирня, она огромная. К ней ещё вернёмся. Ранним утром – увидел пятый энергоблок вблизи. Он монументален, не меньше. Чистый постапокалипсис. _____ Крыша делится на несколько ярусов, на каждом меня удивляло, то что я вижу. Но когда поднялся на самый верх, – у меня отняло речь. Вполне возможно, это самый удивительный вид, что видел в своей жизни. Впереди, как на ладони – территория ЧАЭС, справа – пруд-охладитель станции, слева – "железный лес", справа – третья очередь, за спиной – хранилище отработанного ядерного топлива, а внизу над котлованом для 6-го блока летают чайки. Это поражает воображение. Словно я герой фильма про постапокалипсис, и это аху*нно! ________________ #chernobyl #nuclearpowerplant #nuclearpower #powerunit #pripyat #exclusionzone #chernobylzone #stalker #urbandecay #urbexphoto #urbanexploration #urbex #chnpp #urban_shots #urbexworld #urbexplaces #abandonedplaces #urbanexplore #atmosphere #awesome #illegal #chernobylzone #заброшенныеместа #чернобыль #зонаотчуждения #сталкер #нелегал #заброшенныеместа

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15. She’s having a blast

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チェルノブイリ原子力発電所 個人ではいけないので、ツアーに参加 10人のツアー 日本人はいなかったけど、シンガポール、ドイツ、トルコ、中国などなどの方 40度前後の気温で、長袖長ズボンで完全防備 なぜなら蚊だらけ 直射日光も照りつける 多分放射能測定するのを首から下げた 遊園地跡 バスケットコート、スタジアム、団地 かなり恵まれた環境だったみたい 遊園地は住民の子どもはタダだったらしい でも誰もいなくて、朽ち果ててた 謎のピカチュウいた #ukraine #ウクライナ #ウクライナ旅行 #kiev #キエフ #Chernobyl #チェルノブイリ

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What do you think about this phenomenon? Share your thoughts in the comments, por favor.

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These Moms and Dads Won’t Be Winning ‘Parent of the Year’ Anytime Soon

You try to do your best for those little monsters but sometimes you just gotta do YOU. But parenting is a tough gig, right?

None of these folks are in the running for ‘Parent of the Year’ and if these look familiar, you probably aren’t either.

1. Might’ve overdone it

2. Do what you gotta do

3. Earmuffs

4. When you’re in jail…


6. Major headache

7. Not cool

8. Might want to listen in

9. That’s why

10. Which one is worse?

11. Ugh

12. Pray they don’t notice

13. Sure…

14. It’s over

15. Flip ’em the bird

Maybe shoot for 2020 ‘Parent of the Year’?

Something to strive for…

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People Share What Happened When They Screwed up in Boot Camp

Do you like getting screamed at? Made to do any number of insane things because you smiled? Then you should join the military!

Yes, it’s a VERY crazy experience, but most people don’t know HOW crazy it can get.

These 15 people really screwed up in boot camp (or saw somebody who did) and have some amazing tales to share.


1. Hey! That’s cheating!

My uncle was a DI and he used to tell us that he would Scotch Guard the inside of all his clothes so that he wouldn’t show sweat.

Then he would run with the recruits and badger them for being so fat and out of shape since they were already covered in sweat.

2. Six Six Six

We used to have brutal room inspections at this certain time of year for the freshmen at the Air Force Academy. My buddy came in and asked how wide the bed folds needed to be. The freshman said, six inches.

My buddy pulled out a Subway sandwich and asked, “What’s this?”

“A six-inch sub, sir.”

“Then it ought to match right?”

“Yes, sir!”

He unwrapped it and set it down, but it matched perfectly. So he picked it up, took a huge bite out of it, and set it back down. Then he screamed at the kid because it no longer matched.

3. By the power of Greyskull!

I was on the shooting range pulling targets for fellow recruits when my drill instructor, a seasoned combat vet from Alabama who looked like Skeletor, snuck up behind me.

Now he hated me, but on this particular day, as he was behind me, I stepped back and bumped into him. He turned with his face lit up and he screamed. Panicking, I did what felt natural and let out the loudest roar I could. He turned red, put his face in his hat as all the recruits started laughing.

After we all settled down, he told me if I ever did that again he’d throw my gear behind the safety line and order me to retrieve it. Basically a death sentence for those unfamiliar with a range.

4. Bugging out

I went to USAF basic training. I’m deathly afraid of wasps (I ran into a wasp nest as a kid). I was standing in attention practicing for the parade. A wasp flew in front of me. I started flailing around wildly. Every drill sergeant within eyeshot came over.

I did a lot of pushups.

5. Airing your dirty laundry…

I was in basic training for the AF and we had two separate laundry bags.

Very specific clothing went into the green cloth bag and the black mesh bag. Dirty black socks belonged in the mesh bag.

Well, our TI was trashing our bay because it was what they did and he started opening laundry bags. My buddy had his socks in the wrong bag.

So the TI made him wear them like sock puppets and march around the bays chanting “Dirty black socks belong in the mesh bag.”

6. Seal of approval

When I was in recruit training, a girl was up on the quarterdeck getting smoked for something.

She eventually got to the point where she couldn’t do any more push-ups, so she just flopped down on the ground. The drill instructor yelled at her to get back up, so she tried to push back up, but couldn’t get her hips up off the ground with the rest of her.

The drill instructor said, “If you want to look like a seal, I guess you better start barking like one.’

The girl got real quiet despite the drill instructor yelling louder and louder and eventually getting up in her face. Finally, she yells out, “This recruit doesn’t know what a seal sounds like!”

That’s how all forty of us in that platoon ended up on the ground, barking like seals, to show her how to do it.


Navy boot camp. My mom sent me a huge photo mailer full of memes. Like 3×5 glossy memes from the Wal Mart photo center. And there were like, 200.

When you get photos, your RDCs need to see and approve of them. My third RDC isn’t up on internet culture and he started going through the photos one at a time, taking his time.

He picked up part of the stack and after about a minute, yelled, “THESE ARE ALL MEMES.” He was angry, but he couldn’t do anything but keep going. The other recruits started to gather around and go through the approved stack. It was a bit embarrassing, but the barracks were a joyous place that evening.

Three memes were not approved.

8. Buttoned up

Back when I was in basic training, our DI informed us that the buttons on our tops were specifically shaped so that if it was needed, a medic could grab the bottom of the top, pull up, and all the buttons would undo.

Upon hearing this, one of the privates I was with looked down, grabbed the bottom of his top, and pulled.

All the buttons ripped off their threads and fell to the ground, and he was left without a shirt for the rest of the morning.

The DI basically keeled over laughing as we all watched.

9. Just breathe!

I had some very old school, very non-PC NCO’s in my platoon (as is, in many combat arms units).

We had a known knucklehead standing in the formation one day while everyone was at attention waiting for the morning calls. He was holding a potted plant to his side.

I went up to the soldier before the top came out and quietly asked him why in the green thumb he was holding that plant in my formation. The little guy yelled at the top of his lungs: “To replace the oxygen I am wasting, Platoon Sergeant!”

It took every ounce of military bearing in my person to not lose it laughing. l had to later, very amusedly, tell my sergeants to keep their shenanigans to a minimum during formations.

10. I tree what you did there…

I rarely raised my voice.

That said, I would occasionally walk up to a private and say, “Private, you see the tree over there? Go make it happen!”

I’d watch with great glee at what would happen next. Some would do push-ups in front of it, some would stand at attention in front of it, but most would look around in ever increasing confusion and terror as I came storming over, yelling.

It was always hilarious.

11. Maybe he won’t notice…

During the final inspection, I had to go down the ranks with one of the drill sergeants and inspect the soldiers one by one while they stood at attention in their class A uniforms. I had to inspect their appearance, ask some questions about their weapons or the general orders, stuff like that.

While moving down the line, I turned to face one soldier. There he was, standing at attention proud as can be. But his uniform had no brass buttons. My best guess is someone stole his buttons the night before. But there he was standing there with his perfect military bearing. I imagine he was hoping I wouldn’t notice or something.

I was doing everything I could do to keep my military bearing because I wanted to bust out laughing so badly. I was afraid if I opened my mouth to ask a question I would start laughing so I just looked at him all mean like (which is laughable itself), sighed, and shook my head slowly in disappointment and moved onto the next soldier.

12. Oh FORK it!

My buddy dropped a fork in the chow line.

The DS made him yell, “I’M SORRY FORK” for like ten minutes.

13. The wonderful, weirdo named Wu

We had this kid named Wu.

Now Wu was the kind of guy that should have never joined the Marines. But here he was.

Even simple things like not running into the Company Commander was too difficult for him.

So the Drill Instructors labeled him a hazard, and as a hazard, he had to make sure people were aware. Thus, every time he walked or ran he would need to verbally make sure people knew by going, “BEEP BEEP BEEEEP!”

We got torched so many times for cracking up at that. Just imagine: it’s the middle of the night and you’re trying to sleep, then all of a sudden you hear some shuffling and then “BEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP!” As Wu walked to the toilet to pee.

14. Smoke show

I remember a kid getting smoked for a solid 30 minutes.

They made him do mostly push-ups. When he finally broke, of the DI’s asked him why he was crying and he started shouting, “I’m not crying, my eyes are sweating!”

I saw the campaign cover come down in chuckles for a moment before the DI said, “Get up, you’re done.”

15. Bad at bikes

My dad was a company commander, the navy’s drill sergeants.

He told a recruit to jump on a bicycle and deliver something. The guy jumped on the bike, took off for about 40 yards in a wide-open paved area where the recruits marched and then he fell over.

My dad went out and asked him what happened and he said he didn’t know how to ride a bike.

I almost joined the military. Almost.

Looks like I dodged a bullet!

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12 Hilarious Tweets That Describe What Every True Crime Fan Knows

These tweets will make you say, “yes”, “that’s me”, “uh huh”, and “big mistake” over and over and over again.


12. We’re all experts, naturally…

11. Uh oh

10. Sleep isn’t THAT important. We’re more vulnerable to murder.

9. “If you love these, you’ll love me.”

8. $1 dollar per hour!

7. They are legit bad.

6. Well, what else would we do?!?

5. Hey, life happens when it happens…

4. #MurderFam

3. Never, ever, ever, ever…

2. Well, we’re not psychopaths!!

1. Yeah, it’s a thing…

Are those on point, or what?

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A Twitter Thread Explained Why Raising the Price of Junk Food Might Hurt as Many Kids as It Helps

There’s no way around it: eating healthy is expensive. You could easily pop over to a fast food joint or buy a giant bag of say, pizza rolls, and fill your belly to the brim for the same price (or less) than you could make a salad at home or keep an assortment of fresh fruit on hand for a healthy snack.

That said, childhood obesity is also a real and growing health problem across the Western world.

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has created what he calls his #AdEnough campaign to try to fight it by changing the way junk food is advertised to children, which includes lobbying for a sugar tax that would increase the prices for fatty, sugary, junky food.

“This is a tax for good; this is a tax for love; this is designed to protect and give to the most disadvantaged communities,” he said in a statement.

That said, many people are calling him out for a couple of things.

First, Oliver has a Cookies and Cream drink that’s served in a chocolate cup and contains 46 teaspoons of sugar (6x the daily recommended allowance for a child).

Second, as pointed out in this brilliant thread by Twitter user Ketty Hopkins, the tax would not help “the most disadvantaged communities” at all, since those are the exact same people who need cheap food in order to survive.

Things got pretty bad for her and her family…

Like really, insanely, horribly bad…

Hopkins grew up in a low-income family, and explained, based on her own experience, why eating healthy sometimes (most of the time) wasn’t really an option.

But they weren’t lazy. Her father was emotionally devastated and completely overwhelmed.

This next part is just… wow.

Instead of making bad food cost more, Ketty has some pretty good insights – and suggestions – on how to help families and children currently struggling to make ends meet.

Being healthy takes effort, and her father simply didn’t have the energy.

She also reminds people that judging others for what they’re eating isn’t any more helpful than it is nice – it’s more often than not money, not laziness, that’s at issue.

After all, she points out, if her father had not bought cheap, unhealthy food, their family wouldn’t have been able to afford food at all.

Better to change the system that keeps people at a disadvantage than to try to keep all food out of their reach, price-wise, in the meantime.

It’s hard to disagree with her logic, though I’m sure some will!

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Parents Share the Advice They Want Teenagers to Hear and Remember About Life

There are actually a lot of parents out there that just want to make sure that teenagers know they’re not alone in this crazy world.

The question asked was this: Parents of reddit, what’s something that you think teenagers need to hear?

If you’re a teenager or a parent, take a read. There’s some great advice in here.

1. College dayzzz…

You don’t HAVE to go to college. And you also don’t have to NOT go if you don’t know what to do with your life. You’ll figure it out, maybe get inspired by your classes.

And, as long as it will not launch you into a huge debt, it IS ok to Major in something you might not end up getting a career in. (To an extent).

College is more than career training. It’s a much bigger learning experience about… everything! People, the world, yourself. Don’t dig a debt, work very hard, have lots of fun, and try to keep your eyes on a career path, but also absorb everything like a sponge.

2. Social media tips

If social media makes you feel shitty, just stop.

It makes everyone feel shitty — even the people whose lives seem so much better and glamorous than yours. Chances are, they’re posting that stuff to not feel shitty too.

Remember, everyone is posting their Greatest Hits. Remember, everybody poops — even the girl posting glam pics from Greece, she probably pooped right before or after the pic. Point is, don’t get wrapped up in that.

Take a month or two break from social media and see how you feel.

3. High school really isn’t a big deal

I hated when people told me, “you won’t even miss high school when you’re older.”

I did, for a little bit. And now, I really don’t.

As important as it is as a state of your pre-adulthood, in the big scheme of things, it’s just a tiny chapter. So don’t get hung up on the mistakes you made or the drama you had.

Appreciate the experience for what it gave you, and move on.

4. No phones when driving. Seriously.

Please put your phone away in the car. Even at stoplights. Just wait until you arrive. You may be super used to it, but it only takes one second of inattention to become potentially fatal.

Someone just died in my neighborhood for this very reason.

Sending a snap.

It can wait.

5. Money, money, money

Teach yourself personal finance basics.

Your school and maybe parents probably neglected this, if times haven’t changed all that much. But… The internet is wonderful! You can teach yourself. Take an edX or Kahn or iTunesU course. Learn the basics and start saving. Really truly understand student loans before taking them.

And save. Saving sounds like something you have plenty of time for later… when you make more money… but tomorrow never comes. Learn and save now.

6. Those pesky social skills…

There’s nothing wrong with not liking to talk to people as long as you’re friendly.

Don’t force yourself to be talkative just because others want you to be. You’ll still need to learn social skills like gauging trustworthiness, effective communication, and helpfulness.

However, you don’t need to force yourself to be talkative to be socially adept; you just have to be mindful.

7. Drama

Your emotions won’t be this intense forever. But they are real and valid.

My parents always invalidated my feelings — too dramatic, it’s just your hormones, you’ll grow out of it, you don’t know how good you have it — while on some base level they possibly were right, it didn’t mean my feelings weren’t real and intense in that moment.

Allow yourself to feel what you feel. But don’t wallow or feed the Depression Kitty.

It DOES get better.

8. You’ll always be our child…

That we miss you & we actually want to spend time with you, not because of how you were (our little boy/girl) but because we are in awe of who you are and want to get to know you better. So you know we love you unconditionally but also that it’s ok and fun to hang out sometimes.

Soon you’ll be leaving home, time passes quickly, and we want to create as many good memories as we can for you so you can use them for when the world is not so kind and I’m not around to give you a hug.

You’re amazing, you’ve always been and I know your life will be filled with ups and downs but I hope the love we share reminds you that you’ll always have a soft spot to land

9. Making babies…

Just because you pop out a baby doesn’t mean it’ll keep your SO around and at times it’ll make them break up with you. To that part, just because you have the kid doesn’t mean it’ll unconditionally love you, especially when you’re a shitty parent.

These are things my idiotic friends had made when we were young, choosing to get knocked up at a wrong time in life has shaken lives to rubble at points.

10. Take care of your health

Build good health habits now. If you’re not already active, find a simple active hobby you can do.

Take up Pokemon Go or take up bike riding or something. Also, learn how to cook some basic and healthy meals like chicken pesto pasta or fried rice.

The healthier you are as a teen the easier it is to stay healthy as an adult.

11. Rebel, rebel…

Go ahead and be rebellious, it’s part of growing up.

But please be safe while you are doing it! Use the condom, don’t depend on your date for transportation until you know them, tell someone where you are so we know how to get to you in an emergency, keep your phone charged, ask for help if needed.

12. The social scene…

None of social-structure/drama shit is going to matter once you’re out of school so don’t worry about what others think.

You just do you.

13. Beer?

It’s completely legal for a teenager to buy all the equipment and ingredients to make beer.

Just saying.

My two cents… personal finance is huge. They more you save now, the more you’ll have down the road.

Money won’t buy happiness, but it can sure buy a lot of therapy. And everybody needs somebody to talk to now and then.

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This Is What the “Guilty” Expression on Your Dog’s Face Really Means

Humans keep trying to explain and understand our pets in terms of human thoughts and emotions. Even though they’re, ya know, dogs and cats and birds and stuff.

So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the look your dog gives you when they’re in trouble for doing something they know they shouldn’t have isn’t what you think.

Like this guy who’s clearly guilty AF!

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I may look guilty right? That’s because I am, I chewed mummy’s trainer up, thought I may get away with it but as soon as she shouted ‘who did this Tink?’ My face automatically did this……? need more practice ???? Happy Friyay ? Tink xx #guiltydogface#happyfriyay#bettyboobeagle#tinkerbelle#justbeagles#beagleloveit#instagrambeagles#beagle#beaglesofinstagram#dogsofinstagram#dogs_of_instagram#beaglecentral#beagleworld_feature#beagleluvofficial#beaglevillage#boopmynose#dailybarker#worldofcutepets#dogsofinstagram#sendadogphoto #worldofcutepets#dog_features#dogsofinstaworld#mydogiscutest#igwoofs#dogmilk#beaglefaction#beagleloverz#beagles_petsagram#beaglepluss#beagle_us#doggytheworld @beagledream @beagle_top @boopmynose @beagleworld @beagle_loveit @beaglecentral @bestfriends_dogs @dogsofinstagram @beaglevillage @beagleloverz @beaglefaction @beagle_corner @dog.tagram @thekennelclubuk @beagleoftheday @beagle_top @beagles.gram @beaglemasters @sendadogphoto @justbeagles @mydogiscutest @beaglesplanet @thebeaglesparents @beagle_lovers @beagles_petsagram @beagles_all_day @instagrambeagles @beagle_society @beagledaily @beaglescorner @beaglestagrams @beagleig @beagle.boo @beaglesmile @beagle_corner @beaglezada @beagleloversfc @beaglecute @beagle.ins.gram @beagle_me @dogs @worldofbeagles @doglove @dogs_of_world_

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Actually, what we categorize as an adorable attempt to convey the complicated emotion of guilt is actually much more simple (and less cute) – fear.

A 2009 study ran by scientist Dr. Alexandra Horowitz called “Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know” and “Being a Dog: Following the Dog Into a World of Smell,” addresses how we misinterpret fear as guilt in those moments when we’re upset with our dogs for disobeying.

“I look at a dog showing the guilty look and it feels guilty to me. It does! We’re kind of wired to see it this way, so it’s nobody’s fault.”

She describes the look as when the dog cowers, showing the whites of its eyes while looking up at you, possibly pinning it’s ears back in the process – all classic signs of fear in dogs.

They’re responding to your scolding and disapproval, basically, not to any higher thought process where they were aware they were doing the wrong thing when they were doing it, and are now feeling badly that they were caught.

“It seems unlikely that they have the same types of thinking about thinking that we do, because of their really different brains, but in most ways dogs brains are more similar to ours than dissimilar,” Dr. Horowitz told IFLScience.

The “thinking about thinking” bit refers to executive function, meaning the ability to reflect on past actions and feel a certain way about them in the present.

“There is some work showing that some animals are planning for the future and remember specific episodes in the past. With dogs, there’s not as much evidence yet. Which isn’t to say that they don’t, but it’s to say that it’s really hard to design experiments around it.”

Without solid evidence when it comes to how dogs experience emotion and memory, anthropomorphizing them is easy – and it’s essential to us, as humans, as a way to make sense of this creature now living alongside us in our home.

“When you adopted your dog, and suddenly you’re living with a dog, within a week we have opinions about the dog’s personality, what they’re like and what they’re thinking. It’s a way to try to predict what’s gonna happen next with an organism that we don’t really know. So we use the language of human explanation, and we just put it on the dog.”

Which is fine, of course, as long as you’re not expecting more from your dog that they’re really able to give.

It’s best to just love them for who and what they are – nosed-through trash bins and chewed-up shoes and all.

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10+ People Admit How They Bribed Cops to Get out of Trouble

When you get pulled over by the police, you usually just hang your head and go along with the program, right?

But these 13 people DID NOT like the idea of getting a ticket. So they took matters into their own hands and just straight up bribed a cop. And yes, bribing is extremely illegal and can lead to even more trouble.

Read on to see what actually went down…

1. I bet it didn’t work?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Ummm…. what did you do?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Make a run for the border!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Damn. That would be hard to pass up…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. But… did you fuck him?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Hey, as long as it worked out in the end…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Okay, this isn’t exactly bribery…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. For life? You’re going to work at the sex shop FOR LIFE? Hahaha… yeah…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Well, that wasn’t a soul crushing night or anything…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Yeah, sure you did…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Trashy is as trashy does…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Okay, that’s actually funny. But I doubt this works.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Cops like to get high too…

Photo Credit: Whisper

If you haven’t lost faith in law enforcement before, did this hurt your perceptions?

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